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保护环境, 善待家园,是每个公民的义务和责任.
地球是人类惟一的家园,在茫茫的宇宙中,除了地球之外,目前尚未发现其他适合人类生存的星球.地球是我们人类赖以生存的惟一家园. 环保意识应该从小学阶段就要灌输,下面是小编给六年级的小朋友搜集的关于制作环保手抄报的英汉双语资料,网能帮到你,让你的手抄报制作的更加精彩!
2、买环保电池——防止汞镉污染。日常使用的电池有大量的重金属污染物——镉、汞、锰等。废弃在自然界时,这些有毒物质便慢慢从电池中 溢出,进入土壤或水源,再通过农作物进入人的食物链进入人的食物链。这些有毒物质在人体内会长期积蓄难以排除,损害神经系统、造血功 能、肾脏和骨骼,有的还能够致癌。
3、南极上空臭氧变薄的速度达到每天损失1%,空洞的范围有如欧洲一样大小。据美国环保署的有关研究,大气圈中臭氧含量每减少1%,皮肤癌 患者增加10万人,患白内障和呼吸道疾病的人也将增多。
4、1棵生长50年的树,通过光合作用,每年可生产出价值31250美元的的氧气和价值2600美元的蛋白质,同时可以防止大气污染(62500美元) ,涵养水源、促进水分再循环(37500美元), 防止土壤侵蚀,增加土壤肥力(31250美元),还可以为鸟类及其他动物提供栖息环境(32150 美元),将这些综合价值计算到一起,这棵树每年的价值应该是20万美元。
5、在恐龙时代,平均每1000年才有一种动物绝种;20世纪以前,地球上大约每4年有一种动物绝种;现在每年约有4万种生物绝迹。近150年来, 鸟类灭绝了80种;近50年来,兽类灭绝了近40种。近100年来,物种灭绝的速度超出其自然灭绝率的1000倍,而且这种速度仍有增无减。
7、《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》规定:禁止出售、收购国家重点保护野生动物或者产品。商业部规定,禁止收购和以任何形式买卖国家 重点保护动物及其产品(包括死体、毛皮、羽毛、内脏、血、骨、肉、角、卵、精液、胚胎、标本、药用部分等)。我国也是《濒危野生动植 物种国际贸易公约》和成员。
英文:environmental shouchao bao information
green tips
1, according to the survey, china has 700 million people drink excessive e. coli in water, 164 million people drink polluted water, the organic, nitrate exceeded 35 million people drink water.
2, buy environmentally friendly batteries - to prevent the mercury cadmium contamination. batteries for everyday use a large number of heavy metal pollutants - cadmium, mercury and manganese. abandoned in nature, these toxic substances from the battery will slowly overflow into the soil or water, and then enter the human food chain through crops into the human food chain. these toxic substances in the human body a long-term savings would be difficult to remove, damage to the nervous system, blood-gong energy, kidney and bone, and some can also cause cancer.
3, the antarctic ozone thinning over the speed of loss of 1% per day, empty like the
european range of the same size. according to the u.s. epa in the study, levels of ozone in the
atmosphere is reduced by 1%, skin cancer patients with an increase of 10 million people who suffer from cataracts and respiratory diseases will also increase.
4,1 trees 50 years of tree growth, through photosynthesis, produces a value of 31.25 thousand u.s. dollars per year in 2600 u.s. dollars worth of oxygen and protein, while preventing air pollution (62.5 thousand u.s. dollars) , conserving water, promoting water recycling (37.5 thousand
u.s. dollars), to prevent soil erosion, increase soil
fertility (31.25 thousand u.s. dollars), can also provide habitat for birds and other animals, environment
(32150 u.s. dollars), an integrated value of these together, the value of each tree should be 20 million.
6, at present, the global area of desertification has already reached 36 million square
kilometers, accounting for the entire planets land area 1 / 4, about 900 million people affected by the ravages of desertification, and threats.