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1 Chinese English

2 办公自动化Office Automation

3 保险会计Insurance Accounting

4 保险学Insurance

5 比较管理学Comparative Management

6 比较审计学Comparative Auditing

7 毕业实习Graduation Practice

8 财务报表分析Financial Statements Analysis

9 财务报告环境Financial Reporting Environment

10 财务分析Financial Analysis

11 财务风险控制Management of Financial Risks

12 财务管理Financial Management

13 财务会计Financial Accounting

14 财务造假对策Countermeasure for Financial


15 财政概论Introduction to Fiscal Science

16 财政学Fiscal Science

17 财政与信贷Finance and Credit

18 成本会计Cost Accounting

19 程序设计语言Programme Design Language

20 促销与广告Promotion and Advertising

21 大学生活导论Guidance of Campus Life

22 大学英语College English

23 大学语文College Chinese

24 当代国际经济Contemporary World Economy

25 道德教育Moral Education

26 邓小平理论Introduction to Deng Xiaoping's Theory

27 电影美学Aesthetics of Cinema

28 独立审计Independent Auditing

29 对外贸易保险Foreign Trade Insurance

30 对外贸易运输Foreign Trade Transportation

31 发展经济学Development Economics

32 法律Law

33 法律基础Basics of Law

34 法学概论Introduction to Law

35 法学基础Fundamentals of Law Science

36 房地产投资与金融Real Estate Investment & Finance

37 风险管理Risk Management

38 概率论Mathematics - probability

39 概率论与数理统计Probability & Mathematical Statistics

40 高等数学Advanced Mathematics

41 高级财务会计Advanced Financial Accounting

42 高级会计Advanced Accounting

43 高级英语技能Advanced English

44 高级英语阅读Advanced English Reading

45 高级语言程序设计Advanced Language Programme


46 工程经济学与管理会计Engineering conomics nd

anagement ccounting

47 工程造价管理Project Pricing Management

48 工程制图Engineering Drawing

49 工业会计Industrial Accounting

50 工业企业管理Industrial Business Management

51 工业企业经济活动分析Analysis of Industrial Business Activities

52 工业行业技术评估概论Introduction to Industrial Technical


53 公共关系Public Relations

54 公共金融学Public Finance

Etiquette for Public Relations

55 公关礼仪

56 公司财务Corporate Finance

57 公司法Corporate Law

58 公司理财Corporate Finance

59 古代诗词曲赋选讲Selections of Ancient Poems

60 古代文学作品赏析Analytical Application of Ancient Literary


61 古汉语Ancient Chinese

62 股份经济学Stock Economics

63 管理沟通Managerial Communication

64 管理会计Management Accounting

65 管理经济学Managerial Economics

66 管理伦理学Business Ethics

67 管理心理学Management Psychology

68 管理信息Management Information
