



软件工程导论(第六版)部分课后习题-答案软件工程导论(第六版)部分课后习题-答案一、选择题1. 答案:B解析:选择题解析2. 答案:A解析:选择题解析二、判断题1. 答案:对解析:判断题解析2. 答案:错解析:判断题解析三、填空题1. 答案:软件工程解析:填空题解析2. 答案:开发、维护解析:填空题解析四、简答题1. 答案:软件需求分析是软件工程的第一步,它主要是通过对用户需求的调查和分析,确定软件系统需要具备的功能和性能以及相关约束条件。

解析:简答题解析2. 答案:软件开发过程中的质量保证主要包括软件测试和代码评审两个方面。



解析:简答题解析五、计算题1. 答案:20解析:计算题解析2. 答案:1000解析:计算题解析六、案例分析题1. 答案:软件项目管理是指对软件项目进行规划、组织、分配和控制的过程。



解析:案例分析题解析2. 答案:敏捷开发是一种迭代、逐步增量的软件开发方法。












第一章:软件工程导论1. 软件工程的定义:答:软件工程是通过应用系统化、规范化和可量化的方法进行软件开发、运行和维护的学科。

2. 软件工程的目标:答:软件工程的目标是提高软件开发的质量、效率和可靠性,使得软件能够满足用户的需求和期望。

3. 软件生命周期模型:答:常见的软件生命周期模型包括瀑布模型、迭代模型、敏捷模型等。


4. 软件过程模型:答:软件过程模型描述了软件开发过程中的一系列活动和阶段,常见的软件过程模型包括瀑布模型、迭代模型、敏捷模型等。

5. 软件工程的基本原则:答:常见的软件工程基本原则包括分阶段、逐步求精、持续集成、迭代开发、需求优先等。

第二章:软件项目管理1. 软件项目管理的定义:答:软件项目管理是指对软件开发过程中的资源、进度、质量等进行有效管理,以确保软件项目能够按时、按质地完成。

2. 软件项目管理的内容:答:软件项目管理包括项目计划、需求管理、项目进度管理、资源管理、风险管理等方面。

3. 软件项目管理的方法:答:常见的软件项目管理方法包括敏捷项目管理、水平项目管理、里程碑项目管理等。

4. 软件项目管理的工具:答:常用的软件项目管理工具包括甘特图、PERT/CPM网络图、项目管理软件等。

第三章:软件需求分析与规格说明1. 软件需求的定义:答:软件需求是指用户对软件系统的要求和期望,包括功能需求、性能需求、接口需求等方面。

2. 软件需求分析的方法:答:常用的软件需求分析方法包括面向对象分析法、数据流图法、用例分析法等。

3. 软件需求规格说明的格式:答:常见的软件需求规格说明的格式包括自然语言描述、结构化描述、图形描述等。

软件工程 课后习题答案

软件工程 课后习题答案






它包括以下几个阶段:1. 需求分析阶段:确定软件系统的需求,包括功能需求、性能需求、安全需求等。

2. 设计阶段:根据需求分析的结果,设计软件系统的结构和功能。

3. 编码阶段:根据设计阶段的结果,编写代码实现软件系统的功能。

4. 测试阶段:对编写的代码进行测试,确保软件系统的正确性和稳定性。

5. 部署阶段:将测试通过的软件系统部署到生产环境中,供用户使用。

6. 维护阶段:对已经部署的软件系统进行修复漏洞、更新功能等维护工作。


软件需求可以分为以下几类:1. 功能需求:描述软件系统应该具备的功能,比如用户登录、数据查询等。

2. 性能需求:描述软件系统在运行过程中的性能要求,比如响应时间、并发处理能力等。

3. 安全需求:描述软件系统对数据和系统的安全保护要求,比如用户权限控制、数据加密等。

4. 可靠性需求:描述软件系统的可靠性要求,比如系统的可用性、容错性等。



常见的软件设计模式包括:1. 单例模式:确保一个类只有一个实例,并提供一个全局访问点。

2. 工厂模式:将对象的创建和使用分离,通过工厂类来创建对象。

3. 观察者模式:定义了一种一对多的依赖关系,当一个对象状态发生改变时,所有依赖它的对象都会收到通知并自动更新。

4. 适配器模式:将一个类的接口转换成客户希望的另一个接口,使得原本由于接口不兼容而不能在一起工作的类可以一起工作。

软件工程 课后习题答案

软件工程   课后习题答案






























软件工程课后习题参考答案软件工程课后习题参考答案1. 第一章规约与软件工程概述1.1 规约的定义规约是软件开发过程中明确要求的描述,包含了对软件需求、设计、实现、测试、部署和维护等各个阶段的要求和约束。

