
基于多源光谱特征融合技术的花生油掺伪检测涂斌;陈志;彭博;郑晓;宋志强;尹成;曾路路;何东平【摘要】以拉曼、近红外2种光谱特征融合结合化学计量学方法对花生油掺伪进行了定量分析.分别用激光拉曼、激光近红外光谱仪采集134个掺伪油样本的光谱数据,采用SPXY算法对样本集进行划分.拉曼光谱(Ram)和近红外光谱(near infrared spectroscopy,NIR)数据进行预处理后,采用后向间隔偏最小二乘法(BiPLS)和联合间隔偏最小二乘法(synergy interval partial least squares,SiPLS)分别提取2种光谱的特征波长;将提取的特征波长融合,结合支持向量机回归(SVR)建立数学模型,采用网格搜索算法(CV)对SVR模型的参数组合(C,g)值寻优,建立最优参数模型.研究表明:建立的Ram-NIR-SVR模型能够实现花生油中掺杂油脂含量的快速准确预测,预测集和校正集的相关系数R分别达到0.98和0.99,均方根误差(MSE)低于2.38E-3;对比不同特征波长提取方法,并与单光谱分析技术比较,可以看出,数据融合技术能够增强模型预测能力,减小模型参数,有利于模型的实际应用,体现了2种光谱很好的互补性.表明光谱分析结合数据融合技术对食用油真实性综合鉴别具有重要意义.【期刊名称】《食品与发酵工业》【年(卷),期】2016(042)004【总页数】5页(P169-173)【关键词】花生油;拉曼光谱;近红外光谱;定量分析;数据融合;支持向量机回归【作者】涂斌;陈志;彭博;郑晓;宋志强;尹成;曾路路;何东平【作者单位】武汉轻工大学机械工程学院,湖北武汉,430023;武汉轻工大学机械工程学院,湖北武汉,430023;武汉轻工大学机械工程学院,湖北武汉,430023;武汉轻工大学机械工程学院,湖北武汉,430023;武汉轻工大学机械工程学院,湖北武汉,430023;武汉轻工大学机械工程学院,湖北武汉,430023;武汉轻工大学机械工程学院,湖北武汉,430023;武汉轻工大学食品科学与工程学院,湖北武汉,430023【正文语种】中文食用油可以为人体提供所需的不饱和脂肪酸、维生素等,属于日常生活用品,连续几年销量超过2 000 万t [1-2]。

Hierarchical Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA)of hyperspectral imagery for urban environmentsJonas Franke a ,⁎,Dar A.Roberts b ,1,Kerry Halligan c ,2,Gunter Menz d ,3aUniversity of Bonn,Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces (ZFL),Walter-Flex-Strasse 3,D-53113Bonn,GermanybUniversity of California,Santa Barbara,Department of Geography,1832Ellison Hall,UC Santa Barbara,Santa Barbara,CA 93106-4060,United States cSanborn Map Company,610SW Broadway,Suite 310,Portland,OR 97205,United States dUniversity of Bonn,Department of Geography,Remote Sensing Research Group (RSRG),Meckenheimer Allee 166,53115Bonn,Germanya b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 15December 2008Received in revised form 27March 2009Accepted 28March 2009Keywords:Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA)Hyperspectral Mapper (HyMap)UrbanLand cover HyperspectralImaging spectrometry Endmember selection Hierarchical classi ficationRemote sensing has considerable potential for providing accurate,up-to-date information in urban areas.Urban remote sensing is complicated,however,by very high spectral and spatial complexity.In this paper,Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA)was applied to map urban land cover using HyMap data acquired over the city of Bonn,Germany.MESMA is well suited for urban environments because it allows the number and types of endmembers to vary on a per-pixel basis,which allows controlling the large spectral variability in these environments.We employed a hierarchical approach,in which MESMA was applied to map four levels of complexity ranging from the simplest level consisting of only two classes,impervious and pervious,to 20classes that differentiated material composition and plant species.Lower levels of complexity,mapped at the highest accuracies,were used to constrain spatially models at higher levels of complexity,reducing spectral confusion between materials.A spectral library containing 1521endmembers was created from the HyMap data.Three endmember selection procedures,Endmember Average RMS (EAR),Minimum Average Spectral Angle (MASA)and Count Based Endmember Selection (COB),were used to identify the most representative endmembers for each level of bined two-,three-or four-endmember models –depending on the hierarchical level –were applied,and the highest endmember fractions were used to assign a land cover class.Classi fication accuracies of 97.2%were achieved for the two lowest complexity levels,consisting of impervious and pervious classes,and a four class map consisting of vegetation,bare soil,water and built-up.At the next level of complexity,consisting of seven classes including trees,grass,bare soil,river,lakes/basins,road and roof/building,classi fication accuracies remained high at 81.7%with most classes mapped above 85%accuracy.At the highest level,consisting of 20land cover classes,a 75.9%classi fication accuracy was achieved.The ability of MESMA to incorporate within-class spectral variability,combined with a hierarchical approach that uses spatial information from one level to constrain model selection at a higher level of complexity was shown to be particularly well suited for urban environments.