















4· 卫生知识教育制度 饮食行业的从业人员必须接受卫生知识 教育。 学习《食品卫生法》和有关卫生法规、法 令及卫生知识,掌握本行业的卫生要求。
1993年10月31日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第 四次会议通过,中华人民共和国主席令公布了《中华人 民共和国消费者权益保护法》,并自1994年1月1日起施 行。 《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》共八章,五十五 条。
1988年12月10日国务院批准,1989年1月14 日林业部、农业部发布 《国家重点保护 野生 动物名录》。 列入《国家重点保护野生动物名录》的一、二级 野生动 物有257种 (类)。
第三章食品添加剂的卫生中明确了生产经营中使 用食品添加剂必须符合食品添加剂使用卫生标 准和卫生管理办法的规定。 不符合卫生标准和卫生管理办法的食品添加剂不 得经营、使用。
第四章食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具、设备的卫生 中明确了食品容器、包装材料和 食品用工具、设备必须符合卫生标准和卫生管理办法的 规定,必须采用符合卫生要求的原材 料。产品应当便于清洗和消毒。 第五章食品卫生标准和管理办法的规定中对批准颁发 的机构、程序和批准权限,以及各 有关部门的职责及关系做了明确规定。
第一章总则明确了《中华人民共和国商标法》的 宗旨、意义、方针以及商标注册和管理 的部门。同时规定了商标不得使用的文字和图形。 第二章商标注册的申请阐述了申请商标注册和 注册商标需要变更内容时应当注意的事 项。 第三章商标注册的审查和核准阐述了申请人 在申请注册商标时的权利和义务。
第四章注册商标的续展、转让和使用许可阐述了 注册商标的有效期是十年,到期后要在期满前 六个月内申请续展注册。 转让注册商标的,转让人和受让人应当共同向商 标局提出申请。 商标注册人可以通过签订商标使用许可合同,许 可他人使用其注册商标。 第五章注册商标争议的裁定阐述了已经注册的商 标,违反有关规定或者是以欺骗手段或者是以 其他不正当手段取得注册的,由商标局撤销该 注册商标。






























一、食品安全的概念根据世界卫生组织(WHO)的定义,食品安全(food safety)是指“食物中有毒、有害物质对人体健康影响的公共卫生问题”。












中华人民共和国食品卫生法 水杨酸

中华人民共和国食品卫生法 水杨酸



二、水杨酸的相关规定1. 《中华人民共和国食品安全法》第十四条规定:“食品生产经营者应当建立健全食品生产经营记录和追溯制度。


2. 《中华人民共和国食品安全法》第二十三条规定:“食品生产经营者不得添加国家明令禁止使用的食品添加剂,限制使用的食品添加剂不得超出规定的范围和用量。





























1995年 食品卫生法

1995年 食品卫生法



































第 十四条
卫生标准% 食 品& 食品添加剂& 食品 容器’ 包 $ 装材料 & 食品用工具 ’ 设备 & 用于清洗食品和食品用工具 ’ 设备
Green Apple Data Center
的洗涤剂 ! 消毒剂以及食品中污染物质 ! 放射性物质容许量的 国家卫生标准 ! 卫生管理办法和检验规程 " 由国务院卫生行政 部门制定或者批准颁发 # 地方卫生标准% 国家未制定卫生标准的食 $ 品" 省! 自治区 ! 直辖市人民政府可以制定地方卫生标准 " 报国 务院卫生行政部门和国务院标准化行政主管部门备案 # 食品 添 加 剂 ! 农药化肥卫生标准% 食品添加 $ 剂的国家产品质量标准中 有 卫 生 学 意 义 的 指 标 " 必须经国务 院卫生行政部门审查同意 # 农药 ! 化肥等农用化学物质的安全性评价 " 必须经国务院 卫生行政部门审查同意 # 屠宰畜 ! 禽的兽医卫生检验规程 " 由国务院有关行政部门 会同国务院卫生行政部门制定 # 第 十六条 第 十五条
食品容器 ’ 包装材料和 食品用工具 ’ 设备的卫生
食品容器等标 准 % 食 品 容 器’ 包装材料和食 $ 品用工具 ’ 设备必须符合卫生标准和卫生管理办法的规定 # 容器 ’ 工具的原材料 % 食品容器 ’ 包装材料和 $ 食品用工具 ’ 设备的生产必须采用符合卫生要求的原材料 # 产 品应当便于清洗和消毒 # 第十三条Leabharlann 第二章第六条 第七条
食品卫生要求 " 食品应当无毒 % 无害 # 符合应当 ! 有的营养要求 # 具有相应的色 % 香% 味等感官性状 $ 婴儿食品 " 专供婴幼儿的主 % 辅食品 # 必须符合 !



