
每词只能⽤⼀次,其中有多余的词)1.He tends to __________ things over too much in his mind.【答案】chew【句意】他这个⼈就爱在⼼⾥反复琢磨事⼉。
2.She wanted to tell him the whole truth but she __________ herself—it wasn’t the right moment.3.For __________ reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting.【答案】certain【句意】因为某些原因,我不能出席这次会议。
4.New competitors are emerging to __________ the old economic arrangements.【答案】challenge【句意】新的竞争对⼿正在崛起,向旧的经济布局挑战。
5.If you travel frequently, find an agency that will __________ one foreign currency directly into another.【答案】change【句意】如果经常旅⾏,找⼀家能直接兑换外币的旅⾏社。
6.I would rather fail than __________ in the examination.【答案】cheat【句意】我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。
7.He is the least appealing __________, to me at any rate.【答案】character【句意】他是其中最没有吸引⼒的⾓⾊,⾄少对我来说是这样。
8.Is there any __________ of getting tickets for tonight’s performance?【答案】chance【句意】有可能得到今晚演出的票吗?9.She proudly displayed her degree __________ to her parents.【答案】certificate【句意】她⾃豪地向⽗母展⽰了学位证书。

每词只能用一次,其中有多余的词)calculate cancel carve cash causecease celebrate campaign candidate capitalcatastrophe category caution centre centuryceremony capable career casual1.I believe I am __________ of calculating the political consequences accurately.【答案】capable【句意】我觉得我能准确预料此事的政治后果。
2.He has decided to set up a business with a starting __________ of £100 000【答案】capital【句意】他已经决定以10万英镑为启动资金创办一个企业。
3.My personal life has had to take second place to my __________ .【答案】career【句意】我的私人生活不得不让位于事业。
4.The girl from nowhere clearly means to __________ herself a place in history.5.The __________ stands accused of breaking promises even before he’s in office.【答案】candidate【句意】该候选人还未上任就遭指责违背诺言。
6.It was just a __________ remark—I wa sn’t really serious.【答案】casual【句意】我只是随便说说,并不是当真的。
7.I owe it to you that I survived the __________.【答案】catastrophe【句意】幸亏了你,我才大难不死。

affair) —(a:)用在以元音音素开头的词前an用在以辅音音素开头的词前,(a a(n) art. )泛指(① 一个:他是我的一个朋友。
He is a friend of mine. In a university, a European walks along a one-way road with a useful book, which is a usual thing. 在一所大学里,有个欧洲人拿着一本有用的书,沿着一条单行道走,这是一件很平常的事。
An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task. 一个小时以前,一个诚实的人接受了一项光荣的任务。
A square has four sides.任何一个或物:)同类事物中的(② 正方形有四条边。
We meet twice a week.每一:)与表示单位的词连用(③ 一位名叫史密斯先生的人想见你。
A Mr. Smith wants to see you.④某,某一个:(⑤ 一种,一个:)用于某些抽象名词前,使其具体化和你一起工作真是件乐事。
It is a pleasure to work with you. 他不是个好教师。
He wasn’t a success as a teacher.他的新书获得了巨大的成功。
His new book was a great success.)个(⑥同一他们同岁。
They are of an age.:敌军弃城逃跑了。
The enemy abando ned the city and fled.①抛弃,放弃,戒除:abandon v.那个狠心的男人遗弃了妻儿。
The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.②离弃,背弃:沉溺于,纵情于abandon oneself to 【注意】:)为介词(to 请不要沉溺于电脑游戏abandon yourself to computer games.Please don’t 他极度悲伤。