1.2 软件工程的概述软件工程是一门涉及对软件的开发、运行和维护的学科。


2. 第二章软件需求规约2.1 软件需求规约的作用软件需求规约是对软件系统所需功能和性能的具体描述和说明,是软件开发的基础和依据。


2.2 软件需求规约的要素软件需求规约包括功能需求、非功能需求和约束条件。


3. 第三章软件设计规约3.1 软件设计规约的目标软件设计规约是对软件系统进行结构化和模块化设计的过程,其目标是确保软件系统具备可靠性、可维护性、可扩展性和可重用性。

3.2 软件设计规约的方法软件设计规约采用面向对象设计、结构化设计和模块化设计等方法。


4. 第四章软件实现规约4.1 软件实现规约的目的软件实现规约是指将软件设计阶段得到的设计规约转化为计算机可执行的程序代码,其目的是确保软件系统的正确性、可靠性、可维护性和可测试性。

4.2 软件实现规约的技术软件实现规约采用编程语言、软件开发工具和软件开发环境等技术。


5. 第五章软件测试规约5.1 软件测试规约的目的软件测试规约是对软件系统进行功能、性能和质量等方面的验证和检测,其目的是找出软件系统的错误和缺陷,并修复和改进。



软件⼯程课后习题答案习题答案习题⼀答案⼀、选择题1. 软件的主要特性是(A B C)。

A) ⽆形 B) ⾼成本C) 包括程序和⽂档D) 可独⽴构成计算机系统2. 软件⼯程三要素是(C D)。

A) 技术、⽅法和⼯具B) ⽅法、⼯具和过程C) ⽅法、对象和类D) 过程、模型、⽅法3. 包含风险分析的软件⼯程模型是(A)。

A) 螺旋模型 B) 瀑布模型C) 增量模型 D) 喷泉模型4. 软件⼯程的主要⽬标是(C)。

A) 软件需求B) 软件设计C) 风险分析D) 软件实现5. 下列属于⾯向对象开发⽅法的是(A B C D)。

A) Booch B) UML C) Coad D) OMT6. 软件危机的主要表现是(B D)。

A) 软件成本太⾼B) 软件产品的质量低劣C) 软件开发⼈员明显不⾜D) 软件⽣产率低下7. 软件开发⽅法的主要⼯作模型有(A B C)A) 螺旋模型B) 循环模型C) 瀑布模型D) 专家模型8. 软件⼯程的⽬标有(A B C)。

A) 易于维护B) 低的开发成本C) ⾼性能D) 短的开发期9. 软件⼯程学的⽬的和意义是( )。

A) 应⽤科学的⽅法和⼯程化的规范管理来指导软件开发B) 克服软件危机C) 作好软件开发的培训⼯作D) 以较低的成本开发出⾼质量的软件⼆、判断题1. 软件就是程序,编写软件就是编写程序。

(×)2. 瀑布模型的最⼤优点是将软件开发的各个阶段划分得⼗分清晰。

(×)3. 结构化⽅法的⼯作模型是使⽤螺旋模型进⾏开发。

(×)4. 结构化⽅法和JSP⽅法都不适合于⼤型软件的开发。

(√)5. 原型化开发⽅法包括⽣成原型和实现原型两个步骤。

(×)6. ⾯向对象的开发⽅法包括⾯向对象的分析、⾯向对象的设计和⾯向对象的程序设计。

( √)7. 软件危机的主要表现是软件的需求量迅速增加,软件价格上升。

(×)8. 软件⼯具的作⽤是为了延长软件产品的寿命。



第一章1 简述软件的开展过程。






2 简述软件的定义和特点。



3 软件有哪些种类1. 按功能特征进展划分(1)系统软件。


(3)应用软件2. 按规模大小进展划分微型、小型、中型、大型、甚大型、、极大型4 什么是软件危机?答:是指在计算机软件的开发和维护过程中所遇到的一系列严重问题。

5 什么是软件工程?有哪些本质特性?怎样用软件工程消除软件危机?答:是指导计算机软件开发和维护的一门工程学科。



6 软件工程的三要素;方法、工具和过程。

7. 结合自己的亲身经历,谈谈软件工具在软件开发过程中的作用。


8. CASE 的研究和CASE 产品的开发是近年来软件工程领域的特点之一。
























《软件工程》作业及答案1-1 什么是软件危机?它有哪些典型表现?为什么会出现软件危机?答:软件危机是指在计算机软件的开发和维护过程中所遇到的一系列严重问题。














1-2 假设你是一家软件公司的总工程师,当你把图1.1给手下的软件工程师们观看,告诉他们及早发现并改正错误的重要性时,有人不同意你的观点,认为要求在错误进入软件之前就清除它们是不现实的,并举例说:“如果一个故障是编码错误造成的,那么,一个人怎么能在设计阶段清除它呢?”你怎么反驳他?1-3 什么是软件工程?它有哪些本质特性?怎样用软件工程消除软件危机?答:软件工程是指导计算机软件开发和维护的一门工程学科。





