全新大幅面微喷写真机 - 爱普生(中国)有限公司
Epson Stylus Pro7710 MFP多功能大幅面打印机正式发布
Po7 1MF 这 款 打 印机 集 扫 描 、 印 、 印和 放 大 功 能 r 7 0 P。 打 复
于 一体 , 需 计算 机 即可 实 现 高 品 质 的 彩 色 放 大 复 印 , 无 是
款 开创 全 大 幅 面打 印市 场 的 产 品 。 以往 . 对海 报 放 大 复 制 的 需 求 , 针 小国 市 场 上 扫 描仪
和 大 幅 面打 印 机 之 间 的功 能 组 合 性 不 强 ,往 往 要通 过扫
捕 较 小 原 , 输 入 电脑 经 处 理 , 能 灾 现 放 大 打 印 , 再 才 不 仅效 率 低 , 且 品质 无 法 保 证 。 如在 学 校 里 需 要 白行 放 而 例
可充 分满 足教 育行 业 的海 报输 出需 求 。 ⑩ ( 王春 雁 )
大 T 2 0 .G 一 5 0是 一款 内置 双 面 自动进 纸 器 ( F) 高 速 AD 的 扫 描 仪 ,最 高 可 以 实 现 黑 白 每 分 钟 2 7贞 和 彩 色 每 分 钟
Ci u t f 8 ha dci I 9 n E a nn o o
养 的 团 内外 前 瞻理 念 和 最 佳 实 践 , 旨存探 索 多方 协 作 培 养创 新 人 才 的有 效 途 径 , 力 中 国创 新 型 国 家建 设 。 助
本 次研 讨 会 南教 育 部 、 中 央 和科 协 指 导 , 青 团 中 闭 共 央书 记 处 书记 卢 雍 政 、 育部 高 等教 育 司副 司 长刘 桔 、 教 中 国科 学 技 术 协会 副 主席 、 巾 ] 程 院 院 士 韦钰 、 华 大 学 _ 清 党委 书记 胡 和平 、 特 尔 中 目执 行董 事 戈峻 , 英 以及 国 内外 百余 名 教 育 专 家 、 中学 校 校长 、 研 院所 及 产 业 界 等 各 大 科 方代 表 参加 了此 次 研 讨 会 。 今 年 , 同发 布 1 《 我 , 同家 中 长 期 人 才 发 展 规 划 纲 要 (0 0 2 2 2 1 — 0 0年 ) , 审 议 通 过 r《 家 小 长 期 教 育 改 革 》并 罔 和发 展规 划 纲 要 ( 0 0 2 2 2 1 — 0 0年 ) 体 现 了 国 家 对 于 创 新 》, 人才 的 渴求 , 实施 创 新 教 育 、 养创 新 型 人 才 势 在 必 行 。 培 教育 部 高 等教 育 司 副 司 长刘 卡 表 示 : 创 新 型 人 才 的 培 养 占 “
爱普生(中国)有限公司北京市朝阳区建国路 号华贸中心 号楼 层爱普生官方天猫旗舰店:官方网站: 服务导购热线:400-810-997781 1 4官方微信/微博:爱普生中国ESS201107ADPP -50II/100III/100NII 爱普生光盘印刷刻录机● BD(蓝光)/DVD/CD 多媒体高速光盘刻录与盘面印刷● 爱普生微压电喷墨打印技术,精准色彩控制● 6色分体墨水系统,影像级盘面效果● AcuGrip 机械手确保光盘生产安全可靠●一次性批量生产高达100张光盘PP-100III 爱普生光盘印刷刻录机● BD (蓝光)/DVD/CD 多媒体高速光盘刻录与盘面印刷● 爱普生微压电喷墨打印技术,精准色彩控制● 6色分体墨水系统,影像级盘面效果● 提供以太网接口,实现网络管理功能● 自带主机和硬盘,加快数据处理速度●一次性批量生产高达100张光盘PP-100NII 爱普生光盘印刷刻录机● BD(蓝光)/DVD/CD 多媒体高速光盘刻录与盘面印刷● 爱普生微压电喷墨打印技术,精准色彩控制● 6色分体墨水系统,影像级盘面效果● AcuGrip 机械手确保光盘生产安全可靠●一次性批量生产高达50张光盘PP-50II 爱普生光盘印刷刻录机备注:PP-50I I 一次批量生产高达50张光盘,PP-100III 与PP-100NII 一次批量生产高达100张光盘在爱普生实验室选择的特定光盘介质进行测试,测试数据容量: 600MB(CD), 3.8GB(DVD),23.8GB(BD)纯打印时间,不包括完成50张以后添加光盘的时间*1*2*3Discproducer 系列刻录机是爱普生全新开发的用于刻录和印刷光盘的专业设备。
PP 系列光盘印刷刻录机,以便捷可靠、高品质、低成本完成光盘生产、复制等,满足各行业光盘制作的需求。
写真机和喷绘机的区别有很多人总是搞不清楚写真机和喷绘机的区别,更多的人是把他们统称为喷画机.那到底什么是写真机呢?我们在这里做一个简单的说明. 写真机是一台连续供墨大幅面喷墨打印机。
昂贵的价格所产生的投资风险,让许多想从事这个行业朋友望而却步.而现在, 国产写真机价格已经下来。
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爱 普 生大 幅 面 打 印机 :CAD GI / S行 业 输 出典 范
C D G S行 业 是 最 早 应 用 大 幅 面 打 印 机 的 行 业 之 一 。 A /I 传 其 中 ,E s n S y u r 9 0 9 1 秉 承 爱 普 生 高 精 p o t l sP o 7 1 / 9 0
建筑设计 院、 地理研 究所等用户 , 其客 户对 设计图或地 图的时间要求往往非常 紧迫,因此 , 高效率稳 定输 己成为
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输 出稳 定
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度风格 , 高分辨率达到 2 8 . 4 0 p , 最 8 0 14 d i 并且应 用 1 色 “ l 活
的 色 彩 H R” 颜 料 墨 水 ,大 幅 拓 展 色域 空 间 ,不 仅 提 高 了 D ’ 色 彩 饱 和 度 , 提 高 了色 彩还 原 的 准 确 性 。 E snS y u 更 而 p o t l s P o 7 1 / 7 0 则 采 用 独 具特 色 的 “ 的色 彩 V ”颜 料 墨 r 7 0 9 1 活 M 水 ,具 有 出 色 的 色 彩 表 现 力 ,可 以准 确 还 原 电脑 3 D设 计 中 所 涉 及 到 的 所 有 颜 色 ,并 且 展 现 实 体 模 型 的 深 度 和 形 式 ,
Epson Stylus Pro 4900®Our Next Generation.Epson Professional ImagingProduct PreviewIt was only a matter of time before our engineers found a wayto push ink jet technology to the next level.By incorporating the latest technologies Epson has to offer,the Epson Stylus Pro 4900 could possibly be the mostadvanced photographic printer ever developed.Welcome to Our Next Generation– The Epson Professional Imaging Team –All New 17-Inch Professional Desktop Printer–Latest engineering technology development over the past three years–No technology sharing from the current Epson Stylus Pro 4880 printer–Represents the most advanced ink jet printing technology ever developed by EpsonExotic Ten-Channel Epson MicroPiezo® TFP® Print Head–Same print speed and extreme image quality as the Epson Stylus Pro 7900 and 9900 series –Automatic print head alignment and nozzle checking technology–Up to twice the print speed of the Epson Stylus Pro 4880 with significantly better print quality Epson UltraChrome® HDR Ink Technology–Exact same 10-color ink technology used within the Epson Stylus Pro 7900 and 9900 series –Unique High Dynamic Range (HDR) pigments for extreme color gamut–Certified by Pantone® to correctly match 98% of the Solid Color Formula Guide–Newly designed 200 ml ink cartridgesAutomatic Black Ink Mode Switching–Both Photo and Matte Black ink cartridges are installed simultaneously–Depending upon your driver setting, the printer will automatically switch to the correct black ink–Extremely efficient print head design ensures fast switching with minimal ink usageEpson AccuPhoto™ HDR Screening–Advanced ten-color screening algorithm resulting in prints with superior color and clarity–Maximum print resolution of 2880 x 1440 dpi for incredibly sharp text and line art–Extremely accurate highlight-to-shadow details–No visible photographic graininess due to the printing process – The Perfect Photographic Print Epson Advanced Black and White Screening Technology–Unique 12-bit screening technology design to produce professional-level black and white prints–Utilizes six of the ten colors to produce an optimum print from either color or monochrome data files –Proven technology that’s produced some of the world’s greatest black and white printsProfessional Media Handling up to 17-Inch Wide–Compatible with virtually any media type, in roll or cut sheet, up to 17-inch wide–Built-in high-capacity paper tray handling up to 250 sheets of plain paper, or up to 100 sheets of premium paper up to 17” x 24” cut-sheet–Four built-in media paths including roll feed, front paper tray, front-top manual feeder, and a straight-through front manual feeder capable of handling cut-sheets up to 1.5 mm thick–Built-in high-performance rotary cutting system - able to cut a 17-inch width in under one second Automatic Cut-Sheet and Roll Media Loading–Both the front high-capacity paper tray and roll feeder can be loaded at the same time–Based upon your driver selection, the printer will load the correct media source automaticallyNew Quiet and more Power Efficient Design–Unique design to dramatically reduce noise during printing – perfect for the home office or studio–Virtually silent when powered ‘On’ and idle - less than 6.1 dB(A)–EnergyStar® compliant - uses only about 8.5 watts while in sleep modeTrue Roll-Based BorderFree® Printing–Capable of printing full bleed prints on roll-based media–Automatic full-bleed printing of 8 x 10, 11 x 14, 16 x 20, 17 x 22, and 17 x roll length limit–Fully trims your photographic prints faster and safer than by handWorld Class Service and Support–Includes one year of limited coverage under the Epson Preferred sm Protection Plan with toll-free telephone support available Monday through Friday and usually next-business-day full unit exchange service if any problems are found–Optional one- or two-year extended Epson Preferred Plus service plans availableEasy-to-Use Front Control Panel–High-resolution 2.5-inch color LCD for improved viewing of printer status–Simple button layout for all navigation and basic printer functions–All-new ‘Ink’ button to quickly access key actions such as Cleaning or Nozzle Verification, etc.