每词只能用一次,其中有多余的词)1.Hungary’s opening of thewas a turning point for the refugees.2.He had no money and didn’t know anyone he couldfrom. 3. Nothing I do makes any difference anyway, so why ?4. They are on the bed and I’m afraid they’ll break the springs!5. The best prevention for this kind of disease is to or filter water, and eat only well-cooked food.6.I have yet to meet the European politician or official who thinks it a good idea toIran.7.Diamond may be strong in itself, but it does not well with other materials8.Being able to walk to work is an added of the new job.9.We havehotel rooms for the women and children10.By the 1980s, the computer industry was .11.A river forms thebetween the two countries.12. We should not have to down to anyone.13. We are asking people togoods from companies that use child labour.14.Shesharply to avoid another car15.In our country, the government sets a yearly for health care.16.I happened tointo Mervyn Johns in the hallway.17.In this company you have to go through complex procedures just to get a new pencil.18.The policeman took the by surprise as he opened the window. 19.The concert will belive tomorrow evening.20.I went to Brooks Brothers andmyself a decent shirt.21.Scientists have made a in their treatment of that disease.22.Ford had the idea of paying workers enough to buy cars.23.Engineers spend much time and energy developing solutions.24.A girl was attacked on a train in daylight.25.My father would burst into the kitchen, past my mother.二、词形转换(用所给单词的正确形式填空)1.I don’t know whether that (biology)is the child’s(biology)father.2.She had begun to be a little (boring)with novel writing.3.His qualities mark him out as a (bear)leader.4.He deserves the highest praise for his (brave).5.The whole world holds its (breathe)for this speech.6.All she knew was that her friend, Jane, had a (break)marriage.7.The (build)he was lodged in turned out to be a church.8.A (burn) child fears the fire.9.They rushed the (bury)through so no evidence would show up.10.Acid rain is not straightforwardly attributable to the (burn)of coal.三、词组填空(选用恰当词组,并用其恰当的形式填空,每个词组只能用一次)1.The scenery of the West Lake is beautiful .2.I am not cast down by it because I the fundamental strength of the business3.While the two are only days apart in age they seem to wholly different generations4.They always interfering in other countries’ internal affairs.5.I feel that women in all types of employment can joining a union.6.She got her wish when she twins, one of them a boy.7.He used to beat her .8.Could you lend me a pump to my bicycle tires?9.The machine must at this busy hour.10.The workers will the old cars for their parts.11.While climbing up the stairs I always .12.Several circumstances concurred to the result. 13.Shegave much attention and thought to his children.14.Everyone who heard it just laughing when he came out with it.15.The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg sadness.16.We’d better stop chatting and .17. the rain we should have had a pleasant journey.18. , how is your new business progressing?19.Differences were papered over but were they fully resolved.20.She has always been encouraged to swim to the strength of her muscles四、语法填空(在短文空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式)Findings suggest that playing with smart-phones before sleep is positively associated with insomnia(失眠症). Recent studies show that nearly 24 percent of Chinese people 1 from insomnia and the number of young people 2 (affect)is rising. And more than 60 percent of people 3 after 1990, the group that are most likely 4 (use)their smart-phones just before sleep, do not sleep well.Bedtime mobile phone use is an unhealthy sleep habit 5 it can delay falling asleep and reduce sleep quality. According to the research, nearly three-quarters of the young people fall asleep each night with their phones 6 reach. About 60 percent of them use their smart-phones for up to 80 minutes before sleep. And 54.7 percent of the people aged 7 18 and 25 go to bed later than 12 am.Good sleep is helpful in protecting the brain’s neurons(神经元)and lack of sleep for long periods can8 (danger)health. Therefore, all people, including the young, 9 (advise)to avoid using electronic devices one hour before sleep and go to bed at fixed times. But it is 10 (benefit)to sleep if people listen to soft music and read books before going to bed.五、单句改错(每句都有一个错误,错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改)1.On behalf for our school, I would like to express our warmly welcome to you.2.When asked about the reason why I fell far after, I was too guilty to say a word.3.We have no choice but break a window and climb in.4.Buried himself in his research, he didn’t notice a st ranger come in.5.When my mom saw the pleasant gift I had prepared for her, she burst out laughter.6.It’s never been a problem for him to repair a breaking hairdryer or to make wooden shelves.7.His right hand got burning in that big fire.8.I don’t know whether his music has broadcast on the radio.9.The performance will lasts for a week and famous singers and bands from around the world will perform very brilliant.10.When he climbed to the top of the mountain, he was out of his breath.11.The camp is in the bottom of a mountain close to a beautiful river.12.As my mother and father were always busy working, I was often at home felt boring all the time.13.The doctor told me to have a good rest for a couple of days, take the medicine on time and drink more boiling water.14.He announced with certainty that the driver was to be blame.15.I am very happy to have the furniture belong to the Qing Dynasty.16.The anti-poverty project(扶贫工程)held by our country will benefit to the poor in this district.17.The room was empty apart from one man sitting besides the fire.18.I was shocked to find what the physics teacher taught was totally below my understanding and I lost my confidence completely.19.It seems that Mr. Smith is a bit of angry with you.20.English will be an important tool in our future work. Beside, it is becoming more and more important in our daily life.。

每词只能用一次,其中有多余的词)about above accuse abuse aboard abroadabortion accommodation abundant abnormal accelerate accumulateaccent ache accomplish abolish accompany absurdabsorb absolute abstract abrupt1.The high cost of __________ makes life difficult for many Chinese students to study __________.【答案】accommodation, abroad【句意】住宿费用昂贵使很多在国外学习的中国留学生感到生活困难。
2.It’s reported that the mayor who __________ his power to give jobs to his relatives was put into prison.【答案】abused【句意】据报道这位滥用权利给他的亲戚找工作的市长被投入了监狱。
3.We do not think such an __________ phenomenon will last long.【答案】abnormal【句意】我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。
4.The local government took measures to __________ the rate of economic growth.【答案】accelerate【句意】当地政府采取措施加快经济增长速度。
5.We have to __________ __________ materials before we write an academic article.【答案】accumulate, abundant【句意】在写学术论文之前,我们必须积累丰富的材料。
词汇研读03-2019届江苏高考英语3500词汇复习与检测 Word版含解析

