



注: 请将一至四题答案涂在答题卡上,其他题答案写在答题页内。



21. —Tom, you are ___do your homework now, but you are playing computer!

—I have already finished my homework, mom.

A. afraid to

B. able to

C. supposed to

D. willing to

22. —Why didn’t you go to the party last night?

—Because I to the party yesterday.

A. invite

B. was invited

C. invited

D. wasn’t invited

23. It’s rude to make noise while _____ noodles.

A. eating

B. eat

C. eats

D. to eat

24. I find ________very difficult for me____ the meaning of the word.

A. it’s, guessed

B. it, guessing

C. it’s, guessing

D. it, to guess

25. The beautiful lady_____ we met yesterday is our English teacher.

A. whom

B. what

C. which

D. whose

26. —I’m sorry to keep you waiting.

—Oh, not at all. I _________ here for only a few minutes.

A. had been

B. was

C. has been

D. have been

27. I prefer skiing to climbing because I think climbing is __________ skiing.

A. not as exciting as

B. not more exciting as

C. not most exciting as

D. more exciting than

28. My friend to make me feel at home when I visited him.

A. Go out of his way

B. went out of his way

C. goes out of his way

D. goes out their way

29. —My teacher has decided to _________ smoking.

—That’s good news for us. I hope so.

A. give up

B. take out

C. give in

D. turn off

30. I used to up late, but now I am used to up early.

A. get, getting

B. getting, get

C. get, get

D. getting, getting

31. —Sorry, my sister isn’t in at the moment.

—Will you tell her to call me back when you ___him?

A. see

B. will see

C. saw

D. have see

32. —What makes your mother so _____________.

—I work harder than before.

A. angrily

B. angry

C. happy

D. happily

33. There is going to ____ a fashion show tomorrow. Please try ____ late.

A. have; not to be

B. has; not be

C. be; not to be

D. be; not be

34. —You aren’t a stranger, are you ?

—____.don’t you remember____ me at the school gate ten minutes ago?

A. Yes, to see

B. No, seeing

C. No, saw

D. Yes, seeing

35. Excuse me, can you tell me when ?

A. does the ship leave

B. the ship leaves

C. the ship had left

D. did the ship leave



When you sit and watch TV hour after hour, do you ever think of what it may be doing to your health?

More and more children are becoming overweight (超重) and nearsighted 36 they spend too much time in front of the TV. Also, they are growing less and less creative since watching TV doesn’t 37 any active thought.

Last week, the TV-Turnoff Organization began its ninth TV-Turnoff 38 in the USA. The organization encourages people to play games, read books, lie under a tree, talk to family members and friends 39 watching TV.

American school children spend, on 40 , 1000 hours a year watching TV. That’s too much, say the doctors 41 organized this year’s TV-Turn off Week.

Doctors say that the 42 children watch television, the more overweight they may become. And the food children eat while they watch television makes this weight 43 more serious.

To keep mentally(精神上) and physically(身体上) healthy, children need to take exercise, talk with friends and family, read, and 44 the world around them. Could you go a week without television? It might be 45 for many TV lovers, but why not have a try?

36. A. because B. until C. whether D. though

37. A. find B. need C. lose D. know

38. A. Day B. Week C. Month D. Year

39. A. together with B. because of C. lots of D. instead of

40. A. generally B. each C. average D. all

41. A. whom B. whose C. which D. who

42. A. later B. earlier C. longer D. less

43. A. problem B. question C. thing D. lesson

44. A. explore B. invent C. find D. make

45. A. easy B. happy C. dangerous D. difficult




Maria is a casher(收银员)in a big shop in New York. People can buy medicine, watchers, sweets, and many other things. They pay Maria for the things they buy.

At the shop people buy lottery tickets. They pay one dollar for a lottery ticket(彩票). There

are pictures on the tickets. Some pictures are winning pictures ,and some pictures are losing pictures. Most people win nothing. Some people win two dollars. Only one people can win thousands of dollars.

One day Maria was working at the shop. She sold three lottery tickets to a women. The women looked the pictures on the tickets. Then she threw the tickets on the counter and left, “There are losing tickets”, she said to herself.

Maria picked up the tickets and looked them .To her surprise, one of them was a winning ticket!

“Excuse me!” Maria called the women, “you wi n$50,000!”

The women came back to the counter, She took the winning ticket and looked at carefully .“ I can’t believe it .”she said, “I won $50,000.”The women walked slowly, looking at the ticket again and again. Then she turned around , “Thank you! Thank you very much!”she said to Maris excitedly.

Why did Maris give the women the ticket? Why didn’t keep the ticket? Didn’t she want the $50,000?

“Of course ,I wanted the money,” Maria said,“but it was her ticket not mine.”

“I’m sorry that you aren’t rich,” her mother said “But I’m happy you are so honest.”

