secret of my heart钢琴谱五线谱 完整版原版
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Secret of my heart歌词
![Secret of my heart歌词](
[ Secret of my heart]
Secret of my heart
I can't say
もうすこしだけI'm waiting for a chance
Secret of my heart
secret of my heart 歌词
![secret of my heart 歌词](
とんな言叶に変えて君に伝えられるたろう(你看见曼珠沙华开的花我听见那血色嫣红的童话)あれからいくつもの季节か(忘了吧将花都撕下铺满天涯)通りすきたけれといつも傍て笑ってる(你不说我仍知你是他算了吧就算我从未有牵挂)私にも言えないことかまたひとつたけある(今生太短可来世是否容我记得他抬眼时一片尘沙)Secret of my heart 疑ってもないね(含笑看你远去的步伐)いつたって少しの未来かあれは(一千零一夜风卷残霞寒水烹茶月笼纱)真実は手に入れられるはす(我想你是他可你怎么从来不说话)I can\´t say もう少したけ(若即若离放不下)I\´m waiting for a chanceこんな穏やかな时间(那一年荼蘼之后再无花)もっと繋かっていたい(那一季是落樱如雪换芳华)全てを见せるのか怖くて少し离れて歩く(昙香一夜假面都抛下丢盔卸甲我信他信着我的那个他)君の横颜かなせか(等我啊到露重更深冰蟾挂)壊れそうて守りたいもっと近つきたいよ(一唱三叹叹患得患失将情苗栽差)Secret of my heart 理解ってくれるよね(独自忍受流年的敲打)谁たって逃けたい时もあるけと(春来春又去天河掠影月魂沉璧守浮槎)それたけしゃ何も始まらない(我等的是他可他怎么从来不回答)I can\´t say きっと必す(若隐若现随风化)I\´m calling for a chanceCan I tell the truth? その言叶言えす(这一次我竭尽全力)空回りする唇に(沙漠中的雨听层云吞声暗泣) Feeling in my heart 隠せない(干涸千年绿)これ以上(一夜焕生机) \´Cause I love youI will be with you, Whenever you areCan you feel my heart?Can you feel my heart?Can\´t you see, you\´re my dream失いたくないよ大切な君と过こすこの(伴我今宵无眠的萧索时间花开花又落朱颜辞镜春树失色华年过)あきらめる位なら信して(醉拼花底卧陪君千场离觞不欲说)I just wanna say もう迷わない(何幸今生为君错)Can\´t you see, you\´re my heartとんな作り物も简単に壊れてしまう(日か来る是我心口完美的折磨红销香婆娑雾冷风清雨打残荷危梦多)たけとまたいつまても変わらない(玉钗敲夜彻魂兮归来惟有情难舍)Secret of my heart Our future is foreverSecret of my heart...Secret of my heart...无论怎样表达都能够传达给你吧从那时起不知有多少季节经过而你总是在我身旁微笑着我还有一件事没有对你说出口不怀疑我心中的秘密无论何时只要有点未来的话应该就能掌握真相我不能说再等等我正等待着机会在这样安稳的时间里想要更加联系住彼此但害怕让你看到一切稍微保持距离而行走不知为什么你的侧脸似乎破碎着让我想保护你想要更加的接近你我心中的秘密你能了解吧?无论是谁总有想逃避的时候那么一来就永远无法开始我不能说但总有一刻我急着需要一个机会我能说实话吗?双唇兀自开阖却吐不出这一句话我的心情无法再隐藏下去因为我爱你我想要一直陪着你你能体会我的心情吗?你能体会我的心情吗?你看不到你是我的梦吗?我不想失去与你共度的重要时光死心塌地的相信你我只是想说我不再迷惑了你看不到,你就是我的心吗?无论是什么物品都有坏掉的一天但是我的爱永远不会改变我心中的秘密我们的未来将是永远我心中的秘密...我心中的秘密...我心中的秘密...。
仓木麻衣 Secret of my heart歌词(罗马拼音)
![仓木麻衣 Secret of my heart歌词(罗马拼音)](
Secret of my heartdonna kotoba ni kaeteどんな言叶(こどば)に変(か)えてkimi ni tsutaerareru darou君(きみ)に伝(つた)えられるだろうare kara ikutsumo no kisetsu gaあれからいくつもの季节(きせつ)がtoorisugita keredo通(とお)り过(す)ぎたけれどitsumo soba de waratteruいつも傍(そば)で笑(わら)ってるwatashi ni mo ienai koto ga mada hitotsu dake aru私(わたし)にも言(い)えないことがまだひとつだけあるSecret of my heartutagattemo nai ne疑(うたが)ってもないねitsu datte sukoshi no mirai ga arebaいつだって少(すこ)しの未来(みらい)があればshinjitsu wa te ni irerareru hazu真実(しんじつ)は手(て)に入(い)れられるはずI can't saymou sukoshi dakeもうすこしだけI'm waiting for a chancekonna odayaka na tokiこんな穏(おだ)やかな时间(とき)motto tsunagatte itaiもっと系(つな)がっていたいsubete o miseru no ga kowakuteすべてを见(み)せるのが怖(こわ)くてsukoshi hanarete aruku少(すこ)し离(はな)れて歩(ある)くkimi no yokogao ga naze ka君(きみ)の横颜(よこがお)がなぜかkowaresou de mamoritai motto chikazukitai yo壊(こわ)れそうで守(まも)りたいもっと近(ちか)づきたいよSecret of my heartwakatte kureru yo ne理解(わか)ってくれるよねdare datte nigetai toki mo aru kedo谁(だれ)だって逃(に)げたい时(とき)もあるけどsore dake ja nani mo hajimaranaiそれだけじゃ何(なに)も始(はじ)まらないI can't saykitto kanarazuきっと必(かなら)ずI'm calling for a chanceCan I tell the truth?sono kotoba iezuその言叶(ことば)言(い)えずkaramawari suru kuchibiru ni空回(からまわ)りする唇(くちびる)にFeel in my heartkakusenai kore ijou雔(かく)せないこれ以上(いじょう)'Cause I love youI will be with youWherever you areCan you feel my heart?Can you feel my heart?Can't you see, you're my dreamushinaitakunai yo失(うしな)いたくないよtaisetsu na kimi to sugosu kono jikan大切(たいせつ)な君(きみ)と过(す)ごすこの时间(じかん) akirameru kurai nara shinjiteあきらめる位(くらい)なら信(しん)じてI just wanna saymou mayowanaiもう迷(まよ)わないCan't you see, you're my dreamdonna tsukurimono moどんな作(つく)り物(もの)もkantan ni kowarete shimau hi ga kuru简単(かんたん)に壊(こわ)れてしまう日(ひ)がくるdakedo mada itsu made mo kawaranaiだけどまだいつまでも変(か)わらないSecret of my heartOur future is foreverSecret of my heart....Secret of my heart....Secret of my heart....secret of my heart. our future is forever.secret of my heart.............无论怎样表达都能够传达给你吧从那时起不知有多少季节经过而你总是在我身旁微笑著我还有一件事没有对你说出口不怀疑我心中的秘密无论何时只要有点未来的话应该就能掌握真相我不能说再等会我正等待著机会在这样安稳的时间里想要更加联系住彼此但害怕让你看到一切稍微保持距离而行走不知为什麼你的侧脸似乎破碎著让我想保护你想要更加的接近你我心中的秘密你能了解吧?无论是谁总有想逃避的时候那麼一来就永远无法开始我不能说但总有一刻我急著需要一个机会我能说实话吗?双唇兀自开阖却吐不出这一句话我的心情无法再隐藏下去因为我爱你我想要一直陪著你你能体会我的心情吗?你能体会我的心情吗?你看不到,你是我的梦吗?我不想失去与你共度的重要时光死心塌地的相信你我只是想说我不再迷惑了你看不到,你就是我的心吗?无论是什麼物品都有坏掉的一天但是我的爱永远不会改变我心中的秘密我们的未来将是永远我心中的秘密...我心中的秘密...我心中的秘密...。
• 「Start in my life 」名侦探柯南 219话~232 话 11th ed
• • 「ALways 」名侦探柯南 233话~247话 12th ed /名侦探柯南 剧场版「通往天国的倒 计时」 「Winter Bells 」名侦探柯南 259话~ 270话 10th op
「Time after time ~花舞う街で~」 名 侦探柯南 剧场版「迷宫的十字路」
☆目前为止最巅峰时期:2000年。自99年 「Love,Day After Tomorror」后推出的「Stay by my side」,「Secret of my heart」,「NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP」和「Delicious Way」的销量和引起的反 应是最好的了,尤其是「Delicious Way」,获得了2000 年度细碟销量冠军、大碟销量亚军、最佳作词、最出色新 人奖和最高唱片收入亚军等五个奖项,并打破了原来的 R&B小天后宇多田光的纪录,和滨崎步并列第一(总销量 第二),出道不到一年就被公认为唯一可以威胁另外两大 天后的新天后。 • ☆麻衣的家庭:仓木麻衣的家庭是一个不完美的家庭, 父亲山前五十洋在麻衣年幼时就与妻子离异,仓木麻衣也 是和母亲姓(她的真名叫青野真衣)。其父亲山前五十洋 现为AV女友仓本麻衣的经纪人。
☆别名: Mai-K、マイマイ(MaiMai) クッキー(“Kuraki”的爱称“Ku.Ki-”) ☆星座: 天蝎座 ☆血型: B型 ☆身高:155cm (麻衣在07年的FC EVENT上亲口说的) ☆出生地:千叶县船桥市 ☆出生日期: 1982年10月28日
☆学校: 船桥市立前原小学、圣德大学附属中学高等 女子学校、立命馆宇治高等学校、立命馆大学(2001年4 月入学,2005年春に卒业)产业社会学部 产业社会学科 人间文化学系。 ☆兴趣: 绘画、电影、音乐、制作饰品、写信 16岁开 始写词,负责自己所有歌曲的填词。 ☆尊敬的人: 父母(有争议) ☆家庭成员:山前 五十洋(父亲) 青野 公子(母亲) 青野 拓也(哥哥) ☆宠物: キャスパー(博德牧羊犬)、ライス(仓鼠) ☆所属公司: 1999年至2007年5月GIZA Studio(大阪) 2007年5月至今Northern Music(东京)。台湾代理商为新光 美音多媒体(股)有限公司
少女时代《gee、oh、hoot、》仓木麻衣《secret of my heart》中文译音
![少女时代《gee、oh、hoot、》仓木麻衣《secret of my heart》中文译音](
secret of my heart多恩那扩拖巴你卡厄得ki米你杜大厄拉瑞入大罗阿累卡拉一苦朱莫偌ki色朱嘎多哦里苏给他可累多衣子莫索巴得哇拉阿得路哇大西你莫衣厄那衣扩拖嘎妈大衣多子大给阿路Secret of my heart鱼他嘎得莫那衣内衣次妈得苏扩西诺米拉衣嘎阿累巴西恩机子哇忒你衣类拉类努哈朱I cannot say莫鱼苏扩西大kiI'm waiting for a chance扩恩那哦大呀卡那拖ki莫么多土那嘎阿得衣大衣苏被得哦米色努诺嘎扩哇苦得苏古西哈那累忒阿路苦ki米诺哟扩嘎哦嘎那热嘎扩哇累索哦得妈莫米他衣莫么多西卡朱ki他衣哟Secret of my heart哇卡得苦累哟累大瑞大忒你给他衣拖ki莫啊路可多索累大可家那你莫哈机妈拉诺衣I cannot sayki衣多卡那那朱I'm calling for a chanceCan I tell the truth?so no ko to ba i e zuka ra ma wa ri su ru ku chi bi ru ni Feel in my heartka ku se na i ko re i jo u'Cause I love youI will be with you (with you, with you) Wherever you are? (you are, you are) Can you feel my heart?Can you feel my heart?Can't you see, you're my dream鱼衣那衣他苦那衣哟他衣色子那ki米拖苏国苏扩诺机嘎恩阿ki拉美路苦拉衣那拉恩机得I just wanna say莫鱼妈哟哇那衣(I just wanna say forever)Can't you see, you're my dream懂那子苦瑞莫诺莫看拉你扩哇瑞忒西妈鱼HI嘎苦路大可多妈大衣次妈得莫卡哇拉那衣Secret of my heartOur future is foreverSecret of my heartSecret of my heartSecret of my heartSecret of my heartAh,ha!Listen boy.My first love.My angel I'm a girl.My sunshine.Oh,oh.Let's go! 珠贤:诺姆诺姆某交怒你怒你不孝苏木儿毛岁给搜都儿里嫩狗儿Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby babyGee Gee Gee Gee baby baby babyTiffany:oh 诺姆不了楼我敲打波儿素哦搜撒浪耶芭蕉搜素住本狗儿Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby babyGee Gee Gee Gee babe babe.......秀英.允儿:呕都给哈就豆儿里嫩妈恩(度跟度跟度跟度跟)度跟度跟狗聊八没加都某一路就Jessica:那嫩那嫩八本嘎巴哟各嘚各嘚八给某勒嫩吧啵各类哟各嘚儿啵嫩南合:诺姆般家般家怒你不孝no no no no no诺姆敢家敢家闹儿蓝那嫩oh oh oh oh oh诺姆家里家里某米豆儿聊Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee某假针奴婢oh ye 就无航个oh ye ye ye宥莉:oh 诺姆诺姆耶啵妈咪诺姆耶啵抽怒内把内搜够级本狗儿Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby babyGee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby babySunny:诺姆那德狗我慢鸡儿素噶呕搜撒浪耶她啵聊户个南狗儿Gee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby babyGee Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby baby珠贤.