

《综合教程》(第2版)第一册 - 精品 - Unit12(课堂PPT)

《综合教程》(第2版)第一册 - 精品 - Unit12(课堂PPT)

Men and women speak differently
Perceptually, female and male are said to speak different varieties of language: women are said to use distinctly feminine words, are more meticulous than men in enunciating words and sentences and in the use of intonation patterns, employ marked grammatical features, and tend to be grammatically hypercorrect.
红颜祸水 水性杨花
Have you found any gender bias in English language?
Can you give some examples?
Gender bias in English language
1. In English,man:M & F Man can conquer the nature
u Lexically: Men tend to use taboo words more often than women. Word choice in some languages is gender-marked
u Grammatically: Multiple negation, characters u Conversation: topic, how much to talk
meeting: woman→chairman Then: Madam chairman



巧用思维导图,提高小学高段英语写作能力发布时间:2022-04-28T02:04:46.275Z 来源:《素质教育》2021年12月总第399期作者:曾素芳[导读] 《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》指出:英语具有工具性,也有人文性,英语学科核心素养非常注重学生思维品质的培养。

思维导图(The Mind Map),也被称作“心智导图”,是图形化思维的有效工具,能将发散思维完整地概括、罗列出来,简洁直观、方便实效。



思维导图(The Mind Map),也被称作“心智导图”,是图形化思维的有效工具,能将发散思维完整地概括、罗列出来,简洁直观、方便实效。










英语思维导图模版精选(9页)一、基础词汇思维导图1. 家庭成员在这张思维导图上,我们将家庭成员词汇进行分类,包括父母、兄弟姐妹、祖父母等。


2. 职业名称这张思维导图涵盖了各行各业的基本职业名称,如教师、医生、工程师等。


二、日常用语思维导图1. 常用问候语2. 餐饮场景用语这张思维导图为您展示了餐饮场景中的常用英语表达,包括点餐、买单等。


三、语法知识点思维导图1. 时态时态是英语学习中的重要环节。


2. 句型结构了解英语句型结构对于提高英语表达能力至关重要。


四、主题拓展思维导图1. 旅游景点这张思维导图为您介绍了世界各地的旅游景点,包括自然风光、人文景观等。


2. 节日习俗了解各国节日习俗,有助于拓宽国际视野。


五、提升听说能力思维导图1. 英语听力场景为了帮助您提高英语听力,这张思维导图精选了多种听力场景,如机场、电影院、超市等。


2. 口语表达技巧提升口语能力,不仅需要积累词汇,还要掌握表达技巧。


六、阅读理解思维导图1. 阅读策略提高阅读理解能力,策略至关重要。


2. 文章结构解析了解文章结构对于把握文章大意至关重要。


七、写作技巧思维导图1. 写作框架搭建写作时,一个清晰的框架能让您的文章更有条理。



1. … she was a 20-year-old student working two jobs
= … she was a 20-year-old student who worked two jobs. 这里用了一个动名词,起到和定语从句相同的修饰作用。如:
People living in the village haven’t met their ends yet.
Since you’ve got a high score, you are likely to be enrolled in the college. 既然你的分数很高,你很有可能被 学校录取。
(According to the article, is winning the lottery an
❖ 第5段第2句:She replaced her trailer home with a beautiful house and
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
bought a luxury car, but she also started a foundation in honor of her parents. 她把她的房车换成了一处漂亮的住宅,还买了一辆豪华汽车, 但是她同时还为纪念她的父母创办了一个基金会。
❖ 第3句:The states view lotteries as a way to make money,
since only about half of what they take in is given back as prize money. 各州把彩票业看成是一种赚钱的办法,因为收 上来的钱只有一半是作为奖金返给获奖者的。
The hunter went into the forest and soon found himself in danger. 猎人进入了森林,马上发现自己处在危险之中。


2. -- What happened to your head, Daming? 你的头发生了什么事,大明? -- Oh, Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday. 哦,我和萨姆昨天去骑自行车了。
3. -- Did you buy some water? 你们买了一些水吗? -- No, we bought a watermelon. 不,我们买了一些西瓜。
1. 表达“我有......”的句型: I’ve got + 其他. eg: I’ve got a new book.
2. 描述过去某天是我的生日的句型: It was my birthday >具体某一天. eg: It was my birthday on Friday.
2. -- When did they come? (他们什么时候来的?) -- They came last Wednesday. (他们上星期三来的。)
3. -- What did she play? (她演奏什么了?) -- She played the flute. (她吹长笛了。)
4. -- When did he come? (他什么时候来的?) -- He came last Sunday. (他上周日来的。)
when 什么时候 competition 比赛
gold 金制的 key 钥匙 cup 奖杯
flute 长笛 practise 练习 look 看上去……
四年级上册 Module 8
习惯搭配 句型结构
1. -- Did they come for the music competition? (他们是为音乐比赛来的吗?) -- Yes, they did. (是的,他们是。)