46. What does Maria do at the big shop?

A. She receives and pays out money.

B. She buy medicine, watchers, and many other things.

C. She helps people chose things.

D. She carries thing for old people.

47. How much does a lottery ticket cost?

A. Nothing

B. Three dollars

C. Two dollars

D. One dollar

48. Maria didn’t keep the ticket because_______.

A. She won $50,000, too.

B. her mother told her not to do so.

C. she didn’t want to have anything that didn’t belong to her.

D. her mother was very rich

49. What do you think of the women who bought lottery ticket?

A. She is a rich lady.

B. She is a generous lady.

C. She is careless lady.

D. She is a near—sighted lady.


Name Personal Information

Ludwig van Beethoven Born in 1770 in Germany A musician

Died in 1827

Florence Nightingale Born in Italy on May 12th, 1820 An English nurse

Died in 1910

Bill Gates Born in 1955 in the USA

Wrote Business@the Speed of Thought Owns Microsoft

Thomas Edison Born in 1847 in the USA Made about 2,000 inventions Died in 1931

Yao Ming Born on September 12th, 1980 in Shanghai, China A basketball player

Playing for the Houston Rockets, USA

50. Thomas Edison was from .

A. Canada

B. Italy

C. the USA

D. China

51. Business@the Speed of Thought is the name of a .

A. song

B. book

C. school

D. film

52. Florence Nightingale died in .





53. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Yao Ming is playing basketball in America.

B. Edison was born in 1820.

C. Beethoven made about 2,000 inventions

D. Bill Gates worked in Microsoft in 1955.


Young people and old people do not always agree with each other. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in one program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.

Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults are invited to join the program. They live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works for seven hours a day. They do so not only to keep busy, but also to find meaning and happiness in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some of them learn to making things like tables, chairs and something like that and to build houses. It is the adults who teach them to do those.

There are a few free hours each day and weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn to take photos or paint pictures, others sit around and talk, sing or dance. Each teenager has his own way to spend his free time.

When people live together, rules are necessary. In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rule together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask, “What should we do about it?”

One of the teenagers talks about his experience, “You stop thinking only about yourself. You learn to think about the group.”

54. In one program in New York State, young and old people________.

A. teach one another new ways of building houses

B. are friendly to one another

C. do not work together

D. spend a long time together, working as farmers.

55. All the members spend some time together everyday mainly to ______.

A. learn skills of farming

B. lead a busy life

C. get used to the life on the farm

D. find value and pleasure in work

56. The last paragraph shows that the teenager thinks his experience in the program is _______.

A. tiring

B. unpleasant

C. helpful

D. boring

57. The best title for the passage is ________.

A. The Rules of Living Together

B. Life in the New York State

C. Teenagers in the Special Group

D. Free hours in the Special Work Group


Coffee has been a part of people’s lives for thousands of years, and today it is still one of the most popular drinks in the world. Many people in the world begin their busy day by drinking a cup of coffee. They think that a cup of coffee in the morning helps them begin their day in the right way. So they say a cup of coffee is necessary for them in the morning.

Do you know what is in the coffee that makes our bodies and brains active?It is caffeine. Caffeine may increase a person’s mental and physical abilities. For example, two cups of coffee will make you breathe faster and augment body heat. All this makes your heart beat faster, and doctors warn that this may be a little dangerous.

Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, chocolate and some other foods. A little caffeine is probably not harmful. But too much caffeine can make people nervous and sleepless.

58. Caffeine is found in ____.

A. tea and water

B. chocolate, meat and some other foods

C. coffee and jam

D. coffee, tea and some other foods

59. The word “augment” means _____.

A. increase

B. drink

C. stop

D. make less

60. From the passage we learn that drinking a cup of coffee late at night______.

A. give you a headache

B. make you fall asleep

C. keep you awake

D. be dangerous



66. I try to do well to make my parents p_____of me in the future.

67. The food t_____ good and sells well.

68. The car was running at a s of 150 miles an hour .

69. The l_____ of the Yangtze River is 6,300 kilometers.

70. Breakfast is s____between 7and10 am in the hotel.



Flooding is one of the biggest p 71 in the word. In August 2005, there was a serious flood in northeastern China. In Fushan more than 100millimeters of rain f_72__, and the water level became very high. Eventually about 6,800homes disappeared under the water. Soliders worked hard to save people, and tried to p__73__the water from r_74__ higher by using bags filled with sand.

At the same time on the other side of the world, a typhoon c_75__ a flood that covered the city

of New Orleans in the United States. Much of this city l__76__ three meters below sea level. Many people got away from the city early e__77__, but about 30,000 stayed to try to save t__78___ homes. Then things went from bad to w__79__. The longer people waited for help, the more d_80____ the situation became. In the end about 1,000 people died in the flood. This was one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the United States.



