ATG Airline Series 自动空气启动系统说明书

P72F-2AC-PFASeries Starts at £141In-Line or Modular Installation Controls Increase of Downstream Pressure on Start Up. Cylinders and Other Air Operated Devices are Eased Into Normal Operating Positions, Reducing the Possibility of Equipment Damage and Hazards to the User Blocks Inlet Air and Exhausts Downstream Air When Pilot Signal is Removed or Whenthe Optional Manual Lockout Slide is ClosedOptional Manual Slide Can be Padlocked in Closed Position Solenoid Pilot or AirPilot OperationDesigned Primarily for Usein Start-Up and Shutdownof EquipmentSPECIFICATIONSFluid:Compressed airMaximum Pressure Solenoid Operated:Depending on solenoid rating [must not exceed 17 bar(250 psig)]Maximum Pressure Pilot Operated:17 bar (250 psig)Minimum Operating Pressure:3 bar (44 psig)Operating Temperature Solenoid Operated:Dependent onsolenoid rating [must be within [must be within range -20 to 80°C(0 to 175°F)](74)Operating Temperature Pilot Operated, 72*:-20 to 65°C(0 to 150°F)74:-20 to 80°C (0 to 175°F) MATERIALSBody:72:Zinc alloy74:AluminumP74F-2AA-NNN, £208,shown smallerthan actual size.F--Elastomers:Synthetic materialsFilter Discs:Sintered plasticInternal Components: Brass/steel*Air supply must be dry enough to avoid iceformation at temperatures below 2°C (35°F).To select alternative voltages and other applications refer to the options selector. For connector plugs, see accessories page C-108.Ordering Example: P72F-2AC-PFA,smooth start/exhaust valve, 1⁄4" PTF port, 0.87" miniature solenoid, shrouded pushbutton, 24 Vdc coil voltage, £141. P72F-2AA-NNN,smooth start/exhaust valve, 1⁄4" PTF port, air pilot, £119.CANADA Laval(Quebec)1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITEDKINGDOM Manchester,England0800-488-488GERMANY,Germany************FRANCE 088-466-342BENELUX 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford,CT.CZECH REPUBLIC Karviná,Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References, Indicating Labels,Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders, Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, PT100 Probes, PT100 Elements,Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters,Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes and Assemblies,Thermocouples, Thermowells and Head and WellAssemblies, Transmitters, Thermocouple Wire, RTD ProbesPressure,Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and StrainMeasurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers,Proximity Transducers, Regulators, Pressure Transmitters,Strain Gauges, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation,Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation,Environmental Instrumentation,pH Electrodes and Instruments,Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters,Cartridge Heaters,Circulation Heaters,Comfort Heaters,Controllers,Meters and SwitchingDevices,Flexible Heaters,General Test and Measurement Instruments,Heater Hook-up Wire,Heating Cable Systems,Immersion Heaters,Process Air and Duct,Heaters,Radiant Heaters,Strip Heaters,Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators,Doppler Flowmeters,LevelMeasurement,Magnetic Flowmeters,Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes,Pumps,Rotameters,Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters,Ultrasonic Flowmeters,Valves,Variable Area Flowmeters,Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems,Communication Products and Converters,Data Acquisition and Analysis Software,Data LoggersPlug-in Cards,Signal Conditioners,USB,RS232,RS485and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems,Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。

an infinitesimally small fluid element in the flow, with a differential volume.
It contains huge large amount of molecules Fixed and moving infinitesimal fluid element. Focus of our investigation for fluid flow.
Fixed control volume and moving control volume. Focus of our investigation for fluid flow.
2.3.2 Infinitesimal fluid element approach
2.3.3 Molecule approach
Definition of molecule approach:
The fluid properties are defined with the use of suitable statistical averaging in the microscope wherein the fundamental laws of nature are applied directly to atoms and molecules. In summary, although many variations on the theme can be found in different texts for the derivation of the general equations of the fluid flow, the flow model can be usually be categorized under one of the approach described above.

工程流体力学 第5章 可压缩流体的一元流动

c1 kRT1 1.4 287 (273+20)=343m s
c2 kRT2 1.4 287 (273 55)=296 m s
Ma2 Ma1 Ma1
c1 c2 c2
343 296 296
5.3 一元等熵流动基本关系
• 利用伯努利方程来讨论一元等熵流动特 定的状态参数。
5.3.1 滞止状态和滞止参数
图6.3.1 气体的滞止状态
对滞止状态截面和任一截面列能量方程有: 滞止状态时的焓升到最大值,即总焓
p RT
R是气体常数,空气R=287 J/(kg·K);T是热力学温度,单位为K
1u1 A1 2u2 A2
uA c
ln(uA) ln ln u ln A C
sin c 1
u Ma
• 例 飞机在温度 t 20℃的海平面飞行, 与在同温层 t 55℃时飞行,若速度相等,
试求后一情况的马赫数比前一情况的马 赫数大多少?

阿特拉斯GA200-500螺杆空压 机
空气流量A:进气口过滤 器B1-2:进气口阀门 C1-2:压缩转子D1-2: 单向阀E:油气分离器F: 最小压力阀G:后冷却器 H:带自动疏水阀的水分 离器I:冷却风扇油流量J: 油槽K:恒温旁通阀 LL: 油冷却器M:油过滤器N: 油收集管O1-2:断油阀 阿特拉斯GA200-500螺杆空压机流程图
16.压 缩 机( 冷 干 机) 17. 冷 凝 器 18. 干 燥 过 滤 器 19. 毛 细 管 或 膨 胀 阀 20. 蒸 发 器
21. 旁 通 阀 22. 储 液 罐 23. 热 交 换 器
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
空气进入(空滤芯) 压缩转子 后冷却器 空气输出 油气分离器 油槽(油气分离器) 油冷却
在天然气管道和城市煤气分配系统中输送和分配气体 使气体通过一个过程或者系统循环
GX小型移动式螺杆机,流量0.24~1.6m3/min 功率2~11KW(2,3,4,5,6,7,11) 排气压力7.5bar,8.6bar。 GAR系列铁路机车车辆专用喷油螺杆压缩机,流量0.6~3.7m3 , 功率5~30KW。 Z系列代表无油机 ZA单级压缩(水冷,压力在3.5bar左右)
3.螺杆压缩机的特点 优点: 1)可靠性高 2)操作维护方便 3)动力平衡性好 4)适应性强 5)多相混输 缺点: 1)造价高 2)不能用高压场合 3)不能制成微型

高速空气动力学和气体波动动力学中主要考虑气 体绕飞行器和管道中的流动,以及各种波在气体 中的传播,飞行器、管道以及压力冲量都是可以 对气流发生影响的扰动源,它们连续不断的对流 体发生扰动。
现将飞机发动机的声音作为扰动源,分析其在静止气体 中不动或直线等速运动的传播情况。为简单起见,将扰 动源抽象为无几何尺度的几何点。
可压缩气体的 高速流动
流体力学涉及液体和气体的运动行为。 对于液体
V 0, const, E
例外:水击(水锤)问题,水下爆炸问题,必须考虑水的压 缩性。
在V<70m/s(M<0.3) 仍可忽略其压缩性 当气体运动速度与声速相当时(同一量级),必然会引 起压力、密度和温度的变化,必须考虑气体的压缩性。
V M a
dV 1 dA 2 V M 1 A
dA 1 M 2 dp A M2 p
* 速度和压力均 为反号,互为制 约。 M<1 dV与dA反号 dp与dA同号 M>1 dV与dA同号
dV>0(加速) dp<0(减压) dV<0(减速)
dV=0(等速) dp=0(等压) dV=0(等速)
扩压管 (一直是升压过程)
2a V 2V 3V
扰动源在静止空气中以声速作直线等速运动 (或扰动源不动,气流声速运动)

安 全 及 操 作
8.必须使用康普艾原厂零备件,以保证空压机的正常使用。 9.工作压力的设定不匀许超过空压机最大工作压力。最小的工作压力可以设定为5BAR。 10.未排除故障不能反复启动空压机。 11.进行控制,调整,保养时注意零件的灼热表面。 12.进行检查,保养时,必须释放带压零件的内压。 13.加油时,必须缓慢旋开加油塞。以保证内压为零。 14.电器工作必须切断电源进行。 15.设置断电重新启动,遥控功能必须放置警告标牌。 16.按要求,定期润滑电机。
操 作 原 理-气路/油路/控制回路操 作 原 理-气路/油路/控制回路
l 按操作板上的OFF键,电磁阀 (19)+(20)失电。 l 进气调节器(2)中的蝶阀(2.2)关闭,系统卸压。 l 30秒后,马达(3)+(25)关闭。 l 冷却水电磁阀(28)(只用于水冷机型)失电,并 关闭。
V形皮带保证10.000 操作小时 谁能保证齿轮箱的寿命?
操 作 原 理- SIRIUS机型
1 进气过滤器 2 进气调节器 2.1 动力汽缸 2.2 蝶阀 3 主电机 4 空气端 5 热敏温度探头 6 压力储气罐 7 油、气分离器芯 8 放油球阀 9 安全阀 10 油滤压差开关(保养)* 11 油过滤器 12 油冷却器 13 节流阀 14 减压阀 15 最小压力、止回阀
安 全 及 操 作
起吊部位 注意:请检查接线柱,需要时应重新加固。更详细情况请参看操作指南。
安 全 及 操 作
注意: 只有当马达转动时才可加注润滑油。更详细情况请参看操作指南。

