



Hi Eva,

Sorry that I haven’t been in the touch for a while. But I catch a cold last week, and I’ve been in bed for four day. I’m feeling better today. Lucky my classes won’t start till next week.

I have good news. I’m going to a conference in you town in May, from 16th to 20th. Could you recommend a hotel where is in the centre of the town? It needs to be somewhere not too expensive because the tight budget. I’ll have a freely half-day for sightseeing. Do you think you can showed me around?

Looking forward to hear from you soon.



第二句:catch→caught; day→days









My flat is on the fifth flo or of a high-rise building where is opposite a busy road. During the day we can hear the traffic passing outside, which can be extreme disturbing. Fortunately, there was a park just outside our building, so we have a pleasant view of grass and trees from our living room with two window. I often walk away through the park to get to the bus stop on the other’s side. I go to work by bus every day. Wait for

the bus takes me some time. The town centre is quite near to my flat, so it’s convenience for both shopping and entertainment. It’s really good place to live. Warmly welcome to your neighbourhood.



第三句:was→is; window→windows

第四句:去掉away; other’s→other






Last weekend, I helped my grandparents prepare for our trip to Beidaihe. On Saturday morning, together with my grandparents, I searched for the Internet for the train schedule, the weather in Beidaihe, and some hotel informations. In the afternoon, I went to the train station and manage to buy two tickets for my grandparents but there was a long queue. After dinner, I packed into the suitcase which my grandparents would need, such as clothes, glasses, a umbrella, and a map. The next morning, I went to the station see them off. Waved goodbye to them on the platform, I felt happy for them and wished them a safety journey.


第二句:去掉第一个for; informations→information

第三句:manage→managed; but→though/although

第四句:which→that; 第一个a→an


第六句:Waved→Waving; safety→safe


WeChat is becoming popularly with people. I had already made a survey among my classmates about the use of WeChat. According to a result, 45%

of the classmates admit they often use it because comparing with other means of communication, WeChat has more advantages. It’s cheap, convenient and easy to send all kinds of message around. However, 35% of them is against using it, saying it will affect their study. Ever using WeChat, the rest of the students have no opinion about them. As far as I’m concerned, since WeChat offers us great convenience, it should be made good use. We should not be slaves to it or let it to govern our minds and behavior.



第三句:a→the; comparing→compare d



第六句:Ever→Never/Not; them→it




About a month ago, I was walking alone on the beach in the evening.

I have already finished my homework, and I wanted to relax. Suddenly, I saw two children stand on the beach. They seem to have found something made of metal, which was big and reddish-brown. When I took a look at it, I knew immediate that it was an old bomb! I told them to move away the bomb. Fortunately, I had a mobile phone around with me, so I called the police and told them that had been found. About 15 minutes late, the police arrived. I was praised for it but then I went home. The next day, I heard that the police had blown the bomb up. It had been on the sand for over 60 years!






第七句:去掉around; that→what





With the College Entrance Examination approaching, many students are so worried about it to fall asleep at night and even suffer from mentally illness. It’s a fairly common phenomena among us students. Here is some effective methods for you to adopt.

First of all, you should spend a plenty of time prepare for the test. Secondly, it is no need to feel nervous when you have some bad emotions.

I think take a deep breath is a helpful way to reduce your stress. Last but not least, you ought to believe yourself and keep a good state of mind.

Follow my tips, or you will overcome your exam anxiety.

答案:第一句:so→too; mentally→mental



第四句:去掉a; prepare→preparing






Dear Li Lei,

I’ve received your letter and I deep understand how you feel now. However, don’t feel disappointing or even doubt yourself as you are not

the only one who find it difficult to write well. I suppose the following suggestion might be of very helpful to you.

To begin with, it’s important remember some sentence structures, which can enriched your vocabulary and expressions. Additionally, reading English articles and recite the good ones.

Finally, keep in mind what there are many things that can’t be learnt immediately, but never be frustrated when you fail in one or two exams. Just as the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect.”


Li Hua


第二句:disappointing→disappointed; find→finds

第三句:suggestion→suggestions; 去掉of

第四句:important后加to; enriched→enrich


第六句:what→that; but→so/and


Last Sunday, I went to the market with my mother to buy some freshly vegetables. My mother spent a long time bargaining before she paid for vegetables she had chosen. She wanted to get it at the lowest price because of she thought she could save some money in this way. After come back, she cooked such many dishes that we couldn’t eat them all. So we had to throw some foods away. As a result, the money we wasted was much than that saved from bargaining. I couldn’t help feel concerned. I think the best way to save money was to stop wasting.



