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摘要.............................................................................................................................................................. I Abstract .......................................................................................................................................................... II 第一章绪论 (1)

1.1项目背景 (1)

1.2国外研究现状 (1)

1.3国内研究现状 (2)

1.4设计任务与要求 (3)

第二章硬件设计元器件的选择 (4)

2.1单片机——at89c51 (4)

2.1.1单片机简介 (4)

2.1.2 A T89C51管脚说明 (5)

2.2液晶显示——lcd1602a (7)

2.2.1液晶显示器简介 (7)

2.2.2 1602LCD的基本参数及引脚功能 (7)

2.2.3 1602LCD的指令说明及时序 (9)

2.3 温度传感器——ds18b20 (10)

2.4 湿度传感器——HIH-4000 (12)

2.5 模数转换——adc0809 (13)

第三章单片机硬件设计 (15)

3.1 系统整体框图 (15)

3.2 硬件部分模块介绍 (15)

3.2.1 时钟电路和复位电路的设计 (15)

3.2.2 模数转换电路 (16)

3.2.3 液晶显示电路 (17)

第四章PCB结构设计 (18)

4.1 PCB设计平台 (18)

4.2原理图的设计 (18)

4.3 PCB的绘制 (21)

第五章系统调试与实现 (25)

5.1 软件仿真 (25)

5.2 硬件仿真 (26)

5.3 硬件调试 (26)

结论 (28)

致谢 (29)

参考文献 (30)

附录一外文翻译—英语原文 (31)

附录二外文翻译—中文译文 (35)

附录三毕业设计任务书 (38)

附录四毕业设计开题报告 (40)

附录五proteus硬件设计图 (40)

附录六protel电路设计图 (41)

附录七程序代码 (42)






The automatic Farmland irrigation system——Hardware design


Now most of our areas of farmland irrigation is still stuck in the traditional mode, which caused great waste of manpower and resources. Traditional mode of irrigation low degree of automation, is basically a manual operation, not only inefficient, and can not control the irrigation amount. In order to improve irrigation efficiency, shorten labor time and save water resources, the development of automatic irrigation technology.

The farmland automatic irrigation system is an effective means of field management and tools, it can improve the accuracy of operation, the scientific management of the irrigation process, reduce the requirements on the quality of the operator, can greatly reduce the amount of labor and, more importantly, heaccurate , time, quantitative, and efficient to crop automatically add moisture to improve yield, quality, saving water and energy.

The design for different plant types, soil conditions, weather conditions, which use the LabVIEW technology optimization and automatic control of irrigation mode. The Hardware design for farmland acquisition of temperature and humidity. The acquisition process is a dynamic process, and collected temperature and one humidity which are shown in real time on the LCD,. Finally, the collected data sent by the wireless module to the pc machine,giving the visual impression, good man-machine communication.

key words: Farmland; Irrigation; Automatic control; Single chip microcomputer.
