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Base:base on/upon把…基于,在基础之上

A cheque in payment for rent付房租的支票

Be in acknowledgement of sb‟s help对某人的帮助表示感谢

Perishable易腐烂的ratification批准consult with与商量descriptive 描述的,描写的,说明的

Conclude the transaction with 与某人达成交易

Make a concession to sb对某人让步reduction减少,缩减make a 30% reduction in the price of medicine

This offer is open until the end of this month该发盘至本月底有效。

We have indicated those items that are available from stock,For the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate ,but in no case would these dates be exceeded by more than two weeks我们已经表明那些可立即供应的现货商品,对其余的商品,所报的交货期只是大约的,但无论如何不会超过两周。

To ensure punctual shipment of the goods to be ordered ,you are requested to open the L/C 30 days prior to the stipulated time of shipment为保证订购货物的及时装运,要求你方在规定的装运期前30日开立信用证。

We were very pleased to receive your enquiry of 10th July and now confirm our telegraphic offer of this morning as follows

We must stress that this offer is firm for five days because the price o f steel is rising rapicly and we shall have to adjust our price from

Sales ,consultancy and maintenance services销售、咨询和维护服务

A growing problem越来越大的问题

Purpose-built特地制造的involve in 陷入某种情况

Stage 程度,时期,阶段at this stage it‟s impossible to know whether our plan will succeed 目前尚无法预见我们的计划能否实现

For your persual供你方细读on request一经要求without obligation不受约束

Catalogues are available on request备有目录供索取

At sb‟s requst应某人的请求或者要求

By popular request ,the manufactures reduced their prices,应大众要求,制造商降低了商品价格

To sb‟s advantage 其结果对某人有利be moderate in price价格公道

Supply from stock从现货中供应make产品出处,牌子what make of car is it?

Give /allow /grant /offer sb a 10% quantity discount给与某人10%的数量折扣

We have decided to meet you half way by allowing you 5% discount on this transaction我们决定各让一步,对这笔交易给你方5%的折扣

Find /command a ready sale have find /command a good /ready market/sale Meet with warm reception by popular sell well/fast畅销

Our silk garments are made of purse silk of the best quality.They

Our products have been selling well/selling fast in both Americanand Wsstern European markets

As this article is in great demand and the supply is rather limited ,we would advise your to avail yourselves of our offer in your own interst,由于对这种商品的需求巨大,供应非常有限,建议你方为了自己的利益,接收我方报价。

The quality and prices of our products compare favorably with those of Indian makes (优于)

We are prepared to allow /give you a discount of 5% if your order exceeds 400 prices. Substitute替代品inquired article 询价的商品

We look forward to an even larger order than the one you favored with us last year我们盼望贵公司所订货品会比去年更多。

As we want to expand our turnover with you由于我方欲拓展与你方之业务

We are confident that you will want to take advantage of our low prices to replenish your stocks in time for the Christmas sale,and we look forward to receiving orders