软件工程课后习题参考答案软件工程课后习题参考答案1.简答题1.1 什么是软件工程?软件工程是一门研究和应用如何以系统化、规范化、可量化的方式开发和维护软件的学科,涉及到软件的设计、构建、测试、部署和维护等全生命周期的过程。

1.2 软件工程的目标是什么?软件工程的目标是提高软件开发过程的效率和质量,确保软件项目按时、按需求交付,并且能够满足用户的期望。

1.3 软件生命周期有哪些阶段?常见的软件生命周期包括需求分析、系统设计、详细设计、编码、测试、部署和维护等阶段。

1.4 什么是软件需求?软件需求是指对于软件系统所需满足的问题或需求的描述,包括功能需求、性能需求、接口需求等。

1.5 软件开发过程有哪些模型?常见的软件开发过程模型包括瀑布模型、迭代模型、螺旋模型、敏捷开发等。

2.客观题2.1 软件测试的目的是什么?a) 发现软件中的错误和缺陷b) 验证软件是否符合需求和规格c) 提高软件的可靠性和质量d) 以上皆是答案:d) 以上皆是2.2 瀑布模型的特点是什么?a) 瀑布模型是一种线性顺序的软件开发过程模型b) 各个开发阶段是相互独立的c) 开发过程按照需求分析、设计、编码、测试等顺序进行d) 以上皆是答案:d) 以上皆是2.3 敏捷开发的原则是什么?a) 个体和交互胜过流程和工具b) 可工作的软件胜过详尽的文档c) 客户合作胜过合同谈判d) 响应变化胜过遵循计划e) 以上皆是答案:e) 以上皆是3.计算题3.1 请计算以下代码的覆盖率:(假设代码行数为100行,已执行代码行数为80行)覆盖率 = 已执行代码行数 / 代码行数 100% = 80 / 100 100% = 80%3.2 请计算以下缺陷密度的值:(假设代码行数为1000行,代码中的缺陷数为10个)缺陷密度 = 缺陷数 / 代码行数 1000 = 10 / 1000 1000 = 103.3 请计算以下代码的复杂度:(假设代码中包含的判断语句有20个,循环语句有5个)复杂度 = 判断语句数 2 + 循环语句数 3 = 20 2 + 5 3 = 40 + 15 = 554.附件本文档涉及附件:无5.法律名词及注释本文涉及的法律名词及注释:无。



第2章软件过程(习题与参考答案)[选择题]1. ()是软件生存期中的一系列相关软件工程活动的集合,它由软件规格说明、软件设计与开发、软件确认、软件改进等活动组成。

()A. 软件过程B. 软件工具C. 软件产品D. 软件工程2. 软件过程的基本活动是()。

()A. 分析、设计、实现、测试、演化B. 沟通、计划、建模、构造、部署C. 计划、分析、设计、实现、调试D. 沟通、风险管理、度量、产品化、评审3. ()软件需求规格说明书在软件开发过程中具有重要的作用,它是软件可行性分析的依据。

()A. 真B. 假4. 软件开发的瀑布模型是()。

()A. 适用于需求被清晰定义的情况B. 一种需要快速构造可运行程序的好方法C. 最适合于大规模团队开发的项目D. 已不能用于现代环境的过时模型5. 软件开发的增量模型是()。

()A. 适用于需求被清晰定义的情况B. 一种需要快速构造核心产品的好方法C. 最适合于大规模团队开发的项目D. 一种不适用于商业产品的创新模型6. 快速原型开发模型是()。

()A. 适用于客户需求被明确定义的情况B. 适用于客户需求难以清楚定义的情况C. 最适合于大规模团队开发的项目D. 很难产生有意义产品的一种冒险模型7. 演进式软件过程模型()。

()A. 本质上是迭代的B. 可以很容易适应需求的变化C. 通常不会抛弃所产生的系统D. 以上所有选项8. 螺旋模型()。

()A. 在软件产品发布时结束B. 比增量模型更加混乱C. 在每一次迭代过程中包含项目风险评价D. 以上所有选项9. 基于组件的开发模型()。

()A. 只适用于计算机硬件设计B. 不能支持可重用组件的开发C. 在面向对象技术获得支持的情况下应用得更好D. 增加了开发风险和成本10. 形式化方法模型是将数学方法用于()。

()A. 定义计算机系统的规格说明B. 开发无错误的计算机系统C. 验证计算机系统的正确性D. 以上所有选项11. 下面的()不是RUP模型的阶段。



软件工程课后参考答案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】第一章课后参考答案1.什么是软件危机它们有哪些典型表现为什么会出现软件危机“软件危机”是指计算机软件的“开发”和“维护”过程中所遇到的一系列“严重问题”。









第一章概述1.2 通用的软件产品开发和定制化软件开发之间最重要的区别是什么?这在实践中对于通用软件产品的用户意味着什么?根本区别在于,在通用软件产品开发中,规范由产品开发者拥有。