孝渊”呕周面就哇苏主本那嫩(木儿拉木儿啦木儿啦木儿啦)木儿啦木儿啦哈苗泰妍:每一儿歌嘚慢歌里就琪南亲古德蓝妈儿哈就成马儿那嫩成马儿某马儿聊八啵哈吉曼个嘚儿啵嫩南合:诺姆般家般家怒你不孝no no no no no诺姆敢家敢家闹儿蓝那嫩oh oh oh oh oh诺姆家里家里某米豆儿聊Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee某假针奴婢oh ye 就无航个oh ye ye ye宥莉:马儿都某带嫩狗儿诺姆布勒楼我哈嫩狗儿泰妍:用歌噶呕嫩狗儿噶呕都给呀就无狗儿噶度跟度跟妈就里苗巴拉啵沟一嫩那合:诺姆般家般家怒你不孝no no no no no诺姆敢家敢家闹儿蓝那嫩oh oh oh oh oh诺姆家里家里某米豆儿聊Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee某假针奴婢oh ye 就无航个oh ye诺姆般家般家怒你不孝no no no no no诺姆敢家敢家闹儿蓝那嫩oh oh oh oh oh诺姆家里家里某米豆儿聊Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee某假针奴婢oh ye 就无航个oh ye ye ye《oh》穷内爱够内噶按呀brand new style 赛落我进那忘行给one more rounddance dance dance 'Till we run this town.哦吧哦吧Ill be Ill be down down downhe!哦吧那囧把那了囧把了布哇求米呀一lan内买吐哈!莫里都哈够花进豆汗呢带温呢没忙没木呢妮度跟度跟卡死米带了哇有差可差可散散满哈呢够六o都k 寒那口的lo都内噶【妈哈过西破】Oh Oh Oh 巴鲁巴鲁桑朗AAh Ah Ah 马尼马尼he苏ju不呢杰怕无力妈有金星米呢no里几豆妈啦有都!怕波噶特买不nia 穷内爱够内噶按呀brand new style 赛落我进那忘行给one more rounddance dance dance 'Till we run this town.哦吧哦吧Ill be Ill be down down down哦吧擦刚满擦刚满的lo把疼san额lo满醒噶卡几妈啦莫拉莫啦脉卖弄穷用莫拉呢起爱给巧难满起呢够有o都k汗那一桥难呢桑兰妈【的lo把穷满】Oh Oh Oh 巴鲁巴鲁桑朗AAh Ah Ah 马尼马尼he苏ju不呢杰怕无力妈有金星米呢no里几豆妈啦有都!可lo mio那无几都莫拉穷内爱够内噶按呀brand new style 梦噶打了莫了妈呢的giao闹讲讲米了几够忘满niao 哦吧哦吧一带no呢nonononotell me boy boy love it (it it it it ah -)Oh Oh Oh 巴鲁巴鲁桑朗AAh Ah Ah 马尼马尼heOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 巴鲁巴鲁桑朗AAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah 马尼马尼he 都!怕波噶特买不niaOh Oh Oh OhAh Ah Ah AhOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 巴鲁巴鲁桑朗AAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah 马尼马尼heOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 巴鲁巴鲁桑朗AAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah 马尼马尼heHoot怒看把卡萨音no头Check it Out~!及那嘎嫩要加度肯慢穷哇啊你求某杜林桥嘎西吧kin口意思伊萨哎dadada球根满那嘎亲加拉秒哦带木嘟嘟看买图闹木阿帕那一龙该一苏开胶嘎嫩滚穷买西楼搜桑哎dadada奥迪r敲打吧南药gi一嫩带脑袋母奶内马恩们卡包一p狗一节内噶马嫂就r给你花萨len Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!那轮恼聊搜闹嫩Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!那嫩hut! hut! hut!斗gi白银你麻类那桑乔一p狗斗大喜君度邦杰Chance嫩鸟洗Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!带路恼聊搜闹嫩Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!那嫩hut! hut! hut!大论要价也汗囧哎扑把就打你病名古嫩阿吉斗强心某恰李固以及固态抖搂救恩要加某曼娜够大仰望你neon.neon.neon恰看马拉no Q批兔嘎啊nya(闹吗俩)脑袋母奶内马恩们卡包一p狗一节内噶马嫂就r给你花萨len Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!那轮恼聊搜闹嫩Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!那嫩hut! hut! hut!斗gi白银你麻类那桑乔一p狗斗大喜君度邦杰Chance嫩鸟洗Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!带路恼聊搜闹嫩Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!那嫩hut! hut! hut!么扫给扫度聊秒嘎啦安凯内噶慢den Circle闹嫩嘎器该木几案嫩麻类带打满都黑苦累斗难no球楼话萨论难苏该脑袋母奶内马恩们卡包一p狗一节内噶马嫂就r给你花萨len Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!那轮恼聊搜闹嫩Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!那嫩hut! hut! hut!斗gi白银你麻类那桑乔一p狗斗大喜君度邦杰Chance嫩鸟洗Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!带路恼聊搜闹嫩Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! 那嫩hut! hut! hut!mr.taxiTOKYO, SEOUL, LONDON, N.YKi吗吗你塞开衣沃drive tonight卡苦气得Hi喽苏录牛思太米他扣头乃某NO哒开米塞他给录后啦扣气沃米太苏扣西K忒塞哟啊NOhi带里汉兜录哟里难吧衣某I’m so taxi taxi搜头就西就西就西哦衣滋开来苏皮兜得内滋衣忒扣来录 taxi taxi搜头囧西囧西囧西Hi卡里卡噶呀苦开兜付来啦来那衣NO吗撒你Supersonic n’ hypertonic唔吧忒后西NOU take me吗苏股 taxi taxi搜头囧西囧西囧西开兜看谈你哇衣卡娜衣NO哟吗气NO hi噶吗录得shooting star滋ki NO 某苦忒ki气嘛得能stop诶嗯及哦ong哒K NO扣西带哒西BO家唔西楼得得Say good-bye 后啦哟搜米系那衣得BO 肯塞哟啊哦NO米gi汉兜录哟里某他西卡哟I’m so taxi taxi搜头囧西囧西囧西哦衣滋开乃苏皮兜得内组衣忒扣来录 taxi taxi搜头囧西囧西囧西Hi卡里卡噶呀苦开兜付来啦来那衣NO吗撒你Supersonic n’ hypertonic唔吧忒后西NOU take me吗苏股 taxi taxi搜头囧西囧西囧西开兜看谈你哇衣卡娜衣NO哟One two three here we go兜扣诶得某【anyway】及U及咋衣哟【anyway】搜唔就NO【anyway】哈忒得塞某【anyway】内给兜里那NO哟兜西得付安嗯那NOAnd I don’t know whyand I don’t know why【don’t know why】滋衣太ki忒哟内I don’t wanna say good bye【Good bye】Good bye【I wanna say good bye】 taxi taxi搜头囧西囧西囧西哦衣滋开乃苏皮兜得内组衣忒扣来录 taxi taxi搜头囧西囧西囧西Hi卡里卡噶呀苦开兜付来啦来那衣NO吗撒你Supersonic n’ hypertonic唔吧忒后西NOU take me吗苏股 taxi taxi搜头囧西囧西囧西【wu~~oh~~】开兜看谈你哇衣卡娜衣NO哟。
浪漫的句子文案英文暗恋1. In the secret corners of my heart, I've kept my unrequited love for you alive.2. My hidden adoration for you whispers through the pages of my diary.3. Unbeknownst to you, my heart beats faster whenever you're near.4. From afar, I watch over you, cherishing every moment we share in my dreams.5. Your smile, though unaware of its effect, paints a beautiful canvas on my heart.6. I cherish these stolen glances, for they are the only solace my heart finds in longing for you.7. In the shadows, I love you, silently yearning for a love that can never be.8. My heart dances to the rhythm of your laughter, even though you are unaware of my presence.9. My love for you blooms like a hidden flower, delicate yet enduring.10. Though you may never know, you've captured my heart like a shooting star in the night sky.11. Secretly, I hold your laughter as my lullaby, as it soothes the ache of unrequited love.12. In the depths of my dreams, I find solace in the hope that one day, you might notice me.13. While you are unaware, your captivating presence paints an iridescent glow on my darkest nights.14. In the silence of my unspoken words, I wrap my love for you like a delicate silk thread.15. Somehow, this unrequited love feels like a beautifully tragic muse that fuels my soul's creativity.16. My heart hesitates, for fear that if you knew my love, it would shatter like fragile glass.17. Each stolen glance is a precious stolen moment, etched forever in the tapestry of my heart.18. In the realm of my heart, I gather the courage to love you silently, letting our destinies intertwine like unseen threads.19. Unexpressed love blossoms in my heart, like a fragrant flower yearning for the warmth of the sun.20. Though I may never hold you in my arms, I find solace in knowing that I'll always hold you in my heart.21. In the vast silence, my love for you quietly echoes, reflecting the depth of my affection.22. Unseen, my love for you grows stronger, like a perennial flower rooted deep within the earth.23. Your presence, even from a distance, has become the compass that guides the rhythm of my heart.24. Like an unfinished melody, my love for you remains unvoiced yet resounds throughout my being.25. My heart whispers your name in the night, like an unsent letter longing to be read.26. Hidden beneath a smile, my love for you silently weaves the fabric of my dreams.27. In the realm of my heart, you are the muse that inspires verses of unexpressed love.28. Your laugh, like a lovesong, echoes through my soul and fills the void of unrequited love.29. From the depths of my soul, I silently adore you, letting my love for you dance in the spaces between our lives.30. In the solace of my solitude, I find solace in the warmth of my unrequited love for you.31. My eyes become a window to my soul, where you can witness the secrets of my unspoken love.32. Across the distance, my heartache for you burns like a love I cannot touch.33. Though our paths may never intertwine, you'll always hold a special place within the chambers of my heart.34. Your happiness is my secret desire, even if it means loving you from afar.35. In the realm of my dreams, we walk hand in hand, carrying our unspoken love like a hidden treasure.36. Your laughter, like a gentle breeze, carries my unspoken love to the heavens above.37. Hidden beneath the surface, my love for you flows like a river, unstoppable and eternal.38. In the tapestry of my life, your presence weaves an invisible thread of unrequited love, forever binding our souls.39. In the shadows, my heart silently dances to the rhythm of unrequited love, forever yearning for your touch.40. Behind closed doors, my love for you blossoms like a rose, forever beautiful, yet hidden from the world.。
