Rolex Learning Center




Radio shack electronics learning lab workbook 1 pdfRADIOSHACK ELECTRONICS LEARNING LAB workbook 2. workbook 1 has a sectIon on troubleshootIng SEE PAGE 18 that wIll ALSO help. Advanced Electronics Lab Experiments. Study of basic configuration of OPAMP. RADIOSHACK ELECTRONICS LEARNING LAB Use a TransIstor to Make a. 2012-повідомлень: 10-авторів: 4I recently purchased the Electronics Learning Lab from Radio Shack. In thefirst Workbook, on page 19, it says to leave the black box circuit.Http:graphicsucrskSupportProductManuals2800027P1PMEN.pdf. I have a 555 and a couple of LEDs sitting in a corner on one of my.Reference: Radio Shack Electronics Learning Lab 28-280 Workbook 1. Overview: This lab is a supplement to the Radio Shack Electronics Learning Lab.Get the Electronics Learning Lab Kit at and see our entire selection of Hobby projects kits from RadioShack. Ships in 1-2 Business Days. Before i ordered this i look at the workbook.pdf and i thought it was a difficult book, but its not. Using the electronic learning lab from radio shack, this is from the circuit that makes a percussion sound. I modified it by adding the ammeter. This is a review of Radioshacks Electronics Learning Lab and. Those manuals the book is open source and you can download the pdf for free. Probably one of the greatest electronics books ever written.Getting Started in Electronics and the Forrest Mims Mini-Notebook series are now published by. Electronics Learning Lab, Workbook 1, RadioShack, 2000.Forrest Mims is a Rolex Award laureate and the most widely read electronics author in the world. Abstract with link to full PDF is here. My selection by Discover Magazine as one of the 50 Best Brains in Science. I wrote the operators manual. The following Radio Shack lab kit is available from RadioShack shack electronics learning lab workbook 199 at Amazon RadioShack 28-280 Electronics Learning Lab. Heres the PDF file for Workbook 1 for this shack electronics learning lab workbook 1 pdf2008-повідомлень: 17-Quasar Electronics 200-in-1- 200 projects in one kit. Electronics Learning Lab Designed by Forrest Mims and sold by radio shack. What is a Microcontroller - Another exception to the rule good Radio shack kit. All the practical electronics training you could want, in a free online PDF book format.RADIOSHACK ELECTRONICS LEARNING LAB workbook 1. MIms III.Make: Electronics Learning by Discovery by Charles Platt Paperback 20. Yourself complement to this book is the Electronics Learning Lab from Radio Shack. This book is the first one to read if you want to learn about electronics. Elenco 130-in-1 Electronic Playground and Learning Center 156. RadioShack 28-280 Electronics Learning Lab.Elenco Leader Of Innovative Toys And Educational Devices. Projects 102-305 Manual, 753098, 753098.pdf. Projects 1-101 Manual, 753102, 753102.pdf. At a local Radio Shack store I was looking for some transistors for an assigned significantly low, it still can be used for one-time use purposes. Modifying a FM wireless microphone circuit to build an inexpensive telemetry system. Manual for Radio Shack Electronics Learning Lab. Article: Fixed low-frequency broadband wireless access radio systems. Editorial correspondent POPULARELECTRONICS, 1 Park. Ave, New York, NY 10016. 300 manual wire stripper has an adjusta- ble stop built. To Sinclairs unique ComputerLearning Lab.Does anyone have a pdf download of the manual.-повідомлень: 20-авторів: 12They can probable teach me something.Elenco 130-in-1 Electronic Playground and Learning Center 156.Does anyone have a pdf download of the manual. Also, any info on a great way to learn electronics would be greatly.One of the challenges confronted by EC Electrical Computer engineering. The Electronics Learning Lab from Radio Shack is idea for. Or digital workbook.RADIOSHACK ELECTRONICS LEARNING LAB workbook 2. workbook 1 has a sectIon on troubleshootIng SEE PAGE 18 that wIll ALSO help. Get the Electronics Learning Lab Kit at and see our entire selection of Hobby projects kits from RadioShack. POWER MOSFET INTEGRATED TRANSFORMER MAGDETIC PIEZOELECTRIC. HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR ELECTRONIC SENSORS LAB. PROJECTS IN THIS LAB RIT, YOU WILL HAVE FLIN WHILE LEARNING HOW. BUT IF YOU ARE NEW TO ELECTRONICS, OR IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST LAB KIT.I recently purchased the Electronics Learning Lab from Radio Shack. In the first Workbook, on page 19, it says to leave the black box. To ruin a 70 lab by having too much on the bread-board. Http:graphicsucrskSupportProductManuals2800027P1PMEN.pdfRADIOSHACK ELECTRONICS LEARNING LAB workbook 1. Level 2 Accounting Learning Workbook.Feb 5, 2011. I modified it by adding the ammeter.Jun 22, 2011. This is a review of Radioshacks Electronics Learning Lab and Kybett. Manuals the book is open source and you can download the pdf for free or. Electronics Tutorial 1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC.Nov 23, 2011. Radio Shack Technology Plus Electronics Learning Lab 1. I got my fun radio shack kit to play and this is the first circuit on the manual :D.Getting Started in Electronics and the Forrest Mims Mini-Notebook series are now published by. The following Radio Shack lab kit is available from RadioShack enter Mims in search window. Genesis 1: 3.。




