
At large: (esp. of a dangerous person or animal) free;uncontrolled
The two escaped criminals are still at large. 两个逃跑的罪犯仍然逍遥法外
❖ at large 详细地(= in detail) -- I need talk to you at large
❖6. Where did the hunt for the puma begin?
❖(In a small village.)
❖7. What did a woman claim she had seen?
❖(A large cat.)
❖8. What had the woman been doing at the time?
manager 2021/3/11 of the large shop.
❖Confirm = be sure = be certain (vt. 确定)
Unless it is cornered = if it is not cornered (unless conj.如果不,除非)
-- He will accept the job unless the salary is too low.
❖Collect vt.搜集, 采集
-- Do you collect stamps? Yes, I collect
stamps 2021/3/11 as my hobby.
❖Oblige v.使…感到必须 feel obliged to do sth 感觉有必要做某事 -- I feel obliged to say no to his

• 我们教区的牧师总是为各种各样的事筹集资金。但始终未能筹足资金 把教堂的钟修好。教堂的钟很大,以前不分昼夜打点报时,但很多年前
• Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o'clock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped.
• (L5)start n/vt. 惊起 • -He stood up with a start. • -what a start you give me. • -The noise made him started.
• (L13)'We'll get used to that Bill,' said the vicar.
• 'Thirteen is not as good as one but it's better than nothing.
• Now let's go downstairs and have a cup of tea.'

Retell the text
• Reports—London zoo–puma spotted—45 miles south of London • Similar in nature • Woman picking blackberries saw it first • Puma moved from place to place • Left trail of dead deer—small animals • Paw prints—puma fur found as well • ‘cats-like noises’—heard at night • Animal seen up a tree • Now experts convinced—really was a puma
• Reports—London zoo–puma spotted—45 miles south of London • Similar in nature • Woman picking blackberries saw it first • Puma moved from place to place • Left trail of dead deer—small animals • Paw prints—puma fur found as well • ‘cats-like noises’—heard at night • Animal seen up a tree • Now experts convinced—really was a puma
• 熟读课文 • 默写单词 • 书后练习
• 复习上节课内容 • 详解课文 • 完成书后练习
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • puma(title) n. spot v. evidence n. accumulate v. oblige v. hunt n. blackberry n. human being Corner v. trail n. print n. cling (clung,clung) v. convince v. somehow adv. Disturb v.

10. Sacred adj. 神圣的,宗教的
a sacred place 圣地 a sacred oath[əʊθ] 神圣的誓言 sacred music 宗教音乐;sacred history 宗教史
Holy adj. 神圣的 the holy city: Jerusalem [dʒə'ru:sələm] 耶路撒冷 Holy shit 天啊!见鬼! Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright. 平安夜,圣善夜,万暗中,光华射
civil servant 公仆
civil law 民法 civil war 内战
domestic adj. [dəˈmestɪk] 家庭的,国内的,驯养的 domestic market 国内市场 domestic violence 家庭暴力 domestic flights 国内航班
8. Storey n. 楼层(Am.E.: story)
be really hip 非常时尚 ass 屁股 buttock [ˈbʌtək] 臀部
full-length adj. (裙衣)拖地长的,全长的 A full-length skirt The boy lay at full length on the grass. 男孩伸直身体躺在草地上。 He fell full length. 他直挺挺地跌倒在地上。
e.g. If you reconstruct something that has been destroyed or badly damaged, you build it and make it work again.
The government must reconstruct the shattered(破碎的) economy. 政府必须重建支离破碎的经济。

Lesson one 课后习题
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. D A 只是一个具体的特定的事例,阅读理 解题的时候要把握中心大意 B large cat 关键性用词 2. B 3. C 4.make----make sb. do, be made to do 主动语态中不定式to的符号应该省略 被 动语态中不定式to的符号必须补充完整 5D 把say改成claim---People claimed to have seen the puma. 6.B 与原句中的when意思要一致,when引 导的时间状语从句表示一 结构形式和as soon as 相一致的 如果用主动: On observing her, it immediately ran away. On seeing me, he waved to me. • • • • 7. D 原句中unles----if…not / except on the condition thatwhen=if except可以和名词/名词性从句进行搭配, 也可以是when / if 引导的从句形式。 8. D must be 只是对客观现实的推测, 时态不一致 情态动词表达推测的语意 概念时,对于过去事实推测一定要用于 情态动词have以及过去分词形式进行搭 配。 9 C no more than = only within = not more than 10 B .in a corner 表示处于困境、尴尬 的境地 in a trap 表示落于陷阱中 at an angle 表示弯曲的、不直的 11 fishes for pleasure 钓鱼为了游玩 12、 A .on his own = alone C选项是秘密的, D选项是不为总人所知的。不符合语义。
新概念英语第三册Lesson1PumaatLarge (共37张PPT)