第三句:it→them; 去掉of

第四句:come→coming; such→so






I lived in Stockholm for 18 months when I was in my twenty. I was able to get several fun jobs, taught guitar and piano, and English at language school. They wanted everyone with an “American” accent. I also take the bar exam with students, I became friends in many Swedes and students who are from around the world. I was great privileged to attend the Nobel Prize Ball at the King’s palace. It was very formal. The men had to wear top hats, white gloves but carry canes! My list of adventures is too much long to document here. It is by far the big adventure and learning experience of my life.


第二句:taught→teaching; at后加a


第四句:take→took; in→with






Dear Linda,

How’s everything going? I can’t wait to tell you the good news that my parent have finally agreed to take me from England this winter. That’ll be a wonderful chance for I to experience English culture. I had learned English for many years, but I have a few chances to experience real English. Could you offer me some advices on how to deal with everything there? I’

d appreciat

e very much i

f you could provide me with some necessarily information. I’m sure your suggestions would make my trip easier and more enjoyable.

I’m looking forward to hear from you soon.

Best wishes!


Li Hua 答案:第二句:parent→parents; from→to


第四句:had→have; 去掉a


第六句:very前加it; necessarily→necessary




As the saying go, treat others as you would like to be treated. If we want to be treated well, and we should treat others well too.

Two years before, I was admitted to a high school. I felt proudly and superior. Therefore, I always looked down upon my classmates who turned for me in their studies. One day, Tom asked me help him work out a math problem. I glanced at it, and said, “So easy, what foolish you are!” On hear it, he said angrily, “I won’t ask you again.” I was shocking. Only then did I realize why I was so unpopular with my classmate. From then on, I tried to treat them equally and helped them with all my heart.












高考短文改错专项练习 1 College students have a little ways to pay their college fees. Many students have their parents to pay the fees. Some students may apply to a bank loan and others will try to find part-time jobs in and out of the campus. Apart from this, many good student can win a scholarship. By this way they can pay at least part of the fees. As to me, I will let my parents pay half of their fees because they are rich enough. Beside my study, I will take up a part-time job by teach some high school students math, physics, chemistry and English, as I’m very good at these important subjects. Of course I will also work very hard at my lessons in order to I can easily win a scholarship. 2 I am angry about the act of dishonesty in the exams. I’m not saying that I’m a good student and that I’ve never cheated. I once write the answer on my hand for a history test but, unluckily, caught by my teacher. Because she was one of my most favorites, there were no words to describe how sorry I felt at once. I thought cheat would help me keep my straight A’s. Little I know that I was hurting not only herself but also my teachers. From this lesson I know teachers want students to succeed by learning with their own and do the best they can, not by cheating.


中考复习改错专项训练 1. Old Sarah was a strange rich woman. He did not 80. ________ hope to see any of her relative. She felt what they 81. ________ were interested in was her money. She was all right 82. ________ After she died, the relatives got together to hear Sarah's 83. ________ lawyer(律师) to read her will (遗嘱). They were sure that 84. ________ Sarah had left many money and they quarreled strongly 85. ________ with each other when they waited the lawyer to arrive. 86. ________ After the lawyer came in the living room, he asked them 87. ________ to sit down. He began to read the will in a seriously 88. ________ voice. Sarah has left all her money to her cats. 89. ________ 2. Mr Green come from England . 81. _________ He teaches English in middle school . 82. _________ He can speak some Chinese. He 83. ________ goes at Chinese classes very week . 84. __________ He likes working in Chinese very much . 85. _________ 3. Have you ever wanted to write a song? Two Sister. 59._________ Mildred and Patty Hill, once write a little song. 60._________ It was a happily song that they loved to sing. It 61._________ was calling "Good Morning to You. "However, most 62._________ other people didn't know the song very well. A day, 63._________ Mildred and Patty had a idea. It turned out (证明) to be 64._________ a very bad idea. They changed the words of the song. They 65.__________ called the new song "Happy Birthday to You." Theirs short 66._________ birthday song is now very famous. Almost every body know 67.__________ the words, Did anyone sing it at your test birthday party? 68.__________ 4. Hundred of years ago, news was carded by 6. _____________ people on foot or by a horse. It took a long 7. _____________ time people to receive news. Now it is possible 8. _____________ to send words and pictures in seconds. Billions of 9. _____________ people learn about news either by watching TV and by reading. 10. ____________ 5. Yesterday I went for shopping for shoes. The largest pair 1. I could find was an size 9 and I wear an 11! Everyone 2.