但是对于日本的妹岛和世(Kazuyo Sejima)和英国的扎哈,哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)来说,他们的建筑设计风格,在全球化的时代还没有到来之前就形成了,而设计风格的形成显然和东与西的地理位置和文化背景有关。













扎哈早期一些受俄罗斯构成主义影响的纸上作品,得益于他的老师雷姆库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)的教诲,在20多年之后的威尼斯建筑双年展上展出时,仍然清新无比,那些跃然纸上的激情,如今丝毫未减。



ROLEX LEARNING CENTER Architects SANAA Location Lausnanne, SwizerlandINDEX Brief IntroductionIdeas & ConceptsVital StatisticsOther Projects Characteristics of the DesignModel of structural SystemI. BRIEF INTRODUCTIONArchitectsSANAAScheduleCompetition 2004 Construction 2007 – 2009 Opening February 22, 2010 LocationLausnanne, Swizerland ClientEPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Structural Base Concept SAPS / Sasaki and Partners Structural EngineerB+G Ingenieure Bollinger und Grohmann GmbHWalther Mory Maier Bauingenieure AG BG Ingénieurs Conseils SALosinger Construction SAFootprint20,200sqm (166.5m x 121.5m)Floor Area37,000sqmNumber of Floors1 Basement + 1 MainCost110 million chf(800 million RMB)西泽立卫(Ryue Nishizawa) 1966年出生于日本神奈川县,1981年毕业于日本横滨国立大学工学部建筑学科,横滨国立大学研究所工学研究科计划建设学专业硕士课程修毕。



“建筑学最有趣的东西在于抵达新的 世界,而非返回到旧世界”。 ——雷姆·库哈斯
库哈斯于 2007 年设计并于 2011 年对外开放的 Maggie’s Gartnaval 医疗康复中心位于苏格 兰的格拉斯哥市,基地紧邻西苏 格兰比特森癌症医院,此中心的 特殊性在于其给癌症患者及家人 提供情感上的支持,并在治疗上 给他们提供切实可能的建议性方 案。
1. 与建筑环境产生关系 2. 建筑功能布置 3. 建筑材料(色彩)及细部处理
柯布所提出的“漫步式建筑”(Promenade Architecture)旨在追求建筑中以人运动为中心 而展开的空间设计,他反复强调“当一个人在谈论运动时,他实际上是谈论生与死的问题, 建筑体验的生与死,感觉的生与死。” 其原理犹如保尔·瓦莱来在《莱昂纳多·达·芬奇的方法导论》中写到的“对于建筑而言,静 止是一个特例,我们的愉悦来自穿行于建筑师使它渐次展开,同时享受部分的连接。当他们 变化着,柱子转过,深度减少,游廊滑过,千万种景象飘逸而行”。 这里就柯布所设计的萨伏伊别墅为案例进行空间“漫步性”特征的描述和分析,用以进一 步阐述“漫步式建筑”。
建筑师紧扣“整体”这一要素,用 一长一短的 L 型墙,按匀质的环状组 织在一起,避免行走时空间的突变, 木格栅吊顶的拼贴与墙方向一致,使 整个内部空间呈现出音乐节奏般的定 向流动。
外立面暖色系的胶合板与室内走廊的 木材共同营造出温馨放松的氛围,单独的 心理辅导室则选用弯曲的木板和天光照明, 通过这些材质及细部的处理,库哈斯确保 了行走时空间的统一,让人们在漫游时能 360 度的充分感知整个场所、安全可控, 更好的帮助患者走出疾病带来的心理阴影, 用建筑漫步的方式协助了康复中心对病患 的治疗。