Warming up
Discussion & Speech
Do you like animals? Can you tell me some stories between you and
animals ?
I. Background knowledge
13、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。2021/8/11 2021/8/112021/8/112021/8/118/11/202 1
14、谁要是自己还没有发展培养和教 育好, 他就不 能发展 培养和 教育别 人。202 1年8月 11日星 期三202 1/8/112 021/8/1 12021/8/11
★accumulate v. 积累.强调积累的过程 As the evidence accumulates, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate. gather vt. 聚集,把某人召集在某处 collect 搜集,采集 assemble 集合,集会,vt.装配 hoard vt. 大量的储存 hoard up=store up The squirrel hoards up nuts for the cold winter
◆human being 人类
◆corner v. 使走投无路,使陷入困境
◆trail n. 一串,一系列
◆print n. 印痕
◆cling (clung, clung ) v. 粘
◆convince v.使…信服

1. a full-length dress/coat/curtains
2. a full-length mirror/portrait
3. a full-length book/record/film
Do you know the statue? Is she a modern-looking woman? Is she a goddess? Do you worship the goddess? What is she wearing? Can you make sure her identity?
1. He rested his chin in his hands. His chin rested on his hands.
2. I was told to rest.
3. May he rest in peace.
4. rest on---depend on ---be based on
story (AmE) storeys/ stories 总的层数 第几次 f loor a single-storey building a five-storey building
n. 楼层
1. a drainage system/channel/ditch
2. ruins Sanxingdui Ruins Pompeii Ruins
an archaeological site
3. what is left of sth what remains of sthf the old church is a major tourist attraction today. What remains of ..... The remains of the old church are ....

[u]n. 证据 When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the evidence. evidence=proof
evidence:显而易见的. He was in evidence at the party. evidently adv. evident adj.
Teaching Plan
lessons within 28 times of classes Take a roll each time A dictation for each lesson
彪 马
At large: (esp. of a dangerous person or animal) free;uncontrolled The two escaped criminals are still at large. 两个逃跑的罪犯仍然逍遥法外
n.角落 at the corner of the street -- in the corner of the room -- on the corner of the desk
n. 一串,一系列
vt. 跟踪 eg: The police trailed the criminal to the place where he was hiding.
adv.不知怎么搞地, 不知
什么原因 = by some means, in some way, for some reason unknown -- I’ll get the book back somehow.

3. 4.
It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that…. Unless it is concerned. The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and …. And pima fur was found clinging to bushes. This one must have been in the possession of private collector and …
3. because, since, as, for 1) Because 语气最强, 回答why的问句,可与 强调词only,just连用,也可用在强调句型 It is (was)+ 强调部分 +that (who) 从句; I was late because I went to hospital yesterday. I was because I went to hospital yesterday that I was late. 2) Since 表示人们已知的事实,“既然” Since it is cold today, why not just stay at home and do some reading?
V. Grammar
1. 2.
分隔式同位语从句 同位语从句与定语从句的区别
1.在复合句中充当同位语的名词性从句称为同 位语从句;即名词fact, problem, proposal, suggestion, report, idea 等后面的that从句, 它的作用相当于名词,对前面的名词(短语)加 以补充说明或进一步解释。 I believe that fact that he tried what he can. 2. 分隔式同位语从句 为使句子结构平衡,避免头重脚轻,同位语从 句可以放到句子末尾。

New Concept English 3
New words and expressions
human being 人类
v. 使走投无路
n. 一串,一系列
n. 印痕
v. 粘
v. 使……信服
somehow adv. 不知什么原因
New Concept English 3
New words and expressions
accumulate v.积累(强调过程)
※ Gather vt.聚集, 把某人召集 在某处 -- The teacher gathered his students in the class ※ Collect vt.搜集, 采集 -- Do you collect stamps? Yes, I collect stamps as my hobby.
New Concept English 3
New words and expressions
v. 看出,发现
※ spot = see, pick out, recognize, catch sight of ※ A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd. ※ He has good eye for spotting mistakes.
New Concept English 3
New words and expressions
(clung, clung, clinging) -- She is always clinging to her mother. -- He clung to the hope that he would succeed. 他怀有成功的希望 ※ stick v.粘住 (-- stick the envelop)n. 信封 ※ stick to 坚持 (-- stick to the plan / stick to one’s promise)n.许诺 ※ sticky adj.粘的 (-- sticky fingers)

