
旁白: 愚公: 妻子: 智叟: 天神: 大力神: 儿子: 女儿:
Thanks for listening
从前,有一个叫愚公的老人,在他家附近 有太行和王屋两座山。它们又高又大,走 很长一段路才能到山的另一边。
One day, Yu Gong gathered his family together and said, “ Let’s try our best to move these two mountains. Then we can open a road that leads to Yuzhou. What do you think?”
"You're wrong," Yu Gong said with a sigh. "Look!My sons can continue my work after my death. When my sons die, my grandchildren will continue. So generations after generations, there's no end.
Later the Heaven God, learning of Yu Gong's story, was greatly moved. Then he ordered two mighty gods to come down and take away the two high mountains.
But the mountains can't grow higher. Do you still say I can't move them away?"

《愚公移山》英语范文Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of the mountains, there lived an old man named Yugong. Yugong was known throughout the land for his unwavering determination and his relentless pursuit of a seemingly impossible goal.The village where Yugong lived was surrounded by two towering mountains that blocked the sunlight and cast long shadows over the land. For years, Yugong had watched as the villagers struggled to eke out a living in the harsh, shadowy environment. He knew that if the mountains were gone, the land would be transformed, and the people would be able to thrive.One day, Yugong called a meeting of the villagers and announced his plan to remove the mountains. The villagers were skeptical at first, thinking that the old man had finally lost his mind. How could a single person, even with the help of the entire village, hope to move such massive, immovable mountains?But Yugong was undeterred. He explained that with enough hardwork and determination, anything was possible. He outlined his plan, which involved chipping away at the mountains, one small piece at a time, until they were reduced to rubble.The villagers were hesitant, but Yugong's unwavering confidence and passion were infectious. Slowly, they began to believe in his vision and agreed to lend their support.And so, day after day, Yugong and the villagers set to work, chipping away at the mountains with their bare hands and simple tools. The task was arduous and seemingly endless, but Yugong never lost hope. He would often say to the villagers, "If we work together, we can move these mountains, one small piece at a time."As the years passed, the villagers began to see the fruits of their labor. The mountains, once towering and impenetrable, were slowly but surely being reduced in size. The sunlight began to filter through, and the land around the village started to transform.The news of Yugong's remarkable feat spread far and wide, and he became a legendary figure in the region. People from all over the land came to marvel at the progress being made and to lend their support to the cause.But not everyone was impressed by Yugong's efforts. Some scoffedat the idea of a single person being able to move mountains, dismissing it as the foolish dream of a senile old man. They argued that Yugong was wasting his time and the time of the villagers, and that the mountains would never be moved.Yugong, however, remained undaunted. He knew that his goal was not just about moving the mountains, but about inspiring others to believe in the power of determination and hard work. He continued to rally the villagers, encouraging them to keep pushing forward, no matter how daunting the task might seem.As the years turned into decades, the mountains continued to shrink, and the land around the village began to flourish. The villagers, once skeptical, now marveled at the transformation they had witnessed. They had seen firsthand the power of Yugong's unwavering spirit and the strength of their collective effort.Sadly, Yugong did not live to see the final completion of his dream. He passed away, but his legacy lived on. The villagers, inspired by his example, continued the work he had started, and eventually, the mountains were reduced to mere hills.The story of Yugong and the moving of the mountains has become a symbol of the power of human determination and the ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It serves as areminder that with enough hard work, dedication, and a unwavering belief in one's goals, anything is possible.Today, the once-barren land around the village has been transformed into a lush, vibrant landscape, a testament to the enduring spirit of Yugong and the villagers who followed in his footsteps. The story of the Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains continues to inspire people around the world, reminding us that with a little bit of courage and a lot of determination, we can achieve the impossible.。
英语愚公移山的故事[愚公移山英语故事加翻译]愚公移山英语故事加翻译愚公移山英语故事加翻译愚公移山英语故事加翻译篇一In ancient times, there was an old man named Yu Gong. 古时候,有一老人,名字叫愚公。
He was nearly 90 years old. 快九十岁了。
There were two mountains in front of his house. 他家的门口有两座大山。
One was the Taihang Mountain, the other the Wangwu Mountain. 一座叫太行山,一座叫王屋山。
It was very inconvenient for people to come and go. 人们进出非常不方便。
One day, Yu Gong said to the whole family: “These two mountains block the doorway of our house. 一天,愚公对全家人说:“这两座大山,挡在了咱们家的门口。
It is very inconvenient for us to come and go. 进出很不方便。
Let our whole family exert efforts to move away these two mountains. How about it“ 咱们全家出力,移走这两座大山,好不好” Upon hearing this, all his sons and grandsons said: "You are right. Let us start tomorrow!" 他的儿子、孙子一听,都说:“你说得对,咱们明天就开始干!” But his wife felt it too difficult to move the mountains.可是,他的妻子觉得搬山太难了。

Represents the ultimate arbiters of fate, symbolizing the power of persistence and hard work in overcoming insurmountable obstacles.
