维克多英语《新方略》Unit 1 外貌特征

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■v vi 是重要部分;是…的部分 to be an important part of a process, situation, etc.
My feeling about the matter didn’t seem to figure at all. 我对此事的感受似乎一点也不重要。 My wishes didn’t figure among his considerations. 我的愿望不在他的考虑之中。
a public / a leading / an authority figure 公众人物 / 领军人物 / 权威人士
画像;塑像 a bronze figure of a horse 一座马的铜像
图表;图形 See Figure 1. 见图表1。 A triangle is a three-sided figure. 三角形是有三条边的几何图形。
出现 反 disappear:
One day a stranger appeared on my doorstep. 一天,一个陌
She has already appeared in a few of films. 她已参演过几
The principal appeared on television to advocate the reform.
n 侧重理解各层释义,在比较官方的材料中,可用 figure代替常用词number; v 重点掌握短语动词figure out。
■ n [C] [常用复数] 数字;位数;算术 the latest trade figures 最新的贸易数据 have a head for figures 有算术头脑 He got a job, earning close to six figures.
build, appearance, age
Zhang Zilin, a famous pretty model, is 1.82 metres in height, and 57kg in weight. Even when she was pregnant and had a baby, she still had an attractive figure. She is in her thirties now, but she looks younger. She regularly takes exercise to keep healthy and slim.
He appeared to be a gentleman — he was wearing a suit, not like a thief at all. 他看起来像个正人君子——穿着西装,根
本不像小偷。 2009 四川
② appear to do sth: There appears to have been a mistake. 看来一直有一个差错 。 ③ it appears + (that) 从句:
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
figure out 弄清楚;弄明白;计算出
Ben figured out how to guess the right answers, so he got good grades. 本弄清楚了如何猜对答案,所以得了高分。
I couldn’t figure out what I had done to annoy my boss.
一词多义; 熟词生义; 精准的汉语释义;

英语释义; 辨析义; 搭配义

注:一词多义 从了解词源义、基本义开始
“数字” 的形状
形状 (词源义)
“人或动物” 的 形状
“几何图形”的 形状
数字;数位; 算术
体形 / 身材 / 身影
His new book will be appearing in the spring. 他的新书将在
[用作系动词] 似乎;显得 近 seem ① appear (to be) + adj / n: She tried hard to appear (to be) calm at the interview. 面试时 她努力让自己显得镇静。
名词: Once their size goes beyond this figure, the organizations are getting less flexible. (2011 上海阅读表达) (释义) It’s important for the figures to be updated regularly. (2011北京单 选) (释义) The way you design your home may have an effect on your figure. (2015 全国阅读改) (释义)
学生用书P3—4 综合训练:第三、四题
Part I
讲练重难点词汇,嚼透其释义、用法和搭 1 配,以能够熟练运用。
2 建立基本的英语概念,培养英语思维能力。
重点词释义: figure, appearance, expression “熟”词“生”义: build, absent, distant, apply, smart 重点词用法专练: fit; ordinary, common, usual, normal
他找到一份工作,收入接近六位数。 2013 陕西改
(尤指女性的) 体形 / 身材;身影 She has a good figure. 她有很好的身材。
She goes to the gym regularly to keep her
figure (= stay thin). 她常去健身房健身来保持身材。 a tall figure in black 一个黑衣高个子人影 人物;人士 an important or famous person
[C] 公开露面;演出 appearance money / fee 出场费
This well-known actor made his first public appearance in 1997. 这位著名 演员首次公开演出是在1997年。 in appearance 看起来;外貌上
In appearance, it is a strong building. 看起来这幢楼很坚固。
expression: … is / looks / feels …
tense delighted confused hopeless relieved serious, severe absent, blank, distant s…hoc…ked…, astonished
Practice & Write!
目的 步骤
1. 子话题词汇复现输入(单句、文段) 2. 子话题词汇复现输出(语篇)
Say & Guess!
feature, hair, skin
Michael Jordan has strong features: thin-faced, dark-skinned and bald-headed. The moustache on his upper lip, several wrinkles on the forehead, and determined eyes make him more mature and wise. The basketball superstar is one of the most successful, popular, and wealthy athletes in college, Olympic, and professional sports history.
Unit 1 外貌特征
话 题 教 学 词 汇 表
1 检查口袋本预习以及导学案完成的情况
2 网络化复习回顾词汇、了解话题相关知识
Step I: 主话题Brainstorm—网络化回顾词汇
Step II: 子话题词汇聚焦——深度认知
我不明白自己做了什么让老板生气。 北师大⑦ – 20
Please figure out the total cost. 请算出总费用。
figure的名词释义及短语动词figure out考频较高; 外研版、北师版、译林版未收录figure的名词释义,但高考有 考查; figure主要在高考单选、阅读和写作中出现。
— $4,000, or something like that. (2012 福建单选)
appear与appearance 释义联系
出现 参加演出;亮相
似乎;显得 出版;刊登;发表
appearance 外观;外貌;外表
出现;到来 公开露面;演出
[C] & [U] 外观;外貌;外表 They’ve changed the appearance of the whole building. 他们改变了整座建筑的外观。 Don’t judge by appearances — appearances can be misleading. 不要以貌取人——外貌有 的是靠不住的。 [C] [常用单数] 出现;到来 I don’t want to go to the party, but I suppose I’d better put in / make an appearance (= go there for a short time). 我不想去参加这个聚 会,不过我认为最好还是去露个面。
短语动词: What I still can't figure out is why I never got tired, never felt better in my life. (2015 天津阅读表达) — Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?
vt [非正式用语] 认为;估计 to
think or guess sth
From the way he behaved, I figured
(that) he was drunk. 从他的行为来看,我认为他醉了 。 I figure he’ll be back soon. 我估计 他很快就会回来。 vt (AmE) 计算 I’m just figuring my expenses. 我在 计算我的开销。
Even to this day, Lincoln is regarded as one of the most inspiring figures in the world. (2012 浙江书面表达) (释义) Being public figures, leaders are expected to appear strong and capable. (2011 江苏任务型阅读) (释义) They had plenty of time to build more than 1,000 huge stone figures, called moai. (2003 全国阅读) (释义)
Suit? Fit?
In the first picture, the close-fitting dress doesn’t suit her. The tight belt, long boots and broad shoulders make her look strong. In the second picture, wearing a casual dress, she looks smarter.