欧盟 GMPC标准中文版


中英文对照欧盟GMP(Word 版)

中英文对照欧盟GMP(Word 版)



为了确保达到该质量目标,必须全面设计并正确贯彻实施包括GMP 与质量控制(QC)在内的质量保证(QA) 体系。




The holder of a Manufacturing Authorisation must manufacture medicinal products so as to ensure that they are fit for their intended use, comply with the requirements of the Marketing Authorisation and do not place patients at risk due to inadequate safety, quality or efficacy. The attainment of this quality objective is the responsibility of senior management and requires the participation and commitment by staff in many different departments and at all levels within the company, by the comp any’s suppliers and by the distributors. To achieve the quality objective in a reliable manner there must be a comprehensively designed and correctly implemented system of Quality Assurance incorporating Good Manufacturing Practice and thus Quality Control. It should be fully documented and its effectiveness monitored. All parts of the Quality Assurance system should be adequately resourced with competent personnel, and suitable and sufficient premises, equipment and facilities. There are additional legal responsibilities for the holder of the Manufacturing Authorisation and for the Qualified Person(s).1.1 质量保证、GMP 和质量控制的基本概念是内在相互联系的。



QbR Frequently Asked QuestionsDisclaimer: These are general answers and may not be applicable to every product. Each ANDA is reviewed individually. This document represents the Office of Generic Drugs’s (OGD’s) current thinking on these topics.Format and SubmissionHow should QbR ANDAs be submitted?OGD’s QbR was designed with the expectation that ANDA applications would beorganized according to the Common Technical Document (CTD) format, a submissionformat adopted by multiple regulatory bodies including FDA. Generic firms are strongly recommended to submit their ANDAs in the CTD format (either eCTD or paper) tofacilitate implementation of the QbR. The ANDA Checklist for completeness andacceptability of an application for filing can be found on the OGD web page:/cder/ogd/anda_checklist.pdf .What is a QOS?The Quality Overall Summary (QOS) is the part of the CTD format that provides asummary of the CMC aspects of the application. It is an important tool to make the QbR review process more efficient.How long should a QOS be?OGD believes the CTD guidance1 recommendation of 40 pages to be an appropriatecompromise between level of detail and concision. The CTD guidance recommendation does not include tables and figures.The same information should not be included in multiple locations in the QOS. Instead of repeating information, refer to the first location of the original information in the QOS by CTD section number.Should the QOS be submitted electronically?All applications should include an electronic QOS. For paper submissions, it isrecommended that both an electronic QOS and a paper QOS be included.What file format should be used for the QOS?All applications, both eCTD and paper submissions, should have an electronic QOS. The electronic QOS should be contained in one document. Do not provide separate files foreach section or question.The electronic QOS should be provided as both a pdf and a Microsoft Word file. Microsoft Word files should be readable by Word 2003.1 Guidance for Industry M4Q: The CTD – Quality (August 2001) /cder/guidance/4539Q.htmWhat fonts should be used in the QOS?Because of FDA’s internal data management systems, please use only use these TrueType fonts: Times New Roman, Arial, Courier New. Times New Roman is recommended as the main text font.Should the applicable QbR question be presented within the body of Module 2 of the relevant section, followed by sponsor's answer?Yes, include all the QbR questions without deletion in the QOS.Can the granularity of module 3 be used in module 2?Yes, the granularity can be used for section and subsection headings. However, the QOS should always be submitted as a single file.Can color be used in the QOS?Yes, but sponsors should ensure that the QOS is legible when printed in black and white.Colored text should not be used.Is the QOS format available on OGD webpage and questions therein mandatory to be followed?For an efficient review process, OGD desires all applications to be in a consistent format.See the OGD QbR questions and example QOS:/cder/ogd/QbR-Quality_Overall_Summary_Outline.doc/cder/ogd/OGD_Model_Quality_Overall_ Summary.pdf/cder/ogd/OGD_Model_QOS_IR_Product.pdfFor amendments to applications, should the documentation consist of a revision of the QOS? Would new PD reports be required?The QOS should not be updated after submission of the original ANDA. Any additional data (including any new PD reports) should be provided as a stand alone amendment.Responses to deficiencies should be provided in electronic format as both a pdf andMicrosoft Word file.After January 2007, what will happen to an application that does not have a QOS or contains an incomplete QOS?OGD will contact the sponsor and ask them to provide a QOS. If the sponsor provides the QOS before the application comes up for review, OGD will use the sponsor’s QOS.OGD’s QbR questions represent the current thinking about what information is essential to evaluate an ANDA. Reviewers will use deficiency letters to ask ANDA sponsors thequestions that are not answered in the sponsor’s QOS.In February 2007, 75% of ANDAs submitted contained a QOS.If a question is not applicable to a specific formulation or dosage form, should the question be deleted or unanswered?Sponsors should never delete a QbR question, but instead answer as not applicable, with a brief justification. Please answer all parts of multi-part questions.For sterile injectables, to what extent should sterility assurance be covered in QOS?The current QbR was not intended to cover data recommendations for Sterility Assurance information. In the future, other summaries will cover other disciplines.MAPP 5040.1, effective date 5/24/04, specifies location of the microbiology information in the CTD format.Where in the CTD should an applicant provide comparative dissolution data between the generic and RLD?The comparison between the final ANDA formulation and the RLD should be provided in5.3.1, this comparison should be summarized in the QOS. Comparisons with otherformulations conducted during development should be included in 3.P.2.Is it possible to submit an amendment in CTD format for a product that was already submitted in the old ANDA format?No, all amendments to an application under review should use the same format as theoriginal submission.How is a paper CTD to be paginated?“Page numbering in the CTD format should be at the document level and not at the volume or module level. (The entire submission should never be numbered consecutively by page.) In general, all documents should have page numbers. Since the page numbering is at the document level, there should only be one set of page numbers for each document.”2. For paper submission, tabs locating sections and subsections are useful.For the ANDA submitted as in paper CTD format, can we submit the bioequivalence study report electronically? Or does the Agency require paper copy only?The bioequivalence summary tables should always be provided in electronic format.Will QbR lead to longer review times?Many of the current long review times result from applications that do not completelyaddress all of the review issues and OGD must request additional information through the deficiency process. This iterative process will be reduced with the use of the QbR template.Sponsors that provide a QOS that clearly and completely addresses all the questions in the QbR should find a reduction in the overall review time.Will DMFs for the drug substance be required to be in CTD if the ANDA is in CTD format?No. CTD format DMFs are recommended.What should be included in 3.2.R.1.P.2, Information on Components?COA’s for drug substance, excipients and packaging components used to produce theexhibit batch.2 Submitting Marketing Applications According to the ICH/CTD Format: General Considerations/cder/guidance/4707dft.pdfHow should an ANDA sponsor respond to deficiencies?OGD requests that sponsors provide a copy of the response to deficiencies in electronic format as both a pdf file and a Microsoft Word file.QUALITY OVERALL SUMMARY CONTENT QUESTIONS2.3 Introduction to the Quality Overall SummaryWhat information should be provided in the introduction?Proprietary Name of Drug Product:Non-Proprietary Name of Drug Product:Non-Proprietary Name of Drug Substance:Company Name:Dosage Form:Strength(s):Route of Administration:Proposed Indication(s):Maximum Daily Dose:2.3.S DRUG SUBSTANCEWhat if an ANDA contains two or more active ingredients?Prepare separate 2.3.S sections of the QOS for each API. Label them 2.3.S [API 1] and2.3.S [API 2].What if an ANDA contains two or more suppliers of the same active ingredient?Provide one 2.3.S section. Information that is common between suppliers should not be repeated. Information that is not common between suppliers (e.g. different manufacturing processes) should have separate sections and be labeled accordingly (drug substance,manufacturer 1) and (drug substance, manufacturer 2).Can information in this section be provided by reference to a DMF?See individual questions for details. As a general overview:•Information to be referenced to the DMFo Drug substance structure elucidation;o Drug substance manufacturing process and controls;o Container/closure system used for packaging and storage of the drugsubstance;o Drug substance stability.