
以下“机场常⽤的英语⼝语情景对话”由整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注! 【机场送机英语⼝语情景对话】 A:Mr.Martin, we're on arrival. 马丁先⽣,我们到了。
B:lt's nice of you to see my off at the airport. Thank you very much. 您真是太周到了,⾮常感谢您来机场送我。
A:We'll miss you. I hope we'll keep in touch. 我们会想念您的,希望今后保持联系。
B:Sure. You've given a great help to me in the past days. 当然会。
A:lt's my pleasure. We hope you'll visit Beijing again. 我很乐意那样做。
B:Certainly. l'll be glad to. 当然,我很乐意。
A:lt's almost time to get aboard. 该登机了。
B:Yes, we should go. Thank you very much. Goodbye! 是啊,我们该⾛了。
⾮常感谢!再见! A:Bye bye! Have a pleasant journey! 再见!旅途愉快! 【机场办理登记英语对话】 Agent: Good afternoon! Where are you flying to today? 值机⼈员:下午好!今天你的⽬的地是哪⾥? Dan: Los Angeles. Dan:洛杉矶 Agent: May I have your passport, please? 值机⼈员:请给我看⼀下您的护照? Dan: Here you go. Dan:给你。

A: 你好,请问你是来接机的吗?
B: 是的,我是来接我朋友的。
A: 让我查一下......嗯,CA123预计在15分钟内降落。
B: 好的,谢谢你的提醒。
A: 没问题,请问他的名字是什么?
B: 他叫李明,应该很容易辨认。
A: 好的,我明白了。
B: 非常感谢!我会等在出口处,希望一切顺利。
A: 不用客气,我们会尽力为李明提供方便。
B: 好的,谢谢你的帮助。
C: 你好,我听到你们在说接机的事情,我也正好要接一个朋友的航班,你们能一起帮忙吗?A: 当然可以!请问你朋友的航班号是多少?我们可以一起等待。
C: 他的航班号是MU456,预计在40分钟后到达。
A: 好的,我们会等在出口处,同时帮助你朋友办理入境手续。
C: 谢谢你们的帮忙,真是太好了!
B: 没关系,我们都是中国人,互相帮助是应该的。
A: 是的,我们希望你朋友能顺利抵达。
C: 非常感谢你们的热心帮助!我相信一切都会顺利的。

机场情景中英文对话场景一:办理登机手续Agent: Good morning! May I have your passport and ticket, please? 工作人员: 早上好!请出示您的护照和机票。
Passenger: Sure, here they are.乘客: 当然,给您。
Agent: Thank you. Are you checking any bags today?工作人员: 谢谢。
您今天需要托运行李吗?Passenger: Yes, I have one suitcase to check.乘客: 是的,我有一个行李需要托运。
Agent: Could you please place it on the scale?工作人员: 请把行李放在秤上好吗?Passenger: Sure.乘客: 好的。
Agent: Your bag is within the weight limit. Here’s your boarding pass. Your gate number is B12.工作人员: 您的行李重量符合要求。
Passenger: Thank you.乘客: 谢谢。
Agent: Have a pleasant flight!工作人员: 祝您旅途愉快!Passenger: Thank you!乘客: 谢谢!场景二:安检Security: Please place all your belongings in the tray and step through the detector.安检人员: 请把所有物品放在托盘里,然后通过探测器。
Passenger: Do I need to take off my shoes?乘客: 我需要脱鞋吗?Security: Yes, please. And remove any electronic devices from your bag. 安检人员: 是的,请脱鞋。

机场贵宾服务的情景对话一到机场为你送行AI've heard you're going to America tomorrow. I want to see you off at the airport.我听闻你明天必须回去美国。
BOh, thanks a lot.噢,非常感谢。
AWhat time are you leaving?你什么时候返回?B1:30 P.m. But I've got to check in at 12:30 P.m.下午一点半。
AWhat airline and what flight?什么航空公司?什么航班?BPan American Airlines. Flight 282.泛美航空公司。
AI'll see you at the airport at 12:30 P.m.我下午12点半至机场为你送别。
BOk. See you tomorrow.不好的。
二你来送行真是太客气了AIt's very kind of you to come and see us off.你来给我们送行真是太客气了。
BMy pleasure.What a pity you have to leave so soon!应该的.真遗憾,你们这么快就要走了。
AWe would stay longer. but I've got to attend a meeting tomorrow morning. Thank you for your warm hospitality.本来可以多待几天的,可惜我明天早上有个会要开,不得不走.谢谢你这几天的盛情款待。
BYou're welcome. Maybe next time we'll come to see you.不客气,也许下次我会去找你们呢。
英语 机场情景对话