83 If you lose 12 times in a row, will you just give up?

Dale Carnegie, a pioneer(创始人) in public speaking and self- development, kept trying. And he became famous by showing people how to be successful.

Carnegie was born in 1888 into a poor farming family in the central United States. In his teens, he had to get up at 3 am every day to milk the family cows.

When Carnegie first entered college, he felt hopeless because of his old clothes and ordinary looks. His mother encouraged him, 84 “ Why not try to be better in other things instead of just dresses and good looks?”

Carnegie tried to be more active in college. He joined the debate team(辩论队). But one after another, he lost 12 times. The young man was very disappointed in himself. He said later that he thought of killing himself after so many failures(失败).

But soon Carnegie was seen practicing public speaking by the river.

His hard work paid off at last. In 1906, Carnegie won a famous speech contest and became widely known.

The young man made his own words come true: “ Believe that you will make it, and you will.”


81. Why did Carnegie felt hopeless When Carnegie first entered college?

82. When did he become famous?


83. ___________________________________________________________

84. ___________________________________________________________


85. ____________________________________________________________



My students_______ _______ _______ _______going to senior high school.

87.Jay Chou是最受欢迎的歌手之一.

Jay Chou is_______ _______ the most_______ _______.

88. 她太小了,不能自己拿主意。

She is _______ young _______make her _______ decisions.

89. 你能告诉我,我在哪可以买到字典吗?

Could you please tell me _______ _______ _______ get a dictionary?

90. 对我们来说拥有健康的生活方式很重要。


假如你是许小凡,你所在学校的爱心俱乐部(Helping Hands Club)将吸收新会员。你想加入该俱乐部,请根据下面表格的内容,用英语写一封自荐信。

姓名许小凡性别男年龄15 本人特点身体健康;学习刻苦;乐于助人;与同学友好相处

“爱心”表现帮助同学学习;搀扶老人过马路;汽车上让座;保护环境加入目的 1. ……; 2. ……




Dear Chairman(主席):

I am a 15-year-old boy from Class 1, Grade 3. I’d like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ I will be glad if I am received. I am waiting for your answer.


Xu Xiaofan




1—5 BAACC 6—10 BCBCA 11—15BCBAC 16—20 CABBC


21—25CDADA 26—30DABAA 31—35ACCBB


36—40 ABBDC41—45 DCAAD


46—49ADCC 50—53 CBDA 54—57BDCA 58—60 DAC


61.15 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8813714430.html,pter 63.pigs 64.summer 65.July



66. proud 67.tasts 68. speed 69.length 70.served



71. problems 72. fell 73. prevent74 rising 75.caused 76.lies 77.enough, 78.their 79.worse.



81.Because of his old clothes and ordinary looks.

82. In 1906

83. 如果你连续12次失败,你会不会放弃?


85. Believe in yourself(Never give up)



86.arelooking forward to 87. one of popular teachers 88.too to own

89.Where I can 90. It’s important for us to have a healthy lifestyle.


Dear Chairman:

I am a 16-year-old from Class 1, Grade 3. I’d like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club.

I am healthy. I study hard at my lessons. I like helping others. I get on well with my classmates and often help them with their lessons. On my way home, I often help old people cross the street. On the bus, I always give my seat to women with babies. Sometimes, I pick up rubbish in the park to protect our environment.

If I join the club, I will be able to make more friends. Besides, I can do more for others.

I’ll be glad if I am received. I am waiting for your answer.


Xu Xiaofan 根据内容要点、语言表达和卷面书写情况分档次评分:

1、优秀12 — 15分内容要点齐全,语言准确,行文连贯,表达清楚。句式富于变化,


2、较好8 — 11分内容要点基本齐全,语言基本准确,行文基本连贯,表达基本清楚。


3、一般 4 — 7分写出部分要点,语言表达错误较多,但尚能达意。卷面较潦草凌乱,





第二部分笔试(95 分) 选择题部分(55分) I.单选(15 分) ()1.Look! There is ________ football under the teacher‘s desk. Let‘s play________ football, OK? A. /, / B. a; / C. a; the D. a; a ( ) 2.A group of __________ are eating ________ and ______ at the foot of the hill. A. sheeps; grasses; leaves B. sheep; grasses; leaves C. sheeps; grass; leaves D. sheep; grass; leaves ( ) 3.Don‘t worry. He‘ll do what he can _________ us A. help B. helps C. to help D. helping ( ) 4._______ Ms.Zhou ________ Mr Li is humorous. They are popular among us students. A.Both; and B. Neither; nor C.Either; or D. Not only; but also ( ) 5. The teacher said that she ________ us to the park the next day. A.will take B.has taken C. would take D.is taking ( ) 6.---He _________ be in the classroom, I think. ---No, he _________ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago. A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; can‘t D. may; mustn‘t ( ) 7.A new study proves a ___________ walk every day is enough to keep people away from becoming fat. A.30 minutes B. 30 minutes‘ C. 30--minutes D. 30--minute ( ) 8.Of the two shirts, I‘d like to choose __________ one to save some money for a cap. A. the cheapest B. the cheaper C. cheapest D. cheaper ( )9.I‘ve left my keys in the meeting room. Please _______ them for me A.buy B.paint C. wash D. fetch ( )10.You should say sorry to him ________ he wasn‘t angry with you. After all, it‘s your fault A.even if B.because C while D.as soon as ( )11.---I haven‘t seen Jack for three days. Is he ill? ---________. His mother told me that he was in hospital.