(approach—awkward)approach v.①走近,靠近,逼近:Spring is approaching.春天快到了。
He approached the children slowly.他慢慢走近那些小孩。
②开始考虑,开始着手:He approached the idea with caution.他开始认真地考虑那个主意。
n.①走近,靠近:The approach of winter brings cold weather.冬天快到了,天气要转冷了。
②通路,入口:All approaches were blocked.所有的入口都堵塞了。
③方法,手段:the best approach to learning English学习英语的最佳方法appropriate adj.适当的,合适的:It’s not an appropriate example.那不是一个合适的例子。
His remarks were appropriate to [for] the occasion.他的话应景适时。
【注意】后接that从句时,从句谓语通常要用“(should)+动词原形”:It is appropriate that he(should)be present.他应到场才对。
approve v.①赞成,赞同:I approve of your choice.我赞成你的选择。
I don’t approve of smoking.我不赞成抽烟。
②批准,认可:He approved the building plans.他批准了建筑计划。
【注意1】①表示“赞成”、“同意”时,通常不及物,若后接宾语,通常要借助介词of:I approve of your trying t o earn some money, but please don’tneglect your studies.我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要误了功课。

3019届江苏高考英语3500词汇复习与检测精品系列(基础练习)0X 、单词填空(选用恰当的词填空并注意形式变化。
每词只能用一次,其中有多余的词)boil bomb bond book bonus boom borrow bother border bounce bow boycott brake broadcast brush bump buy bottom boun dary branch brand breakthrough board both bright brillia nt broad brow n broom brochure budget bureaucratic burglar1. Hungary 'opening of the _________ was a turning point for the refugees.2. He had no money and didn 'tknow anyone he could _________ from.3. Noth ing I do makes any differe nee any way, so why _______ ?4. They are ________ on the bed and I'm afraid they ' break the spri ngs!5. The best preve nti on for this ki nd of disease is to _______ o r filter water, and eat on ly well-eooked food.6.1 have yet to meet the Europea n politieia n or official who thinks it a good idea to ________ Iran.7. Diam ond may be stro ng in itself, but it does not ________ w ell with other materials8. Be ing able to walk to work is an added ________ o f the new job.9. We have ________ hotel rooms for the wome n and ehildre n10. By the 1980s, the computer in dustry was ________ .11. A river forms the ________ betwee n the two coun tries.12. We should not have to _________ dow n to anyone.13. We are ask ing people to ________ goods from compa nies that use child labour.14.She _________ sharply to avoid ano ther car15.ln our coun try, the gover nment sets a yearly _________ for health care.16.1 happe ned to ________ into Mervyn Joh ns in the hallway.17.ln this compa ny you have to go through complex ________ procedures just to get a new pen cil.18. The policema n took the ________ by surprise as he ope ned the win dow.19. The concert will be_________ live tomorrow evening.20.1 went to Brooks Brothers and _________ m yself a dece nt shirt.21.Scie ntists have made a _________ in their treatme nt of that disease.22. Ford had the ________ idea of pay ing workers eno ugh to buy cars.23. E ngin eers spe nd much time and en ergy develop ing ______ s oluti ons.24. A girl was attacked on a train in ________ daylight.25. My father would burst into the kitche n, ________ p ast my mother.二、词形转换(用所给单词的正确形式填空)1.1 don 'know whether that _________ (biology)is the child ' ____________ (biology)father.2.She had begu n to be a little _________ (bori ng)with no vel writ ing.3. His qualities mark him out as a ________ (bear)leader.4. He deserves the highest praise for his _________ (brave).5. The whole world holds its ________ (breathe)for this speech.6. All she knew was that her friend, Jane, had a _________ (break)marriage.7. The ________ (build)he was lodged in tur ned out to be a church.8. A ________ (burn) child fears the fire.9. They rushed the _______ (bury)through so no evide nee would show up.10. Acid rain is not straightforwardly attributable to the __________ (burn)of coal.三、词组填空(选用恰当词组,并用其恰当的形式填空,每个词组只能用一次)I. _________________________________________________ The scenery of the West Lake is beautiful .2.1 am not cast dow n by it because I ______________ the fun dame ntal stre ngth of the bus in ess3. While the two are only days apart in age they seem to _______________ wholly differe nt gen erati ons4. They _______ a lways _______________ in terferi ng in other coun tries ' i nternal affairs.5.1 feel that wome n in all types of employme nt can ______________ joi ning a union.6.She got her wish whe n she _______________twins, one of them a boy.7. He used to beat her _______________ .8. Could you lend me a pump to ______________ my bicycle tires?9. The mach ine must _____________ at this busy hour.10. The workers will _______________ the old cars for their parts.11. While climbi ng up the stairs I always _____________ .12.Several circumsta nces con curred to ______________ the result.13.She gave much atte nti on and thought to _______________ his childre n.14. Every one who heard it just ______________ laugh ing whe n he came out with it.15. The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg ______________ sad ness.16. We ' better stop chatt ing and ______________ .17. _____________ the rain we should have had a pleasa nt journ ey.18. _____________ , how is your new bus in ess progress ing?19. Differe nces were papered over but _______________ were they fully resolved.20.She has always bee n en couraged to swim to _______________ the stre ngth of her muscles四、语法填空(在短文空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式)Findings suggest that playing with smart-phones before sleep is positively associated with insomnia( 失眠症). Recent studies show that n early 24 perce nt of Chin ese people 1 from insomnia and the nu mber of young people 2 (affect)is rising. And more tha n 60 perce nt of people 3 after 1990, the group that are most likely 4 (use)their smart-ph ones just before sleep, do not sleep well.Bedtime mobile phone use is an unhealthy sleep habit 5 it can delay falling asleep and reduce sleep quality. Accord ing to the research, n early three-quarters of the young people fall asleep each ni ght with their pho nes 6 reach. About 60 perce nt of them use their smart-ph ones for up to 80 minu tes before sleep. And 54.7 perce nt of the people aged 7 18 and 25 go to bed later tha n 12 am.Good sleep is helpful in protecting the brain ' s 神eu元hsand lack of sleep for long periods can8 (da nger)health. Therefore, all people, in cludi ng the young, 9 (advise)to avoid using electr onic devices one hour before sleep and go to bed at fixed times. But it is 10 (be nefit)to sleep if people liste n tosoft music and read books before going to bed.五、单句改错(每句都有一个错误,错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改)1.On behalf for our school, I would like to express our warmly welcome to you.2. When asked about the reason why I fell far after, I was too guilty to say a word.3. We have no choice but break a wi ndow and climb in.4.Buried himself in his research, he didn a stra'ngtenroctoicmee in.5. When my mom saw the pleasant gift I had prepared for her, she burst out laughter.6.It ' s nevbeeren a problem for him to repair a breaking hairdryer or to make wooden shelves.7.His right hand got burning in that big fire.8.I don 't know whether his music has broadcast on the radio.9.The performance will lasts for a week and famous singers and bands from around the world will perform very brilliant.10.When he climbed to the top of the mountain, he was out of his breath.11. The camp is in the bottom of a mountain close to a beautiful river.12. As my mother and father were always busy working, I was often at home felt boring all the time.13. The doctor told me to have a good rest for a couple of days, take the medicine on time and drink more boiling water.14. He announced with certainty that the driver was to be blame.15.I am very happy to have the furniture belong to the Qing Dynasty.16.The anti-poverty project(扶贫工程)held by our country will benefit to the poor in this district.17.The room was empty apart from one man sitting besides the fire.18.I was shocked to find what the physics teacher taught was totally below my understanding and I lost my confidencecompletely.19.It seems that Mr. Smith is a bit of angry with you.20. English will be an important tool in our future work. Beside, it is becoming more and more important in ourdaily life.。

