简笔画风景创作构思 共32页
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• Iris Grace's financier father, Peter-Jon Halmshaw, added: 'When she started doing art therapy we thought it was amazing, but we're her parents so we think everything she does is amazing.
这是画院著名 的试题之一。当时许多应试者都集 中心思考虑如何重点表现酒家,所以大多以小溪 、木桥和竹林作陪衬,画面上应有尽有,样样摆 出。然而,画家李唐则不然,他独出机杼,在画 面上巧妙地画出一弯清清的流水,一座小桥横架 于水上,桥畔岸边,在一抹青翠的竹林中,斜挑 出一幅酒帘,迎风招展。李唐这幅画虽然并未画 出酒家,但他把酒家深藏在竹林之中,深得诗句 中“竹锁”的意趣。结果,李唐得了第一名。清 人沈宗骞评论李唐的画法是“露其要处而隐其全 ”,赞扬他是画中的高手。
第三章 风景画创作的艺术 构思
The third chapter :landscape drawing artistic conception
一次,老舍先生到齐白石先生家做客,他从 案头拿起一本书,随手翻到清代诗人查慎行 一首诗,有意从诗中选取一句‘蛙声十里出 山泉’,想请齐白石先生用画去表现,同学 们如果你是齐白石你会如何画这幅画呢?
这个题难住了不少应试的人。古寺既然藏在深山 之中,怎么在画面上表现出来呢?苦思良久,有的 在半山腰画一座古寺,有的在深山老林中画一古 寺,有的在两峰耸峙的山谷中露出寺庙的一角红 墙。然而,有一幅画却别出心裁。这幅画根本没 有画什么古寺,而只是画了一个老和尚在山脚下 的小溪边挑水。宋徽宗审阅画卷时看到此画,不 禁拍案叫绝!用一个和尚点出‘藏’字,不画古寺 ,而古寺自在画藏”来激发欣 赏者的想象力。
北宋时期虽然在国力上积贫积 弱,但在文坛艺苑却足一派兴 旺景象。
宋徽宗赵佶在历史上是一位昏 庸无能的皇帝,但在艺术上才 华横溢,是一位造诣不俗的画 家。
当时画院勃兴,徽宗将作画能 力作为科举入仕的重要参照, 甚至画得好,获得皇帝的赏识 ,可以直接在朝廷当官,所以 当时画院勃兴,宋徽宗直接参 与试题的命题,批卷,甚至还 亲自授课,所处考题至今被传 为佳话。
'As part of play therapy I tried to get Iris Grace to draw,' she said. 'I then got out an easel - which she hated - but when I put the paper and paints on the table she loved it.
• 'We realised about three months ago she is actually really talented,' she said. 'Inquiries to buy her paintings were flooding in from all over the world and a framed print sold in a charity auction in London for £830.'
• We still have a long way to go with her social skills and speech, but we are having many more good days.
• 'Her autism has created a style which I've
Mrs Carter-Johnson added: 'I would love to think that Iris Grace's story can be an inspiration to any parents with an autistic child.'
Michaela Butter, co-director of Embrace Arts, the University of Leicester's arts centre, said: 'As Iris Grace's paintings demonstrate so well, disability is no barrier to creativity.'
The family are hoping to arrange an exhibition in London to give Iris Grace's paintings a wider audience.
All profits from sales go towards art materials and paying her therapists.
• 'But lots of other people started saying it was great. It went berserk from there.'
• So far, the family has sold eight of Iris Grace's artworks, and is planning to makes prints of the paintings available too.
《蛙声十里出山泉》, 齐白石(1951)作
厄瓜多尔插画家、艺术家扎维尔 ·佩滋用日 常最常见的小物品配以简单的简笔画,巧 妙地将其转换成另一事物。构思精巧,乐 趣十足。大家在欣赏他的作品要体会日常 生活中的灵感和我们简笔画创作是分不开 的,所谓“艺术来源于生活,又高于生 活”。
• Her mother Arabella Carter-Johnson, said she had received positive feedback since posting her daughter's paintings on Facebook.
