JUMO 70.1540 95.1540 温度传感器说明书

Page 1/4JUMO GmbH & Co. KGDelivery address:Mackenrodtstraße 14,36039 Fulda, GermanyPostal address:36035 Fulda, Germany Phone:+49 661 6003-0Fax:+49 661 6003-607e-mail:*************Internet:JUMO Instrument Co. Ltd.JUMO HouseTemple Bank, RiverwayHarlow, Essex CM 20 2TT, UK Phone:+44 1279 635533Fax:+44 1279 635262e-mail:*************.uk Internet:JUMO PROCESS CONTROL INC.885 Fox Chase, Suite 103Coatesville PA 19320, USA Phone:610-380-80021-800-554-JUMOFax:610-380-8009e-mail:****************Internet:Block structureKey featuresk Limit monitoringk Available for resistance thermometer, thermocouple, standard current or voltage signals, according to choice k 10A relay (changeover contact)k Adjustable switching hysteresis k Programmable switch-on delay after power-on k Configurable alarm suppression k Symbols in display for temperature unit, minutes and seconds k Parameter level protected by code k Setup program for configuration and archiving via PC k Customized linearization via tabular function in the setup program k UL approvalDigital Indicator76mm x 36mm formatBrief descriptionThe JUMO di eco compact digital indicator is used for the simple visualization of temper-atures or standard signals. The measurement input permits the connection of resistance thermometers or thermocouples, or standard current or voltage signals. The measured value is shown on a 3-digit backlit display.Limit infringements are monitored by means of a 10A relay (changeover contact) and in-dicated by an LED.The 3 keys on the front panel can be used to configure, among others, the switching hys-teresis and alarm suppression.The electrical connection is made via screw terminals on the back of the instrument.A setup program and a PC interface are available as accessories, for simple configuration and parameterization from a PC.Type 701540/...Displays and controlsprogrammingincrease decrease version The instrument is linked to the PC via a PC interface withTTL/RS232 converter and adapter (3-pin).++Technical dataAdditional dataAmbient conditionsAmbient temperature range0to+55°CAmbient temperature rangewith side-by-side mounting0to+40°CStorage temperature range-40to+70°CTemperature drift≤100ppm/°C of measuring rangeClimatic conditions≤75% rel. humidity, no condensationCleaning and care of front panel The front panel can be cleaned with all the usual cleaning and rinsing agents.Do not use solvents such as methylated spirit, white spirit, P1 or xylene! OutputRelay150,000 operations at 10A 250V AC 50Hz resistive loadSupplySupply voltage230V AC +10/-15%, 48—63Hz or 115V AC +10/-15%, 48—63Hz (isolated from measurement input) 12—24V DC +15/-15%, 24V AC +15/-15%, 48—63Hz (not isolated from measurement input) Power consumption<3VAHousingElectrical dataConnection diagramType 701540/XX1-31: Measurement input and supply voltage are not isolated from each other!DimensionsMaterial polycarbonateMountingin panel cut-out with bezel sealOperating position unrestricted Weight approx. 160g Protection front IP65,rear IP20Flammability classUL 94 V0Data backup EEPROMConnectionvia screw terminals for wire cross-sections up to 4 mm 2 solid wireand 2.5 mm 2 stranded wireEMC- interference emission - immunity to interference EN 61326Class Bto industrial requirementsOperating conditions The instrument is designed as a panel-mounting unit.Electrical safetyto EN 61010, Part 1overvoltage category III, pollution degree 2Standard accessories- 1 Operating Manual B 70.1540.0-1 mounting frame -1 bezel sealAccessoriesSetup program, multilingualPC interface with TTL /RS232C converter and adapter (pins)Order details(1) Basic version 701540/JUMO di eco(2) Basic type extension Version8factory-set, configurable within the measurement input group9configured to customer specifications Measurement input group 11Pt100 in 2-wire circuit Pt1000 in 2-wire circuit KTY2X-62Fe-Con J Fe-Con L NiCr-Ni K 30—20mA 4—20mA40—10V1 1 relay (changeover contact 10A 250V)(3) Supply02230V AC +10/-15% 48—63Hz 05115V AC +10/-15% 48—63Hz 3112—24V DC +15/-15% /24V AC +15/-15% 48—63Hz (4) Approvals 000none061Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)(1)(2)(3)(4)Order code / - -Order example 701540/811-02 -000factory-set1.) It is not possible to switch from one meas. input group to anotherSuitable transducers can be found in these data sheets:- 90.2005 Push-in resistance thermometers - 90.2105 Screw-in resistance thermometers- 90.1002 and subsequent ones for screw-in thermocouples - 90.1101 and subsequent ones for push-in thermocouples - 90.1221 Mineral-insulated thermocouples。
JUMO 温度传感器说明书

Page 1/11Data Sheet 702040Blocks tructureFeature sk S tructured operating and programming layout k S elf-optimi s ation k Ramp functionk Timer functionk Digital input filter withprogrammable filter time con s tant k 1 limit comparator k limit s witchJUMO iTRON 04/08/16/32Compact microproce ss or controller sHou s ing for flu s h-panel mounting to DIN IEC 61554Brief de s criptionThe JUMO iTRON controller s erie s compri s e s univer s al and freely programmable com-pact in s trument s for a variety of control ta sks . It con s i s t s of five model s , with the bezel s ize s 96mm x 96mm, 96mm x 48mm in portrait and land s cape format, 48mm x 48mm and 48mm x 24mm.The controller s feature a clearly readable 7-s egment di s play which, depending on the ver-s ion, i s 10 or 20 mm high, for proce ss value and s etpoint indication or for dialog s . Only three k ey s are needed for configuration. Parameter s etting i s arranged dynamically, and after two operation-free s econd s the value i s accepted automatically. S elf-optimi s ation,which i s provided a s s tandard, e s tabli s he s the optimum controller parameter s by a k ey s tro k e. The ba s ic ver s ion al s o include s a ramp function with adju s table gradient s . A timer function ha s been integrated a s an extra.All controller s can be employed a s s ingle-s etpoint controller s with a limit comparator, or as double-s etpoint controller s . The lineari s ation s of the u s ual tran s ducer s are stored. Pro-tection i s IP66 at the front and IP20 at the bac k . The electrical connection i s by a plug-in connector with s crew terminal s .The input s and output s are s hown in the bloc k s tructure below.JUMO iTRON 08Type 702042JUMO iTRON 04Type 702044JUMO iTRON 08Type 702043JUMO iTRON 32Type 702040JUMO iTRON 16Type 702041Approval s /approval mark s (s ee "Technical data")Data Sheet 702040Page 2/11Technical dataThermocouple inputRe s i s tance thermometer inputStandard s ignal inputMea s urement circuit monitoring 1De s ignation Range 1Mea s urement accuracy Ambienttemperature error Fe-Con L Fe-Con J EN 60584Cu-Con U Cu-Con T EN 60584NiCr-Ni K EN 60584NiCr S i-Ni S i N EN 60584Pt10Rh-Pt S EN 60584Pt13Rh-Pt R EN 60584Pt30Rh-Pt6Rh BEN 60584-200to +900°C -200to +1200°C -200to +600°C -200to +400°C -200to +1372°C -100to +1300°C0— 1768°C 0—1768°C +300— 1820°C≤0.4%≤0.4%≤0.4%≤0.4%≤0.4%≤0.4%≤0.4%≤0.4%≤0.4%100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°CCold junctionPt 100 internal1. The s e range s refer to the ambient temperature of 20°CDe s ignation Connection type RangeMea s urement accuracy Ambienttemperature error Pt 100 EN 607512-/3-wire -200to +850°C ≤0.1%50 ppm/°C Pt 1000 EN 607512-/3-wire -200to +850°C ≤0.1%50 ppm/°C K TY11-62-wire-50to +150°C≤1.0%50 ppm/°CS en s or lead re s i s tance 20Ω max. per lead for 2- and 3-wire circuitMea s urement current 250µALead compen s ationNot required for 3-wire circuit. For 2-wire circuit, lead compen s ation can be implemented in s oftware through proce ss value correction.De s ignation RangeMea s urement accuracy Ambienttemperature error Voltage0—10V , input re s i s tance R E > 100k Ω2—10V , input re s i s tance R E > 100k Ω0—1V , input re s i s tance R E > 10M Ω10,2—1V , input re s i s tance R E > 10M Ω1≤0.1%≤0.1%≤0.1%≤0.1%100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C Current4—20mA, voltage drop 3V max.0—20mA, voltage drop 3V max.≤0.1%≤0.1%100 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C1. for Type 702040/41 with 2 relay output s (option)Tran s ducer Overrange/underrangeProbe /lead s hort-circuit 1Probe/lead breakThermocouple•-•Re s i s tance thermometer •••Voltage 2—10V / 0.2—1V0—10V/ 0—1V •••-•-Current4—20mA 0—20mA•••-•-1. In the event of a fault, the output s move to a defined s tatu s (configurable).= factory s etting •recogni s ed-not recogni s edData Sheet 702040Page 3/11Output sControllerTimerElectrical dataHou s ingA ss ignment Type 702040/41Type 702042/43/44Output 1relayrelay Output 2logic 0/5V or logic input logic 0/5V Output 2 (option)logic 0/12V or logic input logic 0/12V Output 2 (option)relay not po ss ible Output 3not availablerelayTechnical data Relay ratingcontact life n.o. (ma k e) contact 3A at 250VAC re s i s tive load 150 000 operation s at rated loadLogiccurrent limiting load re s i s tance 0/5V 20mAR load 250Ω min .Logiccurrent limiting load re s i s tance 0/12V 20mAR load 600Ω min.= factory s ettingController types ingle-s etpoint controller with limit comparator, double-s etpoint controllerController s tructure s P/PD/PI/PIDA/D converter re s olution better than 15 bitS ampling time210m s ec/250m s ec with activated timer functionAccuracy0.7% ± 10ppm/°CS upply (s witch-mode power s upply)110—240V -15/+10%AC 48—63Hz, or 20—30V AC/DC 48—63Hz, or10—18V DC (Connection to S ELV or PELV)Te s t voltage s (type te s t)to EN 61010, Part 1, March 1994,overvoltage category II, pollution degree 2, for Type 702040/41overvoltage category III, pollution degree 2, for Type 702042/43/44Power con s umption max. 7VA Data bac k upEEPROMElectrical connectionat the rear, via plug-in s crew terminal s ,conductor cro ss -s ection up to 1.5mm 2 (1.0mm 2 for Type 702040/41) or2x 1.5mm 2 (1.0mm 2 for Type 702040/41) with ferrule sElectromagnetic compatibility interference emi ss ion interference immunity EN 61 326Cla ss Bto indu s trial requirement sS afety regulationto EN 61010-1In s tallation height maximum 2000 m above s ea levelCa s e typePla s tic ca s e for panel mounting acc to. IEC 61554 (indoor u s e)Dimen s ion s in mm (for Type)702040702041702042702043702044Bezel s ize48x 2448x 4848x 96(portrait)96x 48(land s cape)96x 96Depth behind panel100100707070Panel cut-out45+0.6x 22.2+0.345+0.6x 45+0.645+0.6x 92+0.892+0.8x 45+0.692+0.8x 92+0.8Ambient/s torage temperature range 0—55°C /-40 to +70°CData Sheet 702040Page 4/11Approval s /approval mark sDi s play and control sSelf-optimi s ation (SO)The s tandard s elf-optimi s ation facility produce s an automatic adju s tment of the controller to the proce ss .S elf-optimi s ation determine s the controller parameter s for PI and PID controller s (proportional band, re s et time, derivative time), a s well a s the cycle time and the filter time con s tant of the digital input filter.Ramp functionClimatic condition s not exceeding 75% rel. humidity, no conden s ationOperating po s ition unre s tricted Protection to EN 60529,IP66 at the front, IP20 at the bac kWeight75g approx.95g approx.145g approx.160g approx.200g approx.Approval mark Te s ting agencyCertificate/certification numberIn s pection ba s i sValid forUL Underwriter Laboratorie s E201387UL 61010-1all device s C S A C S A-Approval232831CAN/C S A-C22.2No. 61010.1-04all device sData Sheet 702040Page 5/11Limit comparatorLimit s witch (extra code)If the limit comparator function i s active, then the s witched s tate will have to be re s et by hand.Precondition: the condition that cau s ed the alarm i s no longer pre s ent (for l k 8: proce ss value < AL). The di s play s how s the alarm s tatu s .The alarm s tatu s will be retained after a power failure.Timer function (extra code)U s ing the timer function, the control action can be influenced by mean s of the adju s table time t i 0. After the timer ha s been s tarted by power ON, by pre ss ing the k ey or via the logic input, the timer s tart value t i 0 i s counted down to 0, either in s tantly or after the proce ss value ha s gone above or below a programmable tolerance limit. When the timer ha s run down, s everal event s are triggered, s uch a s control s witch-off (output 0%) and s etpoint s witching. Furthermore, it i s po ss ible to implement timer s ignalling during or after the timer count, via an output.The timer function can be u s ed in conjunction with the ramp function and s etpoint s witching.Table: Timer function s (u s ing the example of a rever s ed s ingle-s etpoint controller)Data Sheet 702040Page 6/11Tolerance limitThe po s ition of the tolerance limit depend s on the controller type:- S ingle-s etpoint controller (rever s ed, heating): Tolerance limit i s below the s etpoint - S ingle-s etpoint controller (direct, cooling): Tolerance limit i s above the s etpoint - Double-s etpoint controller: Tolerance limit i s below the s etpointIf, during the control proce ss , the proce ss value goe s above/below the tolerance limit, then the timer will be s topped for the duration of the infringement.Di s play and operationThe timer value i s di s played at the operating level and remain s s o permanently (no time-out).Operation i s from the k eypad, when the timer value i s vi s ible in the di s play, or via the logic input. The operating option s compri s e s tart,s top, continue and cancel timer function, and are s hown differently in the di s play.The current timer value and the timer s tart value are acce ss ible and adju s table at any time at a s eparate timer level.Data Sheet 702040Page 7/11Parameter and configurationOperating levelParameter levelConfiguration levelDe s ignation Di s play Factory s ettingValue range S etpointSP /SP1/SP20S PL—S PH Ramp s etpointSPr 0S PL—S PH Timer value/timer s tart valuet i /t i 00 —999.9hDe s ignation Di s play Factory s ettingValue range S etpoint 1SP 10S PL—S PH S etpoint 2SP 20S PL—S PH Limit value for limit comparator AL 0-1999to +9999digit Proportional band 1Pb:100—9999digit Proportional band 2Pb:200—9999digit Derivative time dt 80s ec 0—9999s ec Re s et time rt 350s ec 0—9999s ec Cycle time 1CY 120.0s ec 1.0—999.9s ec Cycle time 2CY 220.0s ec1.0—999.9s ec Contact s pacingdb 00—1000digit Differential (hy s tere s i s ) 1HYS.110—9999digit Differential (hy s tere s i s ) 2HYS.210—9999digit Wor k ing point Y:00%-100to +100%Maximum output Y:1100%0to 100%Minimum output Y:2-100%-100to +100%Filter time con s tant dF 0.6s ec 0.0—100.0s ec Ramp s loperASd—999digitDe s ignation Di s play Factory s etting Value range/s electionTran s ducerC111Pt100Pt100, Pt1000, K TY11-6, T, J, U, L, K , S ,R, B, N, 0 (4)—20mA, 0 (2)—10VDecimal place/unitC112none/°C none, one, two/°C, FController type/output s C113s ee table on next pageLimit comparator function C114no function no function, l k 1—8Ramp functionC115no function no function, °C/min, °C/h Output s ignal on overrange/ underrange C1160% output limit comparator off 0%, 100%, -100% limit comparator on/offLogic inputC117no function k ey / level inhibit,ramp s top, s etpoint s witchingOutput s 1, 2 and 3(only Type 702042/43/44)C118function s a s defined under C113freely configurable(s ee table on next page)Timer functionC120no function s ee de s cription “Timer function”S tart condition for timerC121from k eypad/logic input - power ON - k eypad/logic input- tolerance limitTimer s ignalling C122no function - timer s tart to timer run-down- after run-down for 10s ec - after run-down for 1 min.- after run-down until ac k nowledgementUnit of time (timer)C123mm.ss - mm.ss- hh.mm - hhh.hS tart value of value range SCL0-1999 to +9999 digitData Sheet 702040Page 8/11Controller type/output s (C 113)Expanded configuration option s for the output s on Type 702043/44 (C118)End value of value range SCH 100-1999 to +9999 digit Lower s etpoint limit SPL -200-1999 to +9999 digit Upper s epoint limitSPH 850-1999 to +9999 digit Proce ss value correction OFFS 0-1999 to +9999 digit Differential (hy s tere s i s )HySt 1 0—9999 digitController typeOutput 1Output 2 + 3S ingle s etpoint rever s ed controller limit comparator/timer s ignalling S ingle s etpoint direct controllerlimit comparator/timer s ignallingDouble s etpointcontroller rever s edcontroller direct S ingle s etpoint rever s ed limit comparator/timer s ignalling controller S ingle s etpoint direct limit comparator/timer s ignallingcontrollerDouble s etpoint controller directcontroller rever s ed= factory s ettingOutput 1: Relay (K1)Output 2: Logic (K2)Output 3: Relay 1-s e t p o i n t c o n t r o l l e rFunction s of the output s a s defined under C 113controller output limit comparator timer s ignalling controller output timer s ignalling limit comparator limit comparator controller output timer s ignalling limit comparator timer s ignalling controller output timer s ignalling controller output limit comparator timer s ignalling limit comparator controller output 2-s e t p t .c o n t r o l l e rcontroller output 1controller output 2limit comparator/timer controller output 1limit comparator/timer controller output 2controller output 2controller output 1limit comparator/timer controller output 2limit comparator/timer controller output 1limit comparator/timer controller output 1controller output 2limit comparator/timercontroller output 2controller output 1Data Sheet 702040Page 9/11Dimen s ion sType 702040 / …Type 702043/...Type 702041 / …Type 702044/...Type 702042 / …Typehorizontal vertical 70.2040/418mm min.8mm min.70.2042/43/4410mm min.10mm min.Edge-to-edge mounting(minimum s pacing s of the panel cut-out s)Data Sheet 702040Page 10/11Connection diagram sJUMO iTRON 32, Type 702040, 48mm x 24mm format JUMO iTRON 16, Type 702041, 48mm x 48mm formatJUMO iTRON 08, Type 702042, 48mm x 96mm format (portrait)JUMO iTRON 08, Type 702043. 96mm x 48mm format (land s cape)JUMO iTRON 04, Type 702044, 96mm x 96mm formatStandard ver s ion / Ver s ion with 12V logic outputVer s ion with 2 relay outputs2014-09-01/00357838Data Sheet 702040Page 11/11Order detail sExtra order code s for cu s tomized configuration(2)Ba s ic type exten s ion(3)Input s(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)Type de s ignation 7020../..-...-...-../...,...** Li s t extra code s in s equence, s eparated by comma s(1)Ba s ic type(bezel s ize in mm)40=48x 24, 41 = 48x 48, 42 = 48x 96 (portrait), 43 = 96x 48 (land s cape), 44 = 96x 96(2)Ba s ic typeexten s ion 8899==controller type configurable 1controller type configured to cu s tomer s pecification 2(3)Input s 888999==input s configurable 1input s configured to cu s tomer s pecification 2(4)Output s000=S tandardType 702040/41Type 702042/43/44Output 1relay (n.o. ma k e)relay (n.o. ma k e)Output 2logic 0/5V , optionally configurable a s logic input logic 0/5V Output 3not available relay (n.o. ma k e)Option sType 702040/41Type 702042/43/44113=Output 2(output s 1+3 a s for S tandard)logic 0/12V , optionally configurable a s logic input logic 0/12V 101=Output 2(output 1 a s for S tandard)relay (n.o. ma k e)(logic input i s alway s available)not po ss ible(5)Supply162523===10—18V DC20—30V AC/DC 48—63Hz110—240V AC -15/+10% 48—63Hz (6)Extra code069=UL and C S A approval 210=Timer function220=Timer function + limit s witch 3Delivery package ex-factory for Type 702040/41Type 702042/43/441 mounting frame2 mounting brac k et s1 s eal, 1 Operating In s truction s 70.20401. s ingle-s etpoint with limit comparator, s ee factory s etting s under configuration and parameter level2. s ee extra order code s (below) or factory s etting s under configuration and parameter level3. The linearization s for K TY11-6 and thermocouple B have been deletedController typeOutput 1Output 2 and 310=s ingle s etpoint rever s ed 1controller limit comparator/timer s ignalling 11=s ingle s etpoint direct 2controllerlimit comparator/timer s ignalling 30=double s etpoint controller rever s edcontroller direct 20=s ingle s etpoint rever s ed 1limit comparator/timer s ignalling controller 21=s ingle s etpoint direct 2limit comparator/timer s ignalling controller33=double s etpointcontroller directcontroller rever s ed1. controller output i s active when proce ss value i s below s etpoint, e. g. heating2. controller output i s active when proce ss value i s above s etpoint, e. g. cooling001=Pt1003-wire 040=Fe-Con J 045=Pt13 Rh-Pt R 063=0—10V 003=Pt1002-wire041=Cu-Con U 046=Pt30 Rh-PtRh B 071=2—10V 005=Pt1000 2-wire 042=Fe-Con L 048=NiCr S i-Ni S i N601=K TY11-6 (PTC)006=Pt1000 3-wire 043=NiCr-Ni K 052=0—20mA 039=Cu-Con T044=Pt10Rh-PtS053=4—20mA= factory-s et。