–Built-in printer warning lamp for easy identification across a large spaceSuperior Connectivity–Standard connections include one USB 2.0 and one 10/100 BaseT Ethernet port–Professional Epson Drivers for both Apple® Macintosh® OS X and Microsoft® Windows® 7–Fully supported by most leading third-party RIP’s and workflowsOptional ‘Designer Edition’ Bundle Featuring an EFI™ eXpress RIP–True Adobe® Postscript® 3 and PDF Print Engine 2.0 compatible–Complete Pantone and custom spot color support–Fully compatible with latest Adobe Creative Suites–The perfect printing workflow for contract-quality color proofing and designer comps–Being certified by the IDEAlliance® for GRACol® Coated #1, SWOP® Coated #3, and SWOP Coated #5–Both Apple Macintosh OS X and Microsoft Windows 7 CompatibleOptional Epson SpectroProofer® 17–Built-in spectrophotometer developed jointly by X-Rite™ for precise color measurements–Depending upon the RIP, you can automate virtually any color management workflow required0:110:170:260:591:422:461:282:314:112:264:046:48。
公开范围:爱普生集团供应链的相关公司爱普生集团chemSHERPA 说明资料Rev.3.12021年1月15日精工爱普生株式会社生产企划本部生产企划部CS 质量与环境企划部请参考下载chemSHERPA 数据制作支持工具时随附的下列文件・《chemSHERPA 物品数据制作支持工具操作说明书》・《chemSHERPA 物品数据制作支持工具输入说明书》何为chemSHERPA⏹是应用于整条供应链的产品所含化学物质的信息传递通用体系。
引用于chemSHERPA网页https:///english减少供应商的负担通过引进chemSHERPA 而带来的效果-满足最低限度的统一数据内容和记述格式-行业通用的管理对象物质清单-能够保护企业机密的信息交流体系本集团引进chemSHERPA 的目的本集团产品的法律法规对应-遵守以RoHS 、REACH 为代表的各国法律法规-顺利回答来自本集团顾客的调查委托引用于《chemSHERPA入门讲座资料》本集团的chemSHERPA数据的基本方针☐本集团指定的格式为chemSHERPA‐AI(粘合剂及化学试剂等化学品的格式也同样)☐请使用本集团在绿色采购网页上指定的chemSHERPA‐AI版本(原则为最新版本)☐委托时由本集团的担当人员发送委托文件(shai文件)☐数据创建基于JAMP发布的文件(利用规程、说明书等)☐合规性评估信息为必填项目,请尽可能传达成分信息☐基本信息面画上的SCIP信息输入选择栏,对合规性评估信息,一定要划☑☐请使用日文或英文(半角英数字)进行chemSHERPA‐AI的回答☐在chemSHERPA数据制作支持工具授权/输出回答文件时的文件格式为Ver.2格式<创建合规性评估时的要求>・在生产过程中所交付的生产材料中,如果化学物质的含有率或成分发生变化时,请根据弊公司交付时的条件,输入合规性评估信息本集团要求合规性评估信息为必填项目,请尽可能传达成分信息。
用户指南打印复印扫描维护本产品故障排除NPD6446-00 SC目录本手册指南手册介绍 (5)搜索信息 (6)仅打印所需页. (6)关于本手册. (7)标记和符号. (7)屏幕截图和插图的说明. (7)操作系统参考. (7)版权和商标. (8)重要指导安全指导 (12)有关墨水的安全说明 (12)本产品忠告和警告. (12)安装本产品的忠告和警告 (13)使用本产品的忠告和警告 (13)通过无线连接使用本产品的忠告和警告. (13)搬运或存放本产品的忠告和警告 (14)保护您的个人信息. (14)部件名称和功能部件名称和功能. (16)操作面板指南按钮和功能. (19)检查指示灯和本产品状态 (20)装入打印纸打印纸处理注意事项 (24)打印纸类型列表. (24)在后进纸器中装入打印纸 (25)在后进纸器中装入信封. (27)装入各种打印纸. (28)装入预穿孔纸. (28)装入长打印纸. (29)放置原稿在文稿台上放置原稿. ...................... 31 打印打印文档 (34)从计算机进行打印 - Windows. (34)从计算机进行打印 - Mac OS. (51)从智能设备打印文档 (iOS). (56)从智能设备打印文档 (Android). (56)在信封上打印. (57)从计算机在信封上打印 (Windows). (57)从计算机在信封上打印 (Mac OS). (57)打印网页 (58)从计算机打印网页. (58)从智能设备打印网页 (58)使用云 (Cloud) 服务进行打印 (59)复印复印基本知识. (61)复制多份副本. (61)扫描有关扫描的基本信息 (63)什么是“扫描”?. (63)扫描的用途 (63)可用的扫描方法 (63)根据需求选择文件格式. (64)根据需求选择分辨率 (65)将原稿扫描至计算机 (65)从操作面板扫描 (65)从计算机扫描. (66)将原稿扫描至智能设备. (67)高级扫描 (67)同时扫描多张照片. (67)维护本产品检查墨量 (70)改善打印质量、复印质量和扫描质量. (70)检查并清洗打印头. (70)运行深度清洗. (72)防止喷嘴堵塞. (73)校准打印头 (73)针对墨水涂污情况清洁导纸轨. (74)清洁文稿台. (74)清洁本产品 (75)清洗洒出的墨水 (75)检查本产品进纸的总页数 (76)节能 (76)节能 - Windows (76)节能 - Mac OS (77)单独安装或卸载应用程序 (77)单独安装应用程序. (77)添加打印机(仅适用于 Mac OS) (80)卸载应用程序. (80)更新应用程序和固件 (82)搬运和存放本产品. (82)故障排除本产品未能正常工作 (87)本产品无法打开或关闭电源. (87)自动关机 (87)未正确进纸. (88)无法打印 (90)无法启动扫描. (106)未能正常操作本产品 (114)检查指示灯和本产品状态 (116)夹纸 (118)取出夹纸 (119)防止夹纸 (121)需要补充墨水. (122)墨瓶处理注意事项. (122)给墨仓补充墨水. (123)打印质量、复印质量和扫描质量较差 (127)打印质量不佳. (127)复印质量不佳. (134)扫描图像问题. (140)无法解决问题. (142)无法解决打印问题或复印问题. (142)添加或者更改计算机或设备连接已连接到网络的打印机. (145)从另一台计算机使用网络打印机 (145)从智能设备使用网络打印机. (145)重置网络连接. (146)更换无线路由器时. (146)更改计算机时. (146)更改与计算机的连接方法 (147)从操作面板进行 Wi-Fi 设置. (148)智能设备和本产品直接连接 (Wi-Fi Direct). 150 关于 Wi-Fi Direct (151)使用 Wi-Fi Direct 连接设备. (151)检查网络连接状态. (152)使用网络指示灯检查网络状态. (152)打印网络连接报告. (153)打印网络状态页 (158)检查计算机的网络(仅限 Windows). (158)产品信息打印纸信息 (161)可用的打印纸和装纸量(消耗品/耗材) (161)不可使用的打印纸类型. (163)耗材信息 (164)墨瓶编号(消耗品/耗材) (164)软件信息 (164)用于打印的软件 (165)用于扫描的软件 (168)用于创建软件包的软件. (169)用于进行设置的软件 (169)用于更新的软件 (171)产品规格 (172)打印机规格 (172)扫描仪规格 (173)接口规格 (173)网络规格 (174)尺寸 (175)电气规格 (175)环境规格 (176)系统需求 (176)法规信息 (177)有关复制的限制 (177)客户支持寻求帮助 (179)提供信息 (179)保修信息 (179)产品中有害物质的名称及含量. (180)手册介绍 (5)搜索信息 (6)仅打印所需页 (6)关于本手册 (7)版权和商标 (8)本手册指南> 手册介绍手册介绍以下手册随本产品一同提供。
爱普生墨仓式专业数码印花机 SureColor F9380 说明书
精准快 打出彩Epson Edge Print 爱普生RIP软件爱普生重新设计了打印机的硬件结构,令其可以方便的适合打印工作或者运输状态。
更紧凑的结构LED照明系统行业应用家居装饰时尚服装体育服装型号SureColor F9380主要部件技术参数打印头双PrecisionCoreTM TFP微压电打印头 (智能墨滴变换技术)喷嘴设置每种颜色1440个喷嘴打印方向双向打印\单向打印本机最高分辨率720x1440 dpi墨水系统墨水爱普生“活的色彩DS”热转印墨水颜色青色、洋红色、黄色、高浓度黑色墨水容量3000ml/色打印速度360x720dpi 1 pass 108.6平方米/小时720x720dpi 2 pass60平方米/小时720x720dpi 3 pass44.1平方米/小时720x720dpi 4 pass29.9 平方米/小时介质介质幅宽300-1626mm(64in.)卷纸尺寸卷纸最大外径250mm本机可承载最大卷纸重量45kg本机可容纳最大纸张厚度1 mm接口USB 2.0, 100/1000MB 以太网语言ESC/P raster内存主机512MB网络128MB环境条件温度运行:15°C - 35°C(20°C - 30°C推荐)湿度运行:20% - 80%(40% - 60%推荐)墨水保存温度 15℃-25℃墨水运输温度 5℃-35℃产品参数914mm收纸器搓纸轮进纸器高稳定性爱普生半色调技术将决定在喷墨中使用大中小墨滴的比例(即VSDT技术)以及墨滴的离散排布算法。
爱普生 DS-770II A4 高速文档扫描仪 使用说明书
DS -770II A4高速文档扫描仪EIS201124AD图片仅供参考,外观以实物为准。
爱普生(中国)有限公司北京市朝阳区建国路81号华贸中心1号楼4层爱普生官方天猫旗舰店:官方网站: 官方微信/微博:爱普生中国服务导购热线:400-810-9977爱普生官方微博普生官方微信普生官方网站爱爱电源适配器额定电压输入电压额定电流额定频率范围输入频率范围额定输出电压输出电压额定输出电流220V ~ 240V 220V ~ 240V ±15% 1A 50 ~ 60Hz 50 ~ 60Hz ± 3Hz DC24V DC24V 1A296mm169mm176mm命令集USB 3.0高速接口ESC / I-2Windows Vista ® (32-bit, 64-bit ) / Windows ® 7(32-bit, 64-bit ) / Windows 8/8.1 (32-bit, 64-bit ) / Windows 10(32-bit, 64-bit ) / Windows XP SP3 (32-bit ) / WindowsXP Professional x64 Edition SP2 / Windows Server ® 2012 R2 / Windows Server 2012 / Windows Server 2008 R2 / Windows Server 2008 / Windows Server 2003 R2 / Windows Server 2003 SP2Mac OS X 10.6.8 – Mac OS X 10.11.x产品类型扫描速度扫描元件光源光学分辨率像素深度A3扫描长纸扫描进纸器容量日扫描量扫描仪尺寸扫描仪重量清除卡纸接口馈纸式双面彩色扫描仪45ppm / 90ipm * (200 / 300dpi 黑白 / 灰度 / 彩色)CMOS CIS RGB LED 600×600dpi输入:10位 / 8位最小50.8×50.8mm 最大215.9×6096mm 支持(使用文档保护页)6096mm27 g/m 2 ~ 413 g/m 2小于等于A8:127 g/m 2 ~ 413 g/m 2100 页(27-80 g/m 2)7,000页296×169×176mm约3.7kg打开扫描仪上盖,清除卡纸默认:关预设选项: 关, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 720 (分钟)USB 3.0TWAIN Linux ISISEpson Scan 2Document Caputre Pro搓纸轮组件 B12B819671 文档保护页 B12B819061清洁工具包 B12B819291平板扫描仪连接件 B12B819021关机定时捆绑软件驱动纸张厚度文档尺寸选件使用环境温度湿度工作温度:5 ~ 35°C 存储:-25 ~ 60°C工作温度:15 ~ 80%(无凝露)存储:15 ~ 85%(无凝露)操作条件照明灰尘一定避免阳光直射或处于光源下普通办公室或者家庭环境一定避免灰尘环境*1 本彩页中的数据,为来源于爱普生实验室数据,与实际使用数据存在差异。
Epson Expression Premium XP-900 说明书
