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电气试验Electric Test

1. 电气试验常规要求General Requirements

1) 电气预防性的试验严格按规范、产品说明书要求执行。

Electric preventive test shall be carried out in accordance with criterion and product specification strictly.

2) 组合式微机保护及监控继电器按产品说明书进行整定。

Adjust combined micro-computer protection and monitoring relay

3) 常规的电磁式继电器调试按《新编保护继电器检验》中有关规定进行调试。

The normal electromagnetic relay commissioning shall comply with the stipulations of New Protection Relay Test.

4) 盘(柜)指示电表经校验后,对合格的电表粘贴专用合格证。

After calibration of the panel (cabinet) indicative ammeter, paste special quality certificate on the qualified ammeter.

5) 高压开关柜的传动试验在各电气元件及单体柜调试后进行。传动试验时,认真核对各回路


High pressure switchboard transmission test shall be carried out after electrical element and individual cabinet commissioning. Check the loops accuracy and liability during transmission test. The main transmission project :


Operation Control Loop Transmission Test


Loop Protection Transmission Test


Measure/Recording Loop Test 系统低电压、断线保护试验;

System Low Pressure, Cable break protection test


Check 1st and 2nd phase 2. 变压器试验Transformer Test

1) 测量绕组连同套管的直流电阻,测量应在各分接头所有位置上进行;

Measure wi ndi ng and sleeve DC resista nee of all the connection joi nts.

2) 对1600kVA 及以下三相变压器, 各相测得值的相互差值应小于平均值的

4%,线间 测得值的相互差值应小于平均值的 2%; 1600kVA 以上的三相变压器,各相测得值的相

互差值应小于平均值的 2%,线间测得值的相互差值应小于平均值的

1% ; 1600kVA 以 上的三相变压器,各相测得值的相互差值应小于平均值的


应小于平均值的1%;(重复)三相电阻不平衡率计算 Three Phase Transformer of 1600Kva and the less, the measured value ' s differenee shall be

4% less tha n the average, intern al li nes measured value shall be 2% less tha n the average.

Three Phase Transformer of above 1600kVA, the measured value ' differenee shall be 2% less

tha n the average, intern al li nes measured value shall be 1% less tha n the average, Three

Phase resista nceUn bala nee Rate calculati on formula:

Measured Max-Mi n

Un bala need Rate= _______________________ 100%


3) 直阻测量方法: DC Resista nee Measure Method

用感性负载速测欧姆计测量绕组直流电阻时,其接线及测量方法应符合测试 仪器的技术要求。

When measuri ng winding DC resista nee by sen sibility load ohmmeter, the connection and the

measure method shall comply with equipme nt tech ni cal requireme nts.





DC resista nee of tran sformer, compared with measured value of product by manu faeturer un der same

temperature, the corresp onding cha nge shall be not more tha n 2%, convert the winding DC resista nee

un der differe nt temperature into the same temperature. 不平衡率

三相实测最大值 最小值 三相算术平均值 100%