机场情景对话:杰瑞Excuse me, this is my first time on a plane. How do I check in 不好意思,这是我第一次坐飞机。
我怎么登机呢?机场工作人员May I see your ticket, please我能看一下您的机票吗?杰瑞Yes. Here you go.好的,给。
机场工作人员You can get a boarding pass at that counter. Do you have anything to check in您先到那个柜台去取登机牌。
有什么需要托运的吗?杰瑞No, I only have a handbag.没有,我只有一个手提包。
机场工作人员Then you could wait in the departure area after going through security.安检之后您可以在候机大厅等候上机了。
杰瑞Thank you very much.谢谢。
约翰Do you fasten your seat belt when you're flying你坐飞机系安全带吗?杰克Of course I do. It's the first thing I do to keep safe.当然了,安全第一啊。
约翰I rarely fasten my seat belt and I'm still fine.我很少系,也没出什么事啊。
杰克Well, man, you'd better fasten it next time.老兄,我劝你下次还是老老实实的系上吧。
杰克Excuse me, there is something wrong with my seat belt.打扰一下,我的安全带好像出了点儿问题。
乘务员What's wrong怎么了?杰克It won't buckle.扣不上了。

机场情景对话:【2 】杰瑞:Excuse me, this is my first time on a plane. How do I check in?不好意思,这是我第一次坐飞机.我怎么登机呢?机场工作人员:May I see your ticket, please?我能看一下您的机票吗?杰瑞:Yes. Here you go.好的,给.机场工作人员:You can get a boarding pass at that counter. Do you have anything to check in? 您先到谁人柜台去取登机牌.有什么须要托运的吗?杰瑞:No, I only have a handbag.没有,我只有一个手提包.机场工作人员:Then you could wait in the departure area after going through security.安检之后您可以在候机大厅等候上机了.杰瑞:Thank you very much.感谢.约翰:Do you fasten your seat belt when you're flying?你坐飞机系安全带吗?杰克:Of course I do. It's the first thing I do to keep safe.当然了,安全第一啊.约翰:I rarely fasten my seat belt and I'm still fine.我很少系,也没出什么事啊.杰克:Well, man, you'd better fasten it next time.老兄,我劝你下次照样老诚实实的系上吧.杰克:Excuse me, there is something wrong with my seat belt. 打搅一下,我的安全带似乎出了点儿问题.乘务员:What's wrong?怎么了?杰克:It won't buckle.扣不上了.乘务员:Let me see...You forgot to push the buckle.我帮您看一下……您忘了拉开这个带扣了.杰克:I see, thank you.哦,感谢.丹尼尔:Excuse me, how can I get from the airport to the city? 请问我怎么从机场到市区?招待员:You can take a taxi or an airport shuttle.您可以坐出租车或者机场大巴.丹尼尔:How much is a shuttle ticket?大巴一张票若干钱?招待员:16 Yuan. But you'd better decide which bus line you should take before you get on the bus, sir.十六元.您最好在乘车之前选好乘车路线,师长教师.丹尼尔:Which line should I take if I want to go to Wangjing?我如果想去望京的话应当选择哪条线?招待员:Let me check for you. According to the route map, you should takeline 6.我帮您查一下.依据路线图,您应当选择六号线.机场工作人员:How long are you going to stay in China?您会在中国逗留多长时光?莉莉:Two weeks.两个礼拜.机场工作人员:To travel?观光?莉莉:Yes.是的.机场工作人员:Is that your luggage?那是您的行李吗?莉莉:Yes. Here's the luggage declaration form.是的,这个是行李申报单.机场工作人员:Thank you. Anything else to declare?感谢.还有别的要申报吗?莉莉:No, I think this small bottle of whisky is duty-free.没有了,我想这一小瓶威士忌应当是免税的吧.机场工作人员:It is.是的.机场工作人员:Would you please open your bag?能打开您的观光袋吗?海伦:OK. I just have a couple of little gifts inside.可以.里面只有一些小礼品.机场工作人员:What's the total value of the gifts, please?请问总价值若干?海伦:Not more than the duty-free allowance. Two books, a carton of cigarettes, a necklace and my personal belongings.不会超过免税金额的.有两本书,一盒烟,一条项链,还有我的小我物品.机场工作人员:May I have a look at the necklace?我能看一下项链吗?海伦:Of course. But I think it should be duty-free.好的.但是我想它应当是免税的.机场工作人员:Yeah. Is there anything else in your bag?是的.您包里还有其他器械吗?海伦:No.没有了.机场工作人员:OK. Thank you. Enjoy your trip! 好的.感谢.祝您旅途高兴!海关人员:Hello, can I see your passport, please? 您好,请出示您的护照.吉姆:Here you are.给您.海关人员:What's the purpose of your visit?您观光的目标是什么?吉姆:Sightseeing.不雅光.海关人员:Where are you staying?您将在哪儿住宿?吉姆:China World Hotel.中国大饭铺.海关人员:How long will you be staying in China? 