Expression PremiumXP-900DATASHEETA versatile and compact Wi-Fi all-in-one that offers outstanding photos up to A3 size, a large LCD screen, auto duplex, CD and DVD printingThe Expression Premium XP-900 is a perfect, affordable, all-in-one solution for printing high-quality glossy photos and documents up to A31. With individual inks, users will only ever need to replace the colour used, helping to save costs. It's also versatile and easy to use, as Epson Connect offers a whole suite of mobile printing options.A3 photosTake control and print high-quality photos up to A3 size at home. Why wait around? Produce photographs that exceed lab quality, on demand, with this convenient and fast printer.Best of both worldsCreate your own photos and crisp, clear text documents with the five-colour Claria Premium dye and pigment ink-set. Photographs will be crystal clear with vibrant colours and deep, rich blacks thanks to the Photo Black ink cartridge.Mobile printingPrinting photos and documents on the go is easy with the XP-900. Unlock the potential of your smartphone or tablet by downloading the iPrint app 2 to print and scan wirelessly. Make the most of your Facebook photos with the Creative Print 2 app, which allows you to print photos directly from Facebook, create custom greeting cards, turn photos into colouring book templates, and plenty more. In addition, you can email documents and photos directly to the printer from almost anywhere in the world with Epson Email Print 2.Easy to useIt’s easy to navigate the printer’s features via the large 6.8cm LCD screen. Printing photos directly is also simple; just slot in a memory card. There’s also the rear speciality-paper feed for printing on to thicker media up to A3, automatic duplex and the capability to print on to suitable CD/DVDs.KEY FEATURESCompact, premium all-in-onePrint in sizes up to A3, scan and copy up to A4Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi DirectWireless printing with or without a network Mobile printingFreedom to print and scan from almost anywhere 16.8cm LCD screenScan, copy and print photos directly from a memory card ConvenientDuplex & CD/DVD printingPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSTECHNOLOGYPrinting Method Epson Micro Piezo™ print headMinimum Droplet Size 1.5 pl, With Variable-Sized Droplet TechnologyInk Technology Claria™ Premium InkPrinting Resolution5,760 x 1,440 dpiPRINTPrinting Speed ISO/IEC 2473414 pages/min Monochrome, 11 pages/min ColourMaximum Printing Speed28 pages/min Monochrome (plain paper), 28 pages/min Colour (plain paper), 12.5 Seconds per10 x 15 cm photo (Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper)Colours Black, Photo Black, Cyan, Yellow, MagentaFor detailed information on printing speeds please visit http://www.epson.eu/testing.SCANScanning Resolution1,200 dpi x 2,400 dpi (Horizontal x Vertical)Scanner type Contact image sensor (CIS)PAPER / MEDIA HANDLINGNumber of paper trays1Paper Formats Letter, 10 x 15 cm, 13 x 18 cm, 16:9, User defined, Legal, DL (Envelope), No. 10 (Envelope), C6 (Envelope), B5, A6, A5, A4, A3, 9 x 13 cm, 13 x 20 cm, 20 x 25 cm, 100 x 148 mmDuplex Yes (A4, plain paper)Print Margin0 mm top, 0 mm right, 0 mm bottom, 0 mm left (Wherever margin is defined. Otherwise 3mmtop, left, right, bottom.)Paper Tray Capacity100 Sheets Standard, 20 Photo SheetsMedia Handling Automatic duplex, Borderless print, CD/DVD print, Rear specialty media feedGENERALEnergy Use15 W (standalone copying, ISO/IEC 24712 pattern), 1 W (sleep mode), ENERGY STAR®qualifiedProduct dimensions479 x 356 x 148 mm (Width x Depth x Height)Product weight8.3 kgNoise Level 5 B (A) with Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper / Photo RPM mode - 37 dB (A) with EpsonPremium Glossy Photo Paper / Photo RPM modeCompatible Operating Systems Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Vista, Windows XP, XP Professional x64 EditionIncluded Software Epson Easy Photo Print, Epson Print CDOTHERWarranty12 months Carry inOptional warranty extension availableLOGISTICS INFORMATIONSKU C11CF54401EAN code8715946614809 Dimensions Single Carton580 x 240 x 455 mm Carton Weight9.96 KgMultiple Order Quantity 1 UnitsCountry of Origin IndonesiaPallet Size Euro16 Units (2 x 8) Pallet Size Block32 Units (4 x 8)Expression Premium XP-900 WHAT'S IN THE BOXPower cableSetup guideSoftware (CD)Warranty documentIndividual Ink CartridgesMain unitINK CARTRIDGE COMPATIBILITYINK YIELD DATAOranges 33XL530 pages*400 photos*650 pages** Approx. page yield based on ISO/IEC 24711/24712 or ISO/IEC 29102/29103. Actual yield will vary depending on imagesprinted and usage conditions. For more information visithttp://www.epson.eu/pageyield1. A3 printer, A4 scanner and copier2. Epson iPrint and Epson Creative Print require awireless connection and the Epson printing apps. EpsonEmail print, Epson scan-to-cloud and Epson Remote printdriver require an internet connection. For moreinformation, supported languages and devices, please visitwww.epsonconnect.euHomeusers************Web: For more information please contact:。
AM-C 6000a 页/分钟60黑彩同速*2AM-C 4000a页/分钟40黑彩同速*2AM-C 5000a 页/分钟50黑彩同速*2爱普生官方网站爱普生官方微信爱普生官方微博60/50/40PPM*2EIS230202AD爱普生(中国)有限公司北京市朝阳区建国路81号华贸中心1号楼4层官方网站:www. 服务导购热线:400-810-9977爱普生官方天猫旗舰店: epson. 官方微信/微博:爱普生中国图片仅供参考,外观以实物为准。
突出的环保优势更轻松地为环境做出贡献助力企业降本增效时时可靠,长效优质显著降低运营成本让工作更高效接受打印任务印出喷墨接受打印任务预加热定影器感光鼓充电激光照射显影碳粉转印定影印出激光打印机*4喷墨打印机喷墨不加热 结构简单,零件少受感光鼓、转印带等零件磨损影响,激光机*4在连续打印中可能出现色彩不均等问题。
结构简单,所需的周期性更换零件更少,显著减少后期使用支出由于更少的周期性更换零件和大容量墨盒设计,显著降低了更换频率,大幅减轻打印机管理及维护的负担Heat-Free 冷印技术超越您的期待激光技术*4打印过程中无需加热,相较于需要加温加压熔融碳粉的激光技术*4,显著降低功耗打印同样的页数,对比激光打印机*4,使用更少的耗材零件,节约自然资源消耗的同时,显著减少废弃物冷印技术激光技术*4激光技术*4冷印技术冷印技术制胜未来的爱普生Heat-free 冷印技术工作功耗对比激光机降低更少废弃物降低人工维护成本降低耗材零件成本打印过程简单,发生卡纸的机率也大幅降低,避免频繁宕机。
爱普生推出Epson SureColor S40680/S60680微喷写真机
爱普生推出Epson SureColor S40680/S60680微喷写真
【摘要】近日,爱普生面向专业广告行业推出更新换代的高端输出产品——Epson SureColor S40680/S60680微喷写真机。
1.打造高端广告新境界爱普生新款微喷写真机强势来袭 [J], ;
2.爱普生微喷写真机个性化墙画输出新利器 [J],
3.爱普生携专业“微喷写真机TM”亮相北京展会 [J],
4.爱普生品质,助客户体验再升级“至速至美·环保风尚”2012爱普生微喷写真机TM新品发布 [J],
5.高端品质,开启广告业全新应用——爱普生三款SureColor S系列微喷写真机^TM全面推广 [J], 陈晨
EPSON SureColor S30675 64-英寸宽带喷涂打印机产品说明书
2Welcome and CongratulationsCongratulations on your purchase of the Epson® SureColor® S30675 64-inch wide solvent printer. Y our printer is designed to provide consistent high quality output in the solvent printing environment. To ensure your complete satisfaction with its performance, Epson is pleased to include the Epson Preferred SM Limited Warranty Plan described in this document.This one-year limited warranty plan includes priority toll-free technical phone support and on-site hardware service for your printer. Should you have a question or experience a problem with your printer, simply call the exclusive Epson Preferred toll-free number, and select the technical support option, as described in this booklet. Please have your Serial Number available for the answering technical support specialist. Since it’s an exclusive number, your call will be answered promptly.Please review the information contained in this booklet. Y ou’ll find the exclusive Epson Preferred toll-free number. Y ou’ll find our complete terms and conditions for this one-year limited warranty at the end of this booklet, under “Terms and Conditions—Limited Warranty for Commercial Products.”Once again, congratulations and welcome to the Epson Preferred Family.3Purchasing Extended Service: the Epson Preferred Plus PlanThe Epson Preferred Limited Warranty Plan offers premium warranty service for one year. We’d like to inform you of the opportunity to continue enjoying Epson service after the end of your warranty through our Preferred