中英文广告语翻译论文 英汉.doc

中英文广告语翻译论文英汉本科生毕业论文(设计)论文(设计)题目:中英文广告语的翻译系别:专业 (方向):英语(国际商务)年级、班:学生姓名:指导教师:年月日中英文广告语的翻译摘要众所周知,在市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,想让自己的商品在众多同类竞争者中脱颖而出,吸引消费者,除了产品本身的品质外,广告必不可少,而在市场环境国际化的大背景下,恰当的广告语言,尤其是面向不同国家,不同语言,不同文化的消费者时如何准确,贴切的宣传自己的商品,更是重中之重。
[关键词] 英汉广告语翻译跨文化差异ABSTRACTNowadays as we know, there are more and more acute marketing competition, under this condition, a good quality will be necessary if you want to make your commodity blooming and attractive to the consumer among millions of other competitors, besides ,a successful advertisement is also a very important part. Inthis international marketing environment, a proper advertise, especially when facing various consumers with different nationalities, different languages and different custom background, how to advertise your merchandise in a proper andefficient way is the most important thing from other importances.With the influence of global economy combination, there has been more and more businesscommunications among different nations, everyone aim at developing the market abroad by promoting the sale of their productions, one of the extremely importance is to make their own production and manufacturers famous all over the world by advertising.We cannot deny that many of the civil enterprises haven’t realized how to create an English advertisement, and search for help from an inexpert translator instead of professional agency, that leads to a poor quality of the advertisement translation. Some of the translation consignor knows little about English, inexpert helps inexpert, the quality of the translated advertisement will not be assured, and so that, many of the translator did a poor work with various intolerable mistakes. This thesis start with the differences and the specialty of the advertise language, concerningabout the diversities between Chinese and English advertise language use, the reason of the diversities and the way of solve the problem.[key Words] English-Chinese advertise language translation two cultures diversity目录一、关于广告............................................................................................................(4) 1、广告的定义.. (4)2、广告的起源 (4)3、广告文化二、广告语言 (5)1、中西方文化差异 (5)2、中西方语言差异 (6)3、文化差异对广告语言的影响 (6)三、中英文广告语互译 (7)1、背景及其现状 (7)2、翻译案例与技巧分析 (7)四、心得体会与结论 (10)参考文献 (11)致谢 (11)中英文广告语的翻译一、关于广告1、广告的定义广告是一种经济行为,有明确的商业目的,它最重要的功能是促销功能,同时广告也是一种文化交流。

英语广告作文翻译Looking for a fun and exciting way to spend your weekend? Look no further! Our new adventure park is the perfect place for thrill-seekers of all ages. With avariety of high-flying rides and challenging obstacle courses, you'll be sure to have a blast with your friends and family. So why wait? Come on down and experience the adrenaline rush for yourself!Tired of the same old boring meals? Spice up your dining experience with our new restaurant! Our menu features a fusion of flavors from around the world, guaranteed to tantalize your taste buds. From sizzlingstir-fries to mouthwatering desserts, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Don't settle for ordinary – treat yourself to an extraordinary culinary adventure today!Feeling stressed and worn out from the daily grind?It's time to pamper yourself at our luxurious spa. Indulge in a relaxing massage, rejuvenating facial, or soothingbody treatment. Our professional therapists will help melt away your tension and leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized. Say goodbye to stress and hello to tranquility at our exclusive spa retreat.Looking for the perfect gift for that special someone? Our boutique offers a curated selection of unique and stylish items that are sure to impress. From elegant jewelry to trendy accessories, you'll find the ideal present for any occasion. Show your loved ones how much they mean to you with a thoughtful gift from our boutique.。