©2009Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionCurrent and accurate information about urban composition is critical for urban planning,disaster response and improved environ-mental management.Remote sensing has the potential to provide the necessary information about urban infrastructure,socio-economic attributes and environmental conditions at a diversity of scales (Jensen &Cowen,1999;Small,2001).As a result,an increasing num-ber of studies have focused on remote sensing of urban environments and their land cover (e.g.,Ben-Dor et al.,2001,Herold &Roberts,2005;Powell et al.,2007;Small,2001,2003,2005).Urban remote sensing is complicated by the complexity of urban environments which includes considerable spectral diversity at very fine spatial scales (Powell et al.,2007;Small,2001,2005).Spectrally,urban areas are complicated by the presence of numerous spectrally unique materials,and the presence of spectrally ambiguous materials,such as dark-shingles and asphalt roads (Herold et al.,2003a ).Other factors further complicate analysis,including non-Lambertian beha-vior of urban materials that leads to high within-class spectral variability (Herold et al.,2004),3-dimensional heterogeneity of urban areas (Herold et al.,2003a )and material aging,which causes spectral changes (Herold &Roberts,2005).As a result,urban environments exhibit a high dimensionality in spectral space (Small,2001,2005).Remote Sensing of Environment 113(2009)1712–1723⁎Corresponding author.Tel.:+49228734023;fax:+49228736857.E-mail addresses:jonasfranke@uni-bonn.de (J.Franke),dar@(D.A.Roberts),halligan.kerry@ (K.Halligan),g.menz@uni-bonn.de (G.Menz).1Tel.:+18058932276;fax:+18058933146.2Tel.:+15032288708;fax:+15032288751.3Tel.:+49228739700;fax:+49228739702.0034-4257/$–see front matter ©2009Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.rse.2009.03.018Contents lists available at ScienceDirectRemote Sensing of Environmentj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w ww.e l s ev i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /rs eSome studies,therefore,have focused on the spectral separability of urban materials for land cover mapping,using sensors such as the Airborne Visible Near Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)(Hepner et al.,1998;Hepner &Chen,2001;Herold et al.,2004)or the Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI)(Ben-Dor et al.,2001).Herold et al.(2004)concluded that the current knowledge about urban materials and their separation based on spectral characteristics is inadequate.In addition to the large diversity of urban materials,improved knowledge about spatio-temporal changes in urban vegetation cover is important to determine and model urban environmental conditions (Ridd,1995;Small,2001).Limitations of remote sensing techniques for urban mapping in the spatial dimension,as observed in previous studies (Powell et al.,2007;Small,2001,2005),resulting from coarse spatial resolutions of sensors such as Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+),can potentially be overcome by novel analysis techniques.For urban applications,a spatial resolution of at least 5m is required,in order to adequately capture urban structures (Small,2003).However,due to the high spatial variability of urban structure with spectrally heterogeneous materials close to each other,mixed pixels are still common in images covering urban areas (Powell et al.,2007).Spectral mixture analyses (SMA)can potentially solve some of the problems associated with the spectral heterogeneity of urban surfaces (Small,2001).However,simple mixing models,which consist of a single set of endmembers applied to an entire scene,are potentially not appropriate for urban areas because they cannot account for considerable within-class variability (Rashed et al.,2003;Roessner et al.,2001).To overcome this limitation,Song (2005)proposed Bayesian spectral mixture analysis (BSMA),in which endmembers are not treated as constants.Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA;Roberts et al.,1998)represents an alternative approach,in which the number and types of endmembers are allowed to vary on a per-pixel basis,thereby accounting for urban spectral heterogeneity.Forexample,Fig.1.Location of the study area of Bonn in Germany.Shaded relief data set with the river Rhine given in blue,combined with a swath of true-color HyMap data acquired on May 28,2005indicating the landscapestructure.Fig.2.Hierarchical structure of the Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis giving 4levels of different complexity.1713J.Franke et al./Remote Sensing of Environment 113(2009)1712–1723MESMA has been used to map vegetation,impervious and soil frac-tions in a number of urban areas,including the city of Manaus,Brazil (Powell et al.,2007)and Los Angeles (Rashed et al.,2003).Object-oriented approaches also have considerable potential for mapping urban areas at high accuracy (Herold et al.,2003b ).Benediktsson et al.(2005)also discuss the importance of spatial and spectral information describing a morphological method for a joint spatial/spectral classi fier for urban environments.Roessner et al.