Antarctic 南极洲

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Temperatures reach a ________ of between −80 °C and −90 °C minimum maximum (−112 °F and −130 °F) in the interior in winter and reach a _________ of between 5 °C and 15 °C (41 °F and 59 °F) near the coast in summer. Sunburn is often a health issue as the snow surface reflects almost all of the ultraviolet light falling on it. Eastern Antarctica is colder Weather than its western __________ because of its higher elevation. ________ counterpart ______ rarely penetrate far into the continent, leaving the center cold and fronts dry. Despite the lack of precipitation over the central portion of the continent, ____ there lasts for extended time periods. Heavy snowfalls are ice portion not uncommon on the coastal _______ of the continent, where snowfalls of up to 1.22 meters (48 in) in 48 hours have been recorded.
4 Antarctica南极洲

Biodiversity: fungi
菌类 About 1,150 species of fungi
have been recorded from Antarctica, of which about 750 are non-lichen-forming and 400 are lichen-forming.
largest continent, about 1.3 times a来自 large as Europe.
The coastline measures 17,968 km and is mostly characterised by
ice formations.
Coastal types around Antarctica
swarms, sometimes reaching densities of 10,000–30,000 individual animals per cubic metre
Biodiversity: animals
It is reported that more than 235 marine organisms live in both
polar regions, having bridged the gap of 12,000 km. Large animals such as some cetaceans (鲸目动物) and birds make the round trip annually.
More surprising are small forms of life such as sea cucumbers, and
abundant true seal (also earless seal海豹科)

丰富的资源南极洲的自然资源很多,首先是南极大陆的矿产资源,其次是海 洋生物资源。 矿产资源南极洲矿物有220余种。主要有煤、石油、天然气、铁、锰、铜等 。南极洲世界上最大的铁矿储藏地区。南极洲的铁矿蕴藏丰富,含铁品位高,有 “南极铁山”之称,可供世界开发利用200年,为世界之最。世界上最大的煤田 。南极大陆二叠纪煤层广泛分布于南极洲的冰盖下,储藏量约达5000亿吨。南极 半岛和沿海岛屿地区都有分布。 石油资源极为丰富。南极大陆的石油储量还未查清,是非常有潜力的世界资 源。主要分布在东南极洲、陆架。 乔治五世海岸蕴藏有锡、铅、锑、钼、锌、铜等,南极半岛中央部分有锰和 铜矿,沿海的阿斯普兰岛有镍、钴、铬等矿,桑威奇岛和埃里伯斯火山储有硫磺 。 磷虾是南大洋的特殊水产资源,其蕴藏量约为4亿吨~6亿吨,每年可以捕获 5000万吨,它相当于当今世界总渔获量的一半。 世界最大的淡水资源库。南极大陆的冰川,占人类可用淡水的72%。世界战 略要地。
南极区 全年平均气温 极端低温 暖季 寒季 -25℃ -94.5 -10 — -18 -30 — -50 北极区 -5 ℃ -67.9 0 — -6 -20 — -40
(二) 严寒干燥多风暴的气候特征 1.严寒原因:
b.地势高 c.巨厚冰体 d.西风漂流
乳白色天空是极地探险家、科学家和极地飞行器的一个大 敌。若遇到它,那是很危险的,正在滑雪的滑雪者会突然摔倒, 正在行驶的车辆会突然翻车肇祸,正在飞行的飞机会失去控制 而坠机殒命。这样的惨痛事件,在南极探险史和考察史上是屡 见不鲜的。1958年,在埃尔斯沃恩基地,一名直升飞机驾驶员 就因遇到这种可怕的坏天气,顿时失去控制而坠机身亡。1971 年,一名驾驶LC---130大力神飞机的美国人,在距离特雷阿德 利埃200公里的地方,遇到了乳白天空,突然失去联系,一直下 落不明。 • 乳白天空虽然对人类在南极的活动构成危险,但只要事先 进行有针对性的训练,有安全防范措施,也是可以避免的。一 旦遇到它随即绕道躲开;正在野外活动的人和车辆则应呆在原 地不动,注意保暖,耐心等待乳白天空的消失,或救援人员前 来营救。 •