每词只能⽤⼀次,其中有多余的词)1.The island’s chief __________ was its beauty.【答案】feature【句意】这个岛的主要特⾊是风景秀丽。
2.The __________ from the last unmanned station is probably less than a pound.【答案】fare【句意】从上⼀个⽆⼈站过来的费⽤可能还不到1镑。
3.Every man has a share of responsibility for the __________ of his country.【答案】fate【句意】国家兴亡,匹夫有责。
4.Madagascar is the most __________ place I have ever been to【答案】fascinating【句意】马达加斯加是我去过的最迷⼈的地⽅。
5.He is an enthusiastic baseball __________.【答案】fan【句意】他是个狂热的棒球迷。
6.You cannot expect your friends to trust you if you don’t keep __________ with them.【答案】faith【句意】假如你对朋友不守信义,你就不要指望他们会信任你。
7.You can get to the island by __________, or you can fly there.【答案】ferry【句意】你可以乘渡轮到那个岛上去,也可以乘飞机去。
13.The truth or __________ of this story has never been truly determined.【答案】fiction【句意】这个故事⼀直以来真伪莫辨。

If you love someone, why must you chain him to your side, control his emotion, and even make him _______ you?A。
calculate on B. concentrate on C. center on D. catch on【答案】A【解析】calculate on期待,指望;concentrate on集中注意力于;center on以……为中心;catch on变得流行,理解.句意:如果你爱一个人,为什么你就得把他拴在你的身边而不放,控制他的情绪甚至让他以你为中心呢?2。
It’s difficult to _______ all tastes. One man’s meat is another man's poison。
carry out B. cater to C. carry off D。
adjust to【答案】B【解析】carry out进行,实施,完成,实现;cater to迎合,满足要求;carry off赢得,获得;adjust to调整,调节。
The Japanese people keep up _______ spirits to convince the world that they can get over the crisis caused by the terrible tsunami。
careful B。
casual C。
cheerful D。
cautious【答案】C4.Welfare payments _______ as soon as an individual starts a job.A。

每词只能用一次,其中有多余的词)1.He __________ to find himself lying uncomfortably on a pile of firewood.【答案】awoke【句意】他醒来发现自己躺在一堆柴火上,很不舒服。
2.Your __________, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.【答案】attitude【句意】决定你人生高度的,不是你的才能,而是你的态度。
3.The president suggested that a UN observer should __________ the conference.4.These feelings are likely to make people __________ to overthrow the system.【答案】attempt【句意】这些情绪有可能促使人们想要推翻现行的体制。
5.He was __________ the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1985.【答案】awarded【句意】他于1985年被授予诺贝尔物理学奖。
6.It’s a little __________, because he’s my friend but I’m still his boss.【答案】awkward【句意】他是我朋友,而我又是他老板,这真有点尴尬。
7.You cannot __________ that a speaker of English is qualified to teach English.【答案】assume【句意】你不能假定会说英语的人就有资格教英语。
8.This is the most __________ evening I can ever remember.【答案】awful【句意】这是我记忆中最可怕的一晚。