鲁教版九年级英语单词表Unit 1 heel n. 鞋跟;足跟 scoop n. 勺;铲子 electricity n. 电;电能 style n. 样式;款式 pleasure n. 高兴;愉快 zipper n. (= zip) 拉链;拉锁 daily adj. 每日的;日常的 have a point 有道理 website n. 网站 pioneer n.先锋;先驱 list v. 列表;列清单n. 名单;清单 mention v. 提到;说到 accidental adj. 偶然的;意外的 by accident 偶然;意外地 nearly adv.几乎;差不多 ruler n. 统治者;支配者 boil v. 煮沸;烧开 remain v. 保持不变;剩余 smell n. 气味v. (smelt smelled )发出??气味;闻到 saint n. 圣人;圣徒 national adj.国家的;民族的 trade n. 贸易;交易v. 做买卖;从事贸易 take place 发生;出现 doubt n. 疑惑;疑问v. 怀疑 without doubt 毫无疑问;的确 fridge n. 冰箱 low adj. 低的;矮的 somebody pron. 某人n. 重要人物 lock v. 锁上;锁住n. 锁 earthquake n. 地震 sudden adj. 突然(的) all of a sudden 突然;猛地 bell n. 钟(声);铃(声) biscuit n. 饼干 cookie n. 曲奇饼 musical adj. 音乐的;有音乐天赋的 instrument n. 器械;仪器;工具 crispy adj. 脆的;酥脆的 salty adj. 咸的


燕山2011—2012学年第一学期初四年级期末考试 英 语 试 卷 2012.1 听力理解 (共26分) 一.听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。(共4分,每小题1分) 1. A B C 2. A B C 3. A B C 4.

二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白内容,选择正确答案。(共12分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第5—6小题。 5. What are Mike and Lily probably doing? A. Cooking. B. Having dinner. C. Cleaning the house. 6. Why is Lily always overweight? A. Because she always feels hungry. B. Because she likes cakes very much. C. Because she doesn‘t want to waste food. 请听一段对话,完成第7—8小题。 7. What subject does Norma like best? A. History. B. Science. C. Math. 8. Why doesn‘t Norma like math? A. Because nobody can help her. B. Because she thinks it‘s difficult. C. Because she doesn‘t have a good teacher. 听下面一段对话,完成第9—10小题。 9. What are the two people talking about? A. Doing sports. B. Watching a movie. C. Having a party. 10. Where are they going this weekend? A. To the movie theatre. B. To the school gym. C. To the sports center. 请听一段对话,完成第11—13小题。 11. Who is ill and needs to see the doctor? A. Mrs. King. B. John‘s daughter. C. John‘s wife. 12. Who is going to look after the baby? A. Mrs. King. B. John. C. John‘s wife. 13. Why does John ring Mrs. King? A. Because he is ill. B. Because he wants to ask for a leave. C. Because he doesn‘t like the work. 请听一段独白,完成第14—16小题。 14. What was Mr. Black‘s job? A. A cook. B. A worker. C. A fisherman. 15. Why did Mr. Black catch few fish in the river? A. Because the river was polluted. B. Because he didn‘t like eating fish. C. Because there was little water in the river. 16. How did Mr. Black feel when he got the bill in the end? A. Happy. B. Interesting. C. Sad.