•Information requested from ANDA Sponsoro Physicochemical properties;o Adequate drug substance specification and test methods including structure confirmation;o Impurity profile in drug substance (process impurity or degradant);o Limits for impurity/residual solvent limits;o Method validation/verification;o Reference standard.2.3.S.1 General InformationWhat are the nomenclature, molecular structure, molecular formula, and molecular weight?What format should be used for this information?Chemical Name:CAS #:USAN:Molecular Structure:Molecular Formula:Molecular Weight:What are the physicochemical properties including physical description, pKa, polymorphism, aqueous solubility (as function of pH), hygroscopicity, melting point, and partition coefficient?What format should be used for this information?Physical Description:pKa:Polymorphism:Solubility Characteristics:Hygroscopicity:Melting Point:Partition Coefficient:Should all of these properties be reported? Even if they are not critical?Report ALL physicochemical properties listed in the question even if they are not critical.If a property is not quantified, explain why, for example: “No pKa because there are no ionizable groups in the chemical structure” or “No melting point because compounddegrades on heating”.What solubility data should be provided?The BCS solubility classification3 of the drug substance should be determined for oral dosage forms.Report aqueous solubility as a function of pH at 37º C in tabular form. Provide actualvalues for the solubility and not descriptive phrases such as “slightly soluble”.3 See BCS guidance /cder/guidance/3618fnl.pdf for definitionSolvent Media and pH Solubility Form I(mg/ml) Solubility Form II(mg/ml)Should pH-solubility profiles be provided for all known polymorphic forms?No, it is essential that the pH-solubility profile be provided for the form present in the drug product. The relative solubility (at one pH) should be provided for any other more stable forms.Physicochemical information such as polymorphic form, pKa, solubility, is usually in the confidential section of DMF. Is reference to a DMF acceptable for this type of information?No, knowledge of API physicochemical properties is crucial to the successful development of a robust formulation and manufacturing process. In view of the critical nature of thisinformation, OGD does not consider simple reference to the DMF to be acceptable.The Guidance for Industry: M4Q: The CTD-Quality Questions and Answers/ Location Issues says only the polymorphic form used in the drug product should be described in S.1 and other known polymorphic forms should be described in S.3. OGD’s examples placed information about all known polymorphic forms in S.1. Where does OGD want this information?This information may be included in either S.1 or in S.3. Wherever presented, list allpolymorphic forms reported in literature and provide brief discussion (i.e., which one is the most stable form) and indicate which form is used for this product.Other polymorph information should be presented by the ANDA applicant as follows: • 2.3.S.3 Characterization: Studies performed (if any) and methods used to identify the potential polymorphic forms of the drug substance. (x-ray, DSC, and literature) • 2.3.S.4 Specification: Justification of whether a polymorph specification is needed and the proposed analytical method• 2.3.P.2.1.1 Pharmaceutical Development –Drug Substance: Studies conducted to evaluate if polymorphic form affects drug product propertiesWhy does OGD need to know the partition coefficient and other physicochemical properties?Physical and chemical properties may affect drug product development, manufacture, or performance.2.3.S.2 ManufactureWho manufactures the drug substance?How should this be answered?Provide the name, address, and responsibility of each manufacturer, including contractor, and each proposed production site or facility involved in manufacturing and testing.Include the DMF number, refer to the Letter of Authorization in the body of data, andidentify the US Agent (if applicable)How do the manufacturing processes and controls ensure consistent production of the drug substance?Can this question be answered by reference to a DMF?Yes. It is preferable to mention the source of the material (synthetic or natural) when both sources are available.The DMF holder’s COA for the batch used to manufacture the exhibit batches should be provided in the body of data at 3.2.S.4.4.If there is no DMF, what information should be provided?A complete description of the manufacturing process and controls used to produce the drugsubstance.2.3.S.3 CharacterizationHow was the drug substance structure elucidated and characterized?Can structure elucidation be answered by reference to a DMF?Yes.What information should be provided for chiral drug substances?When the drug substance contains one or more chiral centers, the applicant should indicate whether it is a racemate or a specific enantiomer.When the drug substance is a specific enantiomer, then tests to identify and/or quantify that enantiomer should be included. Discussion of chirality should include the potential forinterconversion between enantiomers (e.g. racemization/epimerization).How were potential impurities identified and characterized?List related compounds potentially present in the drug substance. Identify impurities bynames, structures, or RRT/HPLC. Under origin, classify impurities as process impurities and/or degradants.Structure Origin ID ChemicalName[SpecifiedImpurity]Is identification of potential impurities needed if there is a USP related substances method?Yes.Can this question be answered by reference to a DMF?The ANDA should include a list of potential impurities and their origins. The methodsused to identify and characterize these impurities can be incorporated by reference to the DMF.According to the CTD guidance, section S.3 should contain a list of potential impurities and the basis for the acceptance criteria for impurities, however in the OGD examples this information was in section S.4. Where should it go?This information may be included in either S.3 or in S.4.2.3.S.4 Control of Drug SubstanceWhat is the drug substance specification? Does it include all the critical drug substance attributes that affect the manufacturing and quality of the drug product?What format should be used for presenting the specification?Include a table of specifications. Include the results for the batch(es) of drug substance used to produce the exhibit batch(es). Identify impurities in a footnote. Test results and acceptance criteria should be provided as numerical values with proper units whenapplicable.Tests Acceptancecriteria AnalyticalprocedureTest results for Lot#AppearanceIdentificationA:B:AssayResidualSolventsSpecified ImpuritiesRC1RC2RC3Any UnspecifiedImpurityTotal Impurities[AdditionalSpecification]*RC 1: [impurity identity]RC 2: [impurity identity]RC 3: [impurity identity]What tests should be included in the drug substance specification?USP drugs must meet the USP monograph requirements, but other tests should be included when appropriate. For USP and non USP drugs, other references (EP, BP, JP, the DMF holder’s specifications, and ICH guidances) can be used to help identify appropriate tests.Only relevant tests should be included in the specification. Justify whether specific tests such as optical rotation, water content, impurities, residual solvents; solid state properties(e.g. polymorphic form, particle size distribution, etc) should be included in thespecification of drug substance or not.Does OGD accept foreign pharmacopeia tests and criteria for drug substances?There are several examples where a drug substance is covered by a monograph in EP or JP, but not in the USP. ANDA and DMF holders can obtain information regardingphysicochemical properties, structure of related impurities, storage conditions, analytical test methods, and reference standards from EP or JP to support their submission to OGD.Although the USP remains our official compendium, we usually accept EP when the drug substance is not in USP (However, a complete validation report for EP methods should be provided in the ANDA).For each test in the specification, is the analytical method(s) suitable for its intended use and, if necessary, validated? What is the justification for the acceptance criterion?What level of detail does OGD expect for the analytical method justifications and validations?Provide a summary of each non-USP method. This can be in a tabular or descriptive form.It should include the critical parameters for the method and system suitability criteria ifapplicable. See an example in section 2.3.P.5 of this document.For each analytical procedure, provide a page number/link to the location of validationinformation in Module 3. For quantitative non-compendial analytical methods, provide a summary table for the method validation. See an example in section 2.3.P.5 of thisdocument.Is validation needed for a USP method?No, but USP methods should be verified and an ANDA sponsor should ensure that theUSP assay method is specific (e.g. main peak can be separated from all process impurities arising from their manufacturing process and from degradation products) and the USPrelated substance method is specific (e.g. all the process impurities and degradants can be separated from each other and also separated from main peak).Is validation needed if the USP method is modified or replaced by an in-house method?Yes. Data supporting the equivalence or superiority of the in-house