目录目录 (I)绪论 (1)0.1 实验流体力学的研究内容与方法 (1)0.2 本课程的主要内容 (2)第一章风洞实验内容简介 (4)1.1 风洞实验分类 (4)1.2 各种风洞实验的介绍 (4)1.3 风洞实验一些基本要求 (9)第二章相似理论 (11)2.1 相似和相似定理 (11)2.2 量纲分析 (15)2.3 相似理论的应用 (23)思考题和习题 (32)第三章风洞 (34)3.1 风洞的类别 (34)3.2 低速风洞 (35)3.3 超音速风洞 (45)3.4 跨音速风洞 (54)3.5 高超音速风洞和超高速风洞 (58)思考题和习题 (61)第4章气动力天平 (63)4.1 机械式天平 (63)4. 2 应变式天平 (69)4.3 气动力天平的校准 (81)4.4 气动方天平的性能术语 (84)4.5 磁悬挂天平 (85)4.6 坐标轴系及其转换 (87)思考题和习题 (89)第五章气流参数测量 (91)5.1 静压和总压测量 (91)5.2 温度测量 (100)5.3 气流速度、方向和紊流度测量 (107)5.4 噪声测量 (123)5.5 数据采集系统简介 (126)思考题和习题 (129)第6章风洞模型实验 (130)6.1 实验大纲的制定 (130)6.2 模型设计 (132)6.3 全机模型测力实验 (142)6.4 小压强分布实验 (151)6.5 动量法实验 (154)6.6 地面效应实验 (157)6.7 模型实验中的人工转捩 (158)6.8 半模型实验 (159)6.9 铰链力矩实验 (160)思考题和习题 (161)第7章流动显示 (162)附录 (163)附录Ⅰ空气动力学家生平 (163)附录Ⅱ空气动力学中常用的有量纲物理量的SI单位和量纲 (167)附录Ⅲ标准大气数据数据和常用的关系式 (168)附录IV 水的密度和粘度 (169)附录Ⅴ单位的换算系数 (169)附录Ⅵ风洞流场品质参考指标 (174)绪论0.1 实验流体力学的研究内容与方法实验流体力学对于空气动力学的发展和各种飞行器的研制,起着决定性的作用。