Data Sheet 909710 (909721)Page 1/6Screw-in and weld-in pockets■for thermocouples and RTD temperature probes■thermometers can be replaced without draining the system ■pockets in different materials ■operating pressure up to 450 bar■available with acceptance certificate 3.1(machined from solid)Screw-in and weld-in pockets are used for installing thermocouples and RTD temperature probes whenever replacement without draining the system and/or pressure resistance are re-quired.The dimensions specified for EL refer to the fitting lengths of the thermometers; the dimension L indicates the fitting length of the pocket.The pressure resistance is dependent on the temperature and is specified for each item. The maximum pressure that can be sealed on the thread depends on the installation conditions and may be lower. The pressure specifications contain no safety margin for additional loading through flow velocity.Calculations of the permitted pressure under given conditions of flow, temperature and medium can be provided as a service to the user. Acceptance test certificate:3.1, can be requested when ordering.Further sheaths, data sheet 902440Technical dataProcess connection for screwing in: G 1/2 (1/2" pipe), G 3/4 (3/4" pipe)for welding in: dia. 24H7, dia. 30H11SheathMaterial:steel 1.0305stainless steel 1.4571steel 1.7335others on requestOperating temperature rangeup to 450°C, take note of loading diagrams!Data Sheet 909710 (909721)Page 2/6DimensionsBasic type 909710/10Basic type 909710/11Basic type 909712/15Basic type 909712/50Basic type 909712/51Data Sheet 909710 (909721)Page 3/6Loading diagramsLoad limits on sheaths, for various sheath dimensionsThe diagram shows the load limits (guide values) for different sheath dimensions. The ma-ximum pressure loading of cylindrical sheaths is shown in relation to the wall thickness with different sheath diameters. The data refer to sheaths in stainless steel 1.4571, fitting length 100mm, flow velocity 10m/sec in air or 4m/sec in water and a temperature range from -20 to +100°C. A safety factor of 1.8 has been taken into account. For higher temperatures, or different materials, the maximum pressure loading has to be reduced by the percentage valu-es given in the table.Loading of sheathsForm D according to 43763Basic type 909712/50 and /51Sheath: st. steel X6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2,Material Ref. 1.4571Sheaths D1 and D4:Permissible flow velocity forair, water, superhtd. steam: up to 60m/sec Sheaths D2 and D5:Permissible flow velocity for air: up to 60m/secfor water, superheated steam: up to 30m/secLoading on sheathsForm D according to 43763Basic type 909712/50 and /51Sheath: steel 13 CrMo 44,Material Ref. 1.7335Permissible flow velocity forair and superheated steam: up to 60m/sec Loading in water: up to 450 bar and up to 5m/sec Wall thickness in mmP r e s s u r e l o a d i n g i n b a rMaterial Temperature ReductionCrNi 1.4571up to +200°C -10%CrNi 1.4571up to +300°C -20%CrNi 1.4571up to +400°C -25%CrNi 1.4571up to +500°C -30%CuZn 2.0401up to +100°C -15%CuZn 2.0401up to +175°C-60%Data Sheet 909710 (909721)Page 4/6Order details: Screw-in pockets(1)Basic type909710/10Screw-in pocket, cylindrical,with female thread G 1/2 (1/2" pipe)(similar according to 16179 Form D)909710/11Screw-in pocket, cylindrical,with female thread G 1/2 (1/2" pipe)(DIN 16179 Form D)(2)Operating temperature in °C (also see loading diagram)x x 8480 to 400°C (3)Sheath diameter D in mm x 8outside diameter 8 mm/inside diameter 6.2 mm x 13outside diameter 13 mm/inside diameter 11 mm (4)Fitting length EL in mmx x 100100mm x 150150mm x 160160mm x x 250250mm(5)Process connectionx x 104screw fitting G 1/2 (1/2" pipe thread)(6)Sheath material x x 26stainless steel 1.4571 (max. 400°C)(7)Extra codes x x000none(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Order code -----/Order example909710/10-848-8-100-104-26/000Data Sheet 909710 (909721)Page 5/6Order details: Weld-in pockets(1)Basic type909712/15Weld-in pocket, tapered,with male thread G 3/4 (3/4" pipe)and acceptance test certificate 3.1 material 909712/20Weld-in pocket, tapered,with female thread G 1/2 (1/2" pipe)(DIN 16179 Form S)909712/50Weld-in pocket,with female thread M 18x1.5(DIN 43763 Form D1/D2)909712/51Weld-in pocket,with female thread M 18x1.5(DIN 43763 Form D4/D5)(2)Operating temperature in °C (also see loading diagram)x x x x 8480 to 400°C x x x 8540 to 500°C(3)Sheath diameter D in mm x12outside diameter 12mm stepped down to 8mm/inside diameter 6.5mm x x 24outside diameter 24mm stepped down to 12.5mm/inside diameter 7mm x 25outside diameter 25 mm stepped down to 17mm/inside diameter 11mm(4)Fitting length EL in mmx 65 (140)65mm (L = 140mm)1 (Form D1)x65 (200)65 mm (L = 200mm) (Form D4)x100100 mmx 1235 (200)125 mm (L = 200mm) (Form D2)x125 (260)125 mm (L = 260mm) (Form D5)x x 160160 mm x 190190 mm x 220220 mm x 250250 mm (5)Process connectionx x x x 000weld-in pocket(6)Sheath materialx 03steel 1.0305x x x 26stainless steel 1.4571 (max. 400 °C)x x x 36steel 1.7335 (max. 500°C)(7)Extra codes x x x 000none x x x374acceptance test certificate 3.1 material(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Order code -----/Order example909712/15-848-12-100-000-03/3741Example: 65mm (L = 140mm); 65mm = EL taper, 140mm = L pocket.Data Sheet 909710 (909721)Page 6/6Stock versions(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Part No.909710/10-848-8-100-104-26/00090/00489140909710/10-848-8-150-104-26/00090/00489141909710/10-848-8-250-104-26/00090/00531795909710/11-848-13-100-104-26/00090/00044862909710/11-848-13-160-104-26/00090/00044863909710/11-848-13-250-104-26/00090/00044864909712/15-848-12-100-000-03/00090/00039349909712/15-848-12-160-000-03/00090/00032010909712/15-848-12-190-000-03/00090/00038739909712/15-848-12-220-000-03/00090/00035520909712/20-848-25-160-000-26/00090/00045048909712/20-848-25-250-000-26/00090/00045049909712/20-854-25-160-000-36/00090/00045411909712/20-854-25-250-000-36/00090/00045412909712/50-848-24- 65 (140)-000-26/00090/00348538909712/50-848-24-125 (200)-000-26/00090/00340509909712/51-848-24- 65 (200)-000-26/00090/00340384909712/51-848-24-125 (260)-000-26/00090/00348540909712/50-854-24- 65 (140)-000-36/00090/00348539909712/50-854-24-125 (200)-000-36/00090/00317838909712/51-854-24- 65 (200)-000-36/00090/00102673909712/51-854-24-125 (260)-000-36/00090/00340381。
JUMO iRTD温度传感器参考数据表说明书

