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——以资阳市Biblioteka Baidu市社区管理服务为例
Studies of the Model of Gridding Management of Community in Urban ——Take the Management and Service of Community in Ziyang Municipality as an Example
The different provinces are making bold practical explorations focusing on strengthening the construction of community service system and informatization in urban and rural, build service platform of integrated management of community, reliable resolve day-to-day service issues for resident and so on after central government of China deployed to strengthen and innovate the management of Community.
同时,以资阳市推行社区管理服务工作为案例,对其主要做法、运行模 式、取得的成效、存在的问题进行分析研究,对完善城市社区网格化管理提 出了自己的观念和建议。首先,规范社区组织运行体系,健全完善以社区党 组织为核心、社区自治组织为主体、社会各方力量共同参与的新型社区管理 体系;第二,搭建社区综合管理服务平台,规范流程,让社区内每个城市部 件、城市事件问题都能得到精细化管理;第三,规范社区服务平台,细化社 区服务项目,让每个居民都能得到人性化服务。第四,在组织实施过程中, 注重激发社会组织、社区居民参与社区管理服务热情,形成多元共治格局。 通过推行社区网格化管理模式,把各类社会问题、社会矛盾处置在萌芽状态, 达到以基层平安细胞创建促进社会安定有序、和谐稳定。
After concluding some ways of implement the Gridding Urban Management in some district such as Dongcheng District of Beijing, Changning District of Shanghai and Yichang City of Hubei Province, the article summarized the basic constitution, key feature and limitation of the Gridding Urban Management. It is a effective fusion between technological innovation and institutional innovation. To have a unique advantage about integrating the resources, standardizing the process, the efficient management, Sweeping service and so on, the Gridding Management of Community achieved the interaction between government and masses. It will be beneficial to construct the community of the well-managed, the perfect services, the civilization and the peace, the safety and the harmony. After analyzing the main methods, results, existing problems during carrying out the management and service of Community in Ziyang Municipality, the author propose some advises about improving the Gridding Urban Management. First. standardizing the organization framework of Community, establishing and improving the newly type management system of Community, in which CPC organization is the core, and
本文较为系统地展现出以“精细化管理、人性化服务、多元化参与、规 范化运行、信息化支撑”为主要内容的城市社区网格化管理运行模式,尤其 在搭建社区服务平台,细化社区服务项目,促进工作重心下移、工作窗口前 置、基层资源整合等方面进行了深入探索,对提升社区服务质量有一定的实 践指导意义。 关键字:城市社区 管理服务 网格化
Studies of the Model of Gridding Management of Community in Urban ——Take the Management and Service of Community in Ziyang Municipality as an Example
本学位论文属于 1、□保密,在_____年解密后适用本授权书。 2、□不保密 特此声明。
学位申请人: 年月日
社区是城市的基本单元,建设的好与坏,直接关乎到居民的生活质量、 幸福指数和社会的和谐稳定。开展对社区管理服务模式的研究,在解决当前 城市管理弊端、满足居民多样多元需求、构建新型社区管理服务体系等方面 具有重要的现实意义。中央全面部署加强和创新社会管理后,各地在加快建 设社区管理服务综合平台、健全完善社区服务体系、推进社区信息化建设等 方面,进行了大胆实践探索,以社区管理促进社会管理,再次掀起了社区建 设的热潮。
本文从总结、归纳北京东城区、上海长宁区、湖北宜昌市等地区组织实 施城市网格化管理主要做法入手,对网格化管理的基本构成、主要特征和局 限性进行了提炼、概述。认为,社区网格化管理是技术创新和制度创新的有 效融合,变过去“上面千条线、基层一根针”为“上面千条线、基层一张网”, 在整合资源、规范流程、高效管理、全程服务等方面具有独特优势,实现了 居民与政府的良性互动,有利于建设管理有序、服务完善、文明祥和、平安 和谐社区。
The article systematically revealed the contents of operational mode of the Gridding Urban Management of community, including precise management, people-oriented service, multi-participation, Standardized operation, information technology as supporter. It also had done many deep studies in building service platform of community, detailing service items of Community, decentralization of community work, forward of the work windows, consolidate resources at the grass-roots level. The article has a practical guiding significance to improve the quality of community service.
Community is a fundamental unit of the city. The bad or good of community development will affect the living quality, happiness index of masses and harmony and stability of society. There is an important and practical significance to resolve disadvantage of current urban management, meet the various needs of masses and build the newly type system of management and service of Community through studying for the model of management and service of Community.
本人同意在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属西南财经大学。 本人完全了解西南财经大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即学校有权保 留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和 借阅。本人授权西南财经大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关 数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其他复制手段保存和汇编 本学位论文。
齐九根 211125200014
MPA 行政管理
尹庆双 2013 年 5 月
本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研 究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他 个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个 人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明,因本学位论文引起的法律结果完全 由本人承担。
autonomy organization is the main body, and the social forces participate jointly. Second, building service platform of integrated management and service of community, standardizing process, of which every region and every issue in Community can be elaborately managed. Third, standardizing service platform of Community, detailing service items of Community, it made each of the residents can enjoy people-oriented service. Fourth, during carrying out the Gridding Management, paying attention to motivate social organization, community members take part in the management of community. It will become a multi-governance pattern. Through carrying out the model of the Gridding Management, it will resolve the various social issues, social conflicts in the bud and make grass-roots become the footstone of a society of peace and order, harmony and stability.
