


(1)表语从句 1.定义:用作表语的从句叫做表语从句。 2.构成:关联词+简单句 3.引导表语从句的关联词的种类: (1) 从属连词that。如: The trouble is that I have lost his address. 麻烦是我把他的地址丢了。 (2) 从属连词whether, as, as if。如: He looked just as he had looked ten years before. 他看起来还与十年前一样。 The question is whether they will be able to help us. 问题是他们是否能帮我们。 注:从属连词if一般不用来引导表语从句,但as if却可引导表语从句,如: All this was over twenty years ago, but it's as if it was only yesterday. gh能跟表语从句的谓语动词一般为系动词be, seem, look等。如: It looked as if it was going to rain. 看起来天要下雨了。 连接副词 where, when, how, why。 如:The problem is who we can get to replace her. 问题是我们能找到谁去替换她呢。 The question is how he did it. 问题是他是如何做此事的。 That was what she did this morning on reaching the attic. 那就是她今晨上了阁楼干的。 解释: 1.连词because可引导表语从句。如: I think it is because you are doing too much. 我想这是因为你做得太多。 2.在一些表示“建议、劝说、命令”的名词后面的表语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气。should+动词原形表示,should可省略。如: My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow. 我的建议是我们明天一早就出发。(2)主语从句 1.定义:用作主语的从句叫做主语从句。 2.构成:关联词+简单句 3.引导主语从句的关联词有三类: (1) 从属连词that。如:That they were in truth sisters was clear from the facial resemblance between them. 很明显,她们确是亲姐妹,她们的脸型很相似。 (2) 从属连词whether。如: Whether he’ll come here isn’t clear. 他是否会来这里还不清楚。 (3) 连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever 连接副词 where, when, how, why。如: What she did is not yet known. 她干了什么尚不清楚。 How this happened is not clear to anyone. 这事怎样发生的,谁也不清楚。 Whoever comes is welcome. 不论谁来都欢迎。 Wherever you are is my home ---- my only home. 你所在的任何地方就是我的家----我唯一的家。 解释: 1.主语从句能用it作形式上的主语。常以it作形式主语的句型有: A. It+be+形容词(obvious, true, natural, surprising, good, wonderful, funny, possible, likely, certain, probable, etc.)+that从句。如: It is certain that she will do well in her exam. 毫无疑问她考试成绩会很好。 It is probable that he told her everything. 很可能他把一切都告诉她了。 B. It+be+名词词组(no wonder, an honour, a good thing, a pity, no surprise, etc.)+that


英语情景对话收集 1、你最好戒烟 AAre you feeling better today, Bill? 比尔,你今天觉得好些了吗? BWell, it’s hard to say. I coughed a lot in the evening. 额,很难说。我晚上咳得很厉害。 AYou’d better give up smoking. It’s bad for your health. 你最好戒烟。抽烟有害健康。 BYou’re right. But you know it’s so hard to give up the old habit like smoking. 你说得对。但是你知道的,像抽烟这样的坏习惯是很难去除了。 ABut you should make up your mind first. 但是你首先应该下决心。 BYou know I often have to work far into the night. I need smoking to keep me awake. 你知道的,我晚上经常工作到很晚。我需要抽烟来让自己清醒。 AWhy don’t you go to bed early and get up early?You’ll have the same time for work. 你为什么不早睡早起呢?你也会有相同的时间来工作。 BThank you for your advice. I’ll try it. 谢谢你的建议。我会试试的。 2、我昨天去看了乒乓球比赛 AHello Martin. Have you been to any events yet? 你好Martin, 你去看了什么赛事了吗? BYes I have. I went to the table tennis yesterday. 我去了。我昨天去看了乒乓球比赛。 AOh wow. How was it? 真的?怎么样,赛事如何? BOh. It was great. I love Ma Lin. He’s my favourite table tennis player. Have you seen anything yet? 噢,非常好。我太喜欢马琳了,他是我最喜欢的乒乓球选手。你看了什么赛事了吗? AOh I still haven’t managed to get any tickets. I’d love to see something though. 我还没能买到看比赛的票。我特别想能去看场比赛。 BWell, let’s go to the marathon tomorrow then! We can just stand by the side of the road. 那我们不如去看明天的马拉松吧?我们站在路边就可以观看了。 AWhat a great idea. 真是个好主意! 3、你可能感冒了 AOh you look awful! W hat’s the matter? 啊呀,你的气色看上去很差,怎么了? BOh! I feel really under the weather. I’ve got a sore throat and a bad cough. 哦!我感觉实在很糟。我的喉咙肿痛,咳嗽得也很厉害。 AOh dear. Maybe you’ve caught a cold. 不得了,你可能得了感冒了。 BYes, I’ve had lots of overtime to do recently and I haven’t slept much at all. 是的,我最近总是加班,一直都没能睡多少觉。