U1 1.in style 时髦的 out of style 过时的 2. shoes with special heels 有特殊鞋跟的鞋子 shoes with lights有灯的鞋子 3. serve ice-cream scoop 舀冰激凌 run on electricity 靠电力驱动 4. change the style of the shoes 改变鞋的样式 5. see in the dark 在黑暗中的看清 6. be used for doing 被用来做… 7. the subject for my school project 我学校的项目课题 8. change the world 改变世界 9. think of /about 想起/考虑 10. an invention 一项发明 11. With pleasure. 非常愿意 -Thanks you. -My pleasure. / It s a pleasure. 别客气(回答感谢的)。 12. be pleased with 对…满意(主语是人) a pleasant journey 愉快的旅行(修饰物) 13.in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中 14. have a point 有道理 15. t he pioneers of……的先锋 16. different inventions 不同的发明 17. it mentioned that 它提到… mention sb./sth. (to sb.) (向某人)提起某事 mention doing sth. 提到做某事 18. D on’t mention it.回答感谢或道歉 19. the most popular drink 最受欢迎的饮品 o ne of the world’s favorite drink s世界上最受欢迎的饮品之一20. by accident 偶然;意外地21. by mistake 错误地;无意中 22. It is said that…据说… It is believed that…据认为… It is r eported that …据报道… It is known that… 众所周知… It is supposed that…据推测… 23. a Chinese ruler 中国统治者 24. discover tea 发现了茶 25. as a drink 作为一种饮品 26. boil drinking water 烧饮用水 27. over an open fire 在篝火上 28. tea leaves 茶叶 leaves from a (the)tea plant 一(这)棵茶树的叶子tea culture 茶文化 the nature of tea 茶的本质 29. fall into the water 落入(掉入)水里 fall asleep 入睡 fall down 倒下;落下 fall in love with 与......相爱 fall over 摔倒,被绊倒fall off 跌落;从...掉下来drop into 落入 30. remain + adj. 保持 remain doing 保持做… remain there 保存(留)在那 31. some time 一段时间 32. produce a nice smell 散发出一种香味 33. the saint of tea 茶圣 34. make tea 沏茶 35. nation n. 国家


2013年初四英语二模试题(淄川含答案) 英语试题本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共12页。满分120分。考试时间120分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将区县、学校、姓名、考试号、座号填写在答题卡和试卷的相应位置。 2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答案不能答在试卷上。 3.第Ⅱ卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置,不能写在试卷上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案。 4.答案不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带修改。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。第Ⅰ卷(选择题共69分)一、听力测试(共20小题,计20分)(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出适合每个句子的答语。 ( ) 1. A. Autumn, of course . B. I like winter best. C. Spring,of course. ( ) 2. A. You’d better stand up. B. Sorry, I’ll tur n down the radio. C. Never mind. ( ) 3. A. She is a pianist. B. Han Hong. C. She is tall. ( ) 4. A. Yes, I have. B. It will be on this Saturday. C. It’s interesting. ( ) 5. A. Not yet. B. It’s beautiful. C. I’d like to travel by train . (二)录音中有五组对话,每组对话听一遍,然后从每 小题A、B、C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。 ( ) 6. How will the boy go to the Shanghai Museum ? A. By subway. B. By taxi . C. By bus. ( ) 7. What did Tom do yesterday ? A. He watched a football game. B. He went to the hospital with his mother . C. he looked after his mother at home. ( ) 8. Where does this conversation probably take place ? A. In a bookstore . B. In a library. C. In a shop. ( ) 9. What pets does the girl think are better for a twelve-year-old boy ? A. Birds . B. Cats. C.Dogs. ( ) 10. Why was the girl late for the movie ? A. Because her car stopped working on the way to the cinema.. B. Because she forget the exact time of the movie. C. Because she didn’t know


1.百万 2.医学的;医疗的 3.研究;调查 4.领带 5.烦恼;忧虑 6.如果...将会怎么样 7.小脓包;丘疹8.考试 9.有活力的;精力充沛的10.自信的;有把握的 11.允许;许可;准许12.(反身代词)她自己;她本身13.打扰;扰乱14.微不足道的;极不重要的 15.一点也;根本16.使生气;使气愤 17.相当地;还算18充足;大量 19.很多的;足够的20.与...相处 21.圈子;阶层22.听者;收听者 23.知识渊博的;有见识24.代表;表示 25.使...失望或沮丧26.(针对问题等)提出;想出27.剩余部分;其余;休息28.帮助;救助;援助;救护 29.急救30.位置近的;不远的 31.(橱柜、书架等的)搁架;搁板32.出版;发表 33.覆盖;遮掩34.按;压;挤 35.深的36.顺楼梯而下 37.对的;正确的;准确的38.烧伤;烧坏 39.膝;膝盖40.疼;疼痛 41.使...受伤;受伤害42.提供 43.拒绝;回绝44.有帮助的;有用的 45.对待46.火、热或酸所造成的伤害或伤痕

