英语作文 道德的堕落(Moral depravity)-精品

英语作文 道德的堕落(Moral depravity)-精品

道德的堕落(Moral depravity)

in the thought-provoking picture, a young man is sitting on the chair in an autobus that is allocated specially for the old, the weak, the pregnant, the disabled, children and the like. regrettably, he simply neglects the pregnant lady standing just beside him with great efforts. the scene will set ordinary citizens to think seriously about the nation’s painfully declining moral climate.

some of this can be attributed to the lack of morality, a problem shown particularly in the younger generation. their sense of moral standards seems to be withering although their material forts have been considerably enhanced. what makes matters even worse is the fact that such misdeeds as spitting, picking flowers in public gardens or making noises in public places are being so pervasive that they are likely to be taken for granted by the public. with today’s worsening morality, social bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self. that is why new ideas must e forward t o improve the nation’s moral climate though the challenge cannot be underestimated.

moral decline will not be reversed until we find new ways to improve our moral standards. for adults, we can make use of every chance to remind young people of the importance of good manners, both as a petent citizen in modern society and as a model for them to follow. only in this way can the moral climate of our nation be improved, and we sincerely wish that the young man in the picture could realize that he has sit on a “wrong” seat.



浅析当代社会道德滑坡现象 摘要:改革开放30多年以来,中国国民经济飞速发展,在社会经济建设领域中创造了一个又一个奇迹。然而,在这些经济奇迹的背后我们却不可忽视一个问题,那就是社会道德的严重滑坡。诸如社会诚信问题、社会冷漠度问题等。怎样认识当前中国经济高速发展与社会道德严重滑坡的关系也就成了一个急迫的问题。 道德滑坡现象:在当今市场经济社会里,人们的思想观念呈现多元化趋势,社会道德建设如同物质上的贫富悬殊一样,形成观念上的“两极分化”;一方面是英雄人物辈出,道德模范不断涌现;一方面是诚信空前危机,假冒伪劣屡禁不止。不讲诚信、不顾责任、不凭良心的人和事屡见不鲜。在一些人眼里,物欲横流、见利忘义、缺乏荣辱感、笃信潜规则,道德底线一再失守。当硫酸泼向无助的黑熊,当枪弹射向无辜的教师,当汽油浇向熟睡的流浪者,当因学习上的分歧而掐死同窗,当因一句骂人的话而去投毒,当好心车主扶起摔倒的老奶奶被敲诈,当18位路人无视躺在路边濒临死亡的小女孩的时候,每个人们的处境都处于危险中,正是这种潜在危险使得众多的“旁观者”走向前台来关心道德建设的问题。 道德滑坡已经涉及到社会的方方面面,涉及到各个阶层,各个领域。它带给人们的印象只有一个——混乱。这对中国社会的发展无疑是致命的。在我国倡导建设精神文明的今天,提高全民道德文化修养已成了当务之急。正如温家宝总理所说:“一个国家如果没有国民素质的提高和道德的力量,绝不可能成为一个真正强大的国家、一个受人尊敬的国家。” 我国道德水平下滑的主要表现可以归纳为以下几点[3]:第一,家庭道德伦理关系改变而带来的矛盾与冲突。第二,职业道德陷入了没有精神支柱的泥潭。第三,社会公德开始失去平衡。第四,腐败现象难以得到有效遏制。 随着时代进步而出现道德观念的变迁是必然的,但一些“保守”的人认为,这是世风日下,出现“道德滑坡”了,这其实是一个很大的误解。我们不能说每次道德观念的变化都值得肯定,但从人类历史发展的长河来看,道德观念是向着更进步、更文明的方向发展的。因此,道德滑坡不是指道德观念的滑坡,而指道德实践的滑坡。人们有明辨是非的能力,但在具体行动上发生了变化,也就是道德实践方面滑坡了。 道德滑坡的原因: (一)价值观出现“错位”[2]


