1. 研究背景和意义:您在引言中清晰地阐述了研究的背景和意义,但是可以进一步强调该研究对于相关领域的贡献和潜在影响。
2. 方法和结果:您的方法部分描述了研究的设计和实验过程,结果部分呈现了相应的数据和分析。
3. 讨论和结论:在讨论部分,您对结果进行了解释和分析,但可以进一步讨论结果与已有研究的关系,以及对未来研究的启示。
4. 语言和排版:论文的语言需要进行进一步的润色,目前存在一些语法和表达上的问题。
1. 内容方面。
2. 语言表达。
3. 总体印象。
审稿人1:> *** Weak aspects: Comments to the author: what are the weak aspects of the paper?The presentation of this paper should be improved. The experiment shows that, secrecy rate is almost the same as traditional method and what is the promotion of using NN to relay selection. Beside, the efficiency of this scheme is not clearly demonstrated.> *** Recommended changes:The authors should complete the experiment by adding the computation costs. The references are old, latest advancement of this issue should be mentioned. The authors may put more words on the meaning of introducing NN to relay selection, because, the experiment result is not that elegant.弱势方面:应该改进本文的介绍。
1. 在文献综述部分,建议再增加一些相关最新的研究成果,并对现有文献进行更深入的分析和综合。
2. 在研究方法部分,需要更详细地描述实验设计和数据处理的过程,以确保读者对实验过程的了解和信服。
3. 结果部分需要更清晰地呈现实验数据,并进行充分的分析。
4. 在讨论部分,需要对实验结果进行全面深入的分析,并与前人研究进行对比,提出具有创新性的见解。
5. 最后,在语言表达和文字组织方面,建议进行一些细节上的修改和修饰,以提高整体的可读性和表达效果。
The paper presents an application of reassigned wavelet scalogram for rotor system fault diagnosis.It is a topic of interest to the researchers in the related areas but the paper needs verysignificant improvement before acceptance for publication. My detailed comments are as follows:1.The wavelet method (reassigned wavelet scalogram) used in the paper works very well for the underlying fault diagnosis problem. On the other hand, this wavelet method is a well-established method, and the present research is a direct application of this method without new contribution in methodological research.2.For the above reason, the presentation should be focused on the results. Unfortunately, the presentation is far from acceptable for publication. The material was not properly organized and itis strongly suggested that the authors check carefully the English writing and use standard terminologies in the technical area.3.The title of the paper should be more specific since numerous studies have been done on the fault diagnosis of rotor systems using wavelets and time-frequency methods. Also, remove the word "research".4.On Section 1:•This secti on listed many refere nces that are mai niy related to rotor dyn amics and are not directly related to rotor system diagnosis. If the authors would like to keep these references, some discussions on the relevance of these refs to the present research are needed.-Review on the directly releva nt refs will be more helpful for the reader. Also, time-freque ncy and wavelets are mainly for non-stationary and transient analysis. The author may discuss in more detail what types of transients and non-stationary components would appear in rotor system vibration.•A few sentences on the organization of the paper will be helpful.5.On Section 2:•Since the major method used in the application is reassigned wavelet scalogram, it is not needed to give the details of three other methods (only give a few words and give the refs). Instead, the authors may discuss more on the relationship between traditional wavelet scalogram and the reassigned wavelet scalogram, and explain why the latter is better than the former.•Eq (2): the right-hand-side is wrong and "2" is missed.•The description after Eq (2) is not clear. See Cohen's book for details about the cross-terms.6.On Sections 3 and 4:The description needs to be improved. The material in Section 3 should be organized in several paragraphs.7.On Section 5:The authors did a good experiment and some of the phenomena presented in the time-frequency planes are also very interesting. However, the observations should be described concisely, and the authors should focus more on: 1) whether these phenomena are general characteristics, and 2) if possible, explain the reason of the phenomena and the advantages of reassigned wavelet scalogram over other time-frequency methods.•n fact, it is po ssible to in ter pret most of the phenomena in the time-freque ncy planes using rotor dynamics. For example, shaft rub causes broadband vibration and will result in nearlyhorizontal lines in the phase planes.•Some of the p aragra phs are too long.8.The conclusion should be concise and only summarize the most important contribution of the research.Reviewer #2: This paper presents the results of time-frequency analysis applied to a table top rotating machinery test rig under a set of fault conditions. The title of the paper is very misleading because no automated methods for either fault detection or diagnosis/isolation are discussed in the paper. Rather, under different fault scenarios, several time-frequency methods available in the literature are evaluated for their ability to generate visually discriminating features associated with the fault conditions. Hence, this paper provides a characterization of time-frequency features associated with rotating machinery