企业资金管理中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)An Analysis of Working Capital Management Results Across IndustriesAbstractFirms are able to reduce financing costs and/or increase the fund s available for expansion by minimizing the amount of funds tied upin current assets. We provide insights into the performance of surv eyed firms across key components of working capital management by usi ng the CFO magazine’s annual Working CapitalManagement Survey. We discover that significant differences exist b etween industries in working capital measures across time.In addition.w e discover that these measures for working capital change significantl y within industries across time.IntroductionThe importance of efficient working capital management is indisputa ble. Working capital is the difference between resources in cash or readily convertible into cash (Current Assets) and organizational commi tments for which cash will soon be required (Current Liabilities). Th e objective of working capital management is to maintain the optimum balance of each of the working capital components. Business viabilit y relies on the ability to effectively manage receivables. inventory.a nd payables. Firms are able to reduce financing costs and/or increase the funds available for expansion by minimizing the amount of funds tied up in current assets. Much managerial effort is expended in b ringing non-optimal levels of current assets and liabilities back towa rd optimal levels. An optimal level would be one in which a balance is achieved between risk and efficiency.A recent example of business attempting to maximize working capita l management is the recurrent attention being given to the applicatio n of Six Sigma®methodology. Six S igma®methodologies help companies measure and ensure quality in all areas of the enterprise. When used to identify and rectify discrepancies.inefficiencies and erroneous tra nsactions in the financial supply chain. Six Sigma®reduces Days Sale s Outstanding (DSO).accelerates the payment cycle.improves customer sati sfaction and reduces the necessary amount and cost of working capital needs. There appear to be many success stories including Jennifertwon’s(2002) report of a 15percent decrease in days that sales are outstanding.resulting in an increased cash flow of approximately $2 million at Thibodaux Regional Medical Cenrer.Furthermore bad debts declined from 3.4millin to $6000000.However.Waxer’s(2003)study of multiple firms employing Six Sig ma®finds that it is really a “get rich slow”technique with a r ate of return hovering in the 1.2 – 4.5 percent range.Even in a business using Six Sigma®methodology. an “optimal”level of working capital management needs to be identified. Industry factors may impa ct firm credit policy.inventory management.and bill-paying activities. S ome firms may be better suited to minimize receivables and inventory. while others maximize payables. Another aspect of “optimal”is the extent to which poor financial results can be tied to sub-optimal pe rformance.Fortunately.these issues are testable with data published by CFO magazine. which claims to be the source of “tools and informati on for the financial executive.”and are the subject of this resear ch.In addition to providing mean and variance values for the working capital measures and the overall metric.two issues will be addressed in this research. One research question is. “are firms within a p articular industry clustered together at consistent levels of working capital measures?For instance.are firms in one industry able to quickl y transfer sales into cash.while firms from another industry tend to have high sales levels for the particular level of inventory . The other research question is. “does working capital management perform ance for firms within a given industry change from year-to-year?”The following section presents a brief literature review.Next.the r esearch method is described.including some information about the annual Working Capital Management Survey published by CFO magazine. Findings are then presented and conclusions are drawn.Related LiteratureThe importance of working capital management is not new to the f inance literature. Over twenty years ago. Largay and Stickney (1980) reported that the then-recent bankruptcy of W.T. Grant. a nationwide chain of department stores.should have been anticipated because the co rporation had been running a deficit cash flow from operations for e ight of the last ten years of its corporate life.As part of a stud y of the Fortune 500s financial management practices. Gilbert and Rei chert (1995) find that accounts receivable management models are used in 59 percent of these firms to improve working capital projects.wh ile inventory management models were used in 60 percent of the compa nies.More recently. Farragher. Kleiman and Sahu (1999) find that 55 p ercent of firms in the S&P Industrial index complete some form of a cash flow assessment. but did not present insights regarding account s receivable and inventory management. or the variations of any curre nt asset accounts or liability accounts across industries.Thus.mixed ev idence exists concerning the use of working capital management techniq ues.Theoretical determination of optimal trade credit limits are the s ubject of many articles over the years (e.g. Schwartz 1974; Scherr 1 996).with scant attention paid to actual accounts receivable management.Across a limited sample. Weinraub and Visscher (1998) observe a tend ency of firms with low levels of current ratios to also have low l evels of current liabilities. Simultaneously investigating accounts rece ivable and payable issues.Hill. Sartoris.and Ferguson (1984) find diffe rences in the way payment dates are defined. Payees define the date of payment as the date payment is received.while payors view paymen t as the postmark date.Additional WCM insight across nd time can add to this body of research.Maness and Zietlow (2002. 51. 496) presents two models of value creation that incorporate effective short-term financial management acti vities.However.these models are generic models and do not consider uni que firm or industry influences. Maness and Zietlow discuss industry influences in a short paragraph that includes the observation that. “An industry a company is located in may have more influence on th at company’s fortunes than overall GNP”(2002. 507).In fact. a car eful review of this 627-page textbook finds only sporadic information on actual firm levels of WCM dimensions.virtually nothing on industr y factors except for some boxed items with titles such as. “Should a Retailer Offer an In-House Credit Card”(128) and nothing on WC M stability over time. This research will attempt to fill this void by investigating patterns related to working capital measures within industries and illustrate differences between industries across time.An extensive survey of library and Internet resources provided ver y few recent reports about working capital management. The most relev ant set of articles was Weisel and Bradley’s (2003) article on cash flow management and one of inventory control as a result of effect ive supply chain management by Hadley (2004).Research Method The CFO RankingsThe first annual CFO Working Capital Survey. a joint project with REL Consultancy Group.was published in the June 1997 issue of CFO (Mintz and Lezere 1997). REL is a London. England-based management co nsulting firm specializing in working capital issues for its global l ist of clients. The original survey reports several working capital b enchmarks for public companies using data for 1996. Each company is ranked against its peers and also against the entire field of 1.000 companies. REL continues to update the original information on an a nnual basis.REL uses the “cash flow from operations”value located on firm cash flow statements to estimate cash conversion efficiency (CCE). T his value indicates how well a company transforms revenues into cash flow. A “days of working capital”(DWC) value is based on the d ollar amount in each of the aggregate.equally-weighted receivables.inven tory.and payables accounts. The “days of working capital”(DNC) repr esents the time period between purchase of inventory on acccount fromvendor until the sale to the customer.the collection of the receiva bles. and payment reflects the companys ability to fin ance its core operations with vendor credit. A detailed investigation of WCM is possible because CFO also provides firm and industry val ues for days sales outstanding (A/R).inventory turnover.and days payabl es outstanding (A/P).Research FindingsAverage and Annual Working Capital Management Performance Working capital management component definitions and average values for the entire 1996 –2000 period .Across the nearly 1.000 firms in the flow from operations. defined as cash flow from operations divided by sales and referred to as “cash conversion ef ficiency”(CCE).averages 9.0 percent.Incorporating a 95 percent confide nce interval. CCE ranges from 5.6 percent to 12.4 percent. The days working capital (DWC). defined as the sum of receivables and invent ories less payables divided by daily sales.averages 51.8 days and is very similar to the days that sales are outstanding (50.6).because the inventory turnover rate (once every 32.0 days) is similar to the number of days that payables are outstanding (32.4 days).In all ins tances.the standard deviation is relatively small.suggesting that these working capital management variables are consistent across CFO report s.Industry Rankings on Overall Working Capital Management Perfo rmanceCFO magazine provides an overall working capital ranking for firms in its ing the following equation:Industry-based differences in overall working capital management are presented for the twenty-s ix industries that had at least eight companies included in the rank ings each year.In the typical year. CFO magazine ranks 970 companies during this period. Industries are listed in order of the mean ove rall CFO ranking of working capital performance. Since the best avera ge ranking possible for an eight-company industry is 4.5 (this assume s that the eight companies are ranked one through eight for the ent ire survey). it is quite obvious that all firms in the petroleum in dustry must have been receiving very high overall working capital man agement rankings.In fact.the petroleum industry is ranked first in CCE and third in DWC (as illustrated in Table 5 and discussed later i n this paper).Furthermore.the petroleum industry had the lowest standar d deviation of working capital rankings and range of working capital rankings. The only other industry with a mean overall ranking less than 100 was the Electric & Gas Utility industry.which ranked secon d in CCE and fourth in DWC. The two industries with the worst work ing capital rankings were Textiles and Apparel. Textiles rank twenty-s econd in CCE and twenty-sixth in DWC. The apparel industry ranks twenty-third and twenty-fourth in the two working capital measures ConclusionsThe research presented here is based on the annual ratings of wo rking capital management published in CFO magazine. Our findings indic ate a consistency in how industries “stack up”against each other over time with respect to the working capital measures.However.the wor king capital measures themselves are not static (i.e.. averages of wo rking capital measures across all firms change annually); our results indicate significant movements across our entire sample over time. O ur findings are important because they provide insight to working cap ital performance across time. and on working capital management across industries. These changes may be in explained in part by macroecono mic factors Changes in interest rates.rate of innovation.and competitio n are likely to impact working capital management. As interest rates rise.there would be less desire to make payments early.which would stretch accounts payable.accounts receivable.and cash accounts. The ra mifications of this study include the finding of distinct levels of WCM measures for different industries.which tend to be stable over ti me. Many factors help to explain this discovery. The improving econom y during the period of the study may have resulted in improved turn over in some industries.while slowing turnover may have been a signal of troubles ahead. Our results should be interpreted cautiously. Our study takes places over a short time frame during a generally impr oving market. In addition. the survey suffers from survivorship bias –only the top firms within each industry are ranked each year and the composition of those firms within the industry can change annua lly.Further research may take one of two lines.First.there could bea study of whether stock prices respond to CFO magazine’s publication of working capital management rating.Second,there could be a study of which if any of the working capital management components relate to share price performance.Given our results,there studies need to take industry membership into consideration when estimating stock price reaction to working capital management performance.对整个行业中营运资金管理的研究格雷格Filbeck.Schweser学习计划托马斯M克鲁格.威斯康星大学拉克罗斯摘要:企业能够降低融资成本或者尽量减少绑定在流动资产上的成立基金数额来用于扩大现有的资金。
企业战略管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)企业战略管理与战略管理会计探析中英文翻译Strategic management and strategic management accounting literature translation in both Chinese and English[论文关键词]战略管理会计企业战略内容方法[key words] strategic management accounting strategy content method [论文摘要]战略管理会计是当今企业经营环境更加复杂多变、全球性市场竞争空前广泛激烈的情况下,为满足现代企业实施战略管理的特定信息需要而建立的新的管理会计信息系统。
/ paper pick to strategic management accounting is the enterprise management environment is more complex, an unprecedented high competitive global market, to meet the modern enterprise to implement strategic management specific information need and establish a new management accounting information system. This article from connotation, goals and characteristics of strategic management accounting to the main content of strategic management accounting and methods of strategic management accounting in this paper.一、从企业战略的高度来看战略管理会计One, from the perspective of the height of business strategy, strategic management accounting1981年,英国学者西蒙斯最早将管理会计与战略管理相结合,提出战略管理会计之说。
企业管理的英文文献Enterprise management is an important aspect of any successful business. It involves the efficient allocation of resources, effective decision-making, and the ability to adapt to changes in the market. There are a variety of English-language sources that discuss different aspects of enterprise management. In this article, we will examine some of the key texts in this field.Step 1: IntroductionThe first step in any enterprise management is understanding the importance of effective leadership. A classic text in this area is Peter Drucker's "The Practice of Management." This book has been called the "Bible of modern management" and is essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the principles of good management.Step 2: StrategyDeveloping a sound strategy is another essential component of enterprise management. A key text in this areais Michael Porter's "Competitive Strategy." This book provides a framework for understanding the competitive dynamics of different industries and how companies can position themselves to gain an advantage.Step 3: OperationsEffective operations management is crucial for ensuring that a business is able to deliver products or services efficiently and at a high level of quality. "The Goal" by Eliyahu Goldratt is a classic text in this area that provides a practical approach for improving production processes andreducing waste.Step 4: MarketingMarketing is a critical component of enterprise management that involves understanding customer needs and creating products or services that meet those needs. "The Art of Possibility" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander provides insights into how to create a compelling vision for a business and communicate that vision effectively to customers.Step 5: Human ResourcesManaging human resources is another important aspect of enterprise management. "The Fifth Discipline" by Peter Senge provides a framework for creating a learning organizationthat encourages innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement.Step 6: FinanceEffective financial management is essential for ensuring that a business is sustainable in the long term. "Financial Statements" by Thomas Ittelson provides a practical guide to understanding financial statements and using financial datato make informed decisions.Conclusion:In conclusion, enterprise management is a complex and multi-faceted discipline that involves a number of different areas, including leadership, strategy, operations, marketing, human resources, and finance. By studying the key texts in each of these areas, business leaders can gain a deeper understanding of the principles of effective management and apply these principles to their own organizations.。
外文翻译Analysis of enterprise management innovation measures FORM:Elliott Renwick.Analysis of enterprise management innovation measures[J].Journal of Enterprise Reform and Management,2016(08):180-182. Abstract:The effective management of the scientific enterprise is an important factor in the development of enterprises and innovation. Now with the continuous improvement and development of the international market economy, China's enterprises in the development of continuous innovation and change. How to improve the ability of management innovation, how to promote the development of enterprises is an important issue in the development of enterprises at present. This article from the aspects of how to carry out the innovation of enterprise management is analyzed, to provide a scientific theoretical basis for enterprise management, make a contribution to the innovation of enterprise management.Keyword:enterprise management; innovation; measures;浅析企业管理创新的措施来源:Elliott Renwick.浅析企业管理创新的措施[J].企业改革与管理杂志,2016(08):180-182.摘要:企业科学有效的管理是企业发展和创新的重要因素。
企业库存管理中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)外文:Zero Inventory ApproachManaging optimal inventory in the supply chain is critical for an enterprise. The ability to increase inventory turns and the use of best inventory practices will reduce inventory costs across the supply chain. Moving towards zero inventory will result in effective inventory management in the business process. Inventory Optimization Solutions can be implemented easily using inventory optimization software. With Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, inventory can be updated in real time without product movement, scanning or human involvement. Companies have to adopt best practices to optimize operational processes and lower their cost structure through inventory strategies.Introduction With supply chain planning and latest software, companies are managing their inventory in the best possible manner, keeping inventory holdings to the minimum without sacrificing the customer service needs. The zero inventory concept has been around since the 1980s. It tries to reduce inventory to a minimum and enhances profit margins by reducing the need for warehousing and expenses related to it.The concept of a supply chain is to have items flowing from one stage of supply to the next, both within the business and outside, in a seamless fashion. Any stock in the system is caused by either delay between the processes (demand, distribution, transfer, recording and production) or by the variation in the flow. Eliminating/reducing stock can be achieved by: linking processes, making the same throughput rate on processes, locating processes near each other and coordinating flows. Recent advanced software has made zero inventory strategy executable."Inventory optimization is an emerging practical approach to balancing investment and service-level goals over a very large assortment of Stock-Keeping Units (SKUS). In contrast to traditional ‘one ‘one-at-a--at-a--at-a-time’ time’ marginal stock levelsetting, inventory optimization simultaneously determines all SKU stock levels to fulfill total service and investment constraints or objectives".Inventory optimization techniques provide a new logic to drive the system with information systems. To effectively manage inventory, businesses must also optimize thecosts of buying, holding, producing, moving and selling inventory.The objective of inventory optimization is to sustain minimal levels of inventory while providing the maximum possible levels of service. Supply Chain Design and Optimization (SCDO) is an inventory optimization solution which helps companies satisfy customer demands while balancing limitations on supply and the need for operational efficiency. Inventory optimization focuses on modeling uncertainty and variability and minimizing the risks they impose on the supply chain.Inventory optimization can help resolve total supply chain cost options like:• In-house manufacturing vs. contract manufacturing;• Domestic vs. off shore;• New supplier's cost vs. current suppliers' cost.Companies can benefit from inventory optimization, provided they control their supply chain processes and the complexity of supply chain. In case the supply chain is very complex, besides inventory optimization, network design has to be used to reap the benefits fully. This paper covers various inventory models that are available and then describes the technologies like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and networking used for the optimization of inventory. The paper also describes the software solutions available for achieving the same. It concludes by giving a few examples where inventory optimization has been successfully implemented.Inventory ModelsHexagon ModelThe hexagon model was developed due to the need to structure day-to-day work, reduce headcount and other inventory costs and improve customer satisfaction.In the first phase, operation strategies were established in alignment with inte-rnal customers. Later, continuous improvement plans and business continuity pl-ans were added. The five strategies used were:forecasting future consumption,setting financial targets to minimize inventory costs, preparing daily reports to monitor inventory operational performance,studying critical success indicators to track the accomplishments, to form inventory strategic objectives and inventor-y health and operating strategies. The hexagon model is a combination of two triangular structures (Figure 1).The upper triangle focuses on the soft management of human resources, customer orientation and supplier relations; the lower focuses on the execution of inventory plans with their success criteria, continuous improvement methodology and business continuity plans.The inventory indicators are: total inventory value, availability of spares, days of inventory, cost of inventory, cost saving and cash saving output expen-diture and quality improvement. The hexagon model combines the elements of the people involved in managing inventory with operational excellence (Figur2).Managing inventory with operational excellence was achieved by reducing the number of employees in the material department, changing the mix of people skills such as introducing engineering into the department structure and reducing the cost of ownership of the material department to the operation that it supports.Normally, this is implemented with reduction in headcount of material department, having less people with engineering skills in the department. Operation results include, improvement in raw material supply line quality indicators, competitive days of inventory and improved and stabilized spares availability. And the financial results include, increase in cost savings and reduced cost of inventory. It can be established by outsourcing some of the inventory functions as required. The level of efficiency of the inventory managed can be measured to a specific risk level, changing requirements or changes in the environment. Just-In-Time (JIT)Just-in-time (JIT) inventory system is a concept developed by the Japanese, wherein, the suppliers deliver the materials to the factory JIT for their processing, eliminating the need for storage and retrieval. The rate of output and the rate of supply of inputs are synchronized, to manage a zero inventory.The main benefits of JIT are: set up times are significantly reduced in the factory, the flow of goods from warehouse to shelves improves, employees who possess multiple skillsare utilized more efficiently, better consistency of scheduling and consistency of employee work hours, increased emphasis on supplier relationships and continuous round the clock supplies keeping workers productive and businesses focused on turnover.And though a JIT system might even be a necessity, given the inventory demands of certain business types, its many advantages are realized only when some significant risks likedelays in movement of goods over long distances are mitigated.Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI)Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) is a planning and management system in which the vendor is responsible for maintaining the c ustomer’s inventory levels. VMI is defined as a process or mechanism where the supplier creates the purchase orders based on the demand information. VMI is a combination of e-commerce, software and people. It has resulted in the dramatic reduction of inventory across the supply chain. VMI is categorized in the real worldas collaboration, automation and cost transference.The main objectives of VMI are better, cheaper and faster transactions. In order to establish the VMI process,management commitment,data synchronization,setting up agreements,data exchange, ordering, invoice matching and measurement have to be undertaken.The benefits of VMI to an organization are reduction in inventory besides reduction of stock-outs and increase in customer satisfaction. Accurate information which is required for optimizing the supply chain is facilitated by efficient transfer of information. The concept of VMI would be successful only when there is trust between the organization and its suppliers as all the demand information is available to the suppliers which can be revealed to the competitors. VMI optimizes inventory in supply chain and reduces stock-outs by proper planning and centralized forecasting.Consignment ModelConsignment inventory model is an extension of VMI where the vendor places inventory at the customer’s location while retaining ownership of the inventory.The consignment inventory model works best in the case of new and unproven products where there is a high degree of demand uncertainty, highly expensive products and service parts for critical equipment. The types of consignment inventory ownership transfer models are: pay as sold during a pre-defined period, ownership changes after a pre-defined period, and order to order consignment.The issues that the VMI and consignment inventory model encounter are cost of developing VMI system, invoicing problems, cash flow problems, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) problems and obsolete stock.Enabling PracticesThe decision makers have to make prudent decisions on future course of action of a project relating to the following variables: Forecasting and Inventory Management,Inventory Management practices,Inventory Planning,Optimal purchase, Multichannel Inventory, Moving towards zero inventory.To improve inventory management for better forecasting, the 14 best practices that will most likely benefit business the most are:•Synchronize promotions;•Revamp the organizational structure;•Take a longer view of item planning;•Enforce vendor compliance;•Track key inventory metrics;•Select the right systems;•Master the art of master scheduling;•Adhere to exception reporting;•Identify lost demands;•Plan by assortment;•Track inbound receipts;•Create coverage reports;•Balance under stock/overstock; and•Optimize SKUs.This will leverage the retailer’s ability to buy larger quantities across all channels while buying only what is required for a specified period in order to manage risk in a better way. In most multichannel companies, inventory is the largest asset on the balance sheet, which means that their profitability will be determined to a large degree by the way they plan, forecast, and manage inventory (Curt Barry, 2007). They can follow some steps like creating a strategy,integrating planning and forecasting, equipping with the best-laid plans and building strong vendor relationships and effective liquidation.Moving Towards Zero InventoryAt the fore is the development and widespread adoption of nimble, sophisticated software systems such as Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II), Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP), and Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) systems, as well as dedicated supply chain management software systems. These systems offer manufacturers greater functionality. To implement ‘Zero Stock’ system, companies need to have a good information system to handle customer orders, sub-contractor orders, product inventory and all issues related to production. If the company has no IT infrastructure, it will need to build it from the scratch.A good information system can help managers to get accurate data and make strategic decisions. IT infrastructure is not a cost, but an investment. A company can use RFID method,network inventory and other software tools for inventory optimization.Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)RFID is an automatic identification method, which relies on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders.RFID use in enterprise supply chain management increases the efficiency of inventory tracking and management. RFID application develops asset utilization by tracking reusable assets and provides visibility, improves quality control by tagging raw material, work-in-progress, and finished goods inventory, improves production execution and supply chain performance by providing accurate, timely and detailed information to enterprise resource planning and manufacturing execution system.The status of inventory can be obtained automatically by using RFID. There are many benefits of using RFID such as reduced inventory, reduced time, reduced errors, accessibility increase, high security, etc.Network InventoryA Network Inventory Management System (NIMS) tracks movement of items across the system and thus can locate malfunctioning equipment/process and provide information required to diagnose and correct problem areas. It also determines where capacity is to be added, calculates impact of market conditions, assesses impact of new products and the impactof a new customer. NIMS is very important when the complexity of a supply chain is high. It determines the manufacturing and distribution strategies for the future. It should take into consideration production, location, inventory and transportation.The NIMS software, including asset configuration information and change management,is an essential component of robust network management architecture.NIMS provideinformation that administrators can use to improve network management performance and help develop effective network asset control processes.A network inventory solution manages network resource information for multiple network technologies as well as multiple vendors in one common accurate database. It is an extremely useful tool for improving several operation processes, such as resource trouble management, service assurance, network planning and provisioning, field maintenance and spare parts management.The NIMS software, including asset configuration information and change management, is an essential component of strong network management architecture. In addition, software tools that provide planning, design and life cycle management for network assets should prominently appear on enterprise radar screens.Inventory Optimization Softwarei2 Inventory Optimizationi2 solutions enable customers to realize top and bottom-line benefits through the use of superior inventory management practices. i2 Inventory Optimization can help companies monitor, manage, and optimize strategies to decide—what to make, what to buy and from whom, what inventories to carry, where, in what form and how much—across the supply chain. It enables customers to learn and continuously improve inventory management policies and processes, strategic analysis and optimization.Product-oriented industry can install i2 Inventory Optimization and develop supply chain. Through this, the company can reduce inventory levels and overall logistics costs. It can also get higher service level performance, greater customer satisfaction, improved asset utilization, accelerated inventory turns, better product availability, reduced risk, and more precise and comprehensive supply chain visibility.Oracle Inventory OptimizationOracle Inventory Optimization considers the demand, supply, constraints and variability in extended supply chain to optimize strategic inventory investment decisions. It allows retailers to provide higher service levels to customers at a lower total cost. Oracle Inventory Optimization is part of the Oracle e-Business Suite, an integrated set of applications that are engineered to work together.Oracle Inventory Optimization provides solutions when demandand supply are in ambiguity. It provides graphic representation of the plan. It calculates cost and risk.MRO SoftwareMRO Software (now a part of IBM's Tivoli software business) announced a marketing alliance with inventory optimization specialists Xtivity to enhance the service offering of inventory management solutions for MRO Software customers. MRO offers Xtivity's Inventory Optimizer (XIO) service as an extension of its asset and service managementsolutions.Structured Query Language (SQL)Successful implementation of an inventory optimization solution requires significant effort and can pose certain risks to companies implementing such solutions. Structured Query Language (SQL) can be used on a common ERP platform. An optimal inventory policy can be determined by using it. Along with it, other metrics such as projected inventory levels, projected backlogs and their confidence bands can also be calculated. The only drawback of this method is that it may not be possible to obtain quick real-time results because of architectural and algorithmic complexity. However, potential scenarios can be analyzed in anticipation of results stored prior to user requests.Some ExamplesToyota’s Practice in IndiaToyota, a quality conscious company working towards zero inventory has selected Mitsui and Transport Corporation of India Ltd. (TCI) for their entire logistic solutions encompassing planning, transportation, warehousing, distribution and MIS and related documentation. Infrastructure is a bottleneck that continues to dog economic growth in India. Transystem renders services like procurement, consolidation and transportation of original equipment manufacturer's parts, through milk run operations from various suppliers all over India on a JIT basis, transportation of Complete Built-up Units (CBU) from plant to all dealers in the country and operation of CBU yards, coordination and transportation of Knock Down (KD) parts from port of entry to manufacturing plant, transportation of aftermarket parts to dealers by road and air to Toyota Kirloskar Motors Pvt. Ltd.Wal-MartWal-Mart is the largest retailer in the United States, with an estimated 20% of the retail grocery and consumables business, as well as the largest toy seller in the US, with an estimated 22% share of the toy market. Wal-Mart also operates in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico and UK.Wal-Mart keeps close track of the inventories by extensively adopting vendor-managed inventory to streamline the flow of goods from manufacturer to the store shelf. This results in more turns and therefore fewer inventories.Wal-Mart is an early adopter of RFID to monitor the movement of stocks in different stages of supply chain. The company keeps tabs on all of its merchandize by outfitting its products with RFID.Wal-Mart has indicated recently that it is moving towards the aggressive theoretical zero inventory model.Chordus Inc.Chordus Inc. has the largest division of office furniture in USA. It has advanced logistics and a model of zero inventory. It has Internet-based system for distribution network with real-time updates and low costs. Chordus determined that only SAP R/3 could accommodate this cutting-edge operational model for its network of 150 dealer-owned franchises in 44 states supported by five nationwide Distribution Centers (DCs) and a fleet of 65 delivery trucks. Small Scale Cycle Industry Around LudhianaIn and around Ludhiana, there are many small bicycle units, which are not organized.They have a sharp focus on financial and raw material management enjoying a low employee turnover. They have been practicing zero inventory models which became popularin Japan only much later. Raw material is brought into the unit in the morning, processed during the day and by evening the finished product is passed on to the next unit. Thus, the chain continues till the ultimate finished product is manufactured. In this way, the bicyclesused to be produced in Ludhiana at half the production cost of TI Cycles. Even the large manufacturers of cycles, like Hero cycles, Atlas cycles and Avon cycles are reported to maintain only one week's inventory.ConclusionInventory managers are faced with high service-level requirements and many SKUsappreciate the complexity of inventory optimization, as well as the explicit control that is needed over total investment in warehousing, moving and logistics. Inventory optimization can provide both an enormous performance improvement for the supply chain and ongoing continuous improvements over competitors. The company achieves the stability needed to have enough stock to meet unpredictable demands without wasteful allocation of capital. Having the right amount of stock in the right place at the right time improves customer satisfaction, market share and bottom line. Certainly, the organizations that are able to takeinventory optimization to the enterprise level will reap greater benefits. Zero inventory may be wishful thinking, but embracing new technologies and processes to manage one's inventory more efficiently could move one much closer to that ideal.译文:零库存方法对于一个企业来说,在供应链中优化库存管理是至关重要的。
附录【原文】Upgrading in Global Value ChainsThe aim of this paper is to explore how small- andmedium-sized Latin American enterprises ( SMEs)may participate in global markets in a way thatprovides for sustainable growth. This may bedefined as the ‘‘highroad'' tocompetitiveness, contrasting with the ‘‘lowroad,'' typical of firms from developingcountries, which often compete by squeezing wagesand profit margins rather than by improving productivity, wages, and profits. The keydifference between the high and the low road to competitiveness is often explained by thedifferent capabilities of firms to ‘‘upgrade.'In this paper, upgrading refers to the capacityof a firm to innovate to increase the value addedof its products and processes (Humphrey & Schmitz,2002a; Kaplinsky&Readman, 2001; Porter, 1990).Capitalizing on one of the most productive areasof the recent literature on SMEs, we restrict ourfield of research to small enterprises located inclusters. There is now a wealth ofempirical evidence (Humphrey, 1995; Nadvi &Schmitz, 1999; Rabellotti,1997) showing that small firms in clusters,both in developed and developing countries, areable to over come some of the major constraints theydifficultskills, specialized of lack face: usuallyaccess to technology, inputs, market, information, credit, and external services.Nevertheless, the literature on clusters, mainlyfocused on the local sources ofcompetitiveness coming from intraclustervertical and horizontal relationshipsgenerating ‘‘collective efficiency''(Schmitz, 1995), has often neglected theincreasing importance of external link ages. Dueto recent changes in productionsystems, distribution channels, and financialmarkets, and to the spread of informationtechnologies, enterprises and clusters areincreasingly integrated in value chains thatoften operate across many different countries. Theliterature on global value chains(GVCs) (Gereffi, 1999; Gereffi& Kaplinsky, 2001)calls attention to the opportunitiesfor local producers to learn from the global leadersof the chains that may be buyers or1producers. The internal governance of the value chain has an important effect on the scope of local firms' upgrading (Humphrey& Schmitz, 2000). Indeed, extensive evidence on Latin America reveals that both the local and the global dimensions matter, and firms often participate in clusters as well as in value chains (Pietrobelli& Rabellotti, 2004). Both forms oforganization offer opportunities to foster competitiveness via learningand upgrading. However, they also have remarkable drawbacks, as, forinstance, upgrading may be limited in some forms of value chains, and clusters with little developed external economies and joint actions may haveno influence on competitiveness.Moreover, both strands of literature were conceived and developed to overcome the sectoral dimension in the analysis of industrial organizationand dynamism. On the one hand, studies on clusters, focusing on agglomerations of firms specializing in different stages of the filie′re,moved beyond the traditional units of analysis of industrial economics:the firm and the sector. On the other hand, according to the value chain literature, firms from different sectors may all participate in the same value chain (Gereffi, 1994). Nevertheless, SMEs located in clusters and involved in value chains, may undertake a process of upgrading in order toincrease and improve their participation in the global economy, especiallyas the industrial sector plays a role and affects the upgrading prospects of SMEs.The contribution this paper makes is by taking into accountall of these dimensions together. Thus, within this general theoreticalbackground, this study aims to investigate the hypothesis that enterprise upgrading is simultaneously affected by firm-specific efforts and actions,and by the environment in which firms operate. The latter is crucially shapedby three characteristics: (i) the collective efficiency of the cluster in which SMEs operate, (ii) the pattern of governance of the value chain in which SMEs participate, and (iii) the peculiar features that characterizelearning and innovation patterns in specific sectors.The structure of the paper is the following: in Section 2, we briefly review theconcepts of clustering and value chains, and focus on their overlaps andcomplementarities. Section 3 first discusses the notion of SMEs' upgradingand then2introduces a categorization of groups of sectors, based on the notions underlying the Pavitt taxonomy, and applied to the present economicreality of Latin America. Section 4reports the original empirical evidenceon a large sample of Latin American clusters, and shows that the sectoral dimension matters to explain why clustering and participating in globalvalue chains offer different opportunities for upgrading in differentgroups of sectors. Section5 summarizes and concludes.2. CLUSTERS AND VALUE CHAINSDuring the last two decades, the successful performance of industrial districts in the developed world, particularly in Italy, has stimulated new attention to the potential offered by this form of industrial organization for firms of developing countries. The capability of clusteredfirms to be economically viable and grow has attracted a great deal of interest in development studies. 1In developing countries, the sectoral and geographical concentration of SMEs israther common, and a wide range of cases has since been reported. 2 Obviously, theexistence of acritical mass of specialized and agglomerated activities,in a number ofcases with historically strong roots, does not necessarily imply that these clustersshare all the stylized facts which identify the Marshall type of district, as firstlydefined by Becattini (1987). 3 Nonetheless, clustering may be considered as a majorfacilitating factor for a number of subsequent developments (which may or may notoccur): division and specialization of labor, the emergence of a wide network ofsuppliers, the appearance of agents who sell to distant national andinternationalmarkets, the emergence of specialized producer services, the materialization of a poolbusinessof formation the and workers, skilled and specialized of associations.To capture the positive impacts of these factors on the competitiveness of firmslocated in clusters, Schmitz (1995) introduced the concept of‘‘collective efficiency''(CE) defined as the competitive advantage derived from local external economies andjoint action. The concept of external economies 4 was first introduced by Marshall inhis Principles of Economics(1920). According to Schmitz (1999a), incidentalexternaleconomies (EE) are of importance in explaining the competitiveness of industrialclusters, but there is also a deliberate force at work: consciously pursuedjoint action3(JA).Such joint action can be within vertical or horizontal linkages. 5 The combination of both incidental external economies and the effects of activecooperation defines the degree of collective efficiency of a cluster and, dynamically,its potential for fostering SMEs' upgrading. Both dimensions arecrucial: Onlyincidental, passive external economies may not suffice without joint actions, and thelatter hardly develop in the absence of external economies. Thus, our focus is on therole of intracluster vertical and horizontal relationships generating collectiveefficiency.However, recent changes in production systems, distribution channels and financial markets, accelerated by the globalization of product marketsand the spread of information technologies, suggest that more attentionneeds to be paid to external linkages. 6 Gereffi's global value chain approach (Gereffi, 1999) helps us to take into account activities taking place outside the cluster and, in particular, to understand the strategic role of the relationships with key external actors.From an analytical point of view, the value chain perspective is useful because (Kaplinsky,2001; Wood, 2001) the focus moves from manufacturing onlyto the other activities involved in the supply of goods and services, including distribution and marketing. All these activities contributeto add value. Moreover, the ability to identify theactivities providinghigher returns along the value chain is key to understanding the globalappropriation of the returns to production.Value chain research focuses on the nature of the relationships among the various actors involved in the chain, and on their implications for development (Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002b). To study these relationships, theconcept of ‘‘governance'' is central to the analysis.At any point in the chain, some degree of governance or coordination is required in‘‘how''or be, should ‘‘what'' on only not decisions take to order something shouldbe, produced but sometimes also ‘‘when,'' ‘‘how much,'' and even‘‘at what price.''Coordination may occur through arm's-length market relationsornon marketrelationships. In the latter case, following Humphrey and Schmitz(2000), wedistinguish three possible types of governance:(a) network implying cooperation4between firms of more or less equal power which share their competencies within the chain; (b) quasi-hierarchy involving relationships between legally independent firms in which one is subordinated to the other, with a leader in the chain defining the rules to which the rest of the actors have to comply; and (c) hierarchy when a firm is owned by an external firm. Also stressed is the role played by GVC leaders, particularly by the buyers, intransferring knowledge along the chains. For small firms in less developed countries(LDCs), participation in value chains is a way to obtain information on the need andmode to gain access to global markets. Yet, although this information has high valuefor local SMEs, the role played by the leaders of GVCs in fostering and supportingthe SMEs' upgrading process is less clear. Gereffi (1999), mainly focusing on EastAsia, assumes a rather optimistic view, emphasizing the role of the leadersthat almostautomatically promote process, product, and functional upgrading among small localproducers. Pietrobelli and Rabellotti (2004) present a more differentiated picture forLatin America.In line with the present approach, Humphrey and Schmitz (2000)discuss the prospects of upgrading with respect to the pattern of value chain governance. They conclude that insertion in a quasi-hierarchical chainoffers very favorable conditions for process and product upgrading, but hinders functional upgrading. Networks offer ideal upgrading conditions,but they are the least likely to occur for developingcountry producers.In addition, a more dynamic approach suggests that chain governanceis not given forever and may change because(Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002b):(a) power relationships may evolve when existing producers, or their spin offs, acquire new capabilities;(b) establishing and maintainingquasi-hierarchical governance is costly for the lead firm and leads to inflexibility because of transaction specific investments; and (c) firms andcluster soften do not operate only in one chain but simultaneously in severaltypes of chains, and they may apply competencies learned in one chainto supply other chains.In sum, both modes of organizing production, that is, the cluster and the valuechain, offer interesting opportunities for the upgrading and modernization of local5firms, and are not mutually exclusive alternatives. However, in order to assess their potential contribution to local SMEs' innovationandupgrading, we need to understand their organization of inter firm linkages and their internal governance. Furthermore, as we explain in the following section, the nature of their dominant specialization also playsa role and affects SMEs' upgrading prospects.3. THE SECTORAL DIMENSION OFSMEs' UPGRADING(a) The concept of upgradingThe concept of upgrading—making better products, making them more efficiently, or moving in to more skilled activities—hasoftenbeen used in studies on competitiveness (Kaplinsky,2001; Porter, 1990),and is relevant here.Following this approach, upgrading is decisively related to innovation. Here wedefine upgrading as innovating to increase value added. 7 Enterprises achieve this invarious ways, such as, for example, by entering higher unit value market niches ornew sectors, or by undertaking new productive (or service) functions. The concept ofupgrading may be effectively described for enterprises working within a value chain,where four types of upgrading are singled out (Humphrey & Schmitz, 2000): —Process upgrading is transforming inputs into outputs more efficiently by reorganizing the production system or introducing superiortechnology (e.g., footwear producers in the Sinos Valley; Schmitz,1999b).