On Improving Students’ Network Morality As we all know, recently the problem of college students’ network morality is becoming serious gradually. We all can see that there are a lot of things, which are not health for our society. To our surprising, most of these things, like essays and photos, are put on the net by college students. Judging from that, we can learn how serious the problem is. However, what is the damage about the problem? I think it may make those things, which are not health for our society, custom and morality, expanded fast and extensively. As the Internet has become popular, the information is expanding fluently. We all can acquire information from the Internet. If somebody puts something, which is not very moral, it maybe has a bad effect on the society. Those people who read it will be the victim possibly. In my opinion, it will damage the custom of our country. It is the time to change it now. In order to improve students’network morality, we must make measures to strengthen the education about network morality. We

Education and morality 教育与道德-英语作文

Education and morality 教育与道德-英语作文 Normally school education aims to cultivate students' abilities to learn and think. But more and more people realize that without the cultivation of moral norms and ethics, we can hardly expect a society to be nice enough for leading a harmonious life. As a result, schools should attach more attention to develop students’ character education, such as qualities of honesty and filial piety. Character education plays an important role in the development of future society. It meets the need of emphasizing a nd developing the students’ all-round qualities. In the long run, it protects students from being selfish, indifferent, conceited as well as impolite in their daily lives. What's more, it teaches students how to learn efficiently, how to live colourfully, how to do things seriously, for their own future, and also for the future of their motherland. 平时学校教育的目的是培养学生的学习水平和思考水平。但是, 越来越多的人意识到,没有道德规范和伦理道德的培养,我们很难指 望一个社会能够和谐生活的美好。所以,学校应重视培养学生的人格 教育,如诚实和孝顺的品质。 品格教育在未来社会发展中起着重要的作用。它符合强调和发展 学生的全面素质的需要。从长远来看,它能够保护学生免受自私、冷漠、自负以及日常生活中的不礼貌。更重要的是,教会学生如何有效 学习,如何生活丰富多彩,如何做事认真,对于自己的未来,也是祖 国的未来。

【英语作文】关于助人为乐Should we help others in need_

关于助人为乐Should we help others in need? 1.现在经常有这样的现象发生:路上有人摔倒,没人敢上前帮忙。 2.这是人们的公德心缺失还是其他什么原因呢? 3.你对此有何看法? 【参考作文】 Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture.But what’s strange nowadays is that people dare not show their helping hands to those in need.I would like to elaborate my views on this issue. 乐于助人在中国传统文化中一直是一种美德。可是很奇怪 的是,现在的人都不敢伸出援手去帮助那些需要帮助的人Firstly,I think people’s moral sense has degraded.When egoism gains the upper hand,many people find it growingly hard to help others.Secondly,there is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions.So common people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits. 首先,我认为人们的道德意识已经退化。当利己主义获得 了上风,许多人觉得越来越难去帮助别人。其次,毫无疑问一些不幸的事件结果证明是有着不良目的的陷阱。因此,老百姓


道德名言警句大全 导读:本文是关于道德名言警句大全,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、我所谓共和国里的美德,是指爱祖国、也就是爱平等而言。这并不是一种道德上的美德,也不是一种基督教的美德,而是**上的美德。——孟德斯鸠 2、谁能从道德败坏的地方脱出来,还保持洁白,便是有了最伟大的功德。——显克微支 3、良心是由人的知识和全部生活方式来决定的。——马克思 4、装饰对于德行也同样是格格不入的,因为德行是灵魂的力量和生气。——卢梭 5、道德和才艺是远胜于富贵的资产,堕落的子孙可以把贵显的门第败坏,把巨富的财产荡毁,可是道德和才艺,却可以使一个凡人成为不配的神明。——莎士比亚 6、当信用消失的时候,**就没有生命。——大仲马 7、国家用人,当以德为本,才艺为末。——康熙 8、奢则妄取苟取,志气卑辱;一从俭约,则于人无求,于己无愧,是可以养气也。——罗大经 9、诚实是力量的一种象征,它显示着一个人的高度自重和内心的安全感与尊严感。——艾琳·卡瑟 10、工作上的信用是最好的财富。没有信用积累的青年,非成