method should beprovided. In case of a dispute, the USP method will be considered the official method.Is reference to the DMF for drug substance analytical method validations acceptable?No. ANDA sponsors need to either provide full validation reports from the ANDA holder or reference full validation reports from the DMF holder (provided there is a copy of the method validation report in the ANDA and method verification from the ANDA holder). AppearanceIdentityAssayImpurities (Organic impurities)What format should be used for related substances?List related compounds potentially present in the drug substance. (Either here or S.3)Name Structure Origin[SpecifiedImpurity]Provide batch results and justifications for the proposed acceptance criteria. See guidance on ANDA DS impurities4 for acceptable justifications. If the DS is compendial, include the USP limits in the table. If the RLD product is used for justification/qualification, then its results should also be included. If an ICH justification is used, then the calculation of the ICH limits should be explained.To use the ICH limits, determine the Maximum Daily Dose (MDD) indicated in the label and use it to calculate the ICH Thresholds: Reporting Threshold (RT), Identification1. The amount of drug substance administered per day2. Higher reporting thresholds should be scientifically justified3. Lower thresholds can be appropriate if the impurity is unusually toxicSponsors can use the ICH limits to ensure the LOQ for the analytical method is equal or below the RT, establish the limit for “Any Unspecified Impurity” to equal or below the IT, and establish limits for each “Specified Identified Impurity” and each “SpecifiedUnidentified Impurity”5 to equal or below the QT.An impurity must be qualified if a limit is established above the QT. Options forqualification include reference to the specific impurity listed in a USP monograph,comparison to the RLD product, identifying the impurity as a significant metabolite of the drug substance, literature references including other compendial monographs (EP, BP, JP), or conducting a toxicity study.4/cder/guidance/6422dft.pdf5 The ANDA DS guidance states “For unidentified impurities to be listed in the drug substance specification, we recommend that you clearly state the procedure used and assumptions made in establishing the level of the impurity. It is important that unidentified specified impurities be referred to by an appropriate qualitative analytical descriptive label (e.g., unidentified A, unidentified with relative retention of 0.9)”. Q3A(R) states “When identification of an impurity is not feasible, a summary of the laboratory studies demonstrating the unsuccessful effort should be included in the application.”Name DrugSubstance(Lot #)USPLimit forDrugSubstanceRLDDrugProduct(Lot #)ProposedAcceptancecriteriaJustification[Specified Impurity,Identified][BatchResults][BatchResults][SpecifiedImpurity,Unidentified]Any UnspecifiedImpurityTotalImpuritiesInclude the column for RLD drug product only if that data is used to justify the drugsubstance limit (example a process impurity that is also found in the RLD).What is OGD’s policy on genotoxic impurities?FDA is developing a guidance for genotoxic impurities. According to the ICH Q3A lower thresholds are appropriate for impurities that are unusally toxic.If impurities levels for an approved generic drug are higher than the RLD, can the approved generic drug data be used as justification for a higher impurity specification?According to ANDA DP and DS Impurity guidances, any approved drug product can be used to qualify an impurity level. However, the guidances qualify this by later stating “This approved human drug product is generally the reference listed drug (RLD). However, you may also compare the profile to a different drug product with the same route ofadministration and similar characteristics (e.g. tablet versus capsule) if samples of thereference listed drug are unavailable or in the case of an ANDA submitted pursuant to a suitability petition.”What if there are no impurities’ tests found in the USP monograph for a USP drug substance? What should the ANDA sponsor do?Please work with your supplier (DMF Holder) to ensure that potential synthetic process impurities (e.g. isomers (if any), side reaction products), degradation impurities, metalcatalysts, and residual solvents are adequately captured by your impurities test method.There may be information available in published literature as well, regarding potentialimpurities.Can levels of an impurity found in the RLD and identified by RRT be used for qualification?Qualification of a specified unidentified impurity by means of comparative RRT, UVspectra, and mass spectrometry with the RLD may be acceptable. However, the ANDAsponsor should make every attempt to identify the impurity.If levels are higher than in an approved drug product then the sponsor should provide data for qualification of the safety of this impurity at this level.Can a limit from a USP monograph for “any unspecified impurity” be used to justify a limit for “any unspecified impurity” greater than the ICH Q3 identification threshold?No. Any unspecified impurity (any unknown) limit should not exceed ICH Q3A “IT”based on MDD. Non-specific compendial acceptance criteria (e.g. Any Individual Impurity is NMT 0.5%) should not be used for justification of proposed impurity acceptance criteria.However, if the USP limit is less than the ICH threshold, then the USP limit should be used. Can a limit for an identified impurity in the drug substance be qualified with data obtained from RLD drug product samples treated under the stressed conditions?No. Test various samples of marketed drug product over the span of its shelf life (ideally, near the end of shelf-life). Data generated from accelerated or stressed studies of the RLD is considered inappropriate.Impurities (Residual Solvents)Will OGD base residual solvent acceptance limits on ICH limits or process capability?The ICH guidance on residual solvents6 provides safety limits for residual solvents but also indicates that “residual solvents should be removed to the extent possible”. ANDA residual solvent limits should be within the ICH safety limits, but the review of the ANDA includes both of these considerations.OGD generally accepts the ICH limits when they are applied to the drug product.What about solvents that are not listed in Q3C?Levels should be qualified for safety.Impurities (Inorganic impurities)Polymorphic FormWhen is a specification on polymorphic form necessary?See ANDA polymorphism guidance7 for a detailed discussion.Particle SizeWhen is a drug substance particle size specification necessary?A specification should be included when the particle size is critical to either drug productperformance or manufacturing.For example, in a dry blending process, the particle size distribution of the drug substance and excipients may affect the mixing process. For a low solubility drug, the drug substance particle size may have a critical impact on the dissolution of the drug product. For a high solubility drug, particle size is often not critical to product performance.6 /cder/guidance/Q3Cfnl.pdf7/cder/guidance/6154dft.pdfWhat justification is necessary for drug substance particle size specifications?As for other API properties, the specificity and range of acceptance criteria for particle size, and the justification thereof, could vary from none to very tight limits, depending upon the criticality of this property for that drug product.Particle size specifications should be justified based on whether a change in particle sizewill affect the ability to manufacture the product or the final product performance.In general, a sponsor either should demonstrate through mechanistic understanding orempirical experiments how changes in material characteristics such as particle size affecttheir product.In the absence of pharmaceutical development studies, the particle size specificationshould represent the material used to produce the exhibit batch.When should the particle size be specified as distribution [d90,d50,d10] and when is a single point limit appropriate?When critical, a particle size should be specified by the distribution. There may be othersituations when a single point limit can be justified by pharmaceutical development studies.2.3.S.5 Reference StandardsHow were the primary reference standards certified?For non-compendial, in-house reference standards, what type of qualification data is recommended? Will a COA be sufficient?COA should be included in Module 3, along with details of its preparation, qualification,and characterization. This should be summarized in the QOS.In terms of the qualification data that may be requested, it is expected that these reference standards be of the highest possible purity (e.g. may necessitate an additionalrecrystallization beyond those used in the normal manufacturing process of the activeingredient) and be fully characterized (e.g. may necessitate in the qualification reportadditional characterization information such as proof of structure via NMR) beyond theidentification tests that are typically reported in a drug substance COA. StandardLaboratory Practice for preparation of reference standards entails recrystallization toconstant physical measurements or to literature values for the pure material.2.3.S.6 Container Closure SystemWhat container closure is used for packaging and storage of the drug substance?Can this question be answered by reference to a DMF?Yes.。