属于作家;作者 (自带食物的)郊游夜餐;(各人自带食品的)聚餐 发带可能地;或许;也许 落下;掉下交响乐;交响曲 验光师;配镜师约会,约定 关键的;至关重要地形成;组成;构成 最后的;最终的忧虑的;焦虑的;不安的烦恼的;焦虑的所有者;业主 牛津大学追逐;追赶 天;天空直升机 生物;动物捕获;赶上(车船等) 不快乐的;不愉快的极其;非常 面试;采访;会见;噪音;喧闹声;嘈杂声 风邻居; 足迹;脚步声垃圾;废料 神秘的事物;不可思议的事物;谜主管;主任 猴子逃跑;逃走 (狗等)吠声;叫声气味;嗅觉 手指举起;抬起;提升 石头;石块蚂蚁 海洋不诚实的 假装;佯若用完;用光;耗尽 试图;企图庙;寺;神殿 日历;历法(英国)史前巨柱;巨石阵历史学家牧师;神父 祈祷;恳求上帝;神


总分:120 第一部分 听力 (共计25分) Part 1.听对话,选择最佳答案,每段对话听一遍。(共5小题,每题1分,计5分) Part 2.听对话,选择最佳答案,(共5小题,每题2分,计10分) ( )6. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Life B. Camping C. Plans ( )7. What will the woman do after returning from Washington? A. Work at a store B. Attend a school C. Have a picnic ( )8. Who will the woman stay with? A. The man B. Her family C. John ( )9. What does the man do in the morning when camping? A. Going swimming B. Play basketball C. Tell stories ( )10. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The woman has worked for four summers. B. John is the man ’s brother. C. Summer vacation is coming. Part 3.听短文,选择最佳答案(共5题,每小题1分,计5分) ( )11. When did this happen? A. One afternoon. B. One night C. Three persons ( )12. How many persons were there in the room when someone was knocking at the door? A. One person. B. Two persons. C. Three persons. ( )13. What did the young man wear? A. A white shirt. B. A pair of glasses. C. Long trousers. ( )14. Who was the young man? A. He was a friend of the speaker ’s. B. He was a friend of the speaker ’s brother ’s. C. He was a strange man to them. ( )15. What was probably the end of the story? A. The young man was taken away by the police. B. The young man became their friend. C The young man ran away. Part4 .听短文,根据短文内容判断正(A )误(B )(共5题,每小题1分,计5分) ( )16. The businessman couldn ’t fall asleep at night because he was too worried about his work. ( )17. The businessman woke at night and slept during the day. ( )18.The businessman visited the doctor again and again because he couldn ’t solve his problem. ( )19. The doctor looked over the man carefully but didn ’t find the problem. ( )20. The businessman grew worse because he took wrong medicine. 第二部分 笔试(95分) 装 订 线


初四英语试题 注意事项: 2016. 5本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共12页.满分90分;试题答案直接按要求填写在答题卡上。考试用时100分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 1.答题前,将区县、学校、班级、姓名、考生号、座号完整的填写在相应的位置。务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写,用2B铅笔填涂相应位置。 2.答第Ⅰ卷时,必须使用2B铅笔填涂答题卡上相应题目的答案标号,修改时,要用橡皮擦干净。 3.答第Ⅱ卷时,必须使用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔书写,要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。务必在题号所指示的答题区域内作答, 4.保证答题卡清洁、完整。严禁折叠、严禁在答题卡上做任何标记,严禁使用涂改液,胶带纸、修正带。 5.若未按上述要求填写、答题,影响评分质量,后果自负。 第I卷(选择题共34分) 一、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Now, the Internet is used in nearly every field of life . Does the Internet play an important part in education ? Let’s take a look at it in detail(详情). School projects The Internet can be most 1 for completing projects in schools. As the Internet is an ocean of information, covering 2 all subjects known to man. Going through the information on the Internet is much 3 than reading a book on the subject. Homework is also made easier with the help of the Internet 4 is also one of the important uses of computers in education.★ News All the latest news is often updated on the Internet on news sites. Students learning politics, can learn the news 5 the Internet at school, at home, or at any other places. Online learning

鲁教版七年级 下 英语单词表

sitcom ['s?tk?m] n.(=situation comedy)情景喜剧 news n. 新闻节目;新闻 soap opera [s??p] 肥皂剧educational [ed?u'ke???nl] adj.教育的;有教育意义 plan [pl?n] n.&v.打算;计划hope [h??p] n.希望 find out查明、弄清 discussion [d?'sk??n] n.讨论;商量 stand [st?nd] v.站立;忍受happen ['h?p?n] v.发生;出现may[ me?] modalv. 可以;可能,也许 expect[?k'spekt] v.预料;期待joke [d???k] n.笑话;玩笑 v.说笑话;开玩笑 comedy ['k?m?di] n.喜剧;喜剧片 meaningless ['mi:n??l?s] adj. 毫无意义的;意思不明确的action ['?k?n] n.行动 action movie动作影片 cartoon kɑ'tu:n] n.卡通片;动画片 culture ['k?lt??(r)] n.文明;文化 famous ['fe?m?s] adj.着名的;有名的 appear [?'p??(r)] v.出现become [b?'k?m] v.变成;开始变得 rich [r?t?] adj.富有的successful [s?k'sesfl] adj.获得成功的;有成就的;有成效的might [ma?t] modalv.可能;可以;may的过去式 main [me?n] adj.主要的;最重要的 reason ['ri:zn] n.原因;理由film [f?lm] n.(=movie)电影unlucky [?n'l?ki] adj. 不幸