高中英语语法权威解析 目录: 第01章名词性从句 第02章“It”用法及其句型与固定搭配讲解 第03章高中英语语法中得省略现象 第04章主谓一致 第05章动词不定式 第06章倒装结构 第07章定语从句 第08章被动语态 第09章祈使句 第10章感叹句 第11章疑问句 第12章名词 第一章名词性从句 在句子中起名词作用得句子叫名词性从句(Noun Clauses)。名词性从句得功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同得语法功能,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句与同位语从句、一. 主语从句 主语从句就是在复合句中充当主语得从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it 代替,而本身放在句子末尾。 1. It 作形式主语与it引导强调句得比较 It 作形式主语代替主语从句,主要就是为了平衡句子结构,主语从句得连接词没有变化、而i t引导得强调句则就是对句子某一部分进行强调,无论强调得就是什么成分,都可用连词that。被强调部分指人时也可用who/whom、例如: a) It isapitythatyoudidn’t go to seethefilm.您不去瞧那场电影真可惜。 b) It doesn’tinterest me whetheryou succeed or not、我对您成功与否不感兴趣、 c) Itisin themorning thatthe murder took place. 谋杀案就是在早上发生得、(强调句型) d) It is John that broke thewindow。就是John打碎得窗户。(强调句型) 2、用it 作形式主语得结构 (1)It is + 名词+从句 It is afact that…事实就是… It is an honor that …非常荣幸 It iscommon knowledge that …就是常识 (2)It is + 形容词+从句 It is natural that…很自然… It isstrange that…奇怪得就是…(3) It is+不及物动词+ 从句 Itseems that…似乎… It happenedthat…碰巧… Itappears that…似乎…


有关机场的英语口语情景对话【有关机场的英语口语情景对话】 乘客: Sir, where can I get the 8:30 flight to Chicago? 先生,请问8:30飞往芝加哥的飞机在哪登机? 前台: Wait a moment. Let me check. Gate 56. 等一下,让我查查,56号登机口。 乘客: Where is the gate 56? 56号登机口在哪? 前台: It’s on the upstairs. You go upstairs and then you should turn left. Follow the sign and you will find. 在楼上,你上楼然后左转,跟着指示牌走就能找到了。 乘客: Thank you. Could I ask another question?

谢谢。我能再问个问题吗? 前台: Yes, you can. 可以。 乘客: You know, the weather is not very good. Is there any possibility that the flight would be put off? 你知道,这个天气不是很好,飞机有可能被延迟吗? 前台: Sorry, I don’t know. But I haven’t received any notice. 对不起,我不清楚,但是我还没有接到任何通知。 乘客: I catch the time. I have an important meeting in Chicago. 我得赶时间,我在芝加哥有一个很重要的会议要开。 前台: Don’t worry. It will be fine. 别担心,会顺利的。