Secret of my heart 罗马音
![Secret of my heart 罗马音](
仓木麻衣《Secret of my heart》歌/仓木麻衣词/仓木麻衣曲/大野爱果どんな言叶に変えてdo n na ko to ba ni ka e te君に伝えられるだろうki mi ni tsu ta e ra re ru da ro uあれからいくつもの季节がa re ka ra i ku tsu mo no ki se tsu ga通り过ぎたけれどto o ri zu gi ta ke re doいつも傍で笑ってるi tsu mo so ba de wa ra tte ru私にも言えないことがwa ta shi ni mo i e na i ko to gaまだひとつだけあるma da hi to tsu da ke a ruSecret of my heart 疑ってもないねSecret of my heart u ta ga tte mo na i ne いつだって少しの未来があればi tsu da tte su ko shi no mi ra i ga a re ba真実は手に入れられるはずshi n ji tsu wa te ni i re ra re ru ha zuI can't say もうすこしだけI can't say mo u su ko shi da keI'm waiting for a chanceこんな穏やかな时间ko n na o da ya ka na to kiもっと系がっていたいmo tto tsu na ga tte i ta iすべてを见せるのが怖くてsu be te o mi se ru no ga ko wa ku te少し离れて歩くsu ko shi ha na re te a ru ku君の横颜がなぜかki mi no yo ko ga o ga na ze ka壊れそうで守りたいko wa re so u de ma mo ri ta iもっと近づきたいよmo tto chi ka zu ki ta i yoSecret of my heart 理解ってくれるよねSecret of my heart wa ka tte ku re ru yo ne 谁だって逃げたい时もあるけどda re da tte ni ge ta i to ki mo a ru ke do それだけじゃ何も始まらないso re da ke ja na ni mo ha ji ma ra na iI can't say きっと必(かなら)ずI can't say ki tto ka na ra zuI'm calling for a chanceCan I tell the truth?その言叶言えず空回りする唇にso no ko to ba i e zuka ra ma wa ri su ru ku chi bi ru niFeeling in my heart 隠せないこれ以上Feel in my heart ka ku se na i ko re i jo u'Cause I love youI will be with you wherever you areCan you feel my heart?Can you feel my heart?Can't you see, you're my dream 失いたくないよCan't you see, you're my dream u shi na i ta ku na i yo大切な君と过ごすこの时间ta i se tsu na ki mi to su go su ko no ji ka nあきらめる位なら信じてa ki ra me ru ku ra i na ra shi n ji teI just wanna say もう迷わないI just wanna say mo u ma yo wa na iCan't you see, you're my heart どんな作り物もCan't you see, you're my dream do n na tsu ku ri mo nomo简単に壊れてしまう日がくるka n ta n ni ko wa re te shi ma u hi ga ku ruだけどまだいつまでも変(か)わらないda ke do ma da i tsu ma de mo ka wa ra na i Secret of my heart. Our future is forever.Secret of my heart....Secret of my heart....Secret of my heart....。
The Secret of Moonacre《月亮坪的秘密(2008)》完整中英文对照剧本
![The Secret of Moonacre《月亮坪的秘密(2008)》完整中英文对照剧本](
Lord, we commit the body of your son,请接纳您的子民Colonel George Herbert Merryweather, to the ground.乔治锡伯特梅瑞威勒深埋与此Earth to earth, ashes to ashes,尘归尘土归土Dust to dust,让往生者安宁In the sure and certain hope of the resurrection into eternal life. 让在世者重获解脱What the Lord give , he also take away.主将带走他所赐予The fever of life is over.一个人的生命已经结束Miss Merryweather.美瑞?威勒小姐"This being the last will and testament这是乔治?锡伯特?威勒"Of Colonel George Herbert Merryweather of London."在伦敦签署的最后遗愿H-h-he... lost it all?他失去了一切吗lncluding the house?连房♥子都没了?No! No, Papa can't have been in London.不爸爸不可能在伦敦Why, he wrote to me and said that he was coming home.他为什么写信给我说他会回家He wouldn't arrive and not...而他根本就没回来Ah, well, your father did leave you this book...你♥爸♥爸确实留给了你这本书..As your inheritance.作为遗产The Ancient Chronicles of Moonacre Valley.月亮坪山谷古代编年史I know this is hard,我知道这很难But, you know,但我肯定I'm sure that your father did...你父亲真的did love you.真的爱你He... he just...他只是...And, you know, everybody does have to go out on their own你知道每个人都要依靠自己At some point in their lives and...不论是在生活上还是…Miss Heliotrope, I'm fine! Really.西利卓普小姐我没事真的Yes.好吧Once upon a perfect time,曾经的一个美妙时代Many hundreds of years ago,在很久以前When the old magic came to Moonacre Valley...当古老的魔法来到梅尼克山谷There was a young woman whose skin gleamed as pale as a star, 有个皮肤晶莹如同星星一样的年轻女子And whose heart was as pure as moonlight.她的内心如月光般纯洁Such was her bravery and goodness,因为她的勇敢和善良she was beloved by nature,自然之神珍爱她As if she were its own daughter.视若己出One fateful night, the moon blessed her在一个命中注定的夜晚With an extraordinary gift月亮赠与她一样特殊的礼物That would change the magic of the valley forever.能永远改变这个山谷的魔力The moon pearls.那就是月亮珍珠From that day forth, she was known as the Moon Princess.从此以后她被称做月亮公主Two ancient families lived in harmony at the edge of the valley, 两个古老的家族在山谷边缘和睦相处Sharing nature's bounty.共享自然之恩Daughter of the De Noir clan, the Moon Princess fell deeply in love 第?诺阿的女儿月亮公主宣布And was to be married to Sir Rolf Merryweather.她将嫁给洛夫?梅瑞威勒爵士Her father, Sir William De Noir, blessed the union她的父亲威廉?第?诺阿爵士祝福他们的结合By presenting the couple with a rare black lion.送给他们珍稀的幸运之狮For my daughter's bridegroom...给我聪慧的女儿Thank you, Father.谢谢父亲In turn, Sir Rolf gave his bride a unicorn,同时洛夫爵士送给她一头漂亮的独角兽Lured from the wild white horses of the sea.从海上捕获的野生白马Only an animal of such beauty and purity只有如此美丽纯洁的动物Could be the companion of a moon princess.才配得上月亮公主Her heart overflowing with happiness,月亮公主感到如此幸福The Moon Princess revealed the magical pearls to both families. 将魔力展现给两个家族Nurtured fathoms deep in the heart of the ocean.这串珍珠来自大洋深处These pearls were given to us是自然之母赋予我们的by Mother Nature herself,来自大洋深处的自然力量Promising untold riches to us all.赐予我们无尽的财富Look. They have a unique power.看他们有独特的力量They can reveal the truth in men's hearts.他们可以看到人们内心中的真♥相♥Legend told of their unique power,传说这个独一无二的力量So strong the pearls would grant every wish,如此强大可以满足所有心愿Both good and evil.无论是好或坏Goodbye, Miss Merryweather. Goodbye.再见玛瑞雅小姐再见Goodbye. Bye, miss.再见再见小姐You'll be Miss Maria Merryweather, then.您一定是玛瑞雅?梅瑞威勒小姐My man! Quick!车夫快点Ma'am.夫人Yes.什么事Get on with you!快走啊Goodbye. Ma'am.再见Yes, yes, yes.好了好了Miss Heliotrope...西丽卓普小姐Maria... when your dear mother died,玛瑞雅你亲爱的母亲去世时I promised her faithfully that I would take care of you. 我答应要照顾你So l'm not going to abandon you now.所以现在我不会抛弃你lf you're going to live with your uncle如果你要和你叔叔Amongst the rigions of the countryside,住到穷乡僻壤Then l shall be there with you.我也应该和你在一起Eugh! Where are my charcoal tablets?我的药跑哪去了Oh, this is doing nothing for my indigestion.虽然对我的消化不良没什么效果l'm an absolute martyr to my stomach.我也得把嘴封住好治我的胃How can l possible go to live in the country?我怎么可能住在乡下lt's full of... the countryside.这实在太乡下了Maria, there is only one thing that can save us now. 玛瑞雅现在能救我们的只有Classical French needlepoint.古典的法式针绣花边What's happening?怎么了Have we arrived?我们到了吗ls he deaf or something?他是聋子吗The man's obviously a halfwit.这个男人肯定是个半傻Take the old one!去抓住老的那个Check her pockets!翻她口袋Who were they? What did they want?他们是谁他们想干吗Don't worry, my dear. Sir Benjamin will protect us. 别担心亲爱的本杰明爵士会保护我们的l'm sure of that.我肯定Ladies.女士们Welcome to Moonacre.欢迎来到月亮坪Unfortunate circumstances.很不幸的遭遇There we are. Nothing to be done.玛瑞雅生活还没结束Miss Heliotrope.西丽卓普小姐?Oh, Sir Benjamin, what a journey we've had!本杰明爵士我们很不容易啊Oh, not one hour from this very door,一个小时前当我们到那里的城门We were accosted by a bunch of ruffians...我们差点被一伙...Madam, please.女士对不起l'll hear your fascinating story some other time, if l may.下次我可能有时间详细听你的故事His name is Rolf.他的名字是石头There are those who find him alarming.大家都怕他He can kill in an instant.他可以见血封喉But you're a Merryweather.但你是梅瑞威勒家的He very probably won't harm you.他应该不会伤害你Miss Heliotrope, your room is over there, on the right.西丽卓普小姐你的房♥间在那里右边Oh, thank you, Sir Benjamin. Yes...