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( )1. Not much of the ____ is surprising in Guangzhou Daily today.

A. ideas

B. news

C. opinions

D. articles

( )2. —Would you like something to drink? — ____, please.

A. Two bottle of orange

B. Two bottle of oranges

C. Two bottles of orange

D. Two bottles of oranges

( )3. —I had ___ for breakfast this morning. What about you, Lily? —Just a piece of bread.

A. some noodles

B. a few noodle

C. a little noodle

D. a noodle

( )4. When we are in trouble, we need to get ___ from others.

A. many money

B. some advice

C. many help

D. some chances

( )5. Green represents ____ and nature. When you feel weak, you can wear green.

A. sadness

B. purity

C. joy

D. energy

( )6. Mickey is one of the most famous ____ in American _____.

A. symbol; culture

B. symbol; cultures

C. symbols; culture

D. symbols; cultures

( )7. Spring is Tom’s favourite ____. He likes warm weath er.

A. holiday

B. season

C. fruit

D. drink ( )8. In autumn there are a lot of ____ on the ground.

A. leaf

B. leafs

C. leaves

D. leave ( )9. Look! You can see many ___ in the pool. And here is some ___ for you to keep them.

A. fish; suggestion

B. fishes; advices

C. fish; advice

D. fishes; suggestion

( )10. ___ Day is coming. I will buy some ____for Miss Wu.

A. Teacher's; flower

B. Teachers'; flowers

C. Teachers'; flower

D. Teacher's; flowers



1. 规则变化

2. 不规则变化

(1) man—men; woman—women; child—children;

foot—feet; tooth—teeth; goose—geese; mouse—mice

(2) 单复数相同:sheep—sheep; deer—deer; fish—fish

注意:fish 强调鱼的条数的时候,单复数同形;强调鱼的种类的时候,复数形式要加-es,即 fishes。

(3) 某国人变复数的歌诀:中日不变英法变,其余-s 加后面。

Chinese—Chinese; Japanese—Japanese;

Englishman—Englishmen; American—Americans

(4) 有些名词本身是复数形式,如:clothes; pants; trousers; jeans; shorts; glasses; people 等。

注意:people 当“人们”讲时,本身是复数形式;当“民族”讲时,是单数形式,其复数要在末尾加-s。a people; 56 peoples

3. 复合名词的数

(1) 一般情况下把后面一个名词变为复数,作定语的名词不变。

a girl student—five girl students; an apple tree—ten apple trees

(2) 由 man 和 woman 构成的复合名词,变复数时要把名词和 man/ woman 同时变为复数。

a man doctor—three men doctors; a woman teacher—six women teachers

(3) sport 作定语修饰其他名词时,无论主题词是单数还是复数,sport 通常用复数形式。

a sports club; sports shoes


两天的假期 a two-day holiday 或two days’ holiday

十分钟的路程 a ten-minute ride 或ten minutes’ ride


1. 不可数名词没有复数形式,前面不能用不定冠词 a/ an 修饰,但可用 much, a lot of / lots of, plenty of, some, lit-tle, a little 等修饰。作主语时谓语动词用单数形式。

There is some tea in the cup. 茶杯里有些茶。

2. 不可数名词还常用“数词/ 不定冠词+量词+of+不可数名词”来表示不可数名词的量。 a piece of paper 一张纸, two cups of tea 两杯茶,a glass of water 一玻璃杯水,three bottles of pop 三瓶汽水。作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于 of 前面的量词的数。

There are three glasses of orange juice on the table. 桌子上有三杯橙汁。


1. ’s 所有格

2. of 所有格


the name of the film 电影的名字 the cover of the book 书的封面