英语翻译词汇系列广告用英文部门: xxx时间: xxx整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行编辑社论式广告advertorial倡导广告advocacy advertising 伏击式营销ambush marketing视听材料audiovisual materials公告牌bulleting boards 社会参与community involvement企业广告corporate advertising 企业识别广告corporate identity advertising危机管理crisis management 娱乐entertainment展品exhibits特写feature articles内部通报house organ 以货代款in kind机构广告institutional advertising游说lobbying 前期市场企业广告market prep corporate advertising营销公关marketing public relation 新闻简报news/press release意见抽样opinion sampling慈善行为philanthropy 招贴posters传媒炒作press agentry传媒工具press/media kit公共事务public affairs 公共关系户public relations公共关系广告public relations advertising 宣传publicity公众publics招聘广告recruitment advertising 声望经营reputation management撰写讲演稿speechwriting赞助sponsorship 赛场营销venue marketing新闻通报录像video news release执行证明书affidavit of performance受众构成audience composition 受众占有率audience share时间表avails一刻平均听众数average quarter-hour audience 一刻平均收听率average quarter-hour rating一刻平均占有率average quarter-hour share 交换辛迪加barter syndication无线电视broadcast TV有线电视cable TV 单位成本CPP千人成本CPM累积听众数cumulative persons累积收听率cumulative rating 时段组合day-part mix预定市场区域designated market areas班车时间drive time 首播辛迪加first-run syndication毛评点gross rating points开机家庭HUT 形象移植imagery transfer信息式广告informercial互相连接interconnect存货inventory 地方时间local time赔偿条件make-goods广播电视网networks网外辛迪加off-network syndication 协办participation basis占位价格preemption rate 黄金时段prime time节目式广告PLA节目收率视program rating节止编排形式programming formats 视听率调查服务公司rating services电台指定时间run-of-station赞助sponsorship 点播广播spot announcement点播广播spot radio受众总数total audience 总体受众计划total audience plan电视家庭TVHH特高频UHF甚高频VHF广告网络ad networks广告查询ad request横幅广告banner 阔幅说明书broadsides手册brochures商业回邮件business reply mail按钮button 有线调制解调器cable-modem目录catalogs光驱CD-ROM 分类广告Web站classified ad Web site 点击率click rate点进率click-throughs编辑名录compiled lists 小甜饼cookies立体创意直邮creative dimensional direct mailing数字互动媒介digital interactive media 直接电脑Direct PC直邮广告direct-mail advertising 折页folders主页home pages专属名录houselists内部刊物house organs 互动电视interactive TV互联网Internet互联网服务供应商Internet service provider 插播广告interstitial关键词keyword电脑亭kiosk信件公司letter shop名录经纪人list broker邮件反应名录mail-response lists明信片postcards推播技术push technology 销售信函sales letters搜索引擎search engines邮简self-mailers 赞助sponsorship公告书statement stuffersWeb浏览器Web browser 网页Web pageWeb电视Web TV万维网World Wide Web广告调查advertising research态度测试attitude tests 中心场所测试central location tests混杂测试clutter tests直接提问法direct questioning 实验法experimental method小组讨论focus group正试调查formal research 成见效应halo effect深度访问in-depth interview非正式/试调查informal research 查询测试inquiry tests深度调查技术intensive techniques营销信息系统marketing information system, MIS 营销调查marketing research市场markets 媒介种类media class媒介调查media research媒介细分media subclass 媒介单位media units媒介载体media vehicles产品merchandise讯息message 动机motives非概率抽样nonprobability samples观察法observation method 事后测试posttesting事前测试pretesting初级信息primary data投射法projective techniques 定性调查qualitative research定量调查quantitative research 随机概率抽样random probability samples回忆测试recall tests信度reliability 销售测试sales tests样本sample样本单位sample units二级信息secondary data 全面调查survey实验市场test market通用产品代码universal product code 母体universe效度validity广告印象advertising impression 广告反应曲线advertising response curve注意度attention value受众audience 受众目标audience objectives间歇式排期blinking品牌开发指数brand development index 集中式bursting品种开发指数category development index发行量circulation 持续性continuity持续式continuous schedule成本效益cost efficiency 单位成本cost per point千人成本cost per thousand创意组合creative mix 分布目标distribution objectives有效频次effective frequency有效到达率effective reach 暴露值exposure value市场、资金、媒介、组合、方法5Ms起伏式flighting schedule 频次frequency总印象gross impressions毛评点gross rating points 市场markets组合mechanics媒介media媒介策划media planning媒介载体media vehicles 讯息力度message weight方法methodology组合媒介法mixed-media approach 资金money驱动值motivation value看见机会opportunity to see脉冲式pulsing schedule 视听率rating到达率reach每册读者数readers per copy近期策划recency planning 路障式roadblocking外溢媒介spillover media增效效应synergy 电视户television households发行量审核局ABC出血bleed批量折扣bulk discounts 行业杂志business magazines发行量审核circulation audit分类广告classified ads 纽约分类广告网络CANNY分类图片广告classified display ads截稿日期closing date 彩色样品纸条color strip混合收费制combination rates消费者杂志consumer magazines 合同收费制contract rate赠阅发行controlled circulation联合形式cooperative/co-op programs 千人成本CPM封面日期cover date封面位置cover position 购物杂志custom magazine日报daily newspapers人口版demographic editions图片广告display advertising实际收费earned rates农业刊物farm publications 统一收费制度flat rate香味纸条fragrance strips频率折扣frequency discounts 黄金版位full position门式折页gatefold地理版geographic editions 基本发行量guaranteed circulation横向刊物horizontal publication 独立购物指南independent shopping guide插页insert加插刊登通知insertion order 岛形半版island halves小单元junior unit地方城市杂志local city magazine 杂志出版人协会MPA媒介采购员media buyer媒介标尺调查有限公司MRI全国性杂志national magazines 全国性价格national rate美国报业协会NAA报纸版面库NSB上市日期on-sale date 公开收费制度open rate订阅发行paid circulation自动弹启式广告pop-up ad.自选版位费preferred-position rates 预印广告插页preprinted inserts初级发行量primary circulation 清样proof copy公告public notice费率基准rate base价目表rate card 阅读告示reading notice地区性刊物regional publications任意版位费制ROP advertising rates 二级读者量secondary/pass-along readership欠资收费制short rate 赛蒙斯市场调查局SMRB多胞胎版split runs标准广告单位SAU标准收费与数据服务公司SRDS 标准型报纸standard-size newspaper周日增刊Sunday supplement小报型报纸tabloid newspaper 撕样tear sheets三维广告3-D ads纵向刊物vertical publication数量折扣volume discounts 周报weekly newspapers广告津贴advertising allowance 回购津贴buyback allowance目录catalog减价促销cents-off promotion 套装赠送combination offer公司大会与经销商聚会company conventions & dealer meetings 消费者销售推广consumer sales promotion竞赛contest联合广告cooperative/co-op advertising 优惠券coupons顾客终身价值customer lifetime value 数据进入data access数据管理data management数据库database数据库营销database marketing 直接营销direct marketing直接反应广告direct-response advertising 直接销售战略direct-sales strategy直接销售direct selling陈列津贴display allowance 易地销售diverting电子优惠券electronic coupons提前购买forward buying 广告插页free-standing inserts游戏game店内样品试用in-store sampling 联络媒介linkage media人员销售personal selling售点材料point-of-purchase materials 什锦袋装样品polybagging奖品premiums拉式战略pull strategy 推销奖金push money/spiffs推式战略push strategy部分退款rebates 近期、频次、货币方程RFM formula销售推广sales promotion样品试用sampling 货位津贴slotting allowance抽奖sweepstake电话营销telemarketing 贸易广告trade advertising贸易集中trade concentration贸易折扣trade deals 贸易推广trade promotion明确表示affirmative disclosure 美国广告联盟AAF美国广告公司协会AAAA全国性广告主协会ANA商业促进局BBB停止/中止令cease-and-desist order 比较广告comparative advertising服罪判决书consent decree 消费者保护团体consumer advocate消费者信息网络consumer information networks 消费者保护主义consumerism版权copyright更正广告corrective advertising 欺骗性广告deceptive advertising推荐endorsements道德广告ethical advertising 联邦通讯委员会FCC联邦贸易委员会FTC食品与药品管理局FDA知识产权intellectual property 长期宏观论long-term macro arguments全国广告处NAD国家广告审查局NARB 国家广告审查委员会NARC非产品事实nonproduct facts营养标识与教育法Nutritional Labeling and Education Act 专利patent隐私权privacy rights夸大puffery 短期操纵论short-term manipulative arguments社会责任social responsibility 潜意识广告subliminal advertising证据substantiation证实testimonials商标trademark不正当广告unfair advertising美国专利与商标署U.S.Patent and Trademark Office行为广告action advertising实际消费者actual consumer 广告advertising农业广告agricultural advertising作者author 自传式讯息autobiographical message知晓广告awareness advertising品牌术branding 工商广告business advertising企业对企业广告business-to-business advertising 渠道channel辅助材料collateral materials消费者广告consumer advertising 消费者consumer译码decode直接反应广告direct-response advertising 戏剧式讯息drama message编码encode农场广告farm advertising反馈feedback 全球性广告global advertising商品goods观点ideas形象广告image advertising 预定消费者implied consumer工业时期industrial age工业化时期industrializing age 国际广告international advertising地方性广告local advertising 营销marketing营销传播marketing communications营销公关marketing PR 媒介medium讯息message叙述式讯息narrative message全国性广告national advertising 噪音noise非商业广告noncommercial advertising非产品广告nonproduct advertising 人物persona人员销售personal selling后工业时期postindustrial age 前工业化时期preindustrial age过程process产品product产品广告product advertising 专业广告professional advertising公共关系public relations公共关系活动public relations activities 公共关系广告public relations advertising受者receiver 区域性广告regional advertising常规价格广告regular price-line advertising 零售广告retail advertising销售推广sales promotion服务services 信源source广告主/出资人sponsor资助性消费者sponsorial consumers目标受众target audience 目标市场target market贸易广告trade advertising广告讯息advertising message 广告计划advertising plan广告战略advertising strategy 自下而上式营销bottom-up marketing传播媒介communiciations media企业目标corporate objectives 创意组合creative mix实验调查法empirical research method 整合营销传播integrated marketing communication顾客终身价值lifetime customer value 营销目标marketing objectives营销计划marketing plan营销战略marketing strategy 需求一满足式目标need-satisfying objectives目标/任务法objective/task method 销售百分比法percentage-of -sales method产品概念product concept关系营销relationship marketing 销售定向式目标sales-target objectives市场份额法/广告份额法share-of-market/share-of-voice method 形势分析situation analysis利益相关者stakeholder SWOT分析<优势、弱势、机遇与威胁)strength/weakness/opportunity/threat analysis 战术tacics目标受众target-audience自上而下式营销top-down marketing态度attitude品牌兴趣brand interest品牌忠诚brand loyalty 企业市场business markets影响中心centers of influence有意劝服路径central route to persuation 认知cognition消费行为consumer behavior消费者决策过程consumer decision making process 消费者市场consumer markets文化culture现有顾客current customers 详尽可能性模型Elaboration Likelihood Model环境因素environment 选择评估evaluation of alternatives评估标准evaluative criteria 参考组evoked set交换exchange政府市场government markets习惯habit 需要层次hierachy of needs工业市场industrial markets信息性动机informational motives 人际影响interpersonal influences认知learning市场market 卖主marketers营销marketing大脑档案mental files动机motivation 需要needs被动生成动机negatively originated motives非人员影响nonpersonal influences 舆论领袖opinion leader集团买主organizational buyers 感知perception感知过滤perceptual screens无意劝服路径periphial route to persuasion 个人过程personal processes劝服persuasion生理过滤physiological screens 主动生成动机positively originated motives购后失调学说postpurchase dissonance 购后评估postpurchase evaluation潜在顾客prospective customers心理过滤psychological screens 参照人群reference groups经销商市场reseller markets 选择性感知selective perception自我意识self-concept社会阶层social classes 刺激stimulus亚文化subculture认知失调学说theory of cognitive dissonance 转换性动机transformational motives国际市场transnational markets效用utility 欲望wants地理人口细分geodemographic segmentation地理细分geographic segmentation 成长期growth stage隐性差异hidden differenees独立品牌individual brand 诱导性差异induced differences密集分销intensive distribution引入期introductory phase 特许品牌licensed brand市场细分market segmentation营销组合marketing mix 成熟期maturity stage全国性品牌national brand网络营销network marketing 非人员传播nonpersonal communication人员型服务people-based service 显性差异perceptible differences人员传播personal communication定位position 价格因素price element初级需求primary demand首要需求趋势primary demand trend 私家品牌private label产品概念product concept产品因素product element 产品生命周期product life cycle消费心态细分psychographic segmentation 消费心态psychographic宣传publicity拉pull拉式战略pull strategy 购买时机purchase occasion推入push推式战略push strategy转销商reseller 销售推广sales promotion选择性需求selective demand选择性分销selective distribution 服务service特别事件special events标准工业分类代码Standard Industrial Classification Codes 目标市场target market目标营销过程target marketing process 电话营销telemarketing使用率usage rates用户身份user status垂直营销体系vertical marketing system 用量细分volume segmentation客户主管、客户联络Aes客户策划account planning广告代理公司advertising agency 艺术指导art directors美术工作室art studios全国性广告主协会ANA 品牌经理brand manager企业对企业广告公司business-to-business agency集中式广告部centralized advertising department分类广告classified advertising清仓广告clearance advertising 联合广告cooperative advertising文案copy文案人员copywriters 创意工作室creative boutique创意总监creative director分散式体制decentralized system 部门式departmental system发展期development stage 数字互联媒介digital interactive media直邮广告direct-mail advertising 电子媒介electronic media手续费——代理费混合制fee-commission combination 外国媒介foreign media全面服务公司fullservice advertising agency 普通消费者广告公司general consumer agency全球性卖主global marketers集团式group system 横向联合广告horizontal cooperative advertising专属广告公司in-house agency 奖励制incentive system独立制作社independent production house独立调查公司independent research company 机构广告institutional advertising整合营销传播integrated marketing communications 互联广告公司interactive agency国际广告公司international agency 国际媒介international media国际化架构international structure 地方性广告local advertising地方广告公司local agency维持期maintenance stage 经营总监management supervisors差价markup媒介media媒介购买公司media-buying service 媒介代理费media commission跨国公司multinational corporations 全国性广告主national advertiser全国性广告公司national agency户外广告outdoor advertising 点point关系预备期prerelationship stage印刷媒介print media 印刷厂printers产品广告product advertising区域性广告主regional advertiser 区域性广告公司regional agency常规价格广告regular.price-line advertising 截留费制retainer system减价广告sale advertising销售推广部sales promotion department 推测性提案speculative presentation直接费制straight-fee system 下游公司supplier终结期termination stage交通广告transit advertising 纵向联合广告 vertical cooperative advertising网络设计社 Web design house广告礼品advertising specialty自动取款机ATM 基本巴士单位 basic bus展台 Booths路牌 bulletin structure 车内尾部招贴car-end posters 电影贴片广告 cinema advertising名录 Directories8张招贴eight-sheet posters 电子显示屏electronic signs陈列品Exhibits陈列媒介exhibitive media 全面登场 full showing全球定位系统 GPS车内广告牌 inside cards100露出数100showing 户外媒介 out-of-home media车体招贴 outside posters包装Packaging奖品 Premiums产品安插 product placement登场 Showing看板Spectaculars标准户外广告standardized outdoor advertising成品招贴stock posters 优惠赠券 take-ones出租车外壳 taxicab exteriors终点站招贴terminal posters 30张招贴架 30-sheet poster panel整车牌位 total bus商业展示会trade shows 交通广告 transit advertising车站棚广州广告 transit shelter advertising录像手册video brochure 广告讯息 advertising message艺术 Art艺术指导 art direction 艺术家 Artist美术总监 art director大创意 big idea头脑风暴法Brainstorming 传播媒介 communications media概念化 Conceptualization方案人员Copywriter 创意纲要 creative brief创意总监 creative director创意过程creative process 创意金字塔 creative pyramid创意 creative创造 creativity感性诉求emotional appeals 控险家explorer事实型思维fact-based thinking信息性informational法官 judge指定 mandatories讯息战略 message strategy非文字Nonverbal产品概念 product concept理性诉求 rational appeals目标受众target audience 技巧 technical转换性 transformational价值型思维 value-based thinking 文字的verbal形象化visualization战士warrior样片animatic动画技法animation techniques 声频 audio艾耶1号式 Ayer No.1利益式标题 benefit headlines 正文 body copy粗体 boldface照相制版 camera-ready art表演纲要casting brief 结尾 close命令式标题 command headlines末稿 comprehensive layout/comp演示 demonstration设计 design技巧式正文 device copy对白/独白式正文dialog/monolog copy 旁白 donut标题 headline吸引技巧 hook图标 icon插图画家illustrators企业形象式正文institutional copy整合广告integrated commercial内容段落interior paragraphs 斜体italic歌谣式jingles肩题kicker布局图layout 预备段落lead-in paragraph生活方式式技法lifestyle techniques标志logotypes助记手段 mnemonic device音乐式广告 musical commercials音乐标志musical logo 叙述式正文 narrative copy新闻/信息式标题 news/information headlines出镜头on camera 拼版 paste up摄影师 photographers图片说明式正文 picture-caption copy 方框图片式布局picture-window layout招贴式格式poster-style format主持人式广告presenter commercial 启发式标题provocative headlines疑问式标题question headlines广播人物radio personality脚本script印签seal签名signature cuts 生活片段 slice of life口号 slogans故事板 storyboard故事板草图storyboard roughs 直截了当式 straight announcement直接推销式正文 straight-sell copy副标题subhead 标题句taglines证言testimonial正文text主题句theme lines小样thumbnail 收尾 trial close图形部分 visuals旁白 voiceover模拟校样analog proof 动画animation合成片answer print光圈aperture音控台audio console底片 base art出血版 bleeds蓝线 blueline照相排版术 camera-ready art 字符计算式character-count method电影摄影师cinematographer截止期closing date 色基 color key分色 color separation连续调 continuous tones 控制室control room 组排 copy cast封面纸 cover paper青、黄、红、黑印刷 CYMK printing数字媒介 digital media数字校样 digital proof数码视频效应装置DVE units导演director 特排字体display type复制带dubs拷贝dupes电子制作electronic production 晒版台纸 flats一套铅字 font四色印刷 four-color process网目凸版halfone plate 网屏halftone screen互动电视interactive TV任务夹job jacket出格kerning 电脑亭 kiosk加空铅 leading硬性软片 line film线画版 line plate实景真人live action 外景地 location制片场 lot指令 mandatories公共场所 mass audience venue 母带 master tape合成样片 mixed interlock助记手段 mnemonic device多媒体演示multimedia presentation正色投影胶片 orthographic film透明塑料膜 overlay个人场所personal audience venue 平台使用费 platform licensing后期制作阶段 postproduction phase开印前阶段 prepress phase预备阶段 preproduction phase印刷制作经理print production manager 印刷制作过程 print production process非公开场所 private audience venue 制片人 producer制作阶段 production phase复映复播追加酬金residual fee反差套印reverse knockout 无衬线字体 sans serif最低合同工资 scale衬线字体 serif一场session特技 special effects插播广告 spots剥版 stripping叠 supers 演播人员talent 自动台词提示器 teleprompter课本纸 text paper正文字体 text type合套trap 字系 type families排印工艺 typography网页 Web page单词计算式word-count method 工作样片 work print书写纸 writing paper申明:所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途。