Plot analysis
Deities who observe the foolish old man's efforts from above and eventually reward him for his perseverance.
Actors playing the heavenly gods should personify divinity, appearing ethereal and otherworldly while also conveying a sense of benevolence and omnipotence.
The villagers face challenges like rockslides, bad weather, and limited space while trying to move the mountain.
Teamwork and strategy
Yu Gong leads the villagers in a coordinated effort, using innovative strategies like terracing and soil reinforcement to overcome obstacles.
Progress updates

愚公移山英语简短故事(简短)Once upon a time, in ancient China, there was an old man named Yugong who lived in the mountains. He was a widower and lived with his three children. Yugong's house was located at the foot of two high mountains, which made it very inconvenient for them to travel and cultivate their land. Every day, they had to walk a long way to reach the fertile land, and even then, the harsh terrain made farming a difficult task.Yugong was a wise and determined man who refused to let the mountains stand in the way of his family's prosperity. One day, he gathered his children and announced that he had a plan to move the mountains. His children were skeptical and even a bit amused by their father's idea. They knew how hard it was to climb the mountains, and they couldn't imagine how anyone could move them.Despite the doubts of his children, Yugong was resolute. He explained that although he may not be able to move the mountains himself, he could start by digging a tunnel through them. This would make it easier for his family and other villagers to travel and farm the land. His children were still unsure, but they respected their father's determination and agreed to help him with his plan.Yugong and his children set to work immediately. They woke up early every morning, before the sun had risen, and began digging with picks and shovels. They worked tirelessly all day, only stopping for a brief lunch break, and continued until after sunset. Despite the backbreaking work, Yugong never lost sight of his goal. He encouraged his children to keep going, reminding them that their hard work would bring prosperity to their family and their village.As days passed, the tunnel slowly began to take shape. However, the taskwas far from complete, and Yugong knew that it would take many years to finish. Some of his children grew tired and discouraged, but Yugong never lost faith. He reminded them that Rome wasn't built in a day and that great achievements require patience and perseverance.News of Yugong's ambitious project soon spread throughout the village, and many people came to see the progress of the tunnel. Some laughed at Yugong's foolishness, while others admired his determination and offered to help. Yugong welcomed any help he could get, and soon a small team of villagers was working together to move the mountains.Years went by, and Yugong grew old, but he never lost sight of his dream. His children had grown up and had families of their own, but they continued to work on the tunnel, passing down the legacy of their father's determination. Finally, after decades of hard work, the tunnel was complete. It was a moment of great celebration for the village as people marveled at the feat they had accomplished.The tunnel made it much easier for the villagers to travel and farm the land, and soon the village began to prosper. Yugong's family became one of the most respected in the village, and his legacy lived on through generations. People would tell stories of Yugong's determination and perseverance, inspiring others to never give up on their dreams, no matter how difficult they may seem.。

愚公移山英语主持词《愚公移山》英语主持词一、开场语Good evening, dear friends! Wee to our story -telling session. Today, we are going to share a very famous Chinese fable - "The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains". This story has been passed down through generations in China, and it contains profound wisdom and values.二、英语释义部分1. Foolish - not intelligent or wise; showing a lack of good sense.- Example: It was a foolish decision to go out without an umbrella in such a heavy rain.- Phrase: foolish behavior (愚蠢的行为)2. Remove - take (something) away or off from the position occupied.- Example: Please remove your shoes before entering the room.- Phrase: remove from (从……移除)3. Mountain - a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level.- Example: There are many beautiful mountains in this area.- Phrase: mountain range (山脉)4. Perseverance - steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.- Example: His perseverance in learning English finally paid off.- Phrase: with perseverance (凭借毅力)5. Determination - the quality of being firmly resolved.- Example: Her determination to win the race was very strong.- Phrase: show determination (表现出决心)6. Ancestor - a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.- Example: Our ancestors had a very hard life.- Phrase: ancestor worship (祖先崇拜)7. Hinder - make it difficult for (someone) to do something or for (something) to happen.- Example: The bad weather hindered our progress.- Phrase: hinder from (阻碍……做某事)8. Mock - tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner.- Example: Don't mock others just because they are different.- Phrase: mock at (嘲笑)9. Divinity - the state of being divine; a god or goddess.- Example: In some religions, people believe in the existence of divinity.- Phrase: divinity school (神学院)10. Marvel - be filled with wonder or astonishment.- Example: We marvelled at the beautiful scenery.- Phrase: marvel at (对……感到惊奇)11. Scheme - a large - scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.- Example: They came up with a new scheme to solve the traffic problem.- Ph rase: scheme for (……的计划)12. Entrust - assign the responsibility for doing something to (someone).- Example: I entrusted my cat to my neighbor when I went on a trip.- Phrase: entrust with (把……托付给)13. Doubt - a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.- Example: I have some doubts about his honesty.- Phrase: without doubt (毫无疑问)14. Gigantic - of very great size or extent; huge or enormous.- Example: The new building is a gigantic structure.- Phrase: gigantic task (巨大的任务)15. Stick to - continue with (something that one has decided to do).- Example: If you make a plan, you should stick to it.- Phrase: stick to one's principles (坚持自己的原则)16. Accumulate - gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.- Example: He has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years.- Phrase: accumulate knowledge (积累知识)17. Inspire - fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.- Example: His story inspired me to work harder.- Phrase: inspire sb. to do sth. (激励某人做某事)18. Endurance - the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.- Example: Long - distance runners need great endurance.- Phrase: physical endurance (身体耐力)19. Ridiculous - deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd.- Example: His excuse was really ridiculous.- Phrase: look ridiculous (看起来很可笑)20. Successor - a person or thing that succeeds another.- Example: He is the successor to the throne.- Phrase: successor in title (名义上的继承人)三、故事讲述环节过渡语Now, let's start to listen to the story of "The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains". In this story, we will see how the Foolish Old Man and his family face difficulties and challenges with their strong determination and perseverance.四、结尾语So, that's the end of the story "The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains". This story teaches us that with firm determination, perseverance, and the unity of the family, we can ovee even the most difficult obstacles. Thank you all for listening!。

中国神话故事英语版愚公移山1Once upon a time, in ancient China, there was an old man named Yu Gong. His house was surrounded by two huge mountains, Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain, which brought great inconvenience to his daily life. Yu Gong decided to remove these mountains despite the doubts and ridicules from others.When Yu Gong announced his decision to the villagers, many people thought he was crazy. They said, "You are too old and weak. How could you possibly move these massive mountains?" But Yu Gong remained firm and replied, "I may die, but my sons will continue the work. My sons will have sons, and so on. Eventually, we will succeed."Then, Yu Gong and his family began the arduous task. Every day, they woke up early and worked hard until sunset. They dug the soil, carried the stones, and never gave up. Year after year passed, and their determination never wavered.Yu Gong's perseverance and unwavering spirit finally moved the gods. The gods decided to help him and removed the mountains. This story tells us that as long as we have a firm will and keep working hard, no difficulty is insurmountable. We should learn from Yu Gong's spirit and never be afraid of challenges in our lives.Once upon a time in ancient China, there was an old man named Yu Gong. His house was surrounded by two huge mountains, which made their daily life very inconvenient. Yu Gong decided to remove these mountains, and he shared this bold idea with his family.At first, some of his family members were skeptical, but Y u Gong's determination and persuasion convinced them. They all agreed to join the challenging task. Day after day, they dug and carried the soil and stones, working tirelessly.However, the process was far from easy. They faced many difficulties and setbacks. Sometimes the weather was extremely bad, with heavy rain or strong wind, hindering their progress. But Yu Gong and his family never gave up. They believed that as long as they persisted, they could eventually overcome all the obstacles.Years passed, and their efforts never ceased. Their perseverance and hard work finally moved the gods. The gods sent celestial beings to help them remove the mountains. Through this story, we understand that with unwavering determination and continuous effort, no difficulty is insurmountable. Just like Y u Gong and his family, as long as we keep going and never stop, we can achieve our goals no matter how hard they seem at the beginning.Once upon a time, in ancient China, there was an old man named Yu Gong. He lived at the foot of two huge mountains that blocked the way to the outside world. Despite his advanced age, Y u Gong had a firm determination to remove these mountains.Yu