估计在中国逗留几天?吉姆:Six days.六天.海关人员:Ok. Have a nice trip.好,祝您玩得高兴.吉姆:How was your first flight?第一次坐飞机感到怎么样?露西:Couldn't be worse. I spent almost the same time in the airport as I spent on the plane.遭透了,在机场呆的时光都跟在飞机上呆的差不多了.吉姆:What happened?怎么了?露西:The flight was delayed, and we waited in the airport for eight whole hours.飞机晚点,我们在机场等了整整八个小时.吉姆:Oh, that sucks. Maybe it will be better next time.哦,真够倒霉的,下次估量会顺遂点儿.露西:Hope so.愿望如斯.汤姆:Excuse me, I'm going to take flight SH307 to Shanghai, but the board shows it'll be delayed. Do you know what the new departure time is?您好,我要乘坐去上海的SH307号航班,显示牌显示航班耽搁.你知道新的腾飞时光吗?机场工作人员:The flight has been pushed back by about an hour but please keep checking the board just in case.下载文档到电脑,查找应用更便利2下载券264人已下载飞机要晚一个小时,不过,照样请多查看显示牌以防万一.汤姆:Is it OK for me to go out to have something to eat?我出去吃点儿器械行吗?机场工作人员:You'd better stay at the airport. The flight departure could be announced any minute.您最好待在机场,随时都有可能广播航班腾飞的.汤姆:What caused the delay?出了什么问题导致飞机耽搁呢?机场工作人员:Sorry, I'm not sure.抱歉,我也不太清晰.地勤人员:Good afternoon. May I have your ticket and ID card, please?下昼好,请出示您的机票和身份证.吉姆:Here you are.给您.地勤人员:Thank you. Would you like a window or an aisle seat?感谢.您要靠窗的座位照样过道的座位?吉姆:A window seat, please.靠窗的.地勤人员:Do you have any luggage?您有行李吗?吉姆:No.没有.地勤人员:Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight.这是您的登机卡.祝您旅途高兴.吉姆:Thank you.感谢.前台:What can I do for you?有什么能为您效劳的?迈克:I'd like to make a reservation for a flight from here to New York. 我想订一张从这儿到纽约的机票.前台:Sure. Can you tell me your name and your ID card number? 好.您能告知我您的姓名和身份证号吗?迈克:M-i-k-e, 32********88. Can I choose my seat assignment?M-i-k-e,32********88,我能指定座位吗?前台:Sure.当然可以.迈克:I'd like a window seat.前台:No problem.没问题.迈克:Thanks.多谢.张华:Excuse me, can you tell me where to transfer planes, please?打搅一下,请问我要起色应当怎么走?地勤人员:Do you have the boarding pass for the next flight?您有下一个航班的登机证吗?张华:Yes.有.地勤人员:You can directly go to the boarding gate of the next flight by following the signs. 那您顺着指导牌直接到下一个航班的登机口登机就可以了.张华:I see. Thank you.好的,感谢.丹尼尔:Hello, can I change my flight schedule?你好,我可以更改航班吗?人员:Sure. Could you please tell me your name and the flight you've booked?当然.请问您的姓名和您预订的航班?丹尼尔:My name is Daniel Taylor. The flight I've booked is UA4455.我叫丹尼尔·泰勒.我预订的航班号是UA4455.人员:Oh, yes...Which flight would you like to change to?哦,没错……您想更换哪个航班?丹尼尔:Are there any flights available on May 6?蒲月六日有航班吗?人员:Yes, China Air flight CA983, taking off from Beijing at 9 pm and arriving in Los Angeles at 5 pm.有,中公平易近航的CA983,晚上九点从北京腾飞,下昼五点抵达洛杉矶.丹尼尔:Is it a nonstop flight?是直达吗?人员:Yes, it is.是的.丹尼尔:OK, I'll take that flight.那我就改这班吧.吉姆:Excuse me, do you know where baggage claim is?打搅一下,请问你知道在哪儿领行李吗?作人员:Hello, what can I do for you?您好,您有什么须要吗?吉姆:I came to pick up my baggage.我来取行李.工作人员:Could you give me your baggage claim ticket, please?您能把行李票给我吗?吉姆:Here you are.给.工作人员:Hold on…Is it the gray one?稍等一下……是这个灰色的行李箱吗?吉姆:Yes. Thanks.是的,感谢.琳达:I've lost my luggage at the airport. How can I find it?我行李在机场丢了,怎么才能找回来?招待员:Don't worry. Please fill in the form first with your flight number, the color and shape of your luggage and other information.您别焦急,先填一下这张表,填上您乘坐的班机,您行李的色彩和外形等等.琳达:Just like this?如许填可以吗?招待员:Yes. You can call 010-64598333 to keep in touch with us. We'll inform you as soon as we find your luggage.可以了.您可以拨打零幺零-六四五九八三三三,和我们保持接洽.我们一有新闻会立时通知您.第11页,-共11页。