空气分离常用专业术语空气分离常用专业术语A absorbent吸收剂accessory附件absorber吸附器liquid air ~液空吸附器liquid oxygen ~液氧吸附器accumulater蓄压器oxygen~贮氧罐acetylene乙炔acting作用double ~双程,双作用single ~单程,单作用action动作,作用direct ~直接动作reverse ~转换动作,反向动作actuator促动器torque ~转矩促动器adiabatically在绝热条件下adjuster调整器adsorbate被吸附物aircompressed ~压缩空气compressor delivery ~原料空气cooled ~冷却空气feed ~吸入空气fractionated ~分馏空气liquefied ~液化空气liquid ~液体空气reflux ~回流空气returning ~环流空气~ seperation空气分离~ seperation apparatus空分塔~ seperation equipment空分设备~ seperation plant空分车间alloy合金aluminum ~铝合金aluminum铝brazed ~钎焊铝板(热交换器用)ammeter电流计A C ~交流电流计angle角钢equal ~等边角钢supporting ~支撑角钢annealing退火annunciator信号器、报号器apparatus装置、设备control ~控制装置argon氩arrester捕捉器lightning ~避雷器noise ~隔音器assembly装配、总成orifice ~双孔板attachment附件Bbaghouse袋室~air filter袋式气滤器bars母线base底座beam梁bearing轴承ball ~滚珠轴承forced-lubricated ~强制润滑轴承increasing gear ~增速齿轮轴承journal ~轴颈轴承thrust ~止推轴承~ metals for air compressor motor空压机电机金属轴承~metals for oxygen compressor motor氧压机电机金属轴承bellow吹风机、皮老虎bias偏压blade叶片backward ~反向叶片block部件terminal ~接线板blower风机brake ~制动风机deforsting air ~解冻风机Roots ~罗茨风机single flow ~单级风机~ impeller风机叶轮board板ceiling ~顶板front ~前板semigraphic ~半模拟板side ~侧板switching ~切换板body体main ~主体bolt螺栓anchor ~地脚螺栓coupling ~ set称套的联接螺栓foundation ~地脚螺栓bonnet阀帽box箱盒check valve ~自动阀箱(交换器)cold ~冷箱relay ~继电器箱switch ~开关箱terminal ~分线盒bracket托架breaker断路器no-fuse circuit ~无熔断器的断路器oil immersed circuit ~油浸断路器brush电刷~ holder电刷架~ spring电刷弹簧buffer缓冲~ plate缓冲板bulb玻璃泡、测温仪表、外壳resistance ~电阻温度计bulk支架~ head上部支架buna-N布纳-N、丁晴橡胶bush衬套neck ~轴套、轴瓦push ~ with lamp带灯按钮butyl rubber丁基橡胶buzzer蜂鸣器Ccable电缆extention ~补偿导线external ~外部电缆power ~电力电缆calibration校准cam凸轮cantileveredly悬臂地capacity容量interrupting ~遮断容量rupturing ~遮断容量casing箱、盒bearing ~轴承箱1st ~一级外壳turbine ~透平机壳casting铸造、铸件precision ~精密铸件spheroidal graphite iron ~球墨铸铁件channel槽钢base ~槽钢基础chart图、表、记录纸chiller过冷器chiller-liquefier过冷液化器liquid air-liquid nitrogen ~液空-液氮过冷器chipping凿circuit线路、电路electric ~电路high tension ~高压线路interlocking ~连锁线路printed ~印刷电路clutch离合器cock旋塞,旋阀code规范、符号、编号coil线圈tripping ~跳闸线圈、解扣线圈~ for trip跳闸线圈、解扣线圈column塔lower ~下塔rectifier ~精馏塔upper ~上塔compressor压缩机air ~空压机balanced opposed type ~相对平衡式压缩机centrifugal ~离心式压缩机instrument air ~仪表空压机integral speed-up gear type isothermal centrifugal ~整体增速齿轮式等温离心压缩机loop-sketch for oxygen ~氧压机线路系统图multi-stage ~多级压缩机one-shaft ~单轴压缩机one-shaft multi-stage ~单轴多级压缩机reciprocating ~活塞式压缩机turbo ~透平压缩机concentric同心的condenser冷凝器、电容器conduit导管、线管connection接头、接管conspectus大纲、概要consumptionpower ~电耗contact接头、触头alarming ~警报接头fixed ~固定触头moving ~滑动触头contactor接触器magnetic ~电磁接触器controllerlevel indicating ~液位指示控制器pressure indicating ~压力指示控制器cooler冷却器after ~后冷却器evaporator ~蒸发冷却器inter ~中间冷却器liquid air super ~液空过冷器liquid nitrogen super ~液氮过冷器oil ~油冷却器spray ~喷淋冷却器trickling ~水淋冷却器core芯子cold ~冷单元,冷端warm ~热单元,热端coupling联轴节rubber ~橡皮联轴节shaft ~轴接手联轴器cover盖end ~端盖sealing ~密封盖sound insulating ~隔音罩~ for lamp灯罩crankshaft曲轴、曲柄轴cubicle柜、小房间local electric control ~机旁电控柜motor ~电动机柜receiving ~受电柜static exciter ~静止励磁柜cutout截口panel ~盘上装仪表的洞cylinder气缸pneumatic ~气动气缸single ~单缸~ cover气缸盖~ gasket气缸垫圈~ liner气缸内衬Ddamper蝶阀、开闭器motorized ~电动蝶阀piston ~活塞阀~ for switching valve切换阀的蝶阀defrosting解冻~ air解冻空气~ air blower解冻风机deriming去霜deviation 偏差~ and tolerances公差与配合devicecleaning ~净化装置delivery control ~输出(压力)控制装置discharge pressure control ~排出(压力)控制装置safety ~安全装置sampling ~取样分析装置silicon control rectifier ~可控硅正流装置suction pressure control ~吸入压力控制装置switching ~切换装置tripping ~断路装置wind up ~上弦装置、调整旋组dial标度盘diaphragm薄片disk盘cover ~盖盘hub ~壳盘distance~ piece距离块distillation column精馏塔drawingoutline ~外形图、布置总图driver驱动机~ tripped驱动机跳闸drum罐back pressure ~反压力罐surge ~缓冲罐dryer干燥器air ~空气干燥器defrosting air ~解冻空气干燥器duct槽wiring ~配线槽wiring & piping ~导线和管道槽Eelbow肘管、弯管、弯头enamel珐琅、搪瓷wrinkled ~皱纹珐琅endcold ~冷端energyabsorbed ~吸收能equipmentelectric ~电气设备liners for ~设备衬垫erection安装exchangerreversing heat ~可逆式换热器exciter激磁器exciting激励expansion~ joint膨胀接头~ turbine透平膨胀机Ffactor系数、因数power ~功率因数film膜oil ~油膜filter过滤器air ~空气过滤器defrosting air ~解冻空气过滤器liquid air ~液空过滤器multi-duty automatic air ~高效自动空气过滤器oil ~ primary oil ~初级油过滤器secondary oil ~二级油过滤器sintered metallic ~烧结金属过滤器suction air ~吸入空气过滤器~ before turbine透平前过滤器fin翅片、波纹板cooling ~冷却片fitting配件、零件flange法兰、法兰盘flicker闪光float浮标floor楼板、层first ~一楼second ~flow流量air ~空气流量radial inward ~径向内流reflux ~回流流量~ rate流量速度flowmeter流量计flow-sheet流程、流程图general ~总流程图~ of cooling water line冷却水流程图~ of gas line气体流程图fluid流体flux焊剂、溶剂forcehorizontal ~水平力inertia ~vertical ~forging锻件foundationgeneral ~基础总图oxygen compressor ~氧压机基础oxygen compressor general ~氧压机基础总图~ bolt and liner 地脚螺栓和垫板frame框架、架子freeze致冷、冷冻fully-open全开furnaceflame ~火焰炉shaft ~竖炉blast ~高炉open hearth ~平炉cupola ~熔铁炉、冲天炉continuous ~连续加热炉travelling-bottom ~步进底式炉pusher-type ~推钢式加热炉rotary hearth ~转底炉electric-arc ~电弧炉converter~转炉fuse保险丝、熔断器Ggasdry ~干燥气generated ~返回气体impure nitrogen ~污氮sealing ~密封气gauge表、计level ~液位表oil level ~pressure ~gasket垫片、衬special ~特殊垫圈~ for transmitter and receiver变压器和记录器的垫圈gear bevel ~斜齿轮、伞形齿轮helical ~螺旋齿轮pinion ~小齿轮speed-up ~增速齿轮spur ~正齿轮gel胶silica ~硅胶general概述glasshard ~硬质玻璃organic ~有机玻璃grinding磨光grounding接地grout灌浆~ bond灌浆结合grouting混凝土浇灌guarantee保证guide导板cross head ~十字头导板guide-vane导向叶片remote control of ~遥控导向叶片Hheader集管、集管箱heaterdefrosting ~解冻加热器heat-exchangerreversing ~可逆式热交换器helium氦housing室、罩insulating ~绝热室、绝热罩noise arresting ~隔音罩humidityrelative ~相对湿度hydrocarbon碳氢化合物~ absorber碳氢化合物吸收器Iimpeller叶轮blower ~风机叶轮high pressure stage ~高压级叶轮impurities杂质indicatordamper opening ~蝶阀开度指示器different pressure ~阻力指示器fault ~故障指示器flow ~流量指示器level ~opening ~开度指示器pressure ~temperature ~thermal ~温度指示器inlet进口reference gas ~工作气体入口sample gas ~取样气体instrument仪表loop sketch of ~仪表连续表insulation绝缘、绝热~ over wrenching绝缘过热intake吸入air at the ~吸入之空气integrator积算器~ assembly积算器总成introduction引言ironcast ~铸铁iron-constantan铁-镍铜isothermal等温的Jjoint接头、接管、连接expansion ~膨胀接头、异径管Kkit工具箱Llabyrinth迷宫、曲径~ case迷宫盒~ cover迷宫盖~ packing迷宫填料~ sleeve迷宫套管lampannouncement ~指示灯announciator ~(报警)信号灯completion ~完成灯fluorometric ~ with glow lamps带辉光放电管的荧光灯green ~绿灯illumination ~照明灯pilot ~起动信号灯semigraphic ~半模拟盘灯signal ~信号灯layout布置(图)lineaerial ~架空线air ~空气管线defrost air ~解冻空气管道drain ~排出管道liquid air ~液空管线liquid oxygen recirculating ~液氧循环线路waste nitrogen ~废氮管liner垫板liquefier液花器liquidlean ~贫液(poor ~)rich ~富液list清单instrument ~仪表清单load载荷、负荷braking ~ of blower风机的制动负荷dynamic ~动载荷full ~满负荷static ~静负荷loop sketch线路系统~ for oxygen compressor氧压机线路系统图lubricant润滑油lubrication润滑force feed ~强迫润滑、压油润滑forced ~强迫润滑pressure feed ~强迫润滑Mmagnesium镁manifold歧管manometer压力计manual指南、手册、手动mechanism机构driving ~传动机构、驱动机构metal金属、合金瓦white ~轴承合金、白色合金、钨金瓦~ case合金瓦套meter测量仪表frequency ~周波表over flow rotor ~溢流转子流量计3 phase indicating watt三相瓦特指示表3 phase power-factor ~三相功率因素表3 phase watt-hour ~三相瓦特-小时表set-~阀位指示计metric system公制micro-switch微型开关molecular sieve 分子筛motor电动机、马达chart ~记录纸传送电机induction ~感应电动机main ~主电动机synchronous ~同步电动机multi-stage多级的Nname名称~ plate名牌neon氖neoprene氯丁橡胶nipple螺纹接头、螺纹接嘴nitrogengenerated impure ~返回污氮liquid ~液氮~ arresting housing隔音罩nozzle喷嘴~ ring喷嘴环nut螺母Ooillube ~润滑油lubricating ~润滑油transformer ~变压器油viscosine ~粘性油、精制残油~ free无油~ head tank高位油箱~ reservior贮油箱~ whip油抖动~ whirl油涡流orifice孔~ plate孔板~ plate assembly双孔板overhung悬臂地overspeed过速oxygenhigh purity ~高纯氧~ accumulator贮养器~ ion dry cell氧离子电池Ppacking填料gland ~压盖填料piston rod ~活塞杆填料seat ~座圈填料wiper ~擦油填料panel盘、板air compressor ~空压机表盘center ~中心盘general service ~公用表盘high tension ~高压盘instrument ~仪表板、仪表盘local ~机旁盘、机侧盘oxygen delivery device ~氧气输送装置仪表sub-~副线板part部件、零件、部分main ~主要部件middle ~中部spare ~备件P.B.(push button)按钮perlite 珠光砂pick-up传感器tachometer ~转速计传感器pin针、销crank ~曲柄销cross head ~十字头销pinion小齿轮pipeflexible ~软管、挠性管siphon ~弯管、虹吸管pit 坑、孔planning计划、布置checkered ~花纹(钢)板name ~名称牌orifice ~孔板plug塞子vent ~通风塞plunger柱塞point liquefaction ~液化点pointerred ~红指针positioner位置控制器potentiometer电位表press压力、阻力absorber ~吸附器阻力cold core different ~冷端各种压力delivery ~输出压力evaporator condenser ~冷凝蒸发器压力feed air ~吸入空气压力inlet air ~入口空气压力lubricating oil ~润滑油压力rectifier ~精馏塔压力recycle air ~循环空气压力surge tank ~缓冲罐压力pressurecompressor delivery ~压缩机输出压力compressor suction ~压缩机吸入压力lubricating oil ~润滑油压力max working ~最大工作压力normal ~标准压力test ~试验压力~ of input进口压力~ switch压力开关pressure-gauge压力表differential ~压差计~ with alarmer带报警器的压力计pressure-meter压力表differential ~压差计printing印,记录~ assembly for 3 points三点记录仪product成品、产品~ nitrogen产品氮project设计premilinary ~初步设计psychometer湿度计pumpaxial ~径流泵circulating ~循环泵gear ~齿轮泵liquid circulating ~液体循环泵motor driven oil lubricating ~电动机传动的润滑油泵screw ~螺旋泵stand-by ~备用泵suction ~抽气泵turbine oil ~透平油泵water circulating ~水循环泵purge清洗purificationair ~空气净化raw mixture argon ~原氩混合物净化Rradial inward flow径向内流rating定额receiver接受器recorderflow ~流量记录器1-pen ~1笔记录器rectificationfinishing ~最后精馏rectifierupper ~上精馏塔~ column精馏塔recycle反流、回流(气体)air ~反流空气reducer减压阀、减压器、减速器、异径接头reflux回流(液)regeneration再生~ heater再生加热器regulation规则regulatorpress ~压力调整器reinforce加固relayannunciator ~警报器继电器auxiliary ~辅助继电器delay ~延迟继电器flow ~流量继电器interlocking ~连锁继电器oil pressure ~油压继电器over current ~过电流继电器over-speed ~过速继电器over voltage ground ~过电压接地继电器protective ~保护继电器selective ground ~选择性接地继电器under voltage ~低电压继电器water flow ~水流量继电器~ box继电器箱remark备注reservoirpressurized oil ~压力油箱reset重调、回零位without ~无零位、不能重调、不回零位resistor电阻器return回路R.H.E(reversing heat exchanger)可逆式换热器ringnozzle ~喷嘴环oil wiper ~刮油环piston ~活塞环Raschig ~拉西环Raschig ~ air filter拉西环式空气过滤器seal ~密封环seat ~座环、座圈ripple脉动、波动amperes ~电流波动rock wool岩棉rotorassembled ~ 转子总成roughness粗糙度route流路flowing ~流动线路r.p.m(revolution per minute)转/分ruby红宝石runningcontinuous ~连续运转normal ~正常运转SS.A.C.E.(single acting crank end)单作用曲柄侧S.A.H.E.(single acting head end)单作用头端部sampling取样saturated~ state饱和状态scope~ of supply供应范围scraper刮刀screw螺丝scroll外壳、壳体seal密封dust ~尘土密封grease ~油脂密封oil ~ for piston rod活塞杆的油密封~ ring密封环~ing cover密封盖section截面manual selector手动选择器seperator分离器drain ~水分离器liquid air ~液空分离器service 服务、操作cold ~冷操作general ~公用仪表盘set装置、组、套air ~气动定值器three-valve ~平衡阀shaft轴crank ~曲柄轴imput ~大齿轮轴、输入轴pinion ~小齿轮轴turbine ~透平轴~ sealing device轴密封装置sheet板corrugated ~波纹板shell外壳shift(作业)班shrunk-fitted冷缩配合side 侧high-pressure ~高压侧sieve tray塞板塔sight glass观察玻璃signalpneumatic ~气动信号~ on信号指示site位置plant ~现场sleeve套管、套垫shaft ~轴套slinger甩子oil ~甩油子、油吊环space距离liner ~二次浇注厚度spacer隔离物,垫片spare-parts备品、备件speedrated ~额定速度spindle心轴drive ~主动心轴spring~ for safety valve安全阀弹簧stack塔、烟囱air intake ~空气吸入塔stanchion 支柱stand架、台local ~机旁座、机旁台架local gauge ~机旁仪表台架stator定子motor ~电机定子steam蒸汽saturated ~饱和蒸汽steelangle ~角钢carbon ~碳钢channel ~槽钢cold rolled ~冷轧钢板equal angle ~等边角钢forged ~锻钢high finished ~高光洁度钢mild ~软钢stainless ~不锈钢stop停车emergency ~紧急停车strainer过滤器air ~空气过滤器strip带stroke行程structured packing填料塔subpane副板push button ~按钮副板sub-total小合计support支座、支架switch开关ball float ~浮球开关change over ~转换开关、换向开关handle interlock ~手柄连锁开关level ~液位开关measure ~测量开关selector ~选择开关torque ~转矩开关~board配电盘、配电板switchgear开关机构、开关装置high tension ~高压开关system系统、方式braking ~制动方式、制动系统metric ~公制shell and coil ~盘管式Ttachometer测速计turbine ~透平测速计tag.标签~ No.位号图、标图tangentially切向tank槽、罐blow down ~排放槽cushion ~缓冲箱、缓冲罐oxygen surge ~氧气缓冲罐teflon聚四氟乙烯~ wear ring聚四氟乙烯支撑环temperatureambient ~环境温度packing gas ~充填气温度tempering回火tension电压hign ~高压terminal端子cable ~电缆接头grounding ~接地端子testbend ~弯曲测试tension ~张力测试、拉伸测试thermocouple热电偶thermometer测温计dial ~盘式温度计electronic type auto-balance recording ~电子管式自动平衡记录温度计indicating resistance ~电阻温度指示计indicating thermoelectric ~热电温度指示计moving coil type point system recording ~动圈式多点温度记录仪recording ~记录温度计~ low pressure flat type扁平型低压测温计thread螺纹coarse screw ~粗螺纹fine screw ~细螺纹timerating ~定额时间response ~作用时间start up ~起动时间transformer变压器current ~电流互感器potential ~电压互感器transmission传送、传送装置electrical singal ~电动信号传送器transmitter变送器、传送器trap阱drain ~排水阀trouble事故、故障unforeseen~意外事故tubeflexible ~软管、挠性管trident ~三叉形管expension ~透平膨胀机(ET)~ runner透平转子typebalanced opposed ~对称平衡式low pressure ~全低压型magnetic operated draw-out ~电磁脱扣型multi-plate ~多板式radial inward-flow~径向内流式Uunion联管节half ~半联管节(连接件)tee ~三通管unit装置、单位alarm ~报警装置up-scaleburn out ~烧完的向上刻度Vvacuum真空valuelimited ~规定值、限定值valveadditional air slide ~补给空气分气阀air ~空气平衡阀angle ~角阀blow-off ~排气阀by-pass ~旁通阀check ~止回阀control ~ single seated单座式控制阀diaphragm ~隔膜阀drain ~放洩阀discharge ~排气阀emergency shut-off ~紧急切断阀flanged angle ~法兰角阀flange gate ~法兰闸阀flange globe ~法兰球阀gas change ~气体切换阀insulation type angle ~绝热式角阀main suction ~主吸入阀miniature ~微型阀needle ~针(形)阀non-return ~止回阀on-off ~双位阀(开关阀)pilot ~导阀reducing ~减压阀reflux ~回流阀regulating ~调节阀safety ~安全阀sampling ~取样阀screwed gate ~螺旋闸阀screwed angle ~螺旋角阀screwed globe ~螺旋球阀screwed lift check ~螺旋升降逆止阀screwed swing check ~螺旋摆动逆止阀slide ~滑阀solenoid ~电磁阀sluice ~闸门阀three way ~三通阀three-way switching ~三通切换阀turbine shut off ~透平关闭阀~ body阀体~ buffer plate阀缓冲板~ cap阀盖~ gasket阀垫圈~ guard阀防护盖~ positioner阀定位器~ rod阀杆~ seat阀座~ spring阀弹簧~ stand阀座vane叶片guide ~导向叶片variation变动、波动frequency ~频率波动voltage ~电压波动vent气孔、出口oil ~油出口vertical立式的vessel容器air ~空气罐vibration amplitude振幅vibration-proof防震的view图rear ~后面图、背视图voltmeter电压表AC ~交流电压表Wwasher垫圈locking ~锁紧垫圈spring ~弹簧垫圈wheel轮gear ~叶轮radial turbine ~径向透平叶轮wire钢丝、线notch ~凹形线圈、凹形钢丝圈notch ~ type oil filter element凹形线圈式滤油元件wiring接线、配线inner ~内部接线wool毛glass ~玻璃毛glass ~ element assembly玻璃毛元件work功external ~对外做功worm蜗杆~ wheel蜗轮补充:sieve tray塞板塔structured packing填料塔。

