Zero Once Twice Multiple Valid until Y M D
申请居留许可Applying for residence permit
Purpose of residence Study Correspondent Family member of correspondent
Current visa or residence permit number
Issued at
Type of visa or purpose of residence
Valid until
Name in English
Name in Chinese
Date of birth
Name Sex Date of birth Relationship to applicant
来昆事由Reason for coming to Kunming
Study Work Technology and cultural exchanges
REPUBLICA ARGENTINA 阿根廷共和国Oficina Consular en Shanghai, R. P. China 驻上海总领事馆签证处SOLICITUD DE VISA TRANSITORIA- TRANSIENT VISA APPLICATION- 临时签证申请表IMPORTANTE: Todos los apartados deben ser llenados en MAYÚSCULAS. Por favor, complete el cuestionario a vuelta de hoja, consigne fecha, firme y aclare nombres yapellidos. NOTICE: Fill all blanks in CAPITALS, turn overleaf, date, sign and write full name. 重要提示:本表格需用西班牙文或英文大写字母填写;每栏均需填写;请回答反面的问卷,写上填写日期、签名以及工整的姓名拼音。
1-APELLIDO/ S- SURNAME/ S-姓(como figura en su pasaporte- as in passport-按护照) 2- PRIMER Y SEGUNDO NOMBRE- FIRST & SECOND NAMES- 名(como figura en supasaporte- as in passport-按护照)3- OTROS NOMBRES (Soltera, religioso, profesional, alias)- OTHER GIVEN NAMES (Maiden- Religious- Profesional- A. K. A.)- 其他名字(婚前曾用名、宗教用、职业用、别名等):4- PADRE- FATHER- 父亲APELLIDO- SURNAME- 姓: NOMBRE- NAME- 名: 5- MADRE- MOTHER- 母亲APELLIDO- SURNAME- 姓: NOMBRE- NAME- 名:6-SEXO- SEX- 性别F(女):M(男): 7-FECHA DE NACIMIENTO (D/M/A)- DATE OF BIRTH (D/ M/ Y)- 出生日期(日/月/年)8- LUGAR DE NACIMIENTO (Ciudad, Provincia, País) - PLACE OF BIRTH (City, Province,Country)- 出生地点(市、省、国家)9- (Sólo origen libanés- Only for Lebanese- 本栏仅适用于黎巴嫩公民) NUMERO DE REGISTRO DE FAMILIA- FAMILY REGISTRATION NUMBER- 家庭登记号)10- TIPO Y N° DE DOC. LOCAL DE IDENTIDAD- TYPE & NUMBER OF LOCAL DOCUMENT OF IDENTITY- 申请人本国身份证件名称及证件号:11- NACIONALIDAD- NATIONALITY- 国籍Actual- Current- 现籍 De origen- Original- 原籍12-DOMICILIO PARTICULAR- HOME ADDRESS- 家庭住址: 13-TEL. PART.- HOMETEL.- 家庭电话:14- PROFESIÓN- PROFESSION- 职业(注意: 职业是指高等院校所学专业,而非现任职务)15-ESTADO CIVIL- MARIT.STATUS- 婚姻状况:16-ACTIVIDAD- CURRENT ASIGNMENT- 现任职务:17-EMPLEADOR- EMPLOYER- 工作单位 : (Razón social y Dirección- Company name & Address- 单位名称、地址、传真、电子邮件、公司网址及主要产品 ) 18-TEL. COM.- BusinessTelephone- 公司电话:19-N° DE PASAPORTE/DOCUMENTO DE VIAJE- PASSPORT/ TRAVEL DOCUMENT- 护照号码/旅行证件号码: 20-LUGAR Y FECHA DE EMISIÓN- PLACE ANDDATE OF ISSUE- 签发地点和时间:21-FECHA DE VENCIMIENTO- EXPIRYDATE- 有效日期 (DD日/ MM月/ YYYY年):22-CATEGORIA DE VISA- TYPE OF VISA- 签证类型: 23-MOTIVO DE VIAJE- PURPOSE OF ENTRY- 旅行目的: Una Entrada 一次入境 Multiples多次入境错误!未找到引用源。
以下内容由公安机关填写档案编号:File No. 外国人签注、居留许可申请表VISA AND RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM外国人签证、居留许可申请表VISA AND RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM1. 英文姓名Full name in English(as it appears in your passport)中文姓名国籍Name in Chinese(if applicable) Nationality性别男□女□职业Sex M F Occupation出生日期年月日出生地Date of birth Y M D Place of birth2. 护照或者证件种类外交□公务□普通□其他T ype of passport or certificate Diplomatic Service Ordinary Others护照或者证件号码有效期至年月日Passport or certificate number Valid until Y M D 3. 现持签证或者居留许可有效期至年月日Current visa or residence permit valid until Y M D现持签证种类居留许可事由T ype of visa Purpose of residence4. 