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The Spring Festival is the biggest festival for Chinese people all around the world. The celebration usually lasts for 15 days or so. There is a lot to do.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, family members get together and have big meals. Their favorites dish on this day is dumplings. Days before the Spring Festival, families will clean their houses. People think cleaning sweeps away bad luck . It makes the house read good luck.

The colour red is everywhere during the Spring Festival. People think red is a happy colour and will bring them a bright future. People wear red, too. They decorate their houses with pieces of red paper. Kids get a lot of "hongbao". It is a red paper bag with money in it. Usually, older people give younger ones "hongbao" They think it brings good luck. The Spring Festival is the time to make everybody happy. So don't say any bad words or do anything that will bring unhappiness to other people.

For instance, you'd better not say any bad words like "death". Don't break anything. People think that it means your luck is running out. Also, don't borrow or lend money on these days. If you have borrowed money, return it before the Spring Festival.

1. What do most people do on the eve of the Spring


A. Family members gather for a big meal.

B. Friends eat dumplings together.

C. They borrow money from friends.

D. They give each other "hongbao".

2. Which of the following things is NOT supposed to happen during the Spring Festival?

A. Returning money before the Spring Festival.

B. Saying words that have something to do with"death".

C . Wearing red clothes.

D. Decorating houses with red paper.

3. The underlined phrase "running out" probably means"__________ "



4. We can tell from the passage that the Spring Festival

is ___________.

A. a time of harvest and fun

B. celebrated for a whole month

C. a time to see Santa Claus

D. a time for Chinese families to get together


The most important holiday in Sping , especially for Christians , is Easter .This Christian holiday Is not on the same date every year , but it is always on Sunday . It can be any Sunday . It can be

any Sunday Between March 22 and April 25 . Many people celebrate Easter by

buying new Clothes . Children celebrate by hunting for coloured eggs that their parents have hidden around the house. People also give Easter baskets filled with candy and other goodies to one another to celebrate the day.

But the holiday is more than new clothes and good things to eat. On Easter, many people go to church to celebrate Jesus' coming to life from the dead.

Most people colour Easter eggs. Some people hidethem. Others just eat them . But no matter what one does with Easter eggs , they are an important Easter tradition throughout the Western world.

People from many different cultures celebrate Easter. In both America and Belgium, children look for Easter eggs hidden on lawns and in bushes . In America , children believe the eggs are hidden by the Easter bunny (复活节兔子) . But in Belgium , the hidden eggs are supposed to have fallen from church Bells . In Bulgaria (保加利亚) , red Easter eggs are lucky in churches; Bulgarian families also crash these Easter eggs together to see whose is the strongest. The winner looks forward to good fortune that year. Still dozens of other Easter traditions exist . In parts of Austria , for example , children sing from door to door and are rewarded with colourful eggs. Easter comes __________.

A.on the same date every year

B. on Sunday on March 22

C. on Sunday on April 25

D. on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25

6. To celebrate Easter, people_________. .

A. go shopping, hide coloured eggs and children hunt

for them

B. give Easter baskets filled with candy and goodies

to one another.

C. buy new clothes,-hide coloured eggs and children

look for them around the house

D. both B and C

7. For Christians the more important thing to do on

Easter is _________ .

A. buying new clothes

B. going to church to celebrate Jesus' coming to

life from the dead .

C. eating delicious food and painting eggs

D. exchanging beautiful gifts with each other

8. The underlined word "crash" in Para. 4 could best

be replaced by " _________ ".

A bring B. hit C. come D. go


We couldn't forget the historic and exciting moment on Oct.11,2012 when the first Chinese Nobel laureate, Mo Yan, won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature ( 文学). Minutes after the award was announced ,millions of Chinese expressed their pleasure and pride for Mo Yan on the Internet . So a Chinese getting the Nobel Prize for Literature did really increase the national
