






1. General

“MOU”shall mean the instant Memorandum of Understanding and its subsequent amendments, if any, made in terms of this Memorandum of Understanding.

This MOU is entered by and between:

1.1 ******, herein after “Party A”, a company incorporated under the company laws of P.R.China, whose Principal Place of Business is ***;

1.2 ******, herein after “Party B”, a company incorporated under the company laws of ***, whose Principal Place of Business is ******.

1.3 “Parties” shall mean Party A and Party B.

1.4 WHEREAS, ****** is interested in the technologies, products, services and total solutions in all links of solar energy and its relevant fields in Asia. THEREFORE, the Parties agree to jointly work together in the construction of all related projects in the scope of solar energy (hereinafter referred to as the “Projects”).

1.5 This MOU may not be assigned, and it will inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this MOU is to provide a framework of cooperation and facilitate collaboration among the Parties, on a exclusive basis in the Projects.

Party B will appoint Party A as its exclusive partner for all solar projects undertaken in Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Sakorn Nakorn Province.

3. Duties and Responsibilities

3.1 The Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas of activity:




3.2 Party A shall perform the following:






3.3 Party B shall perform the following:





3.4 The Parties agree that this present cooperation is built on mutual trust among the Parties and that none of the Parties shall do any acts that undermine the interests of the other Party at all times. Honest and frank disclosures of information of the Projects are required throughout the term of cooperation which is formed of and in relation to this MOU among the Parties.

A. The Parties shall, on a regular basis, keep each other informed of and consult during the progress and share information of and relating to the Projects truly and accurately.

B. Consultation and exchange of information and documents under this Article III shall be without prejudice to arrangements according to which certain information and documents may be required to be maintained confidential and being of restricted character.

C. Each of the Parties shall at any time that deemed appropriate to request and convene meetings for reporting and/or reviewing the progress of activities being carried out under this present MOU and for planning and implementing future activities.

4. Implementation of the MOU

4.1 In order to implement the specific activities envisioned here under, the Parties shall conclude transaction agreements, cost-sharing agreements etc. which shall specify the scope of work and costs or expenses, sales revenue or profit relating to the activity and how they will to be shared and/or borne by the Parties. The cost-sharing agreements shall specify in detail the expenses need to be invested during the whole process of the Projects, including but not limited to the preparation, operation and finalization of the Projects.

4.2 The costs of public relations activities relating to this MOU, that are not otherwise addressed by a specific cost-sharing agreement concluded here under, will be the responsibility of each party independently.

4.3 Each Party shall be responsible for its own acts and omissions in connection with this MOU and its implementation.

5. Legal Status of the Parties upon entering into this MOU

5.1 None of the Parties shall use the name, logo, trade names or trademarks of the other Parties or its subsidiaries, and/or affiliates, or any abbreviation of the aforesaid, for whatever purposes and in whatever manners, whether or not it is in connection with its business or otherwise, unless express prior written approval of the other Parties are obtained in each case of use with terms to be agreed. And acknowledges that either party has no rights whatsoever to the intellectual property of the other.

5.2 Both parties acknowledge that they are familiar with dynamic political environment in the scope of cooperation and that none of the Parties shall be associated, whether directly or indirectly and in whatever manner, with any political or sectarian causes in the scope of cooperation. If any Party did have any such association and/or causes in the scope of cooperation, that Party shall inform the other Parties immediately without delay. The Parties hereby agree that when one Party has any political association and/or causes in the scope of cooperation, this shall be a legitimate reason for early termination, without compensation, by the other Parties of this MOU and of all other transaction agreements, cost-sharing agreements etc.

6. Duration, Termination, Modification

6.1 The proposed cooperation under this MOU is exclusive and shall have duration of an initial period of one year, commencing _____(dates) unless early termination according to clause 5.2 above or by either Party upon at least two months’ prior no tice in writing to the other Parties. The Parties may agree to extend the term of this MOU for a subsequent period(s) up to three years, unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing.

6.2 In the event of termination of this MOU, the cost-sharing agreements and

project documents concluded pursuant to this MOU shall also be terminated in accordance with the termination provision contained in such agreements. In such case, the Parties shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the activities carried out under the MOU, the cost-sharing agreements and project documents will be promptly and orderly terminated.

6.3 This MOU shall be amended by mutual agreement in writing and duly executed by the Parties.

7. Confidentiality

7.1 The parties acknowledge in the course of this MOU they will access to and/or be in possession of confidential information of the other. ‘Confidential Information’ includes without limitation the terms of this MOU, any feasibility report or document prepared in relation thereto plus all information identified by the disclosing party as proprietary and confidential. All confidential information shall remain the sole property of the disclosing party.

7.2 Each party shall hold in confidence in the same manner as it holds its own confidential information of like kind all confidential information of the other party which it may have accessed here under. Access to confidential information shall be restrict ed to those of the party’s personnel with a need to know and end engage in a permitted use.