1.3 软件产品应该具有的4个重要属性是什么?另外举出4个可能有意义的属性。



对 4 个关键属性的分解,例如可靠性分解为安全性、安全性、可用性等,也是这个问题的有效答案。

1.4 除了异构性、企业和社会的变革、可信和信息安全之外,说一说软件工程在21世纪有可能面对的其他问题和挑战(提示:想一想环境)。











软件工程课后习题参考答案软件工程课后习题参考答案1·软件工程概述1·1 软件工程的定义和特点软件工程是一门研究和应用如何以系统化、规范化、可量化的方法开发和维护软件的学科。


1·2 软件生命周期模型常见的软件生命周期模型包括瀑布模型、迭代模型、螺旋模型和敏捷模型等。


2·软件需求工程2·1 软件需求获取软件需求获取方法包括面谈、问卷调查、用户场景模拟等。


2·2 软件需求分析与规格说明软件需求分析的目标是识别和定义系统的需求,包括功能需求、非功能需求和约束条件。


3·软件设计3·1 结构化设计结构化设计将系统分解为模块,确定模块之间的接口和关系,实现模块化、高内聚、低耦合的设计原则。

3·2 面向对象设计面向对象设计将系统抽象为对象,定义对象的属性和方法,并确定对象之间的关系。


4·软件测试4·1 测试基本概念软件测试是通过运行软件来发现错误和缺陷的过程。


4·2 测试方法和技术常见的软件测试方法和技术有黑盒测试、白盒测试、灰盒测试、单元测试、集成测试和系统测试等。


5·软件维护与配置管理5·1 软件维护软件维护是指对已有的软件进行修改、优化、修复错误和适应环境变化的过程。


5·2 软件配置管理软件配置管理是指在软件开发和维护过程中,对软件配置项进行识别、控制、追踪和审查,确保软件可以按需发布、升级和回溯。





一、选择题1、软件生命周期中所花费用最多的阶段是()A 详细设计B 软件编码C 软件测试D 软件维护答案:D解析:软件维护阶段需要对软件进行修改、优化和修复,由于软件在使用过程中可能会遇到各种问题和需求变更,所以维护阶段通常会花费大量的时间和资源。

2、下面不属于软件工程的 3 个要素的是()A 工具B 过程C 方法D 环境答案:D解析:软件工程的三要素是方法、工具和过程。



A 简化、压缩的B 详细的C 彻底的D 深入的答案:A解析:可行性研究的目的是用最小的代价在尽可能短的时间内确定问题是否能够解决,其实质是进行一次简化、压缩的需求分析和设计过程。

4、软件测试的目的是()A 证明软件的正确性B 找出软件中的所有错误C 尽可能多地发现软件中的错误D 调试程序答案:C解析:软件测试的目的是尽可能多地发现软件中的错误,而不是证明软件的正确性,也不可能找出软件中的所有错误。

5、下面描述中,不符合结构化程序设计风格的是()A 使用顺序、选择和重复(循环)三种基本控制结构表示程序的控制逻辑B 自顶向下C 注重提高程序的执行效率D 限制使用 goto 语句答案:C解析:结构化程序设计强调清晰的结构和良好的可读性,注重程序的可理解性和可维护性,而不是过于追求执行效率。


























