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贵茶公司在贵州全省范围内拥有自建及合建专属有机茶园3万余亩,其中花溪久安基地拥有自建专属茶园1万亩,以上茶园全部按照欧盟标准进行种植和管理,不施用任何化肥和农药。此外,贵州贵茶有限公司于久安乡还拥有古茶树54000多棵,树龄均在600年以上,为举世所罕见。除了“贵茶”注册商标外,公司还拥有“久安古茶”、“绿宝石”、“春江花月夜”系列茶等多个国内外获奖的贵州知名茶品牌。贵茶公司产品以其卓越的品质深得贵州、北京、上海等地消费者喜爱, 2011年“绿宝石”绿茶通过欧盟400多项严苛检测,成功出口至德国,成为贵州首个以成品茶出口至欧盟的茶叶品牌。2013年,绿宝石绿茶还顺利出口至美国、新加坡和中国香港等国家和地区。



Company Profile

Emerail Co.,Ltd. is a leading organic tea manufacturing company in Guizhou Plateau in Southwest of China. The Company was established in April 2010 on the basis of acquisition of Guizhou Fenggang Qianfeng Organic Tea Co.,Ltd., Guizhou Fenggang Chunqiu Tea Co.,Ltd. and Guizhou Jiu’an Guchashu Tea Industry Co.,Ltd. with a registered capital of RMB 190,000,000. Emerail is now developed into an agriculture industrialization corporation integrated with organic tea base construction, manufacturing, processing, marketing, research and ecological agriculture comprehensive development.

The company has already built and co-built more than 30,000 mu tea plants spread over the whole province, it also owns 54,000 millennium ancient tea plants aged over 600 years old in Jiu’an Township in Huaxi District. In addition to the registered trademark “贵茶Gui Tea”, the Company also has other famous trademarks such as “久安千年红”, “绿宝石”, “春江花月夜”, many tea products with the above trademarks had won prizes both at home and abroad. Beautiful ecology environment and advanced production technology make the high quality of the products of Emerail.

The Company has established the first two assembly lines for organic tea production with international standards which integrate the function of clean, completely electrical energy and environmental protection in Guizhou Province. The Company also has the largest tea cold storage in Guizhou and a processing factory which can process 10,000 kilograms of fresh tea leaves per day. All the production equipments, process flaw and production environment are conformity with the organic food production standards formulated by Ministry of Agriculture and fill the blank of deep processing of organic tea in Guizhou. In September 2012, the Fenggang Plant of Emerail has imported whole line of tea manufacturing equipments from Japan which promote the yearly output reach to 2000 tons. In June 2014, another automatic processing line will be placed in Jiu’an Town which can produce both green tea and black tea.