7.3 The foregoing shall not prohibit or limit any party’s use of information (including, but not limiting to, ideas, concepts, know-how techniques and methodologies) (i) previously known to it (ii) independently developed by it (iii) acquired by it from a third party without continuing restriction on use (iv) which is, or publicly available through no breach of this MOU.

7.4 This Section shall survive and remain in force as between the parties notwithstanding termination of this MOU.

8. Good Faith

In entering into these presents the parties hereto recognize that it is impracticable to made provisions for every contingency that may arise in the course of the performance thereof. Accordingly, the Parties hereto declare it to be their interest that these presents shall operate between them with fairness and without detriment to the interest of any of them and if in the course of the performance of

these presents unfairness to any party is disclose or anticipated then the Parties hereto shall use their best endeavors to agree upon such action as may be necessary and equitable to remove the cause or causes of the same.

9. Notices and Addresses

9.1 All notices or other communications required or permitted to be given pursuant to or in reference to this MOU shall be in writing and shall be valid and sufficient if delivered or dispatched by registered mail, courier, personal delivery or fax (email NOT accepted) as the case may be, to the Party at the address set forth below in this MOU or as from time to time updated by each Party. Notice given as herein provided shall be deemed to have been served (i) in the case of personal delivery at the time when the notice is le ft at the addressee’s address as stated herein below or its last known address; or (ii) in the case of delivery by registered mail or courier on the seventh (7th) day after posting; or (iii) upon confirmation (as generated by the fax machine) of correct transmission to the recipient’s fax machine.

9.2 No waiver or amendments or modifications of any term or clause in this MOU shall be binding upon the Parties unless it is in writing duly executed by the Parties hereto or their authorized representatives.

For Party A: For Party B:

Attention: Mr. Attention: Mr.

10. Governing Laws and Jurisdiction and Settlement of Disputes

10.1 This MOU is legally binding to the Parties.

10.2 This MOU shall be governed and construed in accordance to the laws of (Country).

10.3 The Parties shall use their best efforts to enter into friendly negotiation and settlement amicably of any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of this MOU

(the “Dispute”) within [ Sixty (60) days ] from the date that one Party sending requests for such a negotiation. If the Parties amicably settled the Dispute by themselves, they shall enter into a settlement agreement in writing and to be duly executed by the Parties. If the Parties genuinely attempted negotiation but failed to reach any settlement terms, either Party may submit the Dispute for arbitration as stated herein below.

10.4 With regard to any dispute in relation to this MOU or its interpretation, a competent Court in (Location) within the jurisdiction of (Country) shall hear and determine the same.

10.5 The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be in English language.

11. Entry into Force

This MOU may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and both of which duly executed shall constitute one entire document, and shall enter into force and effect on the date (“Effective Date”) wh en it is duly signed by all the Parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized representatives of the Parties affix their signature below.

EXECUTION PAGE For and on behalf ___________

________________________________ Authorized Signature

Name: __________________________

Title: _________________________

Date: _________________________

For and on behalf ___________

__________________________________ Authorized Signature

Name: __________________________

Title: _________________________

Date: _________________________


国内项目英文翻译 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(863计划), Supported by the N ational High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), 国家自然科学基金资助项目, Supported by the National Natural Science Foundat ion of China, 国家“九五”攻关项目, Supported by the National Key Technologies Research and Development Program of China during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period , 中国科学院“九五”重大项目, Supported by the Major Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period , 中国科学院重点资助项目, Supported by the Key Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, “九五”国家医学科技攻关基金资助项目, Supported by the National Medical Science and Technique Foundation during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period, 江苏省科委应用基础基金资助项目, Supported by the Applied Basic Research Programs of Science and Tec hnology Commission Foundation of Jiangsu Province, 国家教育部博士点基金资助项目, Supported by the Ph. D. Programs Foundat ion of Ministry of Educat ion of China, 中国科学院上海分院择优资助项目, Supported by the Advanced Programs of Shanghai Branch, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划), Supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program), 国家杰出青年科学基金, Supported by National Science Fund for Dist inguished Young Scholars , 海外香港青年学者合作研究基金, Supported by Abroad Joint Research Fund for Young Scholars of Hong Kong ,


甲方,一家根据中国法律成立并存续的,法定地址位于; 乙方,一家根据中国法律成立并存续的,法定地址位于; 甲方和乙方以下单独称为“一方”,合成为“双方”。 前言(鉴于) 1.甲方情况简介 2.乙方情况简介 3.双方拟从事的交易情况简介 经协商,, 4.双方同意,在本项目实施前,双方需各自取得公司内部所有必要批准以签订具有约束力的合同(以下统称“项目合同”)。项目合同具体条款待双方协商达成一致。 5.双方希望通过本备忘录记录本项目目前的状况,本项目具体内容经过随后谈判由双方签署的项目合同最终确定。 基于上述事实,双方特达成协议如下: 1.双方已达成初步谅解的事项 2.双方需要进一步磋商的事项 3. 双方签订备忘录以后应采取的行动 4.保密资料