Gong knew that this task was extremely arduous, but he believed that as long as he persisted, it could be accomplished. Every day, he woke up early and led his family members to dig and carry the soil and stones. The road ahead was full of difficulties and challenges. Sometimes, they were tired and their hands were blistered, but Yu Gong always encouraged them, saying, "We must not give up. Our efforts will eventually pay off."In his heart, he had an unwavering belief that this was for the benefit of future generations. Even when others laughed at him and said it was impossible, he remained steadfast in his decision.Years passed, and Yu Gong's perseverance and determination moved the gods. The gods decided to help him and finally removed the two mountains. The success of Yu Gong not only changed the living environment of his own family but also had a profound influence on the people around. They realized that with firm belief and unremitting efforts, even the most difficult tasks could be accomplished.The story of Yu Gong Moving Mountains has been passed down through generations, inspiring countless people to face difficulties bravelyand never give up. It is a vivid portrayal of the tenacious quality in traditional Chinese culture.4Once upon a time, in ancient China, there was an old man named Yu Gong. His house was surrounded by two huge mountains, Wangwu Mountain and Taihang Mountain, which brought great inconvenience to his and his fellow villagers' lives.Determined to change this situation, Yu Gong proposed to remove these mountains. Many people laughed at him, especially a wise old man named Zhi Sou. Zhi Sou said mockingly, "You are so old and weak. How can you possibly remove these mountains?" But Y u Gong replied firmly, "I may die, but my sons will continue. My sons will have sons, and so on. The mountains will not grow higher. We will eventually succeed!"Despite the ridicule and difficulties, Yu Gong and his family began the arduous task. They worked day after day, never giving up. The villagers were moved by Yu Gong's perseverance and joined him. They showed the spirit of unity and cooperation. They shared the work, helped each other, and believed that as long as they persisted, they could achieve the impossible.Finally, their determination and efforts moved the gods. The gods helped them remove the mountains. This story tells us that with persistence and courage, no goal is impossible to achieve. Just like Yu Gong, we shouldnever be afraid of difficulties and keep moving forward towards our dreams.5Once upon a time in ancient China, there was an old man named Yu Gong. Despite his advanced age, he was determined to remove the two huge mountains that blocked the way in front of his house. This story of Yu Gong Moving the Mountains has been passed down through the ages, carrying profound values and meanings.Yu Gong's decision to undertake this seemingly impossible task was not driven by foolishness but by an unwavering spirit and a strong sense of perseverance. His action signified the power of human will and the belief that with determination, any obstacle could be overcome. It was not just about moving mountains; it was about challenging the status quo and refusing to be confined by limitations.From different perspectives, Yu Gong's behavior can be seen as a symbol of hope and inspiration. It teaches us that even in the face of insurmountable difficulties, we should not give up easily. His story also reflects the value of collective effort. Maybe Yu Gong alone could not complete the task in his lifetime, but his spirit could inspire future generations to continue the effort.Throughout history, this story has evolved and adapted. It has become a source of motivation for countless people, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and overcome hardships. It reminds us that the journey mightbe long and arduous, but as long as we keep moving forward with determination, we will eventually reach our goals.In conclusion, the tale of Yu Gong Moving the Mountains is not just an ancient myth; it is a timeless lesson that continues to shape our values and inspire us to strive for a better future.。

愚公移山英文1分钟左右Here's a one-minute, spoken-style English version of the story of "Yu Gong Moves the Mountains":Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yu Gong. He lived in a village surrounded by two gigantic mountains, blocking the sun and causing hardship for his people. Yu Gong made a bold decision. He said, "I will move these mountains, no matter how long it takes."Each day, Yu Gong led his family and neighbors to chip away at the mountains, carrying away the rocks and soil. Many laughed at his efforts, saying it was impossible. But Yu Gong was undeterred. He believed that as long as he kept going, the mountains would eventually be gone.Years passed, and Yu Gong's efforts seemed tiny compared to the vast mountains. Yet, he never gave up. His story inspired others to join him, and soon there was a small army working to clear the way. The gods overhead sawYu Gong's perseverance and were moved.One day, the gods sent two powerful spirits to help Yu Gong. In an instant, the mountains were gone, revealing a beautiful, sunlit valley. The villagers rejoiced, and Yu Gong's name was remembered for his unwavering spirit and unyielding determination. His story teaches us that with patience and perseverance, even the impossible can be achieved.。