Plus Plan—Epson’s extended service contracts for the Epson SureColor S30675 64-inch wide solvent printer. Just purchase a Preferred Plus Plan during the one-year limited warranty period and you’ll continue to have access to our toll-free priority technical support line, plus the on-site hardware service offered under the plan you choose:Silver (one year of coverage or two service calls, whichever occurs first; in either case the print head will only be replaced once).EPPS30SB1Gold (one year of coverage or three service calls, whichever occurs first; in either case the print head will only be replaced twice).EPPS30SG1Platinum (one year of coverage, no limit on service calls or print head replacements)EPPS30SP1Y ou may purchase a plan any time during the one-year limited warranty period. Y ou may also purchase a second plan to follow your first plan, if the purchase is made during the warranty period or while the first plan is still in effect. All Plans include Parts and Labor. No renewal of extended service is available after expiration of your second Preferred Plus Plan.For Epson Preferred Technical SupportFollow these easy steps to obtain technical support.Step 1:Have your serial number available:___________________________ Step 2:Call toll-free 888-377-6611 or call562-276-1305Step 3:Follow the voice prompt instructions. Step 4:Be prepared to work with the Technical Support Specialist to diagnose theproblem.Operating Hours: Currently Monday through Friday, 6 AM to 6 PM Pacific Time (subject to change)4Terms and Conditions Limited Warranty for Commercial ProductsWhat Is Covered: Epson America, Inc. (“Epson”) warrants to the first end-user customer that the Epson SureColor S30675 64-inch wide solvent printer covered by this limited warranty statement, if purchased and used in the United States, Canada, or Puerto Rico, will conform to the manufacturer’s specifications and will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year from the date of original purchase (proof of purchase required). Epson also warrants that the consumable ink cartridges enclosed with the engine will perform to the manufacturer’s specified usage, which usage may expire before the expiration of the limited warranty for the Epson printer.What Epson Will Do To Correct Problems: Should your Epson SureColor S30675 64-inch wide solvent printer prove defective during the limited warranty period, please call the toll-free Epson Preferred support line identified in this booklet. This line will be answered during Epson’s regular support hours (currently 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM Pacific Time, Monday through Friday—subject to change). When you call, please be prepared to provide the service technician with Proof of Purchase information including the serial number and original date of purchase. Y ou may also need to provide proof of purchase if warranty coverage cannot be verified by the serial number. An Epson service technician will work with you to try to resolve the problem, and if your printer needs repair, diagnose the issue and determine what parts may be required.If service is required, the On-Site Response service program will be utilized in almost all cases. The technician will provide additional instructions about the program at the time this service is being set up. In rare cases, in its sole discretion, Epson may instead elect to exchange the unit. Please see below for highlights of the programs. When service involves the exchange of a unit or its parts, the items replaced become the property of Epson. The new items assume the remaining warranty period of the original Product. Parts may be new or remanufactured to Epson standards.On-Site Response: If the printer needs hardware repair and you are within Epson’s on-site service territory, an Epson Authorized Servicer will be contacted to make the repair at your facility. Epson will usually dispatch repair parts and a technician to your location for the next business day if determination that repair is required occurs prior to 1:00 PM Pacific Time. If that determination is made after 1:00 PM, dispatch will usually be for the second business day. An adult must be available to accept the parts delivery and be present at all times while a technician is on-site. Epson’s shipment of service parts does not imply that replacement is required.Printer Exchange: Epson may, in its sole discretion, elect to replace a printer that for whatever reason appears to require technical services beyond the capability of field repair. Under these rare circumstances, Epson will replace the printer with the same or a comparable printer refurbished to the Epson standard of quality. (The replacement printer will not include promotional materials, accessories, stands, documentation, manuals, software, or cables.) The customer must be able to receive, unpack, and install the replacement printer, and prepare5the defective printer for return shipment by following the procedures described in the user manual or documentation provided by Epson. The repacked defective printer will be picked up by a carrier designated by Epson. If the defective product is not prepared for return within seven business days of receipt of the replacement printer, the customer will be invoiced at the then current manufacturer’s suggested retail price for the replacement printer. It is your responsibility to unpack, re-install optional components (interface cards, roll paper spindle, etc.), and set up the exchange printer at your location.What This Warranty Does Not Cover:This warranty does not cover:1.Any damage caused by neglecting orimproperly performing user-levelmaintenance as documented in the EpsonSureColor S-Series User’s Guide. The user-level maintenance includes the followingitems:a.Check and clean the print head, wiper,cap unit surroundings, and wiper rail(recommended: once a day)b.Perform periodic nozzle checks andnozzle cleanings to prevent ink build uparound the print head and cap unit areaas neededc.Check and replace the wiper, wipercleaner parts, and flushing pad.