1. 情景——过海关我叫李光耀。
My name is Guangyao Li.我叫刘晓庆。
My name is Xiaoqing Liu.我们到多伦多探亲,看看女儿一家,游览一下加拿大的风景。
We are going to visit our daughter and her family in Toronto and go on a tour of Canada.我们打算在加拿大住5个月。
We are going to stay in Canada for 5 months.我们的行李是衣物,没有肉,有中国白酒2瓶。
Our luggages are colthes, there is not any meat in it. We take 2 bottles of Chinese alcohols.我的女儿叫王澜。
Our daughter's name is Lan Yang.住址是安大略省多伦多北约克森林公园180号公寓 2188房。
They live at 180 Parkway Forest Dr, apt 2188, North York, Toronto, Ontario, M2J 1L6 Canada.电话是416-418-8341Telephone is 416-418-83412. 情景——飞机上/机场里Could I get one more blanket? It is cold. Thank you.能给我一个毯子吗?有点冷。
Could I get one more pillow? Thank you.能给我一个小枕头吗?谢谢。
厕所 Wash Room请帮忙 Can you help me, please?请给我一杯热水,谢谢。

机场接机常用英语对话情景机场接机常用英语对话一Guest (G ): Excuse me, are you the Fortune Hotel airport rep.Airport Representative (AR ): Yes, Mr...G: Im Robert Hilton from the American Andrew Rice Origin Foundation. AR: My name is Su Hui, Im here to meet you. Welcome to Shanghai! G: Glad to meet you.AR: The pleasure is mine. Is this your first visit to China, Mr. Hilton G: Yes. Its my very first. Im looking forward to seeing your beautiful country. AR: I hope you will have a pleasant stay here.G: Thank you. Im sure I will.AR: Is this all your baggageG: Yes, its all here.AR: We have a car over there to take you to our hotel.G: Thats fine.AR: Let me help you with that suitcase. Shall we goG: Yes, thank you for all your trouble.AR: No trouble at all. This way, please.机场接机常用英语对话二史密斯: Sorry to interrupt you. but arent you Mr. Wu from China 抱歉.打扰一下.请问您是中国来的吴先生吗吴先生: Oh.yes.I am.哦.对.我是.史密斯: How do you do.Mr. Wu Im John Smith from DJ Company. And Im here to meet you.您好.吴先生.我是DJ公司的约翰史密斯.我来这儿接你们.吴先生: How do you do.Mr. Smith Thank you very much formeeting us here.你好.史密斯先生.非常感谢你来接我们.史密斯: You are welcome. You must be exhausted after a long journey.不用谢.各位远道而来.一定很累了.吴先生: Oh, no. It was a pleasant trip and everything went smoothly, so we dont feel tired at all.不.路上很顺利.又很愉快.一点儿也不觉得累.史密斯: I`ll be your guide during your stay in China.你们在中国逗留期间.我将一直陪同大家.吴先生: Wonderful!那太好了!史密斯: Will you please take your baggage and follow me The taxis waiting outside.请大家拎着行李随我来.出租车在外面等着呢.吴先生: Fine, lets hurry.好的.我们赶紧走.机场接机常用英语对话三A:Ms. Wang, this is Mr. Cooper, president of Ivy Publishing.王小姐,这位是古柏先生,是常春藤出版公司的总裁。