faults as opposed to the development of any type of fault diagnosis methodology. Hence, the paper must be judged solely on the quality of the experimentation, the presentation of the results, and how the time-frequency features identified in the various fault cases relates to the dynamical operating conditions of the rig.The main problem with the paper is that it is very poorly written, and this makes the evaluation and interpretation of the main contributions of the paper obscure. The paper requires a complete rewrite to improve the grammar, style and readability. Also consider: In equation (1) on page 2, what does it mean that h(t) is centered at t=0 and f=0? h(t) is a windowing function in the time domain!What is the point of the simulation experiments, what do they add to what is already known about the time-frequency techniques from the literature?Since the only contribution of the paper is the time-frequency analysis, the results of these computations need to be explained in detail in the text and the graphical results need to be properly annotated so that readers can comprehend and understand which distinguishing features are associated with the faults. Currently, the graphical results are poorly displayed and it is difficult to correlate the figures with the text. 以下是从一个朋友转载来的,关于英文投稿过程中编辑给出的意见。
英文审稿意见模板Dear [Reviewer's Name],Thank you for reviewing our manuscript titled [Title of the Manuscript]. We appreciate your time and effort in providing us with valuable feedback. Your comments and suggestions have greatly helped to improve the quality of our work. We are grateful for your expertise in this field and for the constructive criticism you have provided.We have carefully considered all of your comments and have made the necessary revisions to address each of the concerns raised. Below, we summarize the changes we have made in response to your suggestions:1. [Comment 1]: In response to this comment, we have revised our introduction to provide a clearer context for our study. We have also included additional references to support the background information and clarify the research gap.2. [Comment 2]: We agree with your suggestion to expand the methodology section. We have provided additional details on the experimental setup, data collection, and analysis techniques used. This should provide a more comprehensive understanding of our research methodology.3. [Comment 3]: Thank you for pointing out this error in our results section. We have carefully reviewed our data and made the necessary corrections. The updated results now accurately reflect our findings.4. [Comment 4]: We appreciate your suggestion to include a discussion on the limitations of our study. We have added a new section to the manuscript that discusses the possible limitations of our methodology and potential areas for future research.Overall, we believe that these revisions have significantly strengthened our manuscript. We are confident that the updated version meets the requirements for publication.Once again, we would like to express our gratitude for your thorough review of our manuscript and for providing us with valuable feedback. We believe that your expertise has greatly contributed to the overall improvement of our work.Thank you once again for your time and for considering our manuscript for publication. We look forward to your final decision. Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Affiliation][Contact Information]。
_______________________________________The paper presents an application of reassigned wavelet scalogram for rotor system fault diagnosis. It is a topic of interest to the researchers in the related areas but the paper needs very significant improvement before acceptance for publication. My detailed comments are as follows:1. The wavelet method (reassigned wavelet scalogram) used in the paper works very well for the underlying fault diagnosis problem. On the other hand, this wavelet method is awell-established method, and the present research is a direct application of this method without new contribution in methodological research.2. For the above reason, the presentation should be focused on the results. Unfortunately, the presentation is far from acceptable for publication. The material was not properly organized and it is strongly suggested that the authors check carefully the English writing and use standard terminologies in the technical area.3. The title of the paper should be more specific since numerous studies have been done on the fault diagnosis of rotor systems using wavelets and time-frequency methods. Also, remove the word "research".4. On Section 1:· This section listed many references that are mainly related to rotor dynamics and are not directly related to rotor system diagnosis. If the authors would like to keep these references, some discussions on the relevance of these refs to the present research are needed.