—Product upgrading is moving into more sophisticated product lines in terms of increased unit values (e.g., the apparel commodity chain in Asia upgrading from discount chains to department stores;Gereffi,1999).—Functional upgrading is acquiring new, superior functions in the chain, such as design or marketing or abandoning existing low-value added functions to focus on higher value added activities (e.g.,Torreon'sblue jeans industry upgrading from maquila to ‘‘full-package'' manufacturing; Bair&Gereffi, 2001).Inter sectoral upgrading is applying the competence acquired in —.a particularfunction to move into a new sector. For instance, in Taiwan, competence inproducingTVs was used to make monitors and then to move into the computer sector (Guerrieri& Pietrobelli,2004; Humphrey & Schmitz,2002b). In sum, upgrading within a value6chain implies going up on the value ladder, moving away from activities in which competitionis of the ‘‘low road'' type and entry barriers are low.Our focus on upgrading requires moving a step forward and away from Ricardo's static concept of ‘‘Comparative Advantage'' (CA). While CA registers ex-post gaps in relative productivity which determine international trade flows, success in firmlevel upgrading enables the dynamic acquisition of competitiveness in new market niches, sectors or phases of the productive chain (Lall, 2001; Pietrobelli, 1997). In sum,the logic goes from innovation, to upgrading, to the acquisition of firm-level competitiveness(i.e., competitive advantage). 8In this paper, we argue that the concept of competitive advantage increasinglymatters. In the theory of comparative advantage, what matters is relative productivity,determining different patterns of inter industryspecialization.Within such atheoretical approach, with perfectly competitive markets, firms need to target onlyproduction efficiency. In fact, this is not enough, and competitive advantage is therelevant concept to analyze SMEs' performance because of (i) the existence of formsof imperfect competition in domestic and international markets and (ii) the presenceof different degrees of (dynamic) externalities in different subsect or sand stages ofthe value chain.More specifically, in non perfectly competitive market rents and niches of ‘‘extra-normal'' profits often emerge, and this explains the efforts to enter selectively specificsegments rather than simply focusing on efficiency improvements, regardless of theCA).of theory the by advocated (as specialization productive prevailing Moreover,different stages in the value chain offer different scope for dynamic externalities.Thus, for example, in traditional manufacturing, the stagesofdesign, productinnovation, marketing, and distribution may all foster competitiveness increases inrelated activities and sectors. The advantage of functional upgrading is in reducing thefragility and vulnerability of an enterprise's productive specialization. Competitionfrom new entrants—i.e., firms from developing countries with lower production costs,crowding out incumbents—is stronger in the manufacturing phases of the value chainthan in other more knowledge and organization-intensive phases (e.g., product design7and innovation, chain management, distribution and retail,etc.).Therefore,functionalupgrading may bring about more enduring and solid competitiveness. For all these reasons, the concept of production efficiency is encompassed withinthe broader concept of competitiveness, and the efforts to upgrade functionally andinter sectorally (and the policies to support these processes) are justifiedto reap largerrents and externalities emerging in specific stages of the value chain, market niches,or sectors.An additional element that crucially affects the upgrading prospects of firms and clusters is the sectoral dimension. Insofar as we have defined upgrading as innovating to increase value added, then all the factors influencing innovation acquire a new relevance. This dimension is often overlooked in studies on clusters, perhaps due to the fact that most ofthese studies are not comparative but rather detailed intra industrycase studies.In order to take into account such a sectoral dimension, and the effect this may have on the firms' pattern of innovation and learning, we need tointroduce the concept of ‘‘tacit knowledge.'' This notion wasfirstintroduced by Polanyi(1967) and then discussed in the context of evolutionary economics by Nelson and Winter(1982). It refers to the evidence that some aspects of technological knowledge arewellarticulated, written down in manuals and papers, and taught. Others are largely tacit, mainly learned through practice and practical examples. Inessence, this is knowledge which can be freely used by its owners, but that can not be easily expressed and communicated to anyone else. The tacit component of technological knowledge makes its transfer and applicationcostly and difficult. As a result, the mastery of a technologymay require anorganization to be active in the earlier stages of its development, and a close andcontinuous interaction between the user and the producer—or transfer—of suchknowledge. Inter firm relationships are especially needed in thiscontext. Tacitknowledge is an essential dimension to define a useful groupingof economicactivities.(b) Sectoral specificities in upgrading and innovation: a classification for Latin8American countriesThe impact of collective efficiency and patterns of governance on the capacity of SMEs to upgrade may differ across sectors. This claimis based upon the consideration that sectoral groups differ in terms of technological complexity and in the modes and sources of innovationand upgrading. 9 As shown by innovation studies, in some sectors, verticalrelations with suppliers of inputs may be particularly important sourcesofproduct and process upgrading (as in the case of textiles and the most traditional manufacturing), while in other sectors, technologyusers, organizations such as universities or the firms themselves (as,for example, with software or agro industrial products) may provide majorstimuli for technical change (Pavitt,1984; Von Hippel, 1987). Consistently with this approach, the properties of firm knowledge basesacrossdifferent sectors (Malerba & Orsenigo, 1993) 10 mayaffect the strategic relevance ofcollective efficiencyfor the processes of upgrading in clusters. Thus, for example, intraditional manufacturing sectors, technology has important tacit and idiosyncraticelements, and therefore, upgrading strongly depends on the intensity of technologicalexternalities and cooperation among local actors (e.g., firms, research centers, andtechnology and quality diffusion centers), in other words, upgrading depends on thedegree of collective efficiency. While in other groups (e.g., complex products or largenatural resource-based firms) technology is more codified and the access to externalsources of knowledge such as transnational corporations(TNCs,or researchlaboratories located in developed countries become more critical for upgrading.Furthermore, the differences across sectoral groups raise questions onthe role ofglobal buyers in fostering (or hindering) the upgrading in different clusters. Thus, forexample, global buyers may be more involved and interestedintheir providers'upgrading if the technology required is mainly tacit and requires intense interaction.Moreover, in traditional manufacturing industries, characterized by a low degree oftechnological complexity, firms are likely to be included in GVCs even if they havevery low technological capabilities. Therefore, tight supervision and direct supportbecome necessary conditions for global buyers who rely on the competencies of their9local suppliers and want to reduce the risk of non compliance(Humphrey &Schmitz,2002b). The situation is at the opposite extreme in the case of complex products,where technology is often thoroughly codified and the technologicalcomplexityrequires that firms have already internal technological capabilities to besubcontracted,otherwise large buyers would not contract them at all.In order to take into account the above-mentioned hypotheses, wedevelop asectoral classification, adapting existing taxonomies to the Latin American case. 11On the basis of Pavitt's seminal work (1984), we consider that in Latin America, in-house R&D activities are very low both in domestic and foreign firms (Archibugi&Pietrobelli, 2003), domestic inter sectoral linkages have been displaced by tradeliberalization(Cimoli & Katz, 2002), and university-industry linkages appear to bestill relatively weak (Arocena & Sutz, 2001). 12 Furthermore, in the past 10 years,Latin America has deepened its productive specialization in resource basedsectors and has weakened its position in more engineering intensive industries (Katz,2001), reflecting its rich endowment of natural resources,relatively more than human and technical resources (Wood & Berge, 1997).Hence, we retain Pavitt's key notions and identify four main sectoralgroups for Latin America on the basis of the way learning and upgrading occur,and on the related industrial organization that most frequently prevails. 13The categories are as follows:1.Traditionalmanufacturing,mainlylaborintensiveandtiles,footwear, textiles, as such industries technology ‘‘traditional'' and furniture;2. Natural resource-based sectors (NRbased),implying the direct exploitation of natural resources, for example, copper, marble, fruit, etc.;3. Complex products industries (COPs), including, among others, automobiles,autocomponents and aircraft industries, ICT and consumer electronics;4. Specializedsuppliers, in our LA cases, essentially software.Each of these categories tends to havea predominant learning and innovating behavior, in terms of main sources of technicalchange, dependence on basic or applied research, modes of in-house innovation (e.g.,‘‘routinized'' versus large R&D laboratories), tacitness or codified nature ofknowledge, scale and relevance of R&D activity, and appropriability of10innovation(Table 1).Traditional manufacturing and resource-based sectors are by far the most present in Latin America, and therefore especially relevant toour presentaims of assessing SMEs' potential for upgrading within clusters and value chains. Traditional manufacturing is defined as supplier dominated, because major process innovations are introduced by producers of inputs (e.g., machinery, materials, etc.). Indeed, firm shave room to upgrade their products (and processes)by developing or imitating new products' designs, often interacting with large buyers that increasingly play a role in shaping the design of final products and hence the specificities of the process of production (times, quality standards, and costs).Natural resource-based sectors crucially rely on the advancement ofbasic and applied science, which, due to low appropriability conditions, is most often undertaken by public research institutes,possibly in connection with producers (farmers, breeders, etc.). 14 Inthese sectors, applied research is mainly carried out by input suppliers (i.e., chemicals, machinery, etc.) which achieve economies of scale and appropriate the results of their research through patents.Complex products are defined as ‘‘high cost,engineering-intensive products,subsystems, or constructs suppliedby a unit of production'' (Hobday,1998), 15where the local network is normally anchored to one ‘‘assembler,'' which operates asa leading firm characterized by high design and technological capabilities. To ouraims, the relationships of local suppliers with these ‘‘anchors'' may be crucial tofoster (or hinder) firms' upgrading through technology and skill transfers(or the lackof them).Scale-intensive firms typically lead complex product sectors (Bell& Pavitt,1993), where the process of technical change is realized within an architectural set), and it is often incremental and modular.Henderson & Clark, 1990(Among the Specialized Suppliers, we only consider software, which is typicallyclient driven. This is an especially promising sector for developing countries' SMEs,due to the low transport and physical capital costs and the highinformation intensityof the sector, which moderates the importance of proximity to final markets andextends the scope for a deeper international division of labor.Moreover, the11disintegration of some productive cycles, such as for example of telecommunications,opens up new market niches with low entry barriers(Torrisi, 2003). However,at thesame time, the proximity of the market and of clients may crucially improve thedevelopment of design capabilities and thereby foster product/process up grading.Thus, powerful pressures for cluste ring and globalization coexist in this sector.The different learning patterns across these four groups of activities areexpected to affect the process of upgrading of clusters in value chains. This paper also aims at analyzing with original empirical evidence whether—and how—the sectoral dimension influences this process in LatinAmerica.4. METHODOLOGY: COLLECTIONAND ANALYSIS OF DATAThis study is based on the collection of original data from 12 clustersin LatinAmerica that have not hitherto been investigated, and on an extensivereview of cluster studies available. The empirical analysis was carried outfrom September 2002 to June 2003 with the support of the Inter AmericanDevelopment Bank. An international team of 12 experts in Italy andin four LA countries collected and reviewed the empirical data. Desk and field studies were undertaken following the same methodology, whichinvolved field interviews with local firms, institutions, and observers, interviews withforeign buyers and TNCs involved in the local cluster, and secondary sourcessuch as。
企业管理英文文献综述范文When it comes to corporate management, a diverse range of strategies and practices have been explored in the academic world. From the traditional hierarchical models to the more modern flat structures, organizations have adapted to changing business landscapes in pursuit of efficiency and growth.One significant trend in recent years has been the rise of lean management. This approach emphasizes minimizing waste in all areas of business operations, from production lines to administrative processes. By focusing on value-adding activities and eliminating inefficiencies, companies are able to streamline their operations and improve profitability.On the other hand, the concept of agile management has gained traction in the face of the ever-evolving business environment. Agile organizations are flexible and adaptive, able to quickly respond to market changes and capitalize onemerging opportunities. This approach values collaboration, iteration, and continuous improvement, enabling businesses to stay ahead of the competition.In the realm of leadership, there's a growing recognition of the importance of emotional intelligence. Leaders who are able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as those of their team members, are more effective in fostering a positive work environment and promoting employee engagement. Emotional intelligence also plays a crucial role in conflict resolution and decision-making.Technology has.。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)外文文献:China's Enterprise Cost Management Analysis and CountermeasuresAbstract: With the progress and China's traditional Cost Management model difficult to adapt to an increasingly competitive market environment. This paper exists in our country a number of Cost Management and finally put forward to address these issues a number of measures to strengthen Cost Management.Keywords:: Cost Management measuresIn a market economy conditions, as the global economic integration, the development of increasingly fierce market competition, corporate profit margins shrinking. In this case, the level of high and low business costs directly determines the size of an enterprise profitability and competitive strength. Therefore, strengthen enterprise Cost Management business has become an inevitable choice for the survival and development.First, the reality of China's Enterprise Cost Management AnalysisCost Management in our country after years of development, has made many achievements, but now faces a new environment, China's Cost Management has also exposed some new problems,mainly in the following aspects:(A) Cost Management concept behind theChinese enterprises lag behind the concept of Cost Management in pervasive phenomenon, mainly in Cost Management of the scope, purpose and means from time to biased. Many enterprises will continue to limit the scope of Cost Management within the enterprise or even only the production process at the expense of other related companies and related fields cost behavior management. We supply side, for example. The supply side of the price of the product cost of doing business, one of the most important motives. As the supply side of the price of the product and its cost plus profit, so the supply side of price in the form of its own costs to the enterprise. However, some enterprises to the supply side too much rock bottom price, as their source of high profits, without considering each other's interests, resulting in supply-side to conceal their true costs, price increase in disguise. This increase in procurement costs, thereby increasing commodity costs, making goods less competitive.The purpose of Cost Management from the point of view, many enterprises confined to lower costs, but less from the perspective of cost-effectiveness of the effectiveness of the means of cost reduction mainly rely on savings, can not be cost-effective. In traditional Cost Management, Cost Management purposes has been reduced to cut costs, saving has become the basic means to reduce costs. From the perspective of Cost Management to analyze the Cost Management of this goal, not difficult to find cost-reduction is conditional and limits, and in some cases, control of costs, could lead to product quality and enterprise efficiency decline.In addition, the vast majority of enterprises in the overall concept of lack of Cost Management. Most companies have a common phenomenon, that is, to rely on finance staff to manage costs. In the implementation of Cost Management process, some companies focus only on cost accounting; some business leaders only concerned about the financial and cost statements, using the number of statements to management costs. Although such an approach to reduce the cost to a certain role, but the final analysis, cost accounting, or ex post facto control, failed to do in advance of cost control and occurrence of process control, can not be replaced costing Cost Management.(B) Cost Management obsoleteFirst of all, from a Cost Management in general and ways of looking at, not really formed, the system's Cost Management methodology, from speaking, we have proposed the establishment of including cost projections, the cost of decision-making, cost planning, cost accounting, cost control, cost analysis, etc. In the within the new Cost Management system, but how to make this methodology in a scientific, systematic, forming an organic links there are many problems. Secondly, the specific method of Cost Management perspective, According to the survey, 55.7% of the enterprises use varieties of France, 42.8% of companies use sub-step. The development trend of current world production of many varieties of small batch production mode, this mode of production batches law applies to product cost. Currently, only 6.2% of China's enterprises to adopt this method to calculate, which indicates that the organization of production in China is still relatively extensive, paid insufficient attention to the consumer's personality.Finally, from a Cost Management tool to see, even though some enterprises to enter the computerized stage, but the cost of application management module level is not high, and many enterprises are still the manual accounting, in a modern way of technology, Information, and this is bound to constrain business further enhance the level of Cost Management, it is difficult to meet the modern Cost Management of cost Information provided by the timeliness, comprehensiveness,accuracy requirements.(C) the cost Information, a serious distortion ofIn China, there are a considerable number of enterprises there is the cost of the case Information is untrue, and this situation is getting worse. Cost Information distortion is mainly caused by the following reasons:First, costing only a focus on materials, labor, manufacturing overhead, ignoring the growing increase in the modern enterprise product development, the middle of testing and trial-and after-sales service on a small group of input costs associated with the content of the product was incomplete, does not correctly evaluate the products in the the whole process of life-cycle cost-effectiveness.The second is distortion caused by improper costing methods. A high degree of labor-intensive enterprises in the past years, the accounting of the simple assumption (that is, the number of direct labor hours or production basis for the allocation of indirect costs), usually do not cause serious distortions in product costs. But in a modern manufacturing environment, the proportion of direct labor costs declined significantly, a substantial increase in the proportion of manufacturing costs, and then use the traditional method of cost computation will produce irrational behavior, the use of traditional costing will lead to serious distortions in product cost information to enable enterprises to operate the mistake of choosing the direction of products.Third, to achieve the purpose of artificially adjust the cost of a number of hidden losses caused by a serious, corporate virtual surplus real loss. In China, some enterprises do not increase because of Cost Management, but in order to achieve improper goals or interest to do so at the cost of the external disclosure of false information. Study its causes and performance: business managers in order to gloss over its management performance, to investors, especially medium and small shareholders have a good explanation to take virtual cut costs, inflated benefits, such as Joan China source event, Guangxia event; some private enterprises do not even pay taxes in order to tax less, false purchase invoices, virtual offset value-added tax; inflated costs, pay less corporate income tax; a number of enterprise Cost Management is in chaos, infrastructure work is not solid, it is difficult to accurately account for product costs, and thus disclosed the cost of information is not accurate. (D) internal Cost Management of the establishment of the main mistakesCost of production and operation activities, a comprehensive index covering all aspects of management, but also involves all levels of personnel. However, a long time, people have been the existence of a bias, the Cost Management as a finance officer for a small number of managers patents, that the cost-effectiveness should be handled by business leaders and finance staff and to all workshops, departments, teams and groups of workers only as a producer, resulting in control costs, understand technology, understand technology, understand the financial, the majority of the workers as to which costs should be controlled, how to control problems have no intention also were unable to say in the cost-conscious indifference. Workers that Ganhaoganhuai a sample, feel market pressures, cost control initiative can not be mobilized, serious waste, mainly in energy and materials, the next material without careful planning, the next corner does not make full use of materials, energy and run , risk, dripping, and leak is serious. Cost Management of the main mistakes made to establish the Cost Management business has lost the management of large groups of promise, of course, Cost Management work is not really achieve good results. Second, strengthen enterprise Cost Management measuresCost Management for Chinese Enterprises in the problems, we should start the following efforts tostrengthen Cost Management:(A) the introduction of new ideas - the use of strategic Cost ManagementStrategic management is central to the sustained competitive advantage for businesses, competitive advantage is the core of any Strategy, it ultimately comes from enterprises to create value for customers, this value must exceed the costs of enterprises to create it. An enterprise to gain a competitive advantage need to make a choice, that is, enterprises must strive for what would be an advantage, and to what extent the problem for superiority to make a choice. This requires the introduction of strategic management of Cost Management thinking, to achieve a strategic sense of the extensions to form a strategic Cost Management. Strategic Cost Management refers to management of the specialized approach provides an analysis of the enterprise itself and its competitors information to assist managers and evaluation of the formation of corporate Strategy, thereby creating a competitive advantage in order to meet enterprises to effectively adapt to constantly changing external environment.