愚公移山英语故事1Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yu Gong. He lived at the foot of two huge mountains, Taihang and Wangwu, which blocked the way and made it very difficult for people to travel. Y u Gong was determined to remove these mountains, for he believed it would bring great convenience to everyone.His family members had different reactions. Some of them supported his decision, saying that if they all worked together, they could achieve the goal one day. However, some others doubted it, thinking it was an impossible task and they would waste a lot of time and energy.But Y u Gong was not swayed by the doubts. He led his sons and grandsons to start the work. They carried the earth and stones in baskets and transported them to a faraway place. Day after day, they worked hard without complaint.A wise man heard about this and laughed at Yu Gong, saying that he was too foolish to try such an impossible thing. Yu Gong replied calmly, "I may die, but my sons will continue, and their sons after them. The mountains will be moved eventually."Yu Gong's perseverance and firm belief touched the gods. Finally, the gods helped him remove the mountains.This story tells us that as long as we have a firm will and keep working hard, no matter how difficult the task is, we can overcome it.2Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yu Gong. His house was surrounded by two huge mountains, which made it very difficult for him and his family to go out and come back. So, Yu Gong decided to move these mountains.The task was extremely challenging. The tools they had were very simple and crude, just some shovels and hoes. The amount of work was astonishingly huge. It seemed an impossible mission for ordinary people.However, Yu Gong never gave up. Day after day, he led his family to dig and carry the soil and stones. They worked from dawn till dusk, regardless of the hot sun or the cold wind.Many people laughed at Y u Gong and said he was foolish. They thought it was impossible to remove the mountains. But Y u Gong remained firm and said, "Even if I die, my sons will continue. My sons will have sons, and they will have sons too. The mountains will be moved eventually."Yu Gong's perseverance and determination finally moved the gods. The gods sent two immortals to help him remove the mountains.This story tells us that as long as we have the spirit of perseverance and never give up, no matter how difficult the task is, we can eventuallyachieve our goals.3Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yu Gong. He lived at the foot of two huge mountains which blocked the way and made life very difficult for the villagers. Yu Gong was a man of unwavering determination. He decided to remove these mountains, even though the task seemed impossible.Despite the enormity of the task, Yu Gong's family trusted and supported him. His sons and grandsons were willing to work alongside him, believing in his vision. They knew it would be a long and arduous journey, but they were not afraid.However, there was a man called the Wise Old Man who scoffed at Yu Gong's plan. He was a person with a narrow and shortsighted view. He said, "You are too old and weak. How can you possibly remove these mountains?" But Yu Gong remained steadfast. He replied, "Even if I die, my sons will continue. And their sons after them. Generation after generation, we will never stop until the mountains are moved."Yu Gong's perseverance and the trust of his family eventually paid off. Their determination and hard work moved the gods, who sent divine beings to remove the mountains.The story of Yu Gong teaches us that with unwavering determination and the support of those around us, even the most impossible tasks can beaccomplished. It shows that we should not be limited by the difficulties in front of us but should have the courage and persistence to pursue our goals.4Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yu Gong who lived at the foot of a colossal and perilous mountain. The mountain was so towering and steep that it blocked the sunlight and made the journey of the villagers extremely difficult.Determined to change their fate, Y u Gong gathered all the villagers and announced his decision to remove the mountain. The scene was filled with excitement and hope. Everyone was willing to contribute to this seemingly impossible task.The men, with their strong arms and unwavering determination, swung their pickaxes vigorously against the hard rocks. The women carried the debris away in baskets, their steps steady and resolute. The children also joined in, bringing water and food to the workers.The sound of tools hitting the mountain echoed through the valley. Sweat trickled down the faces of the workers, but their spirits remained high. Clouds of dust rose into the air, creating a hazy and yet heroic atmosphere.Day after day, they persisted. No one complained about the hardship or the length of the task. They believed that as long as they worked together, they could eventually