Airport 机场用语如果可能的话,可以给我安排在紧急出口旁(能伸直腿)的座位吗?If possible,may I sit in the“EXIT” seat?MORE在当地转机或者回国的时候,为了获得能够伸开腿的舒适座位(紧急出口处前面的座位),记住上述句子就很方便。
另外,还要记住:What time should I go to the boarding gate?(我应该几点到登机口?)Will the flight depart on schedule?(班机会按时起飞吗?)TRAVELTIPS不管是买全价票的乘客,还是买折扣票的乘客,实际上紧急出口处的座位不可能事先预订。
这时应该拿出护照和机票,用和蔼可亲的语气说:Hi!Here you are(给你). What’s the weather like in ××(某某地方的天气怎样)?之类的轻松话题,然后再提出你的要求。
We want seats next to each other.MORE如果你不吸烟,办手续时可以要求:Non-smoking seat,please.(请给我安排无烟区的座位。
Can I change flights?(能改航班吗?)TRAVEL TIPS办理飞机登机手续时,问一句:Is this flight crowded(乘客很多吗)?如果对方回答:No,可以要求:If possible,we want a three seat row with a seat open between us(如果可能的话,我想要三人一排中间不安排人的座位)。
请把我的行李放到行李箱里好吗?Will you put my baggage in the storage bin?MORE如果自己的座位被别人坐了,可以说:Excuse me,I think it’s my seat.(对不起,我想这是我的座位。

英语机场情景对话大全机场值机柜台At the airport check-in counterStaff: May I have your passport and ticket please?您好,请出示护照和机票。
Passenger: Here are my passport and e-ticket.这是我的护照和电子机票。
Staff: Please put your luggage on the conveyor belt to be weighed.请把您的行李放在传送带上称重。
Passenger: Okay. Here is my checked baggage.好的,这是我的托运行李。
Staff: Your luggage exceeds the weight limit. I’m afraid you need to pay an oversize luggage fee.您的行李超重了,恐怕需要支付超重行李费用。
安检口安检At the security check pointStaff: Please take out your laptops and liquids. Remove your belts and coats too.请取出笔记本电脑和液体物品。
Passenger: Sure. Let me prepare those.好的,我这就准备。
登机口候机区At the gate waiting areaStaff: This is the last call for flight CA138 to Beijing. Please proceed to Gate 5 for immediate boarding.这是前往北京CA138航班的最后登机提醒。
Passenger: Oh that’s my flight! I am heading to the gate now.哦,那是我的航班!我这就去登机口。


关于机场接机的情景会话A: 你好,请问你是机场接机服务吗?B: 对,没错。
您是XXX先生吧?A: 是的。
请问您的名字是?B: 我是鲍勃。
A: 好的。
B: 是否有很多行李呢?我们需要准备一下。
A: 不用了。
B: 那太好了,我们可以直接去车子那里了。
A: 好的,谢谢您的提醒。
B: 非常客气。
您在飞机上有好好休息吗?您飞的那班飞机是什么时间的呢?A: 恩,在飞机上我睡了一会儿,感觉很不错。
B: 那应该是太阳落山之前到的。
A: 太好了,非常感谢。
B: 您会的,这个城市可以说是红色的名牌,有很多不错的地方可以去。
您计划在这里住多久呢?A: 我计划在这里住两个星期。
B: 那您有很慷慨的时间好好感受这个城市,这里有很多历史文化而且还有很多好吃的餐厅。
A: 哦,听起来很不错。
B: 很高兴为您服务,这是我的工作。
A: 好的,谢谢你,我会记住的。

场景一:入境手续A:Welcome to XYZ country! May I see your passport, please?(欢迎来到XYZ国家!可以出示一下您的护照吗?)B:Sure, here it is.(当然,请看这是我的护照。
)A:Thank you. How long do you plan to stay in XYZ country?(谢谢。
您计划在XYZ国家停留多久?)B:I'll be staying for two weeks.(我将停留两周。
)A:Do you have a return ticket?(您有回程机票吗?)B:Yes, I have it right here.(是的,就在这里。
)场景二:行李托运A:Could you please put your luggage on the scale?(请把您的行李放上秤一下好吗?)B:Sure, here you go.(当然,给您。
)A:Is there anything fragile or valuable in your suitcase?(您的行李箱里有易碎品或贵重物品吗?)B:No, it's just clothes and toiletries.(没有,只有衣物和洗漱用品。
)A:Alright, your luggage is within the weight limit. Here's your baggage claim tag.(好的,您的行李在重量限制范围内。
)场景三:安检A:Do you have any liquids, gels, or aerosols in your carry-on bag?(您的随身行李中有液体、胶状物或喷雾剂吗?)B:No, I don't.(没有。

