



英语图片描述人物素材作文Title: A Day in the Life of Emma。

In the bustling city of London, amidst the labyrinth of streets and the cacophony of sounds, there exists a world within a world. Here, in the heart of the city, lives Emma, a young woman whose life is as vibrant as the city itself.In the early hours of the morning, as the first rays of sunlight filter through the curtains, Emma awakens to greet the day. Her room, adorned with photographs and paintings, reflects her eclectic tastes and creative spirit. With a quick stretch and a yawn, she begins her morning routine, preparing for the day ahead.Dressed in a casual yet stylish ensemble, Emma makesher way to the local café, her favorite spot for breakfast. As she sips her latte and nibbles on a croissant, she observes the hustle and bustle of the city around her. People rushing to work, couples strolling hand in hand, thecity coming to life with each passing moment.After breakfast, Emma heads to her workplace, a cozy bookstore tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. Here, surrounded by shelves of books old and new, she feels at home. As she assists customers in finding their nextliterary adventure, Emma's passion for literature shines through.In the afternoon, Emma takes a break from work to enjoy a leisurely stroll through the park. With the sun shining overhead and the breeze rustling through the trees, she feels a sense of peace wash over her. She pauses to admire the beauty of nature, snapping a few photos to capture the moment.As evening approaches, Emma meets up with friends for dinner at a trendy restaurant downtown. Amidst laughter and conversation, they enjoy a delicious meal together, sharing stories and making memories. For Emma, these moments spent with friends are cherished reminders of the importance of connection and camaraderie.After dinner, Emma returns home, feeling content and fulfilled. As she settles into bed, she reflects on the events of the day, grateful for the experiences and opportunities that each day brings. With a smile on her face, she drifts off to sleep, eagerly awaiting the adventures that tomorrow will bring.In the end, Emma's day may seem ordinary to some, but to her, it is filled with moments of joy, discovery, and connection. And as she closes her eyes and dreams of the possibilities that lie ahead, she knows that the journey of life is a beautiful one, meant to be savored and cherished every step of the way.。



6th Grade English Handmade Poster Material Simple Yet Ugly Greetings, 6th graders! In this document, we will explore some creative ideas for your English handmade poster. While the focus is on simplicity, we will also embrace the ugliness that can make your poster stand out. Let’s dive into some material suggestions that will make your poster unique.Materials Needed:1.Paper: Choose a sturdy yet plain paper as the base for your poster.White or light-colored paper works best.2.Markers/Pens: Opt for bright and bold colors to grab attention.Consider using neon colors for a pop of vibrancy.3.Stickers: Get creative with stickers representing English words orphrases. You can use alphabet stickers to spell out messages.4.Scissors: For cutting out different shapes and designs to glue on theposter.5.Glue: Use glue sticks or liquid glue to adhere materials to the poster.6.Magazines/Newspapers: Cut out English words or phrases frommagazines or newspapers for a collage effect.7.Colorful Paper: Include strips of colorful paper to add depth andcontrast to your poster.Ideas for Your English Poster:1.Word Collage: Cut out various English words and phrases frommagazines and newspapers. Arrange them in a random collage pattern on the poster.2.Alphabet Rainbow: Write the English alphabet in a rainbow patternfrom A to Z on your poster. Use different colors for each letter.3.English Quotes: Choose a simple yet impactful English quote to writein big, bold letters on the poster. Decorate around the quote with stickers or drawings.ic Strip: Create a simple comic strip featuring English dialoguebetween characters. Use speech bubbles and stick figure drawings to keep it simple and fun.5.English Vocabulary: Pick a few English vocabulary words and writethem out in a creative and eye-catching way on the poster. Use different fonts and colors for each word.Tips for Making Your Poster Stand Out:1.Keep It Simple: Embrace the simplicity of your design. Avoidovercrowding the poster with too many elements.e Contrasting Colors: Make sure the colors you choose stand outagainst the background. Contrast can make your poster visually appealing.3.Play with Fonts: Experiment with different fonts and sizes for yourtext. Mix and match to create an interesting layout.4.Add Texture: Use different materials like stickers and colorful paperto add texture to your poster. This can make it more engaging to look at.5.Embrace the Ugliness: Don’t be afraid to embrace the ugliness ofyour poster. Sometimes imperfection can make a piece of art more intriguing.In conclusion, creating a simple yet ugly English handmade poster can be a fun and creative project for 6th graders. Embrace the imperfections and let your creativity shine through. Remember, the key is to have fun and express yourself through your poster. Happy crafting!。