推动南极科考数据共享与资源整合,提高科研效率和成果质量, 促进全球南极科学研究的进步。
根据当前南极科学研究的热点和难点,预测未来南极科考 的重要方向,如气候变化对南极生态系统的影响、南极冰 盖稳定性研究等。
旅游产品多样化,包 括探险、科考、观光 等。
游客数量逐年增长, 但总量仍有限。
在南极洲周围的海域进行皮划艇探 险,游客可以近距离观赏海洋生物 ,感受大自然的壮美与神秘。
• 南极洲概述 • 南极洲历史与文化 • 南极洲旅游资源及特色 • 南极洲生态环境保护现状及挑战 • 南极洲科学考察活动介绍及成果展示 • 南极洲旅游产业发展前景及挑战
南极洲位于地球最南端,四周被南冰洋所包 围,与南美洲、非洲、澳大利亚等大陆隔海 相望。

南极英语知识点总结Geography and ClimateAntarctica is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent on Earth. It is characterized by its vast expanse of ice, with an average thickness of about 1.9 kilometers. The continent is also home to the highest elevation on the ice sheet, which reaches over 4,800 meters at Dome Argus. The geographic South Pole, the southernmost point on Earth, is located in Antarctica. The climate of Antarctica is extremely harsh, with temperatures reaching as low as -80°C in the winter. The continent is also subject to high winds, with average speeds of 50 km/h and gusts of up to 300 km/h. While the interior of Antarctica is the driest place on Earth, it is also surrounded by the Southern Ocean, which contributes to its unique climate and supports diverse marine life.WildlifeDespite its extreme conditions, Antarctica is home to a surprising variety of wildlife. Prolific marine life thrives in the waters surrounding the continent, including whales, seals, and penguins. The most famous of these animals are the Emperor penguins, which are the largest and heaviest species of penguin and are well adapted to life in the harsh Antarctic climate.In addition to marine life, Antarctica is also home to a number of bird species, including various types of petrels, albatrosses, and skuas. These birds play a crucial role in the Antarctic ecosystem, where they feed on fish and krill, and in turn are preyed upon by other animals.History of ExplorationAntarctica has a long history of exploration, dating back to the early 19th century. The first confirmed sighting of the continent was by a Russian expedition in 1820, and subsequent expeditions by British, American, and other nations followed in the decades that followed. One of the most famous Antarctic explorers is Sir Ernest Shackleton, whose ill-fated expedition to the continent in 1914-1916 has become the stuff of legend.In the modern era, Antarctica has become a focus of scientific research, with many countries maintaining research stations on the continent. These stations provide a valuable opportunity for scientists to study a wide range of subjects, including climate change, glaciology, and marine biology. The Antarctic Treaty, which was signed in 1959, ensures that the continent remains a place of peace and scientific cooperation.Environmental IssuesAntarctica is facing a number of environmental challenges, primarily as a result of human activity. One of the most significant of these is climate change, which has led to risingtemperatures and melting of the ice sheet. This has serious implications for the global climate, as well as for the unique ecosystems of Antarctica.In addition to climate change, Antarctica is also threatened by pollution and overfishing in the Southern Ocean. The continent's remote location and extreme conditions make it difficult to monitor and regulate human activity, and as a result, there is a need for international cooperation to address these issues.TourismAntarctica has become an increasingly popular destination for tourists in recent years, with thousands of visitors traveling to the continent each year. While tourism can provide valuable economic benefits, it also carries the risk of environmental damage. Efforts are being made to regulate and manage tourism in Antarctica in order to minimize its impact on the environment.ConclusionIn conclusion, Antarctica is a place of remarkable natural beauty and scientific importance. It is a continent of extremes, with harsh climate conditions and unique ecosystems. Understanding the English knowledge points related to Antarctica allows us to appreciate the significance of this remote and extraordinary region, and to engage with the global efforts to protect and preserve it. Whether it's learning about the wildlife of Antarctica, the history of exploration, or the environmental challenges facing the continent, there is much to be gained from studying this unique and captivating part of the world.。