· Review on the directly relevant refs will be more helpful for the reader. Also, time-frequency and wavelets are mainly for non-stationary and transient analysis. The author may discuss in more detail what types of transients and non-stationary components would appear in rotor system vibration.· A few sentences on the organization of the paper will be helpful.5. On Section 2:· Since the major method used in the application is reassigned wavelet scalogram, it is not needed to give the details of three other methods (only give a few words and give the refs). Instead, the authors may discuss more on the relationship between traditional wavelet scalogram and the reassigned wavelet scalogram, and explain why the latter is better than the former.· Eq (2): the right-hand-side is wrong and "2" is missed.· The description after Eq (2) is not clear. See Cohen's book for details about the cross-terms.6. On Sections 3 and 4:The description needs to be improved. The material in Section 3 should be organized in several paragraphs.7. On Section 5:· The authors did a good experiment and some of the phenomena presented in thetime-frequency planes are also very interesting. However, the observations should be described concisely, and the authors should focus more on: 1) whether these phenomena are general characteristics, and 2) if possible, explain the reason of the phenomena and the advantages of reassigned wavelet scalogram over other time-frequency methods.· In fact, it is possible to interpret most of the phenomena in the time-frequency planes usingrotor dynamics. For example, shaft rub causes broadband vibration and will result in nearly horizontal lines in the phase planes.· Some of the paragraphs are too long.8. The conclusion should be concise and only summarize the most important contribution of the research.Reviewer #2: This paper presents the results of time-frequency analysis applied to a table top rotating machinery test rig under a set of fault conditions. The title of the paper is very misleading because no automated methods for either fault detection or diagnosis/isolation are discussed in the paper. Rather, under different fault scenarios, several time-frequency methods available in the literature are evaluated for their ability to generate visually discriminating features associated with the fault conditions. Hence, this paper provides a characterization of time-frequency features associated with rotating machinery faults as opposed to the development of any type of fault diagnosis methodology. Hence, the paper must be judged solely on the quality of the experimentation, the presentation of the results, and how the time-frequency features identified in the various fault cases relates to the dynamical operating conditions of the rig.The main problem with the paper is that it is very poorly written, and this makes the evaluation and interpretation of the main contributions of the paper obscure. The paper requires a complete rewrite to improve the grammar, style and readability. Also consider:In equation (1) on page 2, what does it mean that h(t) is centered at t=0 and f=0? h(t) is a windowing function in the time domain!What is the point of the simulation experiments, what do they add to what is already known about the time-frequency techniques from the literature?Since the only contribution of the paper is the time-frequency analysis, the results of these computations need to be explained in detail in the text and the graphical results need to be properly annotated so that readers can comprehend and understand which distinguishing features are associated with the faults. Currently, the graphical results are poorly displayed and it is difficult to correlate the figures with the text.以下是从一个朋友转载来的,关于英文投稿过程中编辑给出的意见。
1. 文档结构和布局,请审阅文档的结构和布局是否清晰合理,是否符合学术规
2. 文档内容和论据,请审阅文档的内容是否充分、准确,论据是否可靠,论证
3. 文档语言和表达,请审阅文档的语言是否精炼准确,表达是否清晰流畅,是
4. 文档观点和立意,请审阅文档的观点是否明确,立意是否积极向上,是否具
一个优秀的审稿人又有什么特征呢? Black等曾对英国杂志(BMJ)的审稿人进行过评价,其目的是想明确高水平审稿人的特征,特别是在审稿花费时间和审回时间方面。
同意发表的英文审稿意见Title:Review Comments on the Accepted ManuscriptIn the review of the accepted manuscript,the reviewer found the research to be well-conducted and the methodology to be sound.The results presented in the manuscript are clear and support the conclusions drawn by the authors.The findings contribute valuable insights to the field and have the potential to advance scientific knowledge in asignificant way.However,there are a few suggestions for improvement.The introduction could be more concise and provide a clearer overview of the research aims and objectives.Additionally, the discussion section could benefit from a more thorough analysis of the results and a discussion of theirimplications for future research.Overall,the reviewer recommends some minor revisions to enhance the clarity and impact of the manuscript.With these improvements,the research presented in the manuscript has the potential to make a valuable contribution to thescientific community.在对已接受的稿件的审稿中,审稿人认为研究进行得很好,方法论也很完善。
幸亏遇上我的处女审稿,我想不会枪毙它的,给他一个major revision后接收吧。