(recommended: at least once every threemonths)d.Properly discharge the waste ink asneedede.Remove, shake and reinsert all installedink cartridges (recommended: once aday)f.Check and clean the platen heater,pressure rollers, and media holdingplates (recommended: daily, or asneeded when there is media dustbuildup)g.If the printer is not being used and isturned off, turn the printer on at leastevery seven daysh.If the printer is not used for an extendedperiod, clean it with a cleaning cartridge(recommended: if not used for 3 weeks ormorei.If cartridges are cold, let them warm toroom temperature before using(recommended: 4 hours or more)j.Do not remove ink cartridges and leave them out of the printer for extendedperiods of timek.Do not touch the green IC chip oncartridgesl.When storing used cartridges, use acleaning stick to wipe the cartridge’s inkportNote: See the Maintenance section of yourUser’s Guide for in-depth maintenanceinstructions to best maintain your investment.2.Any damage caused by using non-Epson inksor ink cartridges, or any ink delivery systemother than the system built into the printer (for example, any bulk ink system). Any damagecaused by using non-Epson media (except for media expressly recommended by Epson).63.Any damage caused by third-party software,applications, parts, components or peripheral devices added to the product after itsshipment from Epson, (for example, dealer or user-added boards, components, or cables).4.Any damage caused by misuse, abuse,improper installation, neglect, failure tomaintain, improper packing or shipping,disasters such as fire, flood, lightning,improper electrical currents, softwareproblems, or interaction with non-Epsonproducts.5.Any damage from service performed by otherthan an Epson Authorized Servicer.6.Service when the printer is used outside theU.S., Puerto Rico, and Canada.7.Service where the printer label, logo, ratinglabel, or serial number has been removed. 8.Any damage to used, refurbished, orreconditioned products.9.Any color change or fading of prints, orreimbursement of materials or servicesrequired for reprinting.10.Any damage caused by using improperpackaging materials or improper packagingand shipping.This warranty is not transferable. If a claimed defect cannot be identified or reproduced in service, you will be held responsible for costs incurred.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: THE WARRANTY AND REMEDY PROVIDED ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. UNLESS STATED HEREIN, ANY STATEMENTS OR REPRESENT ATION MADE BY ANY OTHER PERSON OR FIRM ARE VOID.Remedies: Y our exclusive remedy and Epson’s entire liability for a material breach of this Agreement will be limited to a refund of the price paid for the Epson products covered by this Agreement. Any action for breach of warranty must be brought within three months of the expiration date of the warranty. Epson is not liable for performance delays or for nonperformance due to causes beyond its reasonable control. Except as provided in this written warranty, neither Epson nor its affiliates shall be liable for any loss, inconvenience, or damage, including direct, special, incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits, cost of substitute equipment, downtime, claims of third parties, including customers, or injury to property, resulting from the use or inability to use the Epson products, whether resulting from a breach of warranty or any other legal theory. Some jurisdictions do not allow limits on warranties or remedies for breach in certain transactions. In such jurisdictions, the limits in this paragraph and the preceding paragraph may not apply.In Canada, warranties include both warranties and conditions.7 Arbitration, Governing Laws: Any disputesarising out of this Agreement will be settled byarbitration to be conducted in Los Angeles,California, before a single arbitrator in accordancewith the commercial Arbitration Rules of theAmerican Arbitration Association, and judgmentupon the award rendered by the arbitrator may beentered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.This Agreement shall be construed in accordancewith the laws of the State of California, except thisarbitration clause which shall be construed inaccordance with the Federal Arbitration Act.EPSON and SureColor are registered trademarks, and EPSON Exceed Y our Vision is a registered logomark, of Seiko Epson Corporation. Epson Preferred is a service mark of Epson America, Inc.General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Epson disclaims any and all rights in those marks.Epson America, Inc. – P.O. Box 93012 - Long Beach, CA 90809-9941 – MS: 2-55© 2015 Epson America, Inc., 2/15CPD-42717。
桓诗-EPSON Stylus Pro 7800和9800产品参数说明书
Printer PartsPrinter SpecificationsPrintingElectrical®AC inletRoll paper coverPrinting method On-demand ink jetNozzleconfigurationBlack: 180 nozzles × 3 (photo black or matte black, light black, light light black)Color: 180 nozzles × 5 (cyan, magenta, light cyan, light magenta, yellow)ResolutionMaximum 2880 dpi × 1440 dpi Print direction Unidirectional/Bidirectional Control code Epson ESC/P ® Raster Photographic Driver Line spacing1/6 inch or programmable in 1/1440-inch incrementsPaper feed speed 245 ±10 milliseconds per 1/6-inch line RAM64MB (Epson Stylus Pro 7800)128MB (Epson Stylus Pro 9800)Specification Description Input voltage range 90 to 264 V Rated frequency range 50 to 60 Hz Input frequency range 49 to 61 Hz Rated current1.0 A at 120 V 0.5 A at 220 VPower consumptionEpson Stylus Pro 7800:Approx. 50 W or less (ISO 10561 Letter Pattern)6 W or less in sleep mode 1 W or less in power off modeEpson Stylus Pro 9800:Approx. 55 W or less (ISO 10561 Letter Pattern)6 W or less in sleep mode 1 W or less in power off modeMechanicalEnvironmentalPaperThe allowable paper dimensions are shown below: Notes:❏Poor quality paper may reduce print quality and cause paper jams and other problems. If you encounter problems, switch to ahigher grade of paper.❏Avoid touching the printable surface with bare hands.Fingerprints may affect print quality. Handle media by the edges or use cotton gloves.❏If paper is curled or folded, flatten it before loading. Keep unused media in its original packaging and store it in a cool, dry place.❏Store sheet media on a flat surface.❏Unload roll paper from the paper path when not in use to prevent curling.Safety ApprovalsInk CartridgesDriversMacintosh® Operating System OS X 10.3.9 or later, Windows Windows 2000 or XP. Raster drivers are standard. Interfaces❏USB 1.1 and 2.0 compatible, recommended cable length up to 10 feet (3 meters)❏IEEE-1394 FireWire, recommended cable length up to10 feet (3 meters)In addition, a Type B expansion slot is available for installing the EpsonNet Ethernet™ network card (10/100 BaseTX).Dimensions Epson Stylus Pro 7800:Width: 47.12 inches (1178 mm)Depth: 20.04 inches (501 mm)Height: 22.4 inches (560 mm)Epson Stylus Pro 9800:Width: 68.08 inches (1702 mm)Depth: 27.12 inches (678 mm)Height: 47.84 inches (1196 mm)Weight (without ink cartridges)Epson Stylus Pro 7800: 131 lb (59 kg) Epson Stylus Pro 9800: 198 lb (40 kg) Stand: 23.1 lb (90 kg)Temperature Operation: 50 to 95 °F (10 to 35 °C)Storage:–4 to 104 °F (–20 to 40 °C)1 month at 104 °F (40 °C)Print qualityguarantee: 59 to 77 °F (15 to 25 °C)Humidity (without condensation)Operation: 20 to 80% RH Storage: 20 to 85% RH (stored inshipping container) Print qualityguarantee: 40 to 60% RH Optimaloperation: 35 to 45% RHRoll paper Cut sheetsEpson Stylus Pro 78008 to 24 in.(203 to 610mm) wideletter size up to 24 in.wideEpson Stylus Pro 98008 to 44 in.