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Three different views about the role of input in language acquisition
Cognitive interactionist view
Social interactionist view
According to cognitive interactionist theories, acquisition is seen as a product of the complex interaction of the linguistic environment and the learner‟s internal mechanisms. According to social interactionist theories, verbal interaction is of crucial importance for language learning as it helps to make the „fact‟ of the L2 salient to the learn. Which one is better?
Methods for investigating input and interaction
Early input studies used data that had been collected to study learner language. These data consisted of transcriptions of the interactions in which the learner took part. The data were submitted to both detailed linguistic analyses and discourse and conversational analysis. Later, experimental and pseudo-experimental studies were designed to investigate the effect of specific variables on input and interaction. Introspective techniques have not been widely used in input research.
Three different views about the role of input in language acquisition
Behaviorists: the learner as „a language producing machine‟. They ignore the internal processing that takes place inside the learner. Input is comprised of stimuli and feed back. With stimuli, the person speaking to the learner models specific linguistic forms and patterns which the learner internalizes by imitating them. Feedback takes the form of positive reinforcement or correction, depending on whether the learner‟s output is perceived to be target-like.
Definition of some key items
Input: It is used to refer to the language that is addressed to the L2 learner either by a native speaker or by another L2 learner. Interaction: It consists of the discourse jointly constructed by the learner and his interlocutors; input, therefore, is the result of interaction. Not all the available input is processed by the learner, either because some of it is not understood or because some of it is not attended to. That part of the input that is processed or „let in‟ will be referred to as intake. (Rod Ellis 1999)
The characteristics of input to language learners
Input studies have focused on two issues: „input text‟(what native speakers actually say or write) and „input discourse‟(the special kind of register that is used when speakers address language learners). In many cases native speakers do not adhere to norms when communicating with non-native speakers. Frequently they modify their input in a number of ways. Then there are modifications in input discourse.
The characteristics of input to language learners
Caretaker talk „degenerate‟ When caretaker speakers speak to young children who are in the process of acquiring their L1, they typically adjust their speech in a number of ways. The register that results has been referred to variously as baby-talk, motherese, caretaker talk and child-directed language.
Three different views about the role of input in language acquisition
Fra Baidu bibliotek Mentalists: emphasize the importance of the learner‟s “black box”. Input is seen as only a „trigger‟ that set off internal language processing. Learners are equipped with innate knowledge of the possible forms that any single language can take, and use the information supplied by the input to arrive at the forms that apply in the case of the L2 they are trying to learn.

Interactional modifications: Use of attention-getters Use of requests and repetition The purposes served by caretakers talk: a. to aid communication b. to teach language c. to socialize the children. The main features of caretakers talk: a. it is more grammatical than speech addressed to adults b. it is simpler, and c. it is more redundant.
Findings: Caretakers adjust their speech formally so that the input that children receive is both clearer and linguistically simpler than the speech they address to other adults. They tune pitch, intonation, and rhythm of their speech, also linked with additional cluds.lexis and syntax. They also make adjustment in topics that get talked about. „here-and-now principle.( talk about topics taking place at the time,not sth. out of their reach) Center on routine when communicate with children.
Definition of some key items
Input: (in language learning) language which a learner hears or receives and from which he or she can learn. Interaction: the way in which a language is used by interlocutors. intake : a term referring to that part of the language to which learners are exposed that actually “goes in” and plays a role in language (Jack C. Richards Richard Schmidt 2010)
Input and Interaction and Second Language Acquisition
Introduction Methods for investigating input and interaction The characteristics of input to language learners
Definition of some key items
输入之二与学习者所接触的目标语材料, 是二语习得中的一个重要因素。只有当学 习者有机会接受目标与输入时习得才会发 生,因此可以说没有输入就没有习得。从 形式上看,输入可以是口头的,也可以是 书面的;从发生方式看,输入既可以发生 在双向的交际环境中,也可以发生在单向 的非交际环境中;从性质上看,输入可以 是正面语料,也可以是负面预料,即输入 既可以是学习者所接触的被看做范例的合 乎语法的成套句子,也可以是提供给学习 者的有关其表达不正确的隐性的或显性的 信息或反馈。(杨连瑞 张德禄 2007)