在华邀请单位名称或者个人的姓名、地址和电话Company or person to visit in China, name(s),address and telephone number单位组织机构代码机构编码Code of institution File №.申请人在华东住址、电话Address and telephone number of applicant in China居住地派出所名称Name of local police station5. 使用同一护照的偕行人Accompanying persons included in passport姓名性别出生日期与申请人关系Name Sex Date of birth Relationship to applicant6. 申请签证的种类Type of visa you are applying forF商务□C乘务□J-2记者□G过境□Business Crew Correspondent TransitL探亲□L旅游□L因其他私人事务□V isiting relatives Sight seeing For other private purposes7. 申请签证的有效次数和有效期Number of entries and validity of visa you are applying for零次□一次□二次□多次□有效期至年月日Zero Once Twice Multiple V alid until Y M D8. 申请居留许可Applying for residence permit居留事由学习□记者□记者家属□Purpose of residence Study Correspondent Family member of correspondent任职□任职家属□就业□就业家属□其他□Taking up post Family member employment Family member Others有效期至年月日V alid until Y M D9. 申请居留情况变更登记Register such changes住址□就读院校□任职或者就业单位□其他□Address Educational institute Place of work Others10.申请其他证件Applying for other certificate外国人出入境证□外国人旅行证□其他□A liens’ Exit-Entry permit Aliens’ Travel Permit Others我谨声明我已如实和完整地填写了上述内容并对此负责(如属代办,代办人签字)I hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and complete. I shall takefull responsibility for the above information.申请人签字代办人签字年月日 Applicant signature Agent signature Y M D。
赴 日 签 证 申 请 表PS:表格只能手写不能机打姓(请按护照填写)(英文) 需填 名(请按护照填写)(英文) 需填曾用名(出生日期xx 年xx 月xx 日根据实际情况填写出生地点xx 省xx 市(中文)需填 (中文) 需填(中文)根据实际情况填写(省) (市)性别: 男 国籍需填女 勾选 婚姻状况: 单身 已婚 丧偶离婚 勾选曾有国籍(如有) 身份证号码需填护照类别: 外交 公务 护照号码需填 签发地点需填 签发机关需填 赴日目的旅游 预计在日停留时间需填 到达日本日期需填 入境口岸不填普通其它 勾选船舶或航空公司不填根据实际情况填写签发日期需填(年)/(月)/(日)有效日期需填(年)/(月)/(日)申请人在日拟入住的酒店名称或友人姓名及住址 酒店名称或友人姓名不填地址不填上次赴日日期及停留时间根据实际情况填写 家庭地址(如有多处居住地,请全都写上)地址需填,地址具体到门牌号 电话需填 工作单位名称及地址名称根据实际情况填写(退休或无业不填)地址根据实际情况填写 目前的职位根据实际情况填写手机需填电话不填电话根据实际情况填写*配偶所从事的职业(如果申请人是未成年人,请填写父母的职业) 根据实际情况填写在日担保人(请填写担保人的详细内容)姓名不填地址不填电话不填出生日期不填(年)/(月)/(日)性别: 女不填与申请人的关系不填 职业和职务不填 国籍及签证种类不填在日邀请人(如保证人和邀请人是同一个人,请写“同上”)姓名不填地址不填电话不填出生日期不填(年)/(月)/(日)性别: 女不填与申请人的关系不填 职业和职务不填 国籍及签证种类不填*备注/其他需特殊声明的事项(如有) 是否:● 在任何国家曾被判决有罪?● 在任何国家曾被判处一年或一年以上徒刑?**● 在任何国家曾因非法滞留或违反该国法律法规而被驱逐出境?● 因违反任何国家关于取缔毒品、大麻、鸦片、兴奋剂或精神药物的法律法规被 判刑?** ● 从事卖淫活动或曾为卖淫中介、拉客,或曾为卖淫或其他与卖淫有直接联系的 活动提供场所? ● 有过贩卖人口的经历或教唆或协助他人从事贩卖人口的活动?**若您曾被判刑,即使该刑罚为缓期执行,请选择“是”。
外国人签证申请表VISA APPLICATION FORMName in English(as it appears in your passport)中文姓名国籍Name in Chinese(if applicable) Nationality性别男□女□职业Sex M F Occupation出生日期年月日出生地_Date of birth yr mth day Place of birth2. 护照或证件种类普通□外交□公务(官员)□其他Type of passport or certificate Ordinary Diplomatic Service (official) Others 护照或证件号码有效期至年月日Passport or certificate Number Valid until yr mth day 3. 境外常住住址:Address of applicant in resident country境外联系电话:telephone number of applicant in resident country4. 使用同一护照的偕行人Accompanying persons included in passport姓名性别出生日期与申请人关系Name Sex Date of birth Relationship to applicant5. 申请签证种类Type of visa you are applying forF 商务□G 过境□C乘务□Business Transit crewL 探亲□L旅游□L因其他私人事务□Visiting relatives sight seeing For other private purposes6. 申请签证的有效次数和有效期Number of entries and validity of visa you are applying for入境次数一次□二次□多次□有效期至年月日Entries One Two Multiple Valid until yr mth day 7. 