英语情景对话大全 篇一:英语情景对话大全 美国英语情景对话大全 (1).Introductios and Opening Conversations 介绍和开场白 People in the United States don't always shake hands when they are introduced to one another. However, in a formal or business situation people almost always shake hands. 1.A: Mary, this is Joe's brother David. B; I'm very glad to meet you. C: It's a pleasure to meet you. B: How do you like Texas so far? C: It's really different from what I expected. B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time. 2.A: Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois. B: How do you do? C: Hello. B: What's your impression of the United States? C: Well, I can't get over how different the weather is here. B: Oh, you'll get used to it soon! 3.A: Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam. B: Hi. C: Nice to meet you. B: What do you think of Dallas? C: Well, I'm still feeling a little homesick and so many things seem strange to me. B: You're bound to feel that way at first, I guess. 4.A: Mrs.Hughs, this is Peter Brown. B: Pleased to meet you. C: How do you do? B: I hope you're enjoying your stay here. C: If it weren't for the climate, I'd like it here very much. B: It always takes time to get used to a new place. (2).Special Greetings 节假日的问候 There are eight national holidays celebrated in the United States: New Year's Day(Jan.), Washington's Birthday (Feb.), Memorial Day(May), the Fourth of July, Labor Day(Sep.),Veteran's Day(Nav.),Thanksgiving(Nov.) and Christmas(Dec.), In addition, there are many state and local holidays. 1. A: Merry Christmas! B: The same to you! A: Are you doing anyting special?


电子公司常用英语术语一:常用术语 CMM Component module move 机动组件整合 CEM Contract Manufaction service 合约委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 国际互联网应用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 个人计算机外设事业群(FOXTEQ)CCBG Connector&cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鸿富锦事业群 SABG system assembly business group 系统组装事业群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鸿准 Stamping tool shop I 冲模一厂 Stamping tool shop II 冲模二厂 Prototype workshop 样品中心 Steel factory 裁剪厂 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模厂 Hua Nan test and measurement center 华南检测中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 镁合金 Engineer standard 工标 Document center (database center)数据中心


高中英语语法大全之形容词和副词 形容词及其用法 形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。 1)直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词,它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:hot 热的。 2)叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid 害怕的。 (错)He is an ill man. (对)The man is ill. (错)She is an afraid girl. (对)The girl is afraid. 这类词还有:well,unwell,ill,faint,afraid,alike,alive,alone,asleep,awake 等。 3)形容词作定语修饰名词时,要放在名词的前边。但是如果形容词修饰以-thing为字尾的词语时,要放在这些词之后,例如: something nice 以-ly结尾的形容词 1)大部分形容词加-ly可构成副词。但friendly,deadly,lovely,lonely,likely,lively,ugly,brotherly,仍为形容词。 改错:(错)She sang lovely. (错)He spoke to me very friendly. (对)Her singing was lovely. (对)He spoke to me in a very friendly way. 2)有些以-ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副词。 daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early The Times is a daily paper. The Times is published daily. 用形容词表示类别和整体 1)某些形容词加上定冠词可以泛指一类人,与谓语动词的复数连接。如:the dead,the living,the rich,the poor,the blind,the hungry The poor are losing hope. 2)有关国家和民族的形容词加上定冠词指这个民族的整体,与动词的复数连用。 the British,the English,the French,the Chinese. The English have wonderful sense of humor. 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序 多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为: 限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --出处--材料性质,类别--名词 a small round table a tall gray building