机场工作人员日常情景对话大全情景一: 机场入境处对话一: 护照检查情景: 当乘客抵达机场时,工作人员需要检查他们的护照以确保身份合法。
: 当乘客抵达机场时,工作人员需要检查他们的护照以确保身份合法。
工作人员: 早上好!请出示您的护照。
: 早上好!请出示您的护照。
乘客: 好的,这是我的护照。
: 好的,这是我的护照。
工作人员: 谢谢。
: 谢谢。
乘客: 好的,这是我的个人信息页。
: 好的,这是我的个人信息页。
工作人员: 好的,一切看起来正常。
: 好的,一切看起来正常。
乘客: 好的,就这样吗?: 好的,就这样吗?工作人员: 是的,谢谢您的合作。
: 是的,谢谢您的合作。
对话二: 行李检查情景: 在入境处,工作人员会对乘客的行李进行安全检查,以确保没有违禁物品。
: 在入境处,工作人员会对乘客的行李进行安全检查,以确保没有违禁物品。
工作人员: 早上好!请将您的行李放在传送带上。
: 早上好!请将您的行李放在传送带上。
乘客: 好的,这是我的行李。
: 好的,这是我的行李。
工作人员: 谢谢。
请问您有任何液体,尖锐物品或易燃物品吗?: 谢谢。
请问您有任何液体,尖锐物品或易燃物品吗?乘客: 没有,都是一些衣物和书籍。
: 没有,都是一些衣物和书籍。
工作人员: 好的,我需要您打开行李箱以进行检查。
: 好的,我需要您打开行李箱以进行检查。
乘客: 当然,请查看。
: 当然,请查看。
工作人员: 好的,一切看起来正常。
: 好的,一切看起来正常。
情景二: 值机柜台对话一: 预订登记情景: 乘客到达机场并需要预订登记以获得登机牌。
: 乘客到达机场并需要预订登记以获得登机牌。
工作人员: 您好,欢迎来到我们的航空公司。
请问您需要办理登机手续吗?: 您好,欢迎来到我们的航空公司。

机场登机英语对话阅读情景对话机场登机英语对话1A:Is this the right counter to check in for this flight这次班机是在这个柜台办理登记手续吗B:Yes, it is. Please put your luggage on the scale.是的。
A:Your luggage is overweight. The free allowance for luggage is 20 kilos.您的行李超重了。
B:Oh, can I keep this little suitcase as hand-luggage哦,那我可以把这个小手提箱随身携带吗A:OK, in this way its just below the limit.可以,这样您的行李刚好低于限额。
A:Heres your ticket and your boarding card.这是您的机票和登机牌。
B:All right. I will begin boarding soon.好的,我马上要登机了。
机场登机英语对话2A:Good afternoon. May I help you下午好。
需要帮忙吗B:Yes. Id like to check in, please.是的。
A:May I see your ticket and passport, please请让我看看您的机票和护照好吗B:Sure. Here they are.好的。
A:Please put your baggage on the scale.请把您的行李放到秤上。
B:Whats the weight limit重量限制是多少A:Thirty two kilos.32公斤。
B:I hope my baggage arent overweight.希望我的行李没有超重。

机场情景对话文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-机场情景对话:杰瑞:Excuse me, this is my first time on a plane. How do I check in?不好意思,这是我第一次坐飞机。
我怎么登机呢机场工作人员:May I see your ticket, please?我能看一下您的机票吗杰瑞:Yes. Here you go.好的,给。
机场工作人员:You can get a boarding pass at that counter. Do you have anything to check in?您先到那个柜台去取登机牌。
有什么需要托运的吗杰瑞:No, I only have a handbag.没有,我只有一个手提包。
机场工作人员:Then you could wait in the departure area after going through security.安检之后您可以在候机大厅等候上机了。
杰瑞:Thank you very much.谢谢。
约翰:Do you fasten your seat belt when you're flying?你坐飞机系安全带吗杰克:Of course I do. It's the first thing I do to keep safe.当然了,安全第一啊。
约翰:I rarely fasten my seat belt and I'm still fine.我很少系,也没出什么事啊。
杰克:Well, man, you'd better fasten it next time.老兄,我劝你下次还是老老实实的系上吧。
杰克:Excuse me, there is something wrong with my seat belt.打扰一下,我的安全带好像出了点儿问题。