产生的原由: <1>忽视软件开发先期的需求剖析。



<4>忽视与用户之间、开发构成员之间的交流 <5>忽视测试的重要性。










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软件工程课后习题答案Chapter11.1)The definition for software presented in Section 1.2 applies to the Web sites. There are, however, subtledifferences between a Web site and conventional software. Among the most important are that the content that a Web site presents is considered to be part of the Web Application while that data processed by conventional software is often considered to be separate from the processing functions delivered.1.4)Who would have thought that software would lead to: (1) a change in the dating habits of many youngpeople (Internet dating); (2) the way people communicate (cell phones); (3) methods of warfare (cyberweapons); (4) the diagnosis of diseases (MRIs and related computer-based diagnostic devices), and (5) the manner in which people acquire and enjoy media (music, DVDs, etc.).1.6)The Law of Conservation of Familiarity: As the system evolves the users engineers, developers all thoseassociated must have the complete knowledge of the content and behavior to achieve satisfactory results.Increase in growth may diminish that knowledge (mastery); hence the average increase in growth remains invariant as the system evolves.1.7)Many modern applications change frequently before they are presented to the end user and then after thefirst versions have been used. A few ways to build software to stop deterioration due to change would be: •Make sure that software is designed so that changes in one part of a program do not create side-effects in another part of the program.•Make sure that software is designed so that it does not depend on external devices or systems that are likely to change with time.•Make sure test cases and results are archived and available so that the software can be retested when changes are made.•Make sure you spend time understanding what the customer wants.1.8)The two broadest categories encompass risks associated with economic loss and risks to the well beingof people. It might be a good idea to select five risks (culled from the sources noted) and present them to the class. Look for humorous as well as serious risks.1.9)The same approach to software engineering can be applied for each of the six categories, but it must beadapted to accommodate the special requirements of each category.1.10)There are literally dozens of real life circumstances to choose from. For example, software errors thathave caused major telephone networks to fail, failures in avionics that have contributed to plane crashes, computer viruses (e.g., Michelangelo) that have caused significant economic losses and attacks on major e-commerce sites.1.11)The Law of Declining Quality: The quality of systems will decline unless they are maintained by variousprocedures to adapt to the environmental changes. This concept is similar to the “deterioration”discussed in Problem 1-5.1.12)The Law of Conservation of Organizational Stability: The average effective global activity rate isinvariant over the lifetime of a product.Chapter 22.1)2.2) Process assessment examines the software process used by an organization to determine whether it iseffective in achieving software engineering goals. The assessment characterizes the current practicewithin an organizational unit in terms of the capability of the selected processes. The SPICE(ISO/IEC15504) standard defines a set of requirements for software process assessment. To accomplish the assessment, SPICE specifies a “reference model” that examines the purpose and measurableobjectives of the proc ess (the “process dimension”) and the set of process attributes that should bepresent (the “capability dimension”).2.4) Task Set for Communication Activity: A task set would define the actual work to be done to accomplishthe objectives of a software engineering action. For the communication activity these are:1.Make a list of stakeholders for the project2.Invite all the stakeholders to an informal meeting3.Ask them to make a list of features and functions4.Discuss requirements and build a final list5.Prioritize requirements and note the areas that stakeholders are uncertain ofThese tasks may be expanded for a complex software project, they may then consider the following: •To conduct a series of specification meetings, build a preliminary list of functions and features based on stakeholder input.•To build a revised list of stake holder requirements use quality function deployment techniques to priotize the requirements.•Note constraints and restrictions on the system.•Discuss methods for validating system.2.5) The CMMI represents a process metamodel in 2 different ways—the continuous and the staged model.The pros of the CMMI: comprehensive, addressing virtually every aspect of process; well-organized;adopted widely. The cons: voluminous; overkill for many types of projects; agility is questionable.Although the spirit of the CMMI should always be adopted, each process must be adapted to meet the needs of the project team and to achieve high quality in the end product. The requirements of the CMMI should be applied to all process models, but failure to meet a specific criterion should not necessarily mean that the process is “bad.” It may be that the CMMI is right in situations in which an organizational culture is amendable to the standard process models and management is committed to making it a success. However it may be too much for an organization to successfully assimilate. This means that CMMI which is right for one company culture may not be right for another.2.6) Process framework is applicable to all the projects; hence the same framework activities are applied forall projects, regardless of the project’s size or complexity. A process framework involves heavy communication with the customer to gather requirements; this activity establishes a plan for the software engineering work that follows. It involves creation of models that will assist the developer and the customer to understand the requirements and design them; it thereby involves construction (code generation and error testing). It finally provides feedback based on the evaluation.2.7) Umbrella activities occur throughout the software process but they are not necessarily applied evenlyacross the process. For example, there is a heavy concentration on risk analysis during project planning, and risk analysis is then revisited during later framework activities, but it is not applied evenly during these activities. On theother hand, SQA is applied fairly evenly for all process activities.2.8) The support phase is applied differently for embedded software. In most cases, embedded software isdefined and developed, but once it is placed in its host environment, it is not likely to change until a new release of the product occurs.2.9)a)Designers should ask users:•What do you want this product to accomplish?•What key outputs are produced by the software?•What functions and features are you looking for?•What outputs, functions and features are likely to change over the next 6 months, 1 year.•Are there any questions that I should have asks that I didn’t?