谢谢本杰明爵士Well, come along, Maria. l'm sure that your room will be next to mine.来吧亲爱的我肯定你的房♥间在我隔壁No, Maria's room is up in the tower.不玛瑞雅的房♥间在塔上But, Uncle, I...但是我Perhaps you'd like to inspect your room first before you turn your nose up at it. 在你表示不满之前最好先看看♥房♥♥间Good night, Uncle.晚安叔叔Charmed, l'm sure.我觉得很好What on earth is this?这个是什么Oh, no.不不No, l think not.我想这不行Young lady, we're taking breakfast through here.年轻的女士在这里用早饭Where did you get this from? Oh, Papa left it to me.你从哪里得到这个的爸爸留给我的Well, he had no right to. This belongs here.他没权利这么做这书属于这里But that's mine!但它是我的Miss Heliotrope!西丽卓普小姐Tell him! Tell him he can't take my father's book from me!跟他说叫他把我爸的书还我Maria! Good gracious! Where's your self-restraint?玛瑞雅问的好你可以自己去要求He can't just go round thinking... Maria!但是他不能就这么走开... 玛瑞雅Don't worry. l'm sure he's just keeping it safe somewhere for you. 别担心我肯定他只是替你保管Sit down. Have your porridge.坐下喝粥Miss...小姐That'll be your breakfast, miss.请用早餐Maria, you really must try this delicious kedgeree.玛瑞雅你一定要试试这个美味的炒蛋A dish best enjoyed in silence, l'm told.吃饭时不要讲话Oh. Oh... interesting.有意思Uncle, you ought to return my father's book to me.叔叔你该把父亲的书还给我Have you...? Have you had her long?你雇她很久了吗Madam, no woman has set foot in this house for years夫人很久没有女人来这里了And, believe me, the silence has been blissful.相信我沉默是金Well, l must say... this country food我得说农家菜Is doing wonders for my trapped wind.比我想象的好太多了Cat's teeth! Can't a man enjoy a meal in his own home in silence? 我就不能在自己家享受一顿安静的早饭吗Well, do tell us, Uncle.你为什么不告诉我们Why did you invite such irritating noisy females你为什么要邀请吵闹的女人Into your nice quiet house?来你这个安静可爱的房♥子l'd love to know.我很想知道My useless brother dies in debt我没用的哥哥负债累累死了and it falls on me to take you in.我不得不接你来住The man was a cowardly good-for-nothing.这种兄弟还不如没有Sir Benjamin! How dare you say that!本杰明爵士你怎么敢这么说My father was a colonel!我父亲是上校Yes, and he died in debt owing money to half the regiment!是的他死时还欠了一屁♥股♥债He fought for his country.他是为国而战And got himself killed in a backstreet gambling den.然后他死在非法赌局Borrowed money once too many times from the wrong money lenders. 我们替他还了太多次债了He wouldn't take money from me, would he?他甚至拿走给你的钱是吧Oh, no. Damn fool and his pride!不见鬼愚蠢的混帐You are a Merryweather, Maria.你是梅瑞威勒家的And this is where you belong. Here at Moonacre.这里才是你的归属月亮坪There we are. There's nothing else to be done.生活还要继续Library private and my study prohibited.图书馆我个人学习使用禁止进入And in here...东边的门..The east wing closed.被锁上了The west wing out of bounds. There we are. ln here...西边禁止通行这边走我们到这儿来Uncle, about that attack yesterday.叔叔昨天我们被袭击是怎么回事Can't something be done?难道就坐以待毙吗Yes, keep your little nose out. l beg your pardon?不少管闲事您说什么Just keep out of the forest.别靠近森林But why? Who are they?为什么他们是谁There is a band of ruffians in the woods.他们是丛林里的一群流氓The De Noir clan.他们叫诺阿You mean like the De Noirs in the storybook?就是书里写的那群诺阿人吗Oh, no, no. These are real enough.不不不他们真实存在着Poachers, bandits, plunderers, the lot of them.他们是入侵者强盗掠夺者盗贼Ladies... this should suit your needs.女士们这里有你们需要的And this will be your classroom.女士们这里是你们的教室Digweed, bring me my whip.迪格威把我的鞭子拿来You weren't expecting me to... She can't ride, can she?你不会想让我... 她不会骑马对吧Sir Benjamin, it is a medical fact that a lady should never be allowed to sit upon a horse. 本杰明先生事实上女士不允许骑马Th-th-they are unstable and they are vicious... creatures.它们很不可靠是可怕的生物lt...它…Oh, oh, dear!不天啊That'll be the horse nuggets, miss.很抱歉没有打扫那里Oh, l think, Sir Benjamin,我想本杰明可能...It might be an appropriate moment for me to retire.我需要稍事休息一下Excuse me. Take care, Maria, my dear!抱歉小心我亲爱的玛瑞雅Come, Maria.上来玛瑞雅Every Merryweather can ride.每位梅瑞威勒家族人都会骑马lt's in the blood.这是与生俱来的This is Periwinkle.她叫长春She's a little feisty but she's a loyal steed.她有些易怒但她很忠诚Just hold out your hand.伸出手l give you my word.我向你保证lt'll stay attached to your wrist, miss.它会喜欢你的小姐You see, miss. She knows.看小姐她懂You're getting on well with Periwinkle.你和长春相处的很融洽Yes, Uncle. She's a bit feisty.是的叔叔她有些泼辣We should be heading back. lt's getting late.我们该回去了天要黑了Uncle, l'm really enjoying this. Could l stay out a little longer?叔叔我真的很喜欢这里我能多待一会儿吗As long as you promise to stay within Moonacre boundaries.只要你向我保证不越过月亮坪的边界Remember, l can only vouch for your safety记住只有你不靠近森林If you stay out of the forest.我才能保证你的安全l shall be home before long and Periwinkle will take good care of me. 我很快就会回家的而且长春会照顾我的Very well.很好Come, Atus. Goodbye, Uncle.咱们走阿特拉斯再见叔叔What's so special about the forest, anyway?这个森林有什么特别的You stay here.你待在这儿You poor little thing! Who did this to you?可怜的小家伙是谁把你关起来的Here. How do you open this?来你还好吗One trap, two catches.一石二鸟阿What do you want?你想干什么That's girls. Catch an animal, they can't resist coming to help. 咱们走吧再抓只猎物让你帮助l know who you are. You're bandits and plunderers!我知道你们是谁你们是群掠夺者My turn.抓住她You! You're coming with us now.是你你老实跟我们走吧My father is just dying to make your acquaintance.我父亲很想认识你Demon dog!是那只该死狗Robin, let's get out of here!罗宾我们离开这儿Robin!罗宾Thank you, you old demon dog, you!谢谢你是只忠狗Come on, little one. Let me take you home.来吧小家伙我带你回家Robin, it's your father!罗宾是你的父亲What did l do to deserve such a prize dolt for a son?我做了什么孽生出你这么个儿子l hope Periwinkle gave you an educational tour of the estate. 希望长春让你更加了解月亮坪了l ... l have a wounded hare.我发现了一只受伤的野兔That, young lady, is a rare Moonacre rabbit.小姑娘这是只罕见的月亮坪野兔By far the more beautiful,它是到目前为止最漂亮brave and serene creature.最勇敢最安静的生物As you've brought her in from the wild,既然你从野外把它带回来she's now your responsibility.你就要对它负责到底And with your knowledge of animals,就凭你那点对动物的知识l very much doubt if she'll live to see the morning.我怀疑它是否能活到明早Keep out of the forest, child.孩子别靠近森林Maria? Oh, goodness gracious!玛瑞雅天啊Look at your...看看你的…Dress.裙子Oh, really.天啊Maria, there's something alive in your bonnet.你帽子里还有什么活物Miss Heliotrope, please, calm down.西丽卓普小姐冷静点This is a Moonacre rabbit.这是只月亮坪野兔A beautiful, brave and serene creature.最漂亮最勇敢最安静的生物l intend to look after it.我打算照顾她And l'm going to call her Serena.我要叫她塞莉娜Uncle... l really think you and l have some matters to discuss. 叔叔我有事和你谈There are some very strange things going on in this house. 房♥间里有些事让我觉得很奇怪For a start, who is it who leaves the dresses and the biscuits in my room? 首先谁总把裙子和饼干放在我的房♥间里The stars on my ceiling move.天花板上的星星在动There's a mysterious white horse outside.外面还有只神奇的白马This place is falling apart.这里破败不堪Things appear, things move, the piano plays music on its own.但万物都会自己移♥动♥ 钢琴会自己弹奏乐曲l mean, l've never even seen a kitchen,我从没见到过厨房♥so where on earth does this food come from?这些食物到底从哪儿来的Do you ever stop asking questions?你能不能别问了Uncle, l...叔叔我Sit down, my dear.亲爱的坐Rolf.罗尔夫Where are we going?我们要去哪儿Rolf.罗尔夫Rolf!罗尔夫Rolf!罗尔夫Marmaduke Scarlet. Chef of all chefs.我叫马默杜克?斯卡莱特是这里唯一的厨师At your service, little princess.为您服务小公主How did you do that?你是怎么办到的Cut me some chervil, will you?给我拿点儿山萝卜好吗Chop, chop. Neither dilly nor dally!亲爱的帮把手l'm not actually really sure what a chervil is.我不知道什么是山萝卜Never to mind. l'll get it.没关系我去拿Are you the one who leaves milk and biscuits for me?你是不是给我送牛奶和饼干的人The oats and fruits so sweet always makes a healthy treat!牛奶和饼干是不会背叛你的These past few days, it's all come back to me!在过去几十年它们也总回到我的身边Lunar souffle,这些山萝卜astral meringue!亦是如此l've got my gastro back!山萝卜回到我身边吧Mr Scarlet, please. Will you stand still for just one moment?