Data Sheet 902006Page 1/12RTD Temperature Probefor Device s and Plant s Te s ted/In s pected According to DIN EN 14597DIN EN 14597•For heat tran s mi ss ion plant s according to DIN 4754•For temperature s of up to 700°C•A s s ingle, double, or triple RTD temperature probe s •For water, oil, or air •For te s ted control and limitation device sThe RTD temperature probes specified in this data sheet can be used in connection with tem-perature control and limitation devices tested/inspected according to DIN EN 14597 (DIN 3440)in heat transmission plants according to DIN 4754.RTD temperature probes are the preferred choice for measuring temperatures in liquids and gases. Application areas include air conditioning and refrigeration technology as well as heat-ing, furnace/kiln, and apparatus engineering.Form B terminal heads are suitable for ambient temperatures up to 100°C.Protection tubes made of various materials protect the measuring insert against chemical influ-ences and mechanical damage. The appropriate protection tube material is selected according to the conditions on site.A Pt100 temperature sensor according to DIN EN 60751, classB is used in the measuring insert in a 2-wire-circuit as standard.Change s to the de s cribed ver s ion s require new de s ign approval.Important information: state the part no. from price sheet 902006 when ordering!Data Sheet902006Page 2/12 Dimen s ion sPo s. 1Po s. 2Po s. 3Po s. 4Po s. 5Po s. 6Data Sheet 902006Page 3/12In s ertion length EL in mmNominal length NL in mm Thread G in inche sTemperaturerange in °CType up to February 28, 20131× Pt100Type up to February 28, 20132× Pt100Typea s of March 01, 2013Order codeStainle ss s teel protection tube X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2, material-no. 1.457165to 670710G 1/2-170to +55090.272-F03-902006/54-227-1003-1-15-710-254/00065to 670710G 1/2-170to +550-90.272-F02902006/54-227-2003-1-15-710-254/000Important information:Please observe the internal lead wire resistance with respect to the operating temperature;see the final page for the resistance values.Operating media: water and oilOperating pressure: max. 27bar up to 100°C, 20bar up to 400°C, pressureless as of 400°CPos. 1Versions only for connecting aJUMO safetyM STB/STW Ex type 701155In s ertion length EL in mmNominal length NL in mm Thread G in inche s Temperaturerange in °C1× Pt1002× Pt100TypeOrder codeStainle ss s teel protection tube X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2, material-no. 1.457165to 670710G 1/2-170to +550x -902006/54-227-1003-1-15-710-254/92265to 670710G 1/2-170to +550-x902006/54-227-2003-1-15-710-254/922Important information:Please observe the internal lead wire resistance with respect to the operating temperature;see the final page for the resistance values.Operating media: water and oilOperating pressure: max. 27bar up to 100°C, 20bar up to 400°C, pressureless as of 400°CPos. 1Data Sheet 902006Page 4/12In s ertion length EL in mmThread G in inche sTemperature range in °CTypeup to February 28, 20131× Pt100Typeup to February 28, 20132× Pt100Typea s of March 01, 2013Order codeSteel protection tube St 35.8, material-no. 1.0305250G 1/2-170to +48090.239 ●-902006/10-226-1003-1-9-250-104/000 ●250G 1/2-170to +480-90D239902006/10-226-2003-1-9-250-104/000Stainle ss s teel protection tube X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2, material-no. 1.4571100G 1/2-40to +400902006/10-402-1003-902006/10-402-1003-1-9-100-104/000150G 1/2-40to +400x -902006/10-402-1003-1-9-150-104/000200G 1/2-40to +400x -902006/10-402-1003-1-9-200-104/000100G 1/2-40to +400-902006/10-402-2003902006/10-402-2003-1-9-100-104/000150G 1/2-40to +400-x 902006/10-402-2003-1-9-150-104/000200G 1/2-40to +400-x902006/10-402-2003-1-9-200-104/000Operating media: water and oilOperating pressure: max. 35bar up to 100°C, 20bar up to 400°C, pressureless as of 400°C ● Available from stock.Pos. 2Versions only for connecting aJUMO safetyM STB/STW Ex type 701155In s ertion length EL in mmThread G in inche s Temperature range in °C1× Pt1002× Pt100TypeOrder codeSteel protection tube St 35.8, material-no. 1.0305250G 1/2-170to +480x -902006/10-226-1003-1-9-250-104/922250G 1/2-170to +480-x 902006/10-226-2003-1-9-250-104/922Stainle ss s teel protection tube X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2, material-no. 1.4571100G 1/2-40to +400x -902006/10-402-1003-1-9-100-104/922150G 1/2-40to +400x -902006/10-402-1003-1-9-150-104/922200G 1/2-40to +400x -902006/10-402-1003-1-9-200-104/922100G 1/2-40to +400-x 902006/10-402-2003-1-9-100-104/922150G 1/2-40to +400-x 902006/10-402-2003-1-9-150-104/922200G 1/2-40to +400-x902006/10-402-2003-1-9-200-104/922Operating media: water and oilOperating pressure: max. 35bar up to 100°C, 20bar up to 400°C, pressureless as of 400°CData Sheet 902006Page 5/12In s ertion length a EL in mmLength L in mm Length L1in mm Temperature range in °C Type up to February 28, 20131× Pt100Type up to February28, 20132× Pt100Type up to February 28, 20133× Pt100Typea s of March 01, 2013Order codeSteel welding s houlder 15 Mo 3, material-no. 1.5415Steel protection tube St 35.8, material-no. 1.03051008096-40to +48090.239-F01--902006/53-507-1003-1-12-100-815/00016014096-40to +48090.239-F11--902006/53-507-1003-1-12-160-815/000190170146-40to +40090.239-F03--902006/53-505-1003-1-12-190-815/00022020096-40to +48090.239-F21 ●--902006/53-507-1003-1-12-220-815/000 ●1008096-40to +480-90.239-F02 ●-902006/53-507-2003-1-12-100-815/000 ●16014096-40to +480-90.239-F12-902006/53-507-2003-1-12-160-815/000190170146-40to +400-90D239-F03 ●-902006/53-505-2003-1-12-190-815/000 ●22020096-40to +480-902006/53-507-2003 ●-902006/53-507-2003-1-12-220-815/000 ●1008096-40to +400--90.239-F07902006/53-505-3003-1-12-100-815/00016014096-40to +400--90.239-F17902006/53-505-3003-1-12-160-815/00022020096-40to +400--90.239-F27902006/53-505-3003-1-12-220-815/000Operating media: water and oilOperating pressure: max. 103bar up to 100°C, 30bar up to 480°C ● Available from stock.Pos. 3aInsertion length of the RTD temperature probeVersions only for connecting aJUMO safetyM STB/STW Ex type 701155In s ertion length a EL in mmLength L in mm Length L1in mm Temperature range in °C1× Pt1002× Pt1003× Pt100TypeOrder codeSteel welding s houlder 15 Mo 3, material-no. 1.5415Steel protection tube St 35.8, material-no. 1.03051008096-40to +480x --902006/53-507-1003-1-12-100-815/92216014096-40to +480x --902006/53-507-1003-1-12-160-815/922190170146-40to +400x --902006/53-505-1003-1-12-190-815/92222020096-40to +480x --902006/53-507-1003-1-12-220-815/9221008096-40to +480-x -902006/53-507-2003-1-12-100-815/92216014096-40to +480-x -902006/53-507-2003-1-12-160-815/922190170146-40to +400-x -902006/53-505-2003-1-12-190-815/92222020096-40to +480-x -902006/53-507-2003-1-12-220-815/9221008096-40to +400--x 902006/53-505-3003-1-12-100-815/92216014096-40to +400--x 902006/53-505-3003-1-12-160-815/92222020096-40to +400--x 902006/53-505-3003-1-12-220-815/922Operating media: water and oilOperating pressure: max. 103bar up to 100°C, 30bar up to 480°CData Sheet 902006Page 6/12In s ertion length a EL in mmaInsertion length of the RTD temperature probeLength L in mmTemperature range in °CTypeup to February 28, 20131× Pt100Typea s of March 01, 2013Order codeSteel welding s houlder 15 Mo 3, material-no. 1.5415Steel protection tube St 35.8, material-no. 1.030510080-170to +48090.280-F32902006/40-226-1003-1-12-100-815/000160140-170to +48090.280-F31902006/40-226-1003-1-12-160-815/000220200-170to +48090.280-F30902006/40-226-1003-1-12-220-815/000Operating media: water and oilOperating pressure: max. 103bar up to 100°C, 30bar up to 480°CPos. 4Versions only for connecting aJUMO safetyM STB/STW Ex type 701155In s ertion length a EL in mmaInsertion length of the RTD temperature probeLength L in mm Temperature range in °C1× Pt100TypeOrder codeSteel welding s houlder 15 Mo 3, material-no. 1.5415Steel protection tube St 35.8, material-no. 1.030510080-170to +480x 902006/40-226-1003-1-12-100-815/922160140-170to +480x 902006/40-226-1003-1-12-160-815/922220200-170to +480x902006/40-226-1003-1-12-220-815/922Operating media: water and oilOperating pressure: max. 103bar up to 100°C, 30 bar up to 480°CPos. 4Data Sheet 902006Page 7/12Pu s h-in RTD temperature probeIn s ertion length EL in mmNominal length NL in mmTemperature range in °CType up to February 28, 20131× Pt100Type up to February 28, 20132× Pt100Typea s of March 01, 2013Order codeStainle ss s teel protection tube X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2, material-no. 1.457150to 460500-170to +700x -902006/65-228-1003-1-15-500-668/00050to 670710-170to +700x -902006/65-228-1003-1-15-710-668/00050to 9601000-170to +700x -902006/65-228-1003-1-15-1000-668/00050to 460500-170to +700-90.271-F01902006/65-228-2003-1-15-500-668/000 ●50to 670710-170to +700-90.272-F01902006/65-228-2003-1-15-710-668/00050to 9601000-170to +700-90.273-F01902006/65-228-2003-1-15-1000-668/000Important information:Please observe the internal lead wire resistance with respect to the operating temperature;see the final page for the resistance values.Operating medium: air●Available from stock. Pos. 5Versions only for connecting aJUMO safetyM STB/STW Ex type 701155In s ertion length EL in mmNominal length NL in mm Temperature range in °C1× Pt1002× Pt100TypeOrder codeStainle ss s teel protection tube X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2, material-no. 1.457150to 460500-170to +700x -902006/65-228-1003-1-15-500-668/92250to 670710-170to +700x -902006/65-228-1003-1-15-710-668/92250to 9601000-170to +700x -902006/65-228-1003-1-15-1000-668/92250to 460500-170to +700-x 902006/65-228-2003-1-15-500-668/92250to 670710-170to +700-x 902006/65-228-2003-1-15-710-668/92250to 9601000-170to +700-x902006/65-228-2003-1-15-1000-668/922Important information:Please observe the internal lead wire resistance with respect to the operating temperature;see the final page for the resistance values.Operating medium: airData Sheet 902006Page 8/12In s ertion length EL in mmThread G in inche sNominal length NL in mm Temperature range in °CType up to February 28, 20131× Pt100Type up to February 28, 20132× Pt100Typea s of March 01, 2013Order codeStainle ss s teel protection tube X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2, material-no. 1.457150to 460G 1/2500-170to +700x -902006/55-228-1003-1-15-500-254/00050to 670G 1/2710-170to +700x -902006/55-228-1003-1-15-710-254/00050to 960G 1/21000-170to +700x -902006/55-228-1003-1-15-1000-254/00050to 460G 1/2500-170to +700-x 902006/55-228-2003-1-15-500-254/000 ●50to 670G 1/2710-170to +700-x 902006/55-228-2003-1-15-710-254/00050to 960G 1/21000-170to +700-x902006/55-228-2003-1-15-1000-254/000Important information:Please observe the internal lead wire resistance with respect to the operating temperature;see the final page for the resistance values.Operating medium: air ● Available from stock.Pos. 6Versions only for connecting aJUMO safetyM STB/STW Ex type 701155In s ertion length EL in mmThread G in inche s Nominal length NL in mm Temperature range in °C1× Pt1002× Pt100TypeOrder codeStainle ss s teel protection tube X 6 CrNiMoTi 17 12 2, material-no. 1.457150to 460G 1/2500-170to +700x -902006/55-228-1003-1-15-500-254/92250to 670G 1/2710-170to +700x -902006/55-228-1003-1-15-710-254/92250to 960G 1/21000-170to +700x -902006/55-228-1003-1-15-1000-254/92250to 460G 1/2500-170to +700-x 902006/55-228-2003-1-15-500-254/92250to 670G 1/2710-170to +700-x 902006/55-228-2003-1-15-710-254/92250to 960G 1/21000-170to +700-x902006/55-228-2003-1-15-1000-254/922Important information:Please observe the internal lead wire resistance with respect to the operating temperature;see the final page for the resistance values.Operating medium: airData Sheet 902006Page 9/12Allocation li s t of temperature probe s to the re s pective JUMO device sFor connection to...JUMO s afetyM STB/STW type 701150The temperature probes are suitable for use according to DIN EN 14597.Based on the test report from TÜV-Nord no. SAS-110-2006TB-2.Temperature probe s for airTemperature probe s for water and oilTypea s of March 01, 2013Order codeTypeup to February 28, 2013Mea s uring probe Temperature range in °C Weld-in s leeve902006/65-228-1003-1-15-500-668/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-1003-1-15-710-668/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-1003-1-15-1000-668/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-2003-1-15-500-668/00090.271-F012× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-2003-1-15-710-668/00090.272-F012× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-2003-1-15-1000-668/00090.273-F012× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-1003-1-15-500-254/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-1003-1-15-710-254/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-1003-1-15-1000-254/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-2003-1-15-500-254/000-2× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-2003-1-15-710-254/000-2× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-2003-1-15-1000-254/000-2× Pt100-170to +700-Typea s of March 01, 2013Order codeTypeup to February 28, 2013Mea s uring probe Temperature range in °C Weld-in s leeve902006/54-227-1003-1-15-710-254/00090.272-F031× Pt100-170to +550-902006/54-227-2003-1-15-710-254/00090.272-F022× Pt100-170to +550-902006/10-226-1003-1-9-250-104/00090.2391× Pt100-170to +480-902006/10-226-2003-1-9-250-104/00090D2392× Pt100-170to +480-902006/10-402-1003-1-9-100-104/000902006/10-402-10031× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-1003-1-9-150-104/000-1× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-1003-1-9-200-104/000-1× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-2003-1-9-100-104/000902006/10-402-20032× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-2003-1-9-150-104/000-2× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-2003-1-9-200-104/000-2× Pt100-40to +400-902006/53-507-1003-1-12-100-815/00090.239-F011× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-507-1003-1-12-160-815/00090.239-F111× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-505-1003-1-12-190-815/00090.239-F031× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-507-1003-1-12-220-815/00090.239-F211× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-507-2003-1-12-100-815/00090.239-F022× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-507-2003-1-12-160-815/00090.239-F122× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-505-2003-1-12-190-815/00090D239-F032× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-507-2003-1-12-220-815/000902006/53-507-20032× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-505-3003-1-12-100-815/00090.239-F073× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-505-3003-1-12-160-815/00090.239-F173× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-505-3003-1-12-220-815/00090.239-F273× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/40-226-1003-1-12-100-815/00090.280-F321× Pt100-170to +480xData Sheet 902006Page 10/12For connection to...JUMO s afetyM TB/TW type 701160JUMO s afetyM TB/TW 08 type 701170JUMO DICON 500 type 703570JUMO DICON 501 type 703580The temperature probes are suitable for use according to DIN EN 14597.Based on the test report from TÜV-Süd no. C-T 1487-00/12.Temperature probe s for airTemperature probe s for water and oilTypea s of March 01, 2013Order codeTypeup to February 28, 2013Mea s uring probe Temperature range in °C Weld-in s leeve902006/65-228-1003-1-15-500-668/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-1003-1-15-710-668/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-1003-1-15-1000-668/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-2003-1-15-500-668/00090.271-F012× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-2003-1-15-710-668/00090.272-F012× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-2003-1-15-1000-668/00090.273-F012× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-1003-1-15-500-254/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-1003-1-15-710-254/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-1003-1-15-1000-254/000-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-2003-1-15-500-254/000-2× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-2003-1-15-710-254/000-2× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-2003-1-15-1000-254/000-2× Pt100-170to +700-Typea s of March 01, 2013Order codeTypeup to February 28, 2013Mea s uring probe Temperature range in °C Weld-in s leeve902006/54-227-1003-1-15-710-254/00090.272-F031× Pt100-170to +550-902006/54-227-2003-1-15-710-254/00090.272-F022× Pt100-170to +700-902006/10-226-1003-1-9-250-104/00090.2391× Pt100-170to +480-902006/10-226-2003-1-9-250-104/00090D2392× Pt100-170to +480-902006/10-402-1003-1-9-100-104/000902006/10-402-10031× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-1003-1-9-150-104/000-1× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-1003-1-9-200-104/000-1× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-2003-1-9-100-104/000902006/10-402-20032× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-2003-1-9-150-104/000-2× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-2003-1-9-200-104/000-2× Pt100-40to +400-902006/53-507-1003-1-12-100-815/00090.239-F011× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-507-1003-1-12-160-815/00090.239-F111× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-505-1003-1-12-190-815/00090.239-F031× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-507-1003-1-12-220-815/00090.239-F211× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-507-2003-1-12-100-815/00090.239-F022× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-507-2003-1-12-160-815/00090.239-F122× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-505-2003-1-12-190-815/00090D239-F032× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-507-2003-1-12-220-815/000902006/53-507-20032× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-505-2003-1-12-100-815/00090.239-F073× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-505-3003-1-12-160-815/00090.239-F173× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-505-3003-1-12-220-815/00090.239-F273× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/40-226-1003-1-12-100-815/00090.280-F321× Pt100-170to +480xData Sheet 902006Page 11/12For connection to...JUMO s afetyM STB/STW Ex type 701155The temperature probes are suitable for use in potentially explosive areas according to DIN EN 14597.Based on the test report from TÜV-Nord no. 12 203 556139.Temperature probe s for airTemperature probe s for water and oilTypea s of March 01, 2013Order codeTypeup to February 28, 2013Mea s uring probe Temperature range in °C Weld-in s leeve902006/65-228-1003-1-15-500-668/922-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-1003-1-15-710-668/922-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-1003-1-15-1000-668/922-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-2003-1-15-500-668/92290.271-F012× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-2003-1-15-710-668/92290.272-F012× Pt100-170to +700-902006/65-228-2003-1-15-1000-668/92290.273-F012× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-1003-1-15-500-254/922-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-1003-1-15-710-254/922-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-1003-1-15-1000-254/922-1× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-2003-1-15-500-254/922-2× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-2003-1-15-710-254/922-2× Pt100-170to +700-902006/55-228-2003-1-15-1000-254/922-1× Pt100-170to +700-Typea s of March 01, 2013Order codeTypeup to February 28, 2013Mea s uring probe Temperature range in °C Weld-in s leeve902006/54-227-1003-1-15-710-254/92290.272-F031× Pt100-170to +550-902006/54-227-2003-1-15-710-254/92290.272-F022× Pt100-170to +700-902006/10-226-1003-1-9-250-104/92290.2391× Pt100-170to +480-902006/10-226-2003-1-9-250-104/92290D2392× Pt100-170to +480-902006/10-402-1003-1-9-100-104/922902006/10-402-10031× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-1003-1-9-150-104/922-1× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-1003-1-9-200-104/922-1× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-2003-1-9-100-104/922902006/10-402-20032× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-2003-1-9-150-104/922-2× Pt100-40to +400-902006/10-402-2003-1-9-200-104/922-2× Pt100-40to +400-902006/53-507-1003-1-12-100-815/92290.239-F011× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-507-1003-1-12-160-815/92290.239-F111× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-505-1003-1-12-190-815/92290.239-F031× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-507-1003-1-12-220-815/92290.239-F211× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-507-2003-1-12-100-815/92290.239-F022× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-507-2003-1-12-160-815/92290.239-F122× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-505-2003-1-12-190-815/92290D239-F032× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-507-2003-1-12-220-815/922902006/53-507-20032× Pt100-40to +480x 902006/53-505-3003-1-12-100-815/92290.239-F073× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-505-3003-1-12-160-815/92290.239-F173× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/53-505-3003-1-12-220-815/92290.239-F273× Pt100-40to +400x 902006/40-226-1003-1-12-100-815/92290.280-F321× Pt100-170to +480x 902006/40-226-1003-1-12-160-815/92290.280-F311× Pt100-170to +480x 902006/40-226-1003-1-12-220-815/92290.280-F301× Pt100-170to +480xData Sheet 902006Page 12/12Temperature error sThe internal lead wire causes a systematic measure-ment error in the versions 902006/54 and 902006/65.This depends on both the nominal length (NL) as well as the measured temperature. In the table, the error is shown per 100mm in s ertion length (EL) depending on the temperature measurement.Lead wire resistance of a 0.5mm NiCr wire per 100mm in s ertion length (EL) (double wire length).The specifications are to be viewed as reference values.L e a d w i r e r e s i s t a n c e R /ΩM e a s u r e m e n t e r r o r Δt /KMeasured temperature t/°C_______ Resistance --------- Temperaturet/°C R/ΩΔt/K 00.73 1.871000.75 1.982000.77 2.093000.79 2.224000.81 2.355000.83 2.496000.85 2.647000.87 2.808000.892.98。
JUMO 推进温度传感器的文档说明书