为失败者不可。——池田大作 11、阴谋陷害别人的人,自己会首先遭到不幸。——伊索 12、优良的品性是真正的财富,而衬显这品性的是良好的教养。——洛克 13、劳动却是产生一切力量、一切道德和一切幸福的威力无比的源泉。——拉·乔乃尼奥里 14、人在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上就应是清白的,身体上就应是洁净的。——契诃夫 15、良好的习惯乃是人在其神经系统中存放的道德资本,这个资本不断地增值,而人在其整个一生中就享受着它的利息。——乌申斯基 16、人类最大的幸福就在于每天能谈谈道德方面的事情。无灵魂的生活就失去了人的生活价值。——苏格拉底 17、好脾气是一个人在社交中所能穿着的最佳服饰。——都德 18、我们有力的道德就是通过奋斗取得物质上的成功;这种道德既适用于国家,也适用于个人。——罗素 19、精神上的道德力量发挥了它的潜能,举起了它的旗帜,于是我们的爱国热情和正义感在现实中均得施展其威力和作用。——黑格尔 20、一种美德的幼芽蓓蕾,这是最宝贵的美德,是一切道德之母,这就是谦逊;有了这种美德我们会其乐无穷。——加尔多斯 21、集体的习惯,其力量更大于个人的习惯。因此如果有一个


关于道德英语的作文 道德,指衡量行为正当的观念标准,是指一定社会调整人们之间以及个人和社会之间关系的行为规范的总和。下面就是小编整理的道德英语作文,一起来看一下吧。 1道德英语作文 Morality is a pair of hands, pushing open the window in the heart; morality is a window; the window is a beautiful sky; morality is a sky; it is pregnant with countless pure hearts. Morality is a standard of behavior that is naturally formed in society and a standard of obtaining trust from others. Some people think that it is difficult to be a moral person. As long as you do it, you will find that it is very simple. Morality means honesty, keeping faith, and not seeking what you do not belong to you. I remember once, I went to grandma's house by bus to the grandmother's birthday, I just find a place to sit down, he saw an old woman quivering onto the car, then the car has no vacancy, grandma's face a little worried, my heart ideal: I ought to the old seat? If I do, will someone say I'm a big shot? Don't give up


教育对道德的重要性 学院:生命科学学院专业:生物科学姓名:魏鹏学号:12130140126 第一次作业 随着现代科技的发展,道德的重要性重新出现在人们的眼前,古人云:“凡人为善,不自誉而人誉之;为恶,不自毁而人毁之。”因此,道德是维持社会与个人前进的重要力量,它在很大程度上维持着一个组织、一个团体乃至一个国家的团结和稳定。道德的堕落会使一个社会的人际关系陷入可怕的分崩离析的状态中,将会严重地阻碍一个国家的发展和进步。故而,我们应该在教育道德中下足够功夫,以实现中华名族的伟大复兴而奋斗。 曾裴斯泰洛齐说过,道德教育最简单的要素是“爱”,是儿童对母亲的爱,对人们积极的爱。这种儿童道德教育的基础,应在家庭中奠定。儿童对母亲的爱是从母亲对婴儿的热爱及其满足于身体生长需要的基础上产生的。进一步巩固和发展这一要素,则有待于学校教育。教师对儿童也应当具有父子般的爱,并把学校融化于大家庭之中。可是随着现代经济物质社会的发展,公民的道德有体现在哪里了? 下面我们就看看眼下中国公民的道德水平在什么位置。 在现代社会中存在着许多值得我们学习的英雄事迹,在他们身上道德的光辉闪耀着。或许他们并不比我们高大,但他们足以让我们仰望。在这苍穹之下,他们是最亮的星,照亮我们的世界。 李明素,女,55岁,中共党员,重庆市沙坪坝区回龙坝镇中心小学退休教师。 2007年7月17日清晨,回龙坝镇梁滩河洪峰汹涌,一幢幢民房成片垮塌,情况万分危急。在李明素的指挥下,老人、小孩、妇女、男人,依次爬了过来。上至65岁的老人,下至2岁小孩,一共32名群众,全部安全转移到李明素家屋顶。就在最后一个人离开不到10分钟,安排妇女儿童先走,然后老人,最后是年轻小伙子。群众一个一个脱险,李明素却把自己的儿子留在了最后。 李明素说,“在这次洪灾中,虽然我的损失很大,但受灾的群众还很多,需要党和政府解决的问题还很多。作为一名共产党员,我有决心和信心与党和政府一起共渡难关,困难只是暂时的。”朴素的话语,表达出一名共产党员崇高的精神境界。 吴显才, 男,53岁,中共党员,重庆市巫溪县乌龙乡大坡村党支部书记。 15年来,吴显才义务赡养了45位老人,先后有22位老人在他的关怀中安详地走完生命历程,6位老人回到了亲人身边。目前,吴显才仍在赡养17位老人。