• 舞台宽15m左右,进深7m 舞台比第一排地面高450mm • 有同声传译室(2楼) • 有贵宾休息室(自带厕所) • 茶水间连接前厅
• 观众厅座位靠背高1000mm,宽600mm,排距1060mm • 左中右座位间隔通道的宽2000mm,前后座位间隔 通道2400mm,靠墙纵向走道宽度1200mm
• “座位排距:小学不应小于800mm,中学、中师、 幼师不应小于850mm。 走道宽度:纵、横向走道的净宽度不应小于900mm; 当同时设有中间和靠墙纵向走道时,其靠墙纵向 走道宽度不应小于550mm。 座位宽度不应小于450~500mm。 ”
• 观众厅 共设607座 面积大约650m2 • 观众厅座位分两部分,前半部分10排32列,每排 依次升高100mm,后半部分9排32列,每排升高 300mm • 《建筑设计资料集3》P182 “200人以下教室地面升高,前3-5排可做平地面; 后部可按每两排升高一阶,每阶升高80-100mm; 200人以上阶梯教室,宜经过计算确定升高”
办 公 学 习 区
天井 办 公 学 习 区
天井 天井 天井 就餐区 天井
Hale Waihona Puke 天井Rolex Learning Center
起伏的整体屋顶设计 更是几乎看不到任何 支撑结构,感受到的 是人与人,人与土地、 山脉、光影的密切交 流。
Rolex Learning Center
在建筑物内部,创新 性地使用缓坡、阶梯 ,以及一系列嵌入内 部的“天井”塑造了 波动的形态。
劳力士学习中心 Rolex Learning Center 用地面积:88000㎡ 建筑面积:37000㎡ 占地面积:20200㎡ 建成年份:2010年

