冀教版英语七年级上册Lesson 31教学设计

冀教版英语七年级上册Lesson 31教学设计
冀教版英语七年级上册Lesson 31教学设计


新人教版七年级上册英语教案 Unit7 How much are these socks? New words: socks, T-shirt, pants, shoes, shorts, sweater, skirt, bag, dollars, black, white, green, red, blue, big, small, short, ling, numbers 10-31 — How much is the blue T-shirt? It’s 10 dollars. OK, I’ll take it. — Thank you.. — You’re welcome. — How much are these sweaters? They’re eight dollars. What color do you want? I want green. Here you are. I’ll take it/them. — How much is the blue T-shirt? It’s 10 dollars. OK, I’ll take it. — Thank you.. — You’re welcome. — How much are these sweaters? They’re eight dollars. What color do you want? I want green. Here you are. I’ll take it/them.

Unit7 How much are these socks? New words: red, green, black, white, blue, yellow -- What color do you want? I want blue. Here you are. Thank you! I’ll take it. …… -- What color do you want? I want blue. Here you are. Thank you! I’ll take it. ……


初中七年级新目标英语上册全册教案 Unit 1 My name’s Gina 第一课时教案示例 教学目标 1.学会询问周围新同学的姓名,并且将自己刚认识的好朋友介绍给全体同学 2.通过学生制作名卡或桌卡来提高学生学习英语的兴趣,体现英语的实用性 3.通过以上任务活动,掌握形容词性物主代词的用法及其与人称代词的主格的区别,并且在第一节课让学生对英语的学习产生兴趣。 4.德育目标:热爱班集体,团结同学。 教学重点和难点 1.形容词性物主代词的用法 2.在任务活动中掌握you和your,he和his, she和her 的用法 3.重点句型(斜体字为扩展句子): Hi / Hello! Good morning / afternoon / evening. How are you? Fine, thank you! / Very well / So-so /All right. What’s your name? My name is …/ I’m … What’s his/ her name? His/Her name is … 课前准备 1.学生课前准备: 利用网络查阅中英文姓名及初次见面时各国或各地风俗,礼仪体会它们的不同之处; 准备硬纸片和水彩笔;

用英文介绍自己的姓、名。 2.教学器材:录音机、电脑、图片。 3.教学课件:中英文名字展示片。 教学设计 Tasks Students’ activities Teacher’s activities 1. Game: ask and answer the question: What’s your name? Students make a self-introduction and pass the sentences one by one. At first, teacher makes a self-introduction. 2.Two students act out how to greet people. Act out the greeting forms they are familiar with or they find on net. Show the students the pictures of other countries’customs with computer. 3. See who can make the most friends and get the most information. Then report their results with his or hers. Move around to make friends with the ones they are interested in. Make the students move around to make friends with others. 4. Design and make their name cards . Design and make their name cards in groups. Ask them to design their name cards and see which group is the best. 教学过程设计 任务一:结识新朋友。 1.老师首先向学生做一个自我介绍,将名字写在黑板上: My name is …, My first name is…, My last name is …同时介绍一下名字的意义,然后学生就近结组,进行自我介绍。例如:一个学生叫徐烨,他说:My name is Xu Ye. Ye means light;一个叫王超的学生介绍说: My name is Wang Chao. Chao means Superman。这个任务能够激起学生学习英语的兴趣,同时扩 大词汇量。 2.“What’s your name?”传句子比赛。学生按行分组,一个同学问,“What’s your name?”第二个学生回答,“My name is …”然后再接着问第三个人, “What’s your name?”第三个人答,“My name is …His/ her name is …”再接着问第四个人What’s your name?”。。。看哪个组最先获胜。 任务二:学生利用电脑向大家展示他们所搜集的中英文姓,问候语名及各国或各地初次 见面时的礼仪,体会它们的不同之处;然后由抽签决定各组同学分别用哪个国家或哪个地区 的礼仪(例如:日式、美式、法式和学校版的礼仪)来表演两个人初次见面时的问候语及谈