(203 to 1118mm) wideletter size up to 44 in.wideMaximum external roll diameter 2 in. core: 4 in. (103 mm)3 in. core: 6 in. (150 mm)—Thickness 3.15 to 19.7 mil(0.8 to 0.5 mm)3.15 to 59 mil(0.8 to 1.5mm)Safety standards UL 60950, CSA 22.2 No. 60950EMC FCC Part 15 Subpart B, Class B,CSA C108.8 Class BCartridge life2years from production date if unopened;within 6 months after opening package.Temperature Storage–22 to 104°F (–30 to 40°C);(uninstalled): 1 month at 104°F (40°C)Storage –4 to 104°F (–20 to 40°C);(installed): 1 month at 104°F (40°C)Capacity110 or 220 mlConsumables and AccessoriesInk CartridgesWhen you install the printer’s first ink cartridges, it takes about 10 minutes to initialize the printer. Do not interrrupt this process by turning off the printer, opening the front cover, or releasing the paper lever, or the printer will have to re-initialize. In that case, there may not be enough ink left in the original cartridges and you may have to replace them with new ones.Use the following UltraChrome K3™ Epson ink cartridges before the expiration date on the package:* A new printer can be initially charged with matte black ink instead of the standard photo black, or you can change the ink later using the Black Ink Conversion Kit included with your printer. Changing black ink uses about 20% of your ink and maintenance tank, and should beperformed infrequently.User-Replaceable PartsYou can order these user-replaceable parts:OptionsThe following optional equipment and warranties are available:*Must be purchased within 12 months of printer purchase. Control PanelSlot no.Cartridge110 ml220 ml1Light Light Black T562900T5639002Light Magenta T562600T5636003Light Cyan T562500T5635004Light Black T562700T5637005Photo Black T562100T563100Matte Black*T566800T5678006Cyan T562200T5632007Magenta T562300T5633008Yellow T562400T563400Part Part number Relacement Ink Maintenance Tank C12C890191Replacement Printer Cutter Blade (replaces the printer’s built-in cutter)C12C815291Part Part numberAutomatic Take-up Reel System (9800 only)C12C815251Replacement 44-inch Take-up Reel Core (9800 only)C815121EpsonNet Internal 10/100 BaseTX (Ethernet) Type-BPrint Server (interface card)C12C824341Paper Roller Spindle (Normal Tension) — 2- or 3-inchEpson Stylus Pro 7800Epson Stylus Pro 9800C12C811161C12C811151Paper Roller Spindle (High Tension) — 2- or 3-inchEpson Stylus Pro 7800Epson Stylus Pro 9800C12C811155C12C811152Manual Media Cutting System (for thick media)Epson Stylus Pro 7800Epson Stylus Pro 9800C12C815231C815182Replacement Manual Cutting Blade (for Manual MediaCutting System)C815192Extended warranties*1-year2-yearEPP7898B1EPP7898B2seconds tocancel a printjob or resetthe printer.seconds tocut roll paperafter printing.buttonHold for 3secondsto cleanthe printhead.Control Panel MenusBoldface indicates the default setting. Press the Menu r button to access the menus and the arrow buttons to navigate.Menu Item Settings/ExplanationPRINTER SETUP ROLL PAPER COUNTERROLL PAPER LENGTHROLL LENGTH ALERT Available only if REMAINING PPR SETUP is enabled in Maintenance ModePLATEN GAP STANDARD, NARROW,WIDE, WIDER, WIDESTPAGE LINE ON, OFFINTERFACE AUTO, USB, IEEE 1394,OPTIONAL I/F CARDCODE PAGE PC437, PC850ROLL PAPER MARGIN DEFAULT,TOP/BOTTOM15mm,TOP 35/BOTTOM15mm,15mm, 3mmPAPER SIZE CHECK ON, OFFPAPER SKEW CHECK ON, OFFTIME OUT OFF, 30sec, 60sec,180sec, 300secCUTTER ADJUSTMENT EXECUTEREFRESH MARGIN ON, OFFAUTO NOZZLE CHECK ON, OFFAUTO CLEANING ON, OFFQUIET CUT ON, OFFINITIALIZE SETTINGS Restores defaultsettingsTEST PRINT NOZZLE CHECK Shows clogged nozzlesSTATUS CHECK Ink and paper remainingand status of partsJOB INFORMATION Ink and paper used forthe last 10 jobsCUSTOM PAPER Registered paperconfigurationinformationPRINTER STATUS VERSION Current firmware versionPRINTABLE PAGES For the ink remaining ineach cartridgeINK LEVEL E*****F for each colorMAINTENANCE TANK E*****FUSAGE COUNT Ink in milliliters, paper insquare centimetersCLEAR USAGE COUNT EXECUTEPRINTERSTATUS(continued)JOB HISTORY Ink used in milliliters,and paper in squarecentimeters, for eachsaved jobTOTAL PRINTS Number of pages printedSERVICE LIFE E*****F for CUTTER,CR MOTOR (carriage)PF MOTOR (paper feed)HEAD UNIT (print head)CLEANING UNITPRESSURE MOTORCUSTOM PAPER PAPER NUMBER STANDARD,NO. (1 to 10)PLATEN GAP STANDARD, NARROW,WIDE, WIDERTHICKNESS PATTERN PRINTTHICKNESS NUMBER 1 to 15CUT METHOD STANDARD,THIN PAPER, THICKPAPER FAST, THICKPAPER SLOWPAPER FEED ADJUST–0.70% to 0.70%DRYING TIME0. 0 sec. to 10.0 sec.PAPER SUCTION STANDARD, –1, –2, –3,–4M/W ADJUSTMENT STANDARD, 1, 2MAINTENANCE CUTTERREPLACEMENTEXECUTEBK INK CHANGE EXECUTEPOWER CLEANING EXECUTECLOCK SETTING EXECUTECONTRASTADJUSTMENT–20 to +20HEADALIGNMENTPAPER THICKNESS STANDARD, 0.1 mm to1.5 mmALIGNMENTAUTO UNI-D, BI-D 2-COLOR,BI-D ALL, BI-D #1,BI-D #2, BI-D #3MANUAL UNI-D, BI-D 2-COLOR,BI-D ALLMenu Item Settings/ExplanationPrinting a Status SheetThe status sheet shows some of the current default settings, the amount of ink remaining in each cartridge, the page count, and the status of the cutter blade, maintenance tank, and other printer parts.Note: You can replace the ink cartridges, cutter blade, and maintenance tank yourself. Other parts need to be replaced by an authorized Epson service technician.1.Make sure paper is loaded in the printer.2.Press the Menu button.3.Press the d button to highlight TEST PRINT, then pressMenu.4.Press d to highlight STATUS SHEET, then press Menu.You see PRINT.5.Press to start printing.The amount of ink left or the component life is indicated asfollows:E*****F= 100–81% of ink or service life remainingE****F= 80–61%E***F= 60–41%E**F = 40–21%E*F= 20–11%%= less than 10% of ink or service life remainingReplacing an Ink CartridgeThe easiest way of checking ink levels is from the controlpanel LCD display. The numbers below the ink icons on theLCD display correspond to the 8 ink cartridge slots on theprinter. The icons show the percentage of ink remaining asfollows:When the red B ink light is flashing (andINK LOW appearson the LCD display), the indicated cartridge is almost out ofink. Make sure you have a replacement cartridge. When thelight stays on and INK OUT is displayed, the cartridge isempty. You must replace the cartridge before you cancontinue printing.See page 3 for information on selecting the correctreplacement cartridges. Before you start, make sure the printeris turned on. Then follow these steps to replace an inkcartridge:1.Note the color of the cartridge that is low or empty. This is3.4.5.Make sure the replacementcartridge is the correct color,and remove it from itspackage.6.Gently shake the cartridgebefore installing it.7.8.9.Close the ink compartment cover(s).Once the cartridge is installed, the printer returns to its READY state. Paper Type and BandingBanding can be caused by several problems, such as clogged print head nozzles or a misaligned print head. It can also be