ROLEX GIRAGLIA 70 参赛者指南说明书

ROLEX GIRAGLIA 70 参赛者指南说明书

USEFUL GUIDE FOR PARTICIPANTS ROLEX GIRAGLIA 70Saint-Tropez - Genoa Offshore Race 14 - 17 June 2023Warning signal 11.55 am Genoa - Race Arrivals15 - 17 June 2023YCI Race Village 24-hour free cateringHappy Hour Drink & Music From 06.00 pm to 9.00 pmYCI Race Village 24-hour free catering Happy Hour Drink & MusicFrom 06.00 pm to 9.00 pm YCI Race VillageFree catering till 10.00 am (Race time limit)SA T 17Prize-giving Ceremony 17 June 2023Official award Ceremony of all racesAward of Rolex Trophies and Challenge Trophies at the Yacht Club Italiano in Genoa Saint-Tropez Inshore race 11 - 13 June 2023SA T 10Registrations 9.00 am - 7.00 pm Boat arrivals From 12.00 pmFrom 10.00 am Crew Village Tour du Portalet From 4.00 pm to 8.00 pmAnchoiade offered by Ville of Saint-TropezPrize-giving Sanremo - Saint-Tropez RaceInshore Races day 1From 10.00 am Crew Village Tour du Portalet From 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm Prize-givingInshore Races day 2From 10.00 am Crew Village Tour du Portalet From 4.00 pm to 7.30 pm Prize-giving Inshore Races day 3ROlex PARtY Quai de la Pesquière From 7.30 pm From 3.00 pm to 7.00 pmSanremo - Saint-Tropez Race 09 - 10 June 2023Race Warning Signal 11.55 pmFireworks 10.30 pm Briefing 6.30 pm Oyster Party from 7.00 pm Registrations 10.00 am - 6.00 pmCREW VILLAGE RACE VILLAGEC r e W V I L L A G ES H UT T L E S e r v i CeShUTTLE bOAT SERVICEA shuttle service between the Race Village area on the main breakwater and the quay of the Capitainerie de Saint-Tropez will be available to the sailors throughout the event everyday from 8.30 am to 7.00 pm.Embarkation & Disembarkation areas and the shuttle boat will be marked on the map by the fl ag shown on the map below.CREW VILLAGE & DAILY PRIZE GIVING CEREMONIESOn the occasion of the 70th Edition of the Rolex Giraglia, prizes will be awarded to Class Winners each day.The Crew Village will be set at the Tour du Portalet (red area in the map below), next to the Race Village, from Sunday 11 to Tuesday 13 June, from 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm.Daily Prize-giving will take place at the new Crew Village (Timing will be comunicared on each respective day.Crew members, wearing the event’s wristband, will be allowed access to the Crew Village where race images and videos will be displayed on maxi screen and DJs will provide music entertaining.RACE OFFICE AT RACE VILLAGERace Offi ce (in the green area in the map below) will be open from 8.30 am to 7.00 pm.Yacht Club Italiano:*************Société Nautique de Saint-Tropez:***************TELEGRAM CHANNELCompetitors will be informed about social events through a notice posted on the Telegram Channel of the Rolex Giraglia.This is the QR-Code to the “Telegram” Channel of the RegattaROLEX GIRAGLIA OFFICIAL WEB SITEOn the offi cial Rolex Giraglia website you can fi nd all the useful information to follow the event. Photos, video gallery, updated rankings, news and more https://OFFICIAL NOTICE BOARDRace offi cers will be using a web-based program () to manage the race. It will provide digital tools for Rankings, Protests, Replacement of Boat Equipment, etc, as well as email messages to those competitors who will have provided their email address upon entering their yacht.This the link to the Official Notice Board (ONB):COMMUNICATION TO COMPETITORSTEChNICAL REGATTA SUPPORTB&G and North Sails SailmakingPartners of Yacht Club Italiano and of the 70th Edition of Rolex Giraglia, will provide to participants technical assistance before and after the regattas.B&G technicians will be availableto offer the well-known Regatta Support service,the flagship that distinguishes the most historic sailing electronics brand.Official Dealer: Elettromare ElbaPaolo PiccioneFrom Saturday 10 to Monday 12 June Mob. +39 347 7875958Carlo MalagoliFrom Monday 12 to Wedsday 14 June Mob. +39 328 4226140Sails repair Service in Saint-Tropez for the Rolex Giraglia 2023 will be done by North Sails France, Med, as usual.A big North Sails van will drive every day from the loft in Cannes to Saint-Tropez and back the next morning. The van will be parked on the big car park next to the pontons .Contact:Paul WilliamsonMob. +33 6 75 79 23 16GIRAGLIAThe advenTure of The queen of The mediTerraneanLa Giraglia was launched as the first offshore Mediterranean regatta in 1953: its name is the title and the subject of an outstanding book that will be presented to the public for the first time on the occasion of this year’s Rolex Giraglia race.Yacht Club Italiano had been long waiting for the ideal time to celebrate a regatta that had become an icon of world sailing: when we had to sadly cancel it in 2020 due to the pandemic, we realised that the right opportunity had come to “cover” the event on its 70th anniversary.In 2020, a massive task was carried out, involving numberless club members and friends: we collected old memories, unpublished photos and fascinating stories from sailors who lined up on the Starting Line and won, or at least tried to win, the race. We selected contents from the club’s archives and from designers who marked the evolution of world yacht-racing, and thus told a 70-year history in this book.Over 400 pages we learn about the evolution of our sport, from “cruise racing” and the early IOR maxi-yachts to super-fast carbon-built record-chasing super-maxi yachts along with fleets of boats small and large, crewed by family, friends and the occasional professional.Each entry will be given one complimentary copy; for additional copies please fill the *******************************************************.ThE COMMEMORATIVE bOOk OF ThE 70thGIRAGLIAROLEX GIRAGLIAFOR ThE ENVIRONMENTBy promoting a tangible initiative on Environmental Sustainability issues, the 70th edition of the Rolex Giraglia shows its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility policies.This initiative implements local environmental policies for the protection of the maritime region covered by this race: originally promoted by the EU, these policies require a joint effort by local authorities and associations from several countries, here underpinned by the Rolex Giraglia.Credit: Posidonia restoration launch event organised in cooperation with the european Commission representation in italy Contents:With the Contribution of:You too can support this projectwith a donation.ThE VIRTUALROLEX GIRAGLIATo expand the pool of “guests” to this milestone event, for the fi rst time ever the 2023 Edition will also be virtual, thanks to a collaboration with Virtual Regatta, the largest platform for yacht-racing simulation.The Virtual Rolex Giraglia 2023 will start on the 14th of June (preparatory signal at 11:55) concurrent with the fl eet of entries which will race for real from Saint-Tropez to the Giraglia with a Finish in Genoa.TROPhIES & AWARDS Sanremo - Saint-Tropez RaceROLEX GIRAGLIA SpecialsROLEX GIRAGLIA CLASSIC (Boats built before 1985)Rolex Giraglia 70° - The RockDaily Prizes - Inshores Saint-Tropezorganizing authority Title Partnerin cooperation withYacht Club Sanremo Société nautique deSaint-Tropezunder the aegis of under the Patronage ofTechnical regatta Support。



1 自发性活动空间与当代社会和当代建筑设计 自发性活动空间在20世纪基于勒·柯布西耶提出的“多米诺体系”获得技术上的可行性,在密斯的“通用空间”理念中初步展现了其应对功能变化和引发空间活力的优势,在路易斯·康提出的“可用性” (Availability )理念中呈现出其对人类精神提升的帮助。



1.1 自发性活动空间释义在《韦氏大辞典》(Merriam-Webster Dictionary )中,自发性(Spontaneous )的相关释义为:①由内在控制和引导(Controlled and directed internally );②由瞬间的冲动引发(Arising from a momentary impulse )。




1.2 自发性活动空间与人类的当代需求人类对空间的需求在随着社会的发展而不断变化,自发性活动空间需求在当代变得日益强烈的主要原因有二:其一,自发性活动空间为人们提供了自我实现的机会。






多功能 报告厅 可供人 们在此 集会讨 论
玻璃幕墙 营造私密 又透明的 空间 余人 咖 使们 啡 用在 厅 学和 习餐 之厅
图书馆藏书 50万册,是 自由讨论 欧洲最大的 区,大型 科学图书馆
The Rolex Learning Center By SANAA