20100731 欧盟API GMP 中英文对照 CX 20110112

20100731 欧盟API GMP 中英文对照 CX 20110112

EUROPEAN COMMISSION 欧盟委员会ENTERPRISE AND INDUSTRY DIRECTORATE-GENERAL 企业与工业管理局Consumer goods 消费品Pharmaceuticals 药品Brussels, 03 February 2010 布鲁塞尔2010.02.03ENTR/F/2/AM/an D(2010) 3374EudraLex(European Union Law On drug regulatory affairs)欧盟药品法规The Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the European Union欧盟医药产品管理规则Volume 4卷4Good Manufacturing Practice良好生产规范Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use人用和兽用医药产品Part II: Basic Requirements for Active Substances used as Starting Materials 第二部分:作为起始物料的原料药的基本要求Table of Contents目录1 Introduction1简介1.1 Objective1.1目的1.2 Regulatory Applicability1.2法规适用性1.3 Scope1.3范围2 Quality Management2质量管理2.1 Principles2.1原则2.2 Quality Risk Management2.2质量风险管理2.3 Responsibilities of the Quality Unit(s) 2.3质量部门的职责2.4 Responsibility for Production Activities 2.4生产活动的职责2.5 Internal Audits (Self-Inspection)2.5内部审计(自检)2.6 Product Quality Review2.6产品质量回顾3 Personnel3 人员3.1 Personnel Qualifications3.1 人员资质3.2 Personnel Hygiene3.2 人员卫生3.3 Consultants3.3 顾问4 Buildings and Facilities4 厂房设施4.1 Design and Construction4.1 设计和建造4.2 Utilities4.2 公用工程4.3 Water4.3 水4.4 Containment4.4 限制4.5 Lighting4.5 照明4.6 Sewage and Refuse4.6 废水废物4.7 Sanitation and Maintenance4.7 公共卫生及保养5 Process Equipment5 工艺设备5.1 Design and Construction5.1 设计和建造5.2 Equipment Maintenance and Cleaning5.2 设备的保养和清洁5.3 Calibration5.3 校验5.4 Computerized Systems5.4 计算机系统6 Documentation and Records6 文件和记录6.1 Documentation System and Specifications6.1 文件系统与规格标准6.2 Equipment Cleaning and Use Record6.2 设备清洁和使用记录6.3 Records of Raw Materials, Intermediates, API Labelling and Packaging Materials 6.3 原料、中间产品、原料药的标签和包装材料的记录6.4 Master Production Instructions (Master Production and Control Records)6.4 生产指令(生产和控制记录)6.5 Batch Production Records (Batch Production and Control Records)6.5批生产记录(批生产和控制记录)6.6 Laboratory Control Records6.6 实验室控制记录(批检验记录)6.7 Batch Production Record Review6.7批生产记录审核7 Materials Management7 物料管理7.1 General Controls7.1 控制通则7.2 Receipt and Quarantine7.2 接受和待检7.3 Sampling and Testing of Incoming Production Materials7.3 到货物料的取样和检测7.4 Storage7.4 贮存7.5 Re-evaluation7.5 再评估8 Production and In-Process Controls8 生产和过程控制8.1 Production Operations8.1 生产操作8.2 Time Limits8.2 时间限制8.3 In-process Sampling and Controls8.3 中控取样和控制8.4 Blending Batches of Intermediates or APIs8.4 中间产品和原料药的混批8.5 Contamination Control8.5 污染控制9 Packaging and Identification Labelling of APIs and Intermediates 9 中间产品和原料药的包装和贴签9.1 General9.1 总则9.2 Packaging Materials9.2 包装材料9.3 Label Issuance and Control9.3 标签放行和控制9.4 Packaging and Labelling Operations9.4 包装和贴签操作10 Storage and Distribution10 贮存和销售10.1 Warehousing Procedures10.1 入库程序10.2 Distribution Procedures10.2 销售程序11 Laboratory Controls11 实验室控制11.1 General Controls11.1 控制通则11.2 Testing of Intermediates and APIs11.2 中间产品和原料药的检测11.3 Validation of Analytical Procedures11.3 分析方法的验证11.4 Certificates of Analysis11.4 分析报告11.5 Stability Monitoring of APIs11.5 原料药的稳定性监测11.6 Expiry and Retest Dating11.6 失效和复检日期11.7 Reserve/Retention Samples11.7 留样12 Validation12 验证12.1 Validation Policy12.1 验证方针12.2 Validation Documentation12.2 验证文件12.3 Qualification12.3 确认12.4 Approaches to Process Validation12.4 工艺验证方法12.5 Process Validation Program12.5 工艺验证计划12.6 Periodic Review of Validated Systems12.6 验证系统的定期审核12.7 Cleaning Validation12.7 清洁验证12.8 Validation of Analytical Methods12.8 分析方法验证13 Change Control13 变更控制14 Rejection and Reuse of Materials14 物料的拒收和再利用14.1 Rejection14.1 拒收14.2 Reprocessing14.2 返工14.3 Reworking14.3 重新加工14.4 Recovery of Materials and Solvents14.4 物料和溶剂的回收利用14.5 Returns14.5 退回15 Complaints and Recalls15 投诉和召回16 Contract Manufacturers (including Laboratories)16 合同生产企业(包含实验室)17 Agents, Brokers, Traders, Distributors, Repackers, and Relabellers 17 代理商、经纪商、贸易商、经销商、重新包装商和重新贴签商17.1 Applicability17.1 适用性17.2 Traceability of Distributed APIs and Intermediates17.2 已销售中间产品和原料药的追踪17.3 Quality Management17.3 质量管理17.4 Repackaging, Relabelling and Holding of APIs and Intermediates 17.4 中间产品和原料药的重新包装、重新贴签和处理17.5 Stability17.5 稳定性17.6 Transfer of Information17.6 信息的传输17.7 Handling of Complaints and Recalls17.7 投诉和召回的处理17.8 Handling of Returns17.8 退货的处理18 Specific Guidance for APIs Manufactured by Cell Culture/Fermentation 18 用于细胞培养/发酵而得原料药的特殊指南18.1 General18.1 总则18.2 Cell Bank Maintenance and Recordkeeping18.2 细胞库的维护和记录保存18.3 Cell Culture/Fermentation18.3 细胞培养/发酵18.4 Harvesting, Isolation, and Purification18.4 收获、分离和精制18.5 Viral Removal/Inactivation Steps18.5 病毒除去/灭火步骤19 APIs for Use in Clinical Trials19 用于临床试验的原料药19.1 General19.1 总则19.2 Quality19.2 质量19.3 Equipment and Facilities19.3 设备设施19.4 Control of Raw Materials19.4 原料的控制19.5 Production19.5 生产19.6 Validation19.6 验证19.7 Changes19.7 变更19.8 Laboratory Controls19.8 实验室控制19.9 Documentation19.9 文件20 Glossary20 词汇表1 Introduction1 介绍This guideline was published in November 2000 as Annex 18 to the GMP Guide reflecting the EU’s agreement to ICH Q7A and has been used by manufacturers and GMP inspectorates on a voluntary basis. Article 46 (f) of Directive 2001/83/EC and Article 50 (f) of Directive 2001/82/EC; as amended by Directives 2004/27/EC and 2004/28/EC respectively, place new obligations on manufacturing authorisation holders to use only active substances that have been manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice for starting materials. The directives go on to say that the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice for active substances are to be adopted as detailed guidelines. Member States have agreed that the text of former Annex 18 should form the basis of the detailed guidelines to create Part II of the GMP Guide.本指南已经在2000年11月以GMP指南附录18的形式公布过,它反应了欧盟对ICH Q7A的认可以,该指南已经被生产商和GMP检查员在自愿的原则下所使用。