申请其他证件Applying for other certificate外国人出入境证□其他□Alien’s Exi-Entry Permit Others8. 申请签证情况申报 (请仔细阅读以下内容,根据申请事由和申请签证种类的不同如实填写)of visa application因旅游申请L一次或二次签证者填写:拟入境日期年月日拟出境日期年月日拟再次入境日期年月日拟再次出境日期年月日在华住址联系电话________因探亲申请L一次或二次签证者填写:拟入境日期年月日拟出境日期年月日拟再次入境日期年月日拟再次出境日期年月日在华亲属姓名_________________与申请人的亲属关系_________________亲属住址__________________________________________________联系电话__________因其他私人事务申请L一次或二次签证者填写:拟入境日期年月日拟出境日期年月日拟再次入境日期年月日拟再次出境日期年月日来华事由_______________________在华住址__________________________________________ 联系电话:____________外籍华人申请L多次签证填写:在华亲属姓名_________________与申请人的亲属关系_________________住址__________________________________________________联系电话________________ 常住港澳的外国人申请L多次签证填写:港澳住址______________________________________________________联系电话___________ 工作单位____________________________________ 港澳身份证号_______________申请F一次或二次签证填写以下内容:拟入境日期年月日拟出境日期年月日拟再次入境日期年月日拟再次出境日期年月日在华邀请单位________________________________________ 联系电话_____________我申明我已如实和完整地填写了上述内容并对此负责。
外国人签证证件申请表FOREIGNER VISA DOCUMENTS APPLICATION FORM(请用黑色墨水笔填写内容,不能用圆珠笔填写)Please complete the form with a black pen (no ballpoint)1、姓名中文姓名国籍出生地Name in Chinese Nationality Birth place出生日期年月日性别:男女Date of birth Y M D Sex M.□ F.□在华住址申请人电话Address in China Tel在华单位联系人姓名和电话Company/School in China Contact person & tel.2、护照种类外交公务(官员) 普通其他Passport type Diplomatic□Service (Official)□Ordinary□Other□护照号码有效期至年月日Passport No.Valid until Y M D3、现持有效签证证件种类签证停留证件居留证件Current visa category Visa□Stay permit□Residence permit□证件号码有效期至年月日Visa No.Valid until Y M D4、使用同一护照的偕行人Dependents on applicant's Passport姓名性别出生日期与申请人关系Surname Given name Sex Date of birth Relationship w/applicant5、申请签证填写For visa application onlyF访问L旅游M贸易Q2团聚J2记者Non-commercial business□Tourist□Business□Reunion□Journalist□S2私人事务X2学习R2人才G过境C乘务Personal affair□Student□Talents□Transit□Crew□团分团签申请停留期限至年月日Separation from group visa□Group visa□Valid until Y M D 换发补发入境次数停留天数入境有效期至年月日Renew□ Reissue□No.of entries Duration of stay Entry before Y M D请填写双面Please fill out both sides6、申请停留证件填写For stay permit only免签船员退籍人道主义其他Visa free□Crew□Exit nationality□Humanitarian□Others□补发申请停留期限至年月日Reissue□Valid until Y M D7、申请居留证件填写For residence permit only工作学习记者团聚私人事务Employee□Student□Journalist□ Reunion□ Personal affair□换发补发申请居留期限至年月日Renew□Reissue□Valid until Y M D8、申请其他证件填写Other documents application外国人旅行证旅行地点Foreign citizen travel documents□Destination外国人出入境证申请日期至年月日Foreign citizen exit-entry permit□Valid until Y M D 勤工助学或校外实习加注申请日期至年月日Study-work□Valid until Y M D9、申请变更填写Change of姓名护照号码签发地事由地址Name□Passport No.□Place of issue□Purpose□Address□单位/院校其他增/减偕行人数其他注明Company/school□Other□Add/Delete□and No. dependent Or other10、备注Notes我保证以上填写的内容真实、准确、完整,并保证在停留居留期间遵守中华人民共和国的法律。
用正楷填写材料编号:In block letters,please 人员编号:
10 申请居留情况变更登记:______________________________________________________________________
Register such changes
Address Educational institute Place of work Others
11 申请其他证件A pplying for other certificate
Aliens’ Exit-entry Permit Aliens’ Travel Permit others
I hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and complete. I shall take full responsibility for the above information.