caused by using a paper that is not defined in the Epson printer driver or in a third-party RIP. To correct this problem, make sure you select the correct paper type in the driver.If your paper type is not defined, use the printer’s menu system to create a custom paper type. See “Optimizing the Settings for Your Paper” in the Printer Guide.Checking and Cleaning the Print Head If your printed image shows a color shift or horizontal lines, you should check the print head to see if any nozzles are clogged or deflected. If necessary, the printer will automatically run a cleaning cycle to clear the nozzles.1.Press the Menu button.2.Press the d button until TEST PRINT is highlighted, thenpress Menu. NOZZLE CHECK is selected.3.Press Menu, then press to start printing the nozzle checkpattern.The nozzle check pattern is printed and automatically read. If the printer finds clogged nozzles, it runs a cleaning cycle. Note: You can clean the print head manually by pressing and holding the Menu button. You also can check the print head and turn on the Auto Cleaning feature using your printer utility software.Running a Power Cleaning CycleYou can run a power cleaning cycle from the printer’s control panel if the normal cleaning process is not sufficient to clear the nozzles. However, the power cycle uses a larger quantity of ink, so it is recommended only as a last resort.The cartridges need to be at least 50% full to use power cleaning. You may need to replace a low cartridge to run the cleaning cycle. If the waste ink tank is nearly full, you may need to replace it. After running the cleaning cycle, you can reinsert the old cartridge.1.Print a nozzle check to make sure the print head needscleaning, as described above.2.Make sure the printer is ready and the red B ink light on theprinter’s LCD display is not on or flashing.3.Press the Menu button.4.Press the d button until MAINTENANCE is highlighted,then press Menu.5.Press the d button until PWR CLEANING is highlighted,then press Menu . Press Menu again, then press to start the power cleaning.6.Follow the instructions on the LCD display to raise or lowerthe ink levers.7.When cleaning is finished and the Pause light stopsflashing, print the nozzle check again to confirm that the head is clean.For effective cleaning, always run a nozzle check between cycles.If the pattern is still missing segments or has deflections after a power cleaning cycle, turn the printer off and leave it overnight. Then clean the print head again the following morning with regular cleaning cycles. If you still see no improvement, contact Epson for assistance.Aligning the Print HeadAligning the print head is the most important thing you can do to ensure the best print quality. If banding appears on your prints, if they look grainy or blurry, or you see misregistration or “ghosting,” you may need to align the print head. Although you can align the print head using the printer utility software, it’s also easy to align from the control panel. This will do the most thorough job in the shortest time, and it’s all automatic.If you haven’t already done so, it’s a good idea to run a nozzle check before aligning the print head (see page 6). This ensures that the print head alignment patterns print correctly.Follow these steps to align the print head using the control panel:1.Make sure the printer is turned on. Then load EpsonEnhanced Matte, Doubleweight Matte, Premium Luster Photo paper, or the paper that came with the printer. 2.Press the Menu button.3.Press thed button until HEAD ALIGNMENT ishighlighted, then press Menu. PAPER THICKNESS is highlighted. 4.Press Menu . The STANDARD setting is selected by default.This is the correct thickness setting for most Epson papers.5.Pressto save the setting.6.Press l , then press d to highlight ALIGNMENT .7.Press the Menu button to highlight AUTO , then pressMenu again. UNI-D (uni-directional) is highlighted. This is the type of alignment to start with.8.Press thebutton to start the alignment process.Each head alignment takes about 7 minutes. The printer’s white beam sensor reads the alignment pattern and adjusts the printer automatically. Make sure you don’t open the front cover or turn off the printer during this process.9.When the uni-directional alignment is finished, press the dbutton until BI-D 2-COLOR is highlighted. Then press the button to start the bi-directional black alignment process.10.When the bi-directional black alignment is finished, pressthe d button until BI-D ALL is highlighted. Then press the button to start the alignment process. 11.When done, press the Pause button to exit headalignment mode. If you want to verify or fine-tune the automatic alignment process, you can perform a manual head alignment. See your electronic Reference Guide for instructions.Replacing the Cutter BladeIf you notice that your paper isn’t cut cleanly, the cutter blade may need to be replaced. For a list of media that are not recommended for use with the cutter, see the Printer Guide .You can check the status of your cutter by printing a status sheet. See page 5 for instructions. You can obtain a new cutter blade from Epson (part number C12C815291).Removing the Old Blade1.Press the Menu button.2.Press the d button until MAINTENANCE is highlighted,then press Menu .3.Press Menu again to select CUTTER REPLACEMENT .4.Press the button. The print head moves to thereplacement position. OPEN FRONT COVER TO SEE CUTTER REPLACEMENT LABEL is displayed. 5.Open the front cover.Installing the New Cutter Blade6.When SEE LABEL TO REPLACE CUTTER appears on theReplacing the Maintenance TankThe maintenance tank stores ink that gets flushed from the system during the initial ink charge and manual and automatic print head cleaning. When the tank is almost full, the message MAINTENANCE TANK NEAR FULL appears on the LCD display. When the tank is completely full, the printer stops working and MAINTENANCE TANK FULL appears on the LCD.You can check how much space remains in the maintenance tank by viewing its indicator on the control panel, shown below. You can also check its status by printing a status sheet (see page 5).