了解某人的最近情况 Discuss possible plans
讨论可行的计划 Imagine something
想象做某事 Express a wish or fantasy
表达愿望或幻想 Give unwanted advice
Lesson 69
Focus Questions 1. What is Rose looking for?
Say, where have you been keeping yourself? Say 感叹 词,[美国口语],[用以唤起注意,或表示惊讶、惊叹、突然 想起],“哎呀,哎”。在这个对话中,是表示突然想起。
[eg] Say, haven't I seen you before somewhere? 另外, Where have you been keeping yourself? = Where have
To play tennis together.
Language points

I was wondering if you had any information on tennis rackets.
Have you tried looking in The Consumer Reports index? 你试 这查查《消费者报告》的目录了吗?try doing sth:“尝试着做某事”; 类似短语:“努力做某事”:try to do sth;try and do sth; Try one‘s best to do sth。
词或时间短语时,现在完成时和现在完成进 行时都可以用。 I've been living here for four years. / I've lived here for four years.



巧用思维导图,提高初中英语复习课效率作者:徐瑜来源:《中学生英语·中旬刊》 2020年第3期徐瑜思维导图是较为直观、视觉化的现代数字教学工具,在初中英语教学的应用中对知识点归纳、总结有着较为集中的呈现,可以帮助学生建立更全面的知识思维体系,激活初中英语复习课的学习氛围,调动初中生学习英语的主动性,也可以从单词、课文、语法、写作等方面进行强化,提升英语复习效率。

1. 思维导图概述思维导图概念起初是一种简要的记录方法,后来经过不断的应用与实践,逐渐发展成为被广泛应用的思维辅助工具。



2. 基于思维导图的初三英语复习课模式2.1思维导图在单词当中的应用(1)联想法。








外教社2024全新版大学进阶英语系列:综合教程(第二版) 第3册PPT课件(试用版)Unit 6 D

外教社2024全新版大学进阶英语系列:综合教程(第二版) 第3册PPT课件(试用版)Unit 6 D
There’s so much 7) strength in all of us Every woman, child, and man It’s the moment that you think you can’t You’ll discover that you 8) can
Theme Exploration
Getting Prepared
Warm-up Video
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA):《有毒物质控制法》。 该 法 案 1976 年 经 美 国 国 会 通 过 , 由 环 境 保 护 局 (Environmental Protection Agency)执行。其中规定在化学 新产品投产前,厂商必须通知E.P.A.,提供有关信息,由后 者判定是否禁止或限制该产品的生产。由于不要求厂商必 须首先通过安全性测试确定产品无害,该法案被很多人认 为是一个“没有牙齿”的法案。
Feel the flame (forever burn) Teaching lessons we must learn (To bring us closer to) the power of the dream The world units in hope and peace (We’ll pray that) it will always be (It is) the power of the dream that brings us here
The Power of the Dream
Deep within each heart There lies a magic spark That lights the fire of our 1) imagination And since the dawn of man The strength of just “I can” Has brought together people of all nations There’s nothing 2) ordinary in the living of each day There’s a special part every one of us will play


Maybe we can go have paella for dinner later on. go do sth=go and do sth = go to sth.
Paella:It's a rice dish made with seafood, chicken, and spices. It's cooked slowly in a large pan.西班牙式什锦蒸饭:一种用米、蔬菜、肉、鸡 以及海味的多种混合物的什锦饭,加藏红花调味的 蒸饭。
❖ lock up :“锁上”,up:“完毕”。 ❖ [eg.] The money‘s all used up.钱都花光了。 ❖ [eg.] The boy ate up all his dinner. 这个男孩吃光了所有的饭
菜。on one's way out,类似短语:on one's way in/ back/ home.
❖ No, wait—we‘re jumping to conclusions. jump to conclusions:匆忙做决定,(没经过证实就无端 猜疑We don’t have enough facts to make a judgment.)
❖ I suppose we should give her the benefit of the doubt. Still, there have been a lot of coincidences.
❖ [eg.] Sue has studied so much philosophy this year that she‘s begun to doubt whether she exists 今年苏钻研哲学下了不少功夫,现在她都开始怀疑 自己是否存在了。而当doubt表示“不相信,不信 任”时,doubt that… 。

Unit3-Unit4+大阅读思维导图 人教版英语八年级下册

Unit3-Unit4+大阅读思维导图 人教版英语八年级下册

八下unit3大阅读文体______________ 结构_______________Opinion:I do not understand___________________________ ___________________________________________ Reasons:1.Kids these days___________________________________fromschool.2. Housework is a__________________________They should _______________________________ _____________________________________________and get into a good university. 3. Also,when they get older ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________4. It is parents’ job_________________________________________________________________________Conclusion:I think ___________________________________________________________________________________Opinion:I think ______________________________________________________________________________Reasons :1.It’s not enough____________________________ ______________________.Children these days____ _____________________________too much.2.Doing chores helps to ______________________ ____________________and __________________ ________________________.3.It is also helps them_________________________ _______________________.An example of our neighborhood’s son1.Got into a_________________________2.He had no idea _________________________________3.As a result,______________________________________ Conclusion:The earlier________________________________, The better__________________________________________ 翻译下列句子1.每天玩电脑游戏是浪费时间。

综合教程第六册(第2版)Unit 4 mirtriculation fixation

综合教程第六册(第2版)Unit 4 mirtriculation fixation
Open for discussion.
Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure
In the essay the author offers his advice to those parents who have college-bound children. He first criticizes those parents who boast of having got their children into select universities. He points out that a good university does not necessarily guarantee a successful career. This is supported by the example of his high school friends. Then he tells those disillusioned parents whose children are unlikely to enter prestigious universities that many people achieve huge success in this society without a degree from a prestigious university. This is supported by his own experience. Finally he reminds those parents that “... life doesn’t have just one act. There is often Act Two. And Act Five.”