《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》(英文版)Order of the President of the People’s Republic of ChinaNo. 59The Food Hygiene Law of the People’s Republic of China, Adopted at the 16th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on October 30, 1995, promulgated by Order No. 59 of the President of the People's Republic of China on October 30, 1995, is hereby promulgated and shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation.Jiang ZeminPresident of the People’s Repu blic of ChinaOctober 30,1995Food Hygiene Law of the People’s Republic of China(Adopted at the 16th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on October 30, 1995, promulgated by Order No. 59 of the President of the People's Republic of China on October 30, 1995, and effective as of the date of promulgation)ContentsChapter IGeneral ProvisionsChapter IIFood HygieneChapter IIIHygiene of Food AdditivesChapter IVHygiene of Containers, Packagings, Utensils and Equipment Used for Food Hygiene ControlChapter VFormulation of Food Hygiene Standards and Regulations for Food Hygiene ControlChapter VIFood Hygiene ControlChapter VIIFood Hygiene SupervisionChapter VIIILegal ResponsibilityChapter IXSupplementary ProvisionsChapter IGeneral ProvisionsArticle 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of ensuring food hygiene, preventing food contamination and harmful substances from injuring human health, safeguarding the health of the people and improving their physical fitness.Article 2 The State institutes a system of food hygiene supervision.Article 3 The administrative department of public health under the State Council shall be in charge of supervision and control of food hygiene throughout the country.Other relevant departments under the State Council shall, within the scope of their respective functions and duties, be responsible for control of food hygiene.Article 4 Whoever engages in food production or marketing within the territory of the People's Republic of China must observe this Law.This Law applies to all foods and food additives as well as containers, packagings , utensils and equipment used for food, detergents and disinfectants; it also applies to the premises, facilities and environment associated with food production or marketing.Article 5 The State encourages and protects the social supervision exercised by public organizations and individuals over food hygiene.Any person shall have the right to inform the authorities and lodge a complaint about any violation of this Law.Chapter IIFood HygieneArticle 6 Food shall be nontoxic and harmless, conform to proper nutritive requirements and have appropriate sensory properties such as colour, fragrance and taste.Article 7 Principal and supplementary foods intended specially for infants and preschool children shall conform to the nutritive and hygienic standards promulgated by the administrative department of public health under the State Council.Article 8 In the process of food production or marketing, the requirements for hygiene stated below shall be conformed to:(1) The environment inside and outside any food production or marketing establishment shall be kept clean and tidy; measures shall be taken to eliminate flies, rodents, cockroaches and other harmful insects and to remove conditions for their propagation; and a prescribed distance shall be kept from any toxic or harmful site;(2) An enterprise engaged in food production or marketing shall have workshops or other premises for the preparation of raw materials and for processing, packing and storage that are commensurate with the varieties and quantities of the products handled;(3) Appropriate facilities shall be made available for disinfectants, changing clothes, toilet, natural and artificial light, ventilation, prevention of spoilage, protection against dust, elimination of flies and rodents, washing of equipment, sewage discharge and the containment of garbage and other wastes;(4) The layout of installations and the application of technological processes shall be rational in order to prevent contamination between foods to be processed and ready-to-eat foods, and between raw materials and finished products; food must not be placed in contact with any toxic substance or filth;(5) Tableware, kitchenware and containers for ready-to-eat foods must be cleaned and disinfected prior to use; cooking utensils and other utensils must be washed after use and kept clean;(6) Any containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for the storage, transportation, loading and unloading of food as well as the conditions under which these operations are carried out must be safe, harmless and kept clean in order to prevent food contamination;(7) Ready-to-eat foods shall be kept in small packets or in nontoxic, clean packaging materials;(8) All persons involved in food production or marketing shall maintain a constant standard of personal hygiene, taking care to wash their hands thoroughly and wear clean work clothes and headgear while preparing or selling food; also, proper utensils must be used when selling ready-to-eat foods;(9) Any water used must conform to the national hygiene standards for drinking-water in urban and rural areas;(10) The detergents and disinfectants used shall be safe and harmless to human health.The hygienic requirements for food production or marketing undertaken by food vendors and persons engaged in the food business in urban and rural markets shall be formulated specifically according to this Law by the standing committees of the people's congresses in the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government.Article 9 The production and marketing of foods in the following categories shall be prohibited:(1) foods that can be injurious to human health because they are putrid or deteriorated, spoiled by rancid oil or fat, moldy, infested with insects or worms, contaminated, contain foreign matter or manifest other