四、 创造美
What it’s like to be small but good. (旅店 广告)
a) 它虽小,却很好。 b) 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。
审美心理不同于人的一般心理,而是一种富于创造性的心理。它在感知审美对象、获得审美 情感的同时,会根据一定的审美理想,通过联想、想象、幻想等形式,进行创造或再创造,从而 创造出具有特色的、传情达意的审美对象。美的本质是创造,是创新。[4 ]两译相比,译文a 仅 达意而已,译文b 中,译者从原文的意义出发,寻觅到了一个新的形象,创造了原句所无的美。看 了该广告,注重舒适完备,想省钱又想得到周全服务的旅客都想去亲身一试。
3、思维方式的差异 4、审美差异
广告翻译是一种再创造的过程。翻译时既要保 留原文的精华,又要符合消费者的心理。要在 对一个广告语的翻译中实现这一目的,就需要 译者运用语言、营销学、心理学以及美学方面 的综合知识,尽力挖掘广告产品在译语文化上 的共同特性, 并在翻译的过程中应根据广告的 特点,选用符合译入语习惯和易于读者接受的 表达方法,使译文在表达出原文全部信息的基 础上,充分体现原文风格和表现形式,再现原 文风貌。
1. 语言关联意义的差异
(语言中都存在词类活用、语义变迁的现象,这在一方面丰富了表达与修辞,另一方面又给语言的使用 规则带来很多困扰,增加了语言在表义时的不确定性。)
2. 价值观差异
飘柔洗发水的广告语“Started Ahead”,一般译为“成功之路,从头开始”。文案有很多亮点,首先可以 看到一个文字游戏,“Ahead”可以拆成“A head”,暗含了头、脑袋的意思,跟产品是有关联的。所以 这句广告既有“出发、前进”的意思,也可理解为“一切(美好的一天)都从(打理)脑袋开始”。中 文的“从头开始”也是由此而来。不过,原案并没有强调“成功”这个含义,虽然出发的目的可以包括 “成功”,但是在西方人的价值观中更注重“行动”、“过程”,结果是重要,但他们很少强调“功利” 意味比较重的“成功”,毕竟,一个洗护用品还是着重推产品在人们日常生活中的正面感受比较对路。