Seal of the organization Applicant signature Agent signature
外国人签证、居留许可申请表VISA AND RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM1、英文姓名Name in English (as it appears in your passport)中文姓名国籍Name in Chinese (if applicable) Nationality性别男□女□职业Sex M F Occupation出生日期年月日出生地Date of birth Y M D Place of birth2、护照或者证件种类外交□公务□普通□其他Type of passport of certificate Diplomatic Service Ordinary Others护照或者证件号码有效期至年月日Passport or certificate number V alid until Y M D 3、现持签证或者居留许可号码签发机关Current visa or residence permit number lssued by签证种类或者居留事由有效期至年月日Type of visa or purpose of residence Valid until Y M D 4、在华邀请单位名称或者个人的姓名、地址和电话Company or person to vistit in China ,name (s), address and telephone number申请人在华住址、电话Address and telephone number of applicant inn China5、使用同一护照的偕行人Accompanying persons included in psaaport姓名性别出生日期与申请人关系Name Sex Date of birth Relationship to applicant6、申请签证的种类Type of visa you are applying forF商务□C乘务□ J-2记者□G过境□Business Crew Correspondent TransitL探亲□L旅游□L因其他私人事务□Visiting relatives sight seeing for other private purposes7、申请签证的有效次数和有效Number of entries and validity of visa you are applying for零次□一次□二次□多次□有效期至年月日Zero once twice Multiple Valid until Y M D8、申请居留许可能性Applying for residence permit居留事由学习□记者□记者家属□Purpose of resi dence Study Correspondent Fanily member of Correspondent 任职□家属□就业□家属□TaKing up post Family member employment family member有效期至年月日Valid until Y M D9、申请居留情况变更登记Register such changes住址□就读院校□任职或者就业单位□其他□Address Educational institute Place of work Others10、申请其他证件Applying for other certificate外国人出入境证人外国人旅行证其他Aliens’Exit-Entry Permit Aliens’Travel Permit Others我谨声明我已如实和完整地填写了上述内容并对此负责(如属代办,代办人签字)I hereby declare that the information given above is true,correct and complete.I shall take full responsibility for the above informarion.申请人签字代办人签字年月日Applicant signature Agent signature Y M D。
外国人签证、居留许可申请表Visa or Residence Permit Application Form请用蓝黑色或者黑色墨水笔填写申请表内容Please complete the form with a dark blue or black ink pen1、英文姓名姓:________________名中文姓名:___________________________性别:男□女□Name in Chinese Sex M. F.出生日期:_________年________月_______日国籍:______________Date of birth Y M D Nationality在京住址:Address in Beijing所属派出所来华职业或身份Police station in the vicinity Occupation or status in China在京单位名称:电话:Name of employer/school Tel2、护照种类:外交□公务(官员)□普通□其他□Passport type Diplomatic Service(Official) Ordinary Other护照号码:有效期至:________年________月________日Passport No. Valid until Y M D3、本次入境签证种类:L□ F □Z□X□J-1□J-2□C□G□Current visa category D□居留许可□团签□免签□其他□Residence permit Group visa Exempt Other签证号码:入境次数:______次有效期至:_______年_____月______日Visa No. Number of entries Valid until Y M D4、使用同一护照的偕行人Dependents on applicant’s Passport姓名性别出生年月与申请人关系Surname Given name Sex Date of birth Relationship w/applicant ____________ ____ ___________________________ ____ _______________5、申请签证类填写For visa application onlyF商务□L探亲□L旅游□L因其他私人事务□团签□Business Visiting family Tourist Other private reasons Group visaJ-2 记者□G过境□C乘务□寄养□团分□Journalist Transit Crew Child with custodian Separation from group visa 申请入境次数:零次□一次□二次□多次□Number of entries Zero Single Double Multiple申请日期至:_____________年_________月_________日Desired validity until Y M D6、申请居留许可类填写For residence permit application only任职□及任职者家属□就业□就业者家属□Executive &/ Accompanying family member Employee Accompanying family member 记者□及记者家属□学习□其他□Journalist &/ Accompanying family member Study Other首次申请居留许可□申请居留许可□申请有效期至:_________年______月_______日1st time application Renewal Desired validity date until Y M D7、变更:住址□身份□单位□院校□其他□Change of Residence Employment status Employer School Other增□减□偕行人如其他请注明Increase Decrease of dependents or other, please specify迁出□迁往____________省(市)单位Move out to Province(city) Employer/Organisation8、申请其他证件:Other documents application外国人出入境证□外国人旅行证□其他□Foreign citizen exit-entry permit Foreign citizen travel documents Other旅行地点:有效期至:_________年________月_________日Destination Desired validity date until Y M D9、备注:Notes我保证以上填写的内容真实、准确、完整,并保证在居(停)留期间遵守中华人民共和国的法律。
