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目录 (1)

摘要 (4)


前言 (6)

第一部分设计任务书 (7)

1 设计题目 (7)

2 设计目的及要求 (7)

3 建筑功能及要求 (7)

3.1 建筑功能要求 (7)

3.2 建筑等级 (7)

3.3 规划及其他要求 (8)

3.4 结构类型 (8)

4 建筑基本技术条件及设计要求 (8)

4.1 建筑基本技术条件 (8)

4.2 工程地质条件 (8)

5 设计内容图纸及归档要求 (8)

5.1 建筑部分 (8)

5.2 结构部分 (9)

5.3 图面要求 (9)

5.4 归档书写要求 (9)

第二部分建筑设计说明 (10)

6 建筑平面设计 (10)

6.1 办公楼的布置 (10)

6.2 辅助使用房间 (10)

6.3 交通联系部分 (10)

7 建筑空间和立面设计 (11)

7.1 层数层高 (11)

7.2 建筑立面设计 (11)

第三部分结构设计计算 (12)

8工程概述 (12)

8.1 课题条件要求 (12)

8.2 设计基本内容及资料 (12)

8.3 设计资料 (12)

9 结构类型 (13)

10 框架结构设计与计算 (15)

10.1 梁柱截面、梁跨度及柱高确定 (15)

10.2 重力荷载的计算 (17)

10.3 重力荷载代表值 (18)

10.4 框架侧移刚度计算 (20)

11 水平地震作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 (23)

11.1 横向自振周期计算 (23)

11.2 水平地震作用及楼层地震剪力的计算 (24)

11.3 水平地震作用下的位移计算 (26)

11.4 水平地震作用下框架内力计算 (26)

12 横向风荷载作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 (32)

12.1 风荷载标准值的计算 (32)

12.2 风荷载作用下的水平侧移验算 (34)

13 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 (35)

13.3 弯矩计算 (39)

14 框架结构的内力组合 (47)

14.1 内力组合相关系数 (47)

14.2 框架梁的内力组合 (49)

14.3 框架柱内力组合 (53)

15 截面设计 (60)

15.1 截面设计及构造措施要求 (60)

15.2 截面设计 (67)

16 基础设计 (74)

16.1 基础设计的内力 (74)

16.2 基础尺寸及埋置深度 (74)

16.3 基础高度验算(抗冲切验算) (76)

16.4 基础底板配筋 (78)

17 板的设计及配筋 (81)

17.1 设计参数 (81)

17.2边跨板的弯矩及配筋计算 (81)

17.3 楼板的弯矩计算及配筋 (82)

18 楼梯设计 (84)

18.1 楼梯板计算 (84)

18.2 平台板计算 (84)

18.3 平台梁计算 (85)

总结 (87)

参考文献 (88)

致谢 (89)





The purpose of the design include the eight parts of the construction chooses the type, level the frame construction that dint function bottom computes, the inside that dint the function the bottom dint is inside the calculation, horizontal frame dint combination, cut the size the design, knothole the design, foundation the design, stairs the design. When the directions of the frames is determined, firstly the weight of each floor is calculated .Then the vibrate cycle is calculated by utilizing the peak-displacement method, then making the amount of the horizontal seismic force can be got by way of the bottom-shear force method. The seismic force can be assigned according to the shearing stiffness of the frames of the different axis. Then the internal force (bending moment, shearing force and axial force ). After the determination of the internal force under the dead and live loads, the combination of internal force can be made by using the Excel software, whose purpose is to find one or several sets of the most adverse internal force of the wall limbs and the coterminous girders, What knothole design adoption is a pair of facing the plank. The stairs design includes a design, terrace beam design, terrace plank the design, the stairs goes together with the calculation of reinforcing bar. The foundation design includes the load the calculation, the foundation loads the dint computes, washing to shear to check to calculate, the foundation goes together with the calculation of reinforcing bar.

Keywords : Frames Architectural design Structural design Anti-seismic design