本备忘录签署前以及在本备忘录有效期内,一方(“披露方”)曾经或可能不时向对方(“受方”)披露该方的商业、营销、技术、科学或其他资料,这些资料在披露当时被指定为保密资料(或类似标注),或者在保密的情况下披露,或者经双方的合理商业判断为保密资料(“保密资料”)。在本备忘录有效期内以及随后年(月)内,受方必须: A对保密资料进行保密; B不得用于除本备忘录明确规定的目的外其它目的; C除为履行其职责而确有必要知悉保密资料的该方雇员(或其关联机构、该方律师、会计师或其他顾问人员)外,不向其他任何人披露,且上述人员须签署书面保密协议,其中保密义务的严格程度不得低于本第条的规定。 上述第条的条款对以下资料不适用: A受方有在披露方向其披露前存在的书面记录证明其已经掌握; B并非由于受方违反本备忘录而已经或者在将来键入公共领域;或 C受方从对该信息无保密义务的第三方获得。 本备忘录期满或终止后,受方应(1)向对方归还(或经对方要求销毁)包含对方保密资料的所有材料(含复印件),并且(2)在对方提出此项要求后十日内向对方书面保证已经归还或销毁上述材料。 5.独家谈判 在年月日前,任何一方不得直接或间接与第三方就本备忘录标的事项进行任何磋商、谈判,达成谅解或任何形式的协议或安排。 6.本备忘录内容保密 除非按照法律规定有合理必要,未经另一方事先书面同意,任何一方不得就本备忘录发表任何公开声明或进行任何披露。 7.知识产权 双方确认一方并未因本备忘录从另一方获得该方任何知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、商标、商业秘密、专业技术等)或针对该知识产权的权利。 8本备忘录的修改 对本备忘录进行修改,需双方共同书面同意方可进行。


(美方学校名称) 与 (中方学校名称) 谅解备忘录 美国(美方学校名称)与中国(中方学校名称)希望鼓励和加强双方在互利学术领域的合作与交流。本着扩大合作、深化友谊、加强教育交流的意愿,双方签订本谅解备忘录。 本谅解备忘录基于以下目的: 1. 在(美方学校名称)与(中方学校名称)间建立合作关系; 2. 增加(美方学校名称)与(中方学校名称)学生学习彼此语言与文化的机会;以及 3. 扩大双方教师及行政人员间的交流与合作。 本备忘录下的合作与项目可涵盖双方共同认可的所有领域。 作为双方意愿的见证人,(美方学校名称)与(中方学校名称)主管领导于此签字。_______年月日于省市,美利坚合众国/ 中华人民共和国。 中华人民共和国美利坚合众国 (中方签署人姓名)(美方签署人姓名) (中方签署人学校、职务)(美方签署人学校、职务)

Memorandum of Understanding Between School at (美方学校名称) United States of America And (中方学校名称) People's Republic of China School at (美方学校名称), United States of America (US entity) and (中方学校名称), People's Republic of China (Chinese entity), consider the encouragement and development of cooperation and exchange in academic areas of mutual interest as desirable. Both sides wish to expand the basis for cooperation, friendship and educational exchange between the two entities. (美方学校名称) and (中方学校名称) have therefore, set forth the understanding and desires in this memorandum . The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) includes, 1. Establish a partnership relationship between (美方学校名称) and (中方学校名称). 2. Enhance opportunities for students in both (美方学校名称)and (中方学校名称)to learn each other’s languages and cultures; and 3. Expand exchange and collaboration between educators and administrators of both entities. Collaborations and projects under this MOU may include any mutually acceptable areas represented within either of the two entities. As witness to their subscription to the understanding and desires, the appropriate authorities of (美方学校名称)and (中方学校名称)have hereunto set their hands. Dated this(日)day of (月), 20(年), and done in (城市), State/Province of (省市), United States of America/People’s Republic of China. United States of America People's Republic of China (美方签署人姓名)(中方签署人姓名) (美方签署人学校、职务)(中方签署人学校、职务)


奥运会项目英文翻译. Aquatics(水上运动)Swimming 游泳 freestyle 自由泳

backstroke 仰泳 breaststroke 蛙泳 butterfly 蝶泳 individual medley 个人混合泳freestyle relay 自由泳接力medley relay 混合泳接力Water polo 水球 Diving 跳水 10m platform event 十米跳台 3m springboard event 三米跳板

synchronised diving from 10 m platform 双人十米跳台synchronised diving from 3 m springboard 双人三米跳板Synchronised swimming 花样游泳 Archery(射箭) Individual events 个人赛 Team events 团体赛 Athletics(田径) Track 径赛 100 m, 200 m, 400 m 100米,200米,400米