Many bird species breed in Antarctica, including pens, albatrosses, and other seabirds These birds have also adapted to the harsh conditions, evolving unique traits to survey in this extreme environment
Frequent occurrence of blazes and ice cracking
Blizzards are common occurrences in Antarctica, with winds of exceeding 100 km/h
The ice sheet covering Antarctica is consistently shifting and cracking, creating credits and iceberries
The ice shelves that extend from the mainland into the Southern Ocean are important features of Antarctica's landscape
The distance between Antarctica and other containers
Geographic location of Antarctica
It is located south of the Antarctic Circle, with the majority of the continent being located below the South Pole

Thailand ['tailænd]曼谷 Bangkok [,bæŋ'kɔk]马来西亚 Malaysia [mə'leiziə]吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur [,kwɑ:lə'lumpuə]
越南 Socialist Republic of Vietnam [,vjet'næm]河内 Hanoi [hæ'nɔi]老挝 Lao People's Democratic Republic [lau]万象 Vientiane
荷兰 Kingdom of the Netherlands [‘neðələndz]阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam [,æmstə’dæm]
法国 French Republic 巴黎 Paris ['pæris]
比利时 Kingdom of Belgium [‘beldʒəm]布鲁塞尔 Brussels [’brʌsəlz]
People's Republic of China 北京 Beijing
Mongolia [mɔŋ'ɡəuliə]乌兰巴托 Elggydggmgj
Democratic People's Republic of Korea [kə'riə]平壤 Pyongyang ['pjʌŋjɑ:ŋ]
Republic of Korea 汉城 Seoul [səul]
Japan 东京 Tokyo ['təukjəu]
Republic of the Philippines [ 'filipi:nz]马尼拉 Manila [mə'nilə]

s a visitor to the South Pole, what should e do? It is said that the ice in Antarctica is
elting(融化)because of globe warming.
Creative work in groups Imagine you visited the South
eyesight (伤害视力) or get badly sun burnt (严重晒伤). (1) that从句为同位语从句
(2) get badly sun burnt 严重晒伤
பைடு நூலகம்get + adj. /done 系表结构。【拓展】
get ill
get lost
get married
useful..)? • 3. Did Antarctic exist before people knew it? when
was Antarctica discovered? • 4. When was The Antarctic Treaty made? How many
countries were involved(参与)?
pole scientific station, …
• 1. Send me the difficulties you find in this reading , if any. linry6611577@
• 2.Write a neat version, describing what life was like for a visitor to the South Pole.

南极洲的范围包括南极大陆及其周围的岛屿和冰 02 架,总面积约为1400万平方公里。
南极洲的地理坐标大致为南纬60°至南纬90°,西 03 经30°至东经180°之间。
南极洲的气候寒冷干燥, 属于极地气候,年平均气 温在零下25摄氏度左右。
每年南极洲都会经历漫长 的极夜和极昼现象,对生 物的生存和繁衍造成极大 的影响。
南极旅游提供了丰富的极地探险活动,如雪地摩托、滑雪、狗拉雪橇等。游客可以 在这些活动中体验极地探险的乐趣和刺激。
游客还可以参加南极科考活动,跟随科研人员一起探访南极的科学研究站,了解南 极的科学研究工作和成果。
在南极的夜晚,游客还有机会观赏到绚丽的极光。在极地探险的过程中,欣赏美丽 的极光,将是一次难忘的体验。
利用卫星遥感、地面观测和数值 模拟等手段,揭示南极冰盖变化 对全球海平面上升和气候变化的
通过对南极生物群落、食物链和生 态系统功能的深入研究,揭示南极 生态系统的脆弱性和对全球变化的 响应。
通过对南极岩石、冰川和沉积物的 研究,揭示南极大陆的形成演化历 史,以及南极在全球地质构造中的 作用。
02 近代南极探险
18世纪至19世纪初的南极探险活动,包括詹姆斯· 库克、查尔斯·威尔克斯等探险家的南极之行。
03 南极点的征服
20世纪初,挪威探险家罗尔德·阿蒙森和英国探险 家罗伯特·斯科特竞相征服南极点的历史。