广告翻译case studyI. DefinitionAdvertising is the non-personal communication usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media。
《辞海》:广告是传递信息的一种方式,其目的在于推销商品、劳务,影响舆论,博得政治支持,推进一种事业……II. Functions and Classifications of Advertisingattractive (—catch the reader’s attention)吸引力creative (—project an image)创造力persuasive (—urge the reader to act)说服力impressive (—produce an impact)影响力Ori. Information Function (信息功能)ii. Demand Creation Function(唤起需要功能)iii. Persuasive Function(说服功能)iv. Get Action Function(促使行动功能)v. Goodwill Establishment Function (扶植信用功能)III Classifications of Advertising•i. Commercial and Non-commercial Advertising (以是否营利为标准)•ii. Newspaper Advertising, Magazine Advertising, Radio Advertising, Television Advertising, Direct Mail Advertising, Cinema Advertising, Package Advertising, Outside Advertising, Web Advertising.(以广告媒介为标准)•iii. Consumer Advertising, Business Advertising, Service Advertising. (以广告对象为标准)•iv. International / National / Regional Advertising. (以地理位置为标准)IV. Characteristics of Advertising Language and Culture1. Simple / colloquial (口语的)wordsThe only car in its class.(汽车广告)Buy one pair.Get one free.(眼镜广告)It gives me clear, plain paper faxes at a price I can afford.(Canon 复印机广告)Taking the lead in a Digital W orld(三星电子)Y our future is our future. (汇丰银行)Just do it. (Nike)2. Imperative (祈使的)or interrogative (疑问词)sentences Come To Life In Hawaii.(旅游广告)Come into McDonald's and enjoy a Big Mac Sandwich.(三明治广告)Who would know better how to welcome you to the U.S.?(旅游广告)Are you worrying about the problem of management?(网络广告)Thinking of buying?Think again.Not much for colour TV, is it? V ision hire!(彩电广告)Don‘t have much of a personality? Buy one. (Honda Motor)3. Rhetorical devices (夸张或修辞)Export fair set for foreign-funded firms.(博览会广告)Bathing Beauty Discovered in Interior Decorator‗s Bathroom.(瓷砖广告)Good teeth, good health. (Colgate)—牙齿好,身体就好Y ou can have the smoother, softer, sleeker skin you want now and forever(脱毛剂)更光滑,更细腻,更亮泽,一旦使用,持久拥有。