Allowed reciprocating weight difference between throws: 介于曲拐间允许的往复重量差 1 Pound JG/A/M/P/N/Q/R/W/J 2.5 Pounds JGH/E/K/T/C/D 5 Pounds JGB/V
CE (内侧)
0.055IN 0.04IN
CE 13.0 (内侧) 16.8
C-58831 C-58830
气缸的内侧或者曲轴末端 CE
气缸的外侧或者首端 双作用 单作用 压缩级 HE
驱动端 辅助端 气缸余隙CL 活塞杆负荷 无反向角
Drive End or Front 驱动端或者前 端
China National Offshore Oil Company - CNOOC Basic Gas Compressors
Compressor Package 压缩机撬
Motor Drive 电机驱动
Air Exchanger- Cooler 空冷气
Ariel Copyright Material 2003
Ps Ps Pd Pd
作用于活塞上的净力推动十字头向曲轴方向 运动,十字头销被推动远离曲轴,因此十字 头销到十字头瓦的间隙在十字头销的曲轴侧 。
Ps Ps Pd Pd
作用于活塞上的净力抽拉十字头远离曲轴 ,十字头销被拉向曲轴,因此十字头销到 十字头瓦的间隙在十字头销的活塞侧。

4.4.2 单向波动方程的初、边值问题的提法
1. 关于纯初值问题
图(如图4.2所示)表示。显然,当 看作是一个向右传播的波。
2. 关于初边值问题的提法
如果特征线自边界走向求解域内部,则在该边界上应该规定边界条件; 反之,若特征线自求解域内部走向边界,则在该边界上不能规定边界
上一页 下一页 返回
4.6.2 初值问题的依赖域与影响区
图4.8(a)所示的三角形abd内任意一点的状态都可以由ab线上的 原始状态来决定,因此ab线段称为d点的依赖域。
如图4.8(b)所示,自Q点沿气流方向引出两条马赫线表示了该点 的微弱扰动传播区域的边界,也就是说该点的信息只能影响如图4.8 (b)所示的下游阴影区域,因此该区域称为点Q的影响区。
波), 为第II族特征线(即左行波)。
上一页 返回
图4.7 一维非定常流动的特征线 (a)亚声速V<a;(b)超声速V>a
4.6.1 均熵流动下的黎曼不变量
在 物理平面上,定义: 所对应的特征线为第I族特征线,记 作 ; 所对应的为第II族特征线,记作 ;于是
§4.3 双曲型守恒律方程的弱解及熵函数、 熵通量、熵条件
4.3.1 熵函数与熵通量 4.3.2 强间断以及接触间断面两侧参数间的关系 4.3.3 典型模型方程的经典解 4.3.4 单个守恒律方程及Oлейник熵条件
§4.4 双曲型偏微分方程初、边值问题的 提法
4.4.1 双曲型方程边界条件提法的一般性原则 4.4.2 单向波动方程的初、边值问题的提法 4.4.3 一维非定常Euler方程组初、边值问题的提法