(2001)incorporated spatial context to improve endmember selection to iteratively unmix hyperspectral data covering an urban area.In this study,we propose hierarchical MESMA,in which different models are used for different levels of complexity,and in which highly accurate models at the lowest level of complexity are used to spatially constrain models at higher levels of complexity.We tested this approach using HyMap data acquired over the city of Bonn,Germany.Our objectives were thereby to (i)demonstrate the potential of MESMA for mapping urban land cover at various levels of detail ranging from imperviousness to material discrimination,(ii)determine materials or land covers with a high degree of spectral confusion (iii)incorporate spatial constraints into MESMA to improve classi fication accuracies and thus (iv)to prove this hierarchical MESMA approach for urban environments.2.Methodology 2.1.Study area and dataThis study focused on an urban transect in the region of Bonn,Germany.The city of Bonn is located in Western Germany along the river Rhine,approximately 30km southeast of the city of Cologne.Bonn represents a typical large German city with a popu-lation of 320,000.The city dates from Roman times and contains a medieval city center with large 19th and 20th century urban exten-sions.Bonn is situated in generally level terrain at an average elevation of 55m above sea level.Although the city includes a few taller buildings (e.g.,the 165m Posttower)it is dominated by 3–5stories commercial and residential structures as well as 1and 2floor family houses,principally located in residential areas that are concentrically arranged around the town center.The Bonn area is characterized by highly diverse land cover types and complex urban material compositions.Fig.1shows the Bonn study site location and an airborne Hyperspectral Mapper (HyMap)subscene acquired on 28/05/2005covering a representative NW –SE cross-section of the city,emphasiz-ing the highly diverse land use regime present within the study area.A number of urban land covers are shown:residential areas (with differing densities and socio-economic structures),mixed-use areas,and commercial and industrial districts.Non-urban land cover types include water bodies,green vegetation and bare soils.The speci fic urban materials present in the Bonn region result from centuries of urban development combined with local traditional in fluences.The diversity of building materials found in the area includes asphalt and cobblestone road surfaces,as well as roofs composed of slate,metal,glass,gravel,bitumen,plastics and a number of types and colors of composite shingles.Old houses in the historic town center typically have shingle roofs composed of dark slate from the nearby Rhenish Slate Mountains.Predominant vegetation types in the studyareaFig.3.Work flow of the hierarchical MESMA.1714J.Franke et al./Remote Sensing of Environment 113(2009)1712–1723include European chestnut,linden and other mixed deciduous trees, as well as riparian areas that are mostly covered with grass.Airborne Hyperspectral Mapper(HyMap)data were acquired on 28/05/2005.The HyMap-system is a whisk-broom scanner with an ax-head double mirror which acquires126spectral bands with a bandwidth of16nm(in the VIS and NIR region)in the spectral range between450nm and2480nm.HyMap is typically operated at altitudes between2000and5000m agl and has an instantaneous field of view(IFOV)of2.5mr along track and2.0mr across track by a field of view(FOV)of±30°(Cocks et al.,1998).The chosen configura-tion resulted in a nominal ground IFOV of4.0m.HyVista Corp.and the German Aerospace Center(DLR)carried out the pre-processing of the HyMap data.The validation of the atmospheric corrections using ATCOR4(Richter and Schlaepfer,2002)was performed against in-situ measurements obtained with an ASD FieldSpec Pro spectroradiometer (Analytical Spectral Devices Inc.,Boulder,Co,USA).During further pre-processing,26bands showing high levels of noise,especially those near the water absorption features at1400and1900nm,were removed from the data to improve overall image quality.2.2.Endmember selectionThe quality of SMA results,in general,is highly dependent on the availability of representative endmembers(Tompkins et al.,1997). Endmembers used in SMA can either be derived from image pixels or from a spectral library that contains reference endmembers derived from measurements taken in thefield,laboratory,from radiative trans-fer models(Sonnentag et al.,2007)or derived from other images.The advantage of image endmembers is that they can be collected at the same scale as the image and are easier to associate with image features (Rashed et al.,2003).In addition,image endmembers have the advantage of being canopy-scale spectra,incorporating the effects of non-linear mixing which may be present,especially in vegetation surfaces,at the leaf-scale.Several approaches for the selection of optimal/representative endmembers from images have been devel-oped.One example is the Pixel Purity Index(PPI),described by Boardman et al.