1 2
气候变化研究 通过对南极冰芯、冰雪等样本的分析,揭示地球 过去的气候变化历史,预测未来气候趋势。
生物多样性研究 调查和研究南极地区的生物种类、分布和生态环 境,为保护生物多样性和生态平衡提供依据。
地质学研究 通过对南极地区岩石、矿物和古生物化石的研究, 探讨南极大陆的形成和演化过程。
南极洲的环境保护与可持续发 展
全球变暖导致南极洲冰盖融化加速,海平面上升对全球气候产生 重大影响。
南极洲拥有丰富的矿产资源和生物资源,如何在保护环境的前提下 合理开发资源是一个重要挑战。
包括中国南极长城站、中国南极 中山站等,用于多学科综合考察
对南极地区的气象要素进行长期、 连续的观测和记录,为气候变化
通过对地震、地磁、重力等地球 物理现象的观测,研究南极地区 的地壳结构和地球动力学特征。
推广清洁能源,减少温 室气体排放,减缓全球 变暖对南极洲的影响。
开展生态旅游,提高公 众对南极洲环境保护的 认识和意识,促进可持
高中英语Module 1 Deep South优秀课件

2. explorer n.探险者→ _e_x_p_l_o_re__ vt.探险;勘探→ e_x_p_l_o_ra_t_i_o_n_ n.(对某地区的)勘探
3. Antarctica n. 南极洲→_A_n_t_a_r_c_ti_c_ a. 南极的; n. 南极圈 __A_r_c_ti_c_ n./a. 北极圈; 北极的
4. annual a. 每年的→ _a_n_n_u_a_l_ly_ ad. 每年;一年 一度地 → _a_n_n_i_v_e_rs_a_r_y___ n. 周年纪念日
5. depth n. 深度→ _d_e_e_p___ a./ad.深的/地→ _d_e_e_p__ly___ ad.深深地, 强烈地
1. _i_n_h_o_s_p_i_ta_b__le_ places in the world. The surface is covered in thick ice cap, which can be five kilometres 2. ___d_e_e_p___.
Plants and animals
The Antarctica Many of the earlier explorers considered each other as 9. r_i_v_a_ls_, but today a spirit
of international friendship has replaced it.
6. _in_h_o_s_p_i_t_a_b_le_ a.荒凉的,不宜居住的→h_o_s_p_i_ta_b__le__ a.好客的→_h__o_s_p_it_a_li_ty_ n.殷勤好客

推动可持续发展:南极洲的教学和科普可以引导人们关注环境保护和可持续发展, 促进人类与自然和谐共处,为地球的未来发展做出贡献。
单击此处添加标 题
增强民族自豪感:南极洲是中国的领土,通过教学和科普,可以让人们更加了解 南极洲,增强民族自豪感和爱国情感。
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健康状况:游客需要提前了解自己的身体状况,如有必要,需要提前预约医生进行体检。南极洲的气候较为寒冷,容 易出现感冒、发烧等常见疾病,因此游客需要保持良好的健康状态。
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旅游安全:游客需要遵守南极洲的旅游规定和安全要求,如不随意离开团队、不随意触摸野生动物等。同时,需要保 持与导游的联系,及时了解旅游路线的安全状况和注意事项。
企鹅:南极洲的代表性动物,是南极洲 最大的鸟类之一,具有独特的身体特征 和行为习性。
海豹:南极洲的海豹种类繁多,包括斑 海豹、环海豹等,是南极洲海洋生态系 统中的重要组成部分。
鲸鱼:南极洲的鲸鱼种类包括座头鲸、 蓝鲸等,它们在南极洲的海洋中生活和 繁殖。
磷虾:南极洲的磷虾是海洋生态 系统中的重要组成部分,它们在 南极洲的海洋中大量繁殖,为其 他生物提供食物。
PPT,a click to unlimited possibilities
南极洲位于地球南端 四周被冰洋所包围 与其他大陆距离遥远 地理位置特殊,环境恶劣
地理位置:位于地球最南端,四周被冰洋所包围 气候特点:极端寒冷,干燥,多风暴 生物特点:拥有独特的动植物种类,如企鹅、海豹等 科学考察:南极洲是科学考察的重要基地,各国科学家在此进行气候、地质、生物等方 面的研究
南极洲的教学实践:南极洲的教学实践需要结合当地的特点,采用多种教学方法,如实地考 察、实验、观察等,以帮助学生更好地了解南极洲。