abnormalities in sensory properties;(2) foods that contain or are contaminated by toxic or deleterious substances and can thus be injurious to human health;(3) foods that contain pathogenic parasites, microorganisms or an amount of microbial toxin exceeding the tolerance prescribed by the State;(4) meat and meat products that have not been inspected by the veterinary health service or have failed to pass such inspection;(5) poultry, livestock, game and aquatic animals that have died from disease, poisoning or some unknown cause, as well as products made from them;(6) foods contaminated by use of filthy or seriously damaged containers or packages, or filthy means of conveyance;(7) foods that impair nutrition or health because they are adulterated or misbranded;(8) foods processed with non-food raw materials; foods mixed with non-food chemical substances, or non-food stuffs used as food;(9) foods that has expired the date for guaranteed quality;(10) foods of which the sale has been specifically prohibited, for the prevention of diseases or other special reasons, by the administrative department of public health under the State Council or by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government;(11) foods that contain additives not approved for use by the administrative department of public health under the State Council or residues of pesticides exceeding the tolerance prescribed by the State;(12) other foods that do not conform to the standards and requirements for food hygiene.Article 10 Food must not contain medicinal substances, with the exception of those materials that have traditionally served as both food and medicaments and are used as raw materials, condiments or nutrition fortifiers.Chapter IIIHygiene of Food AdditivesArticle 11 The production, marketing and use of food additives must conform to the hygiene standards for useof food additives and the hygiene control regulations; the food additives that do not conform to the hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations may not be marketed and used.Chapter IVHygiene of Containers, Packagings, Utensils and Equipment Used for FoodArticle 12 Containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food mustconform to the hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations.Article 13 The raw materials for making containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must meet hygiene requirements. The finished products should be easy to clean and disinfect.Chapter VFormulation of Food Hygiene Standards and Regulations for Food Hygiene ControlArticle 14 The administrative department of public health under the State Council shall formulate or approve and promulgate the national hygiene standards, hygiene control regulations and inspection procedures for food, food additives, the containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food, the detergents and disinfectants used for washing food or utensils and equipment used for food, and the tolerances for contaminants and radioactive substances in food.Article 15 If the State has not formulated hygiene standards for a certain food, the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish local hygiene standards for that food and report them to the administrative department of public health under the State Council and the competent standardization administration department under the State Council for the record.Article 16 Norms of significance to the science of health to be included in the national quality standards for food additives must be examined and approved by the administrative department of public health under the State Council.Appraisals on the safety for use of agricultural chemicals, such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, shall be examined and approved by the administrative department of public health under the State Council.Veterinary hygiene inspection procedures for slaughtered livestock and poultry shall be formulated jointly by the relevant administrative departments under the State Council and the administrative department of public health under the State Council.Chapter VIFood Hygiene ControlArticle 17 The departments in charge of control of food production or marketing of the people's governments at various levels shall strengthen control of food hygiene and oversee the implementation of this Law.The people's governments at various levels shall encourage and support efforts to improve food processing technology so as to promote the improvement of hygienic quality of food.Article 18 Enterprises engaged in food production or marketing shall improve their own system for food hygiene control, appoint full-time or part-time workers to control food hygiene and strengthen inspection of the foods they produce or market.Article 19 The selection of sites and the designs for construction, extension or renovation projects of enterprises engaged in food production or marketing shall meet hygiene requirements, and the administrative department of public health must participate in the examination of those designs and in the inspection and acceptance of finished projects.Article 20 Before starting production of new varieties of food or food additives with new resources, theenterprises engaged in their production or marketing must submit the data required for evaluation of the hygiene and nutrition of such products; before starting production of new varieties of containers, packagings, utensils or equipment used for foods, with new raw or processed materials, the enterprises engaged in their production or marketing must submit the data required for evaluation of the hygiene of such products. Before the new varieties mentioned above are put into production, it shall also be necessary to provide samples of the varieties and the matter shall be reported for examination and approval in accordance with the specified procedures for examining and approving food hygiene standards.Article 21 Any