每词只能用一次,其中有多余的词)electronic enquiry entire entryerror escapeespecial especially essentialestablish estate ethniceventually evil exact examineexceed exceptexcuse exit experience experiment expert explainexplicit explore export extremeeyesight1.He invited her to his laboratory to see if she could replicate the __________.【答案】experiment【句意】他邀请她到他的实验室看她能否复制该实验。
te again! What’s your __________ this time?【答案】excuse【句意】又迟到了!你这次有什么借口?3.If political and __________ problems are not resolved the situation could become uncontrollable. 【答案】ethnic【句意】如果政治和民族问题得不到解决,局面可能会失控。
4.The doctor __________ her but could find nothing wrong.【答案】examined【句意】医生给她作了检查,但没发现什么问题。
5.__________ she was fired from her job at a publishing house.【答案】Eventually【句意】最后她就职的那家出版社把她给解雇了。

每词只能用一次,其中有多余的词)back balance bark bear beat behavebetray bid bite blame bleed blessblock bachelor background barrier battle billbiography blood backwards bare bitter blankblind before behind below beneath besidebesides between beyond1.The third wave was so strong that it knocked me __________.【答案】backwards【句意】第三波浪太大了,把我打了回去。
2.You have to __________ the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages.【答案】balance【句意】你必须权衡住在大城市的利与弊。
3.Their room was __________ of furniture and they lived off porridge.【答案】bare【句意】他们家徒四壁,靠喝粥度日。
4.They could hear each other’s cocks crow and dogs __________.【答案】bark【句意】鸡犬之声相闻。
5.The Yangtze river is a natural __________ to the north-east.【答案】barrier【句意】长江是东北方向的一道天然屏障。
6.They will have to __________ the misery of living in constant fear of war7.The president __________ his breast and called that deal a mistake.【答案】beat【句意】总裁捶胸顿足,称那是个错误的交易。

每词只能用一次,其中有多余的词)chief choke circle claim clap clarifyclassify clause claw click client climateclimb clone close clue clumsy coincidence cold collapse colleague comedy comment commercial5.He carefully began to __________ the results of his examinations.【答案】classify【句意】他开始细心地为他的检验结果分类。
6.The Foreign Secretary’s remarks __________ an ambiguous statement issued earlier this week.【答案】clarify【句意】外交大臣的话对本周较早时候发表的一份模棱两可的声明作出了澄清。
7.While some people __________ they can predict the future, there is no scientific basis behind it.【答案】claim【句意】尽管一些人们声称能预知未来,但这些都没有科学依据。
8.In my dream I felt it hard to breath as if I were __________.【答案】choking【句意】在梦里我感觉很难呼吸好像快要窒息了。
13.The country’s __________ exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars being the most important of these. 【答案】chief【句意】该国的主要出口产品是煤、汽车和棉花制品,汽车是其中最重要的。

一、单项填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)1.If you love someone, why must you chain him to your side, control his emotion, and even make him _______ you?A. calculate onB. concentrate onC. center onD. catch on【答案】A【解析】calculate on期待,指望;concentrate on集中注意力于;center on以……为中心;catch on变得流行,理解。
句意:如果你爱一个人,为什么你就得把他拴在你的身边而不放,控制他的情绪甚至让他以你为中心呢?2.It’s difficult to _______ all tastes. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.A. carry outB. cater toC. carry offD. adjust to【答案】B【解析】carry out进行,实施,完成,实现;cater to迎合,满足要求;carry off赢得,获得;adjust to调整,调节。
3.The Japanese people keep up _______ spirits to convince the world that they can get over the crisis caused by the terrible tsunami.A. carefulB. casualC. cheerfulD. cautious【答案】C4.Welfare payments _______ as soon as an individual starts a job.A. chargeB. ceaseC. changeD. calculate【答案】B【解析】cease“停止,终止,结束”,符合语境。
江苏高考英语3500词汇第二轮复习与检测 英语试题