2019届高考英语(通用版)二轮复习短文改错专题训练:训练1 短文改错(Ⅰ)(含解析)

专题五短文改错 训练1 短文改错(Ⅰ) A (2019·东北三省四市一模) One of my happiest childhood memories were having dinner with my parents and two sisters.As a result, found that we seldom had a chance to get together, then we decided we would set aside three evenings the week for a sit-down dinner.First we tried setting three fixed days for our experiment—Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays.After a couple of week of trying this plan, almost everyone was unhappy.For a while, the kids began to resist the idea.They said they would rather to spend the time with their friends or take part in some activities.Gradual, though, they began to see these evenings together for a very different way.We laughed a lot and we discussed about each other's problems.Since a few months, we all felt that we had been able to build much strong relationships with the family than we had before. 【答案】 One of my happiest childhood memories were was/is having dinner with my parents and two sisters.As a result, ∧ having found that we seldom had a chance to get together, then we decided we would set aside three evenings the a week for a sit-down dinner.First we tried setting three fixed days for our experiment—Mondays, Wednesdays or and Fridays.After a couple of week weeks of trying this plan, almost everyone was unhappy.For a while, the kids began to resist the idea.They said they would rather ﹨to spend the time with their friends or take part in some activities. Gradual Gradually, though, they began to see these evenings together for in a very different way.We laughed a lot and we discussed about each other's problems.Since After a few months, we all felt that we had been able to build much strong stronger relationships with the family than we had before. B (2019·河北唐山一模) A new police officer was out for his first ride in a police car with a experienced partner.A call came in told them to break up a crowd of people.The officers drove to the street and observe a


(13) I have been planning to join in our college basketball team next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can with other people who likes to play. They are teaching me the most important rules and technologies of the game, and I am getting better all the time. We have a neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. One of my neighbor is helping rest of us improved our skills. Tonight we are playing against one of the best teams in the city, and I think we can beat them if we won't make any mistakes. (14) Fang Tong is 34 years old, the actor, director and teacher of Beijing Opera Theatre. Most of his students are from other part of China and have come to Beijing at a very young age of sixteen or seventeen. He hopes create an environment for his students that it is much more relaxing than the one he used to study in. He thought that an actor should relax himself when performing. Yet his students deep respect him and he never need to raise his voice in order to be hearing. For his opinion, actors should go on even when they feel they have made a mistake in their performances because the moment is already gone but people can never be back to it. So art is always changing and developing. (15) I was recent told that listening to loud music is gradually making people hard of hearing. I'm sure it has already been happened to my neighbor. For years she turned a deaf ear to my requests to turn her radio down. When she gave a party she isn't have to invite the rest of the street. Everyone can dance in her music in his own room. Now a scientist has discovered a certain electronic sounds have strange effects on rats. He declares they break down, almost paralyze(瘫) with legs trembled. Then it is simply a matter of throwing them out by their tail. I wondered if the same thing will happen to my neighbor someday. (16) Dear Ralph, I'm a senior student. I have be in love with a boy for three years. But she is a shy boy, so I wrote him a letter firstly to express my feeling. And he wrote back. In his letter he said, "We are students. Our task is study. Let us wait to see until we have any chance after graduation." So after graduation I telephoned to him, asking him about go out . But he said he didn't want to. He just wanted to sleep and watched TV. What do you think I should do? Do you think I should continue to love him and give up Sheila? (17) Before leaving the class, the teacher, Miss White, said to her class, "Don't leave your seats. Read your books on yourselves. You would study hard and be good students. " As soon as the teacher went away, the classroom becoming noisy. One boy drew a picture of the teacher on the blackboard. Another boy began to make face just to make the other students to laugh. The boy put


短文改错专题突破练18 1 Recently,a famous basketball player has caused public angry by writing on the Great Wall. In the fact,this happens in many place of interest.I had some suggestions to solve this problem. First,make more posters to inform the public the damage of graffiti(涂鸦). Besides,punishments,such as a fine,is necessary to tourists with so bad behavior.Also,I think it’s helpfully to put up some boards along the tourist attractions that tourists can leave messages. I’m sure with our efforts,more and more people will become concerning about protecting cultural relics. Recently,a famous basketball player has caused public by writing on the Great Wall.In fact,this happens in many of interest.I some suggestions to solve this problem. First,make more posters to inform the public the damage of graffiti(涂鸦). Besides, punishments,such as a fine, necessary to tourists with bad behavior.Also,I think it’s to put up some boards along the tourist attractions tourists can leave messages. I’m sure with our efforts,more and more people will become about protecting cultural relics. 2 During my second month of nursing school,our professors gave us a quiz. I had smoothly finished the others’ questio ns when I got stuck on the last one:“What’s the first name of the woman who clean the school?”I had seen,many times,the woman,tall and in her fifty,but how could I know her name? I handed in my paper,leave