广告Advertisement英语作文Advertisements give latest information about products. If there were no advertising, consumers could not know about goods in their local shops. Advertising helps sell to a bigger market. Therefore, as more goods are sold they are cheapper. Advertisements also provide money for newspapers, magazines, radios and TV stations, etc.. 广告给我们带来关于产品的最新信息,如果没有广告,消费者对当地商店所卖的货物会一无所知。
But there are also some opinions against advertising. Some people think that advertisements do not give much information but only try to persuade you to buy. They create a demand for goods that are not really needed. Besides, advertising adds to the cost of goods. Further more, they are ugly to look at and spoilthe environments. 不过也有一些反对广告的意见。

启用方法:先启用编辑,然后启用宏内容。2003版启用方法如下: 工具→宏→安全性→低或中→重启文档→启用宏)
不会启用宏?点击查看帮助: office2003帮助 请根据内容选择以下语种,再点击单词朗诵,祝你学习进步!
koБайду номын сангаас
日语 泰语
德语 越南语
葡萄牙语 西班牙语 阿拉伯语 中文 世界语 塞尔维亚语
南非荷兰语 捷克语
包君健康 keep you fit all the time 包装新颖美观 fashionable and attractive packages 保证质量 quality and quantity assured
产销历史悠久 have a long history in production and marketing
驰名中外 popular both at home and abroad 穿着舒适轻便 comfortable and easy to wear 工艺精良 sophisticated technologies
规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specifications
赶超世界先进水平 catch up with and surpass advanced world level
花色繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 花色新颖品种多样 fashionable styles, rich varieties 货源充足 sufficient supplies; ample supply 久负盛名 with a long standing reputation 交货及时 timely delivery guaranteed 价格公道 reasonable price 技艺精湛 fine craftsmanship 经济耐用 economy and durability 具有中国风味 possess Chinese flavours

• 广告具有信息功能 (informative function)
美感功能 (aesthetic function)
表情功能 (expressive function)
祈使功能 (vocative function)
• 英美现代广告学认为,广告的作用在于: 1. Information (提供信息) 2. Persuasion (争取顾客) 3. Maintenance of Demand (保持需求) 4. Creating Mass Markets (扩大市场) 5. Quality (确保质量)
• 走进麦当劳,享用大三明治。
• 5. 常用主动语态和现在时,给人一种直接感, 并暗示商品的持久和永恒特性。
• Harmony of style and performance set this new Mazda 6 a part. Qualities are at the heart of every Mazda.
3. Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告
4. Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和 销售点陈列广告
5. Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品 交易会
6. Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 7. Cinema 电影广告
• 2. 并列句多,简洁明了,易于理解;平行 结构,加深印象。
• Introducing FITNESS magazine. It’s about health; it’s about exercise; it’s about your image, your energy and your outlook.