外国人签证、居留许可申请表VISA AND RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM1.英语姓英语名En glish sur name En glish n ame 中文姓名国籍Name in Chin ese(if applicable) Natio nality性别男职业Sex Occupatio n昭PHOTO出生日期出生地Date of birth Y Place of birth2 •护照或者证件种类普通公务外交□其他Type of passport Ordi nary Service Diplomatic Others 护照或证件号码有效期至Passport or certificate nu mber Valid un til3 •现持签证或者居留许可号码签发机关Current visa or reside nee permit nu mber Issued by签证种类或者居留事由有效期至Type of visa or purpose of reside nee Valid until4 •在华邀请单位名称或者个人的姓名、地址和电话Compa ny or pers on to visit in China,n ame(s) ,address and telepho ne nu mber申请人在华住址、电话 Address and telepho ne nu mber of applica nt in China5 .使用同一护照的偕行人 Accompa nying pers ons in eluded in passport8 .申请居留许可 Applyi ng for reside nee permit6.申请签证的种类Type of visa are appl ying for F 商务口C 乘务 □ J-2记者 □ G 过境 □ Busin ess Crew Corresp ondentTran sit L 探亲口 L 旅游 □ L 因其它私人事务 □Visit ing relatives Sight see ing For other private purposesNumber of entries and validity of visa you are applying for姓名性别 出生日期 与申请人关系 NameSex Date of birth Relati on ship to applica nt7 .申请签证的有效次数和有效期 零次 □ 一次 □ 二次 □ 多次 □有效期至 ZeroOnce TwiceMultiple Valid un til Y 居留事由学习 □ 记者 □ 记者家属 □ Purpose of reside nee Study Corresp ondent Family member of corresp ondent 任职 □T aking up post 有效期至任职人员家属 □ Family member 年 月 日 就业 □ 就业人员家属 □ employme nt Family member of employee其他人员 □Valid until others9.申请居留情况变更登记Register such chan ges居留事由____________________________________ 护照号码_________________________________________ Purpose of reside nee nu mber of passport住址________________________________________ 任职或学习单位___________________________________ Address place of work or Educatio nal in stitute其他Others _______________________________________________10.申请其他证件Applying for other certificate外国人出入境证□外国人旅行证□其他口Aliens ' Exit-Entry Permit Aliens ' Travel Permit Others我谨声明我已如实和完整地填写了上述内容并对此负责(如属代办,代办人签字并加盖单位公章)I hereby declare that information given above is true,correct and complete.I shall take full resp on sibility for the above in formati on.申请人签字____________________ 代办人签字_________________ ___________ 年—月—日Applica nt sig nature Age nt sig nature。
■ 출입국관리법시행규칙 [별지제17호서식] (第一页/ Page1)签证发给申请表APPLICATION FOR VISA<申请表填写方法>‣申请人须以事实为根据,并将在以下空格处完整记载。
‣如您选择“其他”,请写具体内容<How to fill out this form>‣You must fill out this form completely and correctly.‣You must write in block letters either in English or Korean.‣For multiple-choice questions, you must check [√] all that apply.‣If you select‘Other’, please provide us with more information in the given space.Have you ever used any other names to enter or depart Korea?否No [ ] 是Yes [ ] →如您选择"是",请写具体内容If‘Yes’please provide details(姓Family Name , 名Given Name )1.9 您是否拥有双重国籍? Are you a citizen of more than one country ? 否No [ ] 是Yes [ ]→ 如您选择"是",请写具体内容If‘Yes’please write the countries( )‣ 签证发给认定书 持 有 者直接移到第12部分( 誓约),填写以下空格后提交申请表(不用写第3~11部分)Those who have confirmation of visa issuance must move to section 12 (Declaration) to complete this from (Those with visa issuance confirmation must not fill out section 3~11).护照类型 Passport Type外交护照 Diplomatic []公务护照 Official []普通护照 R egular[]其他 Other []→ 如您选择‘其他’,请写具体内容 If‘Other’please provide details您是否有其他的护照? Do you have any other valid passport ?