Data Sheet 90.2120 (90.2102)Page 1/5Push-in RTD temperature probes with terminal head form B■For temperatures from -50to +600°C ■with replaceable measuring insert■As single or double RTD temperature probes ■Connection head form B, BUZ, BUZH, BBK ■Available with transmitterPush-in RTD temperature probes are preferentially used for measuring temperatures in liquids and gasses. Application areas encompass, among others, the air conditioning technology and refrigeration engineering, as well as the heating system, kiln and apparatus engineering sector,and in process technology.The connection head is suitable for ambient temperatures up to +100C. The versions BUZ,BUZH and BBK are also available in addition to the standard connection head, form B.The measuring insert is normally fitted with a Pt100 temperature probe as per DIN EN 60751,class B in 2-wire circuit, versions with Pt500 or Pt1000 are also possible. Connection is available in 3-wire or 4-wire-circuitry as an option. A transmitter can be optionally integrated into the connection head.Technical dataTerminal headForm B DIN 43729, die-cast aluminum, M 20x1.5; IP65, ambient temperature -40to +100°C Form BUZ, die-cast aluminum, M 20x1.5; IP65, ambient temperature -40to +100°C Form BUZH, die-cast aluminum, M 20x1.5; IP65, ambient temperature -40to+100°C Form BBK, plastic, M 20x1.5; IP54, ambient temperature -30to +130°C Caution: reduced ambient temperature range when using transmitters,data sheets 70.7010, 70.7030 and 70.7060Process connectionSheet steel flange Ø9mm, Ø11mm, galvanized steel Stop flange Ø15mm, DIN 43734, gray cast ironPipe screw-connection Ø12mm, Ø15mm, stainless steel SheathStainless steel 1.4571, Ø9mm, Ø11mm, Ø 15mmMeasuring insert Replaceable, Pt100 temperature probe, DIN EN 60751, class B, 2-wire circuit Transmitteranalog transmitter, 4to 20mA output, data sheet 70.7030analog transmitter, 0to 10V output, data sheet 70.7030programmable transmitter, 4to 20mA/20to 4mA output, data sheet 70.7010Wtrans B programmable head transducer with radio transmission, data sheet 70.7060(suitable Wtrans receivers, data sheet 90.2931)Data Sheet 90.2120 (90.2102)Page 2/5DimensionsBasic type 902120/10Basic type 902120/11Data Sheet 90.2120 (90.2102)Page 3/5Order specifications:Push-in RTD temperature probe with connection head form B(1)Basic type902120/10Push-in RTD temperature probes with continuous sheath(2)Operating temperature in °Cx150-200to+600°Cx402-50to+400°C (standard)x415-50to+600°C(3)Measuring insertx10011x Pt100 in 3-wire-circuitx10031x Pt100 in 2-wire circuitx10111x Pt100 in 4-wire circuitx20012x Pt100 in 3-wire circuitx20032x Pt100 in 2-wire circuit(4)Tolerance class as per DIN EN 60751x1Class B (standard)x2Class A(5)Sheath diameter D in mmx9Ø9mmx11Ø11mmx15Ø15mm(6)Nominal length NL in mm (100≤ΝΛ£1000) x180180mm, fitting length (EL) 100to140mm x270270mm, fitting length (EL) 100to230mm x290290mm, fitting length (EL) 100to250mm x350350mm, fitting length (EL) 100to310mm x410410mm, fitting length (EL) 100to370mm x420420mm, fitting length (EL) 100to400mmx500500mm, fitting length (EL) 100to460mmx710710mm, fitting length (EL) 100to670mmx10001000mm, fitting length (EL) 100to960mmx...Specification in plain text (50mm steps)(7)Process connectionx000without process connectionx254Sheath screw connection G1/2 (for a 15mm diameteronly)x663Sheet steel flange Ø 9mmx665Sheet steel flange Ø 11mmx668Stop flange Ø 15mm, DIN 43734(8)Extra codesx000no extra codex320terminal head Form BUZx321terminal head Form BUZHx322Connection head form BBKx3301x analog transmitter, 4to20mA2 output, data sheet 70.7030x3311x transmitter programmable output 4to20mA/20to4mA3, data sheet 70.7010x3331x analog transmitter, 0to10V2 output, data sheet 70.7030x3342x analog transmitters, 4to20mA2 output, data sheet 70.7030x3352x transmitter programmable output 4to20mA/20to4mA3, data sheet 70.7010x3372x analog transmitters, 0to10V2 output, data sheet 70.7030x8591x Wtrans B programmable head transducer with radio transmission, data sheet 70.7060(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)Order code------/, (1)Order example902120/10-402-1001-1-9-410-663/000Data Sheet 90.2120 (90.2102)Page 4/5Order specifications:Push-in RTD temperature probe with connection head form B(1)Basic type902120/11Push-in RTD temperature probes with stepped sheath(2)Operating temperature in °Cx150-200to+600°Cx402-50to+400°C (standard)x415-50to+600°C(3)Measuring insertx10011x Pt100 in 3-wire-circuitx10031x Pt100 in 2-wire circuitx10111x Pt100 in 4-wire circuitx20012x Pt100 in 3-wire circuitx20032x Pt100 in 2-wire circuit(4)Tolerance class as per DIN EN 60751x1Class B (standard)x2Class A(5)Sheath diameter D in mmx12Ø12mm stepped down to 9mm(6)Nominal length NL in mm (100≤ΝΛ£700) x180180mm, fitting length (EL) 100to140mm x270270mm, fitting length (EL) 100to230mm x290290mm, fitting length (EL) 100to250mm x350350mm, fitting length (EL) 100to310mm x410410mm, fitting length (EL) 100to370mm x500500mm, fitting length (EL) 100to460mm x...Specification in plain text (50mm steps)(7)Process connectionx000without process connectionx254Sheath screw-connection G1/2(8)Extra codesx000no extra codex320terminal head Form BUZx321terminal head Form BUZHx322Connection head form BBKx3301x analog transmitter, 4to20mA2 output, data sheet 70.7030x3311x transmitter programmable output 4to20mA/20to4mA3, data sheet 70.7010x3331x analog transmitter, 0to10V2 output, data sheet 70.7030x3342x analog transmitters, 4to20mA2 output, data sheet 70.7030x3352x transmitter programmable output 4to20mA/20to4mA3, data sheet 70.7010x3372x analog transmitters, 0to10V2 output, data sheet 70.7030x8591x Wtrans B programmable head transducer with radio transmission, data sheet 70.7060(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)Order code------/, (1)Order example902120/11-402-1001-1-12-410-000/000Data Sheet 90.2120 (90.2102)Page 5/5Accessories for programmable 2-wire transmitter type 707010in the accessories data sheet 70.9770Accessories for Wtrans B, programmable head transmitter with radio transmission Type 707060Stock versions(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)Sales No.:902120/10-415-1003-1-15-500-668/00090/00055514902120/10-402-1003-1-11-180-665/00090/00055681PartSales No.:PC interface with TTL/RS232 converter and adapter (socket connector)70/00350260PC interface with USB/TTL converter, adapter (socket connector) and adapter (pins)70/00456352Special programming (standard measuring range 0to 100°C)-Setup program on CD-ROM, multilingual70/00378733PartSales No.:Lithium battery 3.6V, 2.2Ah (size AA)70/00547559PC interface with USB/TTL converter, adapter (socket) and adapter (pins)70/00456352PC interface with TTL/RS232 converter and adapter (socket connector)70/00350260Setup program on CD-ROM, multilingual70/00488887Setup program including OnlineChart on CD-ROM, multilingual 70/00549067OnlineChart activation70/00549188。

3.1.3 热电偶的冷端补偿
热电偶只有当冷端温度恒定时,热电动势才是热端温度的 单值函数。
热电偶分度表是以冷端温度为0℃时做出的, 热电偶通常靠近被测对象,且受到周围环境温度的影响, 其冷端温度不可能恒定不变。 必须采取一些相应的措施进行补偿或修正, 消除冷端温 度变化和不为0℃所产生的影响。
3.1 热电偶传感器
热电偶温度传感器 将被测温度转化为mV级热电动势信号输出, 属于自发电型传感器, 测温范围为180~1 800℃。
3.1.1 热电偶结构 1.普通工业热电偶
通常由热电极、绝缘管、保护管和接线盒等 几个主要部分组成,其结构如图2.3所示。
热电极有单支(双芯)、双支(四芯),彼此间互 不接触。
铠装热电偶体积小、热容量小、动态响应快、挠性 好、柔软性好、强度高、耐压、耐震、耐冲击等许多优 点,广泛应用于工业生产过程。
图3.1 热电偶测温系统示意图
热电偶两接点温度t、t0,中间温度tn, 热电动势等于该热电偶在接点温度为t、tn和tn、t0时的热电
当t0=0,tn= t0时,上式可写成 EAB(t,0)=EAB(t,t0)+EAB(t0,0)
(2.5) (2.6)
JUMO 紧固定电导性温度传感器系列说明书

Page 1/4Fax:+49 661 6003-607e-mail:Internet: Fax:+44 1279 635262e-mail:Internet: Fax:315-697-5867e-mail:Internet:Screw-in RTD temperature probewith terminal head form J■For temperatures from -50 to +400°C■As single or double RTD temperature probes ■Available with transmitter ■Protection class IP65Screw-in RTD temperature probes are preferentially used for measuring temperatures in liquids and gases. A decisive selection criterion is the reliable sealing feature of this installation type with vacuum and with overpressure. The application areas are, among others, in the air conditioning technology and refrigeration engineering as well as the HVAC, kiln and apparatus engineering sector.The measuring insert is normally fitted with a Pt100 temperature sensor according to DIN EN 60751, Class B in 2-wire circuit; versions with Pt500 or Pt1000 temperature sensors can also be supplied, as well as 3- and 4-wire circuit connections. A transmitter can be optionally integrated into the connection head.Technical DataTerminal headForm J, die-cast aluminum, M 16x1.5; IP65, ambient temperature -40 to +100°C Caution: reduced ambient temperature range when using transmitters,Data Sheet 70.7030Process connection thread, stainless steel 1.4571Protection tube Stainless steel 1.4571, Ø6mm and Ø8mmMeasuring insert Pt100 temperature sensor according to DIN EN 60751, Class B, two-wire circuit Response times t 0.5 = 5 sec, t 0.9 = 14 sec, in water 0.4m/sec, 6mm dia.Transmitter Analog transmitter, output 4 to 20mA, Data sheet 70.7030AccessoriesSheath, Data Sheet 90.9710 (90.9721)Page 2/4Fax:+49 661 6003-607e-mail:*************Internet: Fax:+44 1279 635262e-mail:*************.uk Internet: Fax:315-697-5867e-mail:************Internet:DimensionsType 902030/10Type 902030/11Type 902030/31Type 902030/80Page 3/4Fax:+49 661 6003-607e-mail:*************Internet: Fax:+44 1279 635262e-mail:*************.uk Internet: Fax:315-697-5867e-mail:************Internet:Order details:Screw-in RTD temperature probe with terminal head form J(1)Basic type902030/10Screw-in RTD temperature probes with continuous sheath902030/11Screw-in RTD temperature probes with stepped sheath(with Ø6 to Ø3.8mm; with Ø8 to Ø6mm)902030/31Screw-in RTD temperature probes with stepped sheath for air measurement902030/80Screw-in RTD temperature probes with spring-loaded connection,12mm spring deflection,connection head rotatable by 360°(2)Operating temperature in °Cx x647-20 to +150°C (only in conjunction with class B and 1x Pt100/1x Pt1000 in 2-wire circuit)x378-50 to +180°C x x x380-50 to +200°C x x 386-50 to +260°C x x 402-50 to +400°C (3)Measuring insertx x x x 10011x Pt100 in 3-wire-circuit x x x x 10031x Pt100 in 2-wire circuit x x x x 10051x Pt1000 in 2-wire circuit x x x x 10111x Pt100 in 4-wire circuit x x x x20032x Pt100 in 2-wire circuit(4)Tolerance class according to EN 60751x x x x 1Class B (standard)x x x x 2Class A(5)Protection tube diameter D in mm x x x 6Ø6mm (standard)x x 8Ø8mm (6)Fitting length EL in mm (100≤EL ≤1000)x x 5050mm x x x x 100100mm x x x x 150150mm x x x x 250250mm x x x x 300300mmxx xx...Specification in plain text (50mm steps)(7)Process connection x x x 102Screw connection (thread) G 1/4x x x 103Screw connection (thread) G 3/8x x x x 104Screw connection (thread) G 1/2(8)Extra codesx x x x 000without extra codesx x x x3301x analog transmitter, 4 to 20mA 1 output, Data sheet 70.7030(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)Order code ------/Order example902030/10-402-1001-1-6-100-104/0001Specify measuring range in plain text.Page 4/4Fax:+49 661 6003-607e-mail:*************Internet: Fax:+44 1279 635262e-mail:*************.uk Internet: Fax:315-697-5867e-mail:************Internet:Stock versions(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)Part No.902030/10-380-2003-1-6-50-104/00090/00533450902030/10-380-2003-1-6-100-104/00090/00533451902030/10-380-2003-1-6-150-104/00090/00533452902030/10-402-1003-1-6-50-104/00090/00055692902030/10-402-1003-1-6-100-104/00090/00055693902030/10-402-1003-1-6-150-104/00090/00055694902030/10-402-1003-1-6-300-104/00090/00065691902030/10-402-1003-1-6-250-104/00090/00533433902030/10-402-2003-1-6-50-104/00090/00383011902030/10-402-2003-1-6-100-104/00090/00526429902030/10-402-2003-1-6-150-104/00090/00533442902030/10-402-1003-1-6-50-103/00090/00478984902030/10-402-1003-1-6-100-103/00090/00424045902030/10-380-1003-1-6-100-104/330(-40 to +60°C)90/00533453902030/10-647-1003-1-6-100-104/330(0 to 100°C)90/00533454902030/10-647-1003-1-6-150-104/330(0 to 100°C)90/00533468902030/10-402-1005-1-6-100-104/00090/00359611902030/10-402-1005-1-6-150-104/00090/00411610902030/10-647-1003-1-6-50-104/00090/00533448902030/10-647-1003-1-6-100-104/00090/00533449902030/10-647-1003-1-6-150-104/00090/00508957902030/31-380-1003-1-6-75-104/00090/00438406902030/31-380-1003-1-6-100-104/00090/00438408902030/31-380-1003-1-6-150-104/00090/00438409。

902810久茂JUMO温度传感器技术参数德国久茂JUMO温度传感器----食品制药行业专用热电阻902810久茂JUMO温度传感器详细说明特点:测温范围-50 -- +250° C德国久茂卫生温度变送器不锈钢保护管单支或双支型一体化温度变送器可选|符合CIP要求的安装方式接线盒:可配不锈钢接线盒、铸铝接线盒或塑料接线盒可提供满足食品和制药行业应用的各种过程连接保护管为不锈钢材质测温范围-50 -- +250° C.采用单支或双支Pt100温度传感器EN 60 751,3线制,确保高精度测量当传送距离较远时,可选内置模拟或智能的温度变送器德国久茂JUMO温度传感器----食品制药行业专用技术数据不锈钢接线盒:材质1. 4571,电连接M16x1. 5,防护等级IP67,环境温度-20 -一+100C铸铝连线盒,电连接M20x1.5,防护等级IP54 -- IP65, 环境温度-20 --+100塑料(PA 66),电连接M20x1.5,防护等级IP54,环境温度-20 -- +100°C注意:带温度变送器时允许的环境温度降低(见数据单95.6530/95. 6550)德国久茂JUMO温度传感器----食品制药行业专用延长管不锈钢,长度大约70mm, 9mm 外径过程连接符合CIP要求具有锥台密封的螺纹连接,不锈钢316 L卡箍连接,DIN 32 676,不锈钢316 L带环形螺母的锥形管接头(牛奶管接头),DIN 11 851, 不锈钢316 L球形焊座,不锈钢316 L,聚四氟Z烯密封符合CIP的焊座,不锈钢316 L,聚四氟乙烯密封VARIENT(变径)连接,不锈钢316 L球形焊套,不锈钢316 Ti保护套管不锈钢316 L, 6mm外径不锈钢316 Ti,可选热电阻插芯Pt100 温度传感器,EN 60 751,3线制久茂集团的产品范围涵盖了温度、压力、水质分析、流量、液位以及湿度领域的从传感器到自动化解决方案整条测量链。