(B) establish a new concept1, establish a system management concepts, the implementation of a comprehensive, whole process of Cost ManagementThe content and scope of the cost of doing business should not be confined to areas of production, management needs to be with the change, and as the development of management development. Cost Management should be comprehensive, the whole process, and at the design stage till the development planning stage should begin to reduce the cost of activities. Modern enterprise Cost Management should include the impact on cost changes in all aspects of the projections to penetrate the enterprise, decision-making, technology, sales and other areas in all aspects of the enterprise expansion.2, establish the concept of cost-effectiveness, cost forecasting and decision-making levels Enterprises can not succeed in the market for greater profits, they must establish the cost of determining the market concept, give full play to the cost of policy-making functions. Cost Management and enterprise's overall effectiveness should also be linked to the concept of dynamic cost-effective approach to cost and control issues, from the comparative analysis of input and output to look into the necessity and rationality of the enterprise from the perspective of efficiency to determine the increases or decreases in order to conduct a cost benefit as the center of the dynamic management.3, establish a sense of innovation, technology and insist on combiningThe vitality lies in its continued innovation, and enterprises should seize the pulse of the market, seeking mechanism innovation, vibrancy, increase scientific and technological input, and the effective use of new technologies, new equipment, new processes and new materials, relying on technology to reduce product cost. Meanwhile, cost accounting should be considered in the scientific and technological content of products, including the cost to go to facilitate enterprises to the correct decision. The formation of the product cost, the technical factors, plays an important role, to improve Cost Management, we must implement the technology-driven economic principle of combining.4, establish a people-oriented concept, create a cohesive force in enterprisePeople do not simply a tool for wealth creation, but an enterprise's largest capital, assets, resources and wealth, the main body of the enterprise, is the main Cost Management is to determine the cost of key factors. Therefore, to establish a people-oriented management thinking, and arouse people'sintellectual factors, train and develop people's ability to work, so that employees and managers on an equal footing and enjoy the same participation in power, the humanistic, democratic management thinking throughout the enterprise management process from beginning to end, so that enterprises can truly become a democratic, humane organizations, from the human heart in order to stimulate everyone's sense of responsibility and willing to devote themselves masters of the spiritual power.(C) the introduction of advanced Cost Management - activity-based costing and cost-planning methodSince the cost of the early 20th century inception, he has appeared 'standard cost', 'budget control', 'difference', 'cost-of-state analysis', 'variable cost method', 'volume-profit analysis', 'responsibility accounting', etc. a series of traditional cost accounting methods. However, in today's increasingly competitive market economy, the traditional cost accounting methods have fatal defects, thus creating an activity-based costing and cost-planning method.1, Activity-Based CostingActivity-Based Costing is based on 'cost driver' as the fundamental basis of a cost-accounting methods. Its basic principle is that consumption of output operations, operations consume resources. In the product cost, it will be the focus from the traditional 'products' move to 'work' on to work for the accounting object, and the first motivation of resources based on resource allocation of costs to the job, and then tracked by the activity driver products, the final product obtained costs. It is customer-oriented chain, to the value chain as the center of the business 'operational procedures' fundamental and thorough reform, emphasizing the coordination of corporate internal and external customer relations, starting from the enterprise as a whole, coordinating the various departments and links the relationship between the ask enterprises to material supply, production and marketing aspects of the operations form a continuous, synchronous's 'workflow', the elimination of all can not increase the value of the operation, so that enterprises in the state continued to improve and promote enterprise-wide optimization, establishing competitive advantage.2, cost planning methodThe cost of planning the basic ideas: (1) to full life-cycle-based, market-oriented development of target cost. Basic formula is: target cost = expected market price - target profit. (2) product design stage the cost of squeezing. This process can be expressed as the cost of the 'Settings - decomposition - to achieve - (re-setting) - (re-decomposition) - (another achievement) - ... ...', and repeatedly as well as endless, until it reaches target cost. (3) the cost of production at the manufacturing stage decomposition and pressure transmission. The target cost pressures refined to teams and groups, and even individuals and vendors. (4) pre-production phase of the feedback control. Through trial and feedback from the production process and timely leak fill a vacancy, strengthen internal management, improve cost control management through a variety of incentive measures to make the cost of the ideological objectives of planning can be the greatest degree of implementation. (5) The target cost optimization. Product to meet the needs of market competition must be constantly adjusted and optimized so that the cost of setting goals to keep up with the pace of technological and market changes, so that the cost of the entire planning process to form a complete cycle, continuous improvement, and constantly perfect, and always be able to adapt to the changing market.(Iv) computer technology in Enterprise Cost ManagementAt present, the computer is an indispensable tool for economic life, to modern information technology-based Cost Management Cost Management information system has become a symbol of modernization.1, the software applicationLOTUS, EXCEL and other spreadsheet software has a powerful form processing, database management and statistical charts processing functions, is commonly used office automation software. They do not have programming, flexible and convenient, the use of low cost, high efficiency, use of these software can be easily and quickly assist management in cost projections, decision-making, and can control the process of implementation of the monitoring analysis, received good results. Businesses can combine their own characteristics, commissioned by software developers for their costs of developing a more professional management software.2, the application ofThe network has a strong scalability, enables the sharing of resources, improve efficiency and reduce costs. Internal and external Internet connection of the timely transmission of a variety of cost information, and can interactively communicate with the outside world, learn from each other and promote the application of various Cost Management techniques to achieve Cost Management objectives.(E) to take measures to ensure cost-effective informationCompanies should establish a sound internal control system, through accounting and other business processes control, help reduce the occurrence of the phenomenon of accounting information Cuobi to a certain extent, the accounting and other information to ensure true and reliable. For example, a good internal control system, required documents must be recorded against previous audit, the certificate of transfer must follow certain procedures, to the reconciliation table cards and checking accounts. Through these means of control, it is possible to reduce the incidence of errors to ensure the accuracy and reliability of accounting information and thus the basis for cost accounting and management information is reliable.Enterprises also need to improve the management and accounting staff of professional ethics. The main body of the implementation of the system is the enterprise managers and decision-making participation in the operation of accounting personnel, in the generation and provision of relevant information, on one hand to enhance the legal awareness, on the one hand to enhance the sense of moral self-discipline, strengthen the moral sense of responsibility and sense of responsibility to maintain professional conscience, economic objectives of enterprises and managers to enhance the double moral standards.In addition to strengthen the market research and information feedback in the Cost Management applications. Information as a business activity is an important factor in the cost management an integral part of. With economic development, enterprise cost management level, with the development of the situation can improve, operation can proceed smoothly, to a large extent also depends on the level of the cost of feedback. Therefore, the enterprise cost management must also adapt to this objective, continually improve the level of information management, seize the opportunity to truly become the strong market competition.中国企业成本管理的现状分析与对策摘要:随着中国所取得的进展,中国传统的成本管理模式已经难以适应竞争日益激烈的市场环境。
企业绩效管理外文翻译文献综述企业绩效管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Can Performance Management Foster Intelligent Behavior?Bjarte BogsnesThe world has changed, not just in increasingly fast-changing and unpredictable ways, but also the competence and expectations of people in our organizations. Unfortunately, too few seem to understand or accept that these developments call for radically new and different ways of leading and managing. Traditional management practices do not make usthe agile organizations we need to be.The problem starts with the label, "Performance Management" implying, "If I don't manage you, there will be no performance."We need a new mindset, one that is less about managing performance and more about creating conditions for great performance to occur. We need self-regulating models, requiring less management, but more leadership from everyone.Think about traffic, where we want good performance and a safe good flow. Traffic authorities have different ways of making this happen. The traffic light is a popular choice, but those managing the process (programmers) are not in the situation; information used in their process is not fresh, which is clear as you wait in front of that red light.The roundabout is a very different alternative. Those managing are the drivers themselves. The information used isreal time, coming from own observations. While that information is also available in front of the traffic light, drivers do not have the authority to act on it. By the way, the "zipper" or "every second car through" is not a rule, but a guiding principle.The roundabout normally is more efficient than the traffic light, because of two significant differences in the decision-making process, information and authority. A third element is also required for the roundabout to be more efficient: while the traffic light is a simple-rulesbased system, the roundabout is values-based. A value-set based on, "Me first, I don't care about the rest," is not a big a problem in front of the red light, but is a serious problem in a roundabout. Here, a positive common purpose of wanting a safe and good flow is critical. Drivers must be more considerate, open about own intentions while trying to understand the intentions of peers. Instead of managing performance, traffic authorities have created conditions for self-managed performance to occur.What would the implications be for the loathed performance review? The principles and practices described at Return Path are sensible and interesting. I like the concept of horizontal commitments toward peers, instead of vertical commitments to higher management. At the same time, we need to broaden our definition of performance. In traditional performance, a commitment is too often about "hitting the number." This is too narrow. We need to ask questions such as, how are we doing compared to peers? How are we using KPIs to reflect on performance, or using hindsight and management assessment to verify results? Did we really move toward our longer-term ambitions? How sustainable are the results? Last but not least, there has to be room for values if performance systems are tofoster intelligent behavior; we need to ask, how where those results achieved?At Statoil our integrated performance management approach links ambitions to actions. Our targets reflect a broad set of ambitions,including people, health, safety, environment, operations and financial performance. Read more about our management model and how we apply a holistic and values-based approach to this broader performance agenda.The words of Dee Hock, former GEO of Visa, should guide the design of our management processes, including our performance reviews: "Simple, clear purpose and principles give rise to complex, intelligent behavior. Complex rules and regulations give rise to simple, stupid behavior."While researching my book. Talent Economics, I interviewed employees about what really motivates today's workforce. I discovered a disconnect between the performance support my interviewees wanted versus how managers recounted their contribution to these conversations.Over the last 20 years, the employee mindset has evolved faster than has the art and science of management. Nowhere is this starker than in the area of performance management practices, particularly the annual review. In both the developed and developing world, employees report that this end-of-year activity breeds stress, anxiety and mistrust. How ironic that a process aimed at improving organizational performance, is itself underperforming!It's time to "reboot" our performance management operating system, installing two specific system updates: l. The "Democracy" update. As much as we try to make theperformance appraisal a two way dialogue, we cannot run away from the fact that at its core, the conversation today is often a top-down review. My research shows that many 21st century employees are rejecting conversations that are one-way: in hot job markets today, managers must realize "who is appraising whom." With other offers readily available, many employees enter a performance dialogue privately considering if their manager is worth another year of their career. The performance management conversation now reflects a company's Employee Value Proposition, much as we learn in the lead Perspective.The Democracy update means that managers only gain the right to give feedback when they first genuinely seek the same on their own performance as leaders. Not just through 360-degree reviews, but also through authentic conversations asking, "How am I performing as your manager? " and "How can I help you succeed?" Only then can the conversation shift to, "How you can improve?"and "This is what you should focus on."2. The Success module. Greater employee autonomy and empowerment also changes the meaning of management. We have gone from a "supervisor of task and outcomes" to an "enabler of performance, innovative thinking and collective success." To make this shift, we must give up the judge's robes for the coach's uniform. If employees don't succeed, managers are on the hook, too.This is particularly relevant when coaching a team to success. People bring different skills to a team and how well they work together really matters. If team reviews work better to achieve a goal, so be it. The Return Path story illustrates how review processes can be designed and executed around what matters most, and where everyone dons the uniforms of player and coach.What if, instead of making the heart of a performance conversation the evaluation, it became a vehicle to improve success of the individual, the team and the business? What if performance feedback was paired with dialogue about transforming the business, the product or customer experience? This genuinely reboots and upgrades performance management to focus on individual and organizational success.It is indeed time to upgrade performance management practices: we can no longer manage a 21st century employee using 20th century mindsets.People & Strategy. 2013, V ol. 36 Issue 2, p12-13. 2p.译文:绩效管理能促进自我管理行为吗?Bjarte Bogsnes世界随着时间的推移而变化莫测,连那些与时变化而不可预测的通道也随之改变,与此同时组织人员的能力和期望也顺应时代潮流。
外文文献翻译译文一、外文原文CorporatePerformanceManagementAbstractTwo of the most important duties of a chief executive officer are (1) toformulates t rat egy and(2)tomanage h i s c ompany’s p er f orm ance.Inthisa r ticlewe e xaminethe second of these tasks and discuss how corporate performance should be modeledand managed.Webeginbyconsideringtheenvironmentin whichacompanyoperates,which includes, besides outside stakeholders, the industry it belongs and the marketit supplies, and then proceed to explain how the functioning of a company can beu nder s t ood by a nex a m i nationof i ts bus i n ess,o per a ti ona landperform a nce managementmod els.Nextwedescribethestructurerecommendedby theauthorsforacorporateplanning,controlandevaluationsystem,themostimportantpartofa corp orate performance management system. The core component of theplanningsystem is the corporate performance evaluation model, the structure of which ism apped i nt o the pl anning sys t em’s da ta b ase,si m ula t ion modelsandbudgeting t ool s’structures, andalsousedtoshapeinformationcontainedinthe system’s products,besidesbeingthenucleusoft helanguageusedbythe system’s agentstotalkabout corporateperformance.Theontologyofplann ing,theguidingprinciplesofcorporate planningandthehistoryof”M ADE”,thecorporateperform ancemanagementsystem di scus s e d inthisarti c le,arere vi ew e dn e xt,before w ep ro cee d todisc us s i nde t ailt h e structural components of the corporate planning and control system introduced before.We conclude the article by listing the main steps which should be followedwhen implementing aperformance planning, control and evaluation system for a company.1.IntroductionTwo of the most important corporate tasks for which a chief executive officeris primarilyresponsibleare(1)toformulatestrategyand(2)tomanagethecompany’s p erf ormance. In thisarticle we examine the second of these tasks and discuss howcorporateperformance should be modeled andmanaged.T operfo r mistoac c ompli s h,t o a chieve(de s i r ed)r e s u ltsoroutc om es.So,whe n talkingabo utcorporateperformance,wearereferringtothedegreebywhichdesired resultsoroutcomesarea chievedbyacompany.Managingcorporateperformance involves planning, controlling, analyzing and evaluating, not only the resultsachieved bythecompany,butalsothemeansbywhichtheseresultsarereached.Amongthe re sults,orgoals,pursuedbymostcompanieswecanmentiongrowth,marketshare,profitabilityan dvaluecreation;andthemeanstoachievetheseresultsincludep roductivi ty,effect i veness,innova t iona nd c ompetiti ve nes s.T hos e a rethe t y p eofthings we should have in mind when specifying a corporate performancemanagement system.Before discussing how to model corporate performance, it is convenienttoconsider the environment in which a company operates, which includes, besides out s i de sta ke holde rs, the indust r y i t be l ongs and the marke t it suppli e s. Themain aspectsofanindustrytobelookedatwhen consideringitsinfluenceoncorporateperformancearestructureandregulation,themaincompetito rs,entrybarriers,substituteproductsand supplier’s negotiatingpower.Associatedquestionsare :How production is organized, vertically or horizontally? How much competitive isthe i ndustry and who are the m a in competitors, t h ose tha t ca pt ure th e l a rges t part oft hemarketshare?Is itunregulated,self-regulatedorregulatedbyagovernmentagency?Howstrongarebarrierstotheentryofnewcompetito rs?Canproductsfromother industries function as substitutes for the ones produced in the industry? Whataboutthe power industry suppliers have when negotiating prices and tradeconditions?At the opposite side of the industry in the corporate environment we havethe marketwherethecompanytradesitsproducts,itsmainattributesbeingsize,growth rate,segmentation,exitbarriersand consumers’negotiating power.Typicalquest ions thatshouldbeaskedwhenassessingitseffectoncorporateperformanceare:Whatis the marketsize,indollars,foreach of the company’s products?Whatarethe short-term and long-term market growth rates? Is it a wholesaleor a retailmarket?Are the sales cyclical? How can the market be segmented (by geography, purchasingpower,customerage,etc.)?Whichbarriersdoesaclientrunintowhenchangings uppli e rs? D o c l ients ha v e t he power t o impose pric e s and t ra de conditions?Wecallthepeoplewhohaveinterestinorareaffectedbya company’s performanceits“stak eholders”,andgroupthemin thecategoriesof“insiders”and“outsiders”.Theinsidersarethe company’s entrepreneursorcontr ollingshareholders and its managers and employees. The outsiders include customers, suppliers, minority shareholders, debt holders, the government in its roles of public goodssupplier,regulatorandtaxcollector,andalsothecommunitieswherethecompany doesbus i ne s s.It isim port ant t onote t hats t a kehol de rs,bes i desbeinga f fecte db y,al s oinfluencecorporateperformanceanditisoftennec essarytosearchfortheeffectsof this influencewhen appraisingperformance.That is meant to increase the depth of this brief analysis of corporatestructureand external relations.Microeconomictheory considers the company as asocial p roductionunittha t uses a certa i ntechnolo g ytop r oducea s eto f outputsfromas e tof inputs.Thefunctionthatmapsi nputquantitiesintomaximumoutputquantities obtainablefromtheinputsiscalledthe“productio n function”or“productionfrontier”.Knowledge of this function is important for measuring the technical efficiency ofaproduction unit, a very significant performance metric. Several techniques existfort hespe c ifi c at i on of pro duc tion funct i ons or fro nt iers, gr oupe d und e r the nam e so f“Data Envelopment Analysis”and“S tochasticFrontier Analysis”.Companies are created by entrepreneurs, the agents that organize andcoordinate production with the help of professional managers. Entrepreneurs play a crucialrolein shaping corporate performance. On oneside, recognized entrepreneurial capacity─and also large contact networks ─are vital for raising the financial capitalnecessary tobuildstructuralorphysicalcapital. On anotherside,the entrepreneurs’reputation and contacts are essential to attract the intellectual capital that, together withthe structural capital, is the foundation of innovation capacity.A business model is a conceptual representation of the way a companydoes business.Itsmaincomponents,are:the company’s valueproposition;thetargetedmarket segments; the distribution, marketing communications, and customerrelationshipchannels;the core competenciesneeded;operating and managementt echnol og ies;t hepar t ner s’ne tw ork;andtherevenue,costand va lue creat i on m ode ls.Understandingthe business modelis the first step to implement acorporate performancemanagementsystem.The modelshould indicate whether the company has a broad customer base or targets specific market segments, and in the secondcase,identifythesesegments.Thegoodsandservicesprovidedbythecompanyandthe com mercial conditions under which they are sold (including such things asguarantees,technicalassistance, etc.), comprise the valueproposition.The channelused forp roductdistr i buti on ca n bea di re c t-t oc ustomer s a l esc ha nnelthroughthe I nte r net,orbe comprised of bricks and mortar companyownedstores, wholesale agents,retail companies,etc.Thecompanycanuseseveralmarketingchannelstogetmessages thro ughtoitscustomers,suchasTVandprintedmedia,andemployacallcentertogive support and receive complaints and suggestions from them. Core competencies ar e t heon e sthecomp an y ne edstomas t erinorde r toga i nac om pet i tivead va nta g ei n relation to other companies in the same marketplace. These competenciesshould restonproperoperationalandmanagementtechnologies,andbe supplemented by a network of partners, if necessary. As a final point, a business model must includea revenue,acostandavaluecreationmodelinordertobeprofitabletothe company’s s hare h old e rs.We can think of the operational model of a companyasencompassinganorganizationalmodel,afunctionalmodelandacorporatedatamodel. The organizationalmodeldepicts,inaninvertedhierarchicaltree,therolesoftheagents involve dinthe company’s operation.Thefunctionalmodelportraysall theactivitiesthattogetherformthewholetowhichwereferbytheexpression“company’s operations”,structuredinlogical,sequentialsteps formingoperationalprocesses.At last, the corporate data model is an entity-relationship diagram that shows themain entitiesaboutwhichthecompanycollectsdatawithitsattributesandtherelationshipsbetw eenthem.Thelastmodelweneedtoexamineinordertounderstandthefunctioningofacorporation is the performance management model it uses, which is, ingeneral,composedoffourbuildingblocks.Thecorporategovernancesystem,thecorporatep e rfo rmanc ep la nnin g,control a nde va lua t ionsyste m,t he individual m anage r sperformance planning, control and evaluation system and the managementvariable compensation system (or bonus system). The corporate governance systemcomprises three well knownactors, the chief executive officer, the directors and theshareholders,andisdesignedtomediatetherelationsbetweenthem.Underthegovernancesyste