(1995).Recently,several endmember selection approaches have been proposed for MESMA,in which a spectral library is analyzed to identify the subset of spectra that are most representative of a specific class,and least confused with members outside that class. Examples include Count-based Endmember Selection(CoB)(Roberts et al.,2003),Endmember Average Root Mean Square Error(EAR) (Dennison&Roberts,2003)and the Minimum Average Spectral Angle (MASA)(Dennison et al.,2004).In contrast to the PPI,these approaches require knowledge about the spectral characteristics to assign each spectrum to a particular ing CoB,optimal endmembers are identified as those spectra within a spectral library that model the greatest number of spectra within a specific class while meeting other selection criteria,including fractional constraints(i.e.fractions are required to be between0and100%),andfit constraints based on RMSE and spectral residuals(Roberts et al.,2003).CoB provides several quality parameters that allow for a ranking of representative endmembers.The in-CoB parameter reports the total number of spectra modelled within the class,whereas the out-CoB reports the total number of models outside of the class.A high in-CoB with a low out-CoB represents an excellent endmember choice.EAR calculates the average RMSE produced by a spectrum when it is used to model all other members of its class.The optimum spectrum produces the lowest averageRMSE.Fig.4.Merged classification result of level1as derived from two-and three-endmember model MESMA,showing impervious and pervious surfaces in the area of Bonn with an overall classification accuracy of97.2%.1715J.Franke et al./Remote Sensing of Environment113(2009)1712–1723The MASA calculates the average spectral angle between a reference spectrum (candidate model)and all other spectra within the same class.The best endmember is selected as the one that produces the lowest average spectral angle (Dennison et al.,2004).In this study,a comprehensive survey of the area of Bonn was conducted,in order to identify representative surface types and to find locations suitable for developing a spectral library from the image.A Differential Global Position System (Trimble GeoExplorerXT with a Trimble GeoBeacon receiver)was used to collect reference data with a high spatial accuracy.Three to five Regions of interest (ROI),consisting of around 30pixels per ROI were selected in the HyMap image for each endmember type.A random sample of all ROIs was extracted,to develop a spectral library consisting of 1521spectra with 1384pixels set aside for validation of the MESMA results.The spectral library was developed using ‘VIPER-tools ’,an ENVI add on ( ),and all relevant metadata added.For each hierarchical MESMA level,separate spectral libraries were created containing optimal/most representative endmembers with low probability of confusion with other endmember classes,characterized by low EAR or MASA values or high in-Cob values.These metrics were calculated with the ‘VIPER-tools ’and endmembers were consecutively sorted by their metric values.The spectra selection should be done on a case by case basis,depending on the users'objective.A number of different strategies may be employed.In our study,most of our selections were from the top candidates of each metric.2.3.Hierarchical Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA)Linear SMA assumes that a mixed spectrum can be modeled as a linear combination of pure spectra,known as endmembers (Adams et al.,1986).Under ideal conditions,the most accurate fractional estimates can be achieved using the minimum number of end-members required to account for spectral variability within a mixed pixel (Sabol et al.,1992).Fractional errors occur either when too few endmembers are used,resulting in spectral information that cannot be accounted for by the existing endmembers,or too many,in which case minor departures between measured and modelled spectra are often assigned to an endmember that is used in the model,but not actually present (Roberts et al.,1998).Urban environments are particularly dif ficult for a simple mixture model because a single endmember cannot account for considerable