英语情景对话——常用 英语情景对话一 对春节期间的烟花爆竹燃放问题的讨论 A:Happy new year, LIU, It is nice to enjoy New year holiday, but the noise of the fireworks and firecrackers bothers me recently. B: Happy new year, On the contrary,I think the fireworks and firecrackers is as nice as the Spring festival. A:Oh no, A t New Year’s Eve, I was up all night because there is too much noise outside. I think fireworks and firecrackers should be prohibited. B:I may not agree with you. The noise of them is a symbol of lively festive atmosphere. And I set off some fireworksat New Year’s Eve. It’s so interesting. A: Ok, the noise, is a piece of cake, it is just for me. But fireworks and crackers will cause air pollution. When firework is set off, it will produce lots of sulfur dioxide which is harmful to our environment. What’s more, fireworks and crackers do lots of harm to people. To make the matter worse, children love playing carelessly with firecrackers, which more often cause conflagration. B: Yeah, some of what you have said is true and It should cause the attention of people. But as long as people pay attention to safety when setting off, I think, It'sunderstandable to set off fireworks and firecrackers during the festival and they should not be prohibited. A:There also exist potential hazards in manufacturing, shipping and storing them. B: As a traditional way to celebrate the New Year, quite a few people think firecrackers have become part of our Chinese culture. Lots of fun will be gone with the ban of firecrackers. A: True, to change a custom is not easy, and people are not ready for such drastic action, but it will pay in the long run if the setting off of firecrackers is effectively banned in the cities. B: Maybe, we can celebrate our holiday by other ways instead of setting off firework.



机场情景对话: 杰瑞Excuse me, this is my first time on a plane. How do I check in 不好意思,这是我第一次坐飞机。我怎么登机呢 机场 工作 人员 May I see your ticket, please 我能看一下您的机票吗 杰瑞Yes. Here you go. 好的,给。 机场工作人员You can get a boarding pass at that counter. Do you have anything to check in 您先到那个柜台去取登机牌。有什么需要托运的吗 杰瑞No, I only have a handbag. 没有,我只有一个手提包。 机场工作人员Then you could wait in the departure area after going through security. 安检之后您可以在候机大厅等候上机了。 杰瑞Thank you very much. 谢谢。 约翰Do you fasten your seat belt when you're flying 你坐飞机系安全带吗 杰克Of course I do. It's the first thing I do to keep safe. 当然了,安全第一啊。 约翰I rarely fasten my seat belt and I'm still fine. 我很少系,也没出什么事啊。 杰克Well, man, you'd better fasten it next time. 老兄,我劝你下次还是老老实实的系上吧。 杰克Excuse me, there is something wrong with my seat belt. 打扰一下,我的安全带好像出了点儿问题。 乘务 员 What's wrong 怎么了 杰克It won't buckle. 扣不上了。 乘务 员 Let me see...You forgot to push the buckle. 我帮您看一下……您忘了拉开这个带扣了。


英语情景对话|英语对话材料 篇一:英文公司介绍情景对话 Unit2 Company Description Student A: Miss Luara. Welcome to our Lenovo to meet you. Student B:Nice to meet you,too. Student A: I would like to introduce our company to you and show you around our modern am sure you will be interested. May I give a presentation now? Student B:Yes,of course. Student A: As you know our company is located in Beijing,China. Our company is the world’s fourth-largest PC maker, has long dominated the Chinese market, the world’s second-largest. Student B:I ,what lines of business are you in? Student A: Our company trades mainly in desktop personal computer,notebook personal computers, cell phones,servers. Student B:When was your company founded? Student A: In company doesn’t have a long history, but we are very competition in the market place. Student B:Very impressive! Student A: And there are five departments in our


电子产品常用英文词汇 一、常见电子电气类英文单词 1.功率power 2.电压voltage 3.电流current 4.频率frequency 5.效率efficiency 6.波形waveform 7.交流alternating-current 8.直流direct-current 9.适配器adaptor 10.转换器converter 11.逆变器inverter 12.充电器charger 13.控制器controller 14.启动器jump starter 15.器件device 16.元件component 17.电容器capacitor 18.电阻resistor 19.电感inductor 20.二极管diode