2020-2021学年初中七年级上英语 期末试题 卷I(选择题,共80分) 注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等相关信息填写在试卷左侧密封线以内。 2. 请将卷I的所有试题答案A、B、C或D写在每一题前面的括号里,答案写在 横线上或是画对勾均为无效。 I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20小题,计20分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。请将答案写在题前的括号里。 ( ) 1. —What’s this in English? —It’s ________ or ange. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. I have a cat. ________ name is Mimi. A. It B. It’s C. Its D. It is ( ) 3. —Who is the girl ________ red? —She is my cousin. A. on B. in C. with D. for ( ) 4. There is some________ on the table. A. tomato B. eggs C. chicken D. banana ( ) 5. —Are these Chinese books? —Yes, ________. A. they are B. they aren’t C. they’re D. those are ( ) 6. The shoes are too small, so I want a pair. A. long B. short C. big D. small ( ) 7. —________ is your football? —It’s under the bed. A. Where B. What C. Who D. When ( ) 8. This is a picture of ________ family. A. Jenny B. Jenny’s C. Jennys’ D. Jennys ( ) 9. I don’t have a soccer ball ________ my brother has one. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( ) 10. The man over there ________ young. A. look B. looks C. looks at D. looks like ( ) 11. Hey, Frank. Here ________ two apples for you and your friend. A. is B. be C. are D. am ( ) 12. My mother wants ________ to the supermarket to buy some fruit. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going


初四英语课本基础知识训练 友情提示:单词和短语是英语的最小组成单位,很关键的,千万别看不起他们哟! UNIT 1-3 1、Most of the teachers in our school are busy take care of their own children。 A、so,to B、so,that C、too,to D、enough,to 2、---I’m thinking of tomorrow’s math test。I’m afraid I can’t pass it。 ----- ,I’m sure you’ll be OK A、I agree B、Good luck C、Give up D、Don’t worry 3、---Hello,could you when the train leaves? ----Sorry,something is wrong with the computer。 A、look up B、look at C、find D、find out 4、----What’s wrong with Mary? ------She fell off bike and hurt badly。 A、her,her B、her,herself C、hers,her D、herself,herself 5、He found it hard to be after he finished the hard work。 A、confident B、shy C、outgoing D、energetic 6、I would rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party。(同义句转换) I at home and a good book to a party。 7、---Can you climb up the tall tree over there ,David? ----Yes,let me A、to have a try B、not have a try C、have a try D、not to have a try 8、Look at Mary,she keeps walking here and there before talking in front of class。She be very nercous。 A、can’t B、may C、must D、need 9、The old man can’t walk his bad leg。 A、because B、as C、because of D、for 10、people are waiting to watch the rising of the national flg at Tian’an Men Square A、Hundred B、Thousand C、Two hundreds D、Thousands of 11、Tom knew nothing about it his sister told him。 A、since B、if C、until D、when 12、I can swim skate。Will you teach me how to swim and skate? A、not only,but also, B、both,and C、either,or D、neither,nor 13、Today it is hot,but we still have worki to do。 A、much,many B、much too,too much C、too much,much too D、many,much 14、Ann spent three thousand yuan on the color TV set。(同义句) The color TV set three thousand yuan


【初四试题】 I. 单项选择 1. Don’t point anyone your chopsticks. It’s not polite. A. at; by B. at; with C. to; by D. out; with 2. People in Colombia are very relaxed time. A. about B. for C. of D. with 3. It’s to stick your chopsticks into your food. A. rude B. clever C. strange D. polite 4. I find difficult to finish the work on time. We only have three hours left. A. it B. that C. this D. its 5. —Do you know this car is? —It belongs to Miss Li. A. where B. who C. whose D. what 6. You’re supposed to your bowl while eating in this country. A. put up B. get up C. pick up D. hand in 7. If you get into trouble, you can your teacher help. A. turn; to B. ask; for C. help; with D. look; for 8. —Do you often your friends’ home on your way home? —Yes, we do. A. drop by B. visit to C. come at D. come over 9. He used to very late, but now he is used to early. A. get up; getting up B. get up; get up C. getting up; get up D. getting up; getting up 10. I was made at home in my host family. A. to feel B. feel C. feeling D. felt 11. It’s impolite to make noise while noodles in some countries.