•How will you determine if what we built is what you wanted?b)Users should ask as designers:•Have I made my needs clear to you?•Do we have the tools and people with skills required for the development?•Are the requirements properly defined, are additional requirements needed.•Are the product features and functions achievable in the allotted time?•Have you talked to other classes of users?c)Users should ask themselves about the software product that is to be built:•Have I asked for more than I’ll really need?•Have I set deadlines that are unrealistic?•Am I unsure of certain functions and features?•Would a prototype be helpful for certain functions and features?•Am I committed to work with the software designers over the long haul?d)Designers should ask themselves about software product that is to be built and the process that will usedto build it:•Do I understand the scope and purpose of the software?•Do I understand the design issues and constraints?•What tools are to be used?•Do I understand the technology and business area that the software is to address?•Have we established quality criteria that can be used to judge our work?2.11) Scripts define specific process activities (i.e., project launch, design, implementation, integration andsystem testing, postmortem) and other more detailed work functions (e.g., development planning, requirements development, software configuration management, and unit test) that are part of the team process. Scripts maybe beneficial when a team need guidance in planning and tracking its work, establishing goals, and defining effective task sets for technical activities. For experienced teams, however, the script may preclude “on-the-fly” adaptation that is often necessary in agile environments. 2.12) The Personal Software Process (PSP) emphasizes personal measurement of both the work product thatis produced and the resultant quality of the work product. The PSP process model defines fiveframework activities: planning, high-level design, high-level design review, development, andpostmortem. In addition PSP makes the practitioner responsible for project planning (e.g.,estimating and scheduling) and empowers the practitioner to control the quality of all software workproducts that are developed.Chapter 33.1) Any software project that has significant functionality that must be delivered in a very tight (too tight)time frame is a candidate for the incremental approach. The idea is to deliver functionality in increments.Example: a sophisticated software product that can be released to the marketplace with only partial functionality—new and improved versions to follow! For example, word-processing software developed using the incremental paradigm might deliver basic file management, editing and document production functions in the first increment; more sophisticated editing and document production capabilities in the second increment; spelling and grammar checking in the third increment, and advanced page layout capability in the fourth increment. The process flow for any increment may incorporate the prototyping paradigm. Incremental development is particularly useful when staffing is unavailable for a complete implementation by the business deadline that has been established for the project.3.2) The waterfall model is appropriate for projects with the following characteristics: (1) the problem is wellunderstood (requirements are well-defined); (2) the delivery date is realistic; (3) it’s unlikely that majorchanges in requirements will be requested as the project proceeds. Specific examples might be: (1) a well understood modification to an existing program; (2) a straightforward implementation of a numericalcalculation or business rule, even if it’s complex; (3) a constrained enhancement to an existing program.3.3) If the plan is to have a prototype evolve into a delivered application, more rigorous design rules andSQA procedures must be applied from the beginning. In addition, the prototype must be designed withextensibility in mind and must be implemented using a programming environment that is amenable toproduction system development. Initially, the prototype serves as a mechanism for identifying softwarerequirements. Once a working prototype is built, it becomes the skeleton (framework) for extensions that will cause it to evolve into a production system.3.4) RAD assumes that a project can be modularized in a manner that allows major functionality to bedelivered within a 60 – 90 day time frame. Although this is often the case, there are situations in whichtimelines are longer. In addition, RAD assumes that sufficient human resources will be available todevelop the increments in parallel. This may not be the case.3.5) Software applications that are relatively easy to prototype almost always involve human-machineinteraction and/or heavy computer graphics. Other applications that are sometimes amenable toprototyping are certain classes of mathematical algorithms, subset of command driven systems and other applications where results can be easily examined without real-time interaction. Applications that aremore difficult to prototype include control and process control functions, many classes of real-timeapplications and embedded software.3.6) The real question that a paper should address is: How do we develop a process that can accommodatemany of the chaotic attributes of modern software development? The authors suggest processes that are“focused on flexibility and extensibility rather than on high quality” and admit that this approach is“scary.” No doubt! In fact, I believe it is a recipe for disaster. With the exception of certain widely usedPC operating systems (that will remain nameless) quality does appear to be a reasonable harbinger ofsuccessful software. A program that is “flexible and extensible” will not succeed if it fails regularly andbehaves unpredictably. It should be noted that much has been written about “good enough” software.That’s OK as long as the word “good” is emphasized.3.7) Process models can be combined. Each model suggests a somewhat different process flow, but allperform the same set of generic framework activities: communication, planning, modeling,construction, and deployment.For example the linear sequential model can serve as a useful process model in situations whererequirements are fixed and work is to proceed to completion in a linear manner. In cases, where thedeveloper may be unsure of the efficiency of an algorithm, the adaptability of an operating system,or the form that human-machine interaction should take. In these, and many other situations, aprototyping model may offer the best approach. In other cases, an incremental approach may makesense and the flow of Spiral model may be efficient. Special process models take on many of thecharacteristics of one or more of the tradition.3.8) A software engineering workflow is distributed across all UP phases. In the context of UP, a workflow isanalogous to a task set. That is, a workflow identifies the tasks required to accomplish an importantsoftware engineering action and the work products that are produced as a consequence of successfullycompleting the tasks. UP workflow is conducted for every software project, whereas the five UP phasesdo not necessarily occur in a sequence, but rather with staggered concurrency. It is likely in the UP thatat the same time the construction, transition, and production phases are being conducted, work may have already begun on the next software increment.3.9) Stated simply, the concurrent process model assumes that different parts of a project will be differentstages of completeness, and therefore, different software engineering activities are all being performed concurrently. The challenge is to manage the concurrency and be able to assess the status of the project.3.10) The advantages of developing a software in which quality is” good enough” is that the product orsoftware will meet the deadline, it may however lead to delivery of software that is low in quality and requires time to improve the quality. When speed is emphasized over the product quality, the process may lead to many flaws—the software may require more testing, design and implementation rework. 