get up
brush teeth
get dressed
eat breakfast /i:t'brekfəst/
go to school
do homework take a shower
1a Match the words and the pictures.
1. get up __c___ 2. go to school __d__ 3. get dressed___b__ 4. brush teeth___f__ 5. eat breakfast __e_ 6. take a shower__a_
1b Listen and match the times with the actions. Draw lines from the clocks to the pictures.
1c Student A is the interviewer. Ask and answer questions about Rick’s day.
种方法居多,也较简单。 如: 6:18 six eighteen 7:30 seven thirty
逆读法:按“分钟数+past/to+钟点数” 的顺序表达。 A. 分钟数不超过30(包含30)时,用“分钟数 +past+钟点数”表达。 如:6:05 five past six
8:10 ten past eight
II. 表达时间
用英语表达时间有以下几种方法: 整点表达法:如果时间是“整点”,应说: ……点钟+o’clock (o’clock可以省略)。 如:① It’s seven (o’clock) a.m. now.
现在是上午七点。 ② It’s two o’clock p.m. 午后两点。


a man
a woman
a boy
a girl
(of) medium height
What do you look like?
I am a boy. I am young. I am handsome.
HAIR: Colour
HAIR: Other features
plait (UK) braid (USA)
fringe (UK) bangs (USA)
• Who do you think is the most beautiful person in your country? • Who do you think is the most beautiful person alive today? • Who was the most beautiful person in history? • Who is the most attractive in your family? • Does beauty affect one's success in life? • Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent? • Is it better to be physically attractive or wealthy? • Do people spend too much time and money on beauty? • How much time should be spent on making yourself look better



频度副词在句中习惯上位于be动词之后、 行为动词之前,助动词之后。
She is often late for school. 她上学经常迟到。 He usually goes to bed at about 12. 他通常(午夜)十二点钟睡觉。 When do you usually get up in the morning? 早上你通常什么时候起床? He never has anything to do. 他一向无所事事。
When does Scott go to work? When do your friends exercise?
不确定时间的副词:always(总是), often(经常), usually(通常), sometimes(有时),seldom(很少), never(从不)等,这些副词表频度, 表示经常性或习惯性的行为。 在句中位置:在be动词,情态动词或助 动词之后,行为动词之前。
1. What time do you get up on school days? ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ Rick always gets up at 6:20. 3. What time do you have breakfast? ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________ Anna never eats breakfast. 5. What time does your best friend go to school? ____________________________________




整体外形描述(自由组合)1. Then one can see the oval face of a handsome young woman with deep dark eyes and long heavy hair.这时候你就可以看见一个年轻漂亮的女人了,她长着一张鹅蛋型的脸,一双深色的眼睛和一双又长又密的头发。

2. He was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice.他个子很高,相貌英俊,头发平顺,声音低沉。

3. She has a voice like music and a smile li ke an angel’s, so innocent and pure.她有一副音乐般的嗓子和一张天使般天真、纯洁的笑脸。

4. She is a kind and lovely girl, with a round face, big eyes, white teeth and long waving hair.她是一个善良、可爱的姑娘,有着圆圆的脸、大大的眼睛、雪白的牙齿,还留着波浪般头发。