斯卡莱特先生你能老实会儿吗Surely somebody in this household must be able to answer my questions. 这里肯定有人能回答我的问题Little princess, a little bit of magic has come back to the valley.亲爱的公主魔法又回到这个山谷了You obviously haven't finished reading the book.你显然还没有把书看完The book? Papa's book?书爸爸的书吗But my uncle took it away from me.叔叔从我这拿走的那一本吗Ah, in the library. Far side.在图书馆里You'll find a snip volume.你会发现几本很薄的书Secret doors and private lockers.一扇秘门一把私密之锁Perhaps a piece of stargazer pie可能还会有一个while you study, hmm?占星馅饼供你学习The Moon Princess truly believed in the goodness of all.月亮公主是善良的化身But the men soon revealed the greed that was in their hearts,但人类却陷入贪婪的漩涡中Each desperate to claim the power of the pearls for himself.不顾一切去为自己夺取那些珍珠We are the chosen ones.我们是神选中的人These pearls will stay with the De Noir clan for ever.这些珍珠永远属于诺阿一族Father...父亲Come. Be with me. Let Moonacre be your home和我走让月亮坪成为我们的家and me your family.成为我们的家人Speak true!说实话With the power in these pearls, l can claim the whole valley for myself! 凭借珍珠的力量我可以独自统治整个山谷Oh, no. Together.不我们一起l mean, together we could rule the valley.我们一起可以统治整个山谷These pearls belong to no man! They belong to nature.这些珍珠不属于任何人它们属于大自然Give them to me! No! Give them to me!把它们给我不把它们给我No, no, no! l beg! Please!不不不求你们不要这样Do not let your hearts be ruled by greed.不要让你们的心灵被贪婪所操纵Betrayed by those she loved the most,被她挚爱的人背叛后the Moon Princess unleashed the power bestowed upon her月亮公主释放了神赐予她的能量And cast a terrifying curse over them all.并向所有人施与了可怕的诅咒Hear me!听我说You have spurned the gifts of nature你们违背了大自然的旨意and you shall suffer for it!你们要为此付出代价Nature will wreak her revenge and put a curse upon this valley!大自然回来复仇它会诅咒整个山谷One day, a pure heart will walk among you一天一个纯洁的人会来到你们中间And if she is not heard,如果她不能解除诅咒when the 5,000th moon rises from the sea,当月亮从海底第5000次升起之时This valley shall be plunged into eternal darkness!这个山谷将永远陷入黑暗中The moon pearls vanished that day月亮珍珠从那天起就消逝了And where to find them remained a secret.它去了哪里成了个不解之谜Marmaduke, the house, the valley, it's all...马默杜克这间房♥子这个山谷都被... Cursed.诅咒了Oh, yes.没错Take a look around you.看看你的四周Everything is falling apart.万物都土崩瓦解了Ever since that terrible day,自从那可怕的一天以后The two families have been totally consumed两个家族被傲慢与盲目的仇恨With pride and blind hatred.所彻底吞噬了And the only person who can break this curse...唯一能解除诅咒的人..Is a true moon princess.是那位真正的月亮公主The Moon Princess? But she lived hundreds of years ago. 月亮公主但她生活在数百年前的时代啊And legend tells of a little white horse,据传说所讲在一匹小白马背上a mystical companion to protect her.有一个神奇的伙伴会保护她A magical creature.他是个精灵lnvisible, so they say, to anyone...其他人是看不见他的except a true moon princess.只有真正的月亮公主能看到他You mean... l'm supposed to be this...?你是说... 我就是月亮公主l'm supposed to undo this curse?我会解除诅咒Everyone knows the legend.大家都知道这个传说Peace will never be restored和平永远不会到来Until the pearls are returned to the sea and the families reunited. 直到那些珍珠回到大海两个家族重归于好This is all madness!这太疯狂了Time is slipping away.时间在飞驰而过5,000 moons to set it right.5000个月亮来伸张正义Stop! Stop! l don't want to hear another word!别说了别说了我什么也不想听You're all insane!你们都是疯子384 years...384年..Times 13 for the moons per annum.乘以每年出现的13个月亮Plus...加上..Seven moons for this year.今年的7个月亮That's...等于That makes...等于Oh, Serena, the very next moon that rises will be the 5,000th moon. 塞利娜下一个升起的月亮就是第5000个Everyone knows the legend.大家都知道这个传说These pearls belong to no man!这些珍珠不属于任何人They belong to nature.它们属与大自然5,000 moons to set it right.5000个月亮来伸张正义You are a Merryweather, Maria.你就是梅瑞威勒Moonacre can not in hell! We are the chosen ones!月亮坪不能毁灭我们是神选中的人Keep out of the forest, child.孩子别靠近森林Peace will never be restored.和平永远不会回来Revenge!复仇l have to get out of this unearthly place, Serena.我得离开这里塞利娜l don't want anything more to do with this.我不想再与这些扯上关系Miss Heliotrope will take good care of you.西丽卓普小姐会照顾你的Maria.玛丽亚Maria.快进来Who are you?你是谁Come along.过来啊Oh, do come in.哦请进来啊You naughty hedgehog!你这个淘气的小刺猬ln my favourite chair again!又坐到我最心爱的椅子上了You cheeky monkey.可爱的小家伙Be nice and still. Don't make any sudden movements. 乖乖的别乱动Then she won't be so scared.别突然做出动作别吓到她l'll try.我会努力这么做的Oh, l was talking to the snake.我是在跟蛇说话呢l rescue as many injured creatures as l can.我尽力救治那些受了伤的动物And are you the "L" embroidered on all those strange dresses in my room? 你就是"L" 那个把奇怪衣服送到我房♥间的人Yes, l am.没错是我My name is Loveday.我的名字叫拉芙黛Geraniums wither and die.蕾妮丝?威勒正在死去Rosemary cures the shivers.玫瑰园杀死了牧童Our time is nearing its end, my dear.我们的时间不多了亲爱的The moon shall not love us forever.月亮将要永远消失了You saw something, didn't you? Didn't you?你看到了些景象对吗对吗Tell me what you saw! l have to leave.告诉我你看到了什么我该走了No, no, no, no. Forgive me.不不不... 原谅我l've frightened you, haven't l?我吓着你了是吗You see, l'm not used to visitors你看我不熟悉怎么接待客人and l do so want us to be friends.而我真心希望我们能成为朋友lt's no use, you know.没用的你知道吗Your father, he tried to run away, too.你的父亲他也曾经试图逃避But there's nowhere to hide.但是这是无可避免的He sent you here because he loved you.他把你送来这里是因为他爱你Because Moonacre is where you belong.因为月亮坪才是你的归属You and l are the same.你和我是一类人Except...除非...Except?除非什么Where l failed, you may succeed.我失败了但是你还有成功的机会What about my uncle, Sir Benjamin? Can't he help?我的堂叔本杰明爵士呢他不能帮忙吗Never ever mention that man to me again. Do you understand? 再也不准跟我提起这个男人明白吗Your past is behind you.你的过去已然成为历史Your future awaits you, if you want it.但是如果你愿意未来在等着你You decide.由你来决定l want to help.我希望能帮得上忙l just don't know what l'm supposed to do to begin.我只是不知道我应该从何处开始做起Find the pearls. Nobody knows where they are.找到珍珠项链没人知道它藏在哪里Each family blames the other for taking them.两家都互相指责对方拿走了它们Well, they're both to blame.他们两家都有错The De Noirs took the casket但是德?诺阿卖♥♥掉了城♥堡♥ and we must have the key.我们拿走了盒子的钥匙The key.钥匙Now for the casket. You have to take me there.现在我们去城门你必须把我带到那里去Where? To the De Noirs.去哪儿去找德?诺阿家族You have to take me to where they live.你必须把我带到他们的住处去There it is.到了Loveday, are you all right?拉芙黛你没事吧l'm sorry! l can never go back there!对不起我不能再回到那里去了Loveday!拉芙黛Loveday! Loveday!拉芙黛拉芙黛!!Come along, you!你过来Father, l've prepared a plan to snatch the girl.爸爸我可以派人在河边巡逻Don't go near Moonacre. That house is damned!别去月亮坪附近那栋房♥子马上就要完蛋了No. Word here is不留在这儿就可以了she's about to meet her downfall.她自投罗网了Let go of me!放开我How kind of you to join us, Moon Princess.你能来真是太好了月亮公主Oh, oh, now what is this?这是什么She has brought us the lost key, gentlemen!她把丢失的钥匙带来了先生们Because the terrible De Noirs因为遗失的珍珠Have had the moon pearls hidden up here all the time, 一直都藏在宝盒里对吗Haven't we?对吗Well, it's true, isn't it? Your ancestor stole them!这么说是真的了你的祖先偷走了它My ancestor?我的祖先Well, perhaps, princess,公主也许…l should introduce you.我应该给你们互相介绍一下Maria Merryweather, the last moon princess.玛瑞雅?梅瑞威勒最后一位月亮公主Sir William.威廉男爵The very first Coeur De Noir.第一位诺阿男爵The pearl casket.珍珠宝盒You've hidden them!你把珍珠藏起来了They were never there, girl!压根就不在盒子里丫头Your filthy Merryweather family took them.是你们可恶梅瑞威勒家族Before he picked up the box,在他拿到盒子之前they stole the pearls.就拿走了它们But soon the final moon will rise但是很快月亮即将升起来And the thieving Merryweathers will be punished! 而可恶的小偷梅瑞威勒一家将得到惩罚And now that we have you here,既然现在在这儿抓住了你There's nothing anyone can do to stop it.就没有人能够阻止这一切发生了At last而最终the entire valley will be ours.整个山谷都将成为我们的囊中之物了And the De Noirs德?诺阿家族will finally feast upon revenge!将终于得以报仇雪恨了Leave me alone, you oaf!