人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教案 教学目标: 1. 学会打招呼的用语:Hello! / Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! 2. 识别和掌握八个人名: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 教学重点、难点: 1.词汇:Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 2.句型:Hello! Good morning! 教学过程: Step 1. Warming-up 1. 课前—上课铃响教师就播放Good morning歌曲。 2. 师生初次见面,教师通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,消除与教师间的陌生感,开始亲近教师。教师自我介绍并用Hello! / Good morning! 问候学生。帮助学生用Hello! / Good morning! 作回应。 Step 2. Play a game. 绝大多数学生都会背诵26个字母表,因此学生参与这个游戏会相当积极。通过这个游戏首先可以锻炼他们迅速反应的能力;以英语名字作为奖励(老师提前准备好很多的英文名字),也使学生较有新鲜感,让他们自己选择自己的名字,使他们会更容易记住自己的名字。Play the game like this: Teacher says a letter, for example C, then let the Students tell the letters which is before and after C. The one who says B, D first is the winner. The winner can get a chance to choose an English name first. Step 3. Presentation 1.用预先制作的图片或挂图介绍八个人物和姓名。 2.出示Bob的图片,帮学生说Hello, Bob! 或Good morning, Bob! 然后利用其他图片介绍其他七位人物的名字。 Step 4. Game 在幻灯片上通过闪现头像来测试学生对这八个人物的特征和名字的记忆,然后出示7位人物的头像,让同学们看看少了哪一位人物的头像,有助于锻炼他们的反应力和注意力。获胜者也以英语名字作为奖励。 Step 5. Presentation.


Unit 1 Stay Healthy. Lesson 1 What’s wrong, Danny? 1. Analysis of the Students The students of Grade 9 have mastered certain vocabularies,expressions and structures. They also have the abilities of self-teaching and working in groups. Most of them are willing to express their opinions in English. 2. Analysis of Teaching Content Lesson 1 is the first lesson in Unit 1, Book 5.This unit focus on the subject staying healthy. Students cares about the subject because it is close to everyone. Lesson 1 mainly talks about the story that Danny’s stomach hurts and to see the doctor. It also tells us an old saying: Don’t eat too much, keep healthy. 【知识目标】 (1)Be able to use: stomach, regret doing, have a fever, pale, examination, pardon, take an X-ray. (2)To understand: a. I don’t feel well. b. Don’t worry. The doctor will see you soon. c. It’s going to be OK, son. 【能力目标】 To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 【情感目标】 To encourage the students not to be afraid when they meet some trouble or something difficult. 【教学重点】 (1)To master the important words, phrases and sentences.2·1·c·n·j·y (2)To master the usage of the phrases.


新目标英语七年级下册全英文教案(全册)Unit1 Where is your pen pal from? Topic: Countries, nationalities, and languages Functions: Talk about countries, nationalities and languages Ask and tell about where people live Structure: Where's/Where're ...from? Where does/do ...from? What questions----What language does/do ...speak? Target language: Where is she from? She is from.... Where does she live? She lives in.... What language does she speak? She speaks.... Vocabulary: words about countries, languages Teaching design: The whole unit needs 5 periods, 4 for new lessons and 1 for test Period 1 ( 1a----Grammar Focus ) Key points:

Where is your/John's pen pal from? He/She is from... Where does he/she live? He/She lives in.... (Homework for preview)Pre-task: Let the Ss give themselves pen pals and they should write down their pen pals' information, such as their names, countries and cities they live even the language they speak. T can give the Ss an example meanwhile T gives the different countries which can be used by the Ss. T gives the Ss Chinese words for the countries, they are following: 加拿大,法国,日本,美国,澳大利亚,新加坡,英国,中国( The Ss can look them up in the dictionary if they are new for them) The example is following: Name: Curry Muray Age: 75 From(Nationality): the United States City: New York Language: English Teaching Steps: Key points: Where is your/John's pen pal from? He/She is from... Where does he/she live? He/She lives in.... (Homework for preview)Pre-task: Let the Ss give themselves pen pals and they should write down their pen pals' information, such as their names, countries and cities they live even the language they speak T can give the Ss an example meanwhile T gives the different countries which can be used by the Ss. T gives the Ss Chinese words for the countries, they are following: 加拿大,法国,日本,美国,澳大利亚,新加坡,英国,中国( The Ss can look them up in the dictionary if they are new for them)


七年级上册英语教案 第一篇:人教版七年级上册英语教案七年级第二单元教学设计 李俊花 teaching aims: 1. master all important point languages. 2. train students ability of speaking. 3. train students are interested in english. teaching difficult : is this /that your yes.it is./no it isnot. teaching main : master and remember important sentences. teaching procedure: step1:review, work in pairs. a:what is in english ? b:it is a backpack. a:very good. b:thank you. step 2:teaching in new lesson. 1. practice dialogue: t:what is in english ? s: it is a backpack.