m,we find two planning and control systems, having as its targets the performance ofthe company(asawholeandofitsdivisions)andtheperformanceofitsindividualm ana g ers,re s p e ct i vely.L i nking t heset w osyste m sw e finda com p ensa t ions y st e mthat assigns fractions of a bonus pool, which is a function of the aggregatecompany performance,toitsmanagersonthebasisoftheirindividualperformances.An e ffective management model should be forward-looking, that is, centered ontheimprovement of future performance, and focused on valuecreation.A thorough understanding o f a ll t he m od e l s des c ribed above is anec e s s ary prerequisiteforone tobeabletoplan,monitor,analyze,evaluateand controlcorporate performance.Inthenextsectionwewillexamineinmoredetailacrucial component of the management model previously described: the corporateperformance planning, control and evaluationsystem.2.The C orporate P erf o rmanc e Planni ng,C ontrolan d Eva l u at io n System.That shows the structure recommended by the authors for acorporateplanning,controlandevaluationsystem,themostimportantpartofacorporateperforma nce management system. The core component of the planning system, as can bededucedfrom its central position in the mentioned figure, is the performance evaluationmodel.Thestructureofthismodelismappedintothe system’s database,simulationm odels and budgeting tools’structures, and also used to shape information contained in the system’s products,besidesbeingthenucleusofthelanguageusedbythe system’s agentstotalkaboutcorporateperformance.Thecorporateplanningand controlprocessisformedbythecoordinatedactionsoftheplanningandcontrolagents,whoseaimist hegenerationofthe system’s outputs,which includeassumptions,goals,forecasts, plans, budgets, investment projects, performance valuations, varianceanalysis,etc.Theseproductstaketheformofpaperandelectronicdocumentsands pread s heets,a nd of PowerPointpresent a t i ons.T he a gents fol lowanagreedupontime schedule and rely on a business intelligence (BI) software to support theiractions.TheBIsoftwareimplementstheperformanceevaluationmodelforthepurposesof rep resenting and simulating corporate performance and provides the necessarytools forthe system’s agentstoproducethe system’soutputs.Datausedbythesystem comes from the accounting and other corporate databases. In the following sectionsof thisarticlewewillexamineindetaileachoftheaforementionedplanningsystemc ompon ents.Before proceeding, however, we will make a pause to discuss the ontologyof planning. One can readily identify in this figure three major structures: the strategic,the motivation and the action frameworks. In the strategic framework, which ischiefly related to the risk versus return dialectics, we can identify theexternal i nf l uence s to corporat e performa n ce, c om pris i ng both opportuni ti es a nd threats, and the internal ones, materialized by strengths and weaknesses. Suppliers and consumersnegotiatingpower,entryandexitbarriers,competitorsandsubstituteproductsarethe ma in determinants of external influences. Technological change has also apervasiveinfluence on corporate performance. Comparing the motivation (ends) andaction(means) fr a meworks, we can as s ociate v a rious levels or l ayers in w hich c or po ra t e aimsaredefinedtothecorrespondingactionclasses,thatis,visiontomission,longtermgo alstostrategy,shorttermgoalstotacticsandactualresultstoactualactions.Policy and business rules are restrictionsunder which strategy and tactics,respectively, must be formulated, and actual action carriedout.It may be convenient, at this point, to give a general definition of theterms“planning”and“control”.Corporateplanningis a processbywhichmanagement define the desired future performance of a corporation, and identify and decide onthe actionsthatneedtobetakeninordertoachievethatperformance.Themainstepscomprisingap lanningcycleareexposed.Corporatecontrol,ontheotherhand,isan operational process which aims to check whether the actual performance isinaccordance with the plannedone, and, eventually, to modify the planned actionsinordertoguaranteethatthefinaldesiredperformancewillbe met. The corporatebudg etisoneo f themostim port antoutputs o fthec orpor atepl a nninga n dcont rol proces s.Itistheprimemanagementtoolusedtoimprovecorporateperformanceand toalignmanageme ntinterests withthoseoftheshareholders.Wecanconcludethis section by stating the nine guiding principles of corporate planning and control:i.Planning is concerned in first place with results and in second placewiththe means to achieve theseresults.ii.Planning is concerned with the present value of costsand benefits to bei ncurred in the f ut u re a s a cons e quence of dec i s i ons undertaken in t he pres e nt.iii.Themainobjectiveofplanningis to createvalueforthe corporation’s shareholders.iv.Fortheabovegoal to bemet,itisnecessarytofulfill customers’expectations concerning quantity, price and quality of marketed products at the least possiblecost,and to m ai nta i n a skilled and full y m otivat ed w or k force.v.Planning and control activities should be organized through a systemwhosecomponents are the planning and control agents, process, time schedule,products,models&tools, the planningandcontrol system’s product t hat consol i dat e s t he r es ul ts w hi ch the company p lans to achi ev e i n the next period and the actions it should undertake in order to meetthem.vii.The corporate budget must contain all the information necessary forthe evaluation of the short term planned performance of the company, itsmarketing,operational, economic, patrimonial and financial aspects being dullyconsidered.viii.The corporate budget should not be viewed exclusively as a means ofcost reductionorcontrol,butmainlyasatooltoenhanceperformanceandincreasethe company’s economicvalue.ix.The planning process in itself is as important as its outputs, andshould contributetoleverage management’s knowledgeabout the company’s i nternal workings, and also to help focus its efforts on the critical areas ofcorporateperformance.S ource: Pedro Góes MonteirodeOliveira STARPLAN ConsultoriaEmpresarial Ltda.,2009.“Corporate Performance Management”.WorkingP aper,vol.41,no.4,pp.1-7..二、翻译文章译文:企业绩效管理摘要行政总裁两个最重要的职责是:制定战略和处理他的公司表现。
Perspectives on Internal Control and Enterprise RiskManagement (内部控制与企业风险管理透视)dil Kaya《Eurasian Business Perspectives》,2022,11(02):379-389英文 2788 单词, 16276 字符;中文 5242 汉字Grounded on the literature review on Enterprise Risk Management(ERM) this paper aims to analyze the extent and the effectiveness of internal control as well as ERM and to explore their connection with the value creation. A theoretical lens is used to discuss whether effective internal control and ERM enhance performance and increase value creation ability. ERM is most frequently defined with the reference to the 2004 Guidance document published by Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of Treadway Commission (COSO). Proponents of COSO’s ERM Integrated Framework describe this framework as “a world-level template for best practice”, and claim that ERM used by management to enhance an organization ability to manage uncertainty and to consider how much risk to accept as it strives to increase stakeholder value. Additionally the Internal Control— Integrated Framework is a viable and suitable framework for designing, implementing, conducting and assessing the effectiveness of internal control and for reporting. The relationship between value creation and ERM is widely investigated in academic literature. Empirical studies on the value creation abilities of ERM and internal control suggest that there is a positive relation between value creation,internal control and ERM. These studies reveal that firm performance and value are enhanced by high-qualityERM adoption and implementation. Using different identifier of ERM such as Standard and Poor’s risk management ratings or presence of a Chief Risk Officer, the findings of empirical studies reveal that higher ERM quality is associated with less resource constraint, better corporate governance and better accounting performance. Additionally academic studies indicate that the risk-based communication is reinforced with ERM implication.Enterprise risk management , Internal control , Value creationChanging business and operating environments, increased competition, technology driven, global scale and complex structure of companies have increased the importance of effective internal control and risk management. Enterprise risk management (ERM)is a process that is viewed today as an indicator for optimal achievement of companies’ mission and execution of its strategy. This is also a coping mechanism vis -`a-vis new demand for reporting purposes and additional compliance mandate placed on organizations to have effective internal control and risk management. Rating agencies e.g. Standard & Poor’s have included ERM assessment in ratings of insurance companies since 2022. Furthermore the stakeholders’ demand for more transparency and accountability on the business decisions and governance forces enterprises to have effective internal control and ERM. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of Treadway Commission (COSO) has released two frameworks provide guidance for management in implementing and evaluating effective enterprise risk management and internal control processes,leading to the improvement of organizational performance and governance. These are COSO’s Internal Control—Integrated Framework and COSO’s Enterprise Risk Management—Integrated Framework.COSO guidance is recognized as being globally and its integrated frameworks are viewed as being the principal tools that enable organizations to enhance their capacity in dealing with uncertainty that presents both risk and opportunity with the potential to erode or enhance value.Proponents of COSO’s ERM Integrated Framework describe this framework as “a wor ld-level template for best practice”, and claim that ERM used by management to strengthen an organization ability to manage uncertainty and to consider how much risk to accept as it strives to increase stakeholder value.Additionally the Internal Control—Integrated Framework is a viable and suitable framework for designing, implementing, conducting and assessing the effectiveness of internal control and for reporting. COSO’s principal argument is that the essential prerequisites of firms’ long term success are good risk management and internal control (DeLoach and Thomson 2022).While internal control has been always an important field for internal and external audit, risk management has been a vital concern on the fields of finance and insurance but it is received widespread attention following accounting and corporate scandals in the beginning 2000s and 2022 global crisis (Wu et al. 2022). Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley Act and its impacts and repercussions on global capital markets have put the spotlight on COSO’s Internal Control Framework and the recent economic crisis has heightened considerably the importance of ERM (Landsittel and Rittenberg 2022).Grounded on the literature review on ERM this paper aims to analyze the extent and the effectiveness of internal control as well as ERM and to explore their connection with the value creation. A theoretical lens is used to discuss whether effective internal control and ERM enhance performance and increase value creation ability. The remainder of the paper is presented in three sections. Section 2 expands upon the COSO Integrated Frameworks. This is followed by the related literature that provides an overview of empirical research findings on internal control and enterprise risk management. The fourth and final section provides a conclusion providing some final comments.Whether applied individually or together,COSO frameworks are the principal guidance used by organizations to address internal and external pressures placed onthem to have effective internal control and risk management. Originally formed in 1985, COSO is voluntary private sector initiative dedicated to improve organizational performance and governance through effective internal control, enterprise risk management, and fraud deterrence. Its sponsoring organizations are the Institute of Internal Auditors, the American Accounting Association, and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Financial Executives International, and the Institute of Management Accountants.COSO ’s first Internal Control Framework is released in 1992 and is admitted widely as a recognized standard for developing and maintaining effective and efficient internal control. On May 14, 2022, as a result of multiyear project, COSO updated this Framework to include enhancements and clarifications for users.COSO (2022a, p. 3) defines internal control as “a process, affected by an entity’s board of directors, management, and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories:–Effectiveness and efficiency of operations–Reliability of financial reporting–Compliance with applicable laws and regulations ” .There is a growing support for the general argument that the effectiveness of internal control is a crucial and challenging system for organizations. COSO’s Internal Control Framework is developed in expecting to help and support organizations to design, implement, conduct and assess these systems of internal control. Components, objectives and entity levels presented three dimensions of internal control. These are presented in Table 1.Table 1 Three dimensions of internal controlSource: COSO (1992)ComponentsObjectives Organizational levels Control environments OperationsEntity level Risk assessment ReportingDivision Control activities ComplianceOperating unit Information and communicationMonitoring activitiesFunctionThe strength of the internal control system is to improve organizations’achievements of their objectives through providing effectiveness and efficiency of their operations, reliability of their financial reporting and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Internal control system needs to be assessed regularly to check its effectiveness. There are 17 relevant principles associated with the internal components. These are presented in Table 2.Table 2 Principles of internal control17 Principals by internal control componentsControl environmentmitment to integrity and ethical values2.Oversight of the development and performance of internal control3.Establishment of structures, reporting, authorities and responsibilitiesmitment to competence5.AccountabilityRisk assessment6.Suitable objectives7.Risk identification and analysis8.Assessment of fraud risk9.Identification and analysis of significant change Control activitiesControl activities10.Selection and development of control activities11.Selection and development of general controls over technology12 Deployment through policies and proceduresInformation and communication13 Use of relevant information14 Internal communication15 External communicationMonitoring16.Conduct of ongoing and/or separate evaluations17.Evaluation and communication of deficienciesSource: COSO (2022b) Internal Control Integrated Framework Poster Another area that COSO provides guidance is risk management that organizations need to effectively deal with uncertainty for optimal achievement of their mission and execution of their strategy. ERM Integrated Framework is developed as a process,ongoing and flowing through the enterprise that comprises aligning risk appetite and strategy, improving risk responses of the entity and seizing opportunities. According to Arnold et al. (2022), this strategic approach to the riskmanagement concentrates on the opportunity side of risk identification and response.ERM is defined by COSO (2004, p. 4) as “a process, affected by an entity’s board of directors, management and other personnel, applied in strategy setting and across the enterprise, designed to identify potential events that may affect the entity, and manage risks to be within its risk appetite, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of the entity’s objectives” . Internal control is an integral part of ERM.COSO’s ERM Framework (2004) and its new exposure draft emphasize that where properly implemented and executed ERM enables organizations to grow shareholder’s value through facilitating management’s ability deal effectively with uncertainty and enhancing the ability to communicate value creation.The COSO’s three dimensional model of ERM that is similar to its Internal Control Framework is presented in Table 3.Table 3 Three dimensions of ERMComponents Objectives Organizational levelsInternal environments Strategic Entity levelObjective setting Operations DivisionEvent identification Reporting Business unitRisk assessment Compliance SubsidiaryRisk responseControl activitiesInformation and communicationSource: COSO (2004)ERM and internal control is a fast growing area of interest in the academic research. Empirical studies use public information or survey data for measuring ERM implementation and majority of these studies have positive findings on the relationship of value creation and ERM.Different measures are used in empirical studies of internal control and ERM. Tobin’s Q ratio is the most commonly used as proxy for firm value in empirical risk management studies. This widely used ratio compares the market value of a firm’sassets to their replacement cost (Hoyt and Liebenberg 2022, 2022). It is usually calculated as the market value of equity plus the book value of liabilities divided by the book value of assets (Hoyt and Liebenberg 2022; McShane et al. 2022). Beasley et al. (2022) examine equity market reactions to announcements of appointments of senior executive officers overseeing the ERM processes.Researchers use also different measures for the identification of ERM practices in a firm. The existence of a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) position or similarly a senior risk officer is widely used as an identifier of ERM implication (Lundqvist 2022; Beasley et al. 2022; Hoyt and Liebenberg 2022; Liebenberg and Hoyt 2003; Pagach and Warr 2022). In several studies, firms have been asked directly through survey about their level of ERM implementation (Beasley et al. 2005). Risk management ratings from S&P are also used by many empirical studies (McShane et al. 2022). S&P ratings are said to be more sophisticated and comprehensive measure of ERM (Lundqvist 2022).Gordon et al. (2022) create an ERM index; variable data are collected from publicly available information, for example: sales, number of employees, material weakness disclosures, announcements of financial restatements, and auditor fees. The findings of this study suggest that the connection between ERM and firm performance is related to the proper match between ERM and firm level factors. These factors are the contextual variables surrounding the firm such as environment uncertainty, industry competition, firm complexity, and monitoring by Board of Directors.Razali et al. (2022) examined the determinants of ERM adoption in Malaysian Public Listed Companies and they found that firms with high turnover,appointing CRO and not diversifying internationally seem to adopt ERM. Lundqvist (2022) distinguished four components or pillars of ERM to measure how firms implement ERM dimensions.The first pillar is the general internal environment and objective setting; the second pillar is the general control activities, information and communication;the third one is the holistic organization of risk management;and finally the fourth pillar is the specific identification and risk assessment activities. According to the author, a well implemented ERM must have all four pillars; but onlythe third one separates ERM from non-ERM companies.According to DeLoach and Thomson (2022), the COSO ERM framework enhances risk-focused communication that comprises the issues relevant to improving governance, assessing risk, designing risk responses and control activities, facilitating relevant information and communication flows,and monitoring ERM and internal control performance. Baxter et al. (2022) pointed also the positive aspects of ERM; and they found that “higher quality ERM is associated with better corporate governance (i.e., audit committees charged with direct oversight of risk), less audit-related risk (i.e., stable auditor relationships and effective internal controls), presence of risk officers/committees, and boards with longer tenure” (Baxter et al. 2022, p. 1265).O’Don nell (2005) developed a theoretical understanding of how and when ERM facilitates value chain activities. Paape and Spekle´ (2022) investigated risk management effectiveness of COSO Frameworks for the mechanistic view on risk appetite and tolerance. Liebenberg and Hoyt (2003) found that financial leverage is positively associated with ERM implementation, but using a broader set of indicators, Hoyt and Liebenberg (2022) found that ERM has a negative relation to leverage. According to Liebenberg and Hoyt (2003), a major obstacle to empirical research in ERM is the difficulty in identifying firms engaging in ERM. Firms typically do not disclose whether they are managing risks in an integrated manner. Grace et al. (2022) investigated specific aspects of ERM’s value creation in insurance companies and they found that ERM practices significantly increase costs and revenues efficiency and they documented the impact of board involvement on reducing firm costs and augmenting firm value.McShane et al. (2022) examined the relationship between risk management and firm value using S&P’s ERM ratings. They found a positive relationship between firm value and increasing level of traditional risk management but not for a higher ERM rating. Their findings suggest that firm value augments as firms implement increasingly more sophisticated traditional risk management but does not augment further as firms attain ERM.Arnold et al. (2022) investigated ERM and organizational structure from a strategic management perspective in the context of Sarbanes Oxley Act’s section 404 requirements by companies. They found a powerful relationship between the strength of ERM processes and organizational flexibility and this relation is mediated by the level of IT compatibility. Furthermore, Arnold et al. (2022) found that ERM have a positive impact on supply chain performance and they imposed a theoretical understanding of ERM’s impact on the values chain activities.To conclude this section, empirical studies on the value creation abilities of ERM and internal control present in general positive findings.Most of the studies found positive relation between value creation,internal control and ERM.These studies reveal that firm performance and value are enhanced by high -quality ERM adoption and implementation.The studies which use Standard and Poor’s risk management ratings,reveal that higher ERM quality is associated with less resource constraint, better corporate governance and better accounting performance. Beside these findings some researchers assert that there is no evidence that application of the COSO frameworks improve risk management and internal control effectiveness. Neither do they find a support for value creation ability of these frameworks. There are still some questions to be posed and answered by researchers on the effectiveness and efficiency of internal control and ERM.Internal control and ERM effectiveness is crucial to identify events that may impact the organization’s well-being and erode the shareholder’s value and respond to identified risks. New demand for reporting purposes and additional compliance mandate placed on organizations to have effective internal control and risk management have enhanced the role and importance of ERM. COSO frameworks are the principal guidance used by organizations to address the issues relevant to improving governance, strategy setting, business planning, and execution, monitoring and adapting processes of an enterprise.Over the past years, a substantial body of academic research on internal controland ERM has developed on the search of empirical evidence on whether and how they affect corporate values. These studies have generated a number of findings that should be of interest to the development of risk management in companies. Understanding how academic literature assesses internal control and ERM practices has significant value. Also important is the recognition that the role of risk managers is crucial for companies that are positioned to strategically align their goals of main stakeholders.Empirical researches support the significance and importance of the ERM practices on providing value for shareholders in an environment where the stakeholders are increasingly demanding for more transparency and accountability on the business decisions and governance. Additionally academic studies indicate that the risk-based communication is reinforced with ERM implication.本文以企业风险管理(ERM)文献综述为基础,旨在分析内部控制和企业风险管理的范围和有效性,并探讨其与价值创造的关系。