航空发念头专业英语词汇年夜全,值得收藏!0129 航佳技术飞机维修砖家Part 1Para. 1gas turbine engine燃气涡轮发念头aircraft 飞机,遨游翱翔器(单复同形)power plant 发念头,动力装置appreciate 理解,意思到prior to 在…之前propulsion 推进reaction 反作用jet 喷气, 喷射, 喷气发念头designer 设计师initially 最初,开始时unsuitability 不适应性piston engine 活塞发念头airflow 空气流present 带来, 产生obstacle 障碍Para. 2patent 专利, 获得专利jet propulsionengine 喷气推进发念头athodyd 冲压式喷气发念头heat resistingmaterial 耐热资料develop 研究出,研制出in the secondplace 其次inefficient 效率底的ram jet, ramjet冲压式喷气发念头conception 构想, 设计,概念Para. 3grant 授予propulsive jet 推进喷射turbojet engine 涡轮喷气发念头turbojetturbopropellerengine涡轮螺桨发念头turbopropVickers Viscountaircraft 维克斯子爵式飞机be fitted with 配备term 术语, 称为, 叫做twinspool engine 双转子发念头triplespoolengine三转子发念头bypass engine 双涵道发念头ducted fan 涵道电扇发念头unducted fan (UDF)无涵道电扇发念头propfan 桨扇发念头inevitable 不成避免的, 必定的p.4propeller 螺旋桨basic principle 基来源根基理effect 产生propel 推进solely 单独, 只thrust 推力p.5popularly 普遍地, 一般地pulse jet 脉动式喷气发念头turbo/ram jet 涡轮冲压式喷气发念头turborocket 涡轮火箭p.6accelerate 加速acceleration 加速度apparatus 装置, 机器slipstream 滑流p.7momentum 动量issue 冒出to impart M to N 把M给与N revolve 旋转p.8whirl 旋转sprinkler 喷水器mechanism 机构by [in] virtue of 依靠hose 软管afford 提供carnival 狂欢节p.9definitely 确切地, 明确地assume 想象, 以为expel 排出, 驱逐propulsiveefficiency 推进效率Page 3p.10differ 不合convert 转换p.11thermodynamic 热动力的divergent 扩散diverge 扩散convergent 收敛converge收敛entry 进气段exit 排气管kinetic energy 动能air intake 空气进口diverging duct 扩散管道outlet duct 排气管missile 导弹target vehicle 靶机p.12intermittentcombustion 间断式燃烧aerodynamic 空气动力的involve 具有robust 结实的, 坚固的inlet valve 进气阀inject 喷入eject 喷出depression 降压, 减压exhaust 排气cycle 循环helicopter rotorpropulsion 直升飞机旋翼驱动器dispense with 省去, 无需resonate 共振resonating cycle 共振循环fuel consumption 燃油消耗equal 比得上performance 性能p.13decompose 分化p.14inherent 固有的draw 吸入p.15arrangement 结构simplicity 简单性subsequent 接下来的thermodynamic 热力的Page 7p.16disturbance 扰动bladetip 叶尖departure from 叛变p.17offset 抵消exceed 超出p.18Mach number 马赫数p.19variable intake 可变进口afterburning 加力燃烧variable nozzle 可调喷口conventional 惯例的afterburner 加力燃烧室inoperative 不工作的divert 使转向guide vane 导流叶片duct 管道,用管道输送sustained 继续的cruise 巡航mode 模式p.21multistageturbine 多级涡轮derive 获得,取得kerosene, kerosine煤油be in the orderof…达到…的量级spray 喷雾fuelrich mixture 富油混合物dilute 稀释surplus 剩余的p.22interceptor 截击机spacelauncher 航天发射器altitude 高度attitude 态度、姿态latitude 纬度longitude 经度accelerative 加速的duration 继续时间Part2Para.1working fluid 工作流体conversion 转换jet efflux 喷射气流Para.2fourstroke pistonengine 四冲程活塞发念头constant pressure 等压constant volume 等容induction 进气compression 压缩intermittent 间断的be involved in…与…有关charging 进气eliminate 消除idle stroke 空冲程Para.3peak 峰, 峰值fluctuate,fluctuating 摆荡, 起伏withstand,withstood 接受in excess of 超出employ 采取cylinder 汽缸high octane fuel 高辛烷值燃料low octane fuel 低辛烷值燃料fabricated 装配式的Para.4function 运行, 运转introduce,introducing 输入remainder 剩余部分discharge 排出Para.5,6turbine assembly 涡轮部件aircooled blade 气冷叶片consequently 随之而来的, 因此, 所以Para.7embody 体现be embodied in M 体现在M中be directlyproportional to…与…成正比be inversely proportional to…与…成正比Para.9trace 描绘show up 表示Para.10attain 达到, 实现conversely 相反地Para.11adiabatic 绝热的friction 摩擦conduction 传导turbulence 紊流Para.12propelling nozzle 推力喷管momentum 动量deceleration 减速Page 14Para.13effect 实现conversion 转换convert 转换sonic 音速的subsonic 亚音速的supersonic 超音速的encounter 遇到venturi 文氏管Para.14interference 干扰component failure 部件失效eddy 涡流turbulence 紊流Para.15frontal area 迎面面积straightthroughflow system 直流式系统reverse flowsystem 回流式系统subsequent 接下来的Para.17conventionally 惯例地percentage 部分,百分比duct 管道,用管道输送remainder 剩余物deliver 送,流to be conducive to…有利于…specific fuelconsumption 燃油消耗率Para.18design feature 设计特征bypass engine 双涵道发念头bypass ratio 涵道比twinspoolconfiguration 双转子结构propfan 桨扇发念头turbopropeller 涡轮螺桨发念头Para.19bypass airstream 外涵道气流overboard 向船外,排出ducted fan 涵道式电扇发念头aft fan 后电扇发念头Part 3Para.1centrifugal 离心的axial 轴流的couple 耦合,联接coupling 联轴器coupler联轴器shaft 轴Para.2centrifugal (flow)compressor 离心压气机impeller 叶轮diffuser 扩散器axial (flow)compressor 轴流压气机multistage unit 多级装置alternate 交替的rotor blade转子叶片stator vane 静子叶片diffuse 扩散boost 增压booster 增压器Para.3with regard to 关于robust 坚固,结实develop andmanufacture 设计与制造consume 消耗,使用attain 达到air flow 空气流量,空气流adoption 采取favour (Am. E favor) 喜爱,偏爱ruggedness坚固性rugged 坚固的outweigh 胜过,重于Fig. 31rotating guidevane 旋转导流叶片intake chute 进气斜道swirl vane 旋流叶片Para.5diffuser vane 扩散器叶片doubleentry impeller双面进气叶轮plenum chamber 稳流室Para.6induce 吸入radially 径向地intake duct 进气管initial swirl 预旋Para.7divergent nozzle 扩散排气管Para.8tip speed 叶尖速度Para.9maintain 坚持leakage 泄漏clearance 间隙Para.10construction 结构center around(about, at, in, on, round, upon)…以…为中心ball bearing 滚珠轴承roller bearing 滚柱轴承split 分隔detachment 拆开,别离Para.11forged 铸造的radially disposedvanes 径向排列的叶片in conjunctionwith… 和…共同swept back 后掠Para.12attach 联接tangential 相切的inner edge 内缘in line with… 与…一致buffeting impulse 扰流抖振脉冲Para. 13rotor assembly 转子部件airfoilsection 翼型截面mount 装置bearing 轴承incorporate 安有,装有in series 依次地design condition 设计状态incorporation 引入,采取variable statorvane 可调静子叶片succeeding stage下一级Para. 14gradual reduction 逐渐减小annulus 环型stator casing 静子机匣maintain 坚持density 密度convergence 收敛taper,tapering 带斜度,带锥度arrangement 结构Para. 16multispoolcompressor 多转子压气机optimum 最佳(的),最优(的)flexibility 适应性,灵活性Para. 17handle 处理duct 管道,用管道输送exhaust system 排气系统propelling nozzle 推力喷管match 使匹配obsolete 已不必but 除…….之外Para. 18trend 趋势stage 阶段, 级undergo 接受split 分隔core 核心gas generator 燃气产生器optimumarrangement 最佳结构Para. 19induce 吸入,引入,引导sweep, swept 扫,猛推adjacent 相邻的translate 翻译,转换decelerate 减速serve 起……作用deflection 偏转straightener 整流器swirl 旋流diagrammatically 图示地accompany 陪伴progressive 不竭的,逐渐的Para. 20breakaway 别离stall 失速precede 在……前面Para. 21incidence 攻角tolerate 允许interstagebleed 级间放气intermediatestage 中间级Para. 22proportion 比例pl. 尺寸, 年夜小coaxial 同轴的inner radius 内半径supercharge 增压akin 相似的Para.23to center around(round, on, upon, about, at, in)…以…为中心alignment 对中, 同心cylindrical 圆筒形的bolted axial joint轴向螺栓联接bolted center linejoint 中心线螺栓联接Para.24secure 固定assemble 装配weld 焊接periphery 边沿drum 鼓筒Para.25circumferential 周向的fixing 装置, 固定maintainability 维护性blisk 整体叶盘Para.26gradient 梯度balance out 抵消twist 扭angle of incidence攻角boundary layer 附面层, 鸿沟层stagnant 滞止的compensate for 赔偿camber 弯度extremity 端部endbend 端弯Para.27retaining ring 坚持环in segments 成组的shroud 叶冠Para.28dissimilar 不相似的, 不合的workable 可用的, 可运转的implement 实现, 执行, 完成retain 坚持Para.29impose upon… 强加于…之上depart from 偏离intention 意图positive incidencestall 正攻角失速negative incidencestall 负攻角失速blading 叶栅sustain 接受得住surge 喘振instantaneous 即刻的expel 排出margin 欲度instability 不稳定性Para. 30provision 提供margin 欲度hydraulic 液压的pneumatic 气动的electronic 电子的Para. 31cost effective 本钱效益好的prevail 流行,胜利Para. 32rigid 刚性的clearance 间隙alloy 合金nickel based alloy镍基合金titanium 钛in preference to 优先于rigidity todensity ratio 刚度密度比Para. 33prime 主要的fatigue strength 疲劳强度notch 切口,开槽ingestion 吸气inferior 差的decline 下降rub 碰磨ignite 扑灭airworthiness 遨游翱翔性能hazard 危险Para. 34dominate 起支配作用Para. 35solid forging 实锻件chord 弦midspan 叶片中部snubber 减振器clapper 拍板fabricate 制造skin 蒙皮honeycomb 蜂窝Para. 36robust section 坚固截面ingestioncapability 吸气能力Part4Para.1fuel supply nozzle燃油喷嘴extensive 广泛的,年夜量的accomplish 完成Para.2range 规模CCentigrade orCelsiusturbine nozzle涡轮导向器Para.3consequent 随之产生的,结果的Para.4kerosene, cerosine煤油light, lit orlighted 扑灭blow, blew,blown 吹alight 燃烧的Para.5flame tube 火焰筒liner 衬筒meter, metering 调节配量Para.6snout 进气锥体downstream 下游,顺流swirl vane 旋流叶片perforated flare 带孔的喇叭管primary combustionzone 主燃区upstream上游,逆流promote 增进,引起recirculation 环流,回流Para.7secondary air hole二股气流孔toroidal vortex 喇叭口形涡流anchor, anchoring 锚,固定hasten 增进,加速droplet 小滴ignitiontemperature 燃点Para.8conical 锥形的intersect 相交turbulence 紊流break up, breakingup 割裂,破碎incoming 进来的Para.9nozzle guide vane 涡轮导向叶片amount to 占…比例, 达到progressively 逐渐地dilution zone 掺混区remainder 剩余物insulate M from N 使M与N隔离Para.10,11electric spark 电火花igniter plug 燃烧塞selfsustained 自持的Para.12airstream =airflowdistinct =different typeinjection 喷射,喷入ejection 喷射,喷出atomize 使雾化spray nozzle 喷嘴prevaporization 预蒸发Para.13vapor 蒸汽vaporize 蒸发vaporizer 蒸发器feed tube 供油管vaporizing tube 蒸发管atomizer flametube装有雾化喷嘴的火焰筒Para.14multiple(combustion) chamber 分担燃烧室tuboannular(combustion) chamber 环管燃烧室cannular(combustion) chamber 环管燃烧室annular(combustion) chamber 环形燃烧室Para.15F.g.46Para.16dispose 安插delivery 排气Para.17interconnect 互相连通propagate传播Para.18bridge a gapbetween填补空白,使连接起来evolutionary 成长,演变arrangement 结构overhaul 年夜修compactness 紧凑性Para.19contain 包含,装置be open to 与…相通Para.20elimination 消除propagation 传播Para.21virtually 实际上oxidize 氧化carbon monoxide 一氧化碳nontoxic 无毒的carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Para.22aerate, aerating 吹气,供气overrich pocket 过富区fuel vapour 燃油蒸汽carbon formation积碳形成Para.23incur 招致extinction 熄灭relight 重新扑灭perform,performing 完成,执行spray nozzleatomizer 喷嘴雾化器Para.25intensity 强度compact 紧凑的exceptionally 格外地,特别地Para.26calorific value 热值British thermalunit (BTU)英国热量单位=252卡expenditure 使用,消耗Para.27altitude cruise 高空巡航Para.29weak limit 贫油极限rich limit 富油极限extinguish 熄灭extinguisher 灭火器dive 爬升idle, idling 空载,慢速mixture strength 混合物浓度Para.30stability loop 稳定区Para.32emission 排放物pollutant污染物create 产生,形成legislatively 立法地hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物oxides of nitrogen氧化氮Para.34suppression 抑制desirable 合乎需要的conflict 冲突compromise 折中combustor 燃烧室substantially 实际上Para.35coating 涂层insulation 隔热,隔离Para.36corrosion 腐化creep failure 蠕变失效fatigue 疲劳Part5Para.1accessory,accessories 附件solely = onlyextract,extracting 提取to expose M to N 使M流露于NM is exposed to NPara.2torque 扭矩Para.3intermediate 中间的interpose 置于…之间to be derivedfrom… 从…获得, 取自freepower turbine自由动力涡轮to be independentof…不受…的限制Para.4mean 平均的deflection 偏转in proportion to 按比例sectionalthickness 截面厚度disproportionately不相称地Para.5broadly 主要地aerofoil shape 翼型形状impulse turbine 冲击式涡轮reaction turbine 反作用式涡轮incorporate 采取cartridge starter 弹药筒式起念头air starter 空气起念头Para.7to force one’s wayinto 有力地冲入spin 旋转whirl 旋转Para.8to be governed by 取决于, 由…决定substantially 实际上, 年夜体上excessive 过分的residual 剩余的,剩余detrimental =harmfulstrut 支柱, 支杆Para.9twist, twisted 带扭向的stagger angle 斜罩角Para.10mean section 中间截面Para.12selfaligningcoupling 自动调节联轴器Para.15machined forging 机加锻件flange 法兰,装置边bolt 螺栓,用螺栓联结perimeter 周边,圆周to have provisionfor…为…作好准备attachment 联接, 装置Para.16heat conduction 热传导Para.17degree of reaction反力度Para.18fix 确定, 决定,trailing edge 排气边so as to (do) 为了prevent M (from)+ingPara.19attach联接, 装置fixing 联接have a bearing on …对…有影响rim speed 轮缘速度de Laval bulb root圆头叶根supersede 取代, 取代firtree fixing 纵树榫头联接involve 需要, 要求serration 榫齿stiffen 加劲, 固牢Para.20contraction 收缩shroud 叶冠fit 配备, 装置segment 部分, 片peripheral 外围的, 周边的abradable lining 易磨涂层A.C.C. activeclearance control shroudless blade 无冠叶片Para.21revolve 旋转extract 提取conventional 惯例的Para.22impractical 不实际的dual alloy disc 双金属轮盘blisk 整体叶轮cast 铸造bond 粘接Para.23match 匹配nozzle guide vane 涡轮导向叶片back pressure 反压surge 喘振choke 壅塞,阻塞Para.24obstacle 障碍impart to…给与tensile stress 拉应力limiting factor 限制因素Para.25endure 接受nickel alloy 镍合金ceramic coating 陶瓷涂层enhance 增强Para.26resistance 抵当,耐fatigue cracking 疲劳破坏Para.27ferritic 铁素体terrific 可怕的,极妙的austenitic 奥氏体alloying element 合金元素extend 延长fatigue resistance抗疲劳性powder metallurgy 粉末冶金Para.28in connection with关于,与…有关glowing redhot 赤热发光ounce 盎施=28.35 gbending load 弯曲载荷thermal shock 热冲击corrosion 腐化oxidization 氧化Para.29foregoing 前面的, 上述的it follows that 因此, 可见permissible 允许的metallurgist 冶金学家Para.30creep 蠕变finite useful life有限使用寿命failure 失效forge 铸造forging 锻件cast 铸造creep property 蠕变性能fatigue property 疲劳性能Para.32reveal 揭示, 显示a myriad of 无数crystal 晶体equiaxed 等轴的service life 使用寿命directionalsolidification 定向凝固useful creep life 有效蠕变寿命single crystalblade 单晶叶片substantially 实质上, 显著地Para.33reinforced ceramic加固陶瓷Para.34balancing 平衡operation 工序in view of 考虑到Para.1aero 航空的pass 排送resultant thrust 合成推力,总推力create 引起,产生contribute 提供absorb 吸收exert an influenceon…对…产生影响jet pipe 尾喷管propelling nozzle 推力喷管outlet nozzle 出口喷管Para.2distortion 扭曲, 变形cracking 产生裂纹Para.3thrust reverser 推力反向装置noise suppressor 消音器entail 需要, 要求low bypass engine低涵道比发念头mixer unit 掺混装置encourage 增进exhaust cone 排气锥hold 坚持residual whirl 剩余旋流strut 支板straighten 整流Para.5in relation to…对…来说choked 壅塞, 阻塞upstream totalpressure 上游总压pressure thrust 压力推力momentum 动量Para.6wastage 损失, 消耗with advantage 有效地convergentdivergentnozzle 收扩喷管recover 重新获得Para.7flared 扩张的restriction 限制progressively 逐渐地longitudinal 纵向的fixed area nozzle 固定面积喷口variable areanozzle 可变面积喷口offset 抵消Para.13nickel 镍titanium 钛ventilate,ventilating 通风lag, lagging 用隔热资料呵护insulating blanket隔热层fibrous 纤维状的stainless steel 不锈钢dimple 使起波纹acousticallyabsorbent material 吸声资料Para.14doublewallconstruction 双壁结构induce 引导ejector action 喷射器作用engine nacelle 发念头短舱Para.15streamline fairing流线型整流板vent hole 通气孔欧阳术创编2021.02.02 欧阳美创编2021.02.02欧阳术创编2021.02.02 欧阳美创编2021.02.02。