*The Epson Stylus Pro 9800 has two maintenance tank indicators.The icons show the percentage of space remaining in the tank as follows:The Epson Stylus Pro 7800 has one maintenance tank (on the right side), and the 9800 has two (one on either side). Replacement tanks are available from Epson (part numberC12C890191).The printer will not print if one of the maintenance tanks is full. On the Epson Stylus Pro 9800, the right tank is used more than the left. To maximize tank life, you can switch the tanks when the right tank reaches approximately 50%. Follow these steps to replace the tank:1.Make sure the printer is not printing or performing anyother operations (READY or PAPER OUT should appear on the LCD display).2.If you have the Epson Stylus Pro 9800, check the LCDdisplay to determine which tank needs to be replaced (left or right).3.Grasp the handle at the bottom of the tank (on the side ofthe printer) and gently pull out the maintenance tank.Caution: Be careful not to spill ink from the maintenance tankwhen removing it. Hold it upright at all times and dispose of itcarefully.4.Place the used tank in the plastic bag included with the newtank.5.Insert the new tank.Updating the Driver and FirmwareTo ensure that you have the most up-to-date firmware and driver for your new printer, please visit . Choose your printer and click Drivers & Downloads to see if there are any updates posted. Check back regularly to maintain compatibility with existing and future applications. When your printer is set up and your software is installed, run the EPSON LFP Remote Panel to check your printer’s firmware ROM version and update it if necessary. Related DocumentationCPD-20271Epson Stylus Pro 7800 and 9800 PrinterGuideCPD-20272Epson Stylus Pro 7800 and 9800 QuickReference GuideCPD-20270Epson Stylus Pro 7800 and 9800CD-ROM with electronic Reference Guide。
北京喷绘制作公司 喷绘制作(总结)
二、(2)、户外喷画:a、1平方至10平方以内的文件,为保证精度,文件最好做到70MB 左右,DPI不要低于30;b、10平方米以上的文件,DPI不要低于25;c、特大的文件,文件尺寸缩小10倍,DPI不要低于180;(3)、存储格式:所有文件最好存为Photoshop的TIF格式,JPG也可,但压缩比率要在8以上;以CorelDraw文件的CDR格式存储时,文字全部要转换为曲线;Freehand、Illustrator所制作的文件最好转为Photoshop的TIF、JPG 格式或导出为EPS、AI格式;全部文件以CMYK四色模式制作。
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Company Interview网印工业Screen Printing Industry2016.1114专业数码打印解决方案——爱普生(中国)有限公司爱普生(中国)有限公司成立于1998年,总部设在北京,负责统括爱普生在中国的投资和业务拓展。
爱普生SurePress L-6034VW数码标签印刷机爱普生SurePress L-6034VW数码标签印刷机是由爱普生独力研发制造,采用PrecisionCore行式打印喷头、爱普生LED UV固化墨水和同步连线数码上光技术,可在80~340mm宽的标准薄膜和纸质介质上实现中、短版标签高品质、高稳定打印。
S u r e P r e s s L -6034V W 优势众多,PrecisionCore行式打印喷头通过精细、多尺寸墨滴控制和高分辨率实现上佳的精良品质,配合Company Interview 网印工业Screen Printing Industry15爱普生低能耗LED UV固化墨水与同步数码上光技术,分辨率高达600dpi×600dpi,打印速度达15m/min,大幅提高了输出效率,提升利润空间。
283mm打印模式进纸设计打印速度打印分辨率打印接口切刀类型颜色一维码二维码规格尺寸可打印尺寸纸张厚度额定电压耗电量温度湿度按需全彩色喷墨(微压电打印技术MicroPiezo)卷纸 / 折叠纸Max. 85 mm /sec.(速度模式,360 x 360 dpi 分辨率下,打印104mm宽度标签)360 x 360 dpi / 720 x 360 dpi高速 USB2.0 / 以太网口100BASE-TX /10BASE-T普通纸/模切标签(普通介质 / 喷墨介质 / 合成介质): 1,500,000 cuts 连续标签(普通介质 / 喷墨介质): 750,000 cuts颜料墨水C,M,Y,K四色分离墨水Barcode : UPC-A,UPC-E,JAN13(EAN ),JAN8(EAN ),Code39,ITF,Codabar,Code93,Code128,GS1-128,GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional,GS1 DataBar Truncated,GS1 DataBar Limited,GS1 DataBar ExpandedTwo-dimensional symbols : PDF417,QR Code,Maxi Code,GS1 DataBar Stacked,GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional,GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked,DataMatrix,Aztec Code普通纸,喷墨纸,合成纸,光泽纸卷纸: 30-108 mm 模切标签纸: 30-112 mm 折叠纸: 50-108 mm模切折叠标签纸: 50-112 mm模切标签纸: 25.4-108 mm 模切折叠标签纸: 46-108 mm 卷纸: 0.084-0.124 mm 模切标签纸: 0.129-0.195 mm 折叠纸: 0.124-0.128 mm模切折叠标签纸: 0.161-0.164 mmAC110 - 240V(AC adaptor)工作状态 30W 待机状态 2.5W15 - 35C 20 - 80%RH新一代全彩色标签打印机高质量、个性化的全彩色标签打印机按需输出的卓越体现设计精巧时尚,节省更多空间适用多种标签打印介质,为标签输出提供更多打印方案独特的分体墨盒设计,超大限度的减少标签输出成本标配自动切刀,大大提高标签输出效率新一代全彩色标签打印机图片仅供参考,外观以实物为准。
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双四色输出,创造性能价格比 更 高 的 打 印 机, 满 足 普 通 商 业 影 像 输出服务商的需求,环保弱溶剂墨水 为用户创造高端生产环境。
四五色输出,输出速度是标准型 的一倍,最高达 51.8 平方米 / 小时, 完全适合生产型用户的对速度的 需 求,而其新配备的白色墨水更可以 提 升 打 印 品 质, 适 合 在 广 告 行 业 中 打印半透明类材料时使用,实现更高 端的生产经营。
爱普生专有的智能墨滴变换技术通过在纯色区域使用较大 的墨滴以及在渐变和混合区域内使用较小墨滴,可有效缓解 打印速度和图像质量之间的矛盾。
先进的 LUT 技术
爱普生色彩对照表技术令影像中,色彩过渡更加细腻平滑, 同时减少了颗粒感和同色易谱现象的发生。而其为 SC-S70680 研发的 Macs-LUT 技术更可以根据影像画面,自动分配银色 墨水的使用,从而最大限度的发挥银色墨水的效能,得到更 高的色彩对比度或者更强的亮度。
由于墨水的化学成分得到了改善,所以,墨滴能够实现 快速干燥,避免出现水漾波纹现象。
SC-S50680 标配了附加打印干燥系统,更加有效的提高了 干燥速度。SC-S30680/70680 可选配该部件。
通常,在高速打印中, 由 于 墨 滴 不 能 快 速 干 燥, 所以会发生墨滴相互融合的 情况,从而导致在介质表面 有明显的水漾波纹现象。
S 系列
SC-S50680 安装了两个打印头,实现 C/M/Y//K/Wh(白色) 四五色打印,双打印头错位排列,打印速度再次成倍提升, 高速模式下 51.8 平米 / 小时(720x720dpi 2pass)。
C M Y K (Wh) (Wh) K Y M C
C M Y K (Wh) (Wh) K Y M C
64 英寸超大幅面输出 高品质 高速度 高效率
爱普生新一代微喷写真机全面出击 全新一代环保弱溶剂墨水,爱普生“活的色彩 GS2/GSX” 色域更加宽阔,适合更高品质的输出 标准型 / 高速型 / 高品质型,三种选择满足用户需求 全方位完整解决方案
爱普生 " 活的色彩 GS2" 溶剂墨水
29.4 平方米 / 小时 14.7 平方米 / 小时
7.3 平方米 / 小时
300-1625.6mm(64in.) 最大外径 250 mm 40 Kg 1 mm
30 to 50℃ 30 to 50℃ 30 to 55℃
USB 2.0,100/1000MB 以太网
512MB 128MB
运行 : 15 to 35℃ (20 to 32℃ 推荐) 运行 : 20 to 80% (40 to 6% 推荐)
长 : 2620 mm 宽 : 963 mm 高 : 1311 mm 198 Kg
AC 100-120V or 200-240V 50-60Hz 运行 : 800 W
SC-S30680,SC-S50680,SC-S70680 三 款 打 印 机 均 安装了爱普生最先进的微压电 TFP 打印头。具有更高性能和 更高耐用性的特点,TFP(Thin Film Piezo,超薄压电薄膜) 打印头的每列有 360 个细微的喷嘴,可喷射出极为准确的墨点 形状。
SC-S30680 安 装 了 一 个 打 印 头, 实 现 C/M/Y/K 双 四 色 打 印,由 于 每 种 颜 色 的 喷 嘴 数 达 到 了 720 个, 所 以 打 印 速 度 比 之 前 有 非 常 大 的 提 高, 高 速 模 式 下 29.4 平 米 / 小 时 (720x720dpi 2pass)。
ESC/P raster 选配 Wasatch SoftRIP 中文标准版
512MB 128MB
运行 : 15 to 35℃ (20 to 32℃ 推荐) 运行 : 20 to 80% (40 to 60% 推荐)
长 : 2620 mm 宽 : 963 mm 高 : 1311 mm 198 Kg
AC 100-120V or 200-240V 50-60Hz 运行 : 650 W
长 : 2620 mm 宽 : 963 mm 高 : 1311 mm 198 Kg
AC 100-120V or 200-240V 50-60Hz 运行 : 895 W
待机 : 775 W (加热器开) 睡眠:14 W
60.5 dB
C12C815391 C12C890761
C12C890891 C13T699300 C13T724000 C13T724100
白色墨水:由于白色墨水的使用,SC-S50680 和 SC-S70680 可以在特种介质上,例如透明、半透明或有色的介质上,使用 白色墨水进行白色背景衬底的打印,从而实现在所有的介质上 都实现高品质的输出。
SC-S30680/S50680/S70680 三款打印机均标配了三段 加热系统,实现印前介质预加热,以增强墨水附着,打印加热器, 以稳定墨水墨滴形状,还有一个尺寸更大的后加热器,以加快 墨水干燥。这三个加热器相互配合,实现了墨水墨滴快速干燥, 即保证了印品的稳定性,同时也保证了有高速的输出。
C13T690180 C13T690280 C13T690380 C13T690480
C13T716A80 C13T699000
双 TFP 微压电打印头(智能墨滴变换技术) 每种颜色 720 个喷嘴 双向打印 \ 单向打印 1440x1440 dpi 4.2 pl
爱普生 " 活的色彩 GSX" 溶剂墨水 青色、洋红色、黄色、黑色、淡青色、淡洋红色、橙色、 淡黑色 可选白色、银色 700 ml(青色、洋红色、黄色、黑色、淡青色、淡洋红色、 橙色、淡黑色) 600 ml(白色), 350 ml(银色)
26.8 平方米 / 小时 13.2 平方米 / 小时
6.7 平方米 / 小时
300-1625.6mm(64in.) 最大外径 250 mm 40 Kg 1 mm
30 to 50℃ 30 to 50℃ 30 to 55℃
USB 2.0,100/1000MB 以太网
ESC/P raster 选配 Wasatch SoftRIP 中文标准版
三款打印机均配备了先进的介质安装系统,即使是装载 厚重的介质,通过提升机构依然可以轻松应对。
SC-S70680 打印机使用了成熟的淡黑色墨水技术,可以 精确的还原影像中的中性色调部分灰度,同时避免了仅使用 黑色墨水容易产生的颗粒感现象。
速度提升 80% 以上
爱普生“活的色彩 GSX”墨 水是爱普生“活的色彩 GS2”墨水 成 功 研 发 的 基 础 上, 推 出 的 高 端 环保弱溶剂墨水,其同样达到了 要求严格的北欧白天鹅环保体系 (Nordic Swan)的认证,同时, 其 色 域 更 加 宽 广, 超 过 爱 普 生 “活的色彩 GS”墨水色域 11%。 同时,首次装配的银色和白色墨水 更是为高端用户提供了更专业的 选择。
双十色输出,完全满足对品质要 求最高的用户的需求,8 色墨水打 造极致色彩,银色和白色墨水更是可 以在介质表面打印出金属光泽。
双十色 注 : 自动收纸器为选件
12-7-4 下午3:44
爱普生“活的色彩 GS2”墨水 是爱普生的新一代环保弱溶剂 墨 水,通过对墨水化学成分的改进, 其秉承了上一代弱溶剂墨水的 特 点, 不含有带有强致癌因素的 镍元素,更 达 到 了 北 欧 白 天 鹅 环 保 体 系(Nordic Swan)的认证, 同 时 其 户 外 保 存 性 比“ 活 的 色 彩 GS”墨水延长了 2 倍。
300-1625.6mm(64in.) 最大外径 250 mm 40 Kg 1 mm
30 to 50℃ 30 to 50℃ 30 to 55℃
USB 2.0,100/1000MB 以太网
ESC/P raster 选配 Wasatch SoftRIP 中文标准版
512MB 128MB
运行 : 15 to 35℃ (20 to 32℃ 推荐) 运行 : 20 to 80% (40 to 60% 推荐)
C M K Lk(Wh)(Ms) Or Y LmLc
720X720dpi 标准精度
720X720dpi 高精度 14.7m2/h 26.3m2/h 13.2m2/h
720X1440dpi 高精度 7.3m2/h 13.2m2/h 6.7m2/h
待机 : 520 W (加热器开) 30 W (加热器关) 睡眠:10 W
59 dB
C12C815391 C12C890761 C12C890752 C12C890891 C13T699300 C13T724000 C13T724100
C13T690180 C13T690280 C13T690380 C13T69电打印头(智能墨滴变换技术) 每种颜色 1440 个喷嘴 双向打印 \ 单向打印 1440x1440 dpi 4.2 pl
爱普生 " 活的色彩 GS2" 溶剂墨水
青色、洋红色、黄色、黑色 可选白色
700 ml(青色、洋红色、黄色、黑色) 600 ml(白色)