——以资阳市Biblioteka Baidu市社区管理服务为例
Studies of the Model of Gridding Management of Community in Urban ——Take the Management and Service of Community in Ziyang Municipality as an Example
The different provinces are making bold practical explorations focusing on strengthening the construction of community service system and informatization in urban and rural, build service platform of integrated management of community, reliable resolve day-to-day service issues for resident and so on after central government of China deployed to strengthen and innovate the management of Community.
同时,以资阳市推行社区管理服务工作为案例,对其主要做法、运行模 式、取得的成效、存在的问题进行分析研究,对完善城市社区网格化管理提 出了自己的观念和建议。首先,规范社区组织运行体系,健全完善以社区党 组织为核心、社区自治组织为主体、社会各方力量共同参与的新型社区管理 体系;第二,搭建社区综合管理服务平台,规范流程,让社区内每个城市部 件、城市事件问题都能得到精细化管理;第三,规范社区服务平台,细化社 区服务项目,让每个居民都能得到人性化服务。第四,在组织实施过程中, 注重激发社会组织、社区居民参与社区管理服务热情,形成多元共治格局。 通过推行社区网格化管理模式,把各类社会问题、社会矛盾处置在萌芽状态, 达到以基层平安细胞创建促进社会安定有序、和谐稳定。
After concluding some ways of implement the Gridding Urban Management in some district such as Dongcheng District of Beijing, Changning District of Shanghai and Yichang City of Hubei Province, the article summarized the basic constitution, key feature and limitation of the Gridding Urban Management. It is a effective fusion between technological innovation and institutional innovation. To have a unique advantage about integrating the resources, standardizing the process, the efficient management, Sweeping service and so on, the Gridding Management of Community achieved the interaction between government and masses. It will be beneficial to construct the community of the well-managed, the perfect services, the civilization and the peace, the safety and the harmony. After analyzing the main methods, results, existing problems during carrying out the management and service of Community in Ziyang Municipality, the author propose some advises about improving the Gridding Urban Management. First. standardizing the organization framework of Community, establishing and improving the newly type management system of Community, in which CPC organization is the core, and
本文较为系统地展现出以“精细化管理、人性化服务、多元化参与、规 范化运行、信息化支撑”为主要内容的城市社区网格化管理运行模式,尤其 在搭建社区服务平台,细化社区服务项目,促进工作重心下移、工作窗口前 置、基层资源整合等方面进行了深入探索,对提升社区服务质量有一定的实 践指导意义。 关键字:城市社区 管理服务 网格化
Studies of the Model of Gridding Management of Community in Urban ——Take the Management and Service of Community in Ziyang Municipality as an Example
本学位论文属于 1、□保密,在_____年解密后适用本授权书。 2、□不保密 特此声明。
学位申请人: 年月日
社区是城市的基本单元,建设的好与坏,直接关乎到居民的生活质量、 幸福指数和社会的和谐稳定。开展对社区管理服务模式的研究,在解决当前 城市管理弊端、满足居民多样多元需求、构建新型社区管理服务体系等方面 具有重要的现实意义。中央全面部署加强和创新社会管理后,各地在加快建 设社区管理服务综合平台、健全完善社区服务体系、推进社区信息化建设等 方面,进行了大胆实践探索,以社区管理促进社会管理,再次掀起了社区建 设的热潮。
本文从总结、归纳北京东城区、上海长宁区、湖北宜昌市等地区组织实 施城市网格化管理主要做法入手,对网格化管理的基本构成、主要特征和局 限性进行了提炼、概述。认为,社区网格化管理是技术创新和制度创新的有 效融合,变过去“上面千条线、基层一根针”为“上面千条线、基层一张网”, 在整合资源、规范流程、高效管理、全程服务等方面具有独特优势,实现了 居民与政府的良性互动,有利于建设管理有序、服务完善、文明祥和、平安 和谐社区。
The article systematically revealed the contents of operational mode of the Gridding Urban Management of community, including precise management, people-oriented service, multi-participation, Standardized operation, information technology as supporter. It also had done many deep studies in building service platform of community, detailing service items of Community, decentralization of community work, forward of the work windows, consolidate resources at the grass-roots level. The article has a practical guiding significance to improve the quality of community service.
Community is a fundamental unit of the city. The bad or good of community development will affect the living quality, happiness index of masses and harmony and stability of society. There is an important and practical significance to resolve disadvantage of current urban management, meet the various needs of masses and build the newly type system of management and service of Community through studying for the model of management and service of Community.
本人同意在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属西南财经大学。 本人完全了解西南财经大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即学校有权保 留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和 借阅。本人授权西南财经大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关 数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其他复制手段保存和汇编 本学位论文。
齐九根 211125200014
MPA 行政管理
尹庆双 2013 年 5 月
本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研 究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他 个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个 人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明,因本学位论文引起的法律结果完全 由本人承担。
autonomy organization is the main body, and the social forces participate jointly. Second, building service platform of integrated management and service of community, standardizing process, of which every region and every issue in Community can be elaborately managed. Third, standardizing service platform of Community, detailing service items of Community, it made each of the residents can enjoy people-oriented service. Fourth, during carrying out the Gridding Management, paying attention to motivate social organization, community members take part in the management of community. It will become a multi-governance pattern. Through carrying out the model of the Gridding Management, it will resolve the various social issues, social conflicts in the bud and make grass-roots become the footstone of a society of peace and order, harmony and stability.