800 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m 800米,1500米,5,000米,10,000米 110 m hurdles, 400 m hurdles 110米栏,400米栏 3,000 m steeplechase 3000米障碍赛 4 x 100 m relay, 4 x 400 m relay 4×100米接力,4×400米接力 Jumping 跳跃 high jump 跳高 pole vault 撑杆跳高 long jump 跳远


关于XX连锁有限公司与劳动者XX先生对国人提供专业咨询服务 若干问题事项的谅解备忘录 为了更好与公司合作、开展专业服务工作,在双方(XX连锁有限公司与XX)协商、平等、自愿的基础上,就XX(以下简称乙方)对公司提供咨询服务若干事项达成以下共识: 一、乙方职务:管理总顾问 二、乙方定位:公司经营发展与管理公司外部专业总参谋:对公司董事长提供专业服务:定战略、做规划、建机制、搭班子、培养人、塑文化; 三、乙方(提供专业咨询服务):帮助贵公司董事长(执行董事)参与指导公司经营管理规划(是运用现代企业专业知识、技术、管理方法和手段为企业提供发展战略、组织结构、业务模式、运营流程以及企业文化、品牌、营销、人力资源、财务、信息化共享、管理标准化等综合系统或单一职能业务层面规划或指导)方案设计、战略规划管理、连锁店招商方案、企业管控、公司治理、薪酬设计、公司顶层体系设计、股份改造、部分法务基础工作、董事会(办)部分文书、指导公司标准化管理、指导项目管理和公司资本运营管理建议(根据需要)等。四、合作性质与合作方式:公司非正式员工(劳务合同/协议); 嵌入式兼职:每周固定到公司服务三天(周一、周三、周五);10:00~16:00;如因个人原因未完成服务时间,自行补足时间; 五、乙方劳务报酬: 6500元/月;按月支付; 公司与乙方签订劳务合同/协议,无需缴纳社保。 六、乙方工作对接:公司董事会(董事办);董事长(执行董事)或相关部门; 七、乙方合作禁区: 按时支付劳务费(劳务费不能晚于贵公司工资发放月)。因项目出差公司报销相关费用。 八、实施流程:职务异动调整通知(任命文件:免掉董事长秘书→改任管理总顾问)→结算全职(董事长秘书)工资→发放聘书→变更公司通讯录(部门:其他或外联,备注兼职)。 本备忘录一式两份,公司和个人各留一份。 甲方(公司盖章):乙方(签字): 授权人签字:日期: 日期:

各种品牌手机中英文对照+手 机 缩 略 语

各种品牌手机中英文对照 Acer::宏基AIWA:爱华alcatel(ALC):阿尔卡特AMOI:夏新APBW:亚太APPLE:苹果 Arcoa:全虹ASUS:华硕AUX:奥克斯 BenQ:明基Benten:巨腾BIRD(BRD):波导BOSCH:博士(博世)BOSS:宝石 Capitel:首信CASIO:卡西欧CECT(CEC):中电通讯CHABRIDGE:中桥CHASE:采星COSUN:侨兴DAEWOO:大宇DATANG:大唐DAXIAN:大显DBTEL:迪比特DENSO:电送DNET:迪奈特DOEASY:多易随DOCOMO :多科莫dopod:多普达DRAGON:东方龙EASTCOM(ETCM):东信EMOL:易美Ericsson:爱立信fuli:富利 GALAXY:银河Gionee:金立Giya:基雅 GPLUS:积加Great:伟松GSL:权智(快译通)Gstar::吉事达GVC:致福Hagenuk:汉佳诺 Haier(HAR):海尔Hisense:海信Hitachi:日立 Hutel:秀特尔HYUNDAI:现代Innostream:盈讯 JPG:金鹏JRC:日本无线 KEJIAN(KJN):科健Kenwood:建伍KGT:和信 Konka(KON):康佳KPT:先进电讯KYOCERA(KYEA):京瓷LENOVO:联想LUCENT:朗讯Lucky Star:吉星

Malata:万利达Maxon:美晨MiTAC:神达MITSUBISHI(Trium):三菱Motorola:摩托罗拉NEC:日本电气NETT:雷特nintaus:金正 Nixxo:尼索NOKIA(NKI):诺基亚NOPO:星辰OKWAP:英资达OMRON:欧姆龙 PALMAX:帕玛斯(仁宝) Panasonnic:松下Panda:熊猫PENESAS:天马Philips:飞利浦Photal:丰达PUTAN:普天Qualcomm:高通ROWA:乐华 Sagem萨基姆Sanyo:三洋SAMSUNG:三星 SED:桑达Sendo:仙都SEWON:星王 SHARP:夏普Siemens:西门子SkyNet:斯加耐特Soutec:南方高科SONY:索尼SOBAO:搜豹SonyERSSION:索爱Soyea:数源Suohong:索鸿TCL:王牌TELSDA:天时达Telson:泰尔信 teltron:中讯天创Tinme:天梅(天美)TLINK:神州龙TONY:天珑(天龙)TOP:托普Toplux:天诺思TOSHIBA:东芝TOYO:东洋Transasia:泛亚Ulycom:扬迪UTS:斯达康VICTOR:胜利 VK:威科Vodafone:沃达丰Vtech:伟易达windows:视窗Xoceco:厦华 ZTC:中天伟业ZTE:中兴