spectral variation within a class.In contrast,MESMA can account for within-class variability and thus is likely to be more suitable for urban remote sensing.Typically,MESMA is applied by running numerous models for a pixel and selecting one model based on its ability to meet selection criteria and produce the best fit,typically a minimum RMS (Painter et al.,1998).Selection criteria include fractional constraints (minimum and maximum fraction constrains),maximum allowable shade fraction,RMSE constraints and a residual constraint set to remove any model that exceeds a threshold over a range of ing this approach,pixel-scale limits in spectral dimensionality are recognized while also accounting for considerable spectral variability within a scene.The constraints for the models are variably selectable,whereby MESMA can also be run in an unconstrained mode.Roberts et al.(1998)found that with the flexible MESMA approach,a majority of pixels in an image could be modeled with only two-endmember models.Powell and Roberts (2008)found that natural landscapes in Brazil required only two-endmember models,disturbed regions required three-and urban areas required four-endmembermodels.Fig.5.Classi fication result of level 2displays the land cover classes ‘Vegetation ’,‘Built-up ’,‘Bare soil ’and ‘Water body ’in the urban area of Bonn with an overall classi fication accuracy of 97.2%.1716J.Franke et al./Remote Sensing of Environment 113(2009)1712–1723In this study,a hierarchically structured MESMA was realized,whereby two-,three-or four-endmember models were uniquely tailored for four different levels of complexity (Fig.2).At the lowest level only two broad classes were mapped,impervious and pervious.At level 2,four land cover classes were mapped;at the third level,the land cover classes were subdivided into up to two categories,such as grass and trees,roads vs.roof materials and lake vs.river.At the highest level of complexity,20classes of speci fic materials or tree species were mapped (Fig.2).The basic idea of hierarchical MESMA was to use the result from one level as a spatial constraint for the next level,taking advantage of higher classi fication accuracies achieved at lower levels of complexity to improve accuracies at higher levels.For example,models for level 2were constrained by results from level one,where vegetation,bare soil and water bodies are restricted to areas mapped as pervious,and built-up is restricted to the impervious class.In this case,the results for level 1and level 2are the same for impervious and built-up.MESMAs of levels 1and 2were run unconstrained and as spatial constraints only those masks were used,in cases when classi fication accuracy was greater than 85%at a lower level.MESMAs of level 3were run partially constrained (minimum and maximum allowable fractions were constrained).By using spatial information at one level for the analysis of the next level,high classi fication accuracies achieved at the lower levels should therefore improve accuracies at higher levels.The work flow of this hierarchical MESMA is displayed in Fig.3.For MESMA of the imperviousness at level 1,30two-endmember models were used,whereby the first spectral library contained 30representative endmembers (15representing pervious and 15representing impervious surfaces)determined by EAR,MASA and Cob and the second spectral library contained shade.In addition,a three-endmember model was applied with 15pervious endmembers in the first library,15impervious endmembers in the second and shade in the third spectral library resulting in 225models.The RMSE change between the results of the two-and three-endmember model results was calculated afterwards.In cases where the RMSE did not change more than 0.1between both results,the result of the two-endmember model was chosen.The three-endmember model was only selected where a third endmember was needed to drop the RMSE (RMSE change N 0.1).Both MESMA classi fication results (classes were assigned to the highest endmember fraction)were merged to the two final classes impervious and pervious.MESMA of the second level discriminated 4different land cover classes by the use of 30two-endmember models similar to level 1.MESMA was run in an unconstrained mode,whereas the analysis was spatially constrained,because the land cover classes vegetation,bare soil and water body were only analyzed for pervious areas as identi fied at the first level.Due to the fact that spatial constraints were used,the land cover class ‘Built-up ’at level 2is the same as the impervious class from level 1.Over most parts of the region RMSE values at level 2were low,which indicates that