L01-01begin1212’’4848””§Lesson1A puma at large逃遁的美洲狮【New words and expressions】生词和短语◆puma n.美洲狮◆spot v.看出,发现◆evidence n.证据◆accumulate v.积累,积聚◆oblige v.使…感到必须◆hunt n.追猎;寻找◆blackberry n.黑莓◆human being人类◆corner v.使走投无路,使陷入困境◆trail n.一串,一系列◆print n.印痕◆cling(clung,clung)v.粘◆convince v.使…信服◆somehow adv.不知怎么搞地,不知什么原因◆disturb v.令人不安学习词汇时仅知道汉语语义是不够的,要把单词放在语句中体会其应用学习关键句型结构时则要把它放在段落结构或文章里★spot v.看出,发现pick out/see/recognize/catch sight of eg:A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd.He has good eye for spotting mistakes.他有敏锐的识别错误的能力。
find out查出事实真相。
discover做出重大发现notice注意到observe观察watch观察活动中的人或画面spot n.斑点eg:There is a white spot on the shirt.on the spot1,立刻,马上(at once,immediately)Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.2,at the place of the action在现场Wherever she is needed,she is quickly on the spot.★evidence[u]n.证据When the police arrived,he had already destroyed the evidence.evidence=proofin evidence:显而易见的.He was in evidence at the party.evidently adv.evident adj.★accumulate vt,vi.积累,积聚accumulate强调积累的过程As the evidence accumulates,experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate.gather vt.聚集,把某人召集在某处collect收集,采集assemble集合,集会,vt.装配hoard大量地贮存The squirrel hoards up nuts for the cold winter.hoard up=store upamass积聚(主要用于诗歌和文学作品)★oblige v.使…感到必须feel obliged to do sth.感觉有必要做某事be obliged to do sth被迫做某事★hunt n.追猎;寻找L01-01end1212’’4848””L01-02begin1313’’1515””run after强调追赶、追求.seek追寻(梦想,理想)=pursuechase追赶.hunt forsearch搜寻某处为了寻找到某人或某物★corner v.使走投无路,使陷入困境corner n.角落at the corner of the streetin the corner of the roomon the corner of the deskbe cornered………被逼得走投无路常用于被动语态:The thief was cornered at last.The problem cornered me.这个问题把我难例了。

学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟真实场景中的对话,培养实际运用英 语的能力。
鼓励学生之间互动交流,分享彼此的观点和经验,提高口语表达的自 信心。
对学生的口语练习进行点评,指出优点和不足,并提供改进建议。 同时鼓励学生之间相互评价,促进共同进步。
• 课程介绍与背景 • 词汇学习 • 课文精读 • 语法知识 • 听力训练 • 口语表达
Lesson1是第三册的开篇之课,通过本课的学习,学习者可以对整个课程有个初步 的了解。
给出重点词汇的常见词组 搭配和用法。
设计针对重点词汇的练习题,如 选择题、填空题等。
提供练习题的答案及详细解析,帮 助学生理解并掌握重点词汇。
给出一些句子,让学生判断其中的 重点词汇使用是否得当。
本课是一篇关于一位著名科学家 的传记文章,介绍了他的生平事
选择与本课主题相关的听力材料 ,如对话、短文等。
播放听力材料,学生听录音并跟 读。
根据听力材料,设计相应的听力练习 ,如选择题、填空题等。

Lesson 13 It’s only me.“是我,别害怕”
★ consist v.
--be made up of
--be composed of
Water is composed of hydrogen and
Lesson 13 It’s only me.“是我,别害怕”
★ effective adj. 有效的,奏效的,得力的(指人/物) an effective leader take effective measures
Lesson 13 It’s only me.“是我,别害怕”
--efficient adj.(指工具、机器、制度等) 有效的,有效率的; (指人)有能力的,能胜任的 an efficient new system
if she didn't answer the door?
Lesson 13 It’s only me.“是我,别害怕”
12 Why did Mrs. Richards hide in the storeroom under the stairs? 13 Was it the baker? 14 Who was it?
★ electricity n. 电 电学的,与电有关的 电子学
--electrical 电子的
—electronics 电工
--electronic e-age --electrician
Lesson 13 It’s only me.“是我,别害怕”
★ metre n. 电表;计量器,仪表 to read a water/gas metre 温度计 --thermometer