EC-012-Eu GMP 中文版

EC-012-Eu GMP 中文版

Eu GMP第I 部分为药品制造的GMPPrinciple 总则The holder of a Manufacturing Authorisation must manufacture medicinal products so as to ensure that they are fit for their intended use, comply with the requirements of the Marketing Authorisation and do not place patients at risk due to inadequate safety, quality or efficacy. The attainment of this quality objective is the responsibility of senior management and requires the participation and commitment by staff in many different departments and at all levels within the company, by the company‟s suppliers and by the distributors. To achieve the quality objective reliably there must be a comprehensively designed and correctly implemented system of Quality Assurance incorporating Good Manufacturing Practice, Quality Control and Quality Risk Management. It should be fully documented and its effectiveness monitored. All parts of the Quality Assurance system should be adequately resourced with competent personnel, and suitable and sufficient premises, equipment and facilities. There are additional legal responsibilities for the holder of the Manufacturing Authorisation and for the Qualified Person(s). 生产许可持有人必须确保生产的药品适合预期用途,符合上市许可要求,不能由于安全性,质量或有效性不足而对患者产生风险。



European Union药品生产质量管理规范GUIDE TO GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE FOR MEDICINAL PRODUCTS目录第一章质量管理CHAPTER 1: QUALITY MANAGEMENT原则............................................................ ..................................................... ............ (5)Principle (5)质量保证................................................................... .............. . (5)Quality Assurance (5)药品生产质量管理规范(GMP) (7)Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products (7)质量控制(QC) (9)Quality Control....................... . (9)产品质量回顾....................... ....................... (10)第二章人员CHAPTER 2: PERSONNEL...................................................................................... .. (11)原则 (11)Principle (11)通则 (12)General...................................................................................................................... . (12)关键人员................................................................................................................... . (12)Key Personnel (12)培训 (12)Training..................................................................................................................... . (15)人员卫生 (16)Personnel Hygiene (16)第三章厂房和设备CHAPTER 3: PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT................................................................ .. (18)原则 (18)Principle (18)厂房 (18)Premises (18)通则 (18)General (18)生产区 (19)Production Area (19)贮存区 (21)Storage Area (21)质量控制区 (22)Quality Control Area (22)附助区 (22)Ancillary Areas (22)设备 (23)Equipment (23)第四章文件CHAPTER 4: DOCUMENTATION (24)原则 (24)Principle (24)通则 (25)General (25)文件要求 (27)Documents Required (27)Specifications (27)Specifications for starting and packaging materials (27)Specifications for Intermediate and Bulk Products (27)Specifications for Finished Products (28)Manufacturing Formulae and Processing Instructions (28)Packaging Instructions (30)Batch Processing Records (31)Batch PackagingRecords. (32)Procedures and Records........................................................................................ .. (33)Receipt (34)Sampling (34)Testing (35)Other (35)第五章生产CHAPTER 5: PRODUCTION......................................... ........ (36)原则........................................ . (36)Principle (36)通则........................................ . (36)General (36)生产过程中对交叉污染的预防 (39)Prevention of Cross-contamination in Production (39)验证........................................ . (40)Validation................................. . (40)原料........................................ . (41)Starting Materials..................... . (41)生产操作:中间产品和待包装产品 (42)Processing Operations: Intermediate and Bulk Products (42)包装材料........................................ . (43)Packaging Materials.......................... . (43)包装操作........................................ . (44)Packaging Operations........................ . (44)成品........................................ . (46)Finished Products..................... . (46)不合格、回收料和退货物料 (46)Rejected, Recovered and Returned Materials (46)第六章质量控制CHAPTER 6: QUALITY CONTROL (48)原则........................................ . (48)Principle................................... . (48)通则........................................ . (48)General... .. (48)质量控制实验室规范 (49)Good Quality Control Laboratory Practice (49)Documentation (49)Sampling................................... (50)Testing... .. (52)销售产品的稳定性考察 (54)第七章委托生产与委托检验CHAPTER 7: CONTRACT MANUFACTURE AND ANALYSIS (55)原则........................................ . (55)Principle................................... . (55)通则........................................ . (56)General..................................... . (56)委托方.................................... . (56)The Contract Giver.................... .. (56)受托方.................................... (57)The Contract Acceptor.............. (57)合同........................................ . (58)The Contract............................. (58)第八章投诉与召回CHAPTER 8: COMPLAINTS AND PRODUCT RECALL (59)原则........................................ . (59)Principle.................................... . (59)投诉........................................ . (59)Complaints................................ . (59)召回 (60)Recalls (60)第九章自查CHAPTER 9: SELF INSPECTION (61)原则 (61)Principle (61)附件8 原辅料和包装材料的取样ANNEX8 SAMPLING OF STARTING AND PACKAGING MATERIALS (63)原则 (63)Principle (63)人员 (63)Personnel (63)原辅料 (63)Starting materials (64)包装材料 (65)Packaging material (65)第一章质量管理CHAPTER 1 QUALITY MANAGEMENTPrinciple原则生产许可证持有厂家只能生产医药产品,以确保药品符合其预期的使用目的,符合销售许可证的要求,并不因药品安全性、质量或药效方面的问题而给患者带来风险。