原文: 道德与教育 每个人都认识到国力的强大依靠教育。教育水平越高,国家就越强盛,这是千真万确的。 但我的观点是,为了国家的强盛,单独的教育是不够的,教育与道德应双管齐下,不能偏颇。道德与教育是国家的基石,缺少任何一个,成功都是不可能的。没有道德的教育是危险的,而没有教育的道德是有害的。 译文: Morality and Education It is recognized by everybody that the strength of a country depends upon its educa tion. The higher the education standards, the stronger the country becomes. That is true indeed. But my opinion is that, in order to make a country strong, education alone is not sufficient. It should go side by side with morality.. Morality and education are the foundation of a country. The absence of either makes success impossible. Education without morality is dangerous. Morality without education is also harmful. (汉语)我曾经读过意大利诗人但丁说的一句话:“一个知识不全的人可以用道德去弥补,而一个道德不全的人却难以用知识去弥补。”这句话让我明白了知识与道德的关系,也感觉到道德的重要性。 其实,“道德”就是在别人有困难的时候,伸出你的援助之手。在地震中还有些人幸运的活了下来,他们感受到了生命的脆弱一面。看着一片片废墟,有人在呼唤着自己的母亲,这个时候他的母亲或许已不在人世,但他还要对他的母亲心怀感恩。在地震的面前,我们中国人并没有气馁,面对一片片废墟,我们仍然努力去寻找生命的光芒。 现在开始,从自己开始,自觉地做道德建设的宣传者、实践者和捍卫者,做一个有道德的人。 (英语)I have read the Italian poet Dante said of the sentence: "A person can use incomplete knowledge to make up for morality, but a moral failure of the people it is hard to make up with knowledge." This sentence made me understand the knowledge and ethics relations, and also felt the importance of ethics. In fact, the "morality" is other people have a difficult time, extend your helping hand. Some people in the earthquake also lucky survived, they feel that life is fragile side. Watching a film ruins, someone calling his mother, this time his mother may have been dead, but he also grateful hearts of his mother.


道德的堕落(Moral depravity) in the thought-provoking picture, a young man is sitting on the chair in an autobus that is allocated specially for the old, the weak, the pregnant, the disabled, children and the like. regrettably, he simply neglects the pregnant lady standing just beside him with great efforts. the scene will set ordinary citizens to think seriously about the nation’s painfully declining moral climate. some of this can be attributed to the lack of morality, a problem shown particularly in the younger generation. their sense of moral standards seems to be withering although their material comforts have been considerably enhanced. what makes matters even worse is the fact that such misdeeds as spitting, picking flowers in public gardens or making noises in public places are becoming so pervasive that they are likely to be taken for granted by the public. with today’s worsening morality, social bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self. that is why new ideas must come forward to improve the nation’s moral climate though the challenge cannot be underestimated. moral decline will not be reversed until we find new ways to improve our moral standards. for adults, we can make use of every chance to remind young people of the importance of good manners, both as a competent citizen in modern society and as a model for them to follow. only in this way can the moral climate of our nation be improved, and we sincerely wish that the young man in the picture could realize that he has s it on a “wrong” seat.