3.11) It is possible to use mathematical techniques to prove the correctness of software components andeven entire programs (see Chapter 28). However, for complex programs this is a very timeconsuming process. It is not possible to prove the correctness of any non-trivial program usingexhaustive testing.3.13) Customer required properties or areas of technical interest often span the entire software architecture.When these properties, referred as “concerns,” cut across multiple system functions, features, andinformation, they are often referred to as “crosscutting concerns.” Aspect-oriented softwaredevelopment, often referred to as aspect-oriented programming (AOP), is a relatively new softwareengineering paradigm that provides a process and methodological approach for defining, specifying,designing, and constructing aspects—“mechanisms beyond subroutines and inheritance forlocalizing the expression of a crosscutting concern.” a3.14) UML provides the necessary technology to support object-oriented (and conventional) softwareengineering practice, but it does not provide the process framework to guide project teams in theirapplication of the technology. The Unified Process is a framework for software engineering usingUML. Today, the Unified Process and UML are used on projects of all kinds. However, they are notthe same thing. UML is a modeling notation and language. UP is a process framework in whichUML may be applied as part of software engineering activities.3.15) As work moves outward on the spiral, the product moves toward a more complete state and the level ofabstraction at which work is performed is reduced (i.e., implementation specific work accelerates as we move further from the origin).Chapter 66.2) You might suggest the following systems: an airport, your university, an on-line bank, a retail store,an e-commerce site. As an example consider a university:UniversityAcademic programsDegree granting programs-undergraduateDegree granting programs-undergraduateProfessional educationContinuing educationAdministrative DepartmentsRegistrar ….CoursesFacultyInfrastructure Maintenance …6.4) The data architecture refers to corporate data, its organization, and the relationships betweenindividual corporate data elements. For example, a telephone billing system might draw on elementsthat include customer information, rate tables, calling logs and so forth. Application architecturedefines the functional hierarchy that is required to realize the goals and objectives of a largeinformation system. Technology infrastructure identify the hardware and software backbone (e.g.,client/server, operating system type) that enable the system to function.6.5) There is less likelihood of miscommunication when the developer is the system engineer, but there ishigh likelihood of "creeping enhancements" and the possibility of building a system that doesn’t meetcustomer’s needs because perceptions of need are incorrect. When the customer is the systemengineer, the likelihood is that technical issues may be omitted, but it is likely that customer need willbe more accurately reflected. When an outside third party is the system engineer, communicationbandwidth between developer and customer must be very high. It’s likely that things will fall into thecracks. However, the third party may be an expert, hence better overall quality of the system model.The ideal system engineer is technically expert in system engineering, has full understanding of thecustomer business/product domain, and understands the development environment (and leaps tallbuildings in a single bound!).6.6) Consider the CLSS described in this chapter. Additional questions:•What has been done to accomplish this task previously?•Couldn’t sorting occur as the boxes were packed?•Is the number of different parts (and boxes) likely to increase or decrease?•Are all boxes the same size and weight?•What is the environment in which this system will sit (e.g., corrosive, high temperature, dusty, etc.)? Allocations: (4) Bar code reader and PC. PC prints destination on screen and a human operator does the placement into the bin; (5) Human reads box and speaks destination into voice recognition systemthat controls and automated shunt.6.7) The assumptions, simplifications, limitations, constraints, and preferences are, of course, dependenton the system that is chosen. In general, assumptions should be kept to a minimum, the higher thenumber of assumptions, the higher the project risk; simplification are worthwhile, but only if they do not change the nature of system functions and features or the data that the system manipulates;limitations are determined as part of requirements gathering and help to bound the system; constraints dictate the design approach, and preferences help to guide design alternatives that are chosen.6.9) Use a large dictionary or thesaurus. Common synonyms: scheme, organization, classification,structure, organism, None are really on the mark.6.10) There are many cases where complete specification is impossible early in a project. In some ofthese, it is necessary to prototype before a formal specification can be developed. Examples are:•Sophisticated analytical models that must be researched and developed—delay until requirements specification or even design!•Sometimes, specific hardware/software interfaces—delay until requirements, but no later!