EU-GMP欧盟GMP中文版公司管理资料~建筑资料~公司手~公司方案豆丁册网欧盟资品管理资资第 4 卷资品生资资量管理资范1998 版欧体洲共同公司管理资料~建筑资料~公司手~公司方案豆丁册网;资文, 肖文森资文日期 2004-9-13,公司管理资料~建筑资料~公司手~公司方案豆丁册网前言欧体洲共同制资工资在资品的资资~生资和控制资程中保持高资准的资量保资。




有资品生资和资量管理指资原资~资品生资和资量管理资范两个(GMP)和指南源于指资原资来两个, 一是人用资物指资原资个(指资原资 91/356/EEC) 一是资用资物指资原资个(指资原资91/412/EEC)~资指资原资两个1991年被共采资。


估GMP的原资和资资的指南适用于需要按照第16条75/319/ EEC和修改的第24条81/851/EEC要求资资的所有的操作。







资一指南除了在9个章资中表述了GMP的基本要素外, 资包括一系列附资提供了之有资的活资的特定范资的资资。



欧盟化妆品良好操作规范GMPCGMPC(Good Manufacturing Practice for Cosmetics)是指化妆品良好操作规范,是欧盟规定的一种化妆品生产操作规范。




















中华人民共和国卫生部令第 79 号《药品生产质量管理规范(2010年修订)》已于2010年10月19日经卫生部部务会议审议通过,现予以发布,自2011年3月1日起施行。



























这一指南除了在9个章节中表述了 GMP的基本要素外,还包括一系列附录提供了与之有关的活动的特定范围的细节。






欧盟GMP(EUGMP)中文版欧洲药品生产和质量管理规范附录1,无菌药品生产盟欧盟 GMP cfu/4 小时 cfu/碟5 指手套cfu/手套A <1 <1 <1 <1B 10 5 5 5C 100 50 25 -D 200 100 50 -注:(a)表中各数值均为平均值。

(b)单个沉降碟的暴露时间可以少于 4 小时。



隔离技术 7.采用能最大限度降地低生产区人员影响的隔离技术,可大大降低无菌生产中环境对产品微生物污染的风险。








无菌操作的隔离操作台所处环境的级别应予控制,至少为 D 级。




吹气/灌装/密封技术 10.吹气/灌装/密封系统是一套专用机械设备,连续操作,从一个热塑性颗粒吹制成容器至灌装和密封,整个过程由一台全自动机器完成。

用于无菌生产的吹气/灌装/密封设备本身装有 A 级空气风淋装置,在操作人员按A/B 级区要求着装的条件下,该设备可以安装在洁净度至少为C 级的环境中。



欧盟GMP(中英⽂对照)(The words that are in the green background are new standards)(绿⾊背景下的内容为新标准)ANNEX 1MANUFACTURE OF STERILE MEDICINAL PRODUCTS附录1 ⽆菌医药产品的⽣产Principle总则The manufacture of sterile products is subject to special requirements in order to minimize risks of microbiological contamination, and of particulate and pyrogen contamination. Much depends on the skill, training and attitudes of the personnel involved. Quality Assurance is particularly important, and this type of manufacture must strictly follow carefully established and validated methods of preparation and procedure. Sole reliance for sterility or other quality aspects must not be placed on any terminal process or finished product test.⽆菌药品的⽣产,必须符合⼀些特殊的要求,以防⽌微⽣物、微粒和热源的污染。





欧盟GMP中英文对照( +30 )药品生产质量管理规范GUIDE TO GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE FOR MEDICINAL PRODUCTS第一章质量管理CHAPTER 1: QUALITY MANAGEMENT原则 (5)Principle (5)质量保证. (5)Quality Assurance (5)药品生产质量管理规范(GMP) (7)Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products (7)质量控制(QC) (9)Quality Control (9)产品质量回顾 (10)第二章人员CHAPTER 2: PERSONNEL........................ .. (11)原则 (11)Principle (11)通则 (12)General...................................................... . (12)关键人员 (12)Key Personnel (12)培训 (12)Training..................... . (15)人员卫生 (16)Personnel Hygiene (16)第三章厂房和设备CHAPTER 3: PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT (18)原则 (18)Principle (18)厂房 (18)Premises (18)通则 (18)General (18)生产区 (19)Production Area (19)贮存区 (21)Storage Area (21)质量控制区 (22)Quality Control Area (22)附助区 (22)Ancillary Areas (22)设备 (23)Equipment (23)第四章文件CHAPTER 4: DOCUMENTATION (24)原则 (24)Principle (24)通则 (25)General (25)文件要求 (27)Documents Required (27)Specifications (27)Specifications for starting and packaging materials (27)Specifications for Intermediate and Bulk Products (27)Specifications for Finished Products (28)Manufacturing Formulae and Processing Instructions (28)Packaging Instructions (30)Batch Processing Records (31)Batch Packaging Records. (32)Procedures and Records (33)Receipt (34)Sampling (34)Testing (35)Other (35)第五章生产CHAPTER 5: PRODUCTION (36)原则 (36)Principle (36)通则 (36)General (36)生产过程中对交叉污染的预防 (39)Prevention of Cross-contamination in Production (39)验证 (40)Validation (40)原料 (41)Starting Materials (41)生产操作:中间产品和待包装产品 (42)Processing Operations: Intermediate and Bulk Products (42)包装材料 (43)Packaging Materials (43)包装操作 (44)Packaging Operations (44)成品 (46)Finished Products (46)不合格、回收料和退货物料 (46)Rejected, Recovered and Returned Materials (46)第六章质量控制CHAPTER 6: QUALITY CONTROL (48)原则 (48)Principle (48)通则 (48)General... . (48)质量控制实验室规范 (49)Good Quality Control Laboratory Practice (49)Documentation (49)Sampling (50)Testing... (52)销售产品的稳定性考察 (54)第七章委托生产与委托检验CHAPTER 7: CONTRACT MANUFACTURE AND ANALYSIS (55)原则 (55)Principle (55)通则 (56)General (56)委托方 (56)The Contract Giver (56)受托方 (57)The Contract Acceptor (57)合同 (58)The Contract (58)第八章投诉与召回CHAPTER 8: COMPLAINTS AND PRODUCT RECALL (59)原则 (59)Principle (59)投诉 (59)Complaints (59)召回 (60)Recalls (60)第九章自查CHAPTER 9: SELF INSPECTION (61)原则 (61)Principle (61)附件8 原辅料和包装材料的取样ANNEX8 SAMPLING OF STARTING AND PACKAGING MATERIALS (63)原则 (63)Principle (63)人员 (63)Personnel (63)原辅料 (63)Startingmaterials (64)包装材料 (65)Packaging material (65)欧盟GMP中英文对照02第一章质量管理CHAPTER 1 QUALITY MANAGEMENTPrinciple原则生产许可证持有厂家只能生产医药产品,以确保药品符合其预期的使用目的,符合销售许可证的要求,并不因药品安全性、质量或药效方面的问题而给患者带来风险。