this level could be successfully modeled with only two-endmember models.MESMA at the third level determined dominant surface types including trees,grass,bare soils,rivers,lakes/basins,roads and roofs/buildings.First,69two-endmember models were used,applied to each land cover mask as derived from the results of level 2(excepting bare soil).MESMA was run in a partially constrained mode (minimum and maximum allowable fraction values were constrained).A four-endmember model was run additionally in order to improve discrimi-nation between vegetation types as well as roads androofs/buildings.Fig.6.Classi fication result of level 3as derived from two-and four-endmember model MESMA that gives the dominant surface types trees,grass,bare soils,rivers,lakes/basins,roads and roofs/buildings with an overall classi fication accuracy of 81.7%.1717J.Franke et al./Remote Sensing of Environment 113(2009)1712–1723The so called V–I–S model was proposed by Ridd(1995),which divides urban areas into three physically based classes,vegetation, impervious surfaces and soil.In the present study,thefirst spectral library contained12vegetation endmembers,the second library contained14endmembers representing impervious surfaces,the third library contained3soil endmembers and the fourth spectral library contained shade resulting in504models.Classes were assigned to the highest endmember fractions.The RMSE was used as a constraint for each class.Due to a significant confusion between soil and red-shingle roofs,a maximum RMSE of0.025was applied as a constraint for the soil class.All pixels with dominant soil fractions and RMSE values greater than0.1,were assigned to the roof class.If no model met all these constraints,the pixel was left unmodeled/ unclassified.The classification result of level3was merged from the results of the two-endmember and four-endmember models.MESMA of level4discriminated20different materials or vegetation species as shown in Fig.2.Due to the fact that the classes ‘River’,‘Lakes/Basins’and‘Bare soil’were alreadyfinal classes at level 2or3with classification accuracies higher than85%,the information for these classes was taken from those levels,respectively.212two-endmember models were used for the MESMA applied at level4. MESMA was run in an unconstrained mode similar to level2.48two-endmember models were used for all vegetated pixels as identified at level3and164two-endmember models were used for all pixels not classified as water,vegetated or bare soil at level3.Results of the discrimination of vegetation species and urban materials as obtained from MESMAs of level4were merged withfinal classes already obtained at levels2and3.Minor classification errors were present in some buildings,represented by individual pixels of a different class imbedded within an otherwise compact building object.To reduce this type of error,the building classes were smoothed using a3⁎3 majorityfilter to remove single-pixel errors within buildings.All other classes remained unfiltered.Classification results of each hierarchical level were compared to the random sample of validation pixels,in order to assess classification accuracy,whereby the total sample size of1384pixel splits–depending on the hierarchical level–to thefinal classes.3.Results and discussionFigs.4–7show the classification results of the4hierarchical levels. The MESMA results of levels1to3(Figs.4–6)reveal the spatial structure of the urban area of Bonn with mostly impervious areas in the central business district(CBD)in the northern part of the scene close to the Rhine River and in the strongly industrial area in the northwest.Residential areas,in contrast,are clearly distinguishable by a higher percentage of vegetated areas.In the southern part of the scene,the densely vegetated recreation area‘Rheinaue’is obvious, which also acts as a naturalfloodplain for the Rhine River,which occasionallyfloods.Observing the result of hierarchical MESMA level 4(Fig.7),a detailed insight into the urban spatial structure is given. Considering object sizes and roof materials,the industrial area in the northwest is clearly distinguishable from the CBD.In addition,larger objects with different roof materials are obvious in the southern part of the scene as well,that indicate the area of governmental buildings, museums,headquarters of organizations and companies etc.The spatial distribution of vegetation species also gives detailed informa-tion about urban environmental condition.The V–I–S modelas Fig.7.Classification result of level4that shows different materials and vegetation species in20classes of the urban area of Bonn with an overall classification accuracy of75.9%. 