实际计算常用气体速度V与当地声速c的比值来作为判断 气体压缩性对流动影响的标准
Ma V c
V V 2L2
c 2 L2
c 20.1 T (m / s)
声速是标志着流体压缩性的一个重要参数。声速小使 密度改变dρ 所需的压强dp小,流体易压缩。反之,声速 大表明流体难压缩。对于不可压缩流体声速趋于无限大, 即小扰动在不可压缩流体中的传播是瞬时的,而在压缩 性流体中的传播是需要一段时间的,这是不可压缩流体 和可压缩流体的本质区别之一。
如图6-1,在一个截面积为A、足够长的直圆管中充满 了静止的气体,将圆管左端的活塞以微小速度dV向右轻微 地推动一下,使活塞右侧的气体压强升高一个微小增量dp, dp所产生的微弱压强扰动向右传播。活塞将首先压缩紧贴 活塞的那一层气体,这层气体受压后,又传及下一层气体, 这样依次一层一层地传下去,就在圆管中形成一个不连续 的微弱的压强突跃,就是压缩波mn,它以速度 c 向右推进。 压缩波面mn是受活塞微小推移的影响而被扰动过的气体与 未被扰动过的静止气体的分界面。
设在压缩波前未被扰动过的静止气体的压强为p、密度 为ρ 、温度为T,波后已被扰动过的气体以与活塞的微小运 动同样的微小速度dV向右运动,其压强增高到p+dp,密度 和温度也相应增加到ρ +dρ 和T+dT。
图6-1 微弱扰动波的一维传播