5. The chief was a dignified old man with fierce dark eyes and a white beard.首领是位威严的老人,胡子花白,乌黑的双眼炯炯有神。

6. He wears small, round glasses with his short hair, which makes him look smart.他戴着小圆眼镜,留着短发,看起来很聪明。



高考英语写作素材积累之绘画建筑词汇句型清单一、单词1. 绘画:painting, drawing, sketch, portrait, landscape, still life2. 画家:painter, artist3. 画笔:brush4. 颜料:paint5. 画布:canvas6. 画廊:gallery7. 建筑:architecture, building, construction8. 设计师:designer9. 风格:style, fashion10. 宫殿:palace11. 寺庙:temple12. 教堂:church13. 城堡:castle14. 摩天大楼:skyscraper15. 结构:structure16. 装饰:decoration17. 柱子:pillar18. 拱门:arch二、词汇句型1. 描述绘画的特点-This painting is characterized by its vivid colors and bold brushstrokes.(这幅画以其鲜艳的色彩和大胆的笔触为特点。

)- The artist uses delicate lines to depict the details of the object.(画家使用细腻的线条来描绘物体的细节。

)- The painting conveys a strong sense of emotion.(这幅画传达出强烈的情感。

)- The composition of the painting is very balanced and harmonious.(这幅画的构图非常平衡和谐。

)2. 谈论建筑的风格- This building is in the Gothic style, with pointed arches and high spires.(这座建筑是哥特式风格,有尖拱和高尖顶。



英语⼀⼤作⽂⾸段模板⼀:①What a compelling and thought-provoking drawing it is! ②As is vividly depicted in the cartoon above, 描述1(图画概述) . ③What impresses me most is that (=The most striking feature of the drawing is that)描述2(图画重点信息). ④Simple as the image is, the implications mirrored are apparently/ conspicuously far-reaching. 模板⼆:①The cartoon subtly and symbolically depicts a thought-provoking scenario in which 描述1. ②Further examination reveals that 描述 2. / ② However, a quick glance at ___ reveals ironically that 描述 2 .模板三:①As is vividly depicted in the picture, 描述 1 . ②The most striking feature is 描述 2 (图画重点信息). ③There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.补充1) 有关图画的名词sketch/ drawing/ cartoon/ caricature/ diagram/ picture/ painting/ portrait/ portrayal2)描述图画的形容词thought-provoking发⼈深省的enlightening 有启迪作⽤/使⼈感悟的compelling/striking/intriguing引⼈注⽬/引起兴趣profound含义深刻 =far-reaching implicationsinstructive有益的(=informative)(搭配ADV: extremely, highly, most, particularly, very/quite )ridiculous/ preposterous荒谬可笑的; amusingilluminating (particularly revealing or helpful) 富有启发性的;很有助益的;impressive 印象深刻的, exaggerative 夸张的3)描述图画的动词describe/depict/illustrate/present/portray/demonstrate4)修饰动词的副词:graphically/ vividly⽣动地(⽊易不推荐使⽤哦), symbolically象征性地, conspicuously/clearly /explicitly清晰地,subtly巧妙地,精细地, ironically/sarcastically /satirically讽刺地, humorously补充两种描述图画的简单句型(与作⽂课讲解不同,作⽂班的同学当作额外补充):句型1: (主谓版) 主体(+定从)+动作+客体(+定从)例:In the picture, we are worried to find that the god of death is sitting maliciously on a bus whose driver dozed off while driving. It clearly tells us that in the domain of transportation, there are hidden dangers everywhere should we become careless.句型2:(there be版)There is/are主体(+定从)例:The picture unveils a drastic change of ocean ecology during the past century due to the expanding scale of world commercial fishing. There were few fishing ships on the sea in 1900 when an enormous number of fish swam freely; in contrast, in 1995 a large fleet of ships were endeavoring to search for the only one fish in the sea.字数不够时,加段⾸句套话What a compelling and thought-provoking drawing it is!How interesting and enlightening it is!This is a very thought-provoking picture.This is quite an extraordinary and meaningful picture.The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene.The picture describes an increasingly common scenario in today’s world.Almost everybody who lives in… is familiar with the phenomenon shown in this picture.It is so funny that whoever in front of it cannot help laughing.字数不够时,加结尾句套话By carefully examining this picture, we find a deeper social message is transmitted to us.That is a painful/interesting/meaningful/thought-provoking scene we more often than not encounter in our daily life.Simple as the picture is, the symbolic meaning is as deep as ocean.Simple as the picture is, it do account for certain social phenomenon.The primary purpose of the picture above is that due attention should be paid to.......。