天井采光 坡道 家具
The Rolex Learning Center
班级:建学0902班 指导老师:马 健 靳亦冰 小组成员:姚雨晨 22 张萌萌 31 杨蓓蓓 21 李晨辉 05
建筑师简介 建筑介绍 模型制作过程 我们的收获与遗憾
The Rolex Learning Center By SANAA
The Rolex Learning Center By SANAA

与传统建筑设置主入口与若干次入口的流线组织 方式不同的是,学习中心在四个立面均有可以进 入建筑的入口。同时由于建筑的体量过大,设计 师还巧妙地利用了建筑楼板的起伏,将几个大型 入口设置在建筑物的内部,以供人群和汽车更方 便迅速地达到建筑入口处。



劳力士(Rolex)是瑞士著名的手表制造商,前身为Wilsdorf and Davis(W&D)公司,由德国人汉斯·威斯多夫与英国人戴维斯于1905年在伦敦合伙经营。












洛桑联邦理工大学 (2)yi

洛桑联邦理工大学 (2)yi

Cover:Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne●It is a world-famous engineering university;●In the campus there are students from more than 125 countries;●In addition to teaching and research, it is also responsible for operating nuclear reactor CROCUS andtokamak fusion reactor and the like.Page 1Directory●Prestigious polytechnic kingdom (profile)●Metamorphosis course while struggling to survive(historical)●Universal famous impressive achievements (advantage)●When profound polytechnic encountering entertainment culture (environment)●Enumerating those widely famous historical people (elites)Page 2 Prestigious polytechnic kingdom (profile)Name of college:Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne(École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)School motto in mind: training of engineers and scientists (Educate engineers and scientists)Starting origin: founded in 1853Ownership factions: public universityThe current president: Patrick AebischerCultural advertised: famous alumni (Guy Berruyer, Aart de Geus, Daniel Borel, etc.)The main colleges: Basic Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, etc.Departments Status: Student total of 9300 peopleCollege including: seven affiliated collegePage 3 Metamorphosis course while struggling to survive(historical)Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne was founded in 1853, was originally a private school called "Particular School of Lausanne," it was established in Paris under the advocacy of the graduates of CentralInstitute of Technology Lois Rivier and John Gay. There were only 11 students at that time. Particular School ofLausanne became the Engineering College of the University of Lausanne in 1869. In 1890, when the University ofLausanne achieved university status, the Engineering college was renamed "the School of Engineering of University of Lausanne." In 1946, it was renamed " the School of Science and Technology of University of Lausanne."In 1946, the school has only 360 students; by 1969, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne has1,400 students and 55 professors; to 1969, the School of Science and Technology of University of Lausanne was independent from the University of Lausanne and was governed directly by the Swiss Federal government, and changed to its present name. In addition to Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and ETH Zurich, the other universities in are governed by its located state government; to 2008, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne merged Switzerland cancer clinical research center.In the past 20 years, the school expanded rapidly, to 2012, the school has 9306 students coming from 120countries, including 2041 doctoral students; the school has a total of 120 laboratories, 319 professors, 900 teachingstaff and 4074 scientific and technical employees. Since from 1969 the school began to follow the name of "Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne", and in 1969 the number of students in school were less than 1500, so in the "Times Higher Education magazine," which was listed in the schools that established within 50 years, and ranked second in 2013.Page 4 Universal famous impressive achievements (advantage)Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne is a renowned engineering universities in Europe and the world, in the field of engineering science and technology it enjoys a high reputation; in 2013-2014 in the most influential three rankings in the worldwide, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne ranked the second and the first in Europe in the field of engineering and technology in 2013 and 2014respectively. In these rankings, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and the University of Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial College and its sister institutions ETH Zurich, together accounted for the top five in the field of the Technology in European.In addition to teaching and research, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne is also responsible for operating nuclear reactor CROCUS, a tokamak fusion reactor, a Blue Gene / Q supercomputer and P3 bio-hazard facilities etc.. The School is well-known for its teacher-student ratio, international vision and scientific influence.The School’s a series of high-level research projects reinforce the schools style as a top research universities.The School has carried out extensive scientific cooperation around the world, in order to complete the world's first voyage round the world entirely by solar energy as a power, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne launched Switzerland remote solar-powered aircraft program of "Solar Impulse", and later involved in the construction of the first satellite "SwissCube-1" developed entirely by the Swiss, and on September 23, 2009 it was put into orbit by the Indian launcher PSLV. Under the school's research tackling step by step, it made one after another historic achievement.Page 5 When profound polytechnic encountering entertainment culture (environment) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne is located in the Leman lakeside, near Lausanne subway line 1, and is equipped with an electronic public bicycle system. The school was the first campus achieving the international Sustainable Campus Excellence Award. Although the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne’s main buildings are located on the main campus, but there are still some branches located in Neuchatel, Sion, Geneva and other places. The latest building built of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne is the Rolex Learning Center, the Rolex Learning Center is located in the center of the campus, where students can work, leisure and enjoy various services.All the information and resources available to professors and lecturers in EPFL are provided by each faculty. However, student works and part of teacher works are managed directly by the vice president of the school, and help students and teachers to better complete the task of learning and teaching. The School attaches great importance to cooperation with other institutions and enterprises, in Europe there are more than 270 cooperation projects, with the United States, Canada and Japan, there are more than 179 student cooperation and exchange programs.The school encourages the students to form associations and participate in sports activities. As of 2012, in the campus there were a total of 79 communities with society nature, in addition, the school also has its own monthly reports and alerts. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne will host many annual music festivals each year, in which the Balélec musical festival organized in May is most famous, which will attract around 15,000 visitors from nearly 30 countries of the world per year.Rolex Learning Center CROCUS nuclear reactorPage 6 Enumerating those widely famous historical people (elites)Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne has trained many new era of science and technology and cultural figures for the world, including both the environmentists protecting the earth, the inventors changing the human life, and the business elites reforming era, who use their own practical action to bring great honor and rewards for school.Fabiola GianottiMartin VetterliClaude Nicollier(astronauts, the European Space Agency experts)。




