新概念三册课件 lesson14(共35页PPT)

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语从句。 (2) Phrase: put sb out of business 使...破产
put sth/sb + adv./prep. + n.: place in a certain position or situation 使…处于某种位置或状态下 eg. Put the matter out of your mind.
Lesson 14 A noble gangster
Objective: Review the usage of “have”.
I very loved it. I loved it very much. She is very beautiful. It at the foot of the Baiyun Mountain. It lies at the foot of the Baiyun Mountain. The birds so charming that everyone likes them. The birds are so charming that everyone likes
年 伊 敏 煤 电 公司科 技成果 二等奖 。本人 在此次 改造起 着重要 作用。 2、 锅 炉 及 热 网补水 改用循 环水余 热利用 :1996年 ,进行 25MW 机 组循 环水余热利用 改 造 ,将 机 组 的循环 水输送 到化学 水处理 室,进行 处理后 作为锅 炉和热 网的补 水;充
分 利 用 循 环 水的余 热。改 造后取 消了生 水加热 器,提高 了机组 的
II New words & Expressions
gangster 歹徒, 暴徒, 诈骗犯 thug 凶手, 暴徒;强盗 murderer 杀手, 杀人犯 bandit (尤指带枪)抢劫者, 匪徒, 歹徒 robber 强盗,盗贼 thief 小偷, 贼 pickpocket 扒手 hooligan 小流氓;无赖
作为(...的)报答 eg. I wish I could do something in return for his kindness to me.
I gave him a Christmas present but he gave me nothing in return. I teach him English in return for the Japanese lessons he gives me.
them. In my most of the free time… In most of my free time…
Dictate the new words and phrases learned in lesson 1 – lesson 13.
1-5 body consist of parts, convince sb of sth, effective, be independent of sb, have confidence in sth
II New words & Expressions
destroy 完全破坏;消灭 eg. destroy a house, destroy one’s hope
ruin 彻底破坏;毁灭 eg. The fire ruined the books in the library. ruin one's hope 使希望破灭
2, Having or showing qualities of high moral character, such as courage, generosity, or honor 高尚的,崇高的, 有或 表现出极高的 道德品质的,如勇敢、大度或人格
电 厂 汽 机 专 业的工 作总结 计划 本 人 1976年 毕 业 于 哈尔滨 电力学 校汽轮 机专业 ,从事汽 轮机专 业已37年 ,1976年 ~1983年 在 呼 伦 贝 尔 电业局 电力安 装工程 处,从 事发电 厂汽轮 机安装 工作,任 汽轮机 技 术 员 。 1983年 3月 调入东 海拉尔 发电厂 ,任汽 机分场 技术员 ,1994年 ,调入安 全生产 部 ,任 汽 机 专 责工程 师,1992年 通过 工程类 工程师 资格的 行业评 审,晋 级职称 。在从 事 汽 轮 机 运 行、检 修管理 的工作 ,积累了 丰富的 工作经 验,为我 国电力建设和电力生 产 做 出 了 较 大的贡 献,下面 把我多 年来在 专业技 术工作 所取得 的成绩 总结如 下: 1、 25MW机 组 胶 球 清 洗装 置改进 :1993年 ,对东 海拉尔 发电厂 2台25MW机 组 胶球 清 洗 装 置 进 行改造 ,由活动 式改为 固定式 ,解决了 原胶球 清洗装 置收球率低不能正常 投 入 而 需 人 工清洗 凝汽器 的问题 ,改造后 胶球系 统收球 率100% 。此 项目荣 获1993
II New words & Expressions
hire vi. (1)(短期,体力)雇佣 (2) (暂时)租赁
Phrase: hire sth (out) to sb 把…租给别人 hire sth from sb 从别人那租到…
eg. We hired an advertising company to help us sell our new software.
II New words & Expressions
dedicate v. Phrase: be dedicated to sth 献身于... dedicate oneself to sth / dedicate one’s life to sth 献身于... dedicate ... to sb 把(作品)奉献给某人 dedicate … to sth 花费(时间,精力)在某事上 eg. He is dedicated to science.
I Warm up
What does the title mean?
Gangster: A member of an organized group of criminals; a racketeer 歹徒,暴徒, 有组织犯罪团伙中的一员;诈骗犯
Noble: 1, Possessing hereditary rank in a political system or social class derived from a feudalistic stage of a country‘s development 贵族的
6-10 comfortable, be exempt from sth, electricity, flee fled fled, Easter
11-15 baggage, slam, not in the slightest, unrealistic, starve to death
16-20 there is an element of truth, have an opportunity to do sth, lobster, genuinely, wretched
in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for “protection”. (1) Structure: “when” introduces an attributive clause to modify “a time”. “when”引导定语从句修饰“a time”。 (2) Phrases: have to do: objective necessity 客观必要性 in return (for…): as a repayment (for), in exchange (for)
damage 部分损失;损害,损坏 eg. damage a car, damage a building
spoil 损坏, 搞糟, 宠坏, 溺爱(抽象的) eg. spoil a holiday, spoil a child
wreck 破坏,(由于或好象由于相撞而)导致毁坏 eg. wreck a car, wreck one’s hope/plan
You’ve put me out of patience. You’ve put me in a bad temper. The police have put the man in prison.
He hired a car for two days.
"Why don't you hire out your spare room to other people, and earn some money?
You may hire a suit from the shop for your wedding.
Read the text by yourselves and pay attention to the usage of the verb “have”.
III Text Study
Explain the text: There was a time when the owners of shops and businesses
III Text Study
Please close your text books. Listen to the tape of the text carefully and try to answer the following question: How did Sir Hawkwood make money in times of peace? (He and his men would burn down a few farms and then demand protection money from the city-state.)
II New words & Expressions
employ v. (长期,脑力)雇佣 eg. We employed him as an adviser.
He was employed by that company as a programmer. employee 雇员、职员 employer 雇主、老板
He dedicated his life to the service of his country. He dedicated his first book to his mother. He dedicates his Saturdays to football.
memory:n记忆 (sweet memories) Memorable:adj. 值得纪念的, 难忘的 memorial纪念物, 纪念馆, memorize 记住, 记忆 memorandom(memo)备忘录
II New words & Expressions
rent v.(长期)租赁 Phrase: rent sth Βιβλιοθήκη Baiduout) to sb 把…租给别人
rent sth from sb 从别人那租到… eg. We rented a house from Mr. Wang.
Mr. Wang rented a house to us. let v. 出租 Phrase: let sth to sb 把…租给别人 eg. He let his house to the students for a term.
III Text Study
Explain the text: If the money was not paid promptly, the gangsters would
quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop. (1) Structure: “If” introduces a conditional clause. “If”引导条件状