Starter Unit 2 What's this in English?教学图释(2)
Starter Unit 2 What's this in English?教学图释(4)
Starter Unit 2 What's this in English?教学图释(8)
tarter Unit 1 Good morning!教学图释(4)
人民教育出Байду номын сангаас社
Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教学图释(6)
Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教学图释(8)
Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教学图释(1)
Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教学图释(3)
Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教学图释(5)
Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教学图释(7)
Starter Unit 2 What's this in English?教学图释(10)
Starter Unit 2 What's this in English?教学图释(14)
Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教学图释(2)



小升初英语写作素材积累之人物外貌与性格的知识清单一、外貌描写1. 整体描述- She is a beautiful girl.(她是一个漂亮的女孩。

)- He is a handsome boy.(他是一个帅气的男孩。

)- The man is tall and strong.(这个男人又高又壮。

)- The woman is short and thin.(这个女人又矮又瘦。

)2. 头发- She has long straight hair.(她有一头长长的直发。

)- He has short curly hair.(他有一头短卷发。

)- My hair is black and shiny.(我的头发又黑又亮。

)3. 眼睛- She has big blue eyes.(她有一双大大的蓝色眼睛。

)- He has small brown eyes.(他有一双小小的棕色眼睛。

)- Her eyes are bright and twinkling.(她的眼睛明亮闪烁。

)4. 鼻子- He has a big nose.(他有一个大鼻子。

)- She has a small nose.(她有一个小鼻子。

)- The nose is straight and delicate.(鼻子笔直而精致。

)5. 嘴巴- She has a small mouth with red lips.(她有一张小嘴,嘴唇红红的。

)- He has a wide mouth and a big smile.(他有一张大嘴巴,笑容灿烂。

)- The mouth is full and charming.(嘴巴饱满迷人。

)二、性格描写1. 积极性格- She is kind and friendly.(她善良友好。

)- He is helpful and generous.(他乐于助人且大方。

)- The girl is outgoing and lively.(这个女孩外向活泼。








这16张卡片分别是:Spring: chick, tulip, butterfly, boy in the rainSummer: ice cream, watermelon, sand castle, boy in poolFall: leaves, pumpkin, scarecrow, girl raking leavesWinter: snowman, snowflake, cup of cocoa, boy in the snowSpring: chick, tulip, butterfly, boy in the rainSummer: ice cream, watermelon, sand castle, boy in poolFall: leaves, pumpkin, scarecrow, girl raking leavesWinter: snowman, snowflake, cup of cocoa, boy in the snowAftercoloring {coloring can be optional, too}, students cut only on the dotted lines to create the little pages for the 4 seasons flip book. There are 2 pages for each season.{A look at the “older”student pages.}Lastly, glue the pages on the inside of the flip book “cover”.And you have yourself a simple, little 4 Seasons flip book that kids can read over and over again!四季翻翻书这是一套超赞的素材。



|英语图片描述素材范例(1)题目: Mind Your Manner in Public Places提纲: 1.Describe the picture and interpret its meaning2. State the importance of good manner in public places3. Give your suggestion as to how to keep good manner构思描述:图中内容:豪华装修的休息室,有人大声说话打电话,有人抽烟;点题:人们在公共场所应该约束自己的行为,留意自己的行为举止。

范文The scene as illustrated in the picture seems all too familiar to us: in the beautifully decorated resting room, some people loudly;some people are smoking heavily. The noise pollution and smoking present a sharp contrast with the modern an restaurant. The picture intends to tell us that people’s behavior needs self-restraining and their quality needs improving so as to social development. We should mind our manners in public places.(86 words)译文我们对图片描述的情景似乎都很熟悉:在装饰豪华休息室里,有些人大声聊天打电话,有些人拼命吸烟。



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|英语图片描述素材例(1)题目: Mind Your Manner in Public Places提纲: 1.Describe the picture and interpret its meaning2. State the importance of good manner in public places3. Give your suggestion as to how to keep good manner构思描述:图中容:豪华装修的休息室,有人大声说话打,有人抽烟;点题:人们在公共场所应该约束自己的行为,留意自己的行为举止。

