中小学公开课优质课件精选——WHAT CAN YOU DO




Let's listen
Q1: Can the rat sing? Q2: Can the rat dance? Q3: Can the rat swim away?
Reading Tip 1
Get information from the pictures . 借助图片,获取信息。
Answer the questions
Rtuhlreosw:—show 1.Right and loud. 语音正确,声音洪亮。 2.Teach and check.教读并开展抽读。 3.Correct and comment. 能纠正,能评价。
Play a game:(投球比赛)
I can throw.....into..... I can't throw.....into.....
Dear snake, wait a minute. I can d_o__t_h_i_ng_s for you.
Oh! What can you do? Can you
Yes, I can.
Can you d_a__nc_e_?
Yes, I can. Let me go. Then I can
Let's practise
Read the story in groups, check and help each other.
Rules(朗读要求): Correct and smooth. 发音正确、语音流畅。
I’m hungry. Mmm… Here comes some tasty food. Now I can eat. Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you.


do kung fu draw cartoons
Sing English songs play the pipa
any any
肯定句 否定句 疑问句
any any
2 3
4 5
2 3
4 5 6
Practice with your partners.
A: Can you ….? B: Yes, I can. I can … , too. A: Wonderful! Can you …? B: No, I can’t./Sorry, I can’t. A: No problem .I can help you.

speak English
speak Chinese
make a puppet make a robot
sing the birthday song
Can you _____? Yes, I can./No, I can't.
swim cook
speak English
speak English
sing English songs
do some kung fu
Can you _____? Yes, I can./No, I can't. swim speak English
sing English songs
do some kung fu

小学英语《What can you do》优质课件设计

小学英语《What can you do》优质课件设计

Thanksgiving Day (感恩节) 11 月 的第四个星期四 是感恩节
1.Who is the person you want to thank most?
2.What can you do for him / her?
能为他 / 她做些什么?
wash his\her clothes
Part A Let’s talk
Fun-time 1 I can do it.
do some kung fu
Fun-time 1 I can do it.
wash the clothes
draw pictures
Fun-time 2 I can talk.
What can you do ?
A: Thank you!
Fun-time 4
结合本课所学,利用提供图片,表演新 对话
A: What can you do for the party? B: I can play football. A: Wonderful! How about you,...? C: I can draw pictures.
do some kung fu
I can … .
draw pictures
ongs play football
Fun-time 3 I can choose.
1 、 What can Zhang Peng do? 2 、 What can John do?
Fun-time 4 Pair work.
A: We’ll have an English party ! What can you do ?
B: I can play football. A: Wonderful! How about you,...? C: I can draw pictures.

Unit 4 What can you do? A Let's talk 课件(29张PPT)

Unit 4 What can you do? A Let's talk 课件(29张PPT)
John:_I _c_a_n _d_o_s_o_m_e_k_u_n_g_f_u_! Miss White:Thank you, John.
Tips: 1.人人参与,以最快的速度好角 色分工。 2. 评价 :准确流利,感情丰富 , 语音语调模仿到位 。
What can you do for the party?
What have you learned today?
1.Do a survey of your friends .
2.Try to retell it according to the pictures.
2.Act out the story with your partners. (optional选做)
Can ,can , what can you do ? I can play , play the pipa . Can ,can , what can you do ? I can sing , sing English songs .
Fill in the blanks
Miss White: We’ll have an _E_n_gl_is_h_partyn_e_x_t_T_u_e_s_da_y_! _W_h_a_t_c_a_n_y_o_u_d_o_for the party , children?
sing English songs dance
draw pictures clean the classroom
do kung fu
Group In our group, ___can___. ___can ___. Leader: ___can ___. And I can____.


What can you do in English class? I can___________________
speak English read English books
sing English songs
A:What can you do in art class? B:I can___________________

1.What can Zhangpeng do?
A:sing English songs B:sing chinese songs
2.What can John do?
John can do some k第u1n5页g/共f2u5页.
read and underline.读一读,用横线在文中划出答案。
Miss White: Wonderful! How about you, John?
John: I can do some kung fu.
Miss White: Thank you, John.
kung fu
What can he do ? He can play the pipa.
What can the yellow duck do ?
It can draw pictures.
What can they do ? They can carry the food. .



Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim awsing dance swim
Think and discuss
The rat can swim, but why did the rat say: “Don’t throw me into the lake , please! ”
Snake: Let me see. There is a lake near here. Can you swim?
Rat: No! Don’t throw me into the lake,please!
Will the snake throw the rat into the lake?
Group work
Continue the story (续编故事)
1. Read and act out the story. 2. Continue the story on page 7.
Unit 1 It’s red.
Goodbye! Thank you!
小学英语人教(PEP)版五年级上册 《Unit4WhatcanyoudoCStorytime 》 优质课公开课课件获奖课件比赛观摩课课件
What can Bob do?
Unit4 What can you do ?
PartC Story Time
Fancy sing songs
Here comes some tasty food. Now I can eat.
Rat: Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you.
Discuss in pairs

人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册Unit4 What Can You Do PartA let's talk优质公开课课件.ppt

人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册Unit4 What Can You Do PartA let's talk优质公开课课件.ppt

幸福展示(1)——Role play
幸福展示(2)——Pair work
幸福检测——Let's fill
Miss White: We'll have an_E_n_g_li_sh__pa_r_ty next Tuesday! What_c_a_n you do__fo_r_the party,_C_h_i_ld_re_n_?
English songs Chinese songs pop songs
I can play the erhu.
play the pipa
play the piano
play the guitar
I can do kung fu.
I can draw cartoons .
幸福感知——Chain game
Zhang Peng: I can_s_in_g_E_n_g_li_s_h_s_o_ng_s. Miss White: _W_o_n_d_e_rf_ul_! How about you, John? John: I can__do__so_m_e__ku_n_g_f_u__ ! Miss White: Thank you, John.
• 11、夫学须志也,才须学也,非学无以广才,非志无以成学。2020/8/92020/8/92020/8/9Aug-209-Aug-20
• 12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2020/8/92020/8/92020/8/9Sunday, August 09, 2020
• 13、志不立,天下无可成之事。2020/8/92020/8/92020/8/92020/8/98/9/2020
你还能用I can …说句子吗?
幸福旅行——Let's say

新人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册Unit4 What Can You Do PartA优质公开课课件

新人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册Unit4 What Can You Do PartA优质公开课课件
Unit 4 What can you do?
Part A
Let’s chant !
Run, Fly, Sing , Swim , Climb, Jump,
run, I can run . fly, I can fly . sing, I can sing . swim, I can swim. climb, I can climb. jump, I can jump .
the floor the meals the trash the flowers bedroom
√√ √ √ √
Thank you !
Let's play !
Act and guess . 演一演,猜一猜。
I can cook the meals.
I can sweep the floor.
I can water the flowers.
I’m helpful . I casnwim .
Practise in team
water the flowers sweep the floor
clean the bedroom cook the meals empty the trash
1、人才教育不是灌输知识,而是将开发文化宝库的钥匙,尽我们知道的交给学生。 2、一个人的知识如果只限于学校学习到的那一些,这个人的知识必然是十分贫乏的2021/10/152021/10/152021/10/1510/15/2021 1:55:06 AM 3、意志教育不是发扬个人盲目的意志,而是培养合于社会历史发展的意志。 4、智力教育就是要扩大人的求知范围 5、最有价值的知识是关于方法的知识。 6、我们要提出两条教育的诫律,一、“不要教过多的学科”;二、“凡是你所教的东西,要教得透彻”2021年10月2021/10/152021/10/152021/10/1510/15/2021 7、能培养独创性和唤起对知识愉悦的,是教师的最高本领2021/10/152021/10/15October 15, 2021 8、先生不应该专教书,他的责任是教人做人;学生不应该专读书,他的责任是学习人生之道。2021/10/152021/10/152021/10/152021/10/15


When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
Kung fu 功夫
I can do kung fu.
Spell the words
dance sing English songs
play t he pipw car toons
Make a sentence.造一个句子
I can
I can
What can you do? 在小组里说一说……
Unit 4 What can you do?
Lesson 1
Singer 歌手
sing English songs sing Chinse songs
I can dance I can’t dance
play the piano 弹钢琴
cartoon 漫画
I can draw cartoons .
你还能用I can …说句子吗?
Do a survey. What can you do?你会做什么? I can draw cartoons.I can do some kung fu ,too!我能画漫画。我还可以做 一些功夫
当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的 ,所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。
Let’s talk
What can you do?
I can…… jump/run
• Let’s chant:

《What can you do》PPT课件5

《What can you do》PPT课件5

1、远眺距离为1米-2.5米(远眺图电脑版比纸质 版小,距离相应缩短),每日眺望5次以上,每次 3—15分钟。
2、要思想集中,认真排除干扰,精神专注,高 度标准为使远眺图的中心成为使用者水平视线的 中心点。
3、远眺开始,双眼看整个图表,产生向前深进 的感觉,然后由外向内逐步辨认每一层footbll?
Can you dance?
Can you sing English songs?
Can you play kung fu?
Can you play the pipa?
远眺图是利用心理学 空间知觉原理,在一张二维 空间平面上,强烈显示出三 维空间的向远延伸的立体图 形,远视和视力良好的人在 长时间近距离用眼情况下引 起的视力疲劳,可以通过此 种方法获得一定的缓解。
因绿色为最佳感受色, 可使睫状体放松,图案从里 到外大小不等,不断变化图 案可不断改变眼睛晶状体的 焦距,使调节他们的睫状体 放松而保护视力。
4、如果视力不良,只能进到某一层时,不要立 即停止远眺,应多看一会儿,将此层看清楚后, 再向内看一层,如此耐心努力争取尽量向内看, 才能使眼的睫状肌放松。
5、双眼视力相近的,两眼可同时远眺;双眼视 力相差大的、将左右眼轮流遮盖,单眼远眺,视 力差的一只眼睛,其远眺时间要延长。
第一步、首先在能把远眺图都看清的位置,熟悉 一下最远处几个框细微的纹路,
《What can you do》 PPT课件5
Unit 4 What can you do?
• B Let’s learn

《What can you do》PPT课件(第2课时)

《What can you do》PPT课件(第2课时)
不过现在教同学们一个 小办法,左边我为大家准备 了一张视力保健“远眺图” ,看看图就能缓解眼疲劳, 起到远眺解乏的作用。
远眺图是利用心理学 空间知觉原理,在一张二维 空间平面上,强烈显示出三 维空间的向远延伸的立体图 形,远视和视力良好的人在 长时间近距离用眼情况下引 起的视力疲劳,可以通过此 种方法获得一定的缓解。
3、远眺开始,双眼看整个图表,产生向前深进 的感觉,然后由外向内逐步辨认每一层的绿白线 条。
4、如果视力不良,只能进到某一层时,不要立 即停止远眺,应多看一会儿,将此层看清楚后, 再向内看一层,如此耐心努力争取尽量向内看, 才能使眼的睫状肌放松。
5、双眼视力相近的,两眼可同时远眺;双眼视 力相差大的、将左右眼轮流遮盖,单眼远眺,视 力差的一只眼睛,其远眺时间要延长。
j _ mp r _ n sw _ m cl _ mb
th _ w c _ tch k _ ck
fl _
s _ ng d _ nc _ w _ lk t _ lk dr _ w dr _ v _ c _ _ k r _ _ d
I can
I can ________________ I can ________________ I can ________________ I can ________________ I can ________________ I can ________________
第一步、首先在能把远眺图都看清的位置,熟悉 一下最远处几个框细微的纹路,
第二步、然后逐渐加大距离至远眺图最远处的几 个框处于模糊与清晰之间的位置停止。
第三步、思想集中,认真排除干扰,精神专注, 开始远眺,双眼看整个图表,产生向前深进的感 觉,然后由外向内逐步辨认最远处几个框每一层 的绿白线条。
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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Unit 4 What can you do?
Hi, everyone! How are you?
Sing an English song
Ask and answer
T:What can you do?
Ss: I can...
Can you…?
Can you…?
play basketball
Can you…? swim
Can you…?
play ping-pong
Can you…? speak English
Read the words together.
cook play basketball swim Speak English play ping-pong
T: Great!
dace play football do kung fu wash my clothes…
Can you…?
do kung fu
Can you…? play football
Can you...?你会...?
肯定回答:Yes, I can. 否定回答:No, I can’t.
Consolidation 巩固练习
Can you swim? Yes, I can. I can do some kung fu, too.
Let’s talk 听录音,读对话,回答问题。
Who is the strong man? What does he teach? What can John do? Can Oliver do any kung fu?
swim speak English cook Play basketball play ping-pong
Let’s chant!
Oliver, Oliver, can you swim? No, I can’t. No, I can’t. Sarah, Sarah, can you dance? Yes, I can . Yes, I can . Mike, Mike, can you cook? No, I can’t. No, I can’t. Amy, Amy, can you play ping-pong. Yes, I can . Yes, I can . Let’s play!
1.You can imitate Let’s talk and use the phrases we have learnt to replace kung fu.
2 . Or you can make a simple dialogue.
S1:Can you... ...? S2:Yes.I can./No, I can’t.
• 1.Copy the words of let’s learn. • 2.Read the dialogue in two.
Thank you! See you!
Some & any “一些”
some 常用在肯定中,而any 则常用 在否定句和疑问句中 。
肯定句:I can do some kung fu. 否定句: can’t do any kung fu. 疑问句:Can you do any kung fu?
Group in two. Make a dialouge.