90.2050 (90.2005)Page 1/5Fax:+49 661 6003-607E-mail:Internet: Fax:+44 1279 63 52 62E-mail:Internet: Fax:315-697-5867E-mail:Internet:Screw-in RTD temperature probes with connectingcable■for temperatures from -50 to +400°C■as single or twin RTD temperature probe ■in 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire circuit■connecting cable in PVC, silicone, PTFE or with metal braidingScrew-in RTD temperature probes are mainly used for measuring temperatures in liquids and gases. An important selection criterion is their reliable sealing against both negative and positive pressures. Applications include HVAC, refrigeration, heating installations, ov-ens, furnaces and plant engineering.Depending on the version, the connecting cables are suitable for use in dry and humid ar-eas within the temperature range -50 to +350°C. The junction between cable and protec-tion tube incorporates strain relief. A cable protector can be supplied as an option.The measuring insert is normally fitted with a Pt100 temperature sensor to EN 60 751,Class B in 2-wire circuit. Versions with Pt500 or Pt1000 are also available. In addition,there is a choice of 3-wire or 4-wire circuit connections.Technical dataConnection available with cable ends as: bare wires, with ferrules, receptacles or multipole connector Connecting cablePVC, ambient temperature -5 to +80°C (+105°C)silicone, ambient temperature -50 to +180°C PTFE, ambient temperature -190 to +260°Cmetal braiding, ambient temperature -50 to +350°Cconnecting cable can optionally be supplied with shielding Process connection thread, stainless steel 1.4571Protection tube stainless steel 1.4571 (Type 902050/30 Inconel 2.4816), 5mm, 5.4mm, 6mm and 8mm dia.Measuring insert Pt100 temperature sensor, EN 60 751, Cl. B, 2-wire circuit Response times t 0.5 approx. 2sec, t 0.9 approx. 6sec, in water 0.2m/sec, 6mm dia.Accessoriespocket, see Data Sheet 90.9721 and 90.244090.2050 (90.2005)Page 2/5Fax:+49 661 6003-607E-mail:*************Internet: Fax:+44 1279 63 52 62E-mail:*************.uk Internet: Fax:315-697-5867E-mail:************Internet:DimensionsType 902050/10Type 902050/20Type 902050/30Type 902050/4090.2050 (90.2005)Page 3/5Fax:+49 661 6003-607E-mail:*************Internet: Fax:+44 1279 63 52 62E-mail:*************.uk Internet: Fax:315-697-5867E-mail:************Internet:Order details:Screw-in RTD temperature probes with connecting cable(1)Basic version902050/10Screw-in RTD temperature probe with fixed screw fitting902050/20Screw-in RTD temperature probe with loose screw fitting(2)Operating temperature in °C / connecting cablex x 130-200 to +400°C / metal braiding x x 380-50 to +200°C / silicone x x 386-50 to +260°C / PTFEx x 402-50 to +400°C / metal braiding x x 724-5 to +80°C / PVCx x 912 5 to 105°C / PVC (only with 1 x 2-wire or 3-wire circuit)(3)Measuring insertx x 1001 1 x Pt100 in 3-wire circuit x x 1003 1 x Pt100 in 2-wire circuit x x 1011 1 x Pt100 in 4-wire circuit x x 2001 2 x Pt100 in 3-wire circuit xx20032 x Pt100 in 2-wire circuit (4)Tolerance class to EN 60 751x x 1Class B (standard)x x 2Class A (5)Protection tube diameter D in mm x x 55mm x x 66mm (6)Fitting length EL in mm (50≤ EL ≤500)x 1717mm x 3737mm x x 5050mm x x 100100mm x 137137mm x x 200200mm x 250250mmx x ...please specify in plain text (50mm steps)(7)Process connectionx 102thread 1/4"pipe x 104thread 1/2"pipe x 114thread M 10 x 1(8)Connecting cable endx x 03bare cable endsx x 11ferrules to DIN 46 228 Part 4 (standard)x x 13receptacle 6.3 to DIN 46 247x x 80multipole connector (please specify type in plain text)x x99to customer specification (9)Connecting cable length AL in mm (500≤ AL ≤500000)x x 25002500mmx x ...please specify in plain text (500mm steps)(10)Extra codesx x 000no extra codex x 310stepped protection tube x x 315cable protector: coil x x 316cable protector: tubex x317shielded connecting cable(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)Order code --------/ ,...Order example902050/10-380-1001-1-6-100-104-11-2500/00011.List extra codes in sequence, separated by commas.90.2050 (90.2005)Page 4/5Fax:+49 661 6003-607E-mail:*************Internet: Fax:+44 1279 63 52 62E-mail:*************.uk Internet: Fax:315-697-5867E-mail:************Internet:Order details:Screw-in RTD temperature probes with connecting cable(1)Basic version902050/30Screw-in RTD temperature probe with loose screw fitting and stepped protection tube(2)Operating temperature in °C / connecting cablex 380-50 to +200°C / silicone (3)Measuring insertx 1001 1 x Pt100 in 3-wire circuit x 10031 x Pt100 in 2-wire circuit(4)Tolerance class to EN 60 751x 1Class B (standard)x 2Class A (5)Protection tube diameter D in mm x 5.4 5.4mm dia. stepped down to 3.3mm (6)Fitting length EL in mm x 27.527.5mm (7)Process connection x 114thread M 10 x 1(8)Connecting cable endx 03bare cable endsx 11ferrules to DIN 46 228 Part 4 (standard)x 13receptacle 6.3 to DIN 46 247x 80multipole connector (please specify type in plain text)x 99to customer specification(9)Connecting cable length AL in mm (500≤ AL ≤500000)x 25002500mm x ...please specify in plain text (500mm steps)(10)Extra codesx 000no extra codex 315cable protector: coil x 316cable protector: tubex317shielded connecting cable(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)Order code--------/ ,...Order example902050/30-380-1003-1-5.4-27.5-114-11-2500/00011.List extra codes in sequence, separated by commas.90.2050 (90.2005)Page 5/5Fax:+49 661 6003-607E-mail:*************Internet: Fax:+44 1279 63 52 62E-mail:*************.uk Internet: Fax:315-697-5867E-mail:************Internet:Order details:Screw-in RTD temperature probes with connecting cable(1)Basic version902050/40Screw-in RTD temperature probe, screw-in protection tube(2)Operating temperature in °C / connecting cablex 380-50 to +200°C / siliconex 390-50 to +300°C / metal braiding x 724-5 to +80°C / PVCx 9125 to 105°C / PVC (only with 1 x 2-wire or 3-wire circuit)(3)Measuring insertx 1001 1 x Pt100 in 3-wire circuit x 1003 1 x Pt100 in 2-wire circuit(4)Tolerance class to EN 60 751x 1Class B (standard)x 2Class A(5)Protection tube diameter D in mmx 8M 8(6)Fitting length EL in mmx 2525mm (7)Process connectionx 111thread M 8(8)Connecting cable endx 03bare cable endsx 11ferrules to DIN 46 228 Part 4 (standard)x 13receptacle 6.3 to DIN 46 247x 80multipole connector (please specify type in plain text)x 99to customer specification (9)Connecting cable length AL in mm (500≤ AL ≤500000)x 25002500mmx ...please specify in plain text (500mm steps)(10)Extra codesx 000no extra codex 315cable protector: coil x 316cable protector: tubex317shielded connecting cable(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)Order code--------/ ,...Order example902050/40-390-1003-1-8-25-111-11-2500/00011.List extra codes in sequence, separated by commas.Stock versions:(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)Sales No.--------/902050/10-380-1001-1-6-100-104-11-2500/31690/00065232902050/10-380-1001-1-6-250-104-11-2500/31690/00065235902050/20-130-1003-1-6-37-114-11-2500/315,31790/00055644902050/20-130-1001-1-6-37-114-11-2500/315,31790/00055646902050/30-380-1001-1- 5.4-27.5-114-11-2500/31690/00089972902050/40-390-1003-1-8-25-111-11-2500/315,31790/00055722902050/40-390-1001-1-8-25-111-11-2500/315,31790/00055732。
JUMO RTD温度传感器说明书

Data Sheet 902520 Page 1/10 Indoor, Outdoor, and Channel RTDTemperature Probes•For temperatures from -50 to +200°C•For use in air-conditioning technology•Protection type IP20 to IP65•Connection available in two-wire, three-wire, or four-wire circuit•Available with analog transmitterIndoor, outdoor, and channel RTD temperature probes for air-conditioning technology are mainlyused for temperature measurement in rooms, in air channels, and outdoors.Various device versions made of plastic with different protection types are available for the re-spective measuring task.The measuring insert is fitted as standard with a Pt100 temperature sensor according to DIN EN60751, class B in a two-wire circuit; versions with Pt500, Pt1000, Ni1000, and various NTCs arealso available. From the connection terminals, wiring in a three-wire and four-wire circuit is alsopossible.A transmitter can be integrated as an option.Technical dataCable socket Plastic housing PC (basic type 902520/11, material PP), protection type IP20 to IP65,basic type 902524/25 protection type IP54 and IP65Protection tube Stainless steel 1.4571; dia.6mmMeasuring insert Pt100 temperature sensor, DIN EN 60751, class B, two-wire circuitPt1000 temperature sensor, DIN EN 60751, class B, two-wire circuit,Please see the order details for further optionsTransmitter Analog transmitter, output signal 4to20mA or 0to10VApprovals / approval marks (see "Technical data")QUALIFIED QUALIFIEDData Sheet 902520 Page 2/10TransmitterApprovals / approval marksOutput 4to 20mAOutput 0to 10V InputMeasurement input Pt100 (DIN EN 60751)Pt100 (DIN EN 60751)Sensor current ≤0.5mA≤0.5mASampling ratePermanent measurement due to analog signal path Permanent measurement due to analog signal path Measuring circuit monitoring Underrange Dropping to ≤3.6mA 0VOverrange Increasing to ≥22to <28mA (typical 24mA)Increasing to ≥11to <14V (typical 12V)Probe short circuit ≤3.6mA0VProbe/cable break ≥22to <28mA (typical 24mA)≥11to <14V (typical 12V)Output Output signalLoad-independent direct current: 4to 20mA Direct voltage: 0to 10V Transmission behavior Temperature-linear Temperature-linear Transmission accuracy≤±0.1%≤±0.2%Attenuation of the residual ripple of a voltage supply of 24V,amplitude 10V/50Hz,burden 470Ω/load 10M Ω37dB40dBBurden (Rb)Rb = (Ub -7.5V)÷22mA -Burden influence ≤±0.02%/100Ωaa All specifications refer to the measuring range end value of 20mA.-Load / load influence-≥10k Ω/≤±0.1%Setting time for temperature changes ≤10ms≤10msCalibration conditions DC 24V/approx. 22°C DC 24V/approx. 22°C Calibration accuracy≤±0.2%a,b or ≤±0.2K bThe higher value is valid.≤±0.2%a,b or ≤±0.2K Overall accuracy, sensor/calibration ±0.4K (typical) at 20°C/24V voltage supply ±0.4K (typical) at 20°C/24V voltage supply Voltage supply Voltage supply (Ub)DC 7.5to 30V DC 15to 30V Reverse voltage protection YesYesVoltage supply influence ≤±0.01%/V deviation from 24V a ≤±0.01%/V deviation from 24V a Environmental influences Operating temperature range -40to +85°C -40to +85°C Storage temperature range -40to +100°C-40to +100°CTemperature influence≤±0.01%/K deviation from 22°C a≤±0.01%/K deviation from 22°C aResistance to climatic conditions similar to DIN EN 60654 class C1Relative humidity ≤95% annual average, no condensationRelative humidity ≤95% annual average, no condensationEMC interference emission/immunityEN 61326 class B, industrial requirementsEN 61326 class B, industrial requirementsApproval mark Test facility Certificate / certification number Inspection basis Valid forSIL QUALIFIED PL QUALIFIED---Extra code 058in conjunction with declara-tion of manufacturerData Sheet 902520 Page 3/10 Connection diagramData Sheet 902520 Page 4/10DimensionsBasic type 902520/10Basic type 902520/11Basic type 902520/15Basic type 902520/21Basic type 902520/22Basic type 902520/23Data Sheet 902520 Page 5/10Basic type 902520/24Basic type 902524/25Basic type 902524/31Basic type 902524/32Data Sheet 902520 Page 6/10Order detailsIndoor and outdoor RTD temperature probe(1)Basic type902520/10Indoor RTD temperature probe Protection type IP20902520/11Indoor and outdoor RTD temperature probe Protection type IP54902520/15Outdoor RTD temperature probe Protection type IP65(2)Operating temperature in °C x 361-50to +90°C x 572-30to +80°C x 635-20to +80°Cx 8030to 40°C (measuring range only in conjunction with transmitter)x 8070to 60°C (measuring range only in conjunction with transmitter)(3)Measuring insertx 10011×Pt100 in three-wire circuit x x x 10031×Pt100 in two-wire circuit x xx 10051×Pt1000 in two-wire circuit x x x10091×Ni1000 in two-wire circuit x 16191×KTY 81-110x 17281×NTC 1kOhmx 20012×Pt100 in three-wire circuit x 20032×Pt100 in two-wire circuit(4)Tolerance class according to DIN EN 60751x 0Technical data Ni/NTC/KTYx x x 1Class B (standard)x x 2Class A xx3Class AA (5)Extra codes x x x 000nonex x x 058SIL and PL-compatiblex 3301×analog transmitter, output 4to 20mA a (in conjunction with 1×Pt100), data sheet 707030aSpecify measuring range in plain text.x3331×analog transmitter, output 0to 10V a (in conjunction with 1×Pt100), data sheet 707030x903Cable fitting (IP65)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Order code ---/,...aaList extra codes in sequence, separated by commas.Order example902520/10-572-1001-1/000Data Sheet 902520 Page 7/10Wall RTD temperature probe(1)Basic type902520/21Wall RTD temperature probewith internal sensorProtection type IP65902520/22Wall RTD temperature probewith outer sensorProtection type IP65902520/23Wall RTD temperature probewith stepped-down protection tubeProtection type IP65902520/24Wall RTD temperature probewith push-in RTD temperature probewith 2500mm PVC connecting cableProtection type IP65(2)Operating temperature in °Cx x x361-50to+90°Cx x x474-40to+80°C (measuring range only in conjunction with transmitter)x572-30to+80°C (measuring range only in conjunction with transmitter)x x x x573-30to+90°C (standard)(3)Measuring insertx x x x10031×Pt100 in two-wire circuit (standard)x x x x10051×Pt1000 in two-wire circuitx x x x10091×Ni1000 in two-wire circuit (TK 6180ppm/K)x x x16191×KTY 81-110x x x16541×LM235 Zx x x x17281×NTC 1kOhmx x x x20032×Pt100 in two-wire circuitx x x x20052×Pt1000 in two-wire circuitx x x20092×Ni1000 in two-wire circuit (TK 6180ppm/K)(4)Tolerance class according to DIN EN 60751x x x x0Technical data Ni/NTC/KTY/LM235 Zx x x x1Class B (standard)x x x x2Class Ax x x x3Class AA(5)Extra codesx x x x000nonex x x x058SIL and PL-compatiblex x x x242Spring-cage terminalx x x x3301×analog transmitter, output 4to20mA a (in conjunction with 1×Pt100), data sheet 707030x x x x3331×analog transmitter, output 0to10V a (in conjunction with 1×Pt100), data sheet 707030a Specify measuring range (deviating measuring range) in plain text.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) Order code---/Order example902520/21-573-1003-1/000Data Sheet 902520 Page 8/10Channel RTD temperature probe(1)Basic type902524/25Plug-in channel RTD temperature probe with smooth protection tube Protection type IP54(2)Operating temperature in °C x 380-50to +200°C (3)Measuring insertx 10031×Pt100 in two-wire circuit (standard)x 10051×Pt1000 in two-wire circuit x 10091×Ni1000 in two-wire circuit(4)Tolerance class according to DIN EN 60751x 1Class B (standard)x 2Class A(5)Protection tube diameter D in mm x 6Dia.6mm(6)Nominal length NL in mm (NL 50to 500)x 100100mm x 150150mm x 200200mmx ...Please specify in plain text (50mm increments)(7)Process connection a aProcess connections can be found in the "Accessories for process connection" section.x 000none (8)Extra codes x 000nonex 058SIL and PL-compatiblex 310Protection tube stepped down from dia.6mm to dia.3.3mm x404Protection type IP65(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)Order code ------/,...aaList extra codes in sequence, separated by commas.Order example902524/25-380-1003-1-6-100-000/000Data Sheet 902520 Page 9/10Channel RTD temperature probe(1)Basic type902524/31Plug-in channel RTD temperature probe with continuous protection tube,ambient temperature of housing: -30to +90°C Protection type IP65902524/32Screw-in channel RTD temperature probe with continuous protection tube,ambient temperature of housing: -30to +90°C Protection type IP65(2)Operating temperature in °C x x 380-50to +200°C (3)Measuring insertx x 10031×Pt100 in two-wire circuit x x 10051×Pt1000 in two-wire circuit x x 10091×Ni1000 in two-wire circuit x x 16191×KTY 81-110x x 16541×LM235 Z x x 17281×NTC 1kOhmx x 20032×Pt100 in two-wire circuit x x 20052×Pt1000 in two-wire circuit x x 20092×Ni1000 in two-wire circuit(4)Tolerance class according to DIN EN 60751x x 0Technical data Ni/NTC/KTY/LM235 Z x x 1Class B (standard)x x 2Class A x x3Class AA(5)Protection tube diameter D in mm x x 6Dia.6mm(6)Nominal length NL in mm/insertion length EL in mm (50to 500mm)x x 100100mm x x 150150mm x x 200200mmx x...Please specify in plain text (50mm increments)(7)Process connection x 000nonex 102Screw connection G 1/4x 103Screw connection G 3/8x 104Screw connection G 1/2x 128Screw connection M20×1.5x 144Screw connection 1/2-14NPT (8)Extra codes x x 000nonex x 058SIL or PL-compatible x x 242Spring-cage terminalxx 310Protection tube stepped down from dia.6 mm to dia.3.3 mm (not in conjunction with measuring insert 2×xxx)x x 3301×analog transmitter, output 4to 20mA a (in conjunction with 1×Pt100), data sheet 707030aSpecify measuring range (deviating measuring range) in plain text.x x 3331×analog transmitter, output 0to 10V a (in conjunction with 1×Pt100), data sheet 707030xx930Ambient temperature of housing: -50to +90°C(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)Order code ------/,...aaList extra codes in sequence, separated by commas.Order example902524/31-380-1003-1-6-100-000/000Data Sheet 902520 Page 10/10 Accessories for process connectionDescription Part no. Stainless steel G1/4 compression fitting, stainless steel clamping ring for protection tube diameter of 6mm00080811Steel G3/8 compression fitting, steel clamping ring for protection tube diameter of 6mm00057945 Stainless steel G1/2 compression fitting, stainless steel clamping ring for protection tube diameter of 6mm00305445 Stainless steel M10×1 compression fitting, stainless steel clamping ring for protection tube diameter of 6mm00065416 Stainless steel 1/2-14NPT compression fitting, stainless steel clamping ring for protection tube diameter of 6mm00444210Steel sheet flange for protection tube diameter of 6 mm00065062Stock versionsOrder code Part no.902520/10-572-1001-1/00000065671 902520/10-572-1005-1/00000397862 902520/10-803-1003-1/330 (0to40°C)00064003 902520/10-807-1003-1/330 (0to60°C)00065717 902520/10-803-1003-1/333 (0to40°C)00439187 902520/11-635-1003-1/00000055723 902520/15-361-1003-1/00000546799 902520/15-361-1005-1/00000546802 902520/15-361-1003-1/90300546800 902520/15-361-1005-1/90300546801 902520/15-361-1009-0/00000549808 902520/22-573-1003-1/00000650818 902520/22-573-1005-1/00000650823 902520/22-474-1003-1/330 (-40to+80°C)00650826 902520/23-573-1003-1/00000650836 902520/23-573-1005-1/00000650837 902520/23-474-1003-1/330 (-30to+60°C)00658171 902520/23-474-1003-1/333 (-30to+60°C)00671483 902520/23-474-1003-1/330 (-40to+80°C)00650838 902520/23-474-1003-1/333 (-40to+80°C)00650839 902524/25-380-1003-1-6-100-000/310,40400410556 902524/25-380-1003-1-6-150-000/310,40400410562 902524/25-380-1003-1-6-200-000/310,40400410563 902524/31-380-1003-1-6-100-000/00000650840 902524/31-380-1003-1-6-100-000/330 (-30to+60°C)00650841。
JUMO dTRANS T03系列温度传感器说明书