1718J.Franke et al./Remote Sensing of Environment113(2009)1712–1723described above is displayed in Fig.8,which shows the fractions of vegetation,impervious surfaces and soil as a false-color RGB as derived by the four-endmember models at level 3.A mask considering maximum allowable fractions and RMSE constraints was thereby applied.Error matrices were calculated using ground reference data for each hierarchical level (Tables 1–4).The overall classi fication accuracies were 97.2%for level 1(kappa coef ficient of 0.94)and level 2(kappa coef ficient of 0.95),81.7%for level 3(kappa coef ficient of 0.75)and 75.9%(kappa coef ficient of 0.74)for hierarchical level 4.Only minor confusion occurred at level 1between the classes impervious and pervious (Table 1).The high accuracies of 95.4%and 100%respectively could be on the one hand achieved due to the selection of highly representative endmembers using EAR,MASA and CoB and on the other hand due to the fact that results of the two-and three-endmember models were merged,depending on the RMSE change.The endmember selection approaches selected the following repre-sentative endmembers:for pervious surfaces,10vegetation end-members,2water and 3soil endmembers (Fig.9a);for impervioussurfaces,3road endmembers and 12roof endmembers (Fig.9b).Using the RMSE change between the results of the two-and three-endmember models was very suitable for identifying pixels that required a third endmember to drop the RMSE and improved ac-curacies.In particular,the models cardboard roof/shade as well as grass/shade in the two-endmember MESMA had the highest frequency within these pixels with high RMSE change.At level 2,4different land cover classes were discriminated by 30two-endmember models,whose endmembers were speci fically selected by the mentioned endmember selection procedures.Some confusion was evident for bare soil,in which 23.4%of the cases were mis-classi fied as built-up area (Table 2).The class ‘Bare soil ’had a comparatively low sample size in the validation data (47)since it already is a final class at level 2(total sample size splits down to the final classes).Almost no confusion occurred for the other classes at level 2,whereby the classes ‘Vegetation ’and ‘Water body ’were almost perfectly classi fied with accuracies of 99.8%and100%.Fig.8.False-color image giving the fractions of vegetation,impervious surfaces and soil as derived from MESMA by using four-endmember models (V –I –S model)at level 3.Black pixels give areas where the maximum allowable fractions or the RMSE exceed the set constraints.Table 1Error matrix of the level 1classi fication result and ground truth data gives the percentage of classi fication accuracy and mis fit.Classi fied/ground truth Pervious Impervious Sample size 513871Pervious 100.0 4.6Impervious0.095.4Table 2Error matrix of the level 2classi fication result and ground truth data gives the percentage of classi fication accuracy and mis fit.Classi fied/ground truth Vegetation Bare soil Built-up Water body Sample size 3984787168Vegetation soil 0.076.6 2.20.0Built-up 0.323.496.90.0Water body0.00.00.0100.01719J.Franke et al./Remote Sensing of Environment 113(2009)1712–1723。

%Hyperspectral remote sensing imagery provides rich spectral information and space information about the place of interest. Mixed pixels happen in spectral images frequently, which reduce the classification accuracy of ground truth. Due to spectral variability, early spectral unmixing methods using one pixel as endmember ectral unmixing can't provide enough performance for applications. Pays more attention to the multiple endmember spectral analysis, and proposes an unmixing method based on abundance division. Experiments on real hyper-spectal images show high performance.【期刊名称】《现代计算机(普及版)》【年(卷),期】2015(000)003【总页数】3页(P74-76)【关键词】高光谱;混合像元;光谱解混;丰度划分【作者】余淞淞【作者单位】同济大学电子信息与工程学院,上海 201804【正文语种】中文随着世界科技发展,遥感技术日益成熟,已经成为对地观测的重要手段之一。

法 对研 究 区遥 感 影像 进 行 分 类 , 得到分类结果 图; 然 后 对 分 类 结 果 图 中 包含 多种 土 地 覆 盖 类 型 的 对 象进 行 多 端 元 光
A Me t h o d o f Mu l t i p l e En d me mb e r S p e c t r a l Mi x t u r e An a l y s i s B a s e d o n Ob j e c t Or i e n t e d
刘 正 春 , 卢帅 , 张辉
( 1 .山西 农 业 大 学 资 源 环 境 学 院 , 山西 太谷 0 3 0 8 0 1 ; 2 .山 西省 科 技 情 报 研 究 所 , 山西 太 原 0 3 0 0 0 1 )
摘 要 : 为 了充 分 利 用 中等 分 辨 率 遥 感 影 像 的 空 间 、 纹理 和光谱信 息 , 解 决 影 像 中存 在 的 大 量 混 合 像 元 问 题 , 提 高多
Ab s t r a c t :I n o r d e r t O ma k e f u l l u s e o f t h e me d i u m s p a t i a l r e s o l u t i o n r e mo t e s e n s i n g i ma g e s " s p a c e ,t e x t u r e a n d s p e c t r a l i n f o r ma t i o n ,t O s o l v e t h e p r o b l e ms o f mi x e d p i x e l s wi d e l y s p r e a d e d i n i ma g e s a n d t O i mp r o v e t h e e f f i c i e n c y o f mu l t i p l e e n d me mb e r s p e c t r a l mi x t u r e a n a l y s i s me t h o d,t h e me t h o d o f t h e mu l t i p l e e n d me mb e r s p e c t r a l mi x t u r e a n a l y s i s b a s e d o n