• Iris Grace's financier father, Peter-Jon Halmshaw, added: 'When she started doing art therapy we thought it was amazing, but we're her parents so we think everything she does is amazing.
这是画院著名 的试题之一。当时许多应试者都集 中心思考虑如何重点表现酒家,所以大多以小溪 、木桥和竹林作陪衬,画面上应有尽有,样样摆 出。然而,画家李唐则不然,他独出机杼,在画 面上巧妙地画出一弯清清的流水,一座小桥横架 于水上,桥畔岸边,在一抹青翠的竹林中,斜挑 出一幅酒帘,迎风招展。李唐这幅画虽然并未画 出酒家,但他把酒家深藏在竹林之中,深得诗句 中“竹锁”的意趣。结果,李唐得了第一名。清 人沈宗骞评论李唐的画法是“露其要处而隐其全 ”,赞扬他是画中的高手。
第三章 风景画创作的艺术 构思
The third chapter :landscape drawing artistic conception
一次,老舍先生到齐白石先生家做客,他从 案头拿起一本书,随手翻到清代诗人查慎行 一首诗,有意从诗中选取一句‘蛙声十里出 山泉’,想请齐白石先生用画去表现,同学 们如果你是齐白石你会如何画这幅画呢?
这个题难住了不少应试的人。古寺既然藏在深山 之中,怎么在画面上表现出来呢?苦思良久,有的 在半山腰画一座古寺,有的在深山老林中画一古 寺,有的在两峰耸峙的山谷中露出寺庙的一角红 墙。然而,有一幅画却别出心裁。这幅画根本没 有画什么古寺,而只是画了一个老和尚在山脚下 的小溪边挑水。宋徽宗审阅画卷时看到此画,不 禁拍案叫绝!用一个和尚点出‘藏’字,不画古寺 ,而古寺自在画藏”来激发欣 赏者的想象力。
北宋时期虽然在国力上积贫积 弱,但在文坛艺苑却足一派兴 旺景象。
宋徽宗赵佶在历史上是一位昏 庸无能的皇帝,但在艺术上才 华横溢,是一位造诣不俗的画 家。
当时画院勃兴,徽宗将作画能 力作为科举入仕的重要参照, 甚至画得好,获得皇帝的赏识 ,可以直接在朝廷当官,所以 当时画院勃兴,宋徽宗直接参 与试题的命题,批卷,甚至还 亲自授课,所处考题至今被传 为佳话。
'As part of play therapy I tried to get Iris Grace to draw,' she said. 'I then got out an easel - which she hated - but when I put the paper and paints on the table she loved it.
• 'We realised about three months ago she is actually really talented,' she said. 'Inquiries to buy her paintings were flooding in from all over the world and a framed print sold in a charity auction in London for £830.'
• We still have a long way to go with her social skills and speech, but we are having many more good days.
• 'Her autism has created a style which I've
Mrs Carter-Johnson added: 'I would love to think that Iris Grace's story can be an inspiration to any parents with an autistic child.'
Michaela Butter, co-director of Embrace Arts, the University of Leicester's arts centre, said: 'As Iris Grace's paintings demonstrate so well, disability is no barrier to creativity.'
The family are hoping to arrange an exhibition in London to give Iris Grace's paintings a wider audience.
All profits from sales go towards art materials and paying her therapists.
• 'But lots of other people started saying it was great. It went berserk from there.'
• So far, the family has sold eight of Iris Grace's artworks, and is planning to makes prints of the paintings available too.
《蛙声十里出山泉》, 齐白石(1951)作
厄瓜多尔插画家、艺术家扎维尔 ·佩滋用日 常最常见的小物品配以简单的简笔画,巧 妙地将其转换成另一事物。构思精巧,乐 趣十足。大家在欣赏他的作品要体会日常 生活中的灵感和我们简笔画创作是分不开 的,所谓“艺术来源于生活,又高于生 活”。
• Her mother Arabella Carter-Johnson, said she had received positive feedback since posting her daughter's paintings on Facebook.