Page 1/10JUMO GmbH & Co. KGDelivery address:Mackenrodtstraße 14,36039 Fulda, GermanyPostal address:36035 Fulda, Germany Phone:+49 661 6003-0Fax:+49 661 6003-607e-mail:Internet: JUMO Instrument Co. Ltd.JUMO HouseTemple Bank, RiverwayHarlow, Essex CM20 2DY, UK Phone:+44 1279 635533Fax:+44 1279 635262e-mail:Internet: JUMO PROCESS CONTROL INC.885 Fox Chase, Suite 103Coatesville PA 19320, USA Phone:610-380-80021-800-554-JUMOFax:610-380-8009e-mail:Internet:dTRANS T03 T Type 707032/...dTRANS T03 TU Type 707034/...dTRANS T03 BU Type 707033/...dTRANS T03 J Type 707030/...dTRANS T03 B Type 707031/...JUMO dTRANS T03 J, B, T Analog 2-wire transmitter with digital adjustment JUMO dTRANS T03 BU, TU Analog 3-wire transmitter with digital adjustmentfor connection to Pt100 resistance thermometersfor installation in: - terminal head Form B to DIN 43729- terminal head Form Jfor mounting on:- rail according to EN 60715Brief descriptionThese transmitters are designed for industrial applications and are used to measure the temperature through Pt100 resistance thermometers in 2-wire or 3-wire circuit connections (Pt500 or Pt1000 linearization upon request).The 4—20mA or 0—10 V output signal is linear with temperature.The continuous analog signal path enables an extremely fast reaction time of the output to a change in temperature (continuous analog measurement instead of digital sampling rate), resulting in a low-noise output signal that is insensitive to interference. A very high degree of precision - even with small ranges - is ensured thanks to the range-specific gain adjustment.Digital communication allows the transmitter to be adapted to the measurement task (range, probe break and fine calibration).Two versions are available to suit specific requirements:Instruments with basic type extension 880/990 (adjustable)The transmitters are calibrated for a fixed range but can, at any time, be calibrated for a different range through the setup program.Instruments with basic type extension 881/991 (configurable)The required range can be configured through the setup program, without sensor simulation and measurement.Overview of functiondTRANS T03 J Type 707030/...dTRANS T03 B Type 707031/...dTRANS T03 T Type 707032/...dTRANS T03 BU Type 707033/...dTRANS T03 TU Type 707034/...Input Pt100Pt100Pt100Pt100Pt100Connection circuit 2-wire2-wire or 3-wire 2-wire or 3-wire 2-wire or 3-wire 2-wire or 3-wireMountingterminal head Form J terminal head Form B mounting railterminal head Form B mounting railOutput 4—20mA4—20mA4—20mA 0—10V0—10VTechnical data for 2-wire transmitter(Types 707030/..., 707031/... and 707032/...)Input for resistance thermometerMeasurement circuit monitoring to NAMUR recommendation NE43 Output Supply voltage dTRANS T03 J Type 707030/...dTRANS T03 B Type 707031/...dTRANS T03 T Type 707032/...Measurement input Pt100 (EN 60751)Range limits -200to +850°C Connection circuit 2-wire circuit2-wire or 3-wire circuit2-wire or 3-wire circuitSmallest span 25°C Largest span 1050°CUnit measuring range configuration in °C or °FZero shiftfor spans < 75°C fixed zero: -40°C, -20°C, 0°C, 20°C, 40°C aa-30°C, -10°C, 0°C, 10°C, 30°C available upon requestfor span 75°C: ±50°Cfor spans > 75°C: see “Range organization” on page 7Sensor lead resistance for 3-wire connection ≤ 11Ω per conductor Sensor lead resistance for 2-wire connection factory-set:0 Ω lead resistance settable through setup programSensor current ≤ 0.5mASampling ratecontinuous measurement because of analog signal pathUnderrange falling to ≤ 3.6mAOverrange rising to ≥ 22mA to < 28mA (typically 24mA)Probe short-circuit ≤ 3.6mAProbe and lead breakpositive: ≥ 22mA to < 28mA (typically 24mA)negative: ≤ 3.6mAOutput signal proportional DC current 4—20mATransfer characteristic linear with temperatureTransfer accuracy ≤ ± 0.1%a aAll details refer to the range-end value 20mADamping of ripple on supply voltage > 40dBBurden (Rb)Rb = (Ub - 7.5V) divided by 22mABurden error≤ ± 0.02% per 100ΩaSettling time on a temperature change ≤ 10msecCalibration conditions24V DC at approx. 22°C Calibration/configuration accuracy≤ ± 0.2%a, b, c or ≤ ± 0.2°C bb The larger value appliescIf the measuring range end value > 600°C then the calibration or configuration accuracy is ≤ ± 0.4%Supply voltage (Ub)7.5—30V DCReverse polarity protection yesSupply voltage error≤ ± 0.01% per V deviation from 24V aaAll details refer to the range-end value 20mAAmbient conditionsHousingSystem diagrams for 2-wire transmitterdTRANS T03 J Type 707030/...dTRANS T03 B Type 707031/...dTRANS T03 T Type 707032/...Operating temperature range -50to +85°C -50to +85°C -25to +70°C Storage temperature range -50to +85°C-50to +85°C-40 to +85 °CTemperature error ≤ ± 0.01% per °C deviation from 22°C aaAll details refer to the range-end value 20mAClimatic conditions rel. humidity ≤ 95% annual mean, no condensationVibration strengthto GL Characteristic 2to GL Characteristic 2 -EMC- interference emission - immunity to interference EN 61326Class Bto industrial requirementsIP enclosure protection- in terminal head / open mounting - on C-railIP54 / IP00-IP54 / IP00--IP20Type 707030/...Type 707031/...Type 707032/...Material polycarbonate (encapsulated)polycarbonate (encapsulated)polycarbonate Screw terminal ≤ 1.5mm²;max. torque 0.15Nm ≤ 1.75mm²; max. torque 0.6Nm ≤ 2.5mm²; max. torque 0.6Nm Mountinginside terminal head Form Jinside terminal head Form BDIN 43729;in surface-mounting case(upon request);in switch cabinet(fixing bracket is required)on C-rail35mm × 7.5mm (EN 60715);on C-rail15mm (EN 60715);on G-rail (EN 60715)use only original accessories for mounting!Operating position unrestrictedWeightapprox. 12gapprox. 45gapprox. 70gTechnical data for 3-wire transmitter (Types 707033/..., and 707034/...)Input for resistance thermometerMeasurement circuit monitoring to NAMUR recommendation NE43 Output Supply voltage dTRANS T03 BU Type 707033/...dTRANS T03 TU Type 707034/...Measurement input Pt100 (EN 60751)Range limits -200to +850°C Connection circuit 2-wire or 3-wire circuitSmallest span 25°C Largest span 1050°CUnit measuring range configuration in °C or °FZero shiftfor spans < 75°C fixed zero: -40°C, -20°C, 0°C, 20°C, 40°Cfor span 75°C: ±50°Cfor spans > 75°C: see “Range organization” on page 7Sensor lead resistance for 3-wire connection ≤ 11Ω per conductor Sensor lead resistance for 2-wire connection factory-set: 0 Ω lead resistance, settable through setup programSensor current ≤ 0.5mASampling ratecontinuous measurement because of analog signal pathUnderrange 0VOverrange rising to > 11V to < 14V (typically 12V)Probe short-circuit 0VProbe and lead breakpositive: rising to > 11V to < 14V (typically 12V)negative: 0VOutput signal DC voltage 0—10V Transfer characteristic linear with temperatureTransfer accuracy ≤ ± 0.2%a aAll details refer to the range-end value 10VDamping of ripple on supply voltage > 40dB Load ≥ 10k ΩLoad error≤ ± 0.1%a Settling time on a temperature change ≤ 10msecCalibration conditions24V DC at approx. 22°C Calibration/configuration accuracy≤ ± 0.2%a, b, c or ≤ ± 0.2°C bb The larger value appliescIf the measuring range end value > 600°C then the calibration or configuration accuracy is ≤ ± 0.4%Supply voltage (Ub)15—30V DCReverse polarity protection yesSupply voltage error≤ ± 0.01% per V deviation from 24V aaAll details refer to the range-end value 10VAmbient conditionsHousingSystem diagram for 3-wire transmitterdTRANS T03 BU Type 707033/...dTRANS T03 TU Type 707034/...Operating temperature range -40to +85°C-25to +70°CStorage temperature range -40to +85°CTemperature error ≤ ± 0.01% per °C deviation from 22°C aaAll details refer to the range-end value 10VClimatic conditions rel. humidity ≤ 95% annual mean, no condensationVibration strengthto GL Characteristic 2-EMC- interference emission - immunity to interference EN 61326Class Bto industrial requirementsIP enclosure protection- in terminal head / open mounting - on C-railIP54 / IP00--IP20Type 707033/...Type 707034/...Material polycarbonate (encapsulated)polycarbonate Screw terminal ≤ 1.75mm²; max. torque 0.6Nm ≤ 2.5mm²; max. torque 0.6Nm Mountinginside terminal head Form BDIN 43729;in surface-mounting case(upon request);in switch cabinet (fixing bracket is required)on C-rail35mm × 7.5mm (EN 60715);on C-rail15mm (EN 60715);on G-rail (EN 60715)use only original accessories for mounting!Operating position unrestrictedWeightapprox. 45gapprox. 70gSetup program (for all types)The setup program is available for calibrating/configuring the transmitter from a PC.Connection is through a USB/SPI-interface (including adapter) and the setup interface of the transmitter. In order to calibrate/configure the transmitter, it has to be connected to the supply voltage. If no power supply or supply isolator is available, Types 707030/..., 707031/ ... and 707032/... can be supplied from a 9V block battery.Adjustable/configurable parameters-TAG number (8 characters)-response to probe and cable break-range start, range end-lead resistance for 2-wire circuit-measuring range configuration in °C or °FFine calibrationFine calibration means adjustment of the output signal of a calibrated/configured transmitter. Errors due to the system (such as an unfavorable probe installation) can be compensated. The signal can be adjusted in the range ±0.2mA for current output and ±0.1V for voltage output. Negative output voltages are not possible with voltage output. Fine calibration can only be carried out through the setup program.Hardware and software requirementsThe following hardware and software requirements have to be met for installing and operating the setup program:-IBM-PC or compatible PC-256 MB main memory-50 MB available on hard disk-CD-ROM drive- 1 USB interface-Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32 Bit and 64 Bit)Connection layout for calibrating/configuring the dTRANS T03 B and BURange organizationAll the possible range-start values in relation to the range span are contained within the gray area.range span = range end – range startExample:range start = -50°C, range end = 250°Crange span = range end – range start = 250°C - (-50°C) = 300°CCaution: When selecting the range start, make sure it lies within the gray area. Please note:for spans smaller than 75°C, the only permissible start values are:-40°C, -20°C, 0°C, +20°C and +40°C.dTRANS T03 J - Type 707030/...dTRANS T03 B - Type 707031/...dTRANS T03 T - Type 707032/...dTRANS T03 BU - Type 707033/...DimensionsdTRANS T03 T and dTRANS T03 TUStandard accessories-Operating Instructions -Fixing itemsAccessories-Setup program, multilingual-PC interface with USB/SPI converter and adapter (socket), part no. 00553388-Fixing bracket for mounting Type 707031/... and Type 707033/... on mounting rail, part no. 00352463-Supply units 1- way and 4-way (Data Sheet 707500)Order details: JUMO dTRANS T03Analog transmitter with digital adjustment(1)Basic version707030dTRANS T03 Janalog 2-wire transmitterfor installation in terminal head Form J (2-wire circuit only)707031dTRANS T03 Banalog 2-wire transmitterfor installation in terminal head Form B 707032dTRANS T03 Tanalog 2-wire transmitter for rail mounting707033dTRANS T03 BUanalog 3-wire transmitterfor installation in terminal head Form B 707034dTRANS T03 TUanalog 3-wire transmitter for rail mounting (2)Basic type extensionsx x x x x 880adjustable a a factory-set (probe break: positive; lead resistance: 0x x x x x 881configurable a x x x x x 990adjustable b b setting to customer specification (please specify in plain text)x x x x x 991configurable b (3)Inputx x x x 001Pt100 in 3-wire circuit c c Pt500 or Pt1000 upon request x x x x x 003Pt100 in 2-wire circuit c(4)Output x x x0054 —20mA x x 0400—10V(5)Extra codes x x x x x 000none x x 243transmitter in surface-mounting case x950railway application ddupon request(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Order code /--/Order example707031/880-001-005/243。