2019届江苏高考英语3500词复习与检测01一、单项填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)1.In the lecture, the professor told his students about how to write an _______ of a graduate paper, expressing the main argument.A. accountB. admissionC. addressD. abstract2.As you may have found, the Chinese language has _______ idioms and proverbs, which often make many foreigners get confused.A. abnormalB. abundantC. absurdD. academic3.To our disappointment, some government leaders _______ their position to get illegal profit for themselves.A. accuseB. abandonC. abuseD. accompany4.Enormous pressure as they are faced with,the students remain optimistic and try hard to _______ their goals.A. adoreB. achieveC. accumulateD. absorb5.These days the government has issued several economic policies that will _______ prosperity of manufacturing industry.A. accumulateB. accomplishC. accessD. accelerate6.She has been teaching in a school since she graduated, so she is not _______ associating with business people.A. absorbed inB. abandoned toC. accustomed toD. addicted to7.People who tend to focus on _______ while speaking a foreign language may find that they worry too much about making mistakes.A. adventureB. adoptionC. accentD. accuracy8.Buyers have withdrawn from the market in view of the_______ turn of the trend of prices.A. acceptableB. adequateC. accurateD. abrupt9.Though some insist separate education can satisfy people’s special needs, most people consider it as to be _______, saying it will cause greater conflict between the poor and the rich.A. acceptableB. abstractC. acidD. absurd10.Don’t be afraid of difficulties. They can help you _______ experience, and experience can, in return, broaden your horizons.A. accompanyB. accumulateC. advocateD. acknowledge11.The task is very difficult. I wonder whether we will be able to finish it _______ any other helpers.A. in addition toB. by accident ofC. according toD. in the absence of12.—Would you mind giving me advice on how to improve my record?—If you make the most of your potential, there will be a rise in your _______.A. affairB. achievementC. academyD. adjustment13.No one could ________ the failure of the experiment as everything went smoothly at first.A. ache forB. account forC. take account ofD. take into account14.Finding himself under from all quarters, he had no alternative but to _______ his scheme for the time being.A. advocateB. abandonC. adoptD. accelerate15.It may well be the _______ to use languages that distinguishes humans, setting them apart from other animals.A. accentB. admissionC. accuracyD. ability16.Water can _______ and release a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a stable environment.A. accelerateB. absorbC. accumulateD. adopt17.It is reported that China plans to _______ its controversial temporary residence permit and push forward reform of the household registration system.A. advocateB. accomplishC. abolishD. advance18.We will continue our efforts to _______ all the tasks laid down in the 13th Five-Year Plan, develop new blueprints for China’s future.A. achieveB. acquireC. abandonD. accomplish19.The company has an _______ advantage over others in the industry, for it has the most advanced technology.A. abnormalB. absurdC. absoluteD. abstract20.You needn’t be too concerned about what to wear to the party—it’s all _______ anyway, because you haven’t even been invited yet.A. academicB. abnormalC. actualD. accurate21.I had to keep the video camera readily _______ in case I saw something that needed to be filmed.A. admirableB. accessC. accessibleD. abundant22.The lady has an _______ state of mind. Whatever happens, she always assumes the worst.A. abundantB. adjustableC. acidD. abnormal23.He was _______ to tell me the secret when we heard the air hostess saying to the passengers on board with a beautiful smile, “welcome _______!”A. about, abroadB. about, aboardC. above, aboardD. able, abroad24.Apart from the opening and closing ceremonies and some key matches, ticket price will be _______ to ordinary people.A. adjustableB. admirableC. acceptableD. adaptable25.The law does not allow people to _______ themselves of a crime.A. abuseB. acknowledgeC. accuseD. admit26.The success of “one country, two systems” in practice has been universally _______, and this policy continues to go strong.A. acknowledgedB. appreciatedC. accomplishedD. accompanied27.Our city government is building more roads to _______ the increasing number of cars.A. adjustB. acceptC. accelerateD. accommodate28.We explore and share our inner creativity through one artistic tool _______ which we all have access—the smart phone.A. ofB. toC. forD. on29.Thanks to the vivid illustration, the speaker made the _______ concept accessible to all the audience.A. adjustableB. accessibleC. acceptableD. abstract30.Because of his poor health, he was unable to _______ her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her.A. adviseB. accompanyC. admitD. adapt答案:1-5 DBCBD 6-10 CDDDB 11-15 DBBBD 16-20 BCDCA 21-25 CDBCC 26-30 ADBDB。

(a—affair)a(n) art. (a用在以辅音音素开头的词前,an用在以元音音素开头的词前):①(泛指)一个:He is a friend of mine.他是我的一个朋友。
In a university, a European walks along a one-way road with a useful book, which is a usual thing.在一所大学里,有个欧洲人拿着一本有用的书,沿着一条单行道走,这是一件很平常的事。
An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task.一个小时以前,一个诚实的人接受了一项光荣的任务。
②(同类事物中的)任何一个或物:A square has four sides.正方形有四条边。
③(与表示单位的词连用)每一:We meet twice a week.我们每星期见两次面。
④某,某一个:A Mr. Smith wants to see you.一位名叫史密斯先生的人想见你。
⑤(用于某些抽象名词前,使其具体化)一种,一个:It is a pleasure to work with you.和你一起工作真是件乐事。
He wasn’t a success as a teacher.他不是个好教师。
His new book was a great success.他的新书获得了巨大的成功。
⑥同一(个):They are of an age.他们同岁。
abandon v.①抛弃,放弃,戒除:The enemy abandoned the city and fled.敌军弃城逃跑了。
②离弃,背弃:The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.那个狠心的男人遗弃了妻儿。
【注意】abandon oneself to沉溺于,纵情于(to为介词):Please don’t abandon yourself to computer games.请不要沉溺于电脑游戏He abandoned himself to grief.他极度悲伤。