文The scene as illustrated in the picture seems all too familiar to us: in the beautifully some people are chatting and telephoning loudly;some people are smoking heavily. The noise pollution sharp contrast with the modern and fine surroundings of the restaurant. The picture intend s behavior needs self-restraining and their quality needs improving so as to keep up with the pace of We should mind our manners in public places.(86 words)译文我们对图片描述的情景似乎都很熟悉:在装饰豪华休息室里,有些人大声聊天打,有些人拼命吸烟。



例(2)题目: Pressure from Parents’ High Expectations.提纲: 1.描述图片并阐明主题。



构思这篇作文的主题明确,是父母的期望对孩子产生压力(pressure fromparents’ high expectations)。


文In the picture, some students are sitting for an entrance they cannot concentrate themselves on the exam paper. Knowing that their parents are wait outside, they get very nervous for fear they would fall short of their parents’expectation. The pict problem of our modern society: students bear too much pressure from their expectations.(64 words)译文在这幅图中,一些学生正在参加入学考试,但他们不能把注意力集中在试题上。



例(3)题目: Global Water Shortage提纲: 1.描述图画并阐明主旨。


3 提出解决水短缺的建议。



文As depicted in the picture, the world is facing serious shortage of fresh water. According to a United Nations, about 700 million people in some regions of the world will have to leave native home live in where there is adequate water available for their survival. Clearly, the aim of the pict we must attach great importance to the problem ofwater shortage.译文如图片所示,世界正面临严重的淡水短缺。



例 4题目: Exaggeration in Health-promoting Food提纲: 1.描述图画并阐明主旨。





文The cartoon shows a pupil holding a bottle in his hand while saying: “Exams won’t w throwing away his textbooks. What the cartoon depicts is a bit exaggerated, but it reflects in the present-day society. Nowadays, there are lots of health-promoting foods in to be able to help children to improve their studies. This cartoon conveys a key message: exaggerated claims on some health-promoting foods are in advertisements.(8译文漫画显示,一个学生手里拿着一个保健食品瓶子,嘴里说道:“今后不用为考试发愁啦”,一边把书本扔掉。




例(5)题目:The World Car Free Day提纲:1.describe the drawing briefly,2.explain its intended meaning, and then3. give your comments.9.22 世界无车日构思可先简单阐述9月22日被定为世界无车日及其原因,然后根据图的容点出主旨:给地球一个星期天、给空气一个星期天、给交通一个星期天。

文Today, whether in New York, Paris, Tokyo or Beijing, the roads of the world’s more populous urba motor vehicles. In order to relieve the heavy traffic and reduce pollution, September 22 is designated as Just as the poster says, on this day, citizens are required not to drive their cars but go out by bike o the earth, atmosphere and traffica blue-Sunday.译文今天,无论在纽约、巴黎、东京还是在,世界人口稠密城市的道路上挤满了机动车辆。



例(6)Directions: (2012年研究生入学英语考试真题)Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay,you should describe the drawing briefly,explain its intended meaning, and give you comments.构思先描述图中容:酒瓶打翻在地,酒掉一半。



文As depicted in the picture, a bottle of wine is overturned on the ground. The wine spilt half of it left in the bottle. One person is rather disappointed at the loss of the spilt wine, optimistic for the wine is not all over. The two persons’ response to the spilt wine bo s different attitudes toward the same event. Clearly, the aim of thedrawer tries to show us that attitudes can change everything in the life.译文图中所示,一瓶酒打翻在地,酒流了出来,但瓶里仍留有一半酒。




分享:例(1)题目: Mind Your Manner in Public Places提纲: 1.Describe the picture and interpret its meaning2. State the importance of good manner in public places3. Give your suggestion as to how to keep good manner构思描述:图中容:豪华装修的休息室,有人大声说话打,有人抽烟;点题:人们在公共场所应该约束自己的行为,留意自己的行为举止。