否 No []是 Yes []→ 如您选择‘是’,请写具体内容 If‘Yes’please provide detailsa) 护照类型 P assport Type外交护照 Diplomatic [] 公务护照 Official [ ] 普通护照 R egular[ ] 其他 Other [ ]4.1 本国地址 Address in Your Home Country4.2 现居住地 C urrent Residential Address *仅限于现居住地与本国地址不同者 / Write if it is different from the above address紧急联系人信息 Emergency Contact Information目前婚姻状况 Marital Status已婚 Married [] 离婚 Divorced [ ] 未婚 Never married [ ] 丧偶 Widowed [ ]5.2 配偶个人信息 *仅限于已婚者 If‘Married’please provide details of your spouse6.1 最终学历 What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed ?硕士/博士 M aster’s /Doctoral Degree []学士 Bachelor’s Degree []高中 High School Diploma [] 其他 Other []→ 如您选择“其他”,请写具体内容 If‘Other’please provide details ()7.1 职业 What are your current personal circumstances ?企业家 Entrepreneur [ ] 个体经营 Self-Employed [] 职员 E mployed [ ] 公务员 Civil Servant [ ]学生 Student [ ] 退休者 Retired []无职 Unemployed []其他 Other []→ 如您选择“其他”,请写具体内容 If‘Other’please provide details ( )7.2. 职业详细信息 Employment Details邀请人/邀请单位 Do you have anyone sponsoring you for the visa ?无 No []有 Yes [] → 如您选择“有”,请写具体内容 If‘Yes’please provide detailsa) 邀请人/邀请单位 (名称) Name of your visa sponsor (Korean, foreign resident in Korea, company, or institute)9.1 访韩目的 Purpose of Visit to Korea观光/经由 Tourism/Transit [ ] 参加会议/Meeting, Conference [ ] 医疗观光 Medical Tourism []短期商务 Business Trip []留学/研修 S tudy/Training []就业 Work []贸易/投资/驻在 Trade/Investment/Intra-Corporate Transferee [ ]探亲 VisitingFamily/Relatives/Friends [ ]结婚移民 Marriage Migrant [ ]外交/公务 D iplomatic/Official [ ]其他 Other []→ 如您选择“其他”,请写具体内容 If‘Other’please provide details ()否 No [ ] 是 Yes [] → 如您选择“是”,请写具体内容 If‘Yes’please provide details of any trips to Korea( ) 次 t imes,最近访韩目的 Purpose of Recent Visit ( )9.7最近5年内是否访问过其他国家(韩国除外)Have you travelled outside your country of residence, excluding to Korea, in the last5 years ?否No [ ] 是Yes [ ] →如您选择“是”,请写具体内容If‘Yes’please provide details of these trips9.8. 同行家属Are you travelling to Korea with any family member ?无No [ ] 有Yes [ ] →如您选择“有”,请写具体内容If ‘Yes’please provide details of the family members you are travelling with* 注:家属范围-配偶, 子女, 父母, 兄弟姐妹Note: Definition of a Family Member - your spouse, father, mother, children, brothers and sisters10.1访问经费(以美元为准) Estimated travel costs(in US dollars)10.2访韩费用支付者Who will pay for your travel-related expenses ? (any person including yourself and/or institute)否[ ] No 是Yes [ ] →如您选择“是”,请写具体内容If‘Yes’please provide details of the person who assisted you批准Approval根据本人所知所信,我声明以上所有陈述均真实、准确、完整。
外国人签证证件申请表VISA / STAY PERMIT / RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM(请用黑色或蓝色墨水笔填写内容)Please complete the form in black or blue ink1、姓名中文姓名照片Surname Given name Name in Chinese Photo 国籍出生日期年月日Nationality Date of birth Y M D性别:男女出生地□ F. □Place of birthSex M.在华住址邀请人姓名和电话Address in China Inviter&Tel.在华单位单位电话Company/School in China Tel.单位组织机构代码Organization code2、护照种类外交公务 (官员 )普通其他□Service (Official)□Ordinary □ Other□Passport type Diplomatic护照号码有效期至年月日Passport No.Valid until Y M D3、现持有效签证证件种类签证停留证件居留证件免签□ Stay permit □ Residence permit□ Visa free□Current visa category Visa证件号码有效期至年月日Visa No.Valid until Y M D4、使用同一护照的偕行人Dependents on same passport姓名性别出生日期与申请人关系Surname Given name Sex Date of birth Relationship5、申请签证填写For visa onlyF 访问L 旅游M 贸易Q2团聚J2 记者Non-commercial business□Tourist□Business□Family r eunion□Journalist□S2私人事务X2学习R 人才G 过境 C 乘务Personal affair □Student□Talent□Transit□Crew□团体签证分离团签申请停留期限至年月日Separation from group visa □ Group visa□ Valid until Y M D换发补发入境次数停留天数入境有效期至年月日Renewal□Reissue □Entries Duration of stay Entry before Y M D请填写双面 Please fill out both sides6、申请停留证件填写 For stay permit only免签船员 退籍人道主义其他Visa free □ Crew □Renouncement □Humanitarian□Others□补发申请停留期限至 年 月日Reissue□Valid until YMD7、申请居留证件填写For residence permit only工作 □学习 记者□团聚□私人事务□Employee □JournalisteunionPersonal affair StudentFamily r换发补发 申请居留期限至年月 日Renew□Reissue□Valid until YMD8、 申请其他证件填写For other documents外国人旅行证 旅行目的地Foreign citizen travel documents □Destination外国人出入境证申请日期至 年 月 日 Foreign citizen exit-entry permit □Valid until Y M D勤工助学或校外实习加注 申请日期至 年 月 日Study-work / Internship□Valid untilYMD9、申请变更填写For change of the following姓名 护照号码 □事由增 /减偕行人数□□Passport No. □Add/Reduce number of dependents NamePurpose of stay其他注明Or others10、备注 Notes我保证 以上填写的内容真实、准确、完整,并保证在停留居留期间遵守中华人民共和国的法律。
外国人签证证件申请表VISA/ STAY PERMIT / RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM1、姓名Surname国籍出生日期Nationality性别:男女Sex M.□ F.□在华住址Address in China在华单位/学校单位Company/School in China Tel of company在华工作地址Add of working place 2、护照种类外交公务官员普通其他Passport type Diplomatic□ Service Official□ Ordinary□ Other□护照号码有效期至年月日Passport No.Valid until Y M D3、现持有效签证证件种类签证停留证件居留证件免签Current visa category Visa□ Stay permit□ Residence permit□ Visa free□证件号码有效期至年月日Visa No.Valid until Y M D4、使用同一护照的偕行人 Dependents on same passport姓名性别出生日期与申请人关系Surname Given name Sex Date of birth Relationship5、申请签证填写For visa onlyF访问 L旅游 M贸易 Q2团聚 J2记者Non-commercial business□ Tourist□ Business□ Family r eunion□Journalist□S2私人事务 X2学习 R人才 G过境 C乘务Personal affair□ Student□ Talent□ Transit□Crew□团体签证分离团签申请本次停留至年月日Separation from group visa□ Group visa□ Valid until Y M D 换发补发入境次数停留天数入境有效期至年月日Renew□ Reissue□Entries Duration of stay Entry before Y M D请填写双面 Please fill out both sides6、申请停留证件填写 For stay permit only免签船员退籍人道主义其他Visa free□ Crew□ Renouncement□ Humanitarian□ Others□补发申请停留期限至年月日Reissue□ Valid until Y M D7、申请居留证件填写 For residence permit only工作学习记者团聚私人事务Employee□ Student□ Journalist□ Family reunion□ Personal affair□换发补发申请居留期限至年月日Renew□ Reissue□ Valid until Y M D8、申请其他证件填写 For other documents外国人旅行证旅行目的地Foreign citizen travel documents□ Destination 外国人出入境证申请日期至年月日Foreign citizen exit-entry permit□ Valid until Y M D 勤工助学或校外实习加注申请日期至年月日Study-work / Internship□ Valid until Y M D9、申请变更填写 For change of the following姓名护照号码事由增/减偕行人数Name□ Passport No.□ Purpose of stay□ Add/Reduce number of dependents□其他注明Or others10、备注Notes我保证以上填写的内容真实、准确、完整,并保证在停留居留期间遵守中华人民共和国的法律;I hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and complete. I shall abide by theChinese laws and regulations during my stay in the People’s Republic of China.申请人签字代办人签字Applicant's signature Agent's signature 联系联系Applicant's Tel Agent's Tel申请日期年月日单位印章Application date Y M D Company/School’s seal。
外国人签证、居留许可申请表VISA AND RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM(请用黑色水笔填写)Please fill the form in black ink1、英文姓英文名Surname Given name中文姓名国籍Name in Chinese(if applicable) Nationality性别男□女□职业Sex M F Occupation出生日期年月日出生地Date of birth Y M D Place of birth2、护照或者证件种类外交□公务□普通□其他Type of passport or certificate Diplomatic Service Ordinary Others护照或者证件号码有效期至年月日Passport or certificate number Valid until Y M D3、现持签证或者居留许可号码签发机关Current visa or residence permit number Issued by签证种类或者居留事由有效期至年月日Type of visa or residence permit Valid until Y M D4、在华邀请单位名称或者个人的姓名Name(s ) of the host company or person in Xiamen地址和电话Address and telephone number5、申请人在华住址Address of applicant in Xiamen辖区公安派出所申请人电话:Local police station Telephone number of applicant6、使用同一护照的偕行人Accompanying persons included in passport姓名性别出生日期与申请人关系Name Sex Date of birth