思维导图在英语复习中的运用作者:梁锦平来源:《小学教学参考·下旬》 2017年第12期思维导图是从一个中心点开始,每个词或图像本身都可以成为一个子中心,整个图形合起来是以分支链的形状从中心向四周放射,抑或回归于一个共同的中心点。

思维导图的标志性特点是“放射性思考( RadiantThinking)”。

目前研发的思维导图工具有很多,如XMind、Mind manager和Mind map等,本文所举例的思维导图是用XMind 6绘制的。




一、思维导图与英语词汇知识复习英国语言学家Michael Lewis指出:“英语词汇不仅仅包括单词的学习,还包括单词所组成的语块,即词汇的重要内容应包括单词、短语、习惯用语、搭配和固定句式五个部分。




以Module 6为例,笔者给学生提供了以下复习节日词汇的思维导图。




对于形容词的复习,笔者以Module 2为例,给学生提供了以下思维导图。


Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure
Part 4 (Para 4) the relationship between intellectual pleasure and the habit of reading Part 5 (Para 5) the author continues his discussion on the habit of reading Part 6 (Para 6) discussion of an important reading skill — skipping
Text Introduction | Culture Notes | Author | Structure
Adam Bede (Paragraph 2) Inspired by an anecdote told to George Eliot by her aunt, Adam Bede is notable for its extraordinarily realistic characters and convincing depiction of English rural life, complete with the earthy Derbyshire dialect of the title character. When it was first published, in 1859, the book earned praise for its nuanced and unflinching description of a young woman’s fall from grace and for Adam’s simple righteousness.


? 男女、夫妻、夫妇、子女、公婆、兄妹、父母、祖 父母、伯父伯母、岳父岳母、夫唱妇随、男尊女卑、 男男女女、男耕女织、男欢女爱、男婚女嫁
? 爷们儿,妇人之见,女流之辈 ? 先生,小姐 /女士 ? 市长,女市长,女强人 ? 贱内,糟糠,浑家,屋里的,烧火的
Gender bias in Chinese language
Gender bias in English language
1. In English,man:M & F Man can conquer the nature
meeting: woman→chairman Then: Madam chairman
2. speaking or writing : gender unknown person→he !not she?
? Gender roles are set by convention and other social, economic, political, and cultural forces. I t i s not necessarily on the basis of biological distinction.
Men and women speak differently
? Perceptually, female and male are said to speak different varieties of language: women are said to use distinctly feminine words, are more meticulous than men in enunciating words and sentences and in the use of intonation patterns, employ marked grammatical features, and tend to be grammatically hypercorrect.

外研社2024新编大学英语(第四版)综合教程B4U1教学课件B4U1 Reading 2

外研社2024新编大学英语(第四版)综合教程B4U1教学课件B4U1 Reading 2

Reading 2
Get ready to read
Watch for information
Memory, crucial to our lives, is fascinating and complex. How is it stored in the brain? And how do different types of memory function? Watch a video clip about memory and complete the outline.
6) _b_i_o_g_ra_p_h_i_c_a_l information.
Classification • It’s pretty 7) ___s_ta_b_l_e_a_n_d__a_c_c_u_ra_t_e_____ .
Muscle memory
long-term memory
• It’s similarly stable over time.
新编大学英语(第四版) 综合教程 Unit 1
Reading 2
Get ready to read
Watch for information
• Different from vision or language, memory is
located 1) _t_h_r_o_u_g_h_o_u_t _y_o_u_r_/_th_e__b_r_ai_n_ and it
Reading 2
Text exploration
Background information
“Pass it on” is a group game. To play the game, a group of people stand or sit in a circle or a line. One person starts the game by thinking of a short word or phrase and then whispering it into the ear of the person next to them. That person then passes it on to the third person and so on. At the end of the game, the last person will speak the word / phrase out to see how well the message has been delivered.



Learn from the other people Useful & helpful advertisement Share with u
What is a mind map?
A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideals,
tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially (辐射状地) around a central key word or idea. It is used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing. It is an image-centered diagram that represents semantic (语义学的) or other connections between portions of information. By presenting these connections in a radial, nonlinear(非线条的) graphical manner, it encourages a brainstorming approach to any given organizational task , eliminating the hurdle of initially establishing an intrinsically(内在 地) appropriate or relevant conceptual to work within.
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