项目合作备忘录 总包方()与合作方()就 污水处理工程项目的合作事宜达成以下一致意见: 1、项目合作基础 1.1合作方自筹资金、独立核算、自负盈亏,对合作项目承担无限责任,并提供有效的风险保证。 1.2合作方具备与合作项目相匹配的项目管理实力,承担总包方与业主签订的总包合同中总包方的全部责任和义务。同意将合作项目全面纳入总包方的项目管理,全面接受总包方对项目的监督、检查。 1.3合作方必须全面履行总包方与业主签订的本工程的总承包合同、协议书和与工程有关的文件、国家标准、行业规范以及对业主的承诺,确保工程按期、按质是想竣工并按照合同约定完成验收及承担保修、维修义务,对工程结构的安全、稳定负责终身。如不履行、不全面履行或不恰当履行上述合同、文件,合作方应该承担由此造成的一切责任和后果。 1.4合作方必须及时上缴各项税费,保证项目经营收入,按时足额纳税,守法经营。 1.5保证按时足额缴纳管理费,履行与总包方的约定,兑现向总包方的承诺,对在合作中知悉的总包方的商业秘密(包括但不限于经营信息、技术信息等信息)进行保密,维护总包方的声誉和合法权益。 1.6项目发生的安全、质量等事故,所造成的经济损失及法律责任均由合作方负担,总包方不承担任何责任。 1.7如与第三方发生任何经济纠纷或项目发生亏损、合同违约等,由此而导致的所有费用或损失均由合作方自行承担。 1.8遵照法规和总包方制度,建立和收存生产、技术、财务、人事等方面账目、报表、合同文件、凭证单据、图纸材料、文书记录等档案资料,做好归档工作,依总包方管理程序,及时、准确、详细地向总包方报告。不掩饰自身过失,不隐瞒事故。 1.9合作双方确立平等互利、互赢的战略合作关系。


Acknowlegements(项目资助英文翻译) 1.国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(863计划)(No. )This work was supported by a grant from the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (No. ) 2.国家自然科学基金资助项目(No. )General Program(面上项目), Key Program(重点项目), Major Program(重大项目)This work was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. ) 3.国家“九五”攻关项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the National Key Technologies R & D Program of China during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period (No. ) 4.中国科学院“九五”重大项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Major Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period (No. ) 5.中国科学院重点资助项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Key Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. ) 6.“九五”国家医学科技攻关基金资助项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the National Medical Science and Technique Foundation during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period (No. ) 7.江苏省科委应用基础基金资助项目 (No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Applied Basic Research Programs of Science and Technology Commission Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. ) 8.国家教育部博士点基金资助项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (No. )


XXX投资合伙企业(有限合伙) 项目备忘录 一、项目名称: 二、项目编号: 三、项目概况: 四、项目配资: 本项目所需收购价为万元。采取以下第种方式配资:(1)由普通合伙人XXXX有限公司出资万元,有限合伙人XXXX有限公司出资万元。 (2)由优先级资金方XXX公司出资万元,普通合伙人XXXX有限公司作为劣后级出资万元,有限合伙人XXXX有限公司作为劣后级出资万元。

(3)由优先级资金方XXX公司出资万元,普通合伙人XXXX有限公司作为劣后级出资万元,有限合伙人XXXX有限 公司作为劣后级出资万元,XXX公司作为劣后级出资万元。 本项目无论是否有优先级资金方或第三方劣后级资金参与配资,有限合伙人与普通合伙人均按照各自在XXX投资合伙企业(有限合伙)的实际认购比例进行全额配资或劣后级资金配资。 五、项目实施和费用承担: (一)根据合伙企业《不良资产合作收购及处置管理办法》的规定,本项目由有限合伙人与普通合伙人分别指派的人员组成项目工作小组整体负责本项目收购处置等具体工作的实施。工作小组成员在项目实施过程中所支出的各项费用(包括但不限于人员工资、差旅费、交通费、办公花费等)分别由该成员所属单位承担。 各成员系所属单位在本项目的临时派驻人员,与合伙企业无劳动关系,各成员在本项目中无论出于何种原因造成自身或第三方的各项损失责任由成员本人或所属企业自行承担,与合伙企业无关。 (二)除本条第(一)项所列费用外,本项目运作过程中产生的优先级资金方固定收益(如有)、通道费(如有)、委托处置管理费(如有)、各项税费和项目清收处置成本费、第三方劣后级资金及收益(如有)等与本项目收购处置直接相关的费用计入合伙企业成本,优先从本项目处置收益中扣除。 其中项目清收处置成本费包括但不限于诉讼费、仲裁费、保全费、