Relationship to applicant7、申请签证填写For visa only申请签证的种类Type of visa you are applying forF访问L旅游M贸易Q2团聚J2记者Non-commercial business□Tourist□Business□Family r eunion□Journalist□S2私人事务X2学习R人才G过境C乘务Personal affair□Student□Talent□Transit□Crew□申请签证的有效次数和有效期Times of entries and validity of visa you are applying for 零次□一次□二次□多次□有效期至年月日Zero Once Twice Multiple Valid until Y M D8、申请停留证件填写For stay permit only免签船员退籍人道主义其他Visa free□Crew□Renouncement□Humanitarian□Others□补发申请停留期限至年月日Reissue□Valid until Y M D9、申请居留证件填写For residence permit only工作学习记者团聚私人事务Employee□Student□Journalist□Family r eunion□ Personal affair□换发补发申请居留期限至年月日Renew□Reissue□Valid until Y M D10、申请其他证件填写For other documents外国人旅行证旅行目的地Foreign citizen travel documents□Destination外国人出入境证申请日期至年月日Foreign citizen exit-entry permit□Valid until Y M D勤工助学或校外实习加注申请日期至年月日Study-work / Internship□Valid until Y M D11、申请变更填写For change of the following姓名护照号码事由增/减偕行人数Name□Passport No.□Purpose of stay□Add/Reduce number of dependents□其他注明Or others我保证以上填写的内容真实、准确、完整,并保证在停留居留期间遵守中华人民共和国的法律。
Dependents on same passport
Given name
Date of birth
5、申请签证填写 For visa only
F 访问
L 旅游
□ □ Non-commercial business
中文姓名 Name in Chinese 月 日 出生地
照片 Photo
Date of birth
Y M D Place of birth
性别 : Sex 在华住址
M. □
F. □
电子邮件地址 E-mail
Address in China 在华单位
Tel 联系人姓名和电话
Valid until
9、申请变更填写 For change of the following
□ □ □ Name
Passport No.
Purpose of stay
Or others
□ Add/Reduce number of dependents
Valid until
3、现持有效签证证件种类 Current visa category 证件号码
签证 停留证件
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
(请用黑色墨水笔填写内容) Please complete the form in black ink 1、 姓 名 中文姓名 Surname Given name Name in Chinese 国籍 出生日期 年 月 日 出生地 Nationality Date of birth Y M D Place of birth 性别: 男 女 电子邮件地址 Sex M. □ F. □ E-mail
Address in China 在华单位/学校 单位电话
Company/School in China Tel of company 在华工作地址
Add of working place
2、护照种类 外交 公务(官员) 普通 其他
Passport type Diplomatic □ Service (Official) □ Ordinary □ Other □ 护照号码 有效期至 年 月 日
Passport No. Valid until Y M D
3、现持有效签证证件种类 签证 停留证件 居留证件 免签
Current visa category Visa □ Stay permit □ Residence permit □ Visa free □
证件号码 有效期至 年 月 日
Visa No. Valid until Y M D
4、使用同一护照的偕行人 Dependents on same passport
姓 名 性别 出生日期 与申请人关系 Surname Given name Sex Date of birth Relationship
5、申请签证填写 For visa only
F 访问 L 旅游 M 贸易 Q2团聚 J2记者
Non-commercial business □ Tourist □ Business □ Family r eunion □ Journalist □ S2私人事务 X2学习 R 人才 G 过境 C 乘务
Personal affair □ Student □ Talent □ Transit □ Crew □
团体签证分离 团签 申请本次停留至 年 月 日 Separation from group visa □ Group visa □ Valid until Y M D 换发 补发 入境次数 停留天数 入境有效期至 年 月 日 Renew □ Reissue □ Entries Duration of stay Entry before Y M D
请填写双面 Please fill out both sides
6、申请停留证件填写 For stay permit only
免签 船员 退籍 人道主义 其他
Visa free □ Crew □ Renouncement □ Humanitarian □ Others □
补发 申请停留期限至 年 月 日
Reissue □ Valid until Y M D
7、申请居留证件填写 For residence permit only
工作 学习 记者 团聚 私人事务
Employee □ Student □ Journalist □ Family reunion □ Personal affair □ 换发 补发 申请居留期限至 年 月 日
Renew □ Reissue □
Valid until Y M
8、申请其他证件填写For other documents
Foreign citizen travel documents□Destination
外国人出入境证申请日期至年月日Foreign citizen exit-entry permit□Valid until Y M D
Study-work / Internship□Valid until Y M D
9、申请变更填写For change of the following
Name□Passport No.□Purpose of stay□Add/Reduce number of dependents□
Or others
I hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and complete. I shall abide by the
Chinese laws and regulations during my stay in the People’s Republic of China.
Applicant's signature Agent's signature
Applicant's Tel Agent's Tel
Application date Y M D Company/School’s seal。