南极北极英文课件The South Pole and North Pole are two of the most remote and extreme environments on Earth. Located at the very ends of the planet's axis, these poles have long been the focus of scientific exploration and research.The South Pole is located in Antarctica and is the southernmost point on Earth. It is surrounded by ice that covers an area of 5.4 million square kilometers. The average temperature in the South Pole is -49°C (-56°F) with some areas reaching a temperature as low as -89°C (-128°F). The coldest recorded temperature was -82°C (-112°F).The North Pole is located in the Arctic Ocean and is the northernmost point on Earth. It is made up of floating sea ice which covers an area of 7 million square kilometers. The average temperature at the North Pole is -27°C (-17°F) but temperatures can soar as high as 3°C (37°F) in mid-summer.These extreme cold temperatures make collecting data and conducting research challenging. Scientists use technologies such as robots, drones, and satellites to collect data in these remote locations.The Antarctic Treaty System governs human activity in Antarctica and was signed in 1959. Over 40 countries are signatories, with the US and Russia being the two major players. This treaty defines the scope of activities, primarily scientific activities, that should be performed in Antarctica.The Arctic Council is an international governmental forum which seeks to address issues related to the Arctic region.This intergovernmental organization was established in 1996 and is made up of eight countries: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States.Both the North Pole and South Pole remain largely unexplored due to their remote location, extreme temperatures, and hostile terrain. Scientists continue to study these regions, however, in order to better understand the effectsof climate change and how humans can best preserve these regions for future generations.。

南极北极英文课件The North and South Poles are two of the most extreme places on Earth. Both of these regions have unique climates and landscapes, as well as some of the most incrediblewildlife in the world. In this lesson, we will explore the features and characteristics of both the North and the South Poles.The North Pole is located in the Arctic Ocean, near Greenland and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. It is often referred to as the ‘top of the world’ due to its northernmost location. The climate in the Arctic is cold and dry and temperatures often range from -30 degrees Celsius in winter to 10 degrees Celsius in summer. This region is covered in tundra and permafrost, and the landscape islargely flat and featureless.The South Pole is located in Antarctica, the southern-most continent on Earth. Its location is marked by the Geographic South Pole and the Geomagnetic South Pole. The climate here is also extremely cold, with a temperature range of around -64 degrees Celsius in winter to -23 degrees Celsius in summer. Additionally, it experiences strong winds and high levels of snowfall. The terrain of Antarctica is mostly made up of a huge ice sheet which covers the entire continent.The North and South Poles are home to a variety of wildlife, including polar bears in the Arctic and penguins in Antarctica. Both poles also attract tourists, who come for the adventure of exploring these unique locations.The North and South Poles are fascinating and beautiful locations, with their own unique climates, landscapes, and wildlife. They offer a captivating experience for those who choose to brave the extreme conditions and discover these incredible places.。