cat-like=like cat
例:大熊猫是大型的体型像猫的动物,产业中国 。
Pandas are large, cat-like animals which are found in China.
spot v. 看出,发现 =see, pick out, recognize 强调结果 例:The prisoner was easily spotted in the crowed since he wore handcuffs.
1. The fact ____ she works hard is well known to us all. A. that B. what C. why D. which
2. The fact ____ he was successful proves his ability. A. that B. what C. which D. why
经过一些调查,我已经确定他们是伪娘。 After some investigation, I have confirmed that they are the so-called“girly-man”.
corner n. 角落 around the corner 即将到来 例:A storm is around the corner for the sky is dark and gray. v. corner sth/sb 使走投无路
The experts from London zoo began to hunt(v.) for a puma. the hunt for the puma proved

Content of the first lesso…
This lesson is the first lesson in the third volume, mainly focusing on daily life scenarios, including greetings, introductions, shopping, and other topics.
Key sentence analysis and translation
Key sentence 1: He had a very unimportant experience the week before
He experienced a very unpleasant thing the week before.
பைடு நூலகம்
He didn't want to attend that dinner party.
Sorting and application of grammar knowledge points
Review of key grammar knowledge points in this lesson
Key sentence 2: He had been invited to a dinner party
He was invited to attend a dinner party.

oblige v. 使……感到必须
(to make it necessary for someone to do sth., by law or morality) (standards of morality and justice in society: 社会道德和正义的标准)
or to make money.)
1. hunt for 寻找
go hunting for
eg. He’s hunting for a new job.
2. hunt sb down 缉捕某人
hunt sth down 搜寻某物
1>. The police will surely hunt him down.
弯( to get a person or an animal into a place or situation from which they
cannot escape.)
短语: at the corner of the street 在街道的拐角
in the corner of the room 在房间的角落里 on the corner of the desk 在桌子的一角
成语: A leopard will not change its spot. 江山易改, 本性难移 词汇扩展: spot check 抽查,抽样检查;
spotlight 聚光灯(in the spotlight:成为众人瞩目的中心)
Evidence: 证据;根据;佐证
(is something that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened. )

①n.护送的船队或车队 in (a)convoy 同行结伴
We decide to travel in convoy so that no one could lose his way.(结伴同游) under(a) convoy 与...护航,在...的护航下
The weapons were sent under convoy. convoy ship 护卫舰 ②v.护航,护送
Nothing of value was found, but the numerous items which were brought to the surface proved to be of great interest. 但没发现什么值钱的东西,不过打捞出来的众多的物 品还是引起了大家极大的兴趣。 nothing of value = valuble numerous = countless of great interest= very much interesting 极有趣的 of no interest = uninteresting 没有意思 of great significance = significant of great importance = important of no consequence = of no importance 无足轻重的
cargo (复数cargos;cargoes)
the goods carried by ship, plane or vehicle (通常用于船运) unload the cargoes from the ship 卸货 a cargo plane/ship/train The ship has a cargo of 1000 tons.

convince v. 使……信服 convince sb. of sth. 和宾语从句that搭配使用 没有宾语的情况下要采用主系表结构:be convinced somehow adv. 不知怎么搞地,不知什么原因 by some means, in some way ,for some reason unknown somewhat : a little disturb v. 令人不安 disturbing: 令人不安的 disturbed: 感到不安的 exciting:令人激动的 excited:感到激动的
9.in the possession of sb.=in sb.'s possession 归某人所有 in possession of sth. 拥有某物 take possession of 拥有 The beautiful car is in my possession/in the possession of me I am in possession of the beautiful car The person in possession of the big house is excited. It is disturbing to think that...
Language points
Language points
1.at large:逃遁的,没有被控制的 详细地(in detail) 总体来讲(as a whole) 在英文的表达方式中,首先呈现给读者的是结果 写议论文的时候要注意把握观点 2.Pandas are large cat-like animals which are found in Asia. life-like: 栩栩如生的 一般来讲定语从句和同位语从句紧随在被修缮名词后面,但为 了保持句子平衡,也可以把谓语动词放到从句之前 定语从句只是对于被修缮词的补充说明、修缮; 同位语从句则是讲述被修饰名词的内容 定语从句的引导词: 指人:主语who; 宾语who/whom; 定语 whose 表达事物:that(也可以指人)/which 时间状语:when; 地点状语:where; 原因状语:why 同位语从句:名词做主语、宾语等,关系词用that而不是which 时间-when; 地点-where An idea came to her that she might do the experiment in another way. I have no idea what has happened to him。 定语从句中没有what这个关系词,但它可以引导同位语从句