overcome the mighty mountain and create a betterlife for their descendants.5Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yu Gong who lived at the foot of two huge mountains. The mountains blocked his way and made life very difficult for the villagers. Yu Gong decided to remove the mountains despite the fact that it seemed an impossible task.His decision was met with ridicule and doubt from others. They said, "You are too old and weak. How can you ever achieve such a feat?" But Yu Gong remained steadfast and said, "I may not complete it in my lifetime, but my sons will continue, and their sons after them. One day, we will succeed."Day after day, year after year, Yu Gong and his family worked tirelessly. Their perseverance and determination were unwavering.In modern society, we can also find similar examples of such unwavering spirit. Consider scientists who spend years, even decades, researching to solve complex problems. They face countless setbacks and difficulties, yet they persist, driven by their passion and belief.Just like Yu Gong, they know that success may not come easily or quickly, but with continuous effort and an unyielding spirit, they believe that their goals can eventually be achieved. The story of Yu Gong teaches us that as long as we have the will and the determination, no obstacle is insurmountable.。

The Taihang Mountains and Wangwu Mountains, with a circumference of seven hundred miles and a height of seven or eight thousand zhang, were originally located in the south of Jizhou and north of the north bank of the Yellow River.At the foot of the North Mountain, there is a man named Yu Gong. He is almost 90 years old and lives directly opposite the mountain. He was suffering from the blocking in the north of the mountain area, so he had to make a detour when he came out and went in. So he called the whole family together and said, "I will try my best to dig out the steep mountains with you, so that the road can lead to the south of Yuzhou and reach the south bank of the Han River, OK?" Everyone agreed. His wife asked, "With your strength, you can't even flatten the mountain of Kui Fu. What about the Taihang and the King's House? Besides, where can you put the earth and stones?" They said, "Throw it on the edge of the Bohai Sea, to the north of the hidden earth." So Yu Gong led three people who could carry the burden among his children and grandchildren up the mountain, chiseling stones, digging earth, and transporting them to the Bohai Sea with dustpan. The widow of the neighbor Jingcheng had an orphan, who was just seven or eight years old, and went to help them. Only one round trip can be made between winter and summer.The wise old man in Hequ sneered at Yugong and stopped him fromdoing this. He said, "You are so stupid! With your remaining years and strength, you can't even move a grass on the mountain. What can you do with mud and stone?" The Duke Yu of Beishan sighed: "Your mind is so stubborn that you can't enlighten yourself. Even orphans and widows can't match it. Even if I die, there are still sons; sons have grandchildren, and grandchildren have sons; sons have sons, and sons have grandchildren; children and grandchildren are endless, but the mountain will not increase, and you are afraid of digging up the injustice?" The wise old man at the bend of the river has nothing to answer.The mountain god holding the snake heard about this, and was afraid that he would dig down endlessly and report it to the Emperor of Heaven. Moved by Yu Gong's sincerity, the Emperor of Heaven ordered the two sons of Hercules Kua E to carry the two mountains, one in the east of Shuofang and the other in the south of Yongzhou. From then on, there was no mountain barrier from the south of Jizhou to the south bank of the Han River.。

愚公移山用英语叙述简短故事Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yu Gong.He lived in a village surrounded by two big mountains.Every day, he had to walk a long way just to get out of his village, because the mountains blocked the path. Yu Gong didn't like this. He wanted to change it.Yu Gong made a decision: he would move the mountains!He gathered his family and told them his plan. They laughed, thinking he was crazy. But Yu Gong was determined. He said, "Little by little, even a turtle can reach the ocean."Day after day, Yu Gong and his family dug and carried rocks away from the mountains. Neighbors laughed at them, but Yu Gong didn't mind. He believed that with persistence, anything was possible.Years passed, and Yu Gong grew very old. His hairturned white, but his spirit didn't waver. One day, a god was moved by Yu Gong's efforts and decided to help. The godsent two strong spirits to move the mountains away, freeing Yu Gong's village forever.Yu Gong's story taught people a valuable lesson: never give up, no matter how impossible the task seems. With hard work and persistence, even the biggest obstacles can be overcome.。

愚公移山英语版简短英文回答:Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yu Gong who lived in a mountain village. One day, he decided to move the two mountains that were blocking the entrance to his village.“Why bother?” asked his neighbors. “The mountains are too big, and you are too old.”。