睡君说:建筑圈的八卦才是咱份内的事儿,绝不能落下~~~有道理~~~干干净净的建筑很舒服!终于获奖,让人高兴!由日本建筑师妹岛和世(Kazuyo Sejima)与西泽立卫(Ryue Nishizawa)共同成立“妹岛和世与西泽立卫建筑事务所”(SANAA ),获得2010年“普利兹克奖”(Pritzker Prize)。

1、妹岛和世与西泽立卫2、日本金泽的“21世纪当代艺术博物馆”(2004)日本金泽的“21世纪当代艺术博物馆”(2004)普利兹克奖评委会主席洛德-帕伦博(Lord Palumbo)表示:“他们的建筑风格,纤细而有力,确定而柔韧,巧妙但不过分;他们创作的建筑物,成功地与周边环境,及环境中的活动结合在一起,从而营造出一种饱满的感觉及体验上的丰富性;他们非凡的建筑语言,来自他们的协作过程,这个过程独一无二而又激动人心。


”4、日本金泽的“21世纪当代艺术博物馆”(2004)5、日本金泽的“21世纪当代艺术博物馆”(2004)日本长野的O-Museum博物馆(1999)评审团称赞他们的建筑物的特色是“最少的材质面板”(minimal material palette)、“很少的细节”(spare details)、“流动的空间结构” (fluid spatial organization)。

7、日本长野的O-Museum博物馆(1999)8、日本东京的“克里斯丁-迪奥大厦”(Christian Dior Building, 2003 )9、日本东京的“克里斯丁-迪奥大厦”(Christian Dior Building, 2003 )“普利兹克奖”设立于1979年。


10、荷兰阿尔梅勒(Almere)的“德昆斯特林剧院和文化中心”(DeKunstlinie Theater and Cultural Center, 2007 )11、荷兰阿尔梅勒(Almere)的“德昆斯特林剧院和文化中心”(DeKunstlinie Theater and Cultural Center, 2007 )德国埃森的“矿业同盟管理学院”(Zollverein School of Management 2006)西泽立卫现年44岁,是到目前为止获得“普利兹克奖”的最年轻的建筑师。


9. What has the woman already discovered?
A. The link between the festivals and the seasons.
B. Seasons in which different festivals are celebrated.
C. Similar ways of having carnivals in countries.
A. The time is unsuitable. B. London is too far away. C. The trip may be tiring.
3. When will the speakers meet?
A. At 8:30 pm. B. At 9:00 pm. C. At 9:3பைடு நூலகம் pm.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
细节理解题。根据第二段“This Is the Way Learning Center cares for and educates children aged 6 weeks and up.”( This Is the Way Learning Center照顾并教育6周及以上年龄的孩子)可知,这是一个招收婴幼儿的培训中心。故选B项。
12. Who will probably do the woman’s hair tomorrow?.
A. The woman’s sister. B. A hairdresser. C. The woman herself.