Council of Europe欧盟理事会Guidelines forGood Manufacturing Practice of Cosmetic Products化妆品的良好生产规范应用指南(GMPC)1995内容序言 (5)I. 术语 (6)II. 质量体系 (10)II.1 简介 (10)II.2. 员工 (10)II.3. 厂房 (10)II.4. 设备 (11)II.5. 程序和过程 (11)II.5.1. 程序和指导书 (12)II.5.2. 过程 (12)III. 采购 (13)III.1. 简介 (13)III.2. 合同要求................................................. . (13)III.3. 采购文件 (13)IV. 制造 (14)IV.1. 简介 (14)IV.2. 来料接收 (14)IV.2.1. 原料,包装材料,和散装产品 (14)IV.2.2. 水 (14)IV.2.3. 仓库和储存 (15)IV.3. 制造过程 (15)IV.3.1. 准备 (15)IV.3.2. 实际制造过程 (16)IV.3.3. 散装产品的储存 (16)IV.4. 包装 (16)IV.5. 成品的储存 (16)V.制造分包 (17)VI.质量管理 (18)VI.1. 简介 (18)VI.2. 质量控制 (18)VI.2.1. 简介 (18)VI.2.2. 仪器和试剂 (18)VI.2.3. 控制活动 (19)VI.2.4. 控制记录 (20)VI.2.5. 采样和样品室 (20)VI.3. 数据监控和使用 (21)VI.4. 文件控制 (21)VI.4.1. 跟踪文件 (21)VI.4.2. 文件管理 (21)VI.5. 不合格产品的管理 (22)VI.6. 卫生 (22)VI.6.1. 工厂卫生 (22)VI.6.2. 个人卫生 (22)VI.7. 审核 (23)参考文献 (24)前言1949年5月, 由10个国家参与成立了欧洲国家政治联盟: 欧盟理事会。



E U G M P欧盟G M P中文版集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]欧盟药品管理规则第 4 卷药品生产质量管理规范1998 版欧洲共同体前言欧洲共同体制药工业在药品的开发,生产和控制过程中保持高标准的质量保证。




有两个药品生产和质量管理指导原则,药品生产和质量管理规范(GMP)和指南来源于两个指导原则, 一个是人用药物指导原则(指导原则 91/356/EEC)一个是兽用药物指导原则(指导原则91/412/EEC),这两个指导原则1991年被欧共体采纳。


GMP的原则和详细的指南适用于需要按照第16条75/319/ EEC和修改的第24条81/851/EEC要求认证的所有的操作。







这一指南除了在9个章节中表述了GMP的基本要素外, 还包括一系列附录提供了与之有关的活动的特定范围的细节。


在附录后还列出了这一指南所使用的术语表.指南的第一版在 1989 年出版, 包括一个无菌药品生产的附录。



实用文档European Union药品生产质量管理规范GUIDE TO GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE FOR MEDICINAL PRODUCTS目录第一章质量管理CHAPTER 1: QUALITY MANAGEMENT原则............................................................ ....................... .............................. ............ (5)Principle.............................................................................. .. (5)质量保证................................................................... .............. . (5)Quality Assurance.............................................................................. . (5)药品生产质量管理规范(GMP)................................................................................ .. (7)Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products (7)质量控制(QC) ................................................................................. .. (9)QualityControl....................... ........................................................ .. (9)产品质量回顾....................... ....................... .................................... (10)第二章人员CHAPTER 2: PERSONNEL................................................................... ................... .. (11)原则............................................................................ . (11)Principle................................................................... (11)通则............................................................................ . (12)General..................................................................... ................................................. . (12)关键人员.................................................................................... ............................... . (12)Key Personnel............................................................................. .. (12)培训.................................................................................... . (12)Training.................................................................... ................................................. . (15)人员卫生.................................................................................... (16)Personnel Hygiene............................................................................... . (16)第三章厂房和设备CHAPTER 3: PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT................................................................ ............ ..18原则.......................................................................... .. (18)Principle................................................................... .. (18)厂房.......................................................................... (18)Premises.................................................................... . (18)通 (18)General..................................................................... .. (18)生产区.......................................................................... . (19)Production Area........................................................................ ................................................19贮存区.......................................................................... . (21)Storage Area........................................................................ .. (21)质量控制区.......................................................................... (22)Quality Control Area........................................................................ . (22)附助区.......................................................................... . (22)Ancillary Areas....................................................................... .. (22)设备.......................................................................... (23)Equipment................................................................... .. (23)第四章文件CHAPTER 4: DOCUMENTATION............................................................... . (24)原 (24)Principle................................................................... .. (24)通则.......................................................................... (25)General..................................................................... .. (25)文件要求.......................................................................... (27)Documents Required.................................................................... (27)Specifications.............................................................. (27)Specifications for starting and packaging materials (27)Specifications for Intermediate and Bulk Products (27)Specifications for Finished Products.................................................................... (28)Manufacturing Formulae and Processing Instructions (28)Packaging Instructions................................................................ .. (30)Batch Processing Records..................................................................... . (31)Batch PackagingRecords. ................................................................... .. (32)Procedures and Records..................................................................... ................... .. (33) (34)Sampling.................................................................... .. (34)Testing..................................................................... . (35)Other....................................................................... .. (35)第五章生产CHAPTER 5: PRODUCTION......................................... ........ ............... (36)原则........................................ ................................. . (36)Principle................................................................... . (36)通则........................................ ................................. . (36)General..................................................................... . (36)生产过程中对交叉污染的预防.......................................................................... . (39)Prevention of Cross-contamination in Production..................................................................39验证........................................ ................................. . (40)Validation................................. ................................ .. (40)原料........................................ ................................. . (41)StartingMaterials..................... ............................................. . (41)生产操作:中间产品和待包装产品..........................................................................42Processing Operations: Intermediate and Bulk Products (42)包装材料........................................ ................................. . (43)PackagingMaterials.......................... ........................................ (43)包装操作........................................ ................................. . (44)PackagingOperations........................ ......................................... .. (44)成品........................................ ................................. . (46)FinishedProducts..................... .............................................. (46)不合格、回收料和退货物料.......................................................................... .. (46)Rejected, Recovered and Returned Materials................................................................... .. (46)第六章质量控制CHAPTER 6: QUALITY CONTROL..................................................................... (48)原则........................................ ................................. . (48)Principle................................... ............................... (48)通则........................................ ................................. . (48)General... ................................................................. (48)质量控制实验室规范.......................................................................... . (49)Good Quality Control Laboratory Practice.................................................................... (49)Documentation............................................................... (49)Sampling................................... ................................ . (50)Testing... ................................................................. (52)销售产品的稳定性考察.......................................................................... .. (54)第七章委托生产与委托检验CHAPTER 7: CONTRACT MANUFACTURE AND ANALYSIS (55)原则........................................ ................................. . (55)Principle................................... ............................... (55)通则........................................ ................................. . (56)General..................................... ............................... (56)委托方.................................... ..................................... (56)The ContractGiver.................... .................................................. (56)受托方.................................... ..................................... .. (57)The ContractAcceptor.............. ..................................................... . (57)合同........................................ ................................. . (58)TheContract............................. ...................................... . (58)第八章投诉与召回CHAPTER 8: COMPLAINTS AND PRODUCT RECALL (59)原则........................................ ................................. . (59)Principle.................................... .............................. . (59)投诉........................................ ................................. . (59)Complaints................................ ................................. . (59)召回.......................................................................... .. (60)Recalls..................................................................... (60)第九章自查CHAPTER 9: SELF INSPECTION.................................................................. . (61)原则.......................................................................... . (61)Principle................................................................... (61)附件8 原辅料和包装材料的取样ANNEX8 SAMPLING OF STARTING AND PACKAGING MATERIALS (63)原则.......................................................................... . (63)Principle................................................................... (63)人员.......................................................................... . (63)Personnel................................................................... .. (63)原辅料.......................................................................... (63)Starting materials................................................................... .. (64)包装材料.......................................................................... .. (65)Packaging material.................................................................... .. (65)第一章质量管理CHAPTER 1 QUALITY MANAGEMENTPrinciple原则生产许可证持有厂家只能生产医药产品,以确保药品符合其预期的使用目的,符合销售许可证的要求,并不因药品安全性、质量或药效方面的问题而给患者带来风险。