MOU template合作备忘录英文模版

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING is made the_____ day of ______ 2010 by and between: (1) [Enter Company’s Name]with a registered office at (“Company’s short name”). (2) [Enter Company’s Name]with a registered office at (“Company’s short name”). 1 PURPOSE 1.1 This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) documents the intent and basis for the initial collaboration preparatory to entering into formal written binding agreements should both parties decide to do so following completion of the initial collaboration. 2 SCOPE OF COOPERATION /BUSINESS MODEL 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 EXPENSES (SUBJECT TO COMMERCIAL ARRANGEMENT, NRE AND ROYALTY MAY APPLY) 3.1 Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the parties, each party shall pay and assume entire responsibility for their respective costs and expenditures whatsoever incurred in connection with their activities under this MOU. 3.2 Under no circumstances shall either Party be liable to the other for any costs or damages of any kind, including without limitation, incidental, consequential, special or speculative damages, lost of profits or loss of business, in connection with not moving forward to conclusion of binding legal agreements between the Parties. 4 PUBLICITY Neither party shall disclose to any third party nor publish in any manner or to any extent the existence of, nor their activities under, this MOU without the prior written agreement of the other party. Neither party shall incorporate or make use of any form of the other party’s identity, including, but not limited to, its name, logos, insignias, products, brands and trade marks, in any form of publication, press release, advertisement, publicity, or other announcement without the other party’s prior written consent.


合作备忘录 本备忘录于年月日在签订。 甲方,一家根据中国法律成立并存续的 ______________ ,法定地 址位于;与乙方,一家根据法律成立并存续 的,法定地址位于; 甲方和乙方以下单独称为“一方”,合成为“双方”。 前言(鉴于) 1?甲方情况简介 2.乙方情况简介 3.双方拟从事的交易情况简介 4.双方同意,在本项目实施前,双方需各自取得公司内部所有必要批准以签订具有约束力的合同(以下统称“项目合同”)。项目合同具体条款待双方协商达成一致。 5.双方希望通过本备忘录记录本项目目前的状况,本项目具体内容经过随后谈判由双方签署的项目合同最终确定。 基于上述事实,双方特达成协议如下: 1.双方已达成初步谅解的事项 1.1 1.2 2.双方需要进一步磋商的事项 2.1 2.2 3.双方签订备忘录以后应采取的行动 3.1 3.2

4.保密资料 4.1本备忘录签署前以及在本备忘录有效期内,一方(“披露方”)曾经或可能不时向对方(“受方”)披露该方的商业、营销、技术、科学或其他资料,这些资料在披露当时被指定为保密资料(或类似标注),或者在保密的情况下披露,或者经双方的合理商业判断为保密资料(“保密资料”)。在本备忘录有效期内以及随后年(月)内,受方必须: A对保密资料进行保密; B不得用于除本备忘录明确规定的目的外其它目的; C除为履行其职责而确有必要知悉保密资料的该方雇员(或其关联机构、该方律师、会计师或其他顾问人员)外,不向其他任何人披露,且上述人员须签署书面保密协议,其中保密义务的严格程度不得低于本第条的规定。 4.2上述第4.1条的条款对以下资料不适用: A受方有在披露方向其披露前存在的书面记录证明其已经掌 握; B并非由于受方违反本备忘录而已经或者在将来键入公共领域;或 C受方从对该信息无保密义务的第三方获得。 4.3本备忘录期满或终止后,受方应(1)向对方归还(或经对方要求销毁)包含对方保密资料的所有材料(含复印件)并且(2)在对方提出此项要求后十日内向对方书面保证已经归还或销毁上述材料。 5.独家谈判 在年月日前,任何一方不得直接或间接与第三方就本 备忘录标的事项进行任何磋商、谈判,达成谅解或任何形式 的协议或安排。


中英文合作备忘录MOU模版备注: 1. 此M01是由我方起草,各条款相对公平,条款约束相对宽松。适用于和外方的一备忘录签订。 2. 如涉及到更深一步的合作,需要添加双方的业绩承诺,时间进度和佣金支付等。备注方面都是由我方公司填写;英文备注由外方填写。般性合作 3. 中文

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 谅解备忘录 BETWEEN _____ COMPANY(我方公司) AND (“company name ”(外方公司)) This MOU is entered by and between:- 本MOL由以下各方签署: 1)____________________ (填写我方公司名称), herein after ‘___'(abbreviation name), a company incorporated under the company laws of People's Republic of China, whose Principal Place of Business is _______________________ China (填写地址); __________________ 公司(以下简称 ____ ),为中华人民共和国注册成立的公司,注册地址为 ______________________ 。 AND (“company name ”) a company incorporated under the company laws of ; herein after ‘___'(abbreviation name),whose Principal Place of Business is 。 公司(以下简称),为(填写外国国名)成立的公司,注册地址为。 ( _______ a n d are herein after jointly referred to as the “Parties ”and “Party ”shall refer to any one of them as the context may require.) (_____ 和以下统一简称为各方,一方指其中之一。) RECITALS序言:WHEREA _____ (填写我方公司),is interested in projects related to the technologies, products, services and total solutions in all links of the __________________ (填写合作领域) and its relevant fields in the ____ (填写合作地域). _____ (填写我方公司),对相关领域的技术,产品,服务和综合解决方案等项目在 ___ 区域内感兴趣。 WHEREAS,“(company name ”)have expressed their interest in partnering with (填写我方公司)in projects related to the technologies, products, services and total


