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1. It’s better to read than to read in silence. ( loud)

2. Columbus American in 1942. (discover)

3. They welcome visitors with some special (expression)

4.I think is difficult for me .(pronounce)

5.The population of this town has a lot in the past few years. ( Increase)

6.A few months later ,I the city.(爱上了)

7.Wang Ming is used to when reading.(记笔记)

8.At home you can your parents.(依靠)

9.It’ s too hard the basketball match.(赢)

10. you spend on your studies,the better grades you will get.(时间越多)

11.It would be a shame others’ things.( steal)

12.She her hand on my head.( lay)

13.He led the child into of the house. (warm)

14.The radio the news as soon as it happened. (spread).

15.Have you ever read written by Jane Austen.(novel)

16.If you don’t want to like the poor man, you should be more hard-working. (最终成为)

17.We should some beautiful flowers and colorful balloons in the classroom for the coming Christmas.(摆开)

18.The old man was candies to the children.(分发)

19.Gina likes April Fool’s Day because she can on that day.(愚弄别人)

20.Thanksgiving is on in November .(第四个星期四)

21.Jim has collected two hundred_ _________ since three years ago.(stamp)

22.I looked around to see who was the . (speak)

23.He has to make a(n) between the two shirts.(choose)

24.Mr. Liu ,did I spell the word (correct)

25.Don’t forget the letter to your sister.(mail)

26.The new Indian restaurant isn’t open on Mondays.(附近的)

27.Do you know when _____________________?(公园关门)

28.Mona doesn’t know next.(做什么)

29.You could park your car in the over there.(地下停车场)

30.The little girl at first.(感到惊慌)

31.Rick’s ______________isn’t too good.(pronounce)

32.A(n)______________walked up to me and asked me the time.(strange)

33.Tom’s pet dog was _____________and he was very sad .(die )

34.She sat by the fire and felt the ____________ spread through her body.(warm)

35.There will be five ______________at the meeting and Jenny will be the last one.(speak)

36.I________________all the work myself.(最终做了)

37.Gine has __________________five pounds these days.(增加)

38.Don’t ________________that honest child.(捉弄)

39.She ________________all her new clothes on the bed.(摆开)

40.Mr. Zhang is a careful man ,and he never __________________in his work.(犯错)

41.Don’t keep _______,everyone ! I hope you can speak out.(silence)

42.France is a beautiful _____________country.(Eurpean)

43.You need to give this letter of _______________to Mr. Huang.(introduce)

44.She’s very good at making friends and ____________people.(influence)

45.Sorry, I’m busy now. I can’t be more ____________(help)

46.Mary____________to be quiet.(过去不是)

47. We ______________being a member of the class.(为……感到自豪)

48.Mrs. Green ____________work here ___________.(不再)

49.Steve used to be afraid of giving a speech _________________(公开地)

50.The boy goes to school by bike ___________________(有时)

51.Chiese people like using ___________when eating meals.(chopstick)

52.A lot of accidents are _____________by driving fast.(cause)

53.My uncle works in a factory that ____________toy cars.(produce)

54.I don’t know whether more than two thirds of the earth’s surface is _________with water.(cover)

55.Both Bill’s brother and cousin are ____________.(postman)

56.Chiese ___________________is one of the most popular folk arts.(剪纸)

57.If you don’t know work hard , it will be difficult for you to beat the __________.(其他参赛者)

58.Tina is going to be a singer ___________________what difficulties she meets.(不论)

59.The red car over there was _______________the USA.(在。。。生产)

60.Uncle Wang takes part in the _____________________every year.(国际风筝节)

Unit 6---------Unit 10

1. You can say something about your life . ( day)

2. Ten favorite songs were by the students. (list)

3. Are there any in your hotel ? (Canada)

4. I realized that there was a man following me. (sudden)

5. That shop has the best clothes , so its are increasing. (customer)

6. Mr. Wang is the best teacher I have ever met. (毫无疑问)

7. Have great changes in your school in the past two years? (发生)

8. I came up with this idea (偶然)

9. Dad is busy this book German. (把……翻译成……)

10. A little boy the river. Luckily, his dog saved him. (掉进)

11. It’s a country which places great importance on (educate)

12. The boy wants a new bike. H i s old one is broken. (bad)

13. Her dream of the famous university came true last year.(enter)