中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Effects Of Working Capital Management On Sme ProfitabilityThe corporate finance literature has traditionally focused on the study of long-term financial decisions. Researchers have particularly offered studies analyzing investments, capital structure, dividends or company valuation, among other topics. But the investment that firms make in short-term assets, and the resources used with maturities of under one year, represent the main share of items on a firm’s balance sheet. In fact, in our sample the current assets of small and medium-sized Spanish firms represent 69.48 percent of their assets, and at the same time their current liabilities represent more than 52.82 percent of their liabilities.Working capital management is important because of its effects on the firm’s profitability and risk, and consequently its value (Smith, 1980). On the one hand, maintaining high inventory levels reduces the cost of possible interruptions in the production process, or of loss of business due to the scarcity of products, reducessupply costs, and protects against price fluctuations, among other advantages (Blinder and Manccini, 1991). On the other, granting trade credit favors the firm’s sales in various ways. Trade credit can act as an effective price cut (Brennan, Maksimovic and Zechner,1988; Petersen and Rajan, 1997), incentivizes customers to acquire merchandise at times of low demand (Emery, 1987), allows customers to check that the merchandise they receive is as agreed (quantity and quality) and to ensure that the services contracted are carried out (Smith, 1987), and helps firms to strengthen long-term relationships with their customers (Ng, Smith and Smith, 1999). However, firms that invest heavily in inventory and trade credit can suffer reduced profitability. Thus,the greater the investment in current assets, the lower the risk, but also the lower the profitability obtained.On the other hand, trade credit is a spontaneous source of financing that reduces the amount required to finance the sums tied up in the inventory and customer accounts. But we should bear in mind that financing from suppliers can have a very high implicit cost if early payment discounts are available. In fact the opportunity cost may exceed 20 percent, depending on the discount percentage and the discount period granted (Wilner,2000; Ng, Smith and Smith, 1999). In this respect, previous studies have analyzed the high cost of trade credit, and find that firms finance themselves with seller credit when they do not have other more economic sources of financing available (Petersen and Rajan, 1994 and 1997).Decisions about how much to invest in the customer and inventory accounts, and how much credit to accept from suppliers, are reflected in the firm’s cash conve rsion cycle, which represents the average number of days between the date when the firm must start paying its suppliers and the date when it begins to collect payments from its customers. Some previous studies have used this measure to analyze whether shortening the cash conversion cycle has positive or negative effects on the firm’s profitability.Specifically, Shin and Soenen (1998) analyze the relation between the cash conversion cycle and profitability for a sample of firms listed on the US stock exchange during the period 1974-1994. Their results show that reducing the cash conversion cycle to a reasonable extent increases firms’ profitability. More recently,Deloof (2003) analyzes a sample of large Belgian firms during the period 1992-1996. His results confirm that Belgian firms can improve their profitability by reducing the number of days accounts receivable are outstanding and reducing inventories. Moreover, he finds that less profitable firms wait longer to pay their bills.These previous studies have focused their analysis on larger firms. However, the management of current assets and liabilities is particularly important in the case of small and medium-sized companies. Most of these companies’ assets are in the form of current assets. Also, current liabilities are one of their main sources of external finance in view of their difficulties in obtaining funding in the long-term capital markets(Petersen and Rajan, 1997) and the financing constraints that they face (Whited, 1992; Fazzari and Petersen, 1993). In this respect, Elliehausen and Woken (1993), Petersen and Rajan (1997) and Danielson and Scott (2000) show that small and medium-sized US firms use vendor financing when they have run out of debt. Thus, efficient working capital management is particularly important for smaller companies (Peel and Wilson,1996).In this context, the objective of the current work is to provide empirical evidence about the effects of working capital management on profitability for a panel made up of 8,872 SMEs during the period 1996-2002. This work contributes to the literature in two ways. First, no previous such evidence exists for the case of SMEs. We use a sample of Spanish SMEs that operate within the so-called continental model, which is characterized by its less developed capital markets (La Porta, López-de-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny, 1997), and by the fact that most resources are channeled through financial intermediaries (Pampillón, 2000). All this suggests that Spanish SMEs have fewer alternative sources of external finance available, which makes them more dependent on short-term finance in general, and on trade credit in particular. As Demirguc-Kunt and Maksimovic (2002) suggest, firms operating in countries with more developed banking systems grant more trade credit to their customers, and at the same time they receive more finance from their own suppliers. The second contribution is that, unlike the previous studies by Shin and Soenen (1998) and Deloof (2003), in the current work we have conducted tests robust to the possible presence ofendogeneity problems. The aim is to ensure that the relationships found in the analysis carried out are due to the effects of the cash conversion cycle on corporate profitability and not vice versa.Our findings suggest that managers can create value by reducing their firm’s number of days accounts receivable and inventories. Similarly, shortening the cash conversion cycle also improves the firm’s profitability.We obtained the data used in this study from the AMADEUS database. This database was developed by Bureau van Dijk, and contains financial and economic data on European companies.The sample comprises small and medium-sized firms from Spain. The selection of SMEs was carried out according to the requirements established by the European Commission’s recommendation 96/280/CE of 3 April, 1996, on the definition of small and medium-sized firms. Specifically, we selected those firms meeting the following criteria for at least three years: a) have fewer than 250 employees; b) turn over less than €40 million; and c) possess less than €27 million of total assets.In addition to the application of those selection criteria, we applied a series of filters. Thus, we eliminated the observations of firms with anomalies in their accounts, such as negative values in their assets, current assets, fixed assets, liabilities, current liabilities, capital, depreciation, or interest paid. We removed observations of entry items from the balance sheet and profit and loss account exhibiting signs that were contrary to reasonable expectations. Finally, we eliminated 1 percent of the extreme values presented by several variables. As a result of applying these filters, we ended up with a sample of 38,464 observations.In order to introduce the effect of the economic cycle on the levels invested in working capital, we obtained information about the annual GDP growth in Spain from Eurostat.In order to analyze the effects of working capital management on the firm’s profitability, we used the return on assets (ROA) as the dependent variable. We defined this variable as the ratio of earnings before interest and tax to assets.With regards to the independent variables, we measured working capitalmanagement by using the number of days accounts receivable, number of days of inventory and number of days accounts payable. In this respect, number of days accounts receivable (AR) is calculated as 365 ×[accounts receivable/sales]. This variable represents the average number of days that the firm takes to collect payments from its customers. The higher the value, the higher its investment in accounts receivable.We calculated the number of days of inventory (INV) as 365 ×[inventories/purchases]. This variable reflects the average number of days of stock held by the firm. Longer storage times represent a greater investment in inventory for a particular level of operations.The number of days accounts payable (AP) reflects the average time it takes firms to pay their suppliers. We calculated this as 365 × [accounts payable/purchases]. The higher the value, the longer firms take to settle their payment commitments to their suppliers.Considering these three periods jointly, we estimated the cash conversion cycle(CCC). This variable is calculated as the number of days accounts receivable plus thenumber of days of inventory minus the number of days accounts payable. The longerthe cash conversion cycle, the greater the net investment in current assets, and hence the greater the need for financing of current assets.Together with these variables, we introduced as control variables the size of the firm, the growth in its sales, and its leverage. We measured the size (SIZE) as the logarithm of assets, the sales growth (SGROW) as (Sales1 –Sales0)/Sales0, the leverage(DEBT) as the ratio of debt to liabilities. Dellof (2003) in his study of large Belgian firms also considered the ratio of fixed financial assets to total assets as a control variable. For some firms in his study such assets are a significant part of total assets.However our study focuses on SMEs whose fixed financial assets are less important. In fact, companies in our sample invest little in fixed financial assets (a mean of 3.92 percent, but a median of 0.05 percent). Nevertheless, the results remain unaltered whenwe include this variable.Furthermore, and since good economic conditions tend to be reflected in a firm’sprofitability, we controlled for the evolution of the economic cycle using the variable GDPGR, which measures the annual GDP growth.Current assets and liabilities have a series of distinct characteristics according to the sector of activity in which the firm operates. Thus, Table I reports the return on assets and number of days accounts receivable, days of inventory, and days accounts payable by sector of activity. The mining industry and services sector are the two sectors with the highest return on their assets, with a value of 10 percent. Firms that are dedicated to agriculture, trade (wholesale or retail), transport and public services, are some way behind at 7 percent.With regard to the average periods by sector, we find, as we would expect, that the firms dedicated to the retail trade, with an average period of 38 days, take least time to collect payments from their customers. Construction sector firms grant their customers the longest period in which to pay –more than 145 days. Next, we find mining sector firms, with a number of days accounts receivable of 116 days. We also find that inventory is stored longest in agriculture, while stocks are stored least in the transport and public services sector. In relation to the number of days accounts payable, retailers (56 days) followed by wholesalers (77 days) pay their suppliers earliest. Firms are much slower in the construction and mining sectors, taking more than 140 days on average to pay their suppliers. However, as we have mentioned, these firms also grant their own customers the most time to pay them. Considering all the average periods together, we note that the cash conversion cycle is negative in only one sector – that of transport and public services. This is explained by the short storage times habitual in this sector. In this respect, agricultural and manufacturing firms take the longest time to generate cash (95 and 96 days, respectively), and hence need the most resources to finance their operational funding requirements.Table II offers descriptive statistics about the variables used for the sample as a whole. These are generally small firms, with mean assets of more than €6 milli on; their return on assets is around 8 percent; their number of days accounts receivable is around 96 days; and their number of days accounts payable is very similar: around 97 days. Together with this, the sample firms have seen their sales grow by almost 13percent annually on average, and 24.74 percent of their liabilities is taken up by debt. In the period analyzed (1996-2002) the GDP has grown at an average rate of 3.66 percent in Spain.Source: Pedro Juan García-Teruel and Pedro Martínez-Solano ,2006.“Effects of Working Capital Management on SME Profitability” .International Journal of Managerial Finance ,vol. 3, issue 2, April,pages 164-167.译文:营运资金管理对中小企业的盈利能力的影响公司理财著作历来把注意力集中在了长期财务决策研究,研究者详细的提供了投资决策分析、资本结构、股利分配或公司估值等主题的研究,但是企业投资形成的短期资产和以一年内到期方式使用的资源,表现为公司资产负债表的有关下昂目的主要部分。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Analysis on the Chinese Enterprise Financing Abstract:The main sources of financing for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are equity, trade credit paid on time, long and short term bank credits, delayed payment on trade credit a nd other debt. The marginal costs of each financing instrument are driven by asymmetric informatio n and transactions costs associated with nonpayment. According to the Pecking Order Theory, firms will choose the cheapest source in terms of cost. In the case of the static trade-off theory, firms cho ose finance so that the marginal costs across financing sources are all equal, thus an additional Euro of financing is obtained from all the sources whereas under the Pecking Order Theory the source is determined by how far down the Pecking Order the firm is presently located. In this paper, we argue that both of these theories miss the point that the marginal costs are dependent of the use of the funds, and the asset side of the balance sheet primarily determines the financing source for an additiona l Euro. An empirical analysis on a unique dataset of Portuguese SMEs confirms that the compositio n of the asset side of the balance sheet has an impact of the type of financing used and the Pecking Order Theory and the traditional Static Trade-off theory are rejected.For SME the main sources of financing are equity (internally generated cash), trade credit, ban k credit and other debt. The choice of financing is driven by the costs of the sources which is primar ily determined by costs of solving the asymmetric information problem and the expected costs assoc iated with non-payment of debt. Asymmetric information costs arise from collecting and analysing i nformation to support the decision of extending credit, and the non-payment costs are from collectin g the collateral and selling it to recover the debt. Since SMEs’ management and shareholders are oft en the same person, equity and internally generated funds have no asymmetric information costs and equity is therefore the cheapest source.1 Asset side theory of SME financingIn the previous section we have suggested that SME’s in Portugal are financed using internal g enerated cash, cheap trade credits, long and short-term bank loans and expensive trade credits and o ther loans. In this section the motives behind the different types of financing are discussed.1.1 Cheap Trade creditsThe first external financing source we will discuss is trade-credits. Trade credits are interesting since they represent financial services provided by non-financial firms in competition with financia l intermediaries. The early research within this area focused on the role of trade credits in relation to the credit channel or the so called “Meltzer” effect and in relation to the efficiency of monetary poli cy. The basic idea is that firms with direct access to financial markets, in general large well known firms, issue trade credits to small financially constrained firms . The more recent research breaks the role of trade credits into a strategic motive and financial motive for issuing and using these credits.Strategic motivesThe first theory centers on asymmetric information regarding the firm’s products. Trade credits are offered to the buyers so that the buyer can verify the quantity and quality before submitting pay ments. By offering trade finance the supplier signals to the buyers that they offer products of good q uality. Since small firms, in general, have no reputation then these firms are forced to use trade credi ts to signal the quality of their products. The use of trade credits is therefore driven by asymmetric i nformation of the products and is therefore more likely to be used by small firms, if the buyer has lit tle information about the supplier, or the products are complicated and it is difficult to asses their qu ality.The second strategic motive is pricing. Offering trade finance on favorable terms is the same as a price reduction for the goods. Thus firms can use trade credits to promote sales without officially reducing prices or use them as a tool for price discrimination between different buyers. Trade credit s are most advantageous to risky borrowers since their costs of alternative financing are higher than for borrowers with good credit ratings. Thus trade credits can be used as tool for direct price discrim ination but also as an indirect tool (if all buyers are offered the same terms) in favor of borrowers wi th a low credit standing.Trade credits are also used to develop long term relationships between the supplier and the bu yers. This often manifests itself by the supplier extending the credit period in case the buyer has tem porary financial difficulties. Compared to financial institutions suppliers have better knowledge of t he industry and are therefore better able to judge whether the firm has temporary problems or the problems are of a more permanent nature.The last motive in not strictly a strategic motive but is based on transactions costs. Trade credit s are an efficient way of performing the transactions since it is possible to separate between delivery and payment. In basic terms the truck driver delivering the goods does not have to run around to fin d the person responsible for paying the bills. The buyer also saves transactions costs by reducing the amount of cash required on“hand” .Financing motivesThe basis for this view is that firms compete with financial institutions in offering credit to oth er firms. The traditional view of financial institutions is that they extend credit to firms where asym metric information is a major problem. Financial institutions have advantages in collecting and anal yzing information from, in particular, smaller and medium sized firms that suffer from problems of asymmetric information. The key to this advantage over financial markets lies in the close relations hip between the bank and the firm and in the payment function. The financial institution is able to m onitor the cash inflow and outflows of the firm by monitoring the accounts of the firm.But with trade credits non-financial firms are competing with financial institutions in solving t hese problems and extending credit. How can non-financial institutions compete in this market? Pet ersen and Rajan [1997] briefly discusses several ways that suppliers may have advantages over fina ncial institutions. The supplier has a close working association with the borrower and more frequent ly visits the premises than a financial institution does. The size and timing of the lenders orders with the supplier provides information about the conditions of the borrowers business. Notice that this in formation is available to the supplier before it is available to the financial institution since the financ ial institution has to wait for the cash flow associated with the orders. The use of early payment discounts provides the supplier with an indication of problems with creditworthiness in the firm. Again t he supplier obtains the information before the financial institution does. Thus the supplier may be a ble to obtain information about the creditworthiness faster and cheaper than the financial institution.The supplier may also have advantages in collecting payments. If the supplier has at least a loc al monopoly for the goods then the ability to withhold future deliveries is a powerful incentive for t he firm to pay. This is a particular powerful threat if the borrower only accounts for a small fraction of the suppliers business. In case of defaults the supplier can seize the goods and in general has a be tter use for them than a financial intermediary sizing the same goods. Through its sales network the supplier can sell the reclaimed goods faster and at a higher price than what is available to a financial intermediary. These advantages, of course, depend on the durability of the goods and how much the borrower has transformed them.If asymmetric information is one of the driving forces the explanation of trade credits then fir ms can use the fact that their suppliers have issued them credits in order to obtain additional credit f rom the banks. The banks are aware that the supplier has better information thus the bank can use tr ade credits as signal of the credit worthiness of the firm.That trade credits are in general secured by the goods delivered also puts a limit on the amount of trade credits the firm can obtain, thus the firm cannot use trade credits to finance the entire operat ions of the firm.In summary the prediction is that the level of asymmetric information isrelatively low between the providers of trade credit and the borrowers due to the issuer’s general knowledge of the firm and the industry. In the empirical work below the variables explaining the use of trade credit are credit r isk factors and Cost of Goods Sold. Since these trade credits are secured by the materials delivered to the firm, firms cannot “borrow” for more than the delivery value of the goods and services.1.2 Bank loansBanks have less information than providers of trade credit and the costs of gathering informati on are also higher for banks than for providers of trade credit. Providers of trade credits also have a n advantage over banks in selling the collateral they have themselves delivered, but due to their size and number of transactions banks have an advantage in selling general collateral such as buildings, machinery etc. Banks therefore prefer to issue loans using tangible assets as collateral, also due to a symmetric information, they are less likely to issue loans to more opaque firms such as small and hi gh growth firms. Banks are therefore willing to lend long term provided that tangible assets are avai lable for collateral. In the empirical work below tangible assets and credit risk variables are expecte d to explain the use of long-term bank loans and the amount of long-term bank loans are limited by the value of tangible assets.The basis for issuing Short Term Bank Loans is the comparative advantages banks have in eval uating and collecting on accounts receivables, i.e. Debtors. It is also possible to use Cash and Cash equivalents as collateral but banks do not have any comparative advantages over other providers of credit in terms of evaluating and collecting these since they consist of cash and marketable securitie s. In terms of inventories, again banks do not have any comparative advantages in evaluating these. Thus, we expect the amounts of debtors to be the key variable in explaining the behaviour of Short Term Bank Loans.1.3 Expensive trade credit and other loansAfter other sources of finance have been exhausted firms can delay payment on their trade cred its. However, this is expensive since it involves giving up the discount and maybe incurs penalty payments. Also the use of this type of credit can have reputational costs and it may be difficult to obtai n trade credit in the future. The nature of the costs, of course, depends on the number of suppliers, if there is only one supplier then these costs can be rather high whereas if the firm can obtain the sam e goods and services from other suppliers then these costs are not particularly high.Other debt is composed of credit card debt, car loans etc. that are dearer than bank loans. Again , the variables determining this type of debt are financial health and performance. Below, however, we do not have any good information regarding these types of loans and what they consists of thus we pay little attention to them in the empirical work.ConclusionsCurrently there exist two theories of capital structure The Pecking Order Theory where firms fi rst exhaust all funding of the cheapest source first, then the second cheapest source and so on. The d ifferences in funding costs are due to adverse selection costs from asymmetric information. The sec ond theory is the Tradeoff .Theory where firms increase the amount of debt as long as the benefits are greater than the costs from doing so. The benefits of debt are tax-shields and “positive agency c osts” and the costs of debt are the expected bankruptcy costs and the “negative agency costs”. In bot h of these theories, the composition of the asset side of the balance sheet is not important and in this paper, that proposition is strongly rejected. So the main conclusion is that the composition of the as set side of the balance sheet influences the composition of the liability side of the balance sheet in te rms of the different types of debt used to finance the firm, or that the use of the funds is important in deciding the type of financing available.We further argue that it is asymmetric information and collateral that determines the relationshi p between the asset side and liability side of the balance sheet. The theory works reasonable well forCheap Trade Credits and Long Term Bank Loans but the tests for Short Term Bank Loans are disap pointing.Source: Jan Bartholdy, Cesario Mateus, “Financing of SMEs”.London businessreview. 2007(9).pp.43-45中国企业融资分析摘要:中小企业融资的主要来源有:股权融资、按时兑现的贸易信贷融资、中长期银行信贷融资、延迟兑现的贸易信贷融资以及其他债务融资,每种融资方式的边际成本取决于与其滞纳金相关的信息不对称成本和交易成本。