经商和道德Busi ness and Ethics 大学英语作文 Most people lear n from the TV series that bus in essme n are mea n and immoral, they can do what they want in order to achieve the biggest profit. In reality, some bus in essma n in deed chase for the possible profit at the cost of being lack of ethics, while others believe that bus in ess ethics helps further success. I agree with the latter. 大部分人从电视剧上了解到商人是自私和不道德的,他们为了达到最大的利润,可以不惜一切手段。在现实生活中,一些商人确实为了追求利润,以道德的确实为代价,然而另外一些人相信商业道德能让他们得到更大的成功。我同意后者。Bus in ess ethics helps a compa ny to keep long term cooperative relati on ship with employees and customers. First, some bosses to get more in comes at the basis of reduc ing the employees ' wellbe in g, it will cause the employees get dissatisfied with the company and they come to job-hopping, then the company need to recruit ano ther new employees, retrain them aga in, it will cost time and waste resources, the company can ' t run well during the unstable change. Second, if a company has a good


为什么会出现道德下滑现象在如今的社会,是什么败坏的我们的道德?是什么泯灭了我们的良心?是什么样的想法让我们面对着死亡可以如此从容淡定的视而不见?是什么蒙蔽我们内心深处最纯洁的那一面? 随着近年来社会转型的加快,由于群体利益的冲突等负面社会新闻报道的比例近年来不断增长. 中国是具有5000年文明史的泱泱大国,素以礼仪之邦、文明古国而著称于世。可是,现实生活中,你会发现麻木不仁、见死不救、弄虚作假、漠视人性以至对人凶残的事例却屡见不鲜。一句话,近几年来,以社会风气的败坏为表现方式的道德沦丧形象已经成了社会的“毒瘤”,国人纷纷哀叹世风日下、人心不古,人民对此更是深恶痛绝。道德沦丧的程度用“怵目惊心”一词来形容一点也不夸张! 或许原因出在很久以前,在人们还没有认识到这一现象之前,我们国人的道德就在不断的衰退 原因有很多方面:十年“文革”对道德法则的破坏;二十年改革开放西方各种思潮涌入的冲击;拜金主义,享乐主义等沉渣的泛起;中国教育对德育教育的忽视;更为重要的是,我们的一些政府官员的腐化和堕落,直接助长和推动了一些社会不良风气的盛行。“文革”时期,黑白颠倒,是非颠倒,善恶颠倒。人们之间互相提防,互相猜忌,又互相陷害。虽然“文革”已经过去三十年了,但是这种后遗症却仍然存在着。另一个重要的原因就是我国的教育,德育教育在我国根本没有受到应有的重视,许多学校没有专门的德育老师,有的学校根本就没有,即使开课的也多半是随便讲讲,应付而已。这方面的老师太缺了。这样的教学有能有什么作用呢?对学生的品德教育,应该从小开始,因为这时候是一个人世界观、人生观形成的重要时期,也是灌输品德的最佳时期,潜移默化才能真正收到良好的效果。除了德育课以外,一个老师也有很多的机会教育他们的学生,但大多数老师只知道教学生课本上的知识。真正意义上的“灵魂工程师”也有,可惜,这样的老师实在很少。 导致道德堕落的一个最重要原因是我们一些官员的腐化和堕落,他们是社会主义现代化建设的领导者,“上梁不正下梁歪”,“上行下效”,“风吹草动”可见其对下面的影响是很大的。如果一个地方的领导人贪污腐败,赌博嫖娼,甚至勾结黑社会,为非作歹。那将会产生什么样的影响?他必然会纵容各种不法活动的存在,并任其发展,蔓延,由此则流毒地方,导致地方社会风气的败坏,其影响是巨大的。