JUMO dTRANS T1000带有IO-Link的温度传感器说明书

JUMO dTRANS T1000带有IO-Link 的温度传感器⏹过程自动化⏹用于食品饮料行业的设备⏹用于普通机械和工程机械该传感器用于对温度的测量和监测。
开关量输出的开关动作和阈值(最大:2 支;p或n转换)可以像许多其他参数一样单独配置。
产品优势:产品说明:•IO-Link•多厂商的点对点连接•现场具有最大的开放标准和透明度(IEC 61131-9)•物美价廉的连接电缆(无接线错误)•因为接口标准化而使接线简单,统一。
•工业4.0:从控制到传感器的普遍通信•检索过程数据和诊断信息•动态参数•更加安全的更换传感器•可实现自动参数化•可以检测到替换为相同类型但特性不同的传感器•将生产通信优化到最简单的水平•减少安装和启动时间•降低维护和服务成本,同时提高设备的利用率技术数据输入a ItI =温度值,以℃表示,与前缀符号无关。
b 所有的精度相对于各自的测量范围%c 相对于校准点的温度偏差(25℃±5K )测量电路监控输出接口a是指测量范围端值20mA电气数据温度传感器的辅助能量必须满足SELV 要求;可任选的,一个能量限制电流电路。
符合DIN EN 61010-1 9.3 和UL 61010-1。
机械性能 a 温度传感器的重量取决于过程连接(PA)和插入长度(EL)。
环境影响a 基础型号902915/10:当测量温度高于120℃时,允许的最大环境温度为60℃(额定电压DC 24 V)。
基础型号902915/30:没有限制(额定电压DC 24 V)。

545 国产防爆接线盒
注意: 丌能带温变。
食品不饮料行业 酿酒行业 乳品行业 制药行业 CIP/SIP在线清洗 机械设备不制造
热电阻:利用导体戒半导体的电阻值随温度 感 温 元 件 变化来测量温度的。 热电偶:热电效益。
热电偶电势的大小不测量的温度和选 用的热电偶的材质有关系。
1948 1980 – 1989 莫里茨 科特· 尤海姆 创建M. K. JUCHHEIM公司, 开始高品质玻璃温度传感器生产。 引入铂金传感器的薄膜技术,成为全球铂电阻元件顶级供应商。
• 温度测量范围-50...+260 °C • 防蒸汽,抗压力 • 机械强度高 • 适用于食品工业 • 具有单支和双支两种类型
技术参数: 测量插件:PT100 精度等级:EN 60751,B/A级 电路连接:两线制/四线制 保护管直径:4mm和4.5mm 材质:1.4571
测温范围:-50~+400℃ 单支戒双支型
技术数据: • 接线盒:J型,铸铝外壳,M16×1.5, IP65,环境温度-20~+100℃ • 过程连接:多种过程连接可选 • 保护管:丌锈钢1.4571

90.2523 页 1/5室内、室外、通道温度测量热电阻■ 温度测量范围:-30℃~+80℃■ 用于空调行业■ 防护等级从 IP20 到 IP65■ 两线制、三线制或四线制连接■可提供变送器一体化型( 4-20mA 或 0-10V )这种电阻温度计主要应用于空调系统,用来测量室温、通风孔及室外的温度。
传感器通常使用一支DIN EN 60 751 B 级、两线制的Pt100热电阻,也可提供 Pt500, Pt1000, Ni1000型。
技术数据接线盒 塑料 PC 支架 ( 材料 PP 对应型号 902523/11 ), 防护等级从 IP20 到 IP65型号 902523/25 防护等级 IP54 和 IP65 保护管 不锈钢 1.4571; 直径 5.4 mm 和 6 mm 传感器 Pt100热电阻温度传感器, EN 60 751, B级, 两线制变送器 模拟变送器 , 输出 4~20mA 或 0~10VPhone:+49 661 6003-0Fax: +49 661 6003-607E-mail:mail@ Internet:1. 所指数据为量程终点值 20mA. 2. 大数据适用供电电源连接实例, 4~20mA 输出 供电电源连接实例, 0~10V 输出接线图变送器 输出 4~20mA 输出 0~10V输入测量值输入 Pt100 (EN 60 751)传感器电流 ≤ 0.5mA采样速度 连续采样(模拟电路)测量电路监视下越限 ≤ 3.6mA 0V上越限 ≥ 22mA 且 < 28mA(24mA 典型) ≥ 11V 且 < 14V(12V 典型)传感器短路 ≤ 3.6mA 0V传感器断路 ≥ 22mA 且 < 28mA (24mA 典型) ≥ 11V 且 < 14V (12V 典型)输出输出信号 电流 4~20mA DC 电压 0 ~ 10V传递特性 与温度成线性关系传递精度 ≤ ±0.1% ≤ ±0.2%24V 供电电源波动衰减幅度10V/50Hz,负载 470Ω/负载 10MΩ37dB 40dB负载电阻(Rb) Rb = (Ub - 7.5V) / 22mA -负载误差≤ ±0.02% / 100 Ω1-负载误差 - ≥ 10kΩ / ≤ ±0.1%稳定时间 ≤ 10msec校验条件 24V DC / 约 22℃校验精度≤ ±0.2%1,2 或 ≤ ±0.2°C总体精度 (传感器/校验) ±0.4°C (典型 ) 20°C / 24V 电源电源电压 (Ub) 7.5 ~ 30V DC 15 ~ 30V DC反向保护 是电源电压误差偏离 24V1 ≤±0.1% / V 环境条件 工作温度 -40 ~ +85℃贮藏温度 -40 ~ +100℃温度误差 偏离 22℃1 ≤ 0.01% / ℃气候条件类似 EN 60 654, C1 级年平均相对湿度 ≤ 95% , 不结露EMC 电磁兼容性 EN 61 326, B 级 / 工业级要求90.2523 页 2/5Phone:+49 661 6003-0Fax: +49 661 6003-607E-mail:mail@ Internet:外形尺寸 型号 902523/10 型号 902523/11 型号 902523/12型号 902523/13 型号 902523/20 型号 902523/2590.2523 页 3/5Phone:+49 661 6003-0Fax: +49 661 6003-607E-mail:mail@ Internet:订货信息:室内、室外、通道温度测量热电阻(1) 基本型号902523/10室内热电阻传感器保护等级IP20902523/11室内、户外热电阻传感器保护等级IP54902523/12室内、户外热电阻传感器保护等级IP65902523/13室内、户外热电阻传感器带变径保护管保护等级IP65(2) 工作温度范围(℃)x x 568 -30 -- +60°C (与变送器连接)x x x x 572 -30--+80°C (标准型)x x x 803 0 -- 40°C (变送器连接)x x x 807 0 -- 60°C (变送器连接)(3) 测量插件x x 1001 1 x Pt100 三线制x x x x 1003 1 x Pt100 两线制x x x x 1005 1 x Pt1000 两线制x x x x 1009 1 x Ni 1000 两线制x 2001 2 x Pt100 三线制x x x 2003 2 x Pt100 两线制(4) 依照 EN 60 751 公差等级x x x x 1 B级 (标准) x x x x 2 A级 (型号902523/10和变送器除外)x x x x 3 1/3DIN (型号902523/10和变送器除外)(5) 附加代码x x x x 000 无x x x x 330 模拟变送器,4~20mA输出(与1×Pt100相连)*x x x x 333 模拟变送器,0~10V 输出(与1×Pt100相连)*(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)订货号: - - - / ,...订货举例: 902523/10 - 572 - 1001 - 1 /0001* 请指明量程。
JUMO CTI-500 导導性电导率 浓度和温度传感器转换器说明书