“True,” said Yu Gong, “but I will start digging today, and my sons will continue after me, and their sons after them, and so on. Eventually, we will move themou ntains.”。
And so, Yu Gong and his family began to dig away at the mountains. They worked day and night, but the mountains were so large that they made little progress.After many years, Yu Gong was still digging away at the mountains. The mountain god, moved by his determination, appeared before him.“You are foolish to think that you can move these mountains,” said the mountain god. “You will never succeed.”。

)旁白(用英语):In a small village, there lived an old man named Yu Gong. He was determined to move the mountain that blocked their path.愚公(用英语):My sons, grandchildren, let us work together to move this mountain. Our village depends on us.儿子们(用英语):Yes, father. We will help you.(他们开始挖山,日复一日,年复一年。
)旁白(用英语):Day after day, year after year, the family worked tirelessly. Spring turned to summer, summer turned to fall, fall turned to winter. But still, they worked on.愚公(用英语):As long as we keep working, one day, this mountain will move.(突然,一位老人出现在他们面前。
)老人(用英语):You are foolish to think you can move this mountain. It is too big, too difficult.愚公(用英语):I may be foolish, but I know that as long as I don't give up, I can do anything.(老人被愚公的决心感动,他给了愚公一个神奇的种子。

愚公移山英语简短版Title: "The Persistence of Yu Gong"In the ancient times, there lived a man named Yu Gong. He was known for his exceptional strength and determination, but he was also famous for a seemingly impossible task he had set for himself: to move a巨大mountain that blockedhis path to the sea. This mountain, tall and majestic, had stood for generations, a natural obstacle that many had attempted to overcome but failed. Yu Gong, however, refused to accept defeat.Yu Gong's neighbors saw his efforts as foolish and futile. They mocked him, saying that even if he labored for a lifetime, he could never hope to move such a massive mountain. But Yu Gong was unswayed by their doubts and laughter. He believed that with persistence and determination, no task was impossible.Day after day, Yu Gong labored tirelessly. He dug andshoveled, carrying away soil and stone by the basketful. His family joined him in the endeavor, passing down the task from generation to generation. As the years passed, the mountain began to show signs of their efforts. Gradually, a path was cleared, and the once-imposing mountain began to lose its former grandeur.As word of Yu Gong's feat spread, people began to take notice. They saw his unwavering commitment and wereinspired by his example. Some even joined him in his efforts, lending their strength to the cause. Together, they formed a community of like-minded individuals, all dedicated to the same goal.Over time, the mountain was reduced to a mere mound. And finally, one day, Yu Gong and his fellow workers were able to see the sea for the first time. Their efforts had paid off, and they had achieved what many had deemed impossible.The story of Yu Gong teaches us an important lesson about perseverance and determination. It reminds us that nomatter how difficult a task may seem, with enough effort and commitment, we can overcome any obstacle. Yu Gong's example shows us that success is not always measured by the size of our achievements but by the tenacity with which we pursue our goals.Moreover, his story highlights the power of community and collaboration. When individuals band together with a shared vision and purpose, they can achieve remarkable things. Yu Gong's neighbors may have doubted him initially, but in the end, they joined him in his efforts and shared in his triumph.In conclusion, the legend of Yu Gong serves as a timeless reminder of the value of persistence, determination, and collective effort. It encourages us to believe in ourselves and to never give up on our dreams, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. As Yu Gong once said, "I may be old, but I have sons. My sons may die, but they will have grandsons. And so it will continue until the mountain is moved." This spirit ofunwavering commitment and generational effort is an inspiration to us all.。

《愚公移山》英文版故事Yugong was a ninety-year-old man who lived at the north of two high mountains, Mount Taixing and Mount Wangwu.Stretching over a wide expanse of land, the mountains blocked yugong's way making it inconvenient for him and his family to get around.太行,王屋二山的北面,住了一个九十岁的老翁,名叫愚公。
One day yugong gathered his family together and said,"Let's do our best to level these two mountains. We shall open a road that leads to Yuzhou. What do you think?"一天,愚公召集家人说:「让我们各尽其力,铲平二山,开条道路,直通豫州,你们认为怎样?」All but his wife agreed with him."You don't have the strength to cut even a small mound," muttered his wife. "How on earth do you suppose you can level Mount Taixin and Mount Wanwu? Moreover, where will all the earth and rubble go?"大家都异口同声赞成,只有他的妻子表示怀疑,并说:「你连开凿一个小丘的力量都没有,怎可能铲平太行、王屋二山呢?况且,凿出的土石又丢到哪里去呢?」"Dump them into the Sea of Bohai!" said everyone.大家都热烈地说:「把土石丢进渤海里。

• C::"An old man like you cannot even move a small hill, not to mention the two high mountains. Even if you can, where can you throw so much earth and stone?" • C::“像你这样的一位老人甚至不能移动一 个小山丘,更不用说两个高山。即使你能,你 能把这么多的石头移到哪里?”