南极洲课件I'm sorry, but as an text-based assistant, I do not have the capability to create or present a PowerPoint presentation or share a file directly. However, I can provide you with some information about Antarctica that you can include in your presentation:1. General Information:- Antarctica is the southernmost continent and the fifth-largest continent in the world.- It is located almost entirely within the Antarctic Circle and is surrounded by the Southern Ocean.- Antarctica has no permanent human population but is home to various species of penguins, seals, whales, and birds.2. Climate and Geography:- Antarctica is the coldest continent on Earth, with temperatures commonly dropping below -60°C (-76°F) in winter.- It is covered by a thick layer of ice, making it the largest ice sheet on the planet.- The continent has diverse landscapes, including mountns, plateaus, valleys, and glaciers.3. Environmental Importance:- Antarctica plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate as it contns about 90% of the world's ice.- It also helps stabilize global sea levels, with the potential to significantly affect ocean circulation.- The Antarctic ecosystem is home to various unique species that have adapted to extreme conditions.4. Scientific Research:- Antarctica is a major hub for scientific research due to its unique environment and isolation from human activities.- Researchers study various fields such as climate change, glaciology, marine biology, and astrophysics.- The Antarctic Treaty System ensures that scientists from different countries can collaborate and conduct research.5. Exploration and Discovery:- Antarctica was first discovered in 1820 by a Russian expedition led by Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen.- Several expeditions, including those led by Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton, explored the continent in the early 20th century.- Roald Amundsen became the first person to reach the South Pole in 1911.Remember to include relevant images, maps, and graphs in your PowerPoint presentation to make it visually engaging.。
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Future developments in Antarctica
• Exploring the largest lake under the ice sheet • Obtaining a reliable climate record over half a million
years • Exploiting natural “antifreeze” in Antarctic organisms • Studying the effects of increased UV-radiation and
fishermen in sub-Tropics
The Antarctic Treaty
• Antarctica is “a natural reserve devoted to peace and science”
• The Antarctic Treaty manages the region’s wildlife • Mining is forbidden • The Treaty runs indefinitely • Forty-four countries have acceded to the Antarctic Treaty
greenhouse gases and climate • The global impact of the Industrial Revolution • A reduction of the height of the ionosphere consistent
with “global warming” • Lakes beneath the Antarctic ice sheet believed to contain
• The protection is legally backed • International inspection teams monitor compliance with
the Antarctic Treaty • Man’s footprint on Antarctica is practically invisible • More “pollution” enters the region through the
• Ice up to three miles (4500 m) thick • Coldest surface temperature -89 degrees C • Enough ice for each person in the world to have a block
180 m by 180 m by 180 m • If all melted, sea level could rise 65 metres • If all the glaciers doubled their speed of flow it would
The Southern Ocean
• Fifty million seals & 15 million penguins • Regional fishery of global economic value • History of over-exploitation. Seals, whales. penguins
state • UK scientists regularly work in the Arctic • There is far more science activity in the Arctic compared
to the Antarctic
The Antarctic ice sheet
Antarctic Schools Pack
• The nature of Antarctica • Discovery of Antarctica • Living and working in Antarctica • Science in Antarctica • The Antarctic Treaty System • Geology in Antarctica • Antarctic ice • The Antarctic climate
continent • Antarctica still has to be saved • Penguins fall over backwards when planes fly overhead!
Home truths from the Antarctic
• The Antarctic is the most rigorously protected region of the world
system • Climate feedbacks involving ice, snow, sea ice and ocean
currents provide the greatest challenges in predicting the future
The Arctic
• Contains cities, towns and universities • Indigenous population share the region with new settlers • All Arctic land is under the jurisdiction of a sovereign
(80% of the world population) • All 44 countries have to agree to Treaty revisions
“Green” fallacies about the Antarctic
• The Antarctic Treaty expires in 50 years • Mining is only banned for 50 years • Antarctica is under threat from developers • People working in the Antarctic have polluted the
atmosphere than is generated there (DDT, CFCs )
Antarctic discoveries
• The destruction of the ozone layer • A 400,000 year demonstration of the link between
“global warming” on Antarctic life • Celebrating the centenaries of the historic expeditions of
Scott, Shackleton and Bruce
Antarctic Schools Pack
• Fifteen sections : each with worksheet and tasks and resources for multiple photocopying
and fish • Fishery for krill and fish regulated by science-backed
international body under Antarctic Treaty • Pirate fishing due to lack of effective policing • Decline of albatross due to mortality on long lines of tuna
• Maps of Antarctica need updating regularly because of the changes to the coastline
• The disintegration of ice shelves from the Antarctic Peninsula has had no effect on sea level
• Teachers notes • Sent free to every UK secondary school • Aimed at A-level standard • Written by British Antarctic Survey scientists and an
educational advisor • Published by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
• The ozone hole • Geospace • Terrestrial and freshwater lake
ecosystems • Marine ecosystems • Management and conservation of
marine species • Environmental protection of
• One small part of Antarctica is above freezing in the summer - the Antarctic Peninsula.
• The Antarctic Peninsula is warming and its coastline is changing
life forms possibly millions of years old
Antarctica is part of the world
• The Earth system involves the whole Earth • Antarctic studies are essential • There can be no weak link in understanding the Earth
take 12,000ຫໍສະໝຸດ years for the ice to float into the Southern Ocean
Antarctic ice and sea level rise