Page 1/17Data Sheet 202755JUMO CTI-500Inductive Conductivity/Concentration and Temperature Transmitter with switch contacts Type 202755Brief descriptionThe instrument is used for the measurement/control of conductivity or concentration in liquid media. It is particularly suitable for application in media where severe deposits of dirt, oil, grease or gypsum/lime precipitates are to be expected. The integrated temperature measurement enables fast and accurate temperature compensation, which is of special importance when measuring conductivity. Additional functions permit the combined changeover of measuring range and temperature coefficient.Two built-in switching outputs can be freely programmed to monitor conductivity/concentration and /or temperature limits. It is also possible to assign alarm and control functions (dilution).The instrument is operated either from the membrane keypad and plain-text graphics display (operator language can be changed over) or through the user-friendly PC setup program. The display can be read off by simply rotating the housing cover. This applies to the installation both in horizontally and vertically arranged pipes. By using the setup program, the instrument configuration data can be saved for plant documentation and printed out. To prevent any tampering, the instrument can also be supplied without keypad or display. In this case, the setup program is needed for programming.The JUMO CTI-500 is available either as a combined unit (transmitter and measuring cell together in one unit) or as a split version (transmitter and cell connected by cable). The split version is particularly suitable for plant subjected to strong vibration and/or significant heat radiation at the measurement point, or for installation on sites that are difficult to access.Immersion models up to 2000 mm are available for application in open containers or sluices. Typical areas of application: Freshwater and wastewater engineering, air conditioning systems and cooling tower monitoring (dilution control), rinsing baths (e.g. monitoring electroplating baths), inlet and final checks in factory water treatment plant, concentration monitoring, vehicle wash plant, etc.Block structureKey features•Activation of up to four ranges •Activation of up to four temperature coefficients •Concentration measurement of - caustic soda NaOH - nitric acid HNO 3- a freely definable curve(through the setup program)•Fast-response temperature sensor •Temperature compensation - linear- natural water- individual characteristic (learning function)•Operation- via keypad and LC display - through setup program•Operator languages: English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish •By using the setup program:- user-friendly programming - plant documentation•Learning function for the temperature coefficient•Individual characteristic for concentration indication •Dilution controlPage 2/17 Data Sheet 202755Functional description The inductive measurement method permits largely maintenance-free acquisition of the specific conductivity, even in the toughest media conditions. As opposed to the conductive measurement method, problems such as electrode decomposition and polarization do not occur.The conductivity is measured using an inductive probe. A sinusoidal a.c. voltage feeds the transmitting coil. Depending on the conductivity of the liquid to be measured, a current is induced in the receiver coil. The current is proportional to the conductivity of the medium.Instrument descriptionMeasuring cellThe measuring cell consists of a hermetically sealed polypropylene (PP) or polyvinyl-idenefluoride (PVDF) body inside which the two measurement coils are arranged. A bore in the measuring cell enables the medium to flow through. The measurement principle entails an inevitable electrical isolation(1)Temperature sensor, exposed(1a)optionally: internal(2)Cell body in PP(3)Measurement coils(4)Liquid loopExposed temperature sensorThe sensor (in a stainless steel sleeve) exhibits a very fast response to temperature variations. This is especially important for CIP processes (phase separation).Internal temperature sensorThe sensor is integrated in the PP body. This construction ensures that no metal parts come into contact with the sample medium (important with corrosive media). However, temperature acquisition is somewhat slower here.Temperature compensationSince conductivity largely depends on thetemperature of the medium, it is usuallynecessary to compensate for the temperatureeffect.The instrument allows both linear and non-linear temperature compensation.If required, temperature compensation can beswitched off, for example, when thetemperature conditions on the measurementsite are stable or when temperaturecompensation is carried out in the software, inexternal evaluation devices (PLC or similar).Process connectionsTo cover a wide variety of applications, theinstrument can be supplied with differentprocess connections (also as an immersionmodel), see dimensions.Installation at the measurementpointThe operating position is generallyunrestricted. However, it is essential to ensurethat there is a continuous exchange of thesample liquid in the flow channel.TransmitterThe CTI-500 transmitter has been designedfor use on site. A rugged housing protects theelectronics and the electrical connectionsfrom corrosive environmental conditions(IP67).A vent screw with a PTFE membrane preventscondensation.OperationThe JUMO CTI-500 can be operated eitherfrom the instrument keys and the graphics LCdisplay and/or through the setup programfrom a PC or laptop.The instrument can be secured againstunauthorized alteration by a password.Functions of the outputsAnalog outputs•One analog signal output for conductivity/concentration and temperaturerespectively.•The analog output signals are freelyscalable (range start and end values).•The response of the analog outputs toover/underrange or alarm can beprogrammed.•Simulation of the signal output:The analog signal outputs can be freely setin the manual mode.Application: “Dry-run” start-up of the plant,trouble-shooting, servicing.Displays and controls(1)Graphics LC display(2)LEDs for the switching status indication of the outputs K1 and K2(3)KeysVersion without a displayOperation/configuration throughthe setup program onlyVersion with a displayOperation/configuration fromthe keys or through the setupprogramPage 3/17Data Sheet 202755Graphics LC display (1)Switching output 1 or 2 is active (2)Binary input 1 or 2 is operated (3)Keypad is inhibited (4)Alarm has been activated (5)Instrument is in manual mode (6)Instrument status (7)Temperature of medium (8)Conductivity measurement (9)Unit of conductivity measurementSwitching outputsThe instrument features two floating switching outputs (solid-state relays) as standard.These can be used freely for monitoring the conductivity/concentration or the temperature.The following functions can be assigned:❏Limit monitoring (MAX. or MIN. limit comparator) with programmable hysteresis ❏Pulse function (the output switches briefly on reaching the switching point, then opens again).❏Pull-in and drop-out delay ❏Inverted switching outputs❏Response to overrange/underrange or with activated measuring circuit monitoring (pull-in/drop-out).❏“Calibration timer run down" signal.Contact functions(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)Alarm window 1Alarm window 2Pulse contactTrigger conditions longer than pulse timePulse contactTrigger conditions shorter than pulse timeBinary inputsThe two binary inputs serve to implement the following functions:–Key inhibit –HOLD mode–4-fold range changeover–4-fold temperature coefficient changeover–Initiation of dilution function and biocide dosingSpecial functions•The learning function for the temperature coefficient enables exact measurement of media with a non-linear characteristic. During a temperature change, the instrument “learns” the temperature coefficient of the present medium and stores the profile. The stored values then enable the correct indication of thetemperature-compensated conductivity.•Individual characteristic for concentration indication.An individual characteristic with 20 interpolation points can be enteredthrough the setup program. This function can be used to generate specialcharacteristics for specific media (e.g. special detergents). This results in correct measurements that contribute to assuring the quality and saving costs.•Dilution controlVarious processes that find theirapplication in wet cooling towers arestored as sequence control (biocide dosing and subsequent inhibiting of dilution). Additional information can be found in the operating manual.•Calibration timerThe calibration timer draws your attention to a calibration schedule. This function is activated by entering a number of days, after which recalibration has to be carried out (plant or operator requirement).Page 4/17Data Sheet 202755Technical dataGeneralA/D converterresolution:15 bitsampling time:500msec=2 meas. per secSupplyFor operation with SELV andPELV circuits.As standard:19 — 31V DC (24V DC nominal),the instrument incorporates reverse-polarity protectionripple:< 5%extra code 844:24 V AC ±10%, 50 — 60 Hzpower consumptionwith display:≤ 3 Wpower consumptionwithout display:≤ 2.6 WRating of the solid-state relaysU < 50 V AC/DCI ≤ 200 mAElectrical connectionplug-in screw terminals 2.5 mm2 orM12 plug/socket connectorsDisplay (option)graphics LCD with background lighting; contrast is adjustabledimensions: 62 x 23 mmPermissible ambient temp. (transmitter)-5 to +50°Cmax. 93% rel. humidity, no condensationPermissible storage temp. (transmitter)-10 to +75°Cmax. 93% rel. humidity, no condensationEnclosure protection (transmitter)IP67Housingpolyamide (PA)Weightdepending on version and processconnectionapprox. 0.3 — 2kgConductivity/concentrationtransmitterConcentration measurement(implemented in the instrument software)–NaOH (caustic soda)0 —15 % by weight or 25 — 50 % byweight–HNO3 (nitric acid)0 —25 % by weight or 36 — 82 % byweight–customer-specific concentration curve,reely programmable through the setupprogram (see “special functions”)Calibration timeradjustable: 0 — 999 days (0 = off)Output signal for conductivity/concentration0 — 10 V / 10 — 0 V2 — 10 V / 10 — 2 V0 — 20 mA / 20 — 0 mA4 — 20 mA / 20 — 0.4 mAThe output signal is freely scalable.Burden≤ 500Ω for current output≥ 2kΩ for voltage outputAnalog output with “Alarm”Low (0 mA / 0 V / 3.4 mA / 1.4 V)orHigh (22.0 mA / 10.7 V)ora fixed settingMeasuring rangesFour ranges can be selected. One of theseranges can be activated via an external switchor a PLC.Note:The overall tolerance is made up of thetolerance of the transmitter + the tolerance ofthe sensor.Temperature transmitterTemperature acquisitionmanually -200 to 25.0 to 150°C/°For automaticallyTemperature measuring range-200 to 150°C/°FCharacteristiclinearAccuracy≤ 0.5% of measuring rangeAmbient temperature error≤ 0.1%/°CResponse timewith exposed temperature sensort09≤ 6 secwith internal temperature sensort09≤ 2 minOutput signal for temperature0 — 10 V / 10 — 0 V2 — 10 V / 10 — 2 V0 — 20 mA / 20 — 0 mA4 — 20 mA / 20 — 0.4 mAThe output signal is freely scalable withinthe range -20 to +200°C.The sensor can be applied within the range-10 to +100°C.Burden≤ 500Ω for current output≥ 2kΩ for voltage outputMeas. rangesTransmitterTolerance(in % of rangespan)0—500 µS/cm≤0.5%0—1000 µS/cm0—2000 µS/cm0—5000 µS/cm0—10 mS/cm0—20 mS/cm0—50 mS/cm0—100 mS/cm0—200 mS/cm0—500 mS/cm0—1000 mS/cm0—2000 mS/cm aa not compensated for temperatureFunction of the binary inputsSetting parameters Binary input 1Binary input 2Measuring range/ temperature coefficient changeover Range1/TC1open open Range2/TC2closed open Range3/TC3open closed Range4/TC4closed closedKey inhibit closed X “Hold” function X closed Start dilution function close (edge 0 - 1)openStop dilution function open close (edge 0 - 1)Page 5/17 Data Sheet 202755Analog output for “Alarm”Low (0 mA / 0 V / 3.4 mA / 1.4 V)orHigh (22.0 mA / 10.7 V)ora fixed settingTemperature compensationReference temperature15 to 30°C, adjustableTemperature coefficient0.0 to 5.5%/°C, adjustableCompensation range-20 to 150°CFunction–linear–natural water (EN 27 888)–non-linear (learning function, see specialfunctions)SensorMaterialPP (polypropylene), suitable for foodstuffsNote:Temperature, pressure and samplemedium affect the life of the cell!Temperature of the sample mediumPressure10bar max. at 20°C6 bar max. at 60°CProcess-connectionmax.temperature16870660°C16960761769080°Cshort term100°CMeasuring rangeSensorTolerance(in % of rangespan)0—500 µS/cm≤1%0—1000 µS/cm0—2000 µS/cm≤0.5%0—5000 µS/cm0—10 mS/cm0—20 mS/cm0—50 mS/cm0—100 mS/cm0—200 mS/cm0—500 mS/cm0—1000 mS/cm≤1%0—2000 mS/cm a1a not compensated for temperature. Electrical connection - head transmitter (transmitter with cable glands (-82))Data Sheet 202755Page 6/17Data Sheet 202755Page 7/17 Electrical connection (transmitter with M12 connectors (-83))Data Sheet 202755Page 8/17 DimensionsSensor (detail)Page 9/17Data Sheet 202755DimensionsDrilling diagramTransmitter with M12 plug connectors and M12 socket connectorsVersion:Transmitter with separate sensor (split version)(basic type extensions /20, /25, /60 or /65)Transmitter with M16 cable gland(only for the "head transmitter" model)Data Sheet 202755Page 10/17Dimensions / Process connections (head transmitter)Data Sheet 202755Page 11/17Dimensions / Process connections (separate sensor)Page 12/17Data Sheet 202755Dimensions (separate sensor as immersion model)Optional accessory:flange DN32, part no. 00083375Optional accessory:flange DN50, part no. 00083376Page 13/17Data Sheet 202755Mounting examplesWeld-on threaded pipe adapterDN50, DIN 11 851(mating component for proc. connection 607),part no. 00085020DN ø D L H MaterialMaximum temperature Part no.324098172PVC+60°C00439247405011817700439249324088179PP +80°C00449511405010218100449514506312418100449516Data Sheet 202755Page 14/17 Kit for pipe mountingPage 15/17Data Sheet 202755Order details: CTI-500 as “Head transmitter”x = standardo = available as an option(1)Basic type202755JUMO CTI-500 - Inductive transmitter/switching device for conductivity/concentration and temperature (2)Basic type extensions10head transmitter without display/keypad a a The PC setup program is required for programming the instrument, see accessories 15head transmitter with display/keypad (3)Process connection o o 168PVC union nut G11/2A b,cb Special tee is not included in delivery, see accessoriesc Maximum temperature of medium: 60 °Co o 169stainless steel union nut G11/2A bo o 607screwed pipe fitting DN50, DIN 11 851(MK DN50, milk cone)o o 617clamp connection 21/2", ISO 2852d d Mounting items (mounting brackets) do not come with delivery. If required, please include in your order (accessories)o o 690SMS 2"(4)Immersion length o o 0see dimensions (5)Electrical connection o o 82cable glandso o 83M12 plug/socket connectors (instead of the cable glands)e e If required, order 1 set M12 plug / socket connectors, see accessorieso o 84two M16 cable glands and one blind grommet (6)Extra codes x x 000no extra codeo o 268internal temperature sensor o o 768cell material PVDF f fOnly with process connections 168 and 169, in combination with extra code 268o o844supply 24AC V ±10%(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(6)Order code /---/,...aaList extra codes in sequence, separated by commasOrder example202755/10-108--82/000Page 16/17Data Sheet 202755Order details: CTI-500 as “Transmitter with separate sensor”x = standard0 = available as an option – = not available(1)Basic type202755JUMO CTI-500 - Inductive transmitter/switching device for conductivity/concentration and temperature (2)Basic type extensions20transmitter without display/keypad (without sensor)a,b a The PC setup program is required for programming the instrument, see accessoriesb A calibration kit is absolutely essential for commissioning. If required, please include in your order (accessories)25transmitter with display/keypad (without sensor)b60transmitter without display/keypad including sensor (cable length: 10 m)a 65transmitter with display/keypad including sensor (cable length: 10 m)80replacement sensor with a 10 m long cable without transmitter b,c c Mounting items (union/ring nuts, mounting brackets) do not come with delivery. If required, please include in your order (accessories)(3)Process connection x x000not availableo o o 168PVC union nut G11/2A (media temperature: 60°C max.)d,e d Special tee is not included in delivery e Maximum temperature of medium: 60 °Co o o 169stainless steel union nut G11/2A do o o 607screwed pipe fitting DN50, DIN 11 851(MK DN50, milk cone)o o o 617clamp connection 21/2", ISO 2852c o o o 690SMS 2"o o o 706immersion model(4)Immersion length x x0not available o o o 5000500 mm o o o 10001000 mm o o o 15001500 mmo o o 20002000 mm (max. length)o o oxxxxspecial length (in 250 mm steps; e.g. 0250; 0750; 1250; 1750)(5)Electrical connectionx21attached cable with M12 socket connector on separate sensor o o o o 82cable glands on the operating unito o o o 83M12 plug/socket connectors on operating unit f f If required, order 1 set M12 plug / socket connectors, see accessorieso o o o 84two cable glands and one blind grommet (6)Extra codes x x x x x 000no extra code--o o o268internal temperature sensor o o 768cell material PVDF g gOnly with process connections 168 and 169, in combination with extra code 268o o o o844supply voltage 24 V AC(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(6)Order code /---/,...aaList extra codes in sequence, separated by commasOrder example202755/65-108-1000-21/000Page 17/17Data Sheet 202755Stock items (shipment: 3 days after receipt of order)Production items(shipment: 10 days after receipt of order)AccessoriesTypePart no.202755/10-168-0-82/00000445842202755/15-168-0-82/00000445843202755/15-607-0-82/00000445845TypePart no.202755/65-607-0-82/00000445840TypePart no.Weld-on threaded adapter DN50, DIN 11 851 (mating component for process connection -607)00085020Special tee DN32, PVC, including threaded socket aa with anti-rotation lug - the cell can only be installed in the correct orientationmax. 60°C, mating component for process connection -16800439247Special tee DN40, PVC, including threaded socket a00439249Union nut G1 1/2, PVC00439199Union nut G1 1/2, stainless steel 00452039Ring nut DN50, DIN 11 85100343368Ring nut SMS DN2" 00345162Flange DN32, material: PPbbonly in conjunction with a separate sensor in the immersion version 202755/60-706-... or 202755/65-706-... or 202755/80-706-...00083375Flange DN50, material: PP b00083376Kit for pipe mounting, stainless steel 00515128Kit for DIN rail mounting00459903Shackle for CTI-500 sensor and immersion fitting with diameter 40 mm 00453191M12 socket connector, 5-pole, straight, for assembly by user necessary for versions 202755/xx-xxx-xxxx-83/xxx 00444313M12 plug connector, 8-pole, straight, for assembly by user 00444307M12 socket connector, 8-pole, straight, for assembly by user replacement part for sensor 202755/80...00444312PC setup software for JUMO CTI-50000447634PC interface cable with TTL / RS232 converter and adapter (serial connection cable)00350260PC interface cable with USB / TTL converter and two adapters (USB connection cable)00456352Switched-mode power supply for DIN rail mounting,Type PS5R-A24input voltage:AC 100to 240V /50to 60Hz output voltage:DC 24V , 0.3A00374661Cover with LC display and keypad (facilitates the programming of transmitters without display and keypad)00443725Special tee DN32, PPaincluding threaded socket (max. 80°C), mating component for process connection -16900449511Special tee DN40, PP a 00449514Special tee DN50, PP a00449516Calibration kit (for calibrating a replacement transmitter or replacement sensor)00459436M12 plug/socket connectors set, suitable for electrical connection 8300529482Additional concentration curves for the usual acids and lyes (20 interpolation points in tabular form),for entry on the CTI-500 through the setup program.on request。
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RTD 引 线 色 标
红色 红色
IEC 751标准 红色 红色 白色 白色
白色 白色
33线 线1 1支 支 红色 红色 红色 红色 红色 红色
4 支 4线 线1 1支
白色 白色
白色 白色
22线 支 线2 2支
白色 白色
红色 红 色 3 线2 2 支 3线 支
测温范围:-50~+400℃ 单支或双支型
技术数据: • 接线盒:J型,铸铝外壳,M16×1.5, IP65,环境温度-20~+100℃ • 过程连接:多种过程连接可选 • 保护管:不锈钢1.4571
• 测温元件:铂电阻元件,符合EN 60751标准
• 温度测量范围 -50...+260 °C • 多种接线盒 可选 • 保护等级 IP 54...IP 67 • 多种过程连接可选 ( CIP - 应用 ) • 不锈钢保护管
基本防爆型式 防爆型式分为很多种,例如:隔爆型“d”、本质安全型“i” 、增安型“e”…… 针对我们的产品,主要介绍: 1.隔爆型“d”。(Ex protection d) 2.本质安全型“i”。(Ex protection i)
我们取得的防爆认证(explosion-proof authentication)
隔爆型:Ex d IIC T6 本安型:Ex ia IIC T6
JUMO温度感器在制药行业的应用|刘颖 30
545 国产防爆接线盒
注意: 不能带温变。
食品与饮料行业 酿酒行业 乳品行业 制药行业 CIP/SIP在线清洗 机械设备与制造
用国产铸铝和399接线盒时 需注意保护管的直径
546 进口数显本安接线盒
293 进口数显隔爆接线盒
隔爆产品:1. 399可以不与662配合使用,可以与330温变配合使用,仅隔爆不本安。 2. 已经取消了360的选项,新样本中用399取代360。 399 3. 增加546本安型数显接线盒和293隔爆型数显接线盒。 进口防爆接线盒 4. 国产防爆接线盒(原440D/240D型号中使用的)代码为545,该接线盒不可配温度变送器。
• 温度测量范围-50...+260 °C • 防蒸汽,抗压力 • 机械强度高 • 适用于食品工业 • 具有单支和双支两种类型
技术参数: 测量插件:PT100 精度等级:EN 60751,B/A级 电路连接:两线制/四线制 保护管直径:4mm和4.5mm 材质:1.4571
3-线制 RTD
4-线制 RTD
精度高,适用于任何长 精度极高,适用于任何长度 度的导线 的导线 简单补偿导线电阻 完全补偿导线电阻 不能补偿导线不均匀导 对于小直径的传感器建议使 致的偏差 用AWG22线规
• 单/双支 (A级传感器)
• 一体化温度变送器可选
过程连接 ( CIP - 应用 ) : > 锥台密封的螺纹连接
> 卡箍连接
> 球形焊座 > 牛奶管接头 > 焊座 > Varivent-连接 > 球形焊套
德国: ISO 9001 ISO EN 17025 MID欧洲计量器具法规 ISO 14001 中国: ISO 9001 ISO EN 17025 MID 欧洲计量器具法规
在食品和医药工业中,伴随不断提高 的质量要求,温度的测量在数据采集方面 变得越来越重要。 JUMO凭借其在温度测量领域60多年 的丰富经验及先进的工艺技术,满足食品 制药领域高精度的测量量要求。
久茂自动化于2007年8月取得了ISO EN17025的测试实验室资质认证, 即其检测实验室具有国际水平的技术能力,专业人员及检测设备,可保 证久茂中国工厂生产交给客户品质优良的温度传感器。
德国总部为温度传感器生产线建立新的生产及 销售办公楼。 JUMO大连公司引进热量表温度传感器生产线 及配对检测设备,自此开始在中国国内生产符 合EN 1434 及CJ 128-2007标准的热量表专 用温度传感器。
②卡箍连接 ③球形焊座 ④牛奶管螺纹
⑥Varivent 连接
3. Delos T 电子温度开关带显示及模拟量输出 (数据单号:902940)
现场显示 模拟量输出 开关量输出 多种连接方式可供选择
白色 白色
红色 红色 红色
蓝色 蓝色 3线1支 4线1支
蓝色 3线2支
热 电 阻 - Pt100
2-线制 RTD
精度高,受限于导 线长度 对导线电阻无补偿 仅用于较短的导线
- DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 ISO17025标准是由国际标准化组织 ISO/CASCO(国际标准化组织/合格评定委员 会)制定的实验室管理标准。 国际上对实验室认可进行管理的组织是“国 际实验室认可合作组织(ILAC)”,由包括 中国实验室国家认可委员会(CNACL)在内 的44个实验室认可机构参加。 按照国际惯例,凡是通过ISO17025标准的实 验室提供的数据均具备法律效应,得到国际 认可。 通过认可的实验室出具的报告在全球的58个 组织都是可以认可的。
多个测量任务可以由一个测温装置实现 测温, 就地显示, 开关量,模拟量信号输出 节约成本 简单的安装方式 紧凑的产品结构节省安装空间 不再需要额外的显示装置
显示过程温度 测量单位: °C/°F 就地参数设定 在超温等特殊情况下显示屏变成红色, 起到报警的作用。 显示屏可以 180° 旋转。 与市场上同类产品相比显示屏幕更大 不再需要额外的显示仪表
• 变送器:模拟电路温度变送器,输出4-20mA • 可选附件:各种套管,见数据单90.9721
测温范围:-50~+600℃ 带可更换的热电阻插芯 单支或双支型 接线盒类型B、BUZ、BUZH、BBK 一体化温度变送器可选
技术数据: 热电阻插芯:
响应时间 t0.9大约50sec,在水中0.2m/sec,9mm外径
技术数据: 保护管材质,可提供 不锈钢 1.4571 钛 因康镍合金 哈氏合金 接液部分带PTFE涂层 接液部分带HALAR涂层
1997 M. K. JUCHHEIM GmbH & Co. 在中国大连设 立独资子公司—久茂自动化(大连)有限公司。 公司引进世界先进水平的全套温度传感器生产 线,该生产线由德国总部专家为亚洲市场特别 设计,专门生产工业用热电阻、热电偶传感器。
螺丝刀 内六角扳手
3 x 0,5 2
可使用电脑使用Setup 软件 设定参数,拷贝及备份数据。