每词只能用一次,其中有多(一、单词填空 ) 余的词database data dash dark dare damp damage decrease decline debate decade deadline deduce dawn deliberate definite deliver delete defeat delicious delicate department dentist depression deposit departure deny desert despite desire destroy desperate deserve destination dessert disappear disadvantage diploma directory devil disaster discipline disease discrimination discount disgusting 1.The navy played a limited but significant role in __________ the rebellion. 2.Can you give me a __________ answer by tomorrow?3.A __________ later, the company has gone from strength to strength.4.Alison had cleverly __________ that I was the author of the letter.5.The number of independent firms __________ from 198 to 96. 6.Your name has been __________ from the list.7.The speech was a __________ attempt to embarrass the government. __________ health has always worried h er parents. girl’s8.The9.Will you take the goods with you or shall we __________ them to your house? always a wide selection of __________ meals to choose from. There’s10. 11.Before they fled the country, the enemy vainly attempted to __________ all the factories. 12.We eventually arrived at our __________. 13.He found their address in thetelephone __________. 14.When a person has successfully completed a certain course of study, he is given a __________ by the school. 15.My wallet has __________ from the table. 16.My lack of practical experience was a __________. 17.It takes years of __________ to become a pianist.18.What a __________ smell! 19.We give 10 percent __________ for cash. 20.The rapid spread of the __________ is alarming the medical authorities. __________. Losing your job doesn’t have to be such a21. 22.We should not have racial __________. __________(the fact)that quicker action could have saved them. There’s no23. 24.His sudden __________ threw the office into chaos. 25.You are advised to __________ valuables in the hotel safe.26.He has been on sick leave for seven months with __________. husband __________ her years ago. Roding’s27.Mrs. 28.Everyone __________ to live in a world free of worries and pains. 29.He __________ to be locked up for ever for what he did.30.__________ all our efforts we still lost the game. 31.The man lost in the desert was __________ for water. 32.In the rainy season things get __________ easily. want to __________ his reputation as a political personality. doesn’t33.Jackson 34.The moon was covered by the __________ clouds. __________ to say so. don’t35.Most people hate Harry but they 36.He works from__________ till __________. 37.I made a __________ for the front door but he got there before me. 38.The United Nations Security Council will __________ the issue today. 39.I hope we can finish this before the __________. 40.I offered to give them a lift but they __________. ) 用所给单词的正确形式填空(二、词形转换 1.It is the most __________(delight)garden I have ever seen. 2.The bakery serves us with fresh bread__________(day). 3.He is suffering from a__________(dead)disease, so he can no longer cope with his__________(demand)job. 4.It is __________(danger)to walk on thin ice in a lake. 5.She finished speaking, and there was__________(die)silence in the room.6.In searching for oil some wells have been drilled to a__________(deep)of more than 20,000 feet. __________(decide)is wise in reality. 7.I don’t think his 8.Mr. Smith gave a __________(describe)of what he had seen in China. 9.She read the __________(declare)aloud for everyone to hear it clearly. 10.It is only our __________(determine)to fight that has pulled us through. 11.Each period had its own particular style of architectural __________(decorate). __________(develop). is crucial to a country’s cation __________(dirt). . It’s too13.Thetable is covered with __________(dusty)14.They took up arms in __________(defend)of their country. 15.His__________(devote)to the cause of education is well-known.16.As long as we are united, there is no __________(difficult)we cannot overcome. of John’s partner.17.The house was built under the __________(direct) 18.His __________(disable)prevents him from holding a job. 19.The __________(differ)between who you are and who you want to be is what you do. 20.There is no general agreement on a standard __________(definite)of intelligence ) 选用恰当词组,并用其恰当的形式填空,每个词组只能用一次(三、词组填空get into debt depend on deal with date back to dance to by design turn a deaf ear to in despair in deed in danger to some degree s delight ’to one in detail without delay the other day 1.His sons spent too much of his money and soon he __________. 2.The health authorities now know how to__________ the disease. , I can’t admire him too much.__________ 3.Mr. Wang is very old, but he works like a young man.4.You can __________ him to make a correct choice.5.__________, being online has become part of our daily life. know whether they did it by accident or __________. don’t6.I7.We should learn to experience and enjoy failure and by no means ought we to be so discouraged, even __________. criticism, sooner or later you will have to pay for it. ’8.If you __________ the masses 9.Please describe the products that you need __________. 10.I love to __________ his music in the discos.。
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每词只能用一次,其中有多余的词)1.He tends to __________ things over too much in his mind.【答案】chew【句意】他这个人就爱在心里反复琢磨事儿。