Models 6-225, 6-425, 6-250, 6-450,6-275, 6-475, 6-650, and 6-850Air Hydraulic PressesWARNING LABELSTo the left is the safety Alert symbol. When you see these safety alert symbols on your press, Array be alert to the potential for personal injury.Follow recommended precautions and safe operating practices.SETTING UP THE PRESS FOR OPERATIONFor shipping convenience, some of the parts are not assembled. Assemble these parts in the following order:1. Bolt the base angles to uprights using four bolts and nuts, which are provided. Make sure baseangles are against stops on uprights.NOTE: The press should set on a level floor with the base angles touching the floor at allpoints. Use shims where necessary.2. Connect airline into street elbow (Item No. 136) at right hand side of control block.NOTE: Avoid restrictions in air supply line to insure ample air-to-air motor. To ensuremaximum performance the air supply line should be ½” pipe line if the distance from thecompressor to press is 0-30 feet, ¾” line 30-60 feet, and 1” if greater than 60 feet.NOTE: AIR MUST BE MOISTURE FREE. WATER IN AIR LINE WILL CORRODE THIS PRESSBEYOND REPAIR.3. Oil Requirements: Fill reservoir with Mobil DTE 24 or equivalent oil thru pipeline in back of press atpipe coupling by removing pipe plug. NOTE: Make sure the air-source is removed from thereservoir prior to removal of plug. Oil level may be checked (with ram up) by removing thepipe plug on the right side of reservoir near the front. Replace plug before operating the press.Model 6-225 & 6-425 25-ton presses use 6 quartsModel 6-250 & 6-450 50-ton presses use 8 quartsModel 6-275 & 6-475 75-ton presses use 10 quartsModel 6-650 & 6-850 150-ton presses use 20 quarts.4. Attach nose piece to ram by inserting shank into ram and tightening the set screw.5. CAUTION! Place the hoist crank on the lift drum shaft. Turn the hoist crank to relievethe pressure on the table pins. Keeping tension on the hoist crank, remove the table pins one at a time. After removing the tables pins, turn the crank running the table channels from top to bottom. Check to make sure the cable is tracking correctly. The cable should be on each ofthe two upper pulleys and should track back and forth on the cable drum. Always place tablepins under the table channels before releasing the hoist crank when positioning the tablechannels for cable tracking, servicing, or set-up for desired work opening. If a trackingproblem exists, contact the Dake factory for instructions. Be sure all table pins are fullyinserted in place before applying pressure. Always remove or release pressure on the cablebefore pressure is applied.Optional EquipmentRemote relief valve- part number 713510.OPERATIONSWARNING: DO NOT OVERSTROKE THE RAM. Overstroking will cause premature seal failure. Models 6-225, 6-425, 6-250, 6-275 and 6-475 have a 10-inch stroke. Models 6-650 and 6-850 have a 16-inch stroke.The press has been completely tested at the factory and after setting up according to instructions above, the press is ready for operation. However, it is necessary for the operator to acquaint themselves with the controls.1. Three screws (item 109) are used to lock the workhead in the desired position along headchannels.2. The handcrank (item 19) is provided to raise or lower the table channels to the proper work height.When desired height is obtained insert the table pins. Models 6-225, 6-425, 6-250 and 6-450 use 2pins on each side (4 total) and Models 6-275, 6-475, 6-650 and 6-850 use 3 pins on each side (6total). NOTE: Be sure ALL table pins are in place an in as far as they can go before pressureis applied. Be sure to slack off on the cable before pressure is applied. (Refer to point 5under SETTING UPS THE PRESS FOR OPERATION)3. The handle on the left side of the control block (item 76) opens and closes the ball valve, whichreleases pressure on the ram. This valve should be kept firmly closed and opened only when it isdesired to return the ram to its up position.4. The two table plates and two V-blocks are used for supporting the work in process.5. The control knob (item 103) on the right side of the panel regulates the speed of ram travel. Theknob will return to the off position when released.6. The relief valve (item 90) has been set at factory to open at maximum tonnage of press. The valvecan be adjusted by removing hex nut located on top of the valve block at the right front of reservoirand turning the adjusting screw to the left for a lower setting. WARNING: Never exceed ratedtonnage of press.MAINTENANCECAUTION: When disconnecting any parts of this machine be extremely careful that all parts are clean to prevent entrance of dirt in the hydraulic system.1. If press loses Pressure:a. Check all tubing joints for leaks and tighten the tube nuts.b. Leakage past release valve (Item 72). Drain the reservoir, and remove packing nut (Item75),valve rod (Item 73), and ball valve (Item 72). Clean out valve seat and reseat ball valve usingbrass rod as a drift striking sharply with a hammer. Reassemble valve rod, packing and packingnut. Refill reservoir with appropriate oil amount.c. Leakage past eductor inlet check ball (Item 69). Drain reservoir, remove large pipe plug (Item71), valve seat (Item 70), and check ball (Item 69). Clean and inspect seat. Reseat ball on seator replace seat with a new one if necessary. Reassemble with ball above the seat tighteningplugs securely.d. Worn cup leather (Serial No < 192522) or T-ring seal (Serial No > 192523). If none of theprevious conditions seem to have been the cause of the trouble, the cup leather or T-ring sealmay be worn out or damaged. To inspect this it is necessary to drain the oil and remove theworkhead from the press frame. Remove tube assembly (Item 144). Set 2 4x4 blocks on thetable then raise table channels with the block up to the bottom of the reservoir applying pressureto the reservoir. Remove roller brackets from the reservoir and lower workhead using the table.WARNING: Be sure that stroke indicator rod support (item 61) is installed in the side ofthe piston. If not, Insert ½”-13 stud or capscrew in tapped hole in piston. This will holdcylinder off piston. The piston leather or T-ring seal can now be inspected and replaced ifnecessary. Press may be reassembled in reverse order being careful not to damage the lip ofthe leather cup or T-ring seal as it enters the cylinder.2. If press will not develop rated tonnage.a. Dirt under valve balls. Refer to MAINTENANCE 1 – c above.b. Worn cup leather. Refer to MAINTENANCE 1 – d above.c. Relief valve not set properly. This valve is located on the top side near the right end of thecontrol block at the front of the reservoir. The valve is set at the factory to bypass oil from thepump back to the reservoir when the press reaches its rated capacity. The load on the spring(Item 91), which governs the pressure at which the valve will bypass oil, is adjusted by turningthe screw (Item 90) in to increase pressure or out to decrease pressure. Replace seal (Item89) and cap nut (Item 88). NOTE: We advise that the relief valve not be tampered withafter it is once set at the capacity of the press.3. If nothing happens when press is operated.a. Release valve open. Be sure to have release valve firmly closed when using press.b. If the ram will come down only a fraction of its rated stroke, check the oil level in the reservoirwith the ram at the top of its stroke. It should be visible in the sight window at the side of thereservoir.4. If press is operating slow.a. Check air supply line for restrictions to determine if air motors are getting ample supply of air.b. Release valve not closed properly. Release valve must be firmly closed when using the press.c. Wrong hydraulic fluid. After considerable research and tests made with the cooperation of thepump manufacturer, we recommend Mobil DTE 24 oil or equivalent.5. If Oil is coming out of the air vent.Drain out the spring chamber by removing the 1/8” pipe plug, which is put in the hub or boss that contains the oil seal where the ram extends out of the reservoir. Once oil is drained, run the press up to full tonnage with pipe plug still out. Excessive oil is a sign that the head seal has been damaged.Refer to Maintenance section 1 item d to replace seal. Replace pipe plug.6. Excessive leakage around the ram.Drain out the spring chamber as instructed in Maintenance section 5. A small amount of oil in this chamber facilitates lubricating the bushing the ram passes thru and prevents scoring. However, if operation performed on press is spoiled due to slight leakage of oil, remove pipe plug as described in MAINTENANCE 5 and connect tube line to continually drain this chamber.WARNING LABELSTo the left is the safety Alert symbol. When you see these safety alert symbols on your press, be alert to the potential for personal injury.Follow recommended precautions and safe operating practices.Carefully read all safety messages in these instructions and on your press safety signs.Keep safety labels in good condition. Replace missing or damaged safety labels. This machine is intended to be operated by one person. This person should be conscious of the press ram movement not only forLabel 300168 Label 84487Label 84399Label Placement ViewLabel 84395 Label 76462Label 7355Control Block Exploded ViewGrand Haven, MI 49417Phone: 616-842-7110 800-937-3253Fax: 616-842-0859 800-846-3253Web: E-mail: *********************************************************Ite m Part NameModel6-2256-425Model6-2506-450Model6-2756-475Model6-6506-850Qty1 Pulley 602-25H 602 727 1563 22 Frame 700134 700116 706943 701030 13 Hex head cap screw 43341 43342 43361 43720 24 Name plate 81002 81002 81002 81003 15 6-32 x ½” Self tapping screw 43876 43876 43876 43876 46 Table plate 966 545 702 1534 27 V-block - 336 336 1576 28 Table spacer assembly 716691 716692 716788 1553 49 Table channel 701020 701091 706945 701032 210 Lockwasher 43647 43647 43648 43649 811 Hex nut 43916 43916 43917 43919 812 Table pins 981 569 - - 4Table pins - - 569 7205 6 Safety clips 302816 613 Base angle 978 566 566 1551 214 Hex cap screw 43349 43349 43349 43365 415 Lockwasher 43647 43647 43647 43648 416 Square nut 43916 43916 43916 43917 417 Cable 988 580 726 1562 118 Cable clamp 991 991 991 583 419 Hoist crank assembly 701653 701653 701653 701653 120 Worm shaft 7530 7530 7530 742 1 21A Retaining ring 43978 43978 43978 43982 2 21B Retaining ring 27437 27437 27437 43983 222 Worm key 386 386 386 746 123 Worm 385 385 385 744 124 Hoist frame 725 725 725 739 125 Hex cap screw 43335 43335 43335 43353 226 Hex nut 43912 43912 43912 43916 227 Drum shaft 724 724 724 741 128 Drum key 737 737 737 745 129 Worm gear 736 736 736 743 130 Cable drum 723 723 723 740 1 Complete Table Hoist Assembly(Items 20, 21A, 21B, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29,30)701677-S 701677-S 701677-S 700111-S 1Figure 237 ½” Hex Nut 43916 43916 43916 43916 6 39 Cylinder Gasket 9776 9777 9777 9778 140 ½”-13 x 1-½” Soc. Hd. Cap Screw(Serial No. < 192522) -- 43471 43471 -- 141 Piston Bumper (Serial No. < 192522)-- 2221 2221 -- 142 ¼”-20x1” HHCS (Serial No. < 192522)43305 -- -- -- 43/8”-16x1-¼” HHCS (Serial No. < 192522)-- 43330 -- -- 6 3/8”-16x1-¾” HHCS (Serial No. < 192522)-- -- 43332 43332 8 43 ¼” Lockwasher (Serial No. < 192522)43643 -- -- -- 43/8” Lockwasher (Serial No. < 192522)-- 43645 43645 43645 6-844 Supporting Ring (Serial No. < 192522)967 4110 2222 1536 145 Leather Cup (Serial No. < 192522)969 557 706 1538 1T-ring Seal (Serial No. > 192523)17976 17878 17942 37052 146 Cylinder 7361 4101 2213 4197 147 Piston Assembly (Serial No. < 192522)701401 701402 701403 701404 1Piston Assembly (Serial No. > 192523)716225 716226 716227 716228 1 48 Ram Spring (Small) 5722 4107 2231 4196 1Figure 150 Ram Spring (Large) 5721 4106 2232 4195 1Ite m Part NameModel6-2256-425Model6-2506-450Model6-2756-475Model6-6506-850Qty51 Piston Bushing (Serial No. < 192522)5731 4111 2229 1158 1Wear Ring (Serial No. > 192522)76805 76806 76807 3704552 Oil Seal 6019 6020 6021 1477 153 Oil Seal Gasket 6516 6517 6518 6519 154 Retaining Plate 7359 6513 6514 6474 155 No. 10-24 x ½“ Rd. Hd. Screw 43881 43881 43881 43881 4-656 5/16” Set Screw 43575 43575 43575 43575 157 Nose Piece Assembly 701706 701707 701708 701709 158 V-Nose Assembly 701710 701711 701712 701713 159 Stroke Indicator Rod 2260 2260 2260 4264 160 ½“-13 Hex Jam Nut 43940 43940 43940 43940 161 Special Nut 2259 2259 2259 2259 162 ¼“-20 x ¼” Soc. Hd. Set Screw 43558 43558 43558 43558 163 Support Stud 2258 2258 2258 4266 164 No. 2 x 3/16” Drive Screw 43616 43616 43616 43616 365 Scale 2261 2261 2261 4265 166 Reservoir Assembly 715266 716784 716784 715269 167 1/8” N.P.T.F. Soc. Hd. Pipe Plug 589 589 589 589 268 Check Valve Seat 1300 1300 1300 1300 269 ½” N.P.T.F. Soc Hd. Pipe Plug 596 596 596 596 370 3/8” N.P.T.F. Soc Hd. Pipe Plug 588 588 588 588 571 ¼” N.P.T.F. Soc. Hd. Pipe Plug 1567 1567 1567 1567 172 Ball Valve ¾“ Dia. 1936 1936 1936 1936 173 Release Valve Rod 2257 2257 2257 2257 174 Valve Rod Packing 1937 1937 1937 1937 775 Packing Nut 1931 1931 1931 1931 176 Valve Handle 2230A 2230A 2230A 2230A 177 Handle Washer 348 348 348 348 178 3/8”-16 x ¾“ Hex Cap Screw 43326 43326 43326 43326 179 Plunger Unit 6151 6151 6151 6151 180 Pivot Pin 6152 6152 6152 6152 181 Air Control Arm 6153 6153 6153 6153 182 Air Control Link 6154 6154 6154 6154 185 Air Control Shaft 6156 6156 6156 6156 186 Pin 5772 5772 5772 5772 387 1/16” x ½” Cotter Pin 44049 44049 44049 44049 688 Valve Cap Nut 2236 2236 2236 2236 189 O-ring 3965 3965 3965 3965 190 Relief Valve Adj, Screw 2237 2237 2237 2237 191 Relief Valve Spring 893 893 893 893 192 Ball Retainer 892 892 892 892 193 Ball Valve ¼” Dia. 918 918 918 918 194 Relief Valve Seat 891 891 891 891 195 Check Valve Spring 579 579 579 579 196 Check Valve Spring 890 890 890 890 197 Ball Valve ½” Dia. 586 586 586 586 2 100 No. 10-24 x 2-¾” Machine Screw 300248 300248 300248 300248 4 101 Gauge 71270 71271 71272 71273 1103 Control Knob 2250A 2250A 2250A 2250A 1Ite m Part NameModel6-2256-425Model6-2506-450Model6-2756-475Model6-6506-850Qty104 ¼”-20 x ½” Soc. Hd. Set Screw 43562 43562 43562 43562 1 105 ½” Washer 43634 43634 43634 43634 1 106 5/8”-11 Hex Nut 43917 43917 43917 43917 7 108 Rear Roller Bracket 9472 9472 9472 4204 1 109 ¾”-10 x 3” Set Screw 43616 43616 43616 43616 3 112 Flanged Roller 2244 2244 2244 2244 3 113 Bearing 6023 6023 6023 6023 3 114 Front Roller Bracket 9473 9473 9473 4205 1 115 Pump – Haskel Air 63453 63453 63453 63453 1 116 3/8” Pipe Nipple 58226 58226 58226 58226 1 123 ¾” x 4” Pipe Nipple 1818 1818 1818 1818 1 124 ¾“ 90° Pipe Elbow 74017 74017 74017 74017 1 125 ¾“ x 2” Pipe Nipple 58227 58227 58227 58227 1 126 ¾“ Pipe Coupling 1744 1744 1744 1744 1 128 3/8” Street Elbow 1264 1264 1264 1264 2 129 3/8” Pipe Nipple 58226 58226 58226 58226 1 130 Quick Exhaust 1911 1911 1911 1911 1 132 Restrictor 7368 7368 7368 7368 1 133 3/8” Pipe Nipple 58226 58226 58226 58226 1 134 ¼“ - 1/8” Bushing 1100 1100 1100 1102 3 136 ¼“ 90° Street Elbow 1110 1110 1110 1110 1 137 ¼“ Pipe Coupling 1330 1330 1330 1330 1 138 Check Valve 1841 1841 1841 1841 1 139 Tube Fitting 19576 19576 19576 19576 5 140 Air Vent 632 632 632 632 1 141 Tube 7680 7681 7682 7683 1 142 Tube 7684 7684 7684 7685 1 143 Tube Elbow 1944 1944 1944 1944 2 144 Tube Assembly 701719 701720 701721 701722 1 145 Tube Elbow 1252 1252 1252 1252 2 146 Tube Assembly 701723 701723 701723 701724 1 147 Tube Elbow 1248 1248 1248 1248 2 148 Tube Assembly 701725 701725 701725 701726 1 Cylinder Repair Kit (Items: 39, 45, 52, 53, 72,74, 89, 93, 97)713053 713054 713055 713056 1 Haskel Pump Repair Kit 713034 713034 713034 713034 1-2 ADDED PARTS USED WITH DOUBLE PUMP PRESSES NOT ILLUSTRATED115 Pump 63453 63453 63453 63453 1 139 Tube Fitting 597 597 597 597 5 149 Tube Tee 1249 1249 1249 1249 1 150 Tube Tee 7693 7693 7693 7693 1 151 Tube Assembly 701727 701727 701727 701728 1 152 Straight Fitting 1251 1251 1251 1251 1 153 Tube Assembly 701729 701729 701729 701729 1 154 Straight Fitting 1247 1247 1247 1247 1 155 Tube Assembly 701730 701730 701730 701731 1Model 6-225, 6-425, 6-250, 6-450,11 6-275, 6-475, 6-650, & 6-850。

