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基于Javaweb的门诊预约挂号系统设计与实现 (3)

前言 (3)

1. 研究现状及设计目标 (4)

1.1 医院预约挂号系统的现状 (4)

1.2 医院预约挂号系统优缺点分析 (4)

1.2.1优点 (4)

1.2.2缺点 (4)

1.3 现行研究存在的问题及解决方法 (5)

1.3.1 现行研究存在的问题 (5)

1.3.2 解决办法 (5)

1.4 本课题要达到的设计目标 (5)

1.5 经济效益分析 (6)

2. 关键问题及分析 (7)

2.1 研究设计中要解决的问题 (7)

2.1.1 数据表间联系 (7)

2.1.2 系统安全性 (7)

2.2 具体实现中采用的关键技术 (8)

2.2.1 JSP技术 (8)

2.2.2 JDBC技术 (8)

2.2.3MVC编程模式 (9)

3. 需求分析 (9)

3.1 USE-CASE用例图 (10)

3.2 系统主要业务流程 (11)

3.3 功能需求 (12)

3.4 开发环境 (13)

4. 系统设计 (13)

4.1 系统体系结构 (13)

4.2 系统功能结构 (14)

4.3 数据库表结构 (14)

5. 系统实现及测试 (18)

5.1 系统主要模块的实现 (18)

5.1.1 系统登录功能界面 (18)

5.1.2 修改登录密码功能界面 (19)

5.1.3 医院介绍管理功能界面 (20)

5.1.4 科室信息管理功能界面 (20)

5.1.5 医生信息管理功能界面 (21)

5.1.6 会员信息管理功能界面 (22)

5.1.7 留言信息管理功能界面 (22)

5.1.8 会员注册功能界面 (23)

5.1.9 在线留言功能界面 (23)

5.1.10 查看医院介绍功能界面 (24)

5.1.11 预约医生功能界面 (25)

5.1.12 会员预约管理功能界面 (26)

5.1.13 医生预约管理功能界面 (26)

5.2 实例测试的研究与选择 (27)

5.3 测试环境与测试条件 (27)

5.4 实例测试表格 (27)

6. 结论与展望 (29)






In 2015, Premier Li Keqiang launched the "Internet plus" program, the Internet industry to a new level, the Internet healthcare industry emerged in the reform torrent Yong Jin, has a space for one person. The hospital appointment registration system, as the name suggests is for hospital management of registered information users in advance and design, its purpose is to users according to the appointment time to the hospital for treatment, to improve the management and resource allocation of user information.

The hospital reservation registration system uses the B/S structure, the front page is the use of JSP technology, and the development of the background database is MySQL. The system administrator, the doctor and user three roles, the main function of the system administrator to modify the login password function, including the user information management function, Department of information management function, the doctor information management function, the hospital management and message management functions, the main function of the doctor's appointment as the information management function, the main function of the user to browse the web, registration and login, online booking, reservation information management function and message function.

Key words: Online registration system; B/S; JSP; MySQL