高考复习必看短文改错专项训练15篇(附答案) 1 Dear Jack, Next Saturday will my birthday.I’m going to hold a birthday party at home on the evening.It will start at 7:30.Some classmates as good as some foreign friends have been invited.The activities include singing,dancing and sharing interesting experiences.Surely,we’ll have a good time.I would feel honoring if you could come.I live at 656 Minzu Street.You can take Bus No.11 or No.15 and got off at the stop of Guang Ming High School.Justly on the opposite side is my house,what is red with a white door.I’m sure of you can’t miss it.I do hope they will come. Best wish. Yours, Li Hua 2 (2017·昆明市高三复习教学质量检测) I’m one of the students in our class who has ever been to https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d14444928.html,st summer I was lucky enough to be sent there to study.As soon as I arrived on England by plane.I was picked up by the Smiths,which I would live with for the next two weeks.We felt like a fish out of water when I got there.The Smiths did what they could make me feel at home.I study at an international school,where I met friend from all over the world.I seized the opportunity to practise my speak English.Soon I made such a rapid progress that I received highly praise from all the people around. 答案 I’m one of the students in our class who has have ever been to https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d14444928.html,st summer I was lucky enough to be sent there to study.As soon as I arrived on in England by plane.I was picked up by the Smiths,which whom I would live with for the next two


短文改错专题复习 [复习讲义] 英语复习短文改错专题 NMET短文改错的解题基本思路应该是:一.以句为单位,找行中错误,每行必有一个判断(错词、多词、少词和正确),而判断 的依据一定是上下文,最小单位是一个完整的句子。二.以篇为单位,找句中错误。许多时候,就某一行或某一句单独而言常常难以 判断其是否正确,错误何在,而必须以全篇为一整体才可对该句, 进而对该行作出判断。 具体解题过程中,应该注意把握九个一致问题: 一.时态一致短文中谓语动词的时态与上下文,特定语言环境 及该句的时间状语是否保持了呼应与一致。 例1. My favorite sport is football. I was a member of our football team. (NMET’98)全文都是一般现在时,此句中was 虽然与 上下问不一致,应改为am。 例2.I remembered her words and calm down.( NMET’ 2000) 此处为一描述过去事件的语境,应与前文remembered 保持一致,须改为calmed。 例3. Today, it is much easier to be healthy than it is in the past. (NMET’ 93)第一个is 与时间状语today保持一致,地第二个is则应 改为was, 使之与其时间状语in the past 一致。 二.主谓一致谓语动词在人称和数上是否与主语保持一致。 例4.Now my picture and the prize is hanging in the library. (NMET’2000)主语为A and B时,谓语动词一般为复数,应改 为are。


高中英语短文改错专项练习及解析 (时间:60分钟,满分:100分) 短文改错(共10小题;每小题10分,满分100分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在其下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 (一) How time flies! A week have passed before I noticed it. Looking back on the things that happening last week, I found the life here full with happiness and interests. I can still remember the first day of the summer camp. I came to my bedroom by myself. When I opened a door, I saw a girl with short hair seating in a chair with a book in her hand. She must be a quiet girl who liked reading, I thought myself at the time. After we said hello to each other, other girl came in with a big noise. Her name was Rose. She was so outgoing and humor that both Cherry and I couldn’t help laughing at her words. Then we had studied and had meals together, and became good friends. I can’t forget the day when we spent together no matter where we are in the future. (二) Dear Li Hua, I am glad to receive your letter. I can understand how sad you are as they have to transfer to other school. But everything will be fine when you adapt to your new surrounding. In your letter, you asked me about my first school. In my memory, my first school was very large with each classroom beautiful decorated. There was a big square lies in the center of the schoolyard. And I could have good view of the square from my classroom windows. My favorite teacher was