道德的堕落英语作文 本文是关于道德的话题作文,仅供大家参考! in the thought-provoking picture, a young man is sitting on the chair in an autobus that is allocated specially for the old, the weak, the pregnant, the disabled, children and the like. regrettably, he simply neglects the pregnant lady standing just beside him with great efforts. the scene will set ordinary citizens to think seriously about the nation’s painfully declining moral climate. some of this can be attributed to the lack of morality, a problem shown particularly in the younger generation. their sense of moral standards seems to be withering although their material comforts have been considerably enhanced. what makes matters even worse is the fact that such misdeeds as spitting, picking flowers in public gardens or making noises in public places are becoming so pervasive that they are likely to be taken for granted by the public. with today’s worsening morality, social bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self. that is why new ideas must come forward to improve the nation’s moral climate though the challenge cannot be underestimated. moral decline will not be reversed until we find new ways


经典道德语录 导读:本文是关于语录大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、没有伟大的品格,就没有伟大的人,甚至也没有伟大的艺术家,伟大的行动者。——罗曼·罗兰 2、谁在平日节衣缩食,在穷困时就容易度过难关;谁在富足时豪华奢侈,在穷困时就会死于饥寒。——萨迪 3、蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营的道谢。浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。——泰戈尔 4、我并无过人的特长,只是忠诚老实,不自欺欺人,想做一个以身作则来教育人的平常人。——吴玉章 5、骄傲道德导致丰盈,然后导致贫困,最后导致声誉扫地。——富兰克林 6、美德有如名香,经燃烧或压榨而其香愈烈,盖幸运最能显露恶德而厄运最能显露美德也。——培根 7、自觉心是进步之母,自贱心是堕落之源,故自觉心不可无,自贱心不可有。——邹韬奋 8、历史使人贤明,诗造成气质高雅的人,数学使人高尚,自然哲学使人深沉,道德使人稳重,而伦理学和修辞学则使人善于争论。——培根 9、道德中最大的秘密就是爱。——雪莱

10、礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。——冈察尔 11、要想有教养,就要去了解全世界都在谈论和思索的最美好的东西。——马·阿诺德 12、好脾气是一个人在社交中所能穿着的最佳服饰。——都德 13、道德应当成为科学的指路明灯。——布夫勒 14、对于道德的实践来说,最好的观众就是人们自己的良心。——西塞罗 15、高雅的品味,崇高的道德标准,向社会大众负责及不施压力威胁的态度——这些事让你终有所获。——李奥贝纳 16、不要从特殊的行动中去估量一个人的美德,而应从日常的生活行为中去观察。——帕斯卡 17、要记住,你不仅是教课的教师,也是学生的教育者,生活的导师和道德的引路人。——苏霍姆林斯基 18、道德活动既受政府长官支配,又受良心的制约。——洛克 19、不论你是一个男子还是一个女人,待人温和宽大才配得上人的名称。一个人的真正的英勇果断,决不等于用拳头制止别人发言。——萨迪 20、如果道德败坏了,趣味也必然会堕落。——狄德罗 21、高尚的道德情操和道德行为与追求美的理想这两者常常统一在一起,是密不可分的。——周扬 22、道德普遍地被认为是人类的最高目的,因此也是教育的最高目的。——赫尔巴特


道德类范文急道德类英语作文 提高个人修养(Shaping the Morality ) 〔〕 Aording to a survey, more than two thirds of people in China agree that, the public moral level is lower than before. This figure, although hard to aept, has indicated the fact that the nation’s overall morality is declining. If you pay some attention, you could easily point out some improper behaviors happening around: young men refusing to give seats to the old on buses; shoppers jamming into queue instead of waiting in line; crude riders neglecting red lights, etc. So what the hell is going on?

