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From 2000 to today, China’s online game market continues to prosper; Online game has become a new type of entertainment with large consumer groups who does not match with the weak theoretical foundation of mainland area's network virtual property. Virtual property legislation is in the gaps, while a large number of network virtual property infringement cases are occurring. This phomenon has been widely discussed, and law scholars also undertook the study of this phomenon. After a period of discussion and research, we gradually formed the theories with not being regulate or prohibit their transactions; Virtual property should be included in the theory of real property; it takes the contract between player and operator as a starting point then claims that network virtual property is kind of liability; virtual should be attributed to electronic computer programs as intellectual property ...and some other theories against legal status of virtual property doctrine is also exist. This article will first analyze the four major networks virtual property theory one by one, then go into the concept of property, explains how the network virtual property will be classified as property rights protected areas, and on how further develop the concept of physical property this article also made a corresponding answer. At last the article gives an observation from the perspective of other countries and areas in the network theory and virtual property legislation, Analysis of these countries and regions of a legislative perspective, legislative ideas, and give suggestions to the mainland's virtual property protection theory development. The entire article take the perspective of users, expounded how to establish a network virtual property theory under the existing real property legal system.

Keywords : Virtual property; Property Law; Ownership.


1 绪论 (1)

1.1选题目的和意义 (1)

1.2国外研究状况 (1)

1.3研究对象及方法、思路 (1)

1.3.1重视理论的构建 (1)

1.3.2重视比较法的应用 (2)

1.3.3理论结合实际 (2)

1.3.4研究对象和思路 (2)

2 有关网络虚拟财产的理论争论 (2)

3 从网络虚拟财产的特征看网络虚拟财产的法律属性 (5)

3.1对网络虚拟财产的通常解释 (5)

3.1.1网络 (5)

3.1.2虚拟 (5)

3.1.3财产 (5)

3.2网络虚拟财产具备法律意义上的财产的一般特征 (5)

3.2.1财产必须具有效用,能被人所支配 (5)

3.2.2财产必须具有稀缺性,不能无限量存在 (6)

3.2.3财产必须具有合法性,其取得来源必须是合法的 (6)

3.3虚拟财产与客观现实中的财产区别 (6)

3.3.1虚拟与现实结合紧密 (6)

3.3.2依附性 (7)

3.4 网络虚拟财产具备民法上的物的一般特征 (7)

3.4.1物必须是客观存在的事物 (7)

3.4.2物必须能被人支配和控制 (7)

3.4.3物必须能满足人的利益需要 (7)

3.4.4物必须具有非人格性 (8)

3.4.5物原则上为有体物 (8)

3.5“物权说”主要争议与回应 (8)

3.5.1网络虚拟财产所有权归属问题 (8)

3.5.2所有权期限问题 (9)

3.5.3玩家所获得的“物权”是否“完全”? (9)