别推我你这只猫头鹰For someone in your current predicament,即使你做了这么多蠢事l have to admire your spirit.我还是要佩服你的精神l told you she was feisty, Robin!她是个巫婆罗宾l wouldn't take that from her, Robin. What are you gonna do? 我不会拿走的罗宾你想怎么办Sort her out. Hey, lock her in!看好把她关起来Right, sir.是先生Welcome to your new home!欢迎你来到你的新房♥间Make friends with the cockroaches. Sweet dreams.和蟑螂做朋友吧做个好梦Come on, let's go. Guard, watch her. She's slippery.好了咱们走吧门卫看好她她很滑头Where is that girl?那个小丫头跑哪里去了Unbelievable.难以置信Absolutely irresponsible! lrresponsible.她要付全部责任没有责任Damn right foolhardy. Foolhardy... Foolhardy.让我失望透顶失望透顶啊Oh, this dress!这个破裙子Come back, you little witch! Come back!回来回来小巫婆回来She's escaping! Come back!她逃跑了回家Come back! You won't get away!快回来你逃不掉的Stop her!拦住她Stop her! Don't let her get away!拦住她别让她跑啦After her!追上她Princess...小公主What are you gonna do now?你现在想怎么着Quick! After her!去吧去找她She will never find her way out of the forest.她永远也不会找到离开森林的路的Come on! After her!去吧去找她She can't have come this far. No. Let's try north.她肯定跑不了这么远咱们往北边找找How will we find her?找到她怎么办l want her killed!必要的话杀了她l won't let her stop the curse.我不能让她阻止诅咒Their death is our victory.只有他们灭族我们才算胜利Stupid girl. You should have stayed where you were. 笨丫头她应该留下来就安全了Come on! Giddy up!快驾Robin.洛宾Come on.快走This way.这边来Oh, Rolf.洛夫Rolf.洛夫Point me. Can you find the way home?你能找到回家的路吗That demon dog can't protect you forever!那只蠢狗不可能永远保护你Maria! Oh!玛瑞雅That'll be Miss Maria home, then, sir.玛瑞雅小姐回来了先生Oh, Uncle... Uncle Benjamin, Miss Heliotrope...本杰明叔叔西丽卓普l have such a story to tell. Maria, what...?我遇到了点麻烦玛丽亚怎样在哪里Where are your...? Where are your...?你的…在哪儿啊Miss Heliotrope!西丽卓普小姐Are you all right, ma'am? Miss Heliotrope.你还好吧西丽卓普小姐l'm perfectly all right, yes.我没关系But where... where are your clothes, my dear one?你的衣服呢我亲爱的How dare you come home in this manner and at this hour!你怎么敢这么晚才回来还穿成这样l'm sorry but you don't know what happened.对不起但是你不知道出了什么事l was... l was in the forest and l got...我刚才在森林里然后我...ln the forest? Did l not expressly forbid you to enter the forest? 在森林里我有没有告诉过你不要去森林Yes, but... Listen, l have so much to tell you.是的但是... 听我说我有好多事情要告诉你Go upstairs this instant and tidy yourself up!马上给我上楼去把自己弄干净But... Just do as your told!但是... 快去按我说的做You are not my father.你不是我爸爸Maria, my dear...玛瑞雅亲爱的我...Maria. Maria, open this door.玛瑞雅玛瑞雅开门Listen.听我说lt may be possible that l was... a little bit on the firm side earlier. 有可能刚才我有点儿...过火了The point is you were gone for such a long time但问题是你出去了那么久And without even telling us.又没有告诉我们l... We...。
My Heart's Eternal SongMy heart's eternal song begins with a simple melody, one that resonates deep within my being. It is a rhythm that beats to the rhythm of life, an anthem of love and resilience. This song carries me through the highs and lows, offering solace in times of despair and rejoicing in moments of triumph.As the lyrics of my heart's eternal song take shape, they tell a story of a life lived fully and with purpose. Each verse represents a chapter in my book of existence, filled with experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.The first stanza of my heart's eternal song speaks of innocence and wonder. It transports me to a time when the world was new and every discovery held a sense of awe. It amplifies the joy of childhood, a time when dreams were limitless and possibilities infinite.The chorus of my heart's eternal song is a crescendo of passion and desire. It signifies those moments when love sweeps you off your feet, when the universe aligns to bring two souls together. It is a celebration of love's ability to transcend time and space, weaving its magic into the very fabric of our existence.In the second verse, my heart's eternal song takes a more somber tone. It speaks of loss and sadness, of heartache and pain. It is a reminder that life is not always a fairytale, that we must face hardships and endure challenges. But this stanza also reminds me of my own strength, of the resilience that lies within me. It is a testament to the power of the human spirit to overcome even the darkest of nights.The bridge of my heart's eternal song is a reflection on the lessons learned along the way. It is a pause in the melody, allowing for introspection and self-discovery. It is a reminder to listen to the whispers of the universe, to find meaning in every moment, and to embrace the beauty of impermanence.As my heart's eternal song nears its finale, it returns to its original melody, but with a newfound wisdom and gratitude. It acknowledges the fleeting nature of life and urges me to make every note count. It inspires me to live with purpose, to pursue my dreams with relentless determination, and to leave a lasting legacy.The final verse of my heart's eternal song echoes with hope and a sense of fulfillment. It isan invitation to dance with joy, to sing with abandon, and to celebrate the gift of existence. It embodies the essence of the human experience – a beautiful medley of joy and pain, love and loss, growth and transformation.My heart's eternal song is a reminder that life is a symphony, with each one of us playing a unique and irreplaceable part. It is a call to live authentically, to find our own voice, and to share our melody with the world.And as my heart's eternal song continues to play, I am reminded that it is not just my song, but a universal anthem – a song that connects us all, regardless of language or culture. It is a reminder that we are all interconnected, that our stories intertwine, and that our hearts beat to the same rhythm.So, let us sing our hearts' eternal songs, allowing the melodies to guide us, to inspire us, and to remind us that our hearts have the power to create a symphony of love and unity. Together, let us make our hearts' eternal songs echo through eternity.。
secret of my heart歌词
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歌曲:Secret of my heart歌手:倉木麻衣作词:倉木麻衣作曲:大野愛果歌词:どんな言葉に変えて君に伝えられるだろうあれからいくつもの季節が通り過ぎたけれどいつも傍で笑ってる私にも言えないことがまだひとつだけあるSecret of my heart 疑ってもないねいつだって少しの未来があれば真実は手に入れられるはずI can't say もう少しだけI'm waiting for a chanceこんな穏やかな時間もっと繋がっていたい全てを見せるのが怖くて少し離れて歩く君の横顔がなぜか壊れそうで守りたいもっと近づきたいよSecret of my heart 理解ってくれるよね誰だって逃げたい時もあるけどそれだけじゃ何も始まらないI'can't say きっと必ずI'm calling for a chanceCan I tell the truth?その言葉言えず空回りする唇にFeeling in my heart 隠せないこれ以上'Cause I love you I will be with you Wherever you are Can you fell my heart?Can't you see,you're my dream 失いたくないよ大切な君と過ごすこの時間あきらめる位なら信じてI just wanna say もう迷わないCan't you see,you're my heart どんな作り物も簡単に壊れてしまう日が来るだけどまだいつまでも変わらないSecret of my heart Our future is forever标准译文:我要如何向你表达我的心声不知经过那之后的多少个季节你总是笑着守候在我身旁但我却有一个难以启齿的秘密一直无法向你表白Secret of my heart 不用怀疑只要还有一点希望真实就在手中I can't say 再多一点儿吧I'm waiting for a chance这样幸福的时刻真想更加靠近你但有害怕心中的不安被发现于是只能稍稍远离你不知为何你的侧面露出哀伤想要守在你身边更加靠近你Secret of my heart 我想你能了解无论是谁都有想逃的时候只有如果这样什么都无法开始I can't stay 一定I'm calling for a chanceCan I tell the truth? 这样的话语一直回旋在我嘴边Feeling in my heart 不要再隐藏这就是所有'Cause I love you I will be with you Whenever you are Can you feel my heartCan't you see,you're my dream 不想失去啊!