2.She wanted to tell him the whole truth but she __________ herself—it wasn’t the right moment.3.For __________ reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting.【答案】certain【句意】因为某些原因,我不能出席这次会议。
4.New competitors are emerging to __________ the old economic arrangements.【答案】challenge【句意】新的竞争对手正在崛起,向旧的经济布局挑战。
5.If you travel frequently, find an agency that will __________ one foreign currency directly into another.【答案】change【句意】如果经常旅行,找一家能直接兑换外币的旅行社。
6.I would rather fail than __________ in the examination.【答案】cheat【句意】我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。
7.He is the least appealing __________, to me at any rate.【答案】character【句意】他是其中最没有吸引力的角色,至少对我来说是这样。
8.Is there any __________ of getting tickets for tonight’s performance?【答案】chance【句意】有可能得到今晚演出的票吗?9.She proudly displayed her degree __________ to her parents.【答案】certificate【句意】她自豪地向父母展示了学位证书。
10.This __________ is a nonprofit organization.【答案】charity【句意】这个慈善团体是个非盈利性组织。
11.The shaver can be __________ up and used when travelling.【答案】charged【句意】这种电动剃须刀可充电供旅行使用。
12.Why do modern people __________ material possessions?【答案】chase【句意】为什么现在的人们追求物质财富?13.A flood of __________ imports has come into the shops.【答案】cheap【句意】大量廉价进口商品涌入商店。
14.He came round last week and we __________ for a while.15.The crowd __________ loudly as the Queen appeared.【答案】cheered【句意】女王出现时群众高声欢呼。
二、词形转换(用所给单词的正确形式填空)cation is __________(center)to a coun try’s economic development 【答案】central【句意】教育对一个国家的经济发展至关重要。
2.Many enjoy the mental stimulation of a __________(challenge)job.3.The weather is very __________(change)at this time of year.【答案】changeable【句意】年年在这个时候天气都变化无常。
4.It is the __________(character)attitude of people towards life in those post-war years.【答案】characteristic【句意】这是战后人们典型的处世态度。
5.All travel expenses are __________(charge)to the company.【答案】chargeable【句意】所有旅行开支都可以记在公司账上。
6.Her __________(cheer)spirits and hearty laughter infect the whole class.【答案】cheerful【句意】她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班。
7.You will have to take your prescription to a __________(chemistry)chemist.【答案】chemist【句意】你得拿着处方去找药剂师。
8.They could not afford to spoil those maps by __________(care)coloring.【答案】careless【句意】若是上色的时候不小心弄坏了那些地图,他们可承担不起。
三、词组填空(选用恰当词组,并用其恰当的形式填空,每个词组只能用一次)1.The ceasefire resolution ________________ the release of all the prisoners of the war.【答案】call for【句意】停火决议要求释放所有战俘。
2.Two youngsters have been arrested and ________________ kidnapping.【句意】已有两名年轻人被逮捕并被指控犯绑架罪。
3.So instead I suggested taking her out to dinner ________________ .【答案】for a change【句意】于是我又提议,带她出去吃饭换换口味。
4.If you want further advice, you can ________________ and consult the same adviser.【答案】call back【句意】您若需要更多的建议,可以回拨电话向同一位顾问请教。
5.The boss ________________ making promises.【答案】is cautious about【句意】老板对作出承诺持谨慎态度。
6.We are determined to ________________ all our plans.【答案】carry through【句意】我们决心完成我们所有的计划。
7.If you think that the repair is going to be a difficult job, we’ll just have to ________________ a builder.8.He said that public servants should use the national power to serve the people and not to ________________. 【答案】cash in【句意】他说,公务员应该运用国家公权力为人民服务,而不是从中捞取好处。
9.She was considering how she should ________________ the situation.【答案】carry off【句意】她正想着怎样对付这种局面。
10.The circumstances were all against Joe, but he was not ________________.【答案】cast down【句意】所有的情况都不利于乔,但他并不沮丧。
11.Recently, I have been ________________ finding a new way to do the experiment.【答案】casting about【句意】近来,我一直盘算着找到一种新的方法来做这个实验。
12.You just go ahead and I’ll ________________ later.【句意】你先走一步,我随后赶来。
13.Guests must ________________ before noon, or they will be charged for the day.14.Most schools ________________ children of different abilities.【答案】cater for【句意】大多数学校能够满足具有不同天资的儿童的需要。
15.Let’s ________________ the idea before making any decisions.【答案】chew over【句意】在下结论前,让我们再讨论一次。
16.Mrs. Smith did not appear to be able to ________________ .【答案】cheer up【句意】史密斯太太好象怎么也鼓不起兴致来。
17.I can tell you ________________ that I am always honest.【答案】for certain【句意】我可以肯定地告诉你,我一向是老实的。
18.I won’t ________________ on a July holiday in Britain — it always rains.【答案】take a chance【句意】我不会冒险在7月份去英国度假——那时天老是下雨!19.Dr. Smith is assigned to ________________ the department.【答案】take charge of【句意】史密斯大夫受命分管这个部门。
20.They had met ________________ at university and finished up getting married.【答案】by chance【句意】他们在大学偶遇,最后结了婚。
四、语法填空(在短文空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式)How do you usually buy what you need, shopping on line or going out to shop in person? With the help of the Internet, shopping is easier than before. We can just click out mouse 1 (choice)the items we like, pay for themonline, and the shopping 2 (finish). It Is easy and quick. It helps save money, too. We can save thousands a year if we compare the prices of similar items 3 deciding to buy.However, there are always traps in shopping online. If we are 4 (care), we may get into trouble. For example, we may find the color of the item different 5 that in the picture online. Sometimes, the size of the item we receive can be too big or too small. 6 (avoid)such troubles, we should compare similar items on different online stores and pay more attention to7 other customers say. From their comments, we can know8 (well)about an item’s color, size as well as9 shortcomings. In this way can we increase our10 of buying a more satisfactory item.语篇解读:借助互联网,网上购物更加容易,但也有陷阱。