It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.2、未解释研究方法或解释不充分。
In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical methods used in the study. Furthermore, an explanation of why the authors did these various experiments should be provided.3、对于研究设计的rationale:Also, there are few explanations of the rationale for the study design.4、夸张地陈述结论/夸大成果/不严谨:The conclusions are overstated. For example, the study did not showif the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation.5、对hypothesis的清晰界定:A hypothesis needs to be presented。
It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.2、未解释研究方法或解释不充分。
◆ In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical methods used in the study.◆Furthermore, an explanation of why the authors did these various experimentsshould be provided。
3、对于研究设计的rationale:Also, there are few explanations of the rationale for the study design.4、夸张地陈述结论/夸大成果/不严谨:The conclusions are overstated。
For example, the study did not show if the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation。
5、对hypothesis的清晰界定:A hypothesis needs to be presented。
医学审稿意见模板范文 英文
医学审稿意见模板范文英文Dear Author,Thank you for submitting your manuscript to our journal. We have carefully reviewed your work and have the following comments and suggestions for revision:1. Clarity and Organization:- The organization of the manuscript could be improvedto enhance the clarity of the research presented. Consider reorganizing the sections to better guide the reader through the study's objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.2. Methodology and Data Analysis:- The methodology and data analysis should be more thoroughly described. Please provide additional details on the study design, data collection methods, and statistical analysis to ensure the rigor and reproducibility of the research.3. Literature Review:- The literature review would benefit from a more comprehensive analysis of relevant prior studies. Please consider including a more thorough discussion of the existing literature to better contextualize the current study within the field.4. Language and Writing Style:- The manuscript would benefit from a careful proofreading for language and writing style. Please ensure that the writing is clear, concise, and free of grammatical errors.Overall, while we appreciate the contribution of your research to the field, we believe that the manuscript requires major revisions to meet the standards of our journal. We encourage you to carefully address the comments and suggestions provided and to resubmit your revised manuscript for further consideration.中文翻译:尊敬的作者,感谢您提交您的手稿给我们的期刊。
审稿意见模板大全,最新,最 全
_______________________________________The paper presents an application of reassigned wavelet scalogram for rotor system fault diagnosis. It is a topic of interest to the researchers in the related areas but the paper needs very significant improvement before acceptance for publication. My detailed comments are as follows:1. The wavelet method (reassigned wavelet scalogram) used in the paper works very well for the underlying fault diagnosis problem. On the other hand, this wavelet method is a well-established method, and the present research is a direct application of this method without new contribution in methodological research.2. For the above reason, the presentation should be focused on the results. Unfortunately, the presentation is far from acceptable for publication. The material was not properly organized and it is strongly suggested that the authors check carefully the English writing and use standard terminologies in the technical area.3. The title of the paper should be more specific since numerous studies have been done on the fault diagnosis of rotor systems using wavelets and time-frequency methods. Also, remove the word "research".4. On Section 1:· This section listed many references that are mainly related to rotor dynamics and are not directly related to rotor system diagnosis. If the authors would like to keep these references, some discussions on the relevance of these refs to the present research are needed.· Review on the directly relevant refs will be more helpful for the reader. Also, time-frequency and wavelets are mainly for non-stationary and transient analysis. The author may discuss in more detail what types of transients and non-stationary components would appear in rotor system vibration.· A few sentences on the organization of the paper will be helpful. 5. On Section 2:· Since the major method used in the application is reassigned wavelet scalogram, it is not needed to give the details of three other methods (only give a few words and give the refs). Instead, the authors may discuss more on the relationship between traditionalwavelet scalogram and the reassigned wavelet scalogram, and explain why the latter is better than the former.· Eq (2): the right-hand-side is wrong and "2" is missed.