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CompJaanpyanname CAompeansy tslhogeanthiecres
Aesthetic Consciousness in Japan Design
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Chap One
日本设计 • 印象
Japan Design • impression
蝴蝶椅(Butterfly Stool) 1954 /柳宗理
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初代皇冠(CROWN RSD) 1955/中村健也 丰田第一台自主研发的纯日本国产车
(TOYOTA First Developed in House)
马里奥 1958/宫本茂
The beauty of folk crafts is the quality of it's mass-production,and is available to public
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健康性 Healthy
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Chap Three
日本设计 • 美学
Japan Design • Aesthetics
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柳家的日常器物之美 好的设计是一首诗 深泽的无意识设计 Muji-物的八分目
柳宗理 Sori Yanagi
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美是与用途相结合的东西,即由生活而生。 正因如此,其美才更为健全。
Beauty is always with usage for life. Thus,beauty will be comprehensive.
民艺之美还在于它的大量制造,可为一般 民众获得。
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利用胶合板的弯曲技术,将两块相 同形状的胶合板以两颗螺丝钉和一只 横杆相对拼合,制造出像张开的蝴蝶 翅膀般的优美形态。
简单的构造与流畅的线条是为日本 传统的美意识与现代西洋元素的融合, 诞生了适应新时代生活理念的产品。
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而且是不贵重、大量被制作、谁都能见到、能 廉价买到、到处都有的东西,这就是民艺品。与 之最为贴近的词恐怕就是‘杂器’二字了。”
They are cheap,mass-produced,available to normal people.Word nearest to it's soul is 'ZaQi'.
Yakult - Modeling design 1968/ Isamu Kenmochi
It can be conveniently carried and recycled by plastic container sinstead of glass containers.
It use the same packaging when being dispatched to other countries.
任天堂公司 史上 最畅销的 电视游戏 马里奥系列 主人公
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Mario 1958/Shigeru Miyamoto
Nintendo During its history Best selled Video game Mario series Main character
随身听(Walkman WM-2) 1981/索尼(Sony)
Shigeo Fukuda was honored as the First Man in Graphic Design after the World WarⅡ. His works were regarded as classics with visual mismatch.
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1958 ”蝴蝶凳“被纽约当代美术馆选为永久收藏 品
(The Butterfly Stool was selected as a permanent collection in NMCA) 21090684 被参英与国东王京室奥艺林术匹协克会运授动予会“的王设室备工设业计设 (I计nv师ol”ve称d号in。the Equipment Design (dHuroinnogreTdOaKsYaO"ROolyyaml pDicesGiganmeresf)or 1977 就In任d日us本try民"艺by馆t第he三B任ri馆tis长h royal Art (HIonlsdtitthuetep)ost of the third curator in 2011 J1a2月pa2n5日Fo逝lk世C,ra享ft年s 9M6u岁s。eu获m)得正四位、 1983 旭发日表重著光书章《表设彰计。柳宗理的作品和思考》 (P(Puabslsisehdedawtahye abtootkh<e Daegseigonf w96o.r)ks and thoughts from LIU>) 1998 举办”柳宗理设计“、”柳宗理的眼和手 “等 ~2002 数个展览,获文化功劳者表彰。 (Do exhibitions as"LIU Design","LIU's eyes and hand"etc.Honored as a
Thus,Folk crafts represented the field closely related to daily life among practical crafts.
民艺在俗话中称为‘下手’之物。‘下’为普通之意,‘手’ 为品质或类别之意。
Folk crafts mean "XiaShou" in common saying. 'Xia' means 'normal' and 'Shou' means 'quality' and 'category'.
The CD Player designed by Naoto Fukasawa was no doubt one of the classic products in Muji.
Its appearance resembling a fan makes the melody flow just like breeze.
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壁挂式CD播放器 1998/深泽直人
一块布(A Piece of Cloth) 2000/三宅一生、藤原大
深泽直人设计的这款CD播放器无疑成为无 印良品的经典产品之一,形似风扇的它,让音 乐像微风般流淌出来。
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也因此,民艺是不断被使用、谁都会天天使用、 每日的衣食住行都直接需要的物品,这样的物品就 叫做民艺品。
Thus,folk crafts are constantly used by everyone in everyday and directly concerned with everyday life.
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Chap Two 日本设计•关键词
Keywords in Japan•Design
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Restrain 纯粹 阴翳 多元
生 活 Life
克制 Beauty in Moment
It represents the awareness of environment as a massproduced product.
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乳酸菌饮品 造型设计 1968/剑持勇设计研究所
由玻璃瓶改为塑料容器,方便 携带与回收,在其他国家贩卖时也 采用了相同的包装。
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1915 6月29日生于东京,是柳宗悦、兼子 夫妇的长子。
(Born in Tokyo.the first child of the couple Liu.) 1940 毕业于东京美术学校西洋画科 (Graduated from Tokyo Art School.Majored in Western Painting) 1950 成立柳工业设计研究所 (Established the Institute of Industrial Design called LIU) 1952 参与设立日本工业设计协会(JIDA) (One of the founders of JIDA) 1956 "第一届柳工业设计研究会展“在松屋银 座 举办 (The first LIU Institute Exhibition of Ipany slogan here
这款黑柄餐具的主体为不锈钢、 头部很薄,柄部由浸透树脂的层压 木制成,连接处没有落差,充分考 虑了持有时的触感与重量的平衡。 每一个餐具都经过拉伸、锤敲、打 磨等约50道工序,历经诸多职人之 手。其设计是柳工业设计研究会在 反复实验的基础上诞生的。
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柳宗悦(柳宗理之父)在1941年的《民艺是什么》中写道: “所谓民艺,即民众日常使用的工艺品之意。因此,民艺是实 用的工艺品中与人们生活关系密切的领域。
Liu'father wrote in<what's folk craft>in 1941:"Folk crafts mean artware used in daily life by normal folks.
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尼康-F (Nikon-F) 1959/龟仓雄策
力凳 (Riki Stool) 1965/渡边力
取材于再生硬板纸的力凳环保、 轻巧、安全,能承受近半吨的重 量,作为量产的工业化制品体现 了设计师的环保意识。
The riki stool is made of regenerative cardboard which is environmental、light and safe.It can support nearly half a ton.
The beauty of the natural condition is ultimate.
带着音乐行走 (Walking with music)
CASIO G-SHOCK 1983/伊部菊雄
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灯具 Akari
世 界 首 款 耐 冲 击 构 造 手 表
用日本传统工艺中的手作和纸与竹子制作的 灯,透过和纸的柔和光线与褶皱间的阴影营 造了独特的氛围和空间。
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Hello Kitty 1974/清水优子
平面设计(Graphic Design) 1975/福田繁雄
福田繁雄被誉为战后平面设计 第一人,其利用视觉错位效果 设计的平面作品被尊为平面设 计的经典。
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瞬间之美 写意 Enjoyable Densest 细腻
Zen 极致 Exquidite Extreme
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