21.稳压二极管zener 22.三极管audion 23.场效应管MOSFEET(Metel-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) 24.变压器transformer 25.光藕optical coupler 26.保险丝fuse 27.半导体semiconductor 28.瓷片电容ceramic capacitor 29.电解电容electrolytic C 30.电感inductance 31.电容capacitance 32.电阻resistance 33.感性的inductive 34.容性的capacitive 35.阻性的resistive 36.阻抗impedance 37.纯正弦波pure sine wave 38.修正正弦波modified sine wave 39.方波square wave 40.恒流源constant current source 41.恒压源constant voltage source 42.纹波电流ripple current


英语语法大全 第一部分:词类、句子成分和构词法: 1、词类:英语词类分十种: 名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is, are, have, see . 6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before . 10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 2、句子成分:英语句子成分分为七种:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语。 1、主语是句子所要说的人或事物,回答是“谁”或者“什么”。通常用名词或代词担任。 如:I‘m Miss Green.(我是格林小姐) 2、谓语动词说明主语的动作或状态,回答“做(什么)”。主要由动词担任。如:Jack cleans the room every day. (杰克每天打扫房间) 3、表语在系动词之后,说明主语的身份或特征,回答是“什么”或者“怎么样”。通常由名 词、代词或形容词担任。如:My name is Ping ping .(我的名字叫萍萍) 4、宾语表示及物动词的对象或结果,回答做的是“什么”。通常由名词或代词担任。如: He can spell the word.(他能拼这个词) 有些及物动词带有两个宾语,一个指物,一个指人。指物的叫直接宾语,指人的叫间接 宾语。间接宾语一般放在直接宾语的前面。如:He wrote me a letter . (他给我写了 一封信) 有时可把介词to或for加在间接宾语前构成短语,放在直接宾语后面,来强调间接宾 语。如:He wrote a letter to me . (他给我写了一封信) 5、定语修饰名词或代词,通常由形容词、代词、数词等担任。如: Shanghai is a big city .(上海是个大城市) 6、状语用来修饰动词、形容词、副词,通常由副词担任。如:He works hard .(他工作努力) 7、宾语补足语用来说明宾语怎么样或干什么,通常由形容词或动词充当。如:They usually keep their classroom clean.(他们通常让教室保持清洁)/ He often helps me do my lessons.(他常常帮我做功课)/ The teacher wanted me to learn French all by myself.(老师要我自学法语) ☆同位语通常紧跟在名词、代词后面,进一步说明它的情况。如:Where is your classmate Tom ?(你的同学汤姆在哪里?) 3、构词法:英语构词法主要有:合成法、派生法和转换法。 1、合成法:如:spaceship, headache, basketball, playground等等。 2、派生法: (1)派生名词:①动词+er/or②动词+ing③动词+(t)ion④形容词+ness⑤其他,如: inventor, learner, swimming, congratulation, kindness, carelessness, knowledge (2)派生形容词:①名词+y②名词+ful③动词+ing/ed④friendly⑤dangerous⑥ Chinese; Japanese⑦English⑧French⑨German⑩国名+(i)an如:snowy, sunny, hopeful, beautiful, interesting, follwing, daily(每日的),nervous, delicious (3)派生副词:①形容词+ly ②其它,如:slowly, angrily, full→fully, good→well, possible


英语机场情景对话集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#

机场情景对话: 杰瑞Excuse me, this is my first time on a plane. How do I check in 不好意思,这是我第一次坐飞机。我怎么登机呢 机场工作人 员 May I see your ticket, please 我能看一下您的机票吗 杰瑞Yes. Here you go. 好的,给。 机场工作人 员You can get a boarding pass at that counter. Do you have anything to check in 您先到那个柜台去取登机牌。有什么需要托运的吗 杰瑞No, I only have a handbag. 没有,我只有一个手提包。 机场工作人 员Then you could wait in the departure area after going through security. 安检之后您可以在候机大厅等候上机了。 杰瑞Thank you very much. 谢谢。 约翰Do you fasten your seat belt when you're flying 你坐飞机系安全带吗 杰克Of course I do. It's the first thing I do to keep safe. 当然了,安全第一啊。 约翰I rarely fasten my seat belt and I'm still fine. 我很少系,也没出什么事啊。 杰克Well, man, you'd better fasten it next time. 老兄,我劝你下次还是老老实实的系上吧。 杰克Excuse me, there is something wrong with my seat belt. 打扰一下,我的安全带好像出了点儿问题。 乘务员What's wrong 怎么了 杰克It won't buckle. 扣不上了。 乘务员Let me see...You forgot to push the buckle. 我帮您看一下……您忘了拉开这个带扣了。 杰克I see, thank you. 哦,谢谢。 丹尼尔Excuse me, how can I get from the airport to the city 请问我怎么从机场到市区 接待员You can take a taxi or an airport shuttle. 您可以坐出租车或者机场大巴。