混合像元分解研究综述——端元内光谱差异问题或叫做端元变异,端元不稳定(Endmember variation)。
目前,解决该问题的方法可以分为四类:(1) 多端元方法多端元方法指对每一类地物选取多个端元光谱参与混合像元分解。
其中最典型的方法是由Roberts等(1998)[49]提出的MESMA(Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis)方法。
(2) 光谱变换在很多情况下,同类地物的光谱的差别来自绝对值的变化,而光谱形状是相似的。
Juan Pablo Guerschman等(2009)[59]利用原始光谱计算出归一化差分植被指数(Normalized Difference VegetationIndex, NDVI)和纤维素吸收指数(Cellulose Absorption Index,CAI),假设两个指数也满足线性混合模型,利用两个指数求得光合植被、非光合植被及裸土的比例。

于此对应,Maselli(1998, 2001)也发展了一种基于端元正交映射的多端元混合光谱分解模型(MSOD),其基本思想与MESMA相似,但是要对每个端元的光谱进行Gram-Schmidt投影转化,然后将每个像素的光谱进行同样的投影变换,最后光谱的分解在斯密特投影空间进行。
近来,Deng &Wu (2012, 2013)通过穗帽变换,构建了BCI光谱转化模型,并在BCI光谱转化空间内实现了混合光谱分解,并与其他模型反演效果进行了对照,该方法的应用前景还需要进一步验证。

1.基于非线性降维的高光谱混合像元分解算法 [J], 唐晓燕;高昆;倪国强
2.基于修正MCMC的端元可变的混合像元分解算法 [J], 胡霞;宋现锋;牛海山
3.一种端元变化的神经网络混合像元分解方法 [J], 吴柯;张良培;李平湘
4.端元光谱变化与混合像元分解精度的关系研究 [J], 吴波;周小成;赵银娣
5.基于超像素的流形正则化稀疏约束NMF混合像元分解算法 [J], 李登刚; 陈香香; 李华丽; 王忠美
光谱解混定义:Spectral unmixing is the procedure by which the measured spectrum of a mixed pixel is decomposed into a collection of constituent spectra,or endmembers,and a set of corresponding fractions,or abundances,that indicate the proportion of each endmember present in the pixel.【spectral unmixing,2002】光谱混叠产生原因:First, if the spatial resolution of a sensor is low enough that disparate materials can jointly occupy a single pixel, the resulting spectral measurement will be some composite of the individual spectra. This is the case for remote sensing platforms flying at a high altitude or performing wide-area surveillance, where low spatial resolution is common. Second, mixed pixels can result when distinct materials are combined into a homogeneous mixture. This circumstance can occur independent of the spatial resolution of the sensor.光谱混合模型:混合像元分解模型可以分为两类,即线性光谱混合模型( LSMM,Linear Spectral Mixture Model) 和非线性光谱混合模型( NLSMM,Nonlinear Spectral Mixture Model) LSMM假定像元光谱是各组分光谱的线性组合,而NLSMM则认为像元光谱是各组分光谱按照非线性关系综合而成的。

关键词:局部;高光谱;可变端元;丰度;混合象元Abstract: this paper is mainly based on the research of the linear model variable $. And general mixed-linear model can be divided into three categories: unconstrained linear mixed model, part of the constraint mixed-linear model and the constraint mixture model, linear solution is known in the mix all the yuan for them out of each image as the proportion of yuan, and get a response in the image yuan each end of the proportion of the distribution coefficient graph.Key words: local; Hyperspectral; Variable end yuan; Abundance; Mixed like yuan1 混合象元的形成遥感器所获取的地面反射或发射光谱信号是以象元为单元为单位记录的。


根据已知类别的样本数据,建立判别函数,用于预测新样本的类别 。
在将红外光谱数据输入多元分析方法之前,需要进行数据预处理, 如平滑、基线校正、归一化等,以提高数据的准确性和可靠性。
利用多元分析方法对预处理后的红外光谱数据进行特征提取,提取 出能够反映不同样品差异的关键特征。
在生物大分子结构的研究中,红外光谱多 元分析技术发挥了重要作用。该技术可以 在不破坏生物样品的情况下,对生物大分 子进行原位分析,获得其结构和动态信息 。这为生物科学研究提供了重要的实验手 段。
红外光谱多元分析技术还可用于实时、在线 监测大气污染物。通过测量大气中污染物的 红外光谱,可以快速确定污染物的种类和浓 度,为大气污染治理提供科学依据。这种方 法的实时性和在线性使其成为大气污染监测 的理想选择。
在红外光谱多元分析中,判别分析法可用于建立分类模型,根据已知类别样品的红外光谱特征,构建判别函数, 对未知类别的样品进行分类预测,实现样品的快速分类和鉴别。
红外光谱能够检测化学物质分子中的特定振 动模式,通过比对标准谱图数据库,可以确 定化学物质的成分。
红外光谱分析需要样品纯净度高,无杂质干扰,对样 品处理要求较高。

传统的光谱解混方法假定每类地物仅有一种端元光谱, 其端元集是固定的。
由于地物的复杂多样性和成像条件的影响, 高光谱图像“同物异谱〞和“异物同谱〞现象普遍存在, 从而导致对所有像元用固定的端元集进行解混精度受限。
因此, 研究端元可变的高光谱图像解混算法对提高高光谱图像的应用具有重要的意义。
本文针对端元可变的端元束提取以及多端元光谱混合分析算法展开研究, 主要研究内容如下:(1) 针对现有的基于光谱信息和空间信息的端元束提取方法没有充分考虑冗余端元的去除, 导致后续光谱解混误差增加和光谱解混复杂度较高的问题, 提出了一种基于超像素分割和像元纯度指数的端元束提取方法。
首先通过PPI 提取初始候选端元, 每个超像素内保存一个候选端元并以超像素为邻域计算其均质性指数,对保存的端元根据其均质性指数进行筛选, 通过聚类得到每类地物的端元束, 并进一步去除类内冗余端元。
仿真和真实数据实验结果说明, 所提出的方法能有效提取可变端元且能降低后续光谱解混的复杂度。
(2) 针对基于超像素分割和纯像元指数的端元束提取算法无法有效解决含多种植被和植被与其他地物致密混合的城市高光谱数据的问题,提出了基于植被指数分析和PPI 结合超像素分割的端元束提取方法。
对PPI 提取并经超像素分析保存的端元集, 根据植被指数分为植被端元、含植被的混合端元和其他端元三类。
纯植被端元集利用其最大光谱值分成两类, 其他端元集那么先利用均质性指数进行筛选,再通过聚类得到每类地物的端元束, 通过一系列实验验证了该算法的有效性。
(3) 多端元光谱混合分析同样是解决光谱可变性的有效手段。
为了在降低光谱混合分析时间复杂度的同时提高其精度, 提出了一种由粗到细的多端元光谱混合分析算法。
该算法首先基于扩展的端元集对每个像元进行全约束光谱混合粗分析, 确定含所有地物的初始端元集,在此根底上进一步进行精细光谱混合分析, 迭代光谱混合分析构建端元子集, 最终根据重构误差变化量确定各个像元的最优端元集。

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为此,1988年Roberts等提出了多端元光谱混合分析(Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis,MESMA)[4]。
赵莲等[11]基于端元在空间分布的聚类特征,采用格网的形式,运用MESMA 提取研究区冬小麦种植面积,消除端元分解过剩造成的影响,但其未能解决各格网分解结果的不连续及如何确定格网尺寸等问题。
最后,基于筛选结果,利用ENVI中的N 维可视化工具进行初始端元的选取。
如崔天翔等[24]针对湿地植被类型复杂多样的特点,通过采用MNF 变换、纯净像元指数PPI计算以及人机交互端元选取等一系列运算,构建五端元模型对研究区植被覆盖度进行估算。
廖春华等[25]将研究区的HIS数据进行MNF 变换,通过纯净像元指数和端元均方根误差相结合的方法提取端元光谱,实现了新疆石河子地区植被覆盖度的反演。
为衡量光谱的普适性,一般采用计数指数(Count Based Index,CoBI)来挑选最优端元,且优先挑选同时具有高CoBI和in_CoB的端元。