(sb.) be in possession of (sth.) 拥有 A private collector was in possession of a puma.
多为抽象和理念名词。词的范 围极为有限,如:fact,news, promise,thought I have no idea when we will go shopping.
if, which 不能引导 I have no idea what we should do next.
限定修饰作用 The news that he got from the teacher made me sad. 在定语从句中充当主语、宾语、 表语。 The news that he got from the teacher made me sad. 词的范围很广 Have you read the book that/which was written by John?
意义 引导词的功能 先行词的特点
解释前面名词的具体内容。 The news that he failed in the test made me sad.
起连接符号的作用,不 充当成分。
The news that he failed in the test made me sad.
pile up Books piled up on my desk.
A Puma at large a suspect at large The disease is still at large.
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Lesson one 课后习题
• • • • • • • • • 1. D A 只是一个具体的特定的事例,阅读理 解题的时候要把握中心大意 B large cat 关键性用词 2. B 3. C 4.make----make sb. do, be made to do 主动语态中不定式to的符号应该省略 被 动语态中不定式to的符号必须补充完整 5D 把say改成claim---People claimed to have seen the puma. 6.B 与原句中的when意思要一致,when引 导的时间状语从句表示一 结构形式和as soon as 相一致的 如果用主动: On observing her, it immediately ran away. On seeing me, he waved to me. • • • • 7. D 原句中unles----if…not / except on the condition thatwhen=if except可以和名词/名词性从句进行搭配, 也可以是when / if 引导的从句形式。 8. D must be 只是对客观现实的推测, 时态不一致 情态动词表达推测的语意 概念时,对于过去事实推测一定要用于 情态动词have以及过去分词形式进行搭 配。 9 C no more than = only within = not more than 10 B .in a corner 表示处于困境、尴尬 的境地 in a trap 表示落于陷阱中 at an angle 表示弯曲的、不直的 11 fishes for pleasure 钓鱼为了游玩 12、 A .on his own = alone C选项是秘密的, D选项是不为总人所知的。不符合语义。
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Lesson2 thirteen equals one
• Learning objectives: 1、However的用法; 2、掌握used 的基本用法; 3、了解强调句型的结构; 4、介词in 用法总结。
Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one
2、掌握used 的基本用法
4、介词in 用法总结Hale Waihona Puke ••• •
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1.prep 表达惊奇,恐惧,失望或生气等感情色彩的名词搭配连用, 在句中起状语的作用 in surprise; in astonishment; in alarm; in embarrassment; in amazement; in despair; in dismay; in anger; in disappointment 2.prep表达以、用: 用于语言,书写材料,色彩或声音等方面 in English; in pencil; in ink; in a few words; in such a high voice; in oil; in red; in code 3,用于状态、情况或处境 in trouble; in difficulty; in bed; in a hurry; in debt; in love with sb; in tears; in good order; in good repair; in good health; in por health; in the bad mood; in the good mood; in haste; in a favor of excitement; in poverty; in luxury
vicar. 'You've probably woken up everyone in the village as well. Still, I'm glad the bell is working again.' • 'That's the trouble, vicar,' answered Bill. 'It's working all right, but I'm afraid that at one o'clock it will strike thirteen times and there's nothing I can do about it.' • 'We'll get used to that, Bill,' said the vicar. 'Thirteen is not as good as one, but it's better than nothing. Now let's go downstairs and have a cup of tea.'
6.Where did the hunt for the puma begin? 7.Why did they begin to hunt at that particular place? 8.Did the puma attack human being? 9.Why were the experts finally convinced that animal was a puma? 10.Did they know where it was from? 11.Why did the experts believe the puma must have belonged to a private collector?
11.sth be in/under the possession Sth belong to sb of sb Sb be in/under possession of sth Sb own sth. 这房子是我叔叔拥有的。 This house is in the possession of my uncle. My uncle is in possession of the house
2、掌握used 的基本用法
2、掌握used 的基本用法
2、掌握used 的基本用法
• 注意: 1. be used to do sth (=be employed to do sth)被用来做… the basin is used to bathe.这个盆子是用来洗 澡的。 2. be used to do sth. (=be accustomed to doing)习惯于… he has been used to getting up early.他已经 习惯用于早起了。