· The description after Eq (2) is not clear. See Cohen's book for details about the cross-terms.6. On Sections 3 and 4:The description needs to be improved. The material in Section 3 should be organized in several paragraphs.7. On Section 5:· The authors did a good experiment and some of the phenomena presented in the time-frequency planes are also very interesting. However, the observations should be described concisely, and the authors should focus more on: 1) whether these phenomena are general characteristics, and 2) if possible, explain the reason of the phenomena and the advantages of reassigned wavelet scalogram over other time-frequency methods.· In fact, it is possible to interpret most of the phenomena in the time-frequency planes using rotor dynamics. For example, shaft rub causes broadband vibration and will result in nearly horizontal lines in the phase planes.· Some of the paragraphs are too long.8. The conclusion should be concise and only summarize the most important contribution of the research.Reviewer #2: This paper presents the results of time-frequency analysis applied to a table top rotating machinery test rig under a set of fault conditions. The title of the paper is very misleading because no automated methods for either fault detection or diagnosis/isolation are discussed in the paper. Rather, under different fault scenarios, several time-frequency methods available in the literature are evaluated for their ability to generate visually discriminating features associated with the fault conditions. Hence, this paper provides a characterization of time-frequency features associated with rotating machinery faults as opposed to the development of any type of fault diagnosis methodology. Hence, the paper must be judged solely on the quality of the experimentation, the presentation of the results, and how thetime-frequency features identified in the various fault cases relates to the dynamical operating conditions of the rig.The main problem with the paper is that it is very poorly written, and this makes the evaluation and interpretation of the main contributions of the paper obscure. The paper requires a complete rewrite to improve the grammar, style and readability. Also consider:In equation (1) on page 2, what does it mean that h(t) is centered att=0 and f=0? h(t) is a windowing function in the time domain!What is the point of the simulation experiments, what do they add to what is already known about the time-frequency techniques from the literature?Since the only contribution of the paper is the time-frequency analysis, the results of these computations need to be explained in detail in the text and the graphical results need to be properly annotated so that readers can comprehend and understand which distinguishing features are associated with the faults. Currently, the graphical results are poorly displayed and it is difficult to correlate the figures with the text.以下是从一个朋友转载来的,关于英文投稿过程中编辑给出的意见。
1. 语言表述方面
2. 论文结构方面
3. 数据分析方面
4. 结论与实践意义方面
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Comments on “Chromium (VI) reduction in aqueous medium by means of catalytic membrane reactors”
This manuscript deals with a novel method for catalytic reduction of chromium (VI) using catalytic membrane reactions with Pd and Pd/CeO2/Fe2O3active phases. While I like the topic of the manuscript, I believe the manuscript does not provide sufficient details, more work need to be further studied, such as optimizing the performance of the reactors, providing sufficient details and proof on the mechanism of how the Cr(VI)transformed into Cr(III) with hydrogen by means of CMRs, and providing explanations on that Cr reduction is faster in mineral water than in model solution. In conclusion, because of the lack of results, I think that this paper is not suitable for publication on this journal.
Specific comments:
1. Introduction part, please provide some investigations about chromium reduction by Pd, and its mechanism has been published.
2. Line 111-120, the references in this part were too more. Please choose some representative ones.
3. Line 178-179, please give the explanation on the conversion of CrO42-and Cr(VI) concentration.
4. Line 407, please improve the resolution of Fig.
5. And in Fig.5, the role of CeO2 and Fe2O3 was not reflected.
5. Line 416, it was shown that CMR0 and CMR1 were used to reduce Cr(VI) in Fig.6, while in the caption of Fig. 6, it described that CMR0 and CMR2 were used. Please check the figure and caption.
6. Line 508-511, comparing the activity of CMR3 and CMR1, the authors concluded that Ce participates in the Cr reduction. However, the Pd content was different in the two membranes. In my opinion, a CMR of the same Pd content with CMR3 should be used to compare the activity.
7. Line 515, some data in Table 2 was repeated with the figures in the manuscript. Please put the Table in the supporting information.
8. Line 537-539, please provide some details to prove that Ce could increase the active sites in the reaction. And how about Fe2O3? There was not any explanation on the role of Fe2O3.。