现代广告多采用家喻户晓的俗语,口语,读来亲切感人。翻译 时,应注意选用切适的英语口语词,力求使疑问在语气上与原 文保持一致。例如:
”航空牌“人造皮革箱 用料上乘,做工精细,款式新颖,价格合 理,规格齐全,欢迎选购。
“Aviation” Artificial Leather Suitcase Selected materials, fine workmanship, modern designs, reasonable price, various specifications. Order welcome.
“雪莲”牌羊绒衫 北京生产的”雪莲”牌羊绒衫,系选用优质的山羊绒 作原料制成.本品具有色泽鲜艳,手感柔滑,穿着舒适,轻, 软,暖等特点,由于该产品品质优良,做工精细,花型,款式 新颖,尺码齐全,受到过外消费者的热烈欢迎.
“Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters “Snow Lotus” Cashmere Sweaters from Beijing are made from superior Chinese Cashmere fibre. They are lustrous in colour, supple, light, warm and comfortable to wear. Owing to their fp, novel designs and styles, and complete size range, they have gained popularity from consumers abroad.
Welcome to Qingdao
Here you will see beautiful scenes, breathtaking wonders, First-class facilities and efficient services. You can bask, indulge, and luxuriate on the beautiful beaches, and in the golden sunshine.

When you’re sipping Lipton , you’re sipping something special . (红茶广告) 原译: 当您在品尝立顿红茶时,即在品味其独特性。
改译: 饮立顿红茶,品独到风味。 语言以简洁为美,尤其是在广告英语中。生活在 快节奏的现代社会中的广告观众对广告多有戒备 心理,冗长的广告更易于招致他们的厌恶心理,因此, 英语广告语言十分注意行文简练。原译与改译相 比,美感甚少,原因在于它缺乏广告语简短、有力的 特点;而改译则构型短小,文字醒目,很好地表现了 广告语言的风格。
Apple Thinks Different .
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Apple Thinks Different . (苹果电脑)
原译:苹果电脑,与众不同。 改译:苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。
这条广告标语Thinks Different ,言简意赅 地说明了要宣传的内容。改译中把“不同 凡响”稍作改动,谐音置换变成“不同凡 ‘想’”,符合语境,,较之原译 ,形象更为风 趣幽默,给人耳目一新之感。
adidas is all in
adidas is all in (运动品牌广告)
表面上看,两个译文都表达出了原广告语的 意思,但改译明显看起来比原译更加简洁有 力,能使人印象深刻,也更加符合运动品牌 的品牌精神。
When you’re sipping Lipton , you’re sipping something special .
A DIAMOND IS FOREVER ( 钻石广告) 原译:钻石永恒
改译:钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。 优点:原译虽然符合广告语简洁性的特征,但却略 显平淡,不足以给顾客留下深刻印象,而最后敲定 的译本采用了口语,对偶,押韵的手法,读起来朗 朗上口,表现了广告的意境,结合主题,引起公众 注意,而又促进商品的销售。

LiNing: Anything is possible
Adidas: nothing is impossible
特步: 麦氏咖啡: Nike:
飞一般的感觉。 good to the last drop Just do it
·informative function(信息功能) ·vocative function (呼唤功能) ·aesthetic function (美感功能) ·expressivecriteria of the advertisement
brand slogan text audio and video
eg: Linwu Duck
• Ⅴ Compare Chinese advertisements with English advertisements
观看一段英语广告:Vodafone 广告 观看一段汉语广告:尼采手机广告 学生讨论对比
Hongta Anta Lining 阿迪达斯
适当改变以符合英语发音规则, 如:
新科 格力 美的
Shinco Gree Midea
(*xinke) (*geli) (*meidi)
c. 音意结合(Combination of
Literal translation and transliteration)
戴比斯钻石公司: A diamond is forever
Translation strategies of slogans
直译: 给我一个机会,还你一个 惊喜。(嘉亨印务)

Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告
Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售 点陈列广告
Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交易 会
Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 Cinema Advertising电影广告
1. 多用简单句,目的是为了醒目、易懂、 易记
Fresh Up with Seven-Up 请饮七喜,倍添精神。(饮七喜,添精神)
Coca-cola is it. 还是可口可乐好!(可口可乐,我的选择)
No business is too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。
ADs Translation
1. 广告的定义
“广告是将各种高度精炼的信息,采用艺术手 法,通过各种媒介传播给大众,以加强或改 变人们的观念,最终导致人们行为的事物和 活动。 ”
2. 广告手段 (Advertising Media)
Press Advertising 报刊广告 Television and radio Advertising 电视和无线电
Welcome to Qingdao
Here you will see beautiful scenes, breathtaking wonders, First-class facilities and efficient services. You can bask, indulge, and luxuriate on the beautiful beaches, and in the golden sunshine.

Translation1. Give a Timex to all, to all a good time.( Timex watch)送人天美时,送人好时间。
(天美时手表)2.You’ll better off under the Umbrella. (Travelers Insurance)旅行保护伞,出行更安全。
)(旅行保险公司)3. Cleans your breath while it cleans your teeth. (Colgate)清洁牙齿,清新口气。
)(高露洁牙膏)4.A building for your future, anchored in the rich past of the Champs-Elysees(香榭丽舍大道), the world famous Avenue.(A restaurant)你未来的理想之所,座落于具有悠久历史的国际闻名的香榭丽舍大道。
(某餐馆)5.Spend whatever it takes to be the safest and most secure. Then spend whatever it takes to stay that way. (NetJets Airlines)无论怎么花钱都是要最安全最无忧无虑,无论怎么花钱本公司都物有所值。
(奈特捷航空公司)6.Things go better with Coca-Cola. (Coca-Cola, drink)可口可乐,让你更快乐。
7.Now, Four seasons luxury in a villa rental. (Kaplan Properties)四季奢华尽在卡普兰,现有别墅出租。
(卡普兰实业)8.I choose Bell because they still make them like they used to.(Bell)选择贝尔,因为贝尔能让原音重现。
商务英语翻译 第九章 广告的翻译

例 2 原文:Just do it. (运动鞋广告) 译文:想做就做。
9.1.2广告的句法特征 广告语言在句子结构上多采用陈述句,简单结
构的句子,有时甚至出现无动词的句子,注重口语 化。 例1 原文:Let’s make things better. ▪ 译文:让我们做更好。 例2 原文:Take time to indulge. ▪ 译文:尽情享受。
自从劳力士1926年问世以来,一直颇受探险家 和勘探人员的青睐。它坚固耐用,计时准确,曾帮 多少人走上了成功之路。
9.3 翻译赏析
Yet the Rolex Oysters that have voyaged to the ends of the earth and depths of ocean are in every respect the same watches that you will find in any official Rolex jeweler.
例2 原文:The unique spirit of Canada. 原译:品加拿大酒,体会加拿大人的精神。
(平淡,没有感染力) 改译:别具风味的加拿大酒,独特的加拿大精
翻译时,要结合广告的目的物及其动机目的, 有条件地发挥创造性,不拘泥于原文的形式,大胆 地突破,充分发挥汉语的语言优势,利用汉语的谐 音、押韵和节奏感等特点来翻译广告语。
Every single Rolex Oyster that leaves Geneva is capable of accompanying its owner wherever he or she cares to venture.