基础会话-情景对话ASKING AND DIRECTING THE WAY A: Well, I don't think I want to buy anything else. Let's go home. B: But I have to look up a man working in the Prince's Building. If you haven't anything special to do, why not come with me? A: Ok. But do you know the way? B: No, but I can ask the way. Excuse me, can you tell me where the Prince'sBuilding is? C: I'm sorry, I'm a stranger here. B: Excuse me. How do I get to the Prince's Building, please? D: Well, turn to the left at the first corner after the crossroads. It's there near the corner. You can't go wrong. A: Is it far from here? E: No, it's only a couple of blocks away. B: Thank a lot. E: Don't mention it. 英语情景对话:申请美国签证VO:What is your name? 你叫什么名字? RE:My name is ** 我叫** VO:How old are you? 你的年龄是多少? RE:I am nineteen. 我十九岁。


电子行业专业英语词汇 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

专用词汇表 一、生产流程 1.插机(刮蓝胶)component-inserting 2.装配assembly 3.修理repair 4.包装packaging 5.成品仓finishedgoodswarehouse 6.返工rework 7.啤胶件 8.组件成型componentmoulding 9.IC烧录ICprogram 10.插件insection 11.注塑plasticinjection 12.发料materialdelivery 13.插机 14.零件加工component-processing 15.炉前外观检查 visualinspectionbeforewavesolderi ng 16.电源板波峰焊 powerboardwavesoldering 17.执锡 18.零件后焊handsoldering 19.零件焊接&打黄胶 20.低电压测试lowvoltagetest 21.半成品外观检查Semi- finishedgoodsvisualinspection 22.过水洗机 23.打热熔胶dottinghotglue 24.装卡板 25.pallet栈板 26.IC烧录ICprogram 27.SMT(刮锡膏) 28.喷油sprayconformalcoating 29.焗干防水油 30.welding焊接 31.breathing排气32.feed供料 33.Tiana天那水 34.toloadmaterial上料 35.tounloadmaterial卸料 36.toreturnmaterial/stockto退料 37.tofixadie装模 38.totakeapartadie拆模 39.coldforging冷锻 40.pressforging冲锻 41.toimposelines压线 42.tocompress,compressing压缩 43.焗炉温度 44.开槽groove 45.shearing剪断 46.接线端子terminal 47.tostake,staking,reviting铆合 48.fusetogether熔合 49.electricalsparkle电火花 50.fittogether组装在一起 51.fasten锁紧(螺丝) 52.rotatingspeed,revolution转速 53.argonwelding氩焊 54.totakeapartadie卸下 55.toloadadie装上 56.totightabolt拧紧螺栓 57.tolooserabolt拧松螺栓 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9e77884.html,pounddie复合模 59.punchedhole冲孔 60.buffing抛光 61.chamferingmachine倒角机 62.panelboard镶块 63.tocutedges=sidecut=sidescrap切边 64.topull,tostretch拉伸 65.Linestreching,linepulling线拉伸 66.engraving,toengrave刻印 67.degrease脱脂 68.rinse水洗 69.piercedie冲孔模 70.formingdie成型模