•Certain performance constraints—delay until requirements, but no later!6.11) The SCD represents how information flows from external sources (entities) into the system itselfand then outward to external sinks (entities). Entities within each of the five functional areasrepresented as part of the SCD (Figure 6.4) should be represented.6.12) In many instances a computer-based system is actually a "software only" system. That is, anexisting standard computer, operating system and I/O environment are to be used. In such cases, theSystem Specification can be eliminated in lieu of a Software Requirements Specification. There arealso situations in which a system prototype (either real or paper) is much more effective than aspecification.Chapter 77.2) In reality, the customer and the developer enter into a process of negotiation, where the customermay be asked to balance functionality, performance, and other product or system characteristicsagainst cost and time to market. The intent of this negotiation is to develop a project plan that meetsthe needs of the customer while at the same time reflecting the real-world constraints (e.g., time,people, budget) that have been placed on the software team, Unfortunately, each customer has hisown priorities and views. These views are not necessarily consistent.7.3) Feasibility analysis within the context of the inception function is to identify a working descriptionof the project’s scope and then assess whether the scope can be achieved within the context ofmanagement and technical constraints. In essence, feasibility analysis (during inception) defines abusiness case for an idea and identifies the breadth and depth of the market that the product is toaddress.7.4) You might try using an approach like QFD that makes use customer interviews and observation,surveys, and examination of historical data (e.g., problem reports) as raw data for the requirementsgathering activity. These data are then translated into a table of requirements—called the customervoice table—that is reviewed with the customers later. A variety of diagrams, matrices, andevaluation methods are then used to extract expected requirements.However, if the customer refuses to work with you, it’s time to get both your management and the customer’s management involved. If they don’t have the time to help define the software, they probably won’thave the inclination to use it.7.5) Software engineers want to begin building something, so they sometimes give requirementsanalysis short shrift. In addition, understanding the requirements of a problem is among the mostdifficult tasks that a software engineer face since requirements change, are sometime contradictoryand are often difficult to enunciate clearly. Hence, software engineers want to get through therequirements engineering activity and get on with the “real engineering work.” A mistake!In situations in which the problem is relatively small and reasonably well understood, an abbreviated approach may be chosen. For more complex problems with many requirements, every task definedfor comprehensive requirements engineering should be performed rigorously. Requirementsengineering builds a bridge to design and construction and cannot be skipped.7.6) Guidelines should be consistent with information presented in Section 7.4 and should stressestablish a collaborative atmosphere. To summarize:•meetings are conducted and attended by both software engineers and customers.•rules for preparation and participation are established.•an agenda is suggested that is formal enough to cover all important points but informal enough to encourage the free flow of ideas.• a "facilitator" (can be a customer, a developer, or an outsider) controls the meeting.• a "definition mechanism" (can be work sheets, flip charts, or wall stickers or an electronic bulletin board, chat room or virtual forum) is used.•the goal is to identify the problem, propose elements of the solution, negotiate different approaches, and specify a preliminary set of solution requirements in an atmosphere that is conducive to theaccomplishment of the goal.7.7) The first set of context-free questions focuses on the customer and other stakeholders, the overall goals,and the benefits. For example, the requirement engineer might also ask:•Who is paying for this work?•What is the name of a contact person in each customer group?•Do you know of any other business that has solved this problem successfully?7.8) The best negotiations strive for a “win-win” result, therefore, if the customer feels he has won,that does make you a master negotiator. If the customer feel duped or forced into agreement, it’sunlikely that a collaborative atmosphere will be established. The project will suffer as a result.7.10) The customer for information systems is often another department in the same company—oftenreferred to as the "user department." The customer for computer-based products is typically themarketing department! The customer for computer-based systems may be an internal department,marketing or an outside entity (e.g., a government agency, another company, an end-user).7.11) The intent of the analysis model is to provide a description of the required information, functional,and behavioral domains for a computer-based system. The model changes dynamically as softwareengineers learn more about the system to be built, and stakeholders understand more about whatthey really require. For that reason, the analysis model is a snapshot of requirements at any giventime.7.12) First, the nature of the error is determined. If it is an omission, additional information must be added.If the error is due to ambiguity, the customer and developer must work to clarify matters. If theerror is due to inconsistency, a more consistent presentation is developed; if the error is due to a badinterpretation of customer need, further discussion with the customer are warranted.7.14) Anyone who has done requirements engineering on more than a few software projects begins tonotice that certain things reoccur across all projects within a specific application domain. Thesecan be called “analysis patterns” and represent something (e.g., a class, a function, a behavior)within the application domain that can be reused when modeling many applications.7.15) Extensions provide an indication of how the scenario reacts when things go awry (e.g., bad data areinput) or when a specific action (not described in the body of the use-case) is taken.7.16) A “Win-Win situation is one in which the customer wins by getting the system or product thatsatisfies the majority of the customer’s needs and the software team wins by working to realisticand achievable budgets and deadlines.7.17) The specific elements of the analysis model are dictated by the analysis modeling method that is tobe used; however the four elements of an analysis model are:•Scenario-based elements. The system is described from the user’s point of view using a scenario-based approach.•Class-based elements. Ea ch usage scenario implies a set of “objects” that are manipulated as an actor interacts with the system. These objects are categorized into classes—a collection of thingsthat have similar attributes and common behaviors.•Behavioral elements. The behavior of a computer-based system can have a profound effect on the design that is chosen and the implementation approach that is applied. Therefore, the analysismodel must provide modeling elements that depict behavior.•Flow-oriented elements. Information is transformed as it flows through a computer-based system.The system accepts input in a variety of forms; applies functions to transform it; and producesoutput in a variety of forms.Chapter 88.1) Structured analysis begins with a consideration of the data objects that the system must manipulate.In structured analysis the data objects are described with a data dictionary and the entity relationdiagram (ERD) depicts relationships between data objects. The flow and transformation of data。