standardized packaged food or food additive must, according to the requirements for different products, have the name of the product, the place of manufacture, the name of the factory, the date of manufacture, the batch number (or code number), the specifications, the formula or principal ingredients, the date of expiration for guaranteed quality, the method of consumption or use, and other such information indicated in the label of the package or the product description. The product description for any food or food additive shall not contain exaggerated or false advertising.The label of the food package must be clearly printed and easy to read. Foods sold on domestic markets must have labels in the Chinese language.Article 22 With regard to the food indicated to have specific health functions, the products and its description must be submitted to the administrative department of public health under the State Council for examination and approval; its hygiene standards and the measures for control of its production and marketing shall be formulated by the administrative department of public health under the State Council.Article 23 The food indicated to have specific health functions may not be harmful for human health; the content of the product description shall be true, and the functions and ingredients of the product shall be identical with the information given in the product description and there shall be no false information.Article 24 Food, food additives and containers, packagings and other utensils used specially for food may be dispatched from factory or sold only after their producers have carried out inspection and found them to be up to the standards according to the hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations.Article 25 Whenever producers or marketers of food procure supplies, they shall, in accordance with the relevant State regulations, request inspection certificates or laboratory test reports and the supplier must provide these. The scopes and types of food that requires certificates shall be specified by the administrative department of public health of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government.Article 26 All persons engaged in food production or marketing must undergo an annual medical examination; persons newly employed or serving temporarily in this field must also undergo a medical examination and may not start work until they have obtained health certificates.No persons suffering from dysentery, typhoid, viral hepatitis or other infectious diseases of the digestive tract (including pathogen carriers), active tuberculosis, suppurative or exudative dermatosis or any other disease incompatible with food hygiene, may be engaged in any work involving contact with ready-to-eat foods.Article 27 Enterprises engaged in food production or marketing as well as food vendors must obtain a hygiene licence issued by the administrative department of public health before they shall be permitted to apply for registration with the administrative departments of industry and commerce. No person who has not obtained a hygiene licence may engage in food production or marketing.Food producers or marketers may not forge, alter or lend the hygiene licence.The measures for the issuance and control of hygiene licence shall be worked out by the administrative departments of public health of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government.Article 28 Persons who run a food market of any type shall be responsible for the food hygiene control of the market, set up necessary public sanitary facilities in the market and maintain a good sanitary environment.Article 29 The administrative departments of industry and commerce shall be responsible for the control of food hygiene on urban and rural markets; the administrative departments of public health shall be responsible for the supervision and inspection of food hygiene.Article 30 Imported foods, food additives and containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must comply with the national hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations.The above-mentioned imports shall be subject to hygiene supervision and inspection by the frontier agencies for hygiene supervision and inspection of imported food. Only those proved to be up to the standards through inspection shall be allowed to enter the territory. The Customs authorities shall grant clearance of goods on the strength of the inspection certificate.When declaring such products for inspection, the importer shall submit the relevant data and inspection reports on the pesticides, additives, fumigants and other such substances used by the exporting country (region).The imports mentioned in the first paragraph shall be subject to inspection in accordance with the national hygiene standards. In the absence of the national hygiene standards for such imports, the importer must provide the hygiene evaluation data prepared by the health authorities or organization of the exporting country (region) to the frontier agencies for hygiene supervision and inspection of imported food for examination and inspection and such data shall also be reported to the administrative department of public health under the State Council for approval.Article 31 Foods for export shall be subject to hygiene supervision and inspection by the national inspection agency for import and export commodities.The Customs authorities shall grant clearance of export commodities on the basis of the certificates issued by the national inspection agency for import and export commodities.Chapter VIIFood Hygiene SupervisionArticle 32 The administrative departments of public health of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall exercise their functions and duties for food hygiene supervision within the scope of their jurisdiction.The agencies for food hygiene supervision set up by the administrative departments of railways and