重庆师范大学经管学院 匈牙利德布勒森大学 项目合作备忘录 框架性协议书 (草案) 2012年5月19日 一.合作双方 甲方:甲方为重庆师范大学经管学院,英文名称:Chongqing Normal University 乙方:乙方为德布勒森大学,英文名称:University of Debrecen

甲乙双方本着优势互补、共享资源、合力开发、合作双赢的理念和原则,为引进匈牙利德布勒森大学优质的教育教学资源,本着中匈文化交流与合作的理念,甲乙双方达成初步的合作意向,并达成如下协议。 二、项目各方责任与甲乙双方的权利和义务 (一)、甲方(重庆师范大学经管学院)的权利和义务 1.负责该项目的当地教育部门的审批和执照; 如果该项目需要当地政府教育部门的审批或者营业执照的话,甲方方必须在 项目开始的两周内获得所需的文件; 2.负责提供一流的教学场地,教学设施,和教学环境 教学场地,设施和环境必须符合当地政府的要求; 3.负责提供优秀的教师和教学辅助人员,负责教学,定向培养出国留学学生, 确保专业教学和英语教学的质量; 教学人员必须符合教育部门的标准,所有教学人员必须具备大学本科以上的 专业学位和教学资质,确保教学质量;尤其是负责授课的英语教师,英语必 须达到国家的英语专业8级。 4.提供学生的食宿; 如果学生需要在校食宿,乙方必须提供符合国家要求的安全住宿条件的学生 宿舍和学生食堂。 5.提供学生的思想教育和跟踪服; 确保该项目的学生在中国年期间的思想教育工作,培养该项目的所有学生具 有健全的人格,健康的身体,良好的思想品德。 6.落实每年的招生计划和招生指标; 确保项目招生规模。保证第一种合作形式(N+M合作办学项目)的招生计划 为每年不少()个班,每个班不少于()名学生;确保每班学生的在校率 在95%以上。 7.保证完成留学计划,协助一切与留学相关的工作。 (二)乙方(德布勒森大学)的权利和义务 1.负责制定教学大纲: 乙方可通过中国教育服务中心重庆分公司同甲方合作,制定具体可行的教学 大纲,以保证教学的顺利实施。


A c k n o w l e g e m e n t s(项目资助英文翻译) 1.国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(863计划)(No. )This work was supported by a grant from the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (No. ) 2.国家自然科学基金资助项目(No. )General Program(面上项目), Key Program(重点项目), Major Program(重大项目)This work was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. ) 3.国家“九五”攻关项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the National Key Technologies R & D Program of China during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period (No. ) 4.中国科学院“九五”重大项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Major Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period (No. ) 5.中国科学院重点资助项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Key Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. ) 6.“九五”国家医学科技攻关基金资助项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the National Medical Science and Technique Foundation during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period (No. ) 7.江苏省科委应用基础基金资助项目 (No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Applied Basic Research Programs of? Science and Technology Commission Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. ) 8.国家教育部博士点基金资助项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the . Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (No. )


中美反托拉斯和反垄断合作谅解备忘录 Memorandum of Understanding on Antitrust and Antimonopoly Cooperation between the United States and the People’s Republic of China 为加强中美反垄断领域合作,2011年7月27日,中国三家反垄断执法机构国家发展改革委、商务部和国家工商总局与美国反托拉斯执法机构司法部、联邦贸易委员会在京共同签署了《中美反托拉斯和反垄断合作谅解备忘录》。备忘录在中国反垄断执法机构和美国反托拉斯机构之间建立了长期合作框架,以促进双方更有效地执行竞争法律和政策。根据备忘录,中美反垄断和反托拉斯执法机构将在各方面加强合作。附件为该谅解备忘录英文文本。The United States Federal Trade Commission, the United States Department of Justice; and the People’s Republic of China National Development and Reform Commission,Ministry of Commerce, and State Administration for Industry and Commerce , Desiring to enhance the effective enforcement of their competition laws and policies by creating a framework for long-term cooperation between the U.S. antitrust agencies and the PRC antimonopoly agencies, in order to enhance an environment in which the sound and effective enforcement of competition law and policy supports the efficient operation of markets and economic welfare of the citizens of their respective nations, will contribute to improving and strengthening the relationship between the United States and China. 为加强中美反垄断领域合作,7月27日,中国三家反垄断执法机构国家发展改革委、商务部和国家工商总局与美国反托拉斯执法机构司法部、联邦贸易委员会在京共同签署了《中美反托拉斯和反垄断合作谅解备忘录》。商务部国际贸易谈判代表兼副部长高虎城、国家发展改革委副主任彭森、国家工商总局副局长钟攸平,与来访的美国联邦贸易委员会主席利波维茨和司法部副部长瓦尼,分别代表各自机构出席了签字仪式。 备忘录在中国反垄断执法机构和美国反托拉斯机构之间建立了长期合作框架,以促进双方更有效地执行竞争法律和政策。根据备忘录,中美反垄断和反托拉斯执法机构将在如下方面加强合作: 一是相互及时通报各自竞争政策及反垄断执法方面的重要动态。 二是通过开展竞争政策和法律方面的活动,加强双方的能力建设。 三是根据实际需要,双方进行反垄断执法经验交流。 四是就反垄断法律和相关配套立法文件的修改提出评论意见。 五是就多边竞争法律和政策交换意见。 六是在提高企业、其他政府机构以及社会公众竞争政策和法律意识方面交流经验。 该备忘录在中美反垄断和反托拉斯现有合作成果的基础上,建立了合作机制,丰富了合作内容,创新了合作方式,进一步深化了中美双方反垄断领域的合作。