短文改错专题 一.改错题型特点: 高考短文改错是知识和能力的综合测试题型。主要考查考生在语篇中综合运用英语知识的准确性及词、句、篇和语法的综合水平。高考短文改错设置的考点灵活多变,知识层次多,覆盖面广,包括词法、句法、行文逻辑以及语篇结构等,是一种在较高层次上考查考生对英语知识的掌握和语言综合运用能力的测试题型。 二.短文改错常见考点设置: 考点1:名词 命题特点: 本来用复数,却用单数;本来用单数,却用复数。 记住常考的几个不可数名词:news, work(工作), advice, fun, progress, information, luck, weather, music, health, change(零钱),baggage(行李), luggage(行李),furniture, jewellery, equipment等 改正方法: (1)根据名词前的修饰限定成份(2)根据上下文的逻辑关系. 1. She said that she and my schoolmate all wished me success. 2. After class we become stranger at once. 3. They want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I’ll get marks in all my subject. 4. On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. 5. There are advantage for students to work while studying at school. 6. Now we can get millions of informations from the Internet. 7. He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests. 8. She is one of the most intelligent girl in our class. 9. I looked at his other hands. 10. Most of them are peasant and some often go fishing in the sea. 11. We have made great progresses with Mr. Liu teaching us. 12. Head teacher Guy Holloway said the new rules should help students get higher grade. 13. He was tall, with broad shoulder and a beard that turned from black toward gray over the years. 14. He’s getting married next month and decides to buy some furnitures. 考点2:代词 命题特点:1.男女性代词用反;2.单数指代复数;3.代词词性用错;4.缺少人称代词。 改正方法: 根据上下文的逻辑关系以及人称代词的数和格的一致问题。 15. Rose is such a kind girl that we all like him very much. 16. The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home. 17. I have a good friend who’s name is Liu Mei. 18. It was about noon when we arrived at the foot of the mountain. The three of them were very excited. 19. Soon I began to enjoy talking to myself as I was learning to express me in simple English. 20. My story book is much more interesting than her. 21. One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher. 22. Some students may also save up for our college or future use. 23. Do you think necessary for you to learn Japanese well? 24. I dressed me quickly and hurried out the house. 25. You’d better keep that he said in mind. 26. He has three children, two of them are teachers. 27. The population of China is much larger than it of the USA.


高一英语短文改错专项练习(一) 命题人:右臂审题人:左膀2016.11.8 高老师的左膀右臂祝大家期中考顺利~ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 A Nearly five years before, and with the help by our father, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes(圣女果)in our back garden. Since then for all these year we had been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please. As result, the plants are growing somewhere. The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste. There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors. Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year, but we have never had any disease or insect attack problems. We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at no cost! B It is three years now since I graduate from Xinhua High School. Last Sunday, the class that I was on held a get-together, which took us a long time prepare. It was indeed not easy to get in the touch with everybody and set a well time for all of us. We all enjoyed a precious day greatly, remember the time we spent together and the people they were familiar with. It was a pity which some of us were not present as they had gone to abroad for further studies, but they called back or sent greeting card from different places. C I'm an Australian boy aging 17 and I'm crazy about music. It is one of the most important thing in my life. I listen music whenever I can. I have a minidisk player, with it I can have access to music whether walking in the street or ride on the bus. At home, there has a CD player in my room, and the music is on all the time. I like rock music best of all. My favorite band is Rolling Stones, which had produced 40 albums since 1966. It so happened that there was a living concert of Rolling Stones last Sunday. I decided to go. It was a great fun. I am also fond of classical music. I especially enjoy playing Beethoven once I am doing my homework. D In my view,the Internet is helpful.It is known to all,the Internet is playing a important part in our daily life.On the Internet,we can read news home and abroad and got as much information as we can,we can also attend to the net school and read many books.We can even do shopping online.Beside,our ability to operate the computer can be improved great.So we should not be addicted to the Internet,or we will get our life and study destroying.In addition,we should keep off the harmful website.Anyhow,this doesn't prevent the Internet from becoming our friend E Time fly like an arrow. I'm already in the second half of Senior Grade 3 before I realized it. It is only a little more than three months before I graduate middle school.At the present, I'm busy review my lessons in order to take the College Entrance Examination. I hope to go to Beijing University, that is one of the best universities not only in China but also in the world. I'll try my best turn my dream to reality. Most of my classmates are also studying very hard to realize their dreams. I do wish everyone will be able to enter an university or college. F In order to promote participation in outdoor exercise, our school had organized an activity to climb the West Mountain on April 10. The moment we arrived at the foot of a mountain, we set out for the top in high spirit. We supported each other to pass the rocky areas on the course of the climb. Laughing and cheering, we eventually reached the summit, there we were greeted by the bright sunshine and fresh air. Viewing from the top, the city was extremely beautiful This event was very benefit, for not only we take a break from our heavy school workload, but we also learned what to cooperate. Therefore, we strongly suggest that similar events are held every year!