机场常用英语情景对话以下是一些机场常用的英语情景对话:1.办理登机手续工作人员:Good morning/afternoon, sir/madam. Can I see your passport and ticket, please?乘客:Here they are.工作人员:Thank you. Are you checking any luggage today?乘客:Yes, I have one suitcase.工作人员:All right. Please put your luggage on the scale. (称重后) That's 20 kilograms. The excess luggage charge is $10 per kilogram.乘客:Oh, I didn't realize it was so heavy.1.安检安检员:Sir/Madam, please remove your shoes, belt, and any metal items from your pockets. You'll need to put your laptop and liquids in separate bags.乘客:Okay, no problem.安检员:Please step through the metal detector. (如果发出响声) Sir/Madam, please stand aside for a moment. We'll need to do a manual check.1.登机空乘人员:Good afternoon, sir/madam. Welcome to flight XYZ. May I see your boarding pass, please?乘客:Sure.空乘人员:Thank you. Your seat is in row 15, aisle seat. This way, please. Is this your luggage? We can put it in the overhead compartment for you.乘客:Yes, thank you.空乘人员:You're welcome. Enjoy your flight.这些对话只是机场英语中的一小部分,实际情况中可能会有更多的变化和细节。

人物:旅客(Tourist)和值机员(Check-in Clerk)
Tourist: 你好,我要办理登机手续。
Check-in Clerk: 您好,请问您的航班号和姓名是什么?
Tourist: 我的航班号是CA981,姓名是John Smith。
Check-in Clerk: 好的,请稍等一下。
Tourist: 是的,我有一个行李箱和一个手提包。
Check-in Clerk: 好的,请把您的行李放在秤上。
Tourist: 哦,好的,我了解了。
Check-in Clerk: 超重费用是每公斤50元。
Tourist: 好的,这是超重费用。
Check-in Clerk: 您的座位是32B,这是您的登机牌和行李牌,请妥善保管好。
Tourist: 谢谢,请问登机口在哪里?
Check-in Clerk: 您的登机口是C3,过安检后直走就能看到。
Tourist: 谢谢你的帮助。
Check-in Clerk: 再见,祝您一路平安!(目送旅客离开)。