请相信我,不要放弃我们在一起的宝贵时间I just wanna say 已经不再迷茫了Can't you see,you're my heart 无论是什么都会有轻易破碎的一天但我对你是永远不变Secret of my heart Our future is forever普通版一:不知道那是怎样的一刻只记得当我发现你的存在我便已经将那种感觉藏在心底不在意是否曾经提起只需要一瞬间有美丽回忆一天最重要的时刻便都在这里一直都无法忘记Secret of my heart 我是否还在怀疑自己走过风和雨依然徘徊不定对你的真心没有人曾经完全看透我在注视你I can not say 还不能让你知道I’m waiting for a chance心深处终于不再犹豫面对你也逐渐变得不容易因为害怕不小心让你看到一切风一样你又走在我身边我却是不敢再轻轻靠近你忽然觉得好迷茫不知如何是好谁能告诉我答案Secret of my heart因为有你我变得坚定抛开了距离不顾一切找到你向你奔去我不会放弃就算只有微弱的信息I can not say 一定会让你知道I’m calling for a chance Can I tell the truth 心情比潮水更拥挤好想见到你却不知你在哪里Feeling in my heart 早已情不自禁不能隐藏下去Cause I love youI will be with you wherever you areCan you feel my heart Can you feel my heartCan’t you see,you’re my dream每一天都有不同意义重要的时光虽然短暂却久久回荡不息直到彷徨离去才知道有多想留住你我不再迷惑也不会再逃避你Can’t you see,you’re my heart相信总有一天能倾诉我会等下去知道你清楚看到我那一天再不会犹豫一定要留在你的身边Secret of my heart Our future is forever普通版二:无论你,用什么感情表达我都能,面带微笑传达给你从那时起,多少季节,悄悄流过你总是,在我身边徘徊着有件事,我始终没有对你说我不能说,就算时间流淌干涸你是否已经爱我Secret of my heart我从来都没有怀疑过无论怎么样,你要相信未来就在前方执着的信念,你应该就能掌握真相I can't say 请让我再等一等I'm waiting for a chance安稳里,要加强彼此联系害怕你,行走稍微保持距离不知怎么,你侧脸似乎破碎着让我更想保护你Secret of my heart是否已经露出了玄机无论谁爱谁,总有想去拼命逃避的时候那么这一来,缘分就永远无法继续I can't say 但是总有那一刻I'm waiting for a chanceCan I tell the truth?双唇不知不觉打开尽管这么做,我却无话可说Feeling in my heart 无法再隐藏因为我爱你'Cause I love youI will be with you wherever you areCan you feel my heart?Can you feel my heart?Can't you see,you're my dream我真不想失去你共度的时光,是多么的令人怀念和美丽我会相信你,这次一定是死心塌地I just wanna say任何事情不会迷惑我Can't you see,you're my heart一切物品都将会坏掉你不要去想,否则那天随时随地会来到但是我的爱,永不会因时间而变苍老Secret of my heart Our future is forever.英文版:Starlit night above the roof topsI sit and think, what words could show you how I feel? Our happy times were they real? So I wonderShooting star, falls as if to tellA happy end will come because you're by my side Always a smile but all the whileThere's still one thing inside, that I cannot tell youSecret of my heart, when can I ever start?Never any doubt, knowing how someday I'll say I love you It will shine on through, my love will shine out trueGive a little time, I'm looking for a signYou know I'm waiting for my chanceSo quiet now, winds whisper true to meI feel a need, to scream out loud these things I feel Celebrate this love I can't reveal I can't show youSo here we are, together once againYou seem to walk this little distance from my sideYour face it seems so sadI wonder what you hide I wanna be close to youSecret of my heart can you understand those parts Hidden far away, in a place I run to, doesn't everyoneIn my heart I know I must let our love growI can't say whyI know that I must find a way to call out for my chanceCan I tell the truth? No words come to my mindThey escape from my lips to the clouds aboveFeeling in my heart, I can't hideI can't hide anymore, 'cause I love youI will be with you (with you, with you)Wherever you are? (you are, you are)Can you feel my heart?Can you feel my heart?Can't you see you're in my heartBut things may break apartMaybe one dayIt's difficult to say how long two hearts can beat as one But I know now all the sameNo change will come unless I play the gameI just wanna say, I think I might be ready, baby(I just wanna say forever)Can't you see you're in my dreamsI can't lose you, baby see?Every time we meetEvery time we're near boy gives all meaning to my lifeBaby don't get down, someday I will come aroundSecret of my heart, our future is foreverStarlit night above the roof tops屋顶上繁星点点的夜晚,I sit and think, what words could show you how I feel?我冥思苦想,用什么语言来表达我对你的感觉.Our happy times were they real? So I wonder于是我想知道:我们共度的幸福时刻它们是真的存在么?Shooting star, falls as if to tellA happy end will come because you're by my sideAlways a smile but all the while闪烁的星光划过,似乎告诉我这幸福的结局将要来到,而幸福就是因为有你在我的身边时而不时的一个微笑.There's still one thing inside, that I cannot tell you一直有一件在我内心深处不能向你诉说的事,Secret of my heart, when can I ever start?我心底的秘密,何时才能把它道出?Never any doubt, knowing how someday I'll say I love you我一直坚信着并知道有一天我将会对你说出我爱你.It will shine on through, my love will shine out true我的爱将超越一切Give a little time, I'm looking for a sign请给我一点时间,我正在寻找我的方向You know I'm waiting for my chance你要知道,我正在等待属于我的机会So quiet now, winds whisper true to me微风真切的对我耳语:安静些吧I feel a need, to scream out loud these things I feel我感觉到一种需要,要大声的吼出我所感觉到的这些事Celebrate this love I can't reveal I can't show you庆祝这份爱,我不能揭示也不能展示给你So here we are, together once again那么就让我们再一次的在一起You seem to walk this little distance from my side在我的身边看似走出了一些距离Your face it seems so sad你的面容看似那么的忧伤I wonder what you hide I wanna be close to you我想知道你到底隐瞒了什么,我想要接近你Secret of my heart can you understand those parts你能否明白我心底的这些秘密Hidden far away, in a place I run to, doesn't everyone 深深的隐瞒的地方,只有我去奔向In my heart I know I must let our love grow在我心里,我知道必须让我们的爱生长I can't say why我不能说为什么I know that I must find a way to call out for my chance 我知道我必须找到呼唤出/(制造出)我的机会的方法Can I tell the truth? No words come to my mind我能否述出我的真实么?思想中一片空白They escape from my lips to the clouds above逃出我的嘴唇,躲进天空的云中Feeling in my heart, I can't hide我不能掩饰我心中的感受I can't hide anymore, 'cause I love you因为我爱你,我任何都不能掩饰I will be with you (with you, with you)我将与你同在Wherever you are? (you are, you are无论你在哪里?Can you feel my heart?你能感到我的心么?Can't you see you're in my heart你能否看见你在我的心中But things may break apart但事情也许会离散Maybe one day也许有一天It's difficult to say how long two hearts can beat as one 很难去说心心相印会有多久But I know now all the same但我知道两颗心现在是在一起的No change will come unless I play the game不变的真心将来到除非只把这份爱当作儿戏I just wanna say, I think I might be ready, baby我只想说,我想我准备好了,baby(I just wanna say forever)我只想说永远相爱/(在一起)Can't you see you're in my dreams你能否看见,你在我的梦境里I can't lose you, baby see?我不能失去你,baby明白么?Every time we meet每次我们相遇Every time we're near boy gives all meaning to my life每次相近你都给我所有的人生意义Baby don't get down, someday I will come aroundbaby不要离开,总有一天我将回来Secret of my heart, our future is forever我心底的秘密,我们的未来是永远Secret of my heart我心底的秘密古典版:你看见曼珠沙华开的花我听见那血色嫣红的童话忘了吧将花都撕下铺满天涯你不说我仍知你是他算了吧就算我从未有牵挂今生太短可来世是否容我记得他抬眼时一片尘沙secret of my heart 含笑看你远去的步伐一千零一夜风卷残霞寒水烹茶月笼纱我想你是他可你怎么从来不说话I can not say 若即若离放不下I’m waiting for a chance那一年荼蘼之后再无花那一季是落樱如雪换芳华昙香一夜假面都抛下丢盔卸甲我信他信着我的那个他等我啊到露重更深冰蟾挂一唱三叹叹患得患失将情苗栽差芳香在断壁绝崖secret of my heart 独自忍受流年的敲打春来春又去天河掠影月魂沉璧守浮槎我等的是他可他怎么从来不回答I can not say 若隐若现随风化I’m calling for a chancecan I tell the truth 这一次我竭尽全力沙漠中的雨听层云吞声暗泣feeling in my heart 干涸千年绿一夜焕生机cause I love youI will be with youwherever you arecan you feel my heartcan you feel my heartcan’t you see ,you’re my dream 伴我今宵无眠的萧索花开花又落朱颜辞镜春树失色华年过醉拼花底卧陪君千场离觞不欲说I just wanna say 何幸今生为君错can’t you see,you’re my heart 是我心口完美的折磨红销香婆娑雾冷风清雨打残荷危梦多玉钗敲夜彻魂兮归来惟有情难舍secret of my heart our future is forever.爱はいつも(歌手:伊织)あの日(ひ)から感(かん)じでた二人(ふたり)离(はな)れでもこの思(おも)い贵方(あなた)えどきつど届(とど)く透(とお)り好(す)きで季节(きせつ)に长(なが)いもたくした爱(あい)はいつもあたら歌(うた)切(せつ)ない涙(なみだ)一(ひと)つながあのし从那一天,我就一直感觉到即使两人分开了我也一定要把我的想法告诉你我把愿望托付给了我们走过的季节爱情永远是短暂,喘不过气的无法擦干,眼泪就像流星。
Secret of my heart英文版歌词
![Secret of my heart英文版歌词](
I wonder what you hide I wanna be close to you
Secret of my heart can you understand those parts
Can't you see you're in my dreams
I can't lose you, baby see?
Every time we meet
Every time we're near boy gives all meaning to my life
Shooting star, falls as if to tell
A happy end will come because you're by mut all the while
Secret of my heart
There's still one thing inside, that I cannot tell you
Secret of my heart, when can I ever start?