As analysts have figured out, this trend of degradation mainly originated from faulty education. For decades, Chinese schools simply infuse bookish knowledge to their students, whilst moral cultivation bees a kind of formalism; on the other hand, children are naturally influenced by their family and other adults in the society, most of whom are too sophisticated to be considered as eligible moral models. Facing such disappointing condition, you may ask: how can things bee better? As far as I am concerned, we must following these three steps. First of all: self-shaping. We should manage ourselves well, and try to shape our own morality as perfect as possible. The second step: family-shaping, which


关于道德的好句好段 1、做一个有道德的人,也是亿万家庭对未成年人的心愿。 2、做一个有道德的人,要注重培养自己的道德观念,必须注意到知、情、意、行的统一。不能只讲动机不计效果,也不能只根据效果去判断其善恶。要注重道德认知,处理好知与行的关系,注意实际行为的锻炼,在实践中增强道德情感、意志力。 3、做一个有道德的人,是未成年人健康成长、全面发展的根本利益所在。 4、做一个有道德的人,是党和国家对广大未成年人的殷切期望。 5、道德,就好似一个人的灵魂,一个没有灵魂的人就无生命可言。 6、道德当身,不以物惑。 7、道德和才艺是远胜于富贵的资产,堕落的子孙可以

把贵显的门第败坏,把巨富的财产荡毁,可是道德和才艺,却可以使一个凡人成为不配的神明。 8、道德汇成的一个个心灵,它们照亮起未来迷茫的路,未来属于我们,所以我们一定要做一个有道德的人,有道德的中国人。 9、道德是基于承认和保证人类社会存续的理念,发挥的旨在限制或倡导人们行为的规范。也可以说,道德是初始的具有柔性特征的法律。道德是社会意识形态长期进化而形成的一种制约,是在一定社会关系下,调整人与人之间以及人与社会之间关系的行为规范总和。 10、道德是立足社会的身份证,任何人都不应该丢失这一珍贵的东西。道德,是做人的根本,是每个人心中的高尚的观念。没有道德的人,是绝(决)对不能在社会上立足的。 11、道德是社会中自然而然形成的一个行为规范,获得别人信任的一个标准。有些人以为做一个有道德的人很难,其实只要你去做了,就会发现其实也很简单,

道德就是诚实守信用,不贪图不属于自己的东西。 12、道德是石,敲出希望之火;道德是火,点燃希望之灯;道德是灯,照亮人生之路;道德是路,引导人们走向灿烂辉煌。 13、道德是一个多么美好的词,道德高尚的人是多么令人景仰啊!所谓“高山仰止,景行行止”,就是这个意思吧。 14、道德是一双手,推开封锁在心里的窗;道德是一扇窗,窗外是美好的天空;道德是一片天空,它孕育着无数纯洁的心灵。 15、道德是最美丽的花儿,最圣洁的心灵,它让人问心无愧,心胸坦荡。有时道德是一种感恩。道德有时是一种爱心。道德,是春天的花儿,是植物的肥料。道德,是一种美德,是一种财富,更是一种智慧。 16、道德准则是这样说的,道德是建立人与人良好关系的桥梁。你若没有道德,那么你就只能招来别人的厌恶。


大学生英语作文:大学道德教育 In the current world, college students become morally more tolerant to the phenomena such as exam—cheating, academic dishonesty and default on loans. In this case, it’ s urgently important that we conduct moral education in college. Moral education is beneficial in the following aspects. To begin with, it makes us aware of our personal responsibility. We must comply with social moral standards and learn to behave and conduct ourselves in society. Secondly, moral education teaches us to shun evil and do good, turning the uncivilized to the civilized. Thirdly, with higher moral standards, we will be more considerate towards others and avoid quarrels or conflicts, which contributes to maintaining a harmonious society. As for how to conduct moral education in college, on one hand, theoretical moral education should be integrated into all aspects of campus life, including classroom teaching and extracurricular activities. On the other hand, we should encourage students to take part in moral practices such as volunteer activities. Through these measures, they will know better about the meaning of life and shoulder their social responsibilities. 在当今世界,大学生成为道德上更加宽容的现象,如考试作弊, 学术造假和拖欠贷款。在这种情况下,它的迫切重要的是我们实行道 德教育学院。 道德教育是有益的,在以下几个方面。要使用首先,它使我们理 解到我们个人的责任。我们必须遵守的社会道德标准,并学会做人,