合作备忘录 甲方:××有限公司 法定代表人: 住所: 联系人: 电话: 乙方:××控股集团有限公司 法定代表人: 住所: 联系人: 电话: 经过初步沟通,××有限公司(以下称为“甲方”)与××控股集团有限公司(以下称为“乙方”)拟签署《合作备忘录》(以下简称“本备忘录”)。本备忘录是合作双方长期合作的指导性文件,拟在行业资讯、融资服务、市值管理等领域全面开展合作,具体合作项目以双方届时另行签署的相关协议为准。 一、合作双方的基本情况 (一)甲方的基本情况 名称: 性质: 法定代表人: 注册资本:【】万元人民币 主营业务: (二)乙方的基本情况 名称: 性质: 法定代表人: 注册资本:【】万元人民币 主营业务: 二、合作目的 甲方是一家经营国内国际××业务的公司,主要提供ABC等服务。为进一步增强甲方的区域市场优势,加速拓展国际市场,不断提升服务水平,加快人才储备和输出,拟与乙方展开合作,积极拓展更多可以获取优质项目资源和资金资源的路径,为甲方向上下游产业链的延伸提供资源支持。 三、合作形式 (一)融资业务合作 乙方利用其在金融领域的资金和渠道优势,为甲方及/或其关联方设计合适的融资方案,

包括但不限于由乙方向甲方提供债权或债转股融资、定增、保理、融资租赁等产品和服务。 (二)投资和并购业务合作 1、基于甲方产业战略的落实,乙方将与甲方及/或其关联方共同设立产业基金,支持甲方的产业整合和产业布局。乙方或其指定关联方应承担一定比例的劣后级份额和差额补足、回购的责任。 2、为了进一步扩大甲方优势产业,乙方将与甲方及/或其关联方共同设立并购基金,在甲方优势产业进行股权投资。乙方或其指定关联方应承担一定比例的劣后级份额和差额补足、回购的责任。 (三)资本运作服务 1、为了甲方的资本业务,组织协调证券公司、律师和会计师等中介机构; 2、组织中介结构协助甲方制定后续资本运作规划方案,包括但不限于融资、并购、员工持股、股权激励、市值管理等; 3、为激励管理团队,设计股权激励方案、期权激励方案、员工持股计划等,通过可交换债券或定向增发等方式,支持核心骨干长期持股。 (四)股权质押合作 为支持甲方大股东的股票质押融资优先用于甲方及/或其关联方,包括并购基金和产业基金的劣后级安排等,乙方可设计可交换债券、资管计划等方案,实现质押率和期限的最佳组合。 四、合作规模 2017年度,甲乙双方的合作规模预计达到100亿元,其中产业基金的合作规模拟达到50亿元。 五、储备项目 (一)天津××产业基金 甲方的子公司天津××有限责任公司,融资需求60亿元,期限5年,具体条款初步计划如下: 1、天津××产业基金的组织形式为有限合伙企业; 2、基金总规模60亿元,A认购劣后级有限合伙份额30亿元,乙方负责筹集30亿元 资金认购优先级有限合伙份额; 3、GP由乙方指定的公司【】担任,具体条款将在有限合伙协议中约定; 4、基金的托管人由乙方指定; 5、甲方提供足值的资产抵押。 六、投后管理 乙方或其指定公司将通过在融资主体股东会、董事会行使职权、委派监事、账户监管等方式对融资主体及/或特定项目实施投后管理。具体投后管理方式由双方届时根据实际情况协商确定。 七、增信措施 甲方或/及其关联方提供包括但不限于连带责任保证担保、差额补足、回购,实物资产抵押及股权质押。具体增信措施由双方届时根据实际情况协商确定。 八、优先合作权