现代企业财务管理中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Discussion on the Modern Enterprise Financial ControlRyanDavidson ,JennyGoodwin-Stewart ,PamelaKentThis paper discusses the The modern enterprise is becoming China's economic development in the process of an important new force. However, with the modern enterprise investment on the scale of the expansion and extension of the growing investment levels, the modern enterprise financial control is becoming increasingly urgent. This is common in state-owned enterprise groups and private enterprise groups, a common predicament. At present, the modern enterprise is becoming China's enterprises to compete in the international market, the leading force. In a market economy under the conditions of modern business success or failure depends largely on the Group's financial management and financial control is a modern enterprise financial management of the link. Many of the modern enterprise bystrengthening the financial control so that the Group significant increase efficiency, and even some loss-making by strengthening the financial control of the modern enterprise to enable companies to achieve profitability. In this paper, expounding China's modern enterprises the main problems of financial control, based on the choice of financial control method was summarized and analyzed the content of the modern enterprise financial controls, the final resolution of the financial control mode selected key factors for the modern enterprise the improvement of financial control to provide a degree of meaningful views.1 IntroductionWith China's accession to WTO, China's enterprise groups must be on the world stage to compete with TNCs from developed countries. At present the development of enterprise groups in China is not satisfactory, although there are national policies and institutional reasons, but more important is its financial management in particular, caused by inadequate financial controls. For a long time, China's enterprise group cohesion is not strong, their respective subsidiaries within the Group for the array, can not play the whole advantage; redundant construction and haphazard introduction of frequent, small investments, decentralized prominent problem: financial management is chaotic, resulting in frequent loss of control, a waste of money the phenomenon of serious; ineffective financial control, financial management loopholes. In recent years, enterprise group's financial control has been our country's financial circles. In short, the problem of exploration in our country has obvious practical significance. Clearly, China's modern enterprise financial controls are the main problem is to solve the problem of financial control method based on the choice of financial control method is the key financial control of the modern enterprise content is content, while the financial control method of choice is the ultimate ownership of the main factors that point, This train of thought here on the modern enterprise's financial control method were analyzed.2. An overview of the modern enterprise financial controlInternal control over financial control is an important part, is a subsidiary of parent company control of an important part of its financial management system is the core of. The concept of modern enterprise financial controls in accordance with the traditional definition, financial control refers to the "Financial Officers (sector) through the financial regulations, financial systems, financial scale, financial planning goals of capital movement (or the daily financial activities, and cash flow) for guidance, organization, supervision and discipline, to ensure that the financial plan (goals) to achieve the management activities. financial control is an important part of financial management or basic functions, and financial projections, financial decision-making, financial analysis and evaluation together with a financial management system or all the functions.The modern enterprise's financial control is in the investor's ownership and corporate property rights based on the generated surrounding the Group's overallobjective, using a variety of financial means, the members of the enterprise's economic activities, regulation, guidance, control and supervision, so that it Management Group's development activities are consistent with the overall goal of maintaining the group as a whole. Financial control is a power to control one side of the side control, inevitably based on one or several powers. Financial control is essentially related to the interests of enterprises in the organization, the conduct of control, namely, by controlling the financial activities of the assets, personnel actions, to coordinate the objectives of the parties to ensure that business goals. The modern enterprise financial control includes two aspects: the owner funded financial control and corporate managers financial control. From the donors point of view, the essence of the modern enterprise is characterized by investor and corporate property rights of ownership and separation. Investors will invest its capital to the enterprise after their capital combined with debt capital, constitute the enterprise's capital, the formation of corporate business assets is funded by corporate property, then lost direct control over the funders in order to achieve itsCapital maintenance and appreciation of the goal, only through control of its capital manipulation of corporate assets in order to achieve the maximum capital value donors. The control of capital controls is an important property is the prerequisite and foundation for financial control. From the perspective of internal management of enterprises and its financial control target is the legal property of its operations.3 China's modern enterprises the main problems of financial controlAt present, the modern enterprise is becoming China's enterprises to compete in the international market, the leading force. In a market economy under the conditions of modern business success or failure depends largely on the Group's financial management and financial control is a modern enterprise financial management of the link. China's modern enterprise financial controls are still in the stage to be further improved, to varying degrees, there are some urgent need to address the problem:3.1 Financial control set decentralized model of polarization, low efficiencyIn the financial control of the set of decentralized model, China's modern enterprise polarization. The current group of financial control either over-centralization of power, the members of the business has no legal status as a subsidiary factory or workshop, the group is seen as a big business management, leadership financial rights absolute; or excessive decentralization, a large number of decentralized financial control to a subsidiary, any of its free development.In addition, the modern enterprise financial control system suited the needs of a market economy, financial control and flexibility of principle there is no organic unity. If the subordinate enterprises, with few financial decision-making power, then the temporary financial problems occur at every level always reported to the Group'sheadquarters, and then from the headquarters down the implementation of the decision-making at every level, so it is easy to miss market opportunities. On the contrary, when the subsidiary of financial decision-making power is too large, they easily lead to financial decision-making blind and mistakes, not only for the Group's staff to participate in market competition, failed to exercise any decision-making role, but will also become a competitor to the market to provide a tool for competitive information, hinder the the further development of enterprises.3.2 One of the lack of financial contro lFinancial control in accordance with the owner of intention, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, systems and standards, through certain financial activities and financial relations, and financial activities to promote all aspects of the financial requirements in accordance with a code of conduct to conduct his activities. From China's current situation, the financial control of a modern enterprise mainly focused on ex post facto control, is often the lack of critical pre-budget and to control things. Many modern enterprises, after a decision is in advance, for further financial control tended to focus on the annual profit plan, to meet on the development of a full-year sales revenue, cost, target profit, and several other overarching objectives, without further specific decision-making technology to compile for control and management, according to the month, quarterly, annual financial budget. Therefore, the interim budget and thus difficult to compare operating performance is a matter to control the empty words. As for the ex post facto control, although based on the year-end assessment of the needs and to get some attention, they can still profit in the annual plan, based on the relevant accounting information barely supported by whom, but the effects are pretty effective. Since the ex ante control may not be effective, so subordinate enterprises throughout the implementation process of decision-making are largely outside the core business of financial control, divorced from the core business of financial control.Modern enterprises themselves do not establish a parent-subsidiary link up the financial control mechanisms, financial control their own ways, the parent company of the modern enterprise can not come to the unified arrangement of a strategic investment and financing activities, the group blindly expand the scale of investment, poor investment structure, external borrowing out of control, financial structure is extremely weak, once the economic downturn or product sales are sluggish, there barriers to capital flows, the Group into trouble when they become addicted. An internal financial assessment indicators are too single, not fully examine the performance of subsidiaries. A considerable number of modern enterprise's internal assessment targets only the amount of the contract amount and profit 2.3.3 regardless of the financial and accounting functions, institutional settings are not standardizedAt present, China's financial and accounting sector enterprises are usually joined together, such a body set up under the traditional planned economic system, stillcapable to meet the management needs, but the requirements of modern enterprise system, its shortcomings exposed. Manifested in: (1) financial services targeted at business owners, it is the specific operation and manipulation of objects is the enterprise's internal affairs, while the accounting of clients within the enterprise and external stakeholders, would provide open accounting information must reflect the "true and fair" principle. Will be different levels of clients and flexibility in a merger of two tasks, will inevitably lead to interference with the financial flexibility of the fairness of accounting. (2) The financial sector is committed to the financial planning, financial management, the arduous task, but flexible in its mandate, procedures and time requirements more flexible, but assume that the accounting information collection, processing, reporting and other accounting work, and flexibility in work assignments weak, procedures and time requirements more stringent and norms. If the enterprises, especially in modern enterprises to financial management and accounting work are mixed together, is likely to cause more "rigid" in accounting work runs more "flexible" financial management is difficult to get rid of long-standing emphasis on accounting, financial management light situation.3.4 irregularities in the operation of a modern enterprise fundsAt present, the modern enterprise fund operation of the following problems: First, a serious fragmentation of the modern enterprise funds. Some of the modern enterprise have not yet exceeded a certain link between the contractual relationship to conduct capital, operating, and its essence is still the executive order virtual enterprise jointly form of intra-group members are still strict division of spheres of influence, difficult to achieve centralized management of funds, unification deployment of large groups is difficult to play the role of big money. Second, the stock of capital make an inventory of modern enterprise poor results. Result of the planned economy under the "re-output, light efficiency, re-extension, light content, re-enter, light output" of inertia, making the enterprise carrying amount of funds available to make an inventory of large, but the actual make an inventory of room for small, thus affecting the to the effect of the stock of capital. Third, the modern enterprise funds accumulated a lot of precipitation.3.5 Internal audit exists in name onlyAt present, enterprises in the financial monitoring of internal audit work to become a mere formality process. The first formal audit management. Hyundai organized every year in different forms of audit, has become a fixed procedure, but because the internal audit staff and the audited entity at the same level, thus in the company's financial problems can not get to the bottom, just a form of and going through the motions. This audit not only failed to exercise any oversight role, to some extent encouraged the small number of staff violations of law. Second, nothing of audit responsibilities. Internal audit is a modern enterprise group commissioned by the audit staff members of Corporate Finance to conduct inspection and supervision process, and therefore the auditors have had an important mandate and responsibilities. But in reality, become a form of audit work, audit officers, whether seriously or not, are notrequired to bear the responsibility, thus making the audit is inadequate supervision. Third, the audit results and falsified. Audit results should be true and can be *, but in reality the different audit bodies of the same company during the same period of the audit, results are often different, and a far cry from, these are false true performance of the audit findings.4. Selected financial control model should be considered a major factor Generally speaking, the modern enterprise selects the financial control mode, the main consideration should be given these factors: equity concentration, a subsidiary of the degree of influence of the parent company financial strategy, organizational structure, development strategy, the group scale.From the group-level point of view, the parent company of the subsidiaries of the associated control to be strict control of the company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the control to be strict control of the relatively holding subsidiaries, therefore, the parent company of the wholly owned subsidiary of and advantages of holding subsidiaries with centralized control, the quality holding subsidiaries and any shares of a subsidiary of the separation of powers system. To maintain and enhance the core competitiveness of modern enterprises of different degree of importance of a subsidiary should be taken to a different control mode. Have a significant impact on the subsidiary, the parent company must maintain a high degree of centralized control and management right, even partially, the separation of powers must be confined within the framework of centralized; right with the Group's development strategy, core competencies, core business and for the foreseeable the future development of relations in general, a subsidiary of little impact, from improving management efficiency, play to their enthusiasm and enhance the resilience of the market competition point of view, using decentralized type of management system, a better option.From the organizational structure point of view, U-type structure is a typical centralized structure, and accordingly, its financial control model should also be authoritarian style. H-is an organic organizational structure, a more loose linkages between various departments, departments have greater flexibility in the organization structure, with decentralized financial control model is more suitable, while the M-type structure belonging to phase Rong-type organizational structure, so the use of centralized financial control model can be used either decentralized model.From the operating characteristics of point of view, the different characteristics of the modern enterprise management, financial control mode selection will be different. And integration operations in a single case, all units within the group has a great business contacts, financial control naturally require higher degree of centralization.Enterprises to adopt diversification, because each subsidiary where the industry is different from the operational linkages between the various subsidiaries is relatively small, difficult to implement a modern enterprise integrated centralized control, and therefore the financial control of all subsidiaries should be given to the appropriate authority.From the development stage point of view, the modern enterprises in the different stages of development, in order to meet the needs of business development will take a different mode of financial control. Generally speaking, companies in the early stages of the development of small, relatively simple operations, using centralized financial control mode, you can better play the same decision-making and resource integration advantages in the industry has created a scale. With the continuous expansion of company size, business areas and constantly open up, Centralized financial control mode can not meet the company's financial controls and management methods on the need for diversification, and this time, we need more subsidiaries in all aspects of and more authority, so that the financial control model of a modern enterprise gradually to decentralized development.In addition, the financial control model should be subject to the enterprise's development strategy, fully reflects the company's strategic thinking. The company's development strategy can be divided into stable angina strategy, expansion-type strategy, tight-based strategies and hybrid strategies. Enterprises at different stages of the strategic choice of a particular need for financial control in accordance with * a different pattern. Stable implementation of the strategy is usually within the company can be a high degree of centralization of some; to implement expansionary strategy, companies tend to a more flexible decentralized type control mode to suit their developing needs of the market; the implementation of tight-based company's business strategy, all major financial activities must be strictly controlled, thus emphasizing centralization; hybrid strategy for the implementation of the company, it should be operated according to the characteristics of each subsidiary to take a different control mode.References:[1] Han Wei mold. Finance and Accounting Review of regulatory hot spots [M]. Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2004[2] Lin Zhong-gao. Financial governance. Beijing: Economic Management Publishing House [M], 2005[3] Yan Li Ye. Xu Xing-US; Enterprise Group Financial Control Theory and Its Implications, economics, dynamic [J], 2006[4] Lu Jie. 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中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)On Certain EnterpriseLow-Value Consumption Management Method Low-value consumption goods management is the process of efficiently o verseeing the constant flow of units into and out of an existing Low-value consumption goods. This process usually involves controlling the transfe r in of units in order to prevent the Low-value consumption goods from b ecoming too high, or dwindling to levels that could put the operation of th e company into jeopardy. Competent Low-value consumption goods man agement also seeks to control the costs associated with the Low-value con sumption goods, both from the perspective of the total value of the goods included and the tax burden generated by the cumulative value of the Low-value consumption goods.Balancing the various tasks of Low-value consumption goods manageme nt means paying attention to three key aspects of any Low-value consump tion goods. The first aspect has to do with time. In terms of materials acq uired for inclusion in the total Low-value consumption goods, this means understanding how long it takes for a supplier to process an order and exe cute a delivery. Low-value consumption goods management also demand s that a solid understanding of how long it will take for those materials to transfer out of the Low-value consumption goods be established. Knowin g these two important lead times makes it possible to know when to place an order and how many units must be ordered to keep production runnin g smoothly.Calculating what is known as buffer stock is also key to effective Low-va lue consumption goods management. Essentially, buffer stock is additiona l units above and beyond the minimum number required to maintain prod uction levels. For example, the manager may determine that it would be a good idea to keep one or two extra units of a given machine part on hand , just in case an emergency situation arises or one of the units proves to be defective once installed. Creating this cushion or buffer helps to minimiz e the chance for production to be interrupted due to a lack of essential par ts in the operation supply Low-value consumption goods.Low-value consumption goods management is not limited to documenting the delivery of raw materials and the movement of those materials into operational process. The movement of those materials as they go through the various stages of the operation is also important. Typically known as a goods or work in progress Low-value consumption goods, tracking mater ials as they are used to create finished goods also helps to identify the nee d to adjust ordering amounts before the raw materials Low-value consum ption goods gets dangerously low or is inflated to an unfavorable level.。
企业环境管理—基于市场奖励的管理Madhu Khanna and Wilma Rose Q. Anton企业保护环境的办法已经从被规章条例驱动的被动模式演变为积极主动的方式,即通过自愿管理做法,将环境问题与传统的管理职能结合起来。