※ 控制系統的方塊圖
1. 感測裝置:有電位計、同步器、解角器(resolver)、差動放大器、倍增器,及其 它用於訊 號處理的換能器(transducer)。 2. 感測器可執行簡單的 數學運算,如加法與 減法。 3. 方塊圖元件如圖 3-2 所示。 ★ 例如:圖 3-2(a) 中 (3-2) (3-3)
圖 3-14 圖 3-3 所示回授控制系統的訊號流程圖 <Sol.>
1. 在 R(s) 和 Y(s) 之間只有一條順向路徑,順向路徑增益是
2019/1/23 19
2. 只有一個迴路;迴路增益是
3. 因為只有一個迴路,所以沒有無接觸迴路。且順向路徑和唯一的迴路接觸。因此 1 = 1,及 (3-36) 利用 (3-31) 式,閉迴路轉移函數可寫成 (3-37) 這與 (3-8) 式相合
圖 3-13 以單一支路來代替串連的單方向支路群的訊 號流程圖
圖 3-14 圖 3-3 所示回授控制系統的訊號流程圖
※ SFG 的增益公式(Mason gain formula)
已知 SFG 有 N 個順向路徑和 K 個迴路,在輸入節點 yin 和輸出節點 yout 之間的 增益為
順向路徑 若一路徑起始於輸入節點,結束於輸出節點 且沿途所經過的節點沒有超過一次以上時, 則稱此路徑為順向路徑 (forward path)。
例如,圖 3-7(d) 中的訊號流程圖。 在 y1 和 y3 之間有兩條順向路徑 y1 和 y4 之間找到兩條順向路徑 y1 和 y5 之間也有三條順向路徑 迴路 若一路徑的起點和終點 是在同一節點,且沿途 節點並沒有遭遇一次以 上時,則稱此路徑為迴 路 (loop)。 圖 3-7(d) 完整的訊號流程圖

流量调节阀 油冷却器
出水总管 出水温度开关 冷却水出水口
SIRIUS132-250(L132-250) 维修保养
使用或维护压缩机前应仔细阅读操作手册。 若未安装保护设备,千万不要开动机器。 勿吸入本系统产生的压缩空气。
门开着或机箱面板未上紧时,勿开动机器。 表面烫。 零件或系统加有压力
过滤器滤芯(请遵从 “中间清洗”
l 用弹簧闩将盖子卡住。
用空气吹洗空气滤清器,必须遵守下列要点: l 戴上防护眼镜和口罩。 l 压缩空气的压力不可超过5巴,且需干燥清洁。 l 从内向外吹通空气滤清器,使灰尘垢有明显的减少。
警告:本系统在发生断电恢 复后可由远程控制或自动再启 动功能激发重新启动。
警告:按“O”(关闭)键后机器还 将继续运行30秒。
运行100小时后需更换油过滤芯。更详细的资料 请看操作指南。
警告:请检查接线柱,需要时应重新加 固。更详细情况请参看操作指南。
注意:只有当马达转动时才可为它注加润滑油。 更详细情况请参阅操作指南。
控制电源变压器是按额定的电压在工厂预先设定的,实际的供 电电压经常不同于这一数值。为使机组适合当地条件控制—电源变 压器应符合当地供电电压。如需要,重新设定,为此目的提供有几 个分接头(详见电路图)