英语广告词翻译国外著名品牌商业广告语集锦(中英文对照)1.Time is what you make of it.(Swatch) 天长地久。
(斯沃奇手表)2.Make yourself heard.(Ericsson) 理解就是沟通。
(爱立信)3.Engineered to move the human spirit.(Mercedes-Benz)人类精神的动力。
(梅塞德斯-奔驰)4.Start Ahead.(Rejoice) 成功之路,从头开始。
(飘柔)5.A diamond lasts forever.(De Bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。
(第比尔斯)16.Fresh-up with Seven-up.(Seven-up) 提神醒脑,喝七喜。
(七喜)7.Intel Inside.(Intel Pentium) 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。
(英特尔奔腾)8.Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人为本。
(诺基亚)9.For the Road Ahead.(Honda) 康庄大道。
(本田)10.Let us make things better.(Philips) 让我们做的更好。
(飞利浦)11.Enjoy Coca-Cola.(Coca-Cola) 请喝可口可乐。
(可口可乐)12.Generation Next.(Pepsi) 新的一代。
(百事)13.The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection.(Lexus) 追求完美永无止境。
(凌志汽车)munication unlimited.(Motorola) 沟通无极限。
(摩2托罗拉)15.Feast your e yes.(Pond’s Cucumber Eye Treatment) 滋润心灵的窗户。
(庞氏眼贴片)16.Focus on life.(Olympus) 瞄准生活。
(奥林巴斯)17.Behind that healthy smile,there ’s a Crest kid.(Cresttoothpaste) 健康笑容来自佳洁士。

广告英文作文带翻译英文:As a consumer, I am exposed to advertisements on adaily basis. Whether it's through social media, television, or billboards, advertisements are everywhere. Some people find them annoying, while others find them helpful in discovering new products or services.Personally, I fall somewhere in between. I don't mind advertisements as long as they are not intrusive or misleading. For example, I appreciate when an advertisement clearly states the price of a product or service, rather than hiding it in fine print. I also appreciate when advertisements are creative and engaging, rather than just a boring list of features.However, there are some advertisements that I find annoying. For example, I don't like when an advertisement pops up on my screen while I am trying to watch a video. Ialso don't like when advertisements make false claims or exaggerate the benefits of a product or service.Overall, I think advertisements can be a useful toolfor consumers to discover new products and services. However, it's important for advertisers to be honest and transparent in their messaging.中文:作为一个消费者,我每天都会接触到广告。

英文广告词带翻译2、Obey your thirst、听从你的'渴望。
〔雪碧〕3、The new digital era、数码新时代。
〔索尼影碟机〕4、We lead、 Others copy、我们领先,他人仿效。
〔理光复印机〕5、Imposle made posle、使不行能变为可能。
〔佳能打印机〕6、Take time to indulge、尽情享受吧!〔雀巢冰激凌〕7、The relentless pursuit of perfection、不懈追求完善。
〔凌志轿车〕8、Poetry in motion, dancing close to me、动态的诗,向我靠近。
〔丰田汽车〕9、Come to where the flavor is、 Marlboro Country、光临风韵之境,万宝路世界。
〔万宝路香烟〕10、A Kodak Moment、〔Kodak〕就在柯达一刻。
〔柯达相纸/胶卷〕11、Just do it、只管去做。
〔耐克运动鞋〕12、Ask for more、渴望无限。
〔百事流行鞋〕13、The taste is great、味道好极了。
〔雀巢咖啡〕14、Feel the new space、感受新境界。
〔三星电子〕15、Intelligence everywhere、才智演绎,无处不在。
〔摩托罗拉手机〕16、The choice of a new generation、新一代的选择。
〔百事可乐〕17、We integrate, you communicate、我们集大成,您超越自我。
〔三菱电工〕18、Take TOSHIBA, take the world、拥有东芝,拥有世界。
〔东芝电子〕19、Lets make thing btter、让我们做得更好。
〔飞利浦电子〕20、No business too small, no problem too big、没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。

World’s pioneer, China’s top juice 难以让西方人信服本广告夸下的如此海口。 Natural Coco Juice: a world special. You enjoy beyond all your words. 这一译法抓住了广告产品的核心特点“天然、特 别”,故能够吸引消费者购买。
但是,由于广告的设计与翻译关系到企业的声誉、 企业的形象和企业的经济收入,无论是广告词设计 还是广告翻译切不可随意而为,而必须深思熟虑。 美国广告经营者戴维克•奥格尔维如是说: The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything. 消费者不是傻瓜;她是你的妻子。如果你认为仅凭 几句口号,几个干巴巴的形容词就能诱使她掏腰包 购买任何东西的话,那么你就亵渎了她的智慧。
衣食住行,有龙则灵。(建设银行龙卡) Your everyday life is very busy, Our Long Card can make it easy. 一方面让读者产生丰富的互文性联想,可是在 译语中难以重现其深刻内涵;另一方面,“龙” 本身具有的象征意义在中西文化中大相径庭。 “龙卡”翻译成“Long Card”,而且将“Long” 斜体,恰到好处,符合读者的接受心理,可以 收到预期的广告效果。
团结湖北京烤鸭店为全聚德挂炉烤鸭。为保 证宾客品尝精美风味,全部现吃现烤。精选 北京白鸭,以果木挂炉烧烤,只需40分钟就 能品尝到为您特别烤制的色泽枣红、香酥嫩 脆、浓香四溢的正宗烤鸭。