二、质量体系2.1 介绍对于想达成其质量目标的企业,它应设计,应用和维护适应生产活动,产品特性和由公司高层支持的文件质量体系。






2.2 员工组织结构应是的在不同活动领域中有足够的员工层级:员工应具有技术,经验,适应他们呢职责和工作的能力和积极性。





欧盟药品G M P中文版目录第一部分GMP基本要求.I (1)第一章质量管理 (3)第二章人员 (7)第三章厂房与设备 (10)第四章文件和记录 (13)第五章生产 (19)第六章质量控制 (25)第七章委托生产和委托检验 (29)第八章投诉和药品召回 (30)第九章自检 (32)GMP基本要求.II原料药GMP (33)1 引言 (34)2质量管理 (36)3人员 (39)4厂房和设施 (39)5 工艺设备 (42)6文件和记录 (44)7物料管理 (48)8生产和中间控制 (50)9原料药和中间体的包装和贴签 (52)10贮存和分发/发放 (54)11实验室控制 (55)12验证 (58)13变更的管理 (61)14物料的拒收和再使用........................................................................。

(62) 15投诉和召回 (64)16受委托生产厂(包括实验室) (64)17代理商、经纪人、贸易商、经销商、重新包装和重新贴签者.....................。

(65) 18用细胞繁殖/培养发酵生产的原料药的特殊指南 (67)19用于临床研究的原料药…………………………………………………………….(70) 20 Glossary术语表……………………………………………………………………一(72)第二部分附录附录1 无菌药品的生产........................................................................一(78) 附录2人用生物制品的生产 (94)附录3放射性药品生产 (99)附录4兽用非免疫药品的生产...............................................................“(100) 附录5免疫类兽药制品的生产...............................................................一(102) 附录6医用气体生产...........................................................................一(110) 附录7草药制剂的生产........................................................................一(118) 附录8原辅包装材料的取样..................................................................一(120) 附录9液剂、霜剂和油膏的生产............................................................一(121) 附录10定量吸入式气雾剂的生产 (122)附录1 1计算机系统 (123)附录12药品生产中电离辐射的应用.........................................................。

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化妆品良好生产规范指南(GMPC)顾客的健康和保护化妆品良好生产规范指南(GMPC)该文本是由化妆品专家委员顾问L Van Der Maren 起草的,并得到比利时—卢森保协会的大力支持。


顾客的健康和保护欧盟理事会出版1995年第出版1998年重印目录前言--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Ⅰ术语(定义)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Ⅱ质量体系----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Ⅱ.1总则-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Ⅱ.2人力资源------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Ⅱ.3建筑物---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 Ⅱ.4设备-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 Ⅱ.5程序和过程----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 Ⅱ.5.1程序与指引--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 Ⅱ.5.2过程-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 Ⅲ采购管理----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 Ⅲ.1总则-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 Ⅲ.2合同要求-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 Ⅲ.3采购文件-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 Ⅳ生产管理----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 Ⅳ.1 总则------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 Ⅳ.2来料接收-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 Ⅳ.2.1原材料、包装材料和散装产品--------------------------------------------------------------------20 Ⅳ.2.2水--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 Ⅳ.2.3仓储和存放--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 Ⅳ.3生产过程-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 Ⅳ.3.1准备-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 Ⅳ.3.2生产-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 Ⅳ.3.3散装产品的存储--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 Ⅳ.4包装-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 Ⅳ.5成品的储存----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 Ⅴ外包管理----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 Ⅵ质量管理----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26Ⅵ.1总则-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 Ⅵ.2质量控制-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 Ⅵ.2.1总则-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 Ⅵ.2.2设备、仪器和试剂-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 Ⅵ.2.3控制活动-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 Ⅵ.2.4控制记录-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29 Ⅵ.2.5样品和样品库-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 Ⅵ.3数据监视和使用----------------------------------------------------------30 Ⅵ.4文件控制----------------------------------------------------------------31 Ⅵ.4.1追溯文件--------------------------------------------------------------31 Ⅵ.4.2文件管理-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31 Ⅵ.5不合品管理--------------------------------------------------------------32 Ⅵ.6卫生管理----------------------------------------------------------------32 Ⅵ.6.工厂卫生管理-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33 Ⅵ.6.2员工卫生管理-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33 Ⅵ.7审核-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33 参考-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------34前言作门为欧洲第一个政治性组织,且是历史上第一个以国际议会作为形式的组织——欧洲理事会成立于1949年5月5日。