t:is this your backpack? s:yes,it is.it is my backpack. t:here you are. s:thank you. 2. get the ss to practice and then act out the dialogue. t:excuse me.is this your pencil? s:no,it isnot.and that is my pencil. t:ok.here you are. s: thank you. 3. practice and then act out the dialogue. step3:1.review again. 2.homework:make up dialogue. thinking after class: student can listen carefully and remember all words.many ss can answer question activity. 第二篇:七年级英语上册unit 8教案3unit 8 hobbies 教学分析 课时分配: period 1; cartoon talk and reading(a). period 2; listening(a) and speaking(a). period 3; reading(b)


Module 1 My teacher and my friends. Unit 1 Good morning, Miss Zhou. Ⅰ. Analysis of the text: This is the first English lesson. Students should know how to greet with the teacher and other students. Ⅱ. Arrangement of teaching in this module Three periods for this module, one period for one unit. Ⅲ.Teaching focus: 1. Master language of daily greetings. Key vocabulary and phrases: hello, class, my, name, is, Miss, good, morning, good morning, afternoon, good afternoon, goodbye 2. Be skilled in oral expression of greetings. Ⅳ.Teaching aims: 1. Function: Greetings in students’ daily life. 2. Listening: Students can understand others’ greetings by listening. 3. Speaking: Students can introduce themselves and greet with others. 4. Reading: Students can understand the similar dialogue of greetings. 5. Writing: Students can write greeting words in their daily life. Ⅴ.Character building: Motivate students’ interest in learning English. Make friends with all students. Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures: Part I: Lead in: Step 1: Greeting with the students.


七上英语全册教学设计 Starter Unit 1 Good morning ! Starter Unit 1是Go for it!预备篇三个单元的第一单元。预备篇是为了使那些没有英语基础的学生更好地使用本套教材而编写的。它的主要内容为26个字母和最基本的英语日常用语。 本单元的教学内容为: 1.学习Aa --- Hh八个字母。 2.学习八个人名。Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 3.学习打招呼的用语: Hello!/ Good morning!/ Good afternoon!/ Good evening! 4.学会问候熟识的朋友和应答:-- How are you? -- I‘m fine, thanks. How are you? -- I‘m OK 教学重点: Aa --- Hh的字母教学。 Hello! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. -- How are you? -- I‘m fine, thanks. How are you? -- I‘m O K. 教学难点:课本中英语人名的学习和大、小写字母的学习及书写。 单元课时:5个课时 第一课时:完成Section A 1a, 1b 第二课时;完成Section A 2a, 2b,2c, 2d, 3, 4a 第三课时:完成Section A 4b, 4c, Section B 1, 2a, 2b 第四课时:完成Section B 3a, 3b, 4, 5 第五课时:完成Self Check and Just for Fun 教学目标 A.语言知识目标 1.词汇: Letters Aa --- Hh 八个人名Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 2.句型:Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. -- How are you? -- I‘m fine, thanks. How are you? -- I‘m OK. B. 语言技能目标 通过游戏等多种形式的学习活动,培养学生对初学知识的听、说、读、写能力和灵活运用初学的日常交际用语的能力。 C. 情感目标 1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的积极性和主动性。 2.通过小组活动,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。 3.在活动中培养学生的思维能力和创新能力。


Unit1教案(英文版) Unit 1 The Olympics Lesson 1:Higher, Faster, Stronger Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: modern, gold, record, event, twentieth Oral words and expressions: ancient, Athens, Beamon, medal, shooting, athlete, silver, bronze, sprint Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the history of Olympics. 2.Encourage the students to work hard for our country.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn something about the Olympics. 2.Wishes and congratulations. Teaching Difficult Points: Some words and expressions used in the Olympics. Teaching Preparation: some pictures of Olympics Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures of Olympics to the class. Let the students say something about the Olympics. Show some new words to the students with the help of the pictures. At the end, introduce the topic of the unit to the class. https://www.360docs.net/doc/9f11975434.html,e to “THINK ABOUT IT.” Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 1.When were the first Olympics? 2.When did the modern Olympics start? Step4.Now let’s learn how to use the new words. Make some sentences with the new words. Sometimes they can guess the meanings of the new words. Step5. Read the text and find out the words that stand for places, time, medals, sports and events. Places: Greece, Athens, Sydney, Mexico City, Los Angeles Time: ancient, modern, BC (Before Christ), AD Medals: gold, silver, bronze Sports and events: race, sprint (a short race), long jumping, shooting Step6. Discuss the main ideas of the text. Answer the questions in Quick Quiz! Have the students talk about the history, sports and events, and famous athletes of the Olympics.