初四英语试题2020.05 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共8页,满分90分,考试时间100分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将区县、学校、姓名、考试号、座号填写在答题卡和试卷规定位置,并核对条形码。 2.第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔涂黑答题卡对应题目的答案标号;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 3.第II卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,字体工整、笔迹清晰,写在答题卡各题目指定区域内;如需改动,先划掉原来答案,然后再写上新答案。严禁使用 涂改液、胶带纸、修正带修改。 4.保证答题卡清洁、完整,严禁折叠,严禁在答题卡上做任何标记。 5.评分以答题卡上的答案为依据。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共42分) 一、完形填空(共10小题,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Grandpa was an actor,some Saturday afternoons he and his friend,Ms.Gladys,would take Tamika to the1to watch him act on the stage.It was Tamika's favorite place to go. She always had a great time there.She would sit in the front row and watch her grandpa2 another person,changing his face and the way he walked,talked and sang.And even when he turned into somebody else's grandpa,Tamika didn't3.It looked true and it felt true,but she knew it was just a play.When it was over and all the actors came out to4,she would clap so hard that her hands hurt. One day,Tamika went to Grandpa's room to ask for a story.She stopped at the door5 grandpa was rehearsing(排演).He had his book in his hand and he was reading his lines aloud.Then he stopped reading and looked into the mirror,6changing his face into a face that Tamika had never seen before.It was a hard face with a tight mouth and cold eyes.It was a face that could never love her or7. Tamika stood watching8saying a word,as grandpa changed his face back and read


九年级 1课 million n. 百万 medical adj. 医学的;医疗的 research n. 研究;调查 tie n.(=necktie) 领带 worry n. 烦恼;忧虑 what if 如果...将会怎么样 pimple n. 小脓包;丘疹 exam n. 考试 energetic adj. 有活力的;精力充沛的confident adj. 自信的;有把握的 permission n. 允许;许可;准许 herself pron. (反身代词)她自己;她本身bother v. 打扰;扰乱 slight adj. 微不足道的;极不重要的 in the slightest 一点也;根本 annoy v. 使生气;使气愤 fairly adv. 相当;完全 plenty adj . 很多的;足够的 plenty of 很多的;足够的 get along with 与...相处 circle n. (有共同的兴趣、职业等的人形成的)圈子;阶层 listener n. 听者;收听者 knowledgeable adj. 知识渊博的;有见识的 represent v. 代表;表示 let...down 使...失望或沮丧 come up with (针对问题等)提出;想出 rest n. 剩余部分;其余;休息 aid n. 帮助;救助;援助;救护 first-aid 急救

nearby adj. 位置近的;不远的 shelf n. (橱柜、书架等的)搁架;搁板come out 出版;发表 cover v. 覆盖;遮掩 press v. 按;压;挤 deep adj . 深的 downstairs adv. 顺楼梯而下 correct adj. 对的;正确的;准确的 burn v. 烧伤;烧坏 knee n. 膝;膝盖 pain n. 疼;疼痛 hurt v. 使...受伤;受伤害 safety n. 安全 offer v. 提供 refuse v. 拒绝;回绝 helpful adj. 有帮助的;有用的 treat v. 对待 burn n. 火、热或酸所造成的伤害或伤痕Spotty adj. 多斑点的;发疹的(文中用作人名) 2课 belong v. 属于 belong to 属于 author n. 作家;作者 picnic n. (自带食物的)郊游夜餐;(各人自带食品的)聚餐 hair band 发带 possibly adv. 可能地;或许;也许 drop v. 落下;掉下 symphony n. 交响乐;交响曲


知识运用(共14分) 一、单项填空。(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.My grandma is my role model. I’ve learned a lot from ______. A.it B.him C.her D.them 2.I usually have the piano lesson ______ Sunday. A.on B.in C.of D.at 3. It’s a good idea ______ goals for your study. A. set B. sets C. to set D. is setting 4. —You will meet my grandparents today. They ______ for dinner. —That’s great. https://www.360docs.net/doc/8813714430.html,e B. came C. will come D. were coming 5. My mother ______ hard to learn English last year, but now she has given up. A. tries B. tried C. is trying D. will try 6. Jim wanted to go to the concert, ______ he didn’t get a ticket. A. so B.and C.or D.but 7.Look! Our PE teacher ______ football over there. A. is playing B. plays C. played D. will play 8. — Must I wash the car today? — No, you ______. You can wash it tomorrow. A.can’t B.shouldn’t C.needn’t D.mustn’t 9. An e-book is usually much ______ than an ordinary paper book. A. more expensive B. the most expensive C. most expensive D. expensive 10. The lights ______ off when I left the classroom yesterday. A. turn B. turned C. are turned D. were turned 11. —Do you know ______ at this time last night? —Yes, a report for a newspaper. A. what was Tom writing B. what will Tom write C. what Tom was writing D. what Tom will write 12.Mr. White came to Beijing in 2008 and he ______ here since then.