A: 您好,我是[公司名称]的接待人员,请问您是[客人姓名]先生/女士吗?
B: 是的,我是。
A: 欢迎您来到[城市名称],一路辛苦了!我来帮您拿行李吧。
B: 谢谢你!
A: 这边请,我们已经为您安排好了车辆,将直接送您到酒店。
B: 太好了,非常感谢你们的周到安排。
A: 这是我们应该做的。
B: 好的,我很期待这次的访问。
A: 我们也非常期待您的到来。
B: 我也有同样的期望。
A: 再次欢迎您来到[城市名称],祝您旅途愉快!
B: 谢谢!
以上对话中,A 作为公司的接待人员,表现出了热情、专业和周到的态度。
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机场情景对话:杰瑞:Excuse me, this is my first time on a plane. How do I check in不好意思,这是我第一次坐飞机。
我怎么登机呢?机场工作人员:May I see your ticket, please我能看一下您的机票吗?杰瑞:Yes. Here you go.好的,给。
机场工作人员:You can get a boarding pass at that counter. Do you have anything to check in 您先到那个柜台去取登机牌。
有什么需要托运的吗?杰瑞:No, I only have a handbag.没有,我只有一个手提包。
机场工作人员:Then you could wait in the departure area after going through security. 安检之后您可以在候机大厅等候上机了。
杰瑞:Thank you very much.谢谢。
约翰:Do you fasten your seat belt when you're flying你坐飞机系安全带吗?杰克:Of course I do. It's the first thing I do to keep safe.当然了,安全第一啊。
约翰:I rarely fasten my seat belt and I'm still fine.我很少系,也没出什么事啊。
杰克:Well, man, you'd better fasten it next time.老兄,我劝你下次还是老老实实的系上吧。
杰克:Excuse me, there is something wrong with my seat belt.打扰一下,我的安全带好像出了点儿问题。
乘务员:What's wrong怎么了?杰克:It won't buckle.扣不上了。
乘务员:Let me see...You forgot to push the buckle.我帮您看一下……您忘了拉开这个带扣了。
杰克:I see, thank you.哦,谢谢。
丹尼尔:Excuse me, how can I get from the airport to the city请问我怎么从机场到市区?接待员:You can take a taxi or an airport shuttle.您可以坐出租车或者机场大巴。
丹尼尔:How much is a shuttle ticket大巴一张票多少钱?接待员:16 Yuan. But you'd better decide which bus line you should take before you get on the bus, sir.十六元。
丹尼尔:Which line should I take if I want to go to Wangjing我要是想去望京的话应该选择哪条线?接待员:L e t m e c h e c k f o r y o u.A c c o r d i n g t o t h e r o u t e m a p,y o u s h o u l d t a k eline 6.我帮您查一下。
机场工作人员:How long are you going to stay in China您会在中国停留多长时间?莉莉:Two weeks.两个星期。
机场工作人员:To travel旅行?莉莉:Yes.是的。
机场工作人员:Is that your luggage那是您的行李吗?莉莉:Yes. Here's the luggage declaration form.是的,这个是行李申报单。
机场工作人员:Thank you. Anything else to declare谢谢。
还有别的要申报吗?莉莉:No, I think this small bottle of whisky is duty-free.没有了,我想这一小瓶威士忌应该是免税的吧。
机场工作人员:It is.是的。
机场工作人员:Would you please open your bag能打开您的旅行袋吗?海伦:OK. I just have a couple of little gifts inside.可以。
机场工作人员:What's the total value of the gifts, please请问总价值多少?海伦:Not more than the duty-free allowance. Two books, a carton of cigarettes, a necklace and my personal belongings.不会超过免税金额的。
机场工作人员:May I have a look at the necklace我能看一下项链吗?海伦:Of course. But I think it should be duty-free.好的。
机场工作人员:Yeah. Is there anything else in your bag是的。
机场工作人员:OK. Thank you. Enjoy your trip!好的。
祝您旅途愉快!海关人员:Hello, can I see your passport, please您好,请出示您的护照。
吉姆:Here you are.给您。
海关人员:What's the purpose of your visit您旅行的目的是什么?吉姆:Sightseeing.观光。
海关人员:Where are you staying您将在哪儿住宿?吉姆:China World Hotel.中国大饭店。
海关人员:How long will you be staying in China预计在中国停留几天?吉姆:Six days.六天。
海关人员:Ok. Have a nice trip.好,祝您玩得愉快。
吉姆:How was your first flight第一次坐飞机感觉怎么样?露西:Couldn't be worse. I spent almost the same time in the airport as I spent on the plane.遭透了,在机场呆的时间都跟在飞机上呆的差不多了。
吉姆:What happened怎么了?露西:The flight was delayed, and we waited in the airport for eight whole hours.飞机晚点,我们在机场等了整整八个小时。
吉姆:Oh, that sucks. Maybe it will be better next time.哦,真够倒霉的,下次估计会顺利点儿。
露西:Hope so.希望如此。
汤姆:Excuse me, I'm going to take flight SH307 to Shanghai, but the board shows it'll be delayed. Do you know what the new departure time is您好,我要乘坐去上海的SH307号航班,显示牌显示航班延误。
你知道新的起飞时间吗?机场工作人员:The flight has been pushed back by about an hour but please keep checking the board just in case.飞机要晚一个小时,不过,还是请多查看显示牌以防万一。
汤姆:Is it OK for me to go out to have something to eat我出去吃点儿东西行吗?机场工作人员:You'd better stay at the airport. The flight departure could be announced any minute.您最好待在机场,随时都有可能广播航班起飞的。
汤姆:What caused the delay出了什么问题导致飞机延误呢?机场工作人员:Sorry, I'm not sure.抱歉,我也不太清楚。
地勤人员:Good afternoon. May I have your ticket and ID card, please下午好,请出示您的机票和身份证。
吉姆:Here you are.给您。
地勤人员:Thank you. Would you like a window or an aisle seat谢谢。
您要靠窗的座位还是过道的座位?吉姆:A window seat, please.靠窗的。
地勤人员:Do you have any luggage您有行李吗?吉姆:No.没有。
地勤人员:Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight.这是您的登机卡。
吉姆:Thank you.谢谢。
前台:What can I do for you有什么能为您效劳的?迈克:I'd like to make a reservation for a flight from here to New York.我想订一张从这儿到纽约的机票。
前台:Sure. Can you tell me your name and your ID card number好。
您能告诉我您的姓名和身份证号吗?迈克:M-i-k-e, 32********88. Can I choose my seat assignmentM-i-k-e,32********88,我能指定座位吗?前台:Sure.当然可以。
迈克:I'd like a window seat.前台:No problem.没问题。
张华:Excuse me, can you tell me where to transfer planes, please打扰一下,请问我要转机应该怎么走?地勤人员:Do you have the boarding pass for the next flight您有下一个航班的登机证吗?张华:Yes.有。