Module 1 School Life Unit 1 There are fifty students in the class. Preparation 在黑板上写出单词Festival,要求学生回忆并说出已学过的节日名称,如:New Year, Christmas Day等,并板书。 组织两人小组活动,内容是在节日时的对话。如下例: Happy New Year... Happy New Year... Do you...? Yes/No. We... 两人小组活动后,请几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。对演示认真又基本无语言错误的学生给予奖励。 介绍短语Spring Festival, 带读后转入第1小节的学习 1.Look and listen. Then repeat. 1)先不打开书,问学生:春节后,一些同学又见面了,他们很高兴地在一起交谈,他们谈了些什么呢(What are they talking about ?)? 2)要求学生听一遍录音后,回答上面的问题,然后将答案School Life 写在黑板正上方。3)写出以下问题,要求学生听第二遍录音后回答: How many students are there in the class? How long are the lessons? How does Feifei go to school? How long does the bus take to get to school ? 学生回答上述问题后翻开书,跟录音读一遍对话。 组织四人小组操练本段对话,然后要求他们演示和评价。 第2、3、4小节的教学可参考“教师用书”的建议进行。 Unit 2 What’s your favourite lesson? Preparation 1)教师先简单用英语介绍本班的一些情况,然后要求学生分两人小组就School life话题进行对话,也可以给出以下问题要求学生对话: Do you like your school? How many lessons do you have each day? How do you get to school? 两人小组活动后,叫几对学生上台演示,然后要求大家评价。对演示认真又基本无语言错误的学生给予奖励。 2)教师说:下面有几位同学,他们也就School life 进行了交谈。他们谈了什么呢?



冀教版九年级英语上五册第一单元第四课教学设计 设计者:甘肃武山城关中学汤小英课题: (Topic) Book 5 Unit1 Lesson4 课时: ( Time ) 第___1___课时 课型: ( Type ) New lesson 教学目标: ( Teaching aim ) 掌握本课的重点词汇: do one’s best , believe, give up 句型: Good luck to sb., make sb. +adj./V., believe/believe in.学唱歌曲Good luck to you 重点与难点: ( Teaching important and difficult points ) Teaching Important Points: 1.Wishes and congratulations. 2.Some language points Teaching Difficult Points:do one‘s best, good luck to you, up and down, believe in 学习方法 : ( Learning methods ) 合作学习小组讨论 教学方法 : ( Teaching methods ) 任务型教学法与交际法 学具与教具 : ( Teaching and learning tools ) 课本,录音机,多媒体板书设计 : ( Blackboard design ) 教学过程 Step1 Step2 Step3 discuss the following questions: 1. Who is the athlete 2. What does he do 3. How many Olympics did he take part in 4. Did he get medals in the Olympics? Step4. Listen to the tape and sing the song together. If they can ‘t follow it play the tape again.

人教版2017初中一年级(上 册)英语全册教案 WORD版

Period One 教学目标: 1. 学会打招呼的用语:Hello! / Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! 2. 识别和掌握八个人名: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 教学重点、难点: 1.词汇:Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 2.句型:Hello! Good morning! 教学过程: Step 1. Warming-up 1. 课前—上课铃响教师就播放Good morning歌曲。 2. 师生初次见面,教师通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,消除与教师间的陌生感,开始亲近教师。教师自我介绍并用Hello! / Good morning! 问候学生。帮助学生用Hello! / Good morning! 作回应。 Step 2. Play a game. 绝大多数学生都会背诵26个字母表,因此学生参与这个游戏会相当积极。通过这个游戏首先可以锻炼他们迅速反应的能力;以英语名字作为奖励(老师提前准备好很多的英文名字),也使学生较有新鲜感,让他们自己选择自己的名字,使他们会更容易记住自己的名字。Play the game like this: Teacher says a letter, for example C, then let the Students tell the letters which is before and after C. The one who says B, D first is the winner. The winner can get a chance to choose an English name first. Step 3. Presentation 1.用预先制作的图片或挂图介绍八个人物和姓名。 2.出示Bob的图片,帮学生说Hello, Bob! 或Good morning, Bob! 然后利用其他图片介绍其他七位人物的名字。 Step 4. Game 在幻灯片上通过闪现头像来测试学生对这八个人物的特征和名字的记忆,然后出示7位人物的头像,让同学们看看少了哪一位人物的头像,有助于锻炼他们的反应力和注意力。获胜者也以英语名字作为奖励。Step 5. Presentation. 出示Bob头像和时钟(早上),让同学们猜Bob会对我们说什么。然后帮助同学们练习说Hello!或者Good morning!通过图画上的场景让学生进行猜测,满足学生的好奇心,也让他们了解Good morning的使用。Step6. Work on 1a. 看1a图并写出图中人物名字,看有什么规律。这部分内容培养了学生的观察能力。