附录【原文】Upgrading in Global Value ChainsThe aim of this paper is to explore how small- and medium-sized Latin American enterprises ( SMEs) may participate in global markets in a way that provides for sustainable growth. This may be defined a s the ‘‘highroad’’ to competitiveness, contrasting with the ‘‘low road,’’ typical of firms from developing countries, which often compete by squeezing wages and profit margins rather than by improving productivity, wages, and profits. The key difference between the high and the low road to competitiveness is often explained by the different capabilities of firms to ‘‘upgrade.’ In this paper, upgrading refers to the capacity of a firm to innovate to increase the value added of its products and processes (Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002a; Kaplinsky&Readman, 2001; Porter, 1990).Capitalizing on one of the most productive areas of the recent literature on SMEs, we restrict our field of research to small enterprises located in clusters. There is now a wealth ofempirical evidence (Humphrey, 1995; Nadvi &Schmitz, 1999; Rabellotti, 1997) showing that small firms in clusters, both in developed and developing countries, are able to over come some of the major constraints they usually face: lack of specialized skills, difficult access to technology, inputs, market, information, credit, and external services. Nevertheless, the literature on clusters, mainly focused on the local sources of competitiveness coming from intracluster vertical and horizontal relationships generating ‘‘collective efficiency’’ (Schmitz, 1995), has often neglected the increasing importance of external link ages. Due to recent changes in production systems, distribution channels, and financial markets, and to the spread of information technologies, enterprises and clusters are increasingly integrated in value chains that often operate across many different countries. The literature on global value chains (GVCs) (Gereffi, 1999; Gereffi& Kaplinsky, 2001) calls attention to the opportunities for local producers to learn from the global leaders of the chains that may be buyers or1producers. The internal governance of the value chain has an important effect on the scope of local firms’ upgrading (Humphrey& Schmitz, 2000).Indeed, extensive evidence on Latin America reveals that both the local and the global dimensions matter, and firms often participate in clusters as well as in value chains (Pietrobelli& Rabellotti, 2004). Both forms of organization offer opportunities to foster competitiveness via learning and upgrading. However, they also have remarkable drawbacks, as, for instance, upgrading may be limited in some forms of value chains, and clusters with little developed external economies and joint actions may have no influence on competitiveness.Moreover, both strands of literature were conceived and developed to overcome the sectoral dimension in the analysis of industrial organization and dynamism. On the one hand, studies on clusters, focusing on agglomerations of firms specializing in different stages of the filie′re, moved beyond the traditional units of analysis of industrial economics: the firm and the sector. On the other hand, according to the value chain literature, firms from different sectors may all participate in the same value chain (Gereffi, 1994). Nevertheless, SMEs located in clusters and involved in value chains, may undertake a process of upgrading in order to increase and improve their participation in the global economy, especially as the industrial sector plays a role and affects the upgrading prospects of SMEs.The contribution this paper makes is by taking into account all of these dimensions together. Thus, within this general theoretical background, this study aims to investigate the hypothesis that enterprise upgrading is simultaneously affected by firm-specific efforts and actions, and by the environment in which firms operate. The latter is crucially shaped by three characteristics: (i) the collective efficiency of the cluster in which SMEs operate, (ii) the pattern of governance of the value chain in which SMEs participate, and (iii) the peculiar features that characterize learning and innovation patterns in specific sectors.The structure of the paper is the following: in Section 2, we briefly review the concepts of clustering and value chains, and focus on their overlaps and complementarities. Section 3 first discusses the notion of SMEs’ upgrading and thenintroduces a categorization of groups of sectors, based on the notions underlying the Pavitt taxonomy, and applied to the present economic reality of Latin America. Section 4reports the original empirical evidence on a large sample of Latin American clusters, and shows that the sectoral dimension matters to explain why clustering and participating in global value chains offer different opportunities for upgrading in different groups of sectors. Section5 summarizes and concludes.2. CLUSTERS AND VALUE CHAINSDuring the last two decades, the successful performance of industrial districts in the developed world, particularly in Italy, has stimulated new attention to the potential offered by this form of industrial organization for firms of developing countries. The capability of clustered firms to be economically viable and grow has attracted a great deal of interest in development studies. 1In developing countries, the sectoral and geographical concentration of SMEs is rather common, and a wide range of cases has since been reported. 2 Obviously, the existence of acritical mass of specialized and agglomerated activities, in a number of cases with historically strong roots, does not necessarily imply that these clusters share all the stylized facts which identify the Marshall type of district, as firstly defined by Becattini (1987). 3 Nonetheless, clustering may be considered as a major facilitating factor for a number of subsequent developments (which may or may not occur): division and specialization of labor, the emergence of a wide network of suppliers, the appearance of agents who sell to distant national and international markets, the emergence of specialized producer services, the materialization of a pool of specialized and skilled workers, and the formation of business associations.To capture the positive impacts of these factors on the competitiveness of firms located in clusters,Schmitz (1995)introduced the concept of ‘‘collective efficiency’’ (CE) defined as the competitive advantage derived from local external economies and joint action. The concept of external economies 4 was first introduced by Marshall in his Principles of Economics(1920). According to Schmitz (1999a), incidental external economies (EE) are of importance in explaining the competitiveness of industrial clusters, but there is also a deliberate force at work: consciously pursued joint action(JA).Such joint action can be within vertical or horizontal linkages. 5The combination of both incidental external economies and the effects of active cooperation defines the degree of collective efficiency of a cluster and, dynamically, its potential for fostering SMEs’ upgrading. Both dimensions are crucial: Only incidental, passive external economies may not suffice without joint actions, and the latter hardly develop in the absence of external economies. Thus, our focus is on the role of intracluster vertical and horizontal relationships generating collective efficiency.However, recent changes in production systems, distribution channels and financial markets, accelerated by the globalization of product markets and the spread of information technologies, suggest that more attention needs to be paid to external linkages. 6 Gereffi’s global value chain approach (Gereffi, 1999) helps us to take into account activities taking place outside the cluster and, in particular, to understand the strategic role of the relationships with key external actors.From an analytical point of view, the value chain perspective is useful because (Kaplinsky,2001; Wood, 2001) the focus moves from manufacturing only to the other activities involved in the supply of goods and services, including distribution and marketing. All these activities contribute to add value. Moreover, the ability to identify the activities providing higher returns along the value chain is key to understanding the global appropriation of the returns to production.Value chain research focuses on the nature of the relationships among the various actors involved in the chain, and on their implications for development (Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002b). To study these relationships, the concept of ‘‘governance’’ is central to the analysis. At any point in the chain, some degree of governance or coordination is required in order to take decisions not only on ‘‘what’’ should be, or ‘‘how’’ something should be, produced but sometimes also ‘‘when,’’ ‘‘how much,’’ and even ‘‘at what price.’’ Coordination may occur through arm’s-length market relations or non market relationships. In the latter case, following Humphrey and Schmitz (2000), we distinguish three possible types of governance:(a) network implying cooperation4between firms of more or less equal power which share their competencies within the chain; (b) quasi-hierarchy involving relationships between legally independent firms in which one is subordinated to the other, with a leader in the chain defining the rules to which the rest of the actors have to comply; and (c) hierarchy when a firm is owned by an external firm.Also stressed is the role played by GVC leaders, particularly by the buyers, in transferring knowledge along the chains. For small firms in less developed countries (LDCs), participation in value chains is a way to obtain information on the need and mode to gain access to global markets. Yet, although this information has high value for local SMEs, the role played by the leaders of GVCs in fostering and supporting the SMEs’ upgrading process is less clear.Gereffi (1999), mainly focusing on East Asia, assumes a rather optimistic view, emphasizing the role of the leaders that almost automatically promote process, product, and functional upgrading among small local producers.Pietrobelli and Rabellotti (2004)present a more differentiated picture for Latin America.In line with the present approach, Humphrey and Schmitz (2000) discuss the prospects of upgrading with respect to the pattern of value chain governance. They conclude that insertion in a quasi-hierarchical chain offers very favorable conditions for process and product upgrading, but hinders functional upgrading. Networks offer ideal upgrading conditions, but they are the least likely to occur for developing country producers. In addition, a more dynamic approach suggests that chain governance is not given forever and may change because(Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002b): (a) power relationships may evolve when existing producers, or their spin offs, acquire new capabilities;(b) establishing and maintaining quasi-hierarchical governance is costly for the lead firm and leads to inflexibility because of transaction specific investments; and (c) firms and cluster soften do not operate only in one chain but simultaneously in several types of chains, and they may apply competencies learned in one chain to supply other chains.In sum, both modes of organizing production, that is, the cluster and the value chain, offer interesting opportunities for the upgrading and modernization of localfirms, and are not mutually exclusive alternatives. However, in order to assess their potential contribution to local SMEs’ innovation and upgrading, we need to understand their organization of inter firm linkages and their internal governance. Furthermore, as we explain in the following section, the nature of their dominant specialization also plays a role and affects SMEs’ upgrading prospects.3. THE SECTORAL DIMENSION OFSMEs’ UPGRADING(a) The concept of upgradingThe concept of upgrading—making better products, making them more efficiently, or moving in to more skilled activities—has often been used in studies on competitiveness (Kaplinsky,2001; Porter, 1990), and is relevant here.Following this approach, upgrading is decisively related to innovation. Here we define upgrading as innovating to increase value added. 7 Enterprises achieve this in various ways, such as, for example, by entering higher unit value market niches or new sectors, or by undertaking new productive (or service) functions. The concept of upgrading may be effectively described for enterprises working within a value chain, where four types of upgrading are singled out (Humphrey & Schmitz, 2000):—Process upgrading is transforming inputs into outputs more efficiently by reorganizing the production system or introducing superior technology (e.g., footwear producers in the Sinos Valley; Schmitz, 1999b).—Product upgrading is moving into more sophisticated product lines in terms of increased unit values (e.g., the apparel commodity chain in Asia upgrading from discount chains to department stores; Gereffi,1999).—Functional upgrading is acquiring new, superior functions in the chain, such as design or marketing or abandoning existing low-value added functions to focus on higher value added activities (e.g., Torreon’s blue jeans industry upgrading from maquila to ‘‘full-package’’ manufacturing; Bair&Gereffi, 2001).—Inter sectoral upgrading is applying the competence acquired in a particular function to move into a new sector. For instance, in Taiwan, competence in producing TVs was used to make monitors and then to move into the computer sector (Guerrierichain implies going up on the value ladder, moving away from activities in which competitionis of the ‘‘low road’’ type and entry barriers are low.Our focus on upgrading requires moving a step forw ard and away from Ricardo’s static concept of ‘‘Comparative Advantage’’ (CA). While CA registers ex-post gaps in relative productivity which determine international trade flows, success in firmlevel upgrading enables the dynamic acquisition of competitiveness in new market niches, sectors or phases of the productive chain (Lall, 2001; Pietrobelli, 1997). In sum, the logic goes from innovation, to upgrading, to the acquisition of firm-level competitiveness(i.e., competitive advantage). 8In this paper, we argue that the concept of competitive advantage increasingly matters. In the theory of comparative advantage, what matters is relative productivity, determining different patterns of inter industry specialization. Within such a theoretical approach, with perfectly competitive markets, firms need to target only production efficiency. In fact, this is not enough, and competitive advantage is the relevant concept to analyze SMEs’ performance because of (i) the existence of forms of imperfect competition in domestic and international markets and (ii) the presence of different degrees of (dynamic) externalities in different subsect or sand stages of the value chain.More specifically, in non perfectly competitive market rents and niches of ‘‘extra- normal’’ profits often emerge, and this explains the efforts to enter selectively specific segments rather than simply focusing on efficiency improvements, regardless of the prevailing productive specialization (as advocated by the theory of CA). Moreover, different stages in the value chain offer different scope for dynamic externalities. Thus, for example, in traditional manufacturing, the stages of design, product innovation, marketing, and distribution may all foster competitiveness increases in related activities and sectors. The advantage of functional upgrading is in reducing the fragility and vulnerability of an enterprise’s productive specialization. Competition from new entrants—i.e., firms from developing countries with lower production costs, crowding out incumbents—is stronger in the manufacturing phases of the value chain than in other more knowledge and organization-intensive phases (e.g., product designand innovation, chain management, distribution and retail, etc.).Therefore, functional upgrading may bring about more enduring and solid competitiveness.For all these reasons, the concept of production efficiency is encompassed withinthe broader concept of competitiveness, and the efforts to upgrade functionally and inter sectorally (and the policies to support these processes) are justified to reap larger rents and externalities emerging in specific stages of the value chain, market niches,or sectors.An additional element that crucially affects the upgrading prospects of firms and clusters is the sectoral dimension. Insofar as we have defined upgrading as innovating to increase value added, then all the factors influencing innovation acquire a new relevance. This dimension is often overlooked in studies on clusters, perhaps due to the fact that most of these studies are not comparative but rather detailed intra industry case studies.In order to take into account such a sectoral dimension, and the effect this may have on the firms’ p attern of innovation and learning, we need to introduce the concept of ‘‘tacit knowledge.’’ This notion was first introduced by Polanyi(1967) and then discussed in the context of evolutionary economics by Nelson and Winter(1982). It refers to the evidence that some aspects of technological knowledge are well articulated, written down in manuals and papers, and taught. Others are largely tacit, mainly learned through practice and practical examples. In essence, this is knowledge which can be freely used by its owners, but that can not be easily expressed and communicated to anyone else.The tacit component of technological knowledge makes its transfer and application costly and difficult. As a result, the mastery of a technology may require an organization to be active in the earlier stages of its development, and a close and continuous interaction between the user and the producer—or transfer—of such knowledge. Inter firm relationships are especially needed in this context. Tacit knowledge is an essential dimension to define a useful grouping of economic activities.(b) Sectoral specificities in upgrading and innovation: a classification for Latin8American countriesThe impact of collective efficiency and patterns of governance on the capacity of SMEs to upgrade may differ across sectors. This claim is based upon the consideration that sectoral groups differ in terms of technological complexity and in the modes and sources of innovation and upgrading. 9 As shown by innovation studies, in some sectors, vertical relations with suppliers of inputs may be particularly important sources of product and process upgrading (as in the case of textiles and the most traditional manufacturing), while in other sectors, technology users, organizations such as universities or the firms themselves (as, for example, with software or agro industrial products) may provide major stimuli for technical change (Pavitt,1984; Von Hippel, 1987).Consistently with this approach, the properties of firm knowledge bases across different sectors (Malerba & Orsenigo, 1993) 10 mayaffect the strategic relevance of collective efficiencyfor the processes of upgrading in clusters. Thus, for example, in traditional manufacturing sectors, technology has important tacit and idiosyncratic elements, and therefore, upgrading strongly depends on the intensity of technological externalities and cooperation among local actors (e.g., firms, research centers, and technology and quality diffusion centers), in other words, upgrading depends on the degree of collective efficiency. While in other groups (e.g., complex products or large natural resource-based firms) technology is more codified and the access to external sources of knowledge such as transnational corporations(TNCs, or research laboratories located in developed countries become more critical for upgrading. Furthermore, the differences across sectoral groups raise questions on the role of global buyers in fostering (or hindering) the upgrading in different clusters. Thus, for example, global buyers may be more involved and interested in their providers’ upgrading if the technology required is mainly tacit and requires intense interaction. Moreover, in traditional manufacturing industries, characterized by a low degree of technological complexity, firms are likely to be included in GVCs even if they have very low technological capabilities. Therefore, tight supervision and direct support become necessary conditions for global buyers who rely on the competencies of theirlocal suppliers and want to reduce the risk of non compliance(Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002b). The situation is at the opposite extreme in the case of complex products, where technology is often thoroughly codified and the technological complexity requires that firms have already internal technological capabilities to be subcontracted, otherwise large buyers would not contract them at all.In order to take into account the above-mentioned hypotheses, we develop a sectoral classification, adapting existing taxonomies to the Latin American case. 11 On the basis of Pavitt’s seminal work (1984), we consider that in Latin America, in- house R&D activities are very low both in domestic and foreign firms (Archibugi& Pietrobelli, 2003), domestic inter sectoral linkages have been displaced by trade liberalization(Cimoli & Katz, 2002), and university-industry linkages appear to be still relatively weak (Arocena & Sutz, 2001). 12 Furthermore, in the past 10 years,Latin America has deepened its productive specialization in resource based sectors and has weakened its position in more engineering intensive industries (Katz,2001), reflecting its rich endowment of natural resources, relatively more than human and technical resources (Wood & Berge, 1997).Hence, we retain Pavitt’s key notions and identify four main sectoral groups for Latin America on the basis of the way learning and upgrading occur, and on the related industrial organization that most frequently prevails. 13The categories are as follows:1. Traditional manufacturing, mainly labor intensive and ‘‘traditional’’ technology industries such as textiles, footwear, tiles, and furniture;2. Natural resource-based sectors (NRbased),implying the direct exploitation of natural resources, for example, copper, marble, fruit, etc.;3. Complex products industries (COPs), including, among others, automobiles, autocomponents and aircraft industries, ICT and consumer electronics;4. Specialized suppliers, in our LA cases, essentially software.Each of these categories tends to have a predominant learning and innovating behavior, in terms of main sources of technical change, dependence on basic or applied research, modes of in-house innovation (e.g., ‘‘routinized’’ versus large R&D laboratories), tacitness or codified nature of knowledge, scale and relevance of R&D activity, and appropriability ofinnovation(Table 1).Traditional manufacturing and resource-based sectors are by far the most present in Latin America, and therefore especially relevant toour present aims of assessing SMEs’ potential for upgrading within clusters and value chains. Traditional manufacturing is defined as supplier dominated, because major process innovations are introduced by producers of inputs (e.g., machinery, materials, etc.). Indeed, firm shave room to upgrade their products (and processes)by developing or imitating new products’ designs, often interacting with large buyers that increasingly play a role in shaping the design of final products and hence the specificities of the process of production (times, quality standards, and costs).Natural resource-based sectors crucially rely on the advancement of basic and applied science, which, due to low appropriability conditions, is most often undertaken by public research institutes, possibly in connection with producers (farmers, breeders, etc.). 14 In these sectors, applied research is mainly carried out by input suppliers (i.e., chemicals, machinery, etc.) which achieve economies of scale and appropriate the results of their research through patents.Complex products are defined as ‘‘high cost, engineering-intensive products, subsystems, or constructs supplied by a unit of production’’ (Hobday, 1998), 15 where the local network is normally anchored to one ‘‘assembler,’’ which operates as a leading firm characterized by high design and technological capabilities. To our aims, the relationships of local suppliers with these ‘‘anchors’’ may be crucial to foster (or hinder) firms’ upgrading through technology and skill transfers (or the lack of them).Scale-intensive firms typically lead complex product sectors (Bell & Pavitt, 1993), where the process of technical change is realized within an architectural set (Henderson & Clark, 1990), and it is often incremental and modular.Among the Specialized Suppliers, we only consider software, which is typically client driven. This is an especially promising sector for developing countries’ SMEs, due to the low transport and physical capital costs and the high information intensity of the sector, which moderates the importance of proximity to final markets and extends the scope for a deeper international division of labor. Moreover, thedisintegration of some productive cycles, such as for example of telecommunications, opens up new market niches with low entry barriers(Torrisi, 2003). However, at the same time, the proximity of the market and of clients may crucially improve the development of design capabilities and thereby foster product/process up grading. Thus, powerful pressures for cluste ring and globalization coexist in this sector.The different learning patterns across these four groups of activities are expected to affect the process of upgrading of clusters in value chains. This paper also aims at analyzing with original empirical evidence whether—and how—the sectoral dimension influences this process in Latin America.4. METHODOLOGY: COLLECTIONAND ANALYSIS OF DATAThis study is based on the collection of original data from 12 clusters in Latin America that have not hitherto been investigated, and on an extensive review of cluster studies available. The empirical analysis was carried out from September 2002 to June 2003 with the support of the Inter American Development Bank. An international team of 12 experts in Italy and in four LA countries collected and reviewed the empirical data. Desk and field studies were undertaken following the same methodology, which involved field interviews with local firms, institutions, and observers, interviews with foreign buyers and TNCs involved in the local cluster, and secondary sources such as publications and reports.16 Case studies were selected which fulfilled the following conditions: (1) agglomeration: all cases show some degree of geographical SME clustering; 17 (2) upgrading: the clusters selected have experienced some degree of upgrading, of whatever nature (i.e., product, process, functional, inter sectoral); and (3) policy lessons: all cases offer relevant policy lessons for future experiences either in terms of successesor failures.A total of 40 case studies were selected forth is analysis. 18 The list of cases, albeit incomplete, is—to our knowledge—the largest available on which comparative exercises have been carried out, and provides a good approximation to the reality of clusters and value chains in LA. Thus, although it cannot claim to correspond to the universe of clusters in the region, it represents a database that allows reasonable12。
1企业经营业绩评价系统的理论基础(1) 资本保全理论在市场经济条件下,企业是出资者的企业,是一个资本集合体,所有者是惟一的剩余风险承担者和剩余权益享受者,出资者利益是企业最高利益。
正如Jensen 和Murphy观察,“代理理论预测补偿政策将会以满足代理人的期望效用为主要目标。
LNTU—--Acc附录A 译文股份制公司会计学习目标公司这一章你的学习目标是要了解:公司组织形式的特点普通股和优先股库藏股票拆股和股票股利对股东权益的声明讨论1公司的组织形式公司:公司是能够独立存在的独立的法人实体,公司有不同的所有者(即股东).从本质上讲,公司是人为的法律层面的人。
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企业环境管理—基于市场奖励的管理Madhu Khanna and Wilma Rose Q. Anton企业保护环境的办法已经从被规章条例驱动的被动模式演变为积极主动的方式,即通过自愿管理做法,将环境问题与传统的管理职能结合起来。
King和Lenox 分析了美国化学工业企业参加化学制造商协会的责任关怀计划并接纳其行为准则。
企业产生的产出y 是企业大量的投入在生产(@x)中的有效利用和存量资本k的函数:y=f(@x, k); f x >0, f k >0, f xx <0, f kk<0 (1) @被假设成是企业的技术知识t和企业采取的环境管理质量的标量q的函数:@=@ (q,t); @>0, @>0,@ <0, @<0 (2) @增加,在生产过程中的投入会被更有效的利用,因此,浪费的投入和污染与投入—使用的跌幅水平呈相关关系。
所以,产生的污染(废物)用x的直接函数的反函数来表示,如下:z= x/@ (3) 用(3)代替(1)中的x,产出水平可以用被视为生产过程影响因素的z表示,如下:Y=f(@2z,k) (4) 我们假设在寡头垄断市场上同时的经营n家正在同时生产一种产品,但是在其生产过程中运用不同环境政策。
该企业面临着一条逆的寻求曲线是,工业总产出和企业采取的环境管理的函数,用P(Y, q)表示。
所以,我们认为环境管理不善的企业为筹借资金要付出更多的成本,因此,r q<0。