A:"the Bohai Sea is big enough to contain all the earth and stone," A:“渤海大到足以包含所有地 石头,”
D:"Yes, our efforts are to successors can go, again bitterness also like to.” D:“是的,我们的努力的继任者可以,再苦 也愿意。” Their sincere touched by god. 他们的真诚感动了上帝。
• God commands after two gods moved two high mountains. • 上帝命令后两个神搬两个高山。
• E:"Original and adhere to the people, so, let me to help them.” • E:“原始和坚持的人,所以,让我来帮助他们。”
The story tells us that so long as one is determined and sticks to it long enough, anything can be done, no matter how difficult it is. 这个故事告诉我们,只要一个决定并 坚持的时间足够长,可以做任何东西, 无论多么困难。
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Just to the north of the mountains lived an old man called Yu Gong who was nearly 90 years old. 以北的山上住着一位老人叫愚公将 近 90 岁 a
With the two high mountains just in front of his house, his family and he had to walk a long way around the mountains whenever they had something to do on the other side of the mountains. So the foolish old man and his family are going to the mountains remove 与前面的两个高山他的房子,他的家人 和他不得不走很长的路在山上时有关 山的另一边,因此愚公和他的家人准 备把这两座山移走。
• A:So generations after generations, there's no end. But the mountains can't grow higher. Do you still say I can’t move them away?" • A:然后一代一代,没有结束。但高山上不能 生长。你还说我不能动了?”
Some people see their work, and trying to stop them。 一些人认为他们的工作没有意义,并试图阻止 他们。
B:"You are so silly! You're so old and weak that you can't even take away the grass and trees. How can you move the high mountains?" B:“你真傻!你太弱,你甚至不能带走老草和 树木。你怎么能把高山吗?”
The story tells us that so long as one is determined and sticks to it long enough, anything can be done, no matter how difficult it is. 这个故事告诉我们,只要一个决定并 坚持的时间足够长,可以做任何东西, 无论多么困难。
A:"You are wrong, see, my son can continue my work after my death. When my son was dead, my grandchildr了,我的儿子在我死后可以继续 我的工作。当我的儿子死了,我的孙子将 继续。”
A:"the Bohai Sea is big enough to contain all the earth and stone," A:“渤海大到足以包含所有地 石头,”
D:"Yes, our efforts are to successors can go, again bitterness also like to.” D:“是的,我们的努力的继任者可以,再苦 也愿意。” Their sincere touched by god. 他们的真诚感动了上帝。
• God commands after two gods moved two high mountains. • 上帝命令后两个神搬两个高山。
• E:"Original and adhere to the people, so, let me to help them.” • E:“原始和坚持的人,所以,让我来帮助他们。”
旁白 :连鸿辉201518030311 愚公A:王睿201518030338 愚公的家人D:莦夷灵201518030322 质疑愚公的人B:官运庚201518030328 质疑愚公的人C:吴伟201518030339 神E:瞿旭仁201518030323
There were two high mountains between Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain. Both of the mountains were very high. 有两座高山在冀州在南部和河阳的 北方。一个叫太行山,另王屋山。两 个山也非常高。
• C::"An old man like you cannot even move a small hill, not to mention the two high mountains. Even if you can, where can you throw so much earth and stone?" • C::“像你这样的一位老人甚至不能移动一 个小山丘,更不用说两个高山。即使你能,你 能把这么多的石头移到哪里?”