古罗马道德堕落导致的国家衰败 陈钊11历史班1130040004 在《罗马盛衰原因论》的第十章论罗马人的腐化堕落中,孟德斯鸠认为:“在共和国末期,传入罗马的伊壁鸠鲁学派大大地有助于腐触罗马人的心灵和精神。”作者认为伊壁鸠鲁学派的发展,宣扬了积极寻求快乐和幸福的“快乐主义”,其中以昔兰尼为首的就倾向于把快乐归结为自然欲望的满足,他们提倡的快乐主义流俗为享乐主义。由此,在罗马强盛的国力、富足的生活和安逸的社会上,对感官的享乐开始泛滥,逐步变得愈发的骄奢淫逸,以致于腐化堕落之分弥漫整个罗马社会。 西塞罗写过这样一封信:“美米乌斯刚刚通知元老院他的竞争者和他同执政官们缔结的条约,根据这个条约,执政官必须协助他们竞选下年度的执政官,而从他们这方面来说,如果他们不能给执政官提供三个占卜师和两个前执政官的话,他们必须支付抬执政官四十万谢司特尔求司:原来这样做是要占卜师声明说,当人民通过库里亚法的时候,他们全都在场,虽然根本就没有这样的事情;至于前执政官,则是要他们硬说,在签署整顿他们的行省的事务的元老院命令时他们是在场的,但这件事也是完全不存在的。”这样一件事引起了孟德斯鸠的十分愤慨,因为信用在他们的观念里是道德品质最基本的标准,然而罗马人却公然的厚颜

无耻。 而这些只是表现在品质方面的堕落。在日常的生活上,清贫与节俭受尊重的时代一去不复返, 清贫成了无能的象征, 而节俭则是可耻的体现。整个社会呈现出一种荒诞无稽的消费和疯狂的挥霍景象,手握重权或财富之人将自己沉浸在那些刺激性或粗暴的感官娱乐活动中,呈现的是没有节制,完全失控的局面。譬如:“为了讨好公民, 元老院不时增加节日天数。据统计, 公元1世纪中罗马节庆娱乐日每年为66天,2世纪时增加到123天,到4世纪则增至175天。节日期间, 国家主动拨款并组织各种活动。这些活动并不是一般的娱乐活动, 而是观看角斗(人与人决斗, 人与兽决斗)等血腥场面, 以供公民寻求感官刺激的欲望。自由民的上层更是挥金如土, 挥霍无度。为了显示他们的阔气和气派, 他们竞相在罗马和意大利各地修建豪华的住宅、富丽的花园和舒适的别墅, 并整天沉溺在吃、喝、玩、乐, 声色犬马之中。他们聘请专职厨师做饭, 用银制的餐具盛菜。每餐规定要有多少道菜, 多少客人。宴会自然而然成为罗马人生活的中心, 罗马富人争相把宴会办得新奇、巧妙, 以此炫耀。据记载, 罗马皇帝卡里古拉就曾想出各种稀奇古怪的美食与饮料举行宴会。而卢库卢斯那高消费的阿波罗餐厅里,一桌酒宴的费用居然高达5000德拉克玛。”奢侈之风的盛行, 不仅使吃喝方面的消费极度增长,而且足以引起整个罗马城市物价的直线上升,,而造成市场及金融秩序的混乱。