Unit 3Safety Lesson 13 Be Careful, Danny! 1. Analysis of the Students The students of Grade 9 have mastered certain vocabularies,expressions and structures. They also hav e the abilities of self-teaching and working in groups. Most of them are willing to express their opinions in English. 2. Analysis of Teaching C ontent Lesson 13 is the first lesson in Unit 3, Book 5.This unit focus on the subjectsafety.Students cares about the subject because it is close to everyone. Lesson 13 mainly talks about be careful by accident. Enable Ss to use new words: safety, lie, careful, serious, decorate, etc. 【能力目标】 Enable Ss to retell the story about this lesson. 【情感目标】 Be aware of safety when you take an adventure. 【教学重点】 New words: safety, lie, careful, serious, decorate, etc. Phrase: jump up 【教学难点】


新目标人教版英语七下 全册教案 Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from? Language goals: ●In this unit students learn to talk about countries, nationalities and languages. ●Ask and tell where people live. New languages: ●Where’s he / she from? ●He / She is from Australia / England / China / France / Singapore / Australia. ●Where does he / she live? He / She lives in Sydney. ●What language do you speak? I speak English. ●What’s your / his / her favorite subj ect? ●My / His / Her favorite subject is English. ●Does he / she have any brothers and sisters? Yes, he/ she does. / No, he / she doesn’t. Difficult points: 1. Listening for the information about countries, nationalities and languages. Write an e-mail about oneself. Describe the new students in class. 2. Where questions with from Where questions with live What questions Teaching aids: ● A tape recorder Teaching periods: ●Period 1:Section A中1a, 1b, 1c ●Period 2:Section A中2a, 2b, 2c,2d ●Period 3:Section A中3a, 3b, 4


冀教版七年级英语上册教案全集 Lesson 1 Hello 一、Teaching content: 1. Greetings: hello, hi 2. Self-in troducti on: My n ame is … 3. Asking for others ' names: What 's your/his/her name? 二、Teaching goals 1. Understand the text 2. Remember the words: hello, name, my, your, his, her, I, is, what 3. Make sure the Ss can introduce each other in English 三、Key points: What' s your/his/her name? My /his/her name is … 四、Difficult point : What 's his/her name? 五、Preparation: A map of China and a map of Canada; some pictures of characters such as Sun Wukong, LanMao and so on. 六、Teaching aids : Recorder, pictures or cards 七、Type of the lesson : Listening and speaking 八、Teaching procedure Step 1.Warming up . Discuss the following questions with the Ss in Chinese 1. Why do we learn English? 2. Where is English spoken? 3. Do you know any English words? 4. Is English interesting? 5. Do you often come across English words? Step 2. Lead in . Discuss these questions: 1. What do you say when you meet someone? 2. Do you know what Canadians say when they meet? 3. How do you introduce yourself or someone else in Chinese? 4. Do you know how to introduce someone in English? Today we 're going to learn something about them. Do you want to know? Step 3. New lesson: No. 1 Hello/Hi, my name is 1. Presentation Pretend to meet someone. Say “Hello ” or “ Hi ”, my name is … . Make sure the Ss can understand it. Encourage them to repeat. 2. Practice Work in pairs. Encourage the Ss to greet each other and introduce themselves. Then ask some pairs to act it out. No. 2. What ' your/his/her name 1. Presentation Say “My nameis___. What's your name?” Translate if necessary. Then repeat a few times. Encourage the Ss to follow until they can say it correctly. 2. Practice Work in chain like this: A: (to B) My name is ___. What ' s your name? ' s your name? B: My name is ___. (to C) What C: … Then ask some Ss to act it out. 3. Presentation and practice : What ' s his/ her name? Show a picture of LAN Mao and say, “What's his name? His name is Lan Mao ”. Ask the question and help the Ss to answer. Then repeat. Work in pairs to practice the dialogue and ask some pairs to act it out. 4. Introduce the characters on the textbook : Li Ming, Jenny, and Danny. Teach the words China and Canada, using maps of them. Then explain the sentence “ I live in___. ” 5. Listen and follow 6. Play the tape for the Ss to follow. 7.Summary. Sum up the lesson briefly by practicing all the dialogues in the text.