Focus on life.瞄准生活。
(奥林巴斯相机)A Kodak moment.就在柯达一刻。
(柯达相纸/ 胶卷)Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。
(丰田汽车)Good teeth, good health.牙齿好,身体就好。
(高露洁牙膏)Tide’s in, dirt’s out.汰渍到,污垢逃。
(汰渍洗衣粉)Nobody is perfect.没有一个人的身材是十全十美的。
(苗条健身器材)The Globe brings you the world in a single copy.一册在手,纵览全球。
(《环球》杂志)We're the dot. in. com.我们就是网络。
(太阳微系统公司)Fresh-up with Seven-up.(Seven-up)提神醒脑,喝七喜。
(七喜)Intel Inside.(Intel Pentium)给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。
(英特尔奔腾)Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
(麦斯威尔咖啡)We lead, others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。
(Applying) Dabao morning and night; it makes your skincare a real delight.——A fair skin now? Dabao knows how.Rossini Watch: Time always follows me.罗西尼表: 时间因我存在。
Featherwater:Light as a feather.法泽瓦特眼镜:轻如鸿毛。
Fly higher.白沙集团: 越飞越高.Haier: To be true forever.海尔集团: 真诚到永远。
Philips:Sense and simplicity飞利浦:精于心简于形快餐食品:求快感,吃快餐。
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例1:Famous world-wide gourment cuisine.Excellent daily specials and mouthwatering desserts.世界有名的美食烹调。
例2:For the first time, there’s a remarkable gel that can give your hair any look you want----sleeker, fuller, straighter, curlier, more natural, even wet ---without a drop of alcohol or oil.一种前所未有、不同寻常的发乳问世了。
a.广告设计者常常采用英语的前缀和后缀或合成词中的各部分含义来杜撰新词例如 super—, ultra—, —aid, —ex 等等常常出现在商标词中。
Timex (天美时手表),Windex (擦窗清洁剂),Purex (一种漂白剂),Rolex watch(劳力士手表)。
Timex是由time和 excellent 组成,它的形成更易使人联想到“天美时”表报时的准确性。
Windex 和Purex 分别是由window + excellent , pure + excellent 组成,表达了擦窗清洁剂和漂白剂的上乘质量。
b.本来一句话来表达的意思用合成的词语来表达,从而创造出新的合成词例如一家程序服务公司以三个字母“OIC”为商标,意思为:Oh, I see! 此商标体现了该服务公司提供的优质的服务,使得顾客对程序的安装以及故障的排除一目了然非常清楚的。
SUREFIT Home Furnishings Ltd SUREFIT 是一家室内饰品公司的名称,这个生词的使用使人们一下联想起Surely to fit your home furnishing(一定适合你的居家装饰)。
由此句话的含义而创造的新词SUREFIT 通俗易懂,耐人寻味,产生了普通语言不可表达的效果。
c.巧用语音规则或故意错拼将某些词写成新的拼写方式例如:Sunkist(销售橙子的公司),由sun 和kiss结合而成。
Kraft (美国卡夫食品公司),它是把craft(精心制作)一词谐音改写后拼写成的新词。
Britewhite (专业洗牙中心),其中brite的正确拼写为bright。
Eggsactly(销售鸡蛋的公司)是由egg 和exactly组成。
Brylcreem(护发产品),其中 creem是由cream 错拼而来。
另一幅牛奶广告:Pinta Girl is Popular其中的Pinta实际上使Pint的错拼,广告上号召女性每天喝一品脱牛奶。
如:Eg1:ForRent1bdm.mod.furn.$210/mo.A/C avail after Xmas.房屋出租一居室,装修时尚,内有空调,月租210美元,圣诞节后即可居住。
这里的bdm.= bedroom mod.= modern furn.= furnituremo.= month A/C= air conditioning avail= available Xmas= Christmas。
Eg2:TO LET OR FOR SALEFurnished Edinburgh Court, 426 Argyle St, 2nd floor, 1, 550 sq, ft. 4 bedrooms with dining and living room, private garage. Sale at $ 130, 000. Rent $ 1, 400. Tel: 338954 office time or 823784.房屋出售或出租Argile 街426 号爱丁堡公园大厦二楼全层, 面积1 500 平方英尺, 4 间卧房并带客厅、饭厅, 有自备车库。
售价13 万美元。
请于办公时间拨打338954 或823784。
这里使用的缩略语: st= street, sq= square, ft = feet, tel= telephone。
如:best-seller(畅销书),piping hot coffee(滚烫的咖啡)等。
例1:I love this game.我钟爱这项运动。
例2:Introducing FITNESS magazine. It’s about health, it’s about exercise, it’s about your image, your energy, and your outlook.向您推荐《健康》杂志:谈健康,谈锻炼,谈形象,谈精力,谈希望②频繁使用祈使句。
例1:Eat & Eat & Eat & Eat & Not Feel the Least Bit Guilty.吃了还想吃,心中无遗憾。
(爆米花广告)例2:So come into McDonald’s and enjoy Big Mac Sandwich.走进麦当劳,享用巨无霸。
例如:Just because you brush your teeth does not mean you do it right!(电动牙刷广告)本广告使用第二人称you,将原文的口语风格准确地传达了出来,营造了一种亲切的气氛,仿佛是商家在以充满自信的口吻来与顾客交流,增强了广告的感染力。
比如:Have you ever dreamed of ascending the steps of great temple built to the God?您是否梦想过登上为众神修建的宏伟庙宇的台阶?(旅行社广告)1.3修辞方面①双关(pun)双关语是广告词中运用最多的修辞手段。
例如:1.The offspring of Spring.(皮瑞尔矿泉水广告)这里的Spring很关键,有“春天”与“泉水”双关语义,意境优美。
而offspring 则有“后代”的意思。
2.Money doesn’t grow on treesBut it blossoms at our branches钱不能长在树上,在我们“行”就能。
例如:A computer that understands you is like your mother.这是一则带有比喻的广告。
2.You'd better off under the Umbrella.(一家旅游保险公司的广告)你最好在保护伞下.③夸张(hyperbole)夸张就是用夸大的词句来描述事物。
比如:We’ve hidden a garden full of vegetables where you’d never expect. In a pie.这则广告运用夸张的手法反衬出馅儿饼里蔬菜品种丰富,其品种之多,就像一个蔬菜园一样。