It's difficult to say how long two hearts can beat as one
关于秘密的中考优秀英语作文English VersionTitle: The Secret Garden of My HeartAs I sit here, pen in hand, I am reminded of the secret garden that lies within the chambers of my heart—a place where the sun shines brightly, the flowers bloom, and the birds sing. It is a garden that is hidden from the world, a sanctuary where I can escape from the pressures of life and find solace in the quietude of my thoughts.The garden is a metaphor for my inner world, a world that is as complex and as beautiful as any real garden. It is a place where I keep my deepest secrets, my most cherished memories, and my wildest dreams. It is a place where I can be completely myself, without the fear of judgment or rejection.One of the most vibrant flowers in my garden is the secret of my first love. It was a love that bloomed in the spring of my youth, a love that was as pure and as innocent as the morning dew. I remember the butterflies in my stomach every time I saw her, the way my heart would race and my face would flush with color. It was a love that was never spoken, a love that remains a secret to this day.Another secret that flourishes in my garden is the dream of becoming a writer. This dream has been with me since I was a child, a dream that has grown and flourished over the years. I have filled countless notebooks with stories and poems, each one a seedling that has grown into a beautiful flower in my garden. I dream of the day when my words will be read by others, when my garden will be shared with the world.The secret garden of my heart is a place of growth and transformation. It is a place where I can learn from my past, live in my present, and dream of my future. It is a place where I can be honest with myself, where I can confront my fears and embrace my dreams.As I look back on my life, I realize that the garden has been a constant companion. It has been there through my joys and my sorrows,through my triumphs and my failures. It has been a source of strength and inspiration, a place where I can find peace amidst the chaos of the world.In conclusion, the secret garden of my heart is a treasure trove of experiences, emotions, and aspirations. It is a place that is uniquely mine, a place that I cherish deeply. It is a garden that I will continue to cultivate and protect, for it is in this garden that I find my true self.Chinese Version标题:我心中的神秘花园当我坐在这里,手中握着笔,我想起了我心中隐藏的那座秘密花园——一个阳光明媚、花朵盛开、鸟儿歌唱的地方。
[10周年纪念]每一首歌背后的故事[资料]从1999年的Baby I like到2009年的わたしの、しらない、わたし。
1999年★Baby I like●翻唱自Yoko Blaqstone早期的大热曲目●该曲是麻衣在99年暑假波士顿的Cybersound Studio录音的●麻衣刚来到录音室见到外国的录音师竟然畏惧得不敢唱歌,在两方工作人员的帮助下才试唱●第一次正式录音却是英文歌,为了摆脱日本人英文发音的局限性。
英文发音曾被Cybersound的各位职员反复纠正●在波士顿赢得了各位美国录音师的好感,Baby I like的Remix版为美方主动要求出钱制作。
●麻衣坦言第一次看到Baby I like的封面认不出自己★Did I hear you say that you are in love●翻唱自Yoko Blaqstone早期的大热曲目●这首歌的作词即后来Experience乐队的黑人吉他手Jefery Qwest★'s all right●这首歌是Yoko Blaqstone的成名曲●'s all right并没有被收录入任何专辑。
美版专辑收录的是's all right的remix版●美版单曲只有这首歌后来没有被麻衣再次现场演唱过★Love, Day After Tomorrow●这首歌是在美国Cybersound Studio录音而成的。
起因是Michael Africk等人提议在美国录制日本出道曲●这首歌没有任何搭配节目●在几乎零宣传的情况下首周获得oricon周18位,但热度奇异地狂升,最高位为2位,不到1个月就已突破百万●这首歌的PV是后来发现市场异常红火而赶制的●麻衣第一次在广播听到这首歌曾激动地流下眼泪●FM.AM 各广播局12月最多Power Play桂冠●L.O.V.E动作来源的歌曲,每次演唱会的必唱歌曲●2006年第56回红白歌合战演唱曲目●是个人销售量最高的单曲★Everything's All Right●虽然录音在日本完成,但歌词填写是在波士顿完成的●与Love,Day After Tomorrow相同,也是演唱会定番曲-----------------------------------------------------------------2000年★Stay by my side●首张Oricon连续两周冠军单曲,遗憾的是销售量并未突破百万●麻衣坦言这是她首次尝试书写纯爱情类的歌词●PV拍摄地点是东京品川教会●麻衣本人最中意的歌曲之一●演唱会必唱曲目之一●2004年首次出演红白歌合战曲目★Just Like You Smile Baby●与Everything's All Right同样的作曲北浦正尚。
我的妹妹哪有那么可爱PSP游戏插曲SECRET- 2歌词
![我的妹妹哪有那么可爱PSP游戏插曲SECRET- 2歌词](
按常识来考虑的话,当然咯。DON'T YOU KNOW
潮女? NO NO NO 说不口的那句
Secret secret of my heart
SECRET×2 - 我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!
SecretБайду номын сангаасsecret of my heart
I show you itなうだから
Secret secret of my heart
Secret secret of my heart
Secret secret of my heart
Shape of My Heart 歌词
![Shape of My Heart 歌词](
Shape of My Heart(我的心意)也是后街男孩收录在专辑Black&Blue中的一首歌曲,且此曲被认定为后街男孩五人时代时的代表作之一而被收录至后街男孩的第一张官方精选集《The Hits - Chapter One》歌词:Hmm, yeah, yeahBaby, please try to forgive me请原谅我Stay here don't put out the glow留下来,不要放弃你的热情Hold me now don't bother抱着我,不必烦恼If every minute it makes me weaker如果我渐渐弱去You can save me from the man that I've become(惟有)你可以将我拯救Oh yeahLookin' back on the things I've done回望我过去的种种I was tryin' to be someone从前我想要改变自己I played my part, kept you in the dark我自导自演,没让你看见真实的我Now let me show you the shape of my heart但现在我要向你表明我的心意Sadness is beautiful and loneliness is tragical哀伤显得优美,孤独有如一出悲剧So help me I can't win this war拯救我吧,这场战争我不可能胜利Oh noTouch me now don't bother贴近我,不必烦恼If every second it makes me weaker如果我渐渐弱去You can save me from the man that I've become (惟有)你可以将我拯救Lookin' back on the things I've doneI was tryin' to be someoneI played my part, kept you in the darkNow let me show you the shape of my heartI'm here with my confession我就在这里坦白Got nothing to hide no more再也不作任何隐瞒了I don't know where to start不知道如何开口But to show you the shape of my heart只好直接向你表明我的心意I'm lookin' back on things I've done我回望过去的种种I never wanna play the same old part我不想继续作秀Or keep you in the dar k不想继续对你隐瞒Now let me show you the shape of my heart 现在让我向你表明我的心意(重唱)Lookin' back on the things I've doneI was tryin' to be someoneI played my part, kept you in the darkNow let me show you the shape of my heart Lookin' back on the things I've doneI was tryin' to be someoneI played my part, kept you in the darkNow let me show you the shape of my heart Show you the shape of my heart。
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hito no kokoro wa utsuri yuku nukedashitaku naru
tsuki wa mata atarashii shuuki de fune wo tsureteku
* And every time I see your face
The oceans heave up to my heart
I feel a need, to scream out loud these things I feel
Celebrate this love I can't reveal I can't show you
nami wa tsugi kara tsugi e to watashitachi wo osou kedo
sore mo suteki na tabi ne dore mo suteki na tabi ne
作词:林 夕 作曲:柳重言
演唱:王 菲
会更明白 相思的哀愁
你才追求 孤独的自由
有时候 有时候
相聚离开 都有时候
可是我 有时候
也许你会陪我 看细水长流
有时候 有时候
会更明白 什么是温柔
可能从此以后 学会珍惜
有时候 有时候
相聚离开 都有时候
可是我 有时候
也许你会陪我 看细水长流
Your face it seems so sad
I wonder what you hide I wanna be close to you
Secret of my heart can you understand those parts
相聚离开 都有时候
可是我 有时候
也许你会陪我 看细水长流
《恋爱写真》歌词+中文2008年08月29日 星期五 1:02大冢爱-恋爱写真(日语+罗马音译)
苍々とした 夜空の下で
[ao ao to shi ta yo so ra no shi ta de]
I can't say why
I know that I must find a way to call out for my chance
Can I tell the truth? No words come to my mind
I never though I'd feel this way towards you
And if you ever need someone to come along
I will follow you, and keep you strong
tabi wa mata tsudzuiteku odayaka na hi mo
Hidden far away, in a place I run to, doesn't everyone
In my heart I know I must let our love grow
It's difficult to say how long two hearts can beat as one
But I know now all the same
No change will come unless I play the game
あなたが见てた 后ろ恋姿
[a na ta ga mi te ta u shi ro ko i su ga ta]
时折见せる 无邪気な寝颜
[to ki o ri mi se ru mo ja ki na ne ka o]
Secret of my heart
life is like a boat
Nobody knows who I really am
I never felt this empty before
And if I ever need someone to come along
Who's gonna comfort me, and keep me strong
We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on comin' and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
Can't you see you're in my dreams
I can't lose you, baby see?
Every time we meet
Every time we're near boy gives all meaning to my life
Never any doubt, knowing how someday I'll say I love you
It will shine on through, my love will shine out true
I just wanna say, I think I might be ready, babyOP截图(20张)
(I just wanna say forever)
tsuki wa mata atarashii shuuki de fune wo terashidasu
inori wo sasagete atarashii hi wo matsu
azayaka ni hikaru umi sono hate made
* repeat
unmei no fune wo kogi
The waves would guide you thru another day
tooku de iki wo shiteru toumei ni natta mitai
kurayami ni omoeta kedo mekakushi sareteta dake
inori wo sasagete atarashii hi wo matsu
Can you feel my heart?
Can't you see you're in my heart
But things may break apart
Maybe one day
Shooting star, falls as if to tell
A happy end will come because you're by my side
Always a smile but all the while
I will be with you (with you, with you)
Wherever you are? (you are, you are )
Can you feel my heart?
So here we are, together once again
You seem to walk this little distance from my side
They escape from my lips to the clouds above
Feeling in my heart, I can't hide
I can't hide anymore, 'cause I love you
Give a little time, I'm looking for a sign