2021-2022学年安徽省六安市棠树中学高三英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、选择题1. -- Better get down to your homework, Tim.--____________.A. You're welcomeB. Mind your own businessC. Not to mention itD. It's my pleasure参考答案:B2. They finished repairing the old church, which cost $3,000, more than they .A. will planB. had plannedC. would planD. have planned参考答案:B3. —I’m driving to Beijing after breakfast.—Take care, with all this fog.A. especiallyB. mainlyC. extremelyD. really参考答案:A略4. “Meals on wheels” is a free service, ______ hot meals are delivered to elderly people who may not be able to move around very easily.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what参考答案:C5. I don’t believe you’ve already finished reading the book — I ______it to you this morning!A. would lendB. was lendingC. had lentD. lent参考答案:D6. Simon made a big bamboo box ______the little sick bird till it could fly.A.keepB. keptC. keepingD. to keep参考答案:D7. _______ at the back of the temple is the Tianning Tower, which, _______ 154 metres into the sky, is the tallest tower of the kind in China!A. Located; risenB. Locating; risingC. Located; risingD. Locating; risen参考答案:C8. It is no ______ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.A. useB. helpC. wonderD. doubt参考答案:A9. talking with him, you’ll find him an easy-going man.A. OnceB. UnlessC. UntilD. Before参考答案:A句意: 一旦与他交流, 你就会发现他是一个随和的人。



建筑地点:瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)建 筑 师: 妹岛和世+西泽立卫(Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / S A N A A)占地面积:20,200m2建筑面积:37,000m2建成时间:2010年劳力士学习中心(Rolex Learning Center)于2010年2月22日在瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)正式落成启用。





区位图和谐自然 日本建筑师妹岛和世与西泽立卫设计的建筑多具有明亮的体块、简约的美感与流动通透的空间感,他们非常擅于巧妙地建立室外与室内、社区与个人、公共领域与私人领域之间细致的关系,学习中心的设计思想也正是基于此。












1905年,他创办了自己的企业,名为“威尔斯多夫及戴维公司”(Wilsdorf and Davis),是一家主要负责销售手表的公司,专门向英国各地以及其他英联邦国家销售钟表产品,但他也研发自制手表。


取名 Rolex,主要是威尔多夫认为这个字以任何国家的语言都能容易发音,这项非凡的直觉,奠定了劳力士近百年的基业。


1914年,英国「乔」天文台(Kew Observatory)颁发A级证书给劳力士,这是此前这一知名天文台从未颁发过的最高评价,从而使劳力士的精确性获得官方的肯定而声名大噪,身价倍增。















妹岛和世与西泽立卫以“把建筑作为公园”(Make architecture like a park)作为空间概念,尝试为使用者创 造不同的体验,并提供一种探索的自由。这栋建筑的理 念在于不管是现在还是将来,都希望提供灵活的使用方 式,去接受和吸收新的科技和工作方式,建筑本身也处 于演变和发展的过程当中。建筑强调社会性,人们可以 一起吃饭、喝咖啡、学习、讨论,以激发来自不同学科 的人们之间的轻松接触。这座建筑就像是一处地标,吸
这是一栋非常具有创新意义的建筑,波浪型的、微微倾斜的 楼面和屋顶围绕着若干个小型的天井院落布置,流畅的形态 和复杂的结构需要新型的建造方法。对于三维的曲线混凝土 外壳,SANAA事务所与结构工程公司SAPS合作,用计算机模 拟技术共同探索以取得最小的弯曲应力。工程师Bollinger、 Grohmann 和 Walther Mory Maier经过无数次的反复试验, 获得了最终的形状。从严格意义上来说,这座建筑具有两层 外壳。两个外层之间是11个预应力拱形结构。小一些的外层 由4个拱形结构支撑,各有30m~40m长,大一些的外层由7 个拱形结构支撑,各有55m~90m长。这些拱形结构由70个 地下预应力线缆进行拉撑。
可以承担学习场所的功能,或是承担休闲场所的功能。对比常规的建筑以功能划分空间的惯例,劳 力士学习中心的空间呈现出功能不确定性的特征,与“形式追随功能”的现代主义信条完全相悖。 空间的功能不再由建筑师规定,而是由使用者定义,使用者可以以自己的感受挖掘空间的潜力,定 义自己的活动场所。功能是使用者要使用建筑的目标,因而空间功能的不确定性从根本上解除了建 筑对使用者的限制,为使用者提供了实现行为“由内在控制和引导”的可能性。空间功能的不确定 性是自发性活动产生的内在基础条件之二。



劳力士学习中心Rolex Learning Center, Switzerland客户 EPFL(Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)建筑师 Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA当地建筑师 Architram SA设计团队 Yumiko Yamada, Rikiya Yamamoto, Osamu Kato, Naoto Noguchi, Mizuko Kaji, TakayukiHasegawa, Louis-Antoine Grego(Former staff: Tetsuo Kondo, Matthias Haertel, Catarina Canas)结构设计 SAPS / Sasaki and Partners, B+G Ingenieure Bollinger und Grohmann GmbH, Walther Mory Maier Bauingenieure AG , BG Ingénieurs Conseils SA, Losinger Construction SA编译 朱晓琳92日本SANAA事务所设计的劳力士学习中心于2010年的2月22日开放。

SANAA(Sejima And Nishizawa And Associates)是由建筑师妹岛和世和西泽立卫两人共同成立的建筑事务所,该事务所设计的劳力士学习中心建筑新颖大胆而且具有高度的实验性质,向人们展示了21世纪人类新的学习方式和交互性影响的意义。







Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告劳力士(上海)有限公司北京分公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:劳力士(上海)有限公司北京分公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分劳力士(上海)有限公司北京分公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业仪器仪表制造业通用仪器仪表制造资质一般纳税人产品服务零配件及相关产品的批发、进出口及相关的售1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。



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奢侈品名表的消费者追求 品质、品味和独特性,他 们认为购买奢侈品名表是 一种投资和身份的象征。
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百达翡丽(Patek Philippe)
以其传统制表工艺和复杂度高的机械表而闻名,是世界上最顶级的奢 侈品名表品牌之一。
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进入21世纪,奢侈品名表市场呈现出 多元化的发展趋势,不仅有传统的手 工机械表,还有石英表、智能表等不 同类型的产品。
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建筑新颖大胆而且具有高度的实验性质。 2万平方米的连续单层流动空间为人们提供了图书馆、阅览室、 学习实验室、信息咨询、交流空间、学习空间、会议中心、餐 厅、咖啡厅和多样的室外庭院。 建筑平面是一个长方形,建筑底面上下起伏,将大小形状不 同的13个庭院联系起来,并在建筑的4个方向的边上抬起,让使 用者可以从建筑中心的一个主要入口进入建筑。

上下起伏的台地作为背景,构筑物和庭院以独立的完型散布在背景之上——类似于 细胞与细胞质之间的关系。 由于使用者需要从建筑上下起伏的底部和庭院之间穿梭之后,才能到达建筑的主入 口,路径上的视觉已经让使用者掌握了这座建筑“地面起伏”和“院落散布”的两 大空间特点。
王胜杰 邱瀚林 刘坤泽 何文熙
瑞士劳力士学习中心(Rolex Learning Center)
妹岛和世 西泽立卫 日本建筑师,SANAA事务所,2010年普利兹克奖得主。
“我自己属于承上启下的一代”,妹岛承袭了伊东丰雄的轻 快 轻快和飘逸,但又更进一步增加了作品中的浮游感,细腻、 精致而富于女性气息.
基地条件: 模建基地大 甲方:四面八方 的人都进来 概念1 做一 层集体交流 空间 概念2共聚 多功能单一 空间 问题:一层平摊建 筑会导致人们只接 触边缘地带 解决方法:用一种 方法使学生不穿过 功能空间直达建筑 中心地带 应对策略: 引入薄壁 结构
妹岛和世与西泽立卫以“把建筑作为公园”(Make architecture like a park)作为空间概念,尝试为使用者创造不同 的体验,并提供一种探索的自由。 这栋建筑的理念在于不管是现在还是将来,都希望提供灵活的 使用方式,去接受和吸收新的科技和工作方式,建筑本身也处于 演变和发展的过程当中。 建筑强调社会性,人们可以一起吃饭、喝咖啡、学习、讨论, 以激发来自不同学科的人们之间的轻松接触。这座建筑就像是一 处地标,吸引着人们前来访问和体验。
立足根本 勇于创新
计算机信息化运用 建筑设计方案阶段,数字化设计与施工,绿色建筑… 打破传统 形式的不确定性,空间功能的不确定性… 在劳力士学习中心里,每个空间都没有确定的功能。任意的开放空 间都可以承担走廊的功能,也可以承担学习场所的功能,或是承担休 闲场所的功能。对比常规的建筑以功能划分空间的惯例,劳力士学习 中心的空间呈现出功能不确定性的特征,与“形式追随功能”的现代 主义信条完全相悖. 以人为本
为了实现建筑独特的形态和空间,SANAA事务所与工程的总承包 商进行了密切的合作。混凝土的浇筑必须非常精确,需要考虑到复杂 的立面系统外形的偏差和在施工过程中产生的误差。例如,用激光切 割的一个2.5m~2.5m的木制模块在平面上的位置运用了GPS定位技术 以保证其最精确的位置。为了实现有效的通风和采暖,一个波浪型的 空间体量同样通过计算机模拟技术以确定这一空间在何时需要开启窗 扇进行自然通风,而又在何时需要地板供暖。这一技术有助于建筑实 现低耗能的目标。 由于建筑是一个整体性的、单一的结构形式,所有的元素,包括屋 顶都必须非常灵活才能适应自然条件和结构细部的改变而引起微小变 化。因此,内部的屋顶系统是有接缝的,以适应外部的变化。曲线的 玻璃立面和围合天井的玻璃立面也需要根据波浪型的混凝土结构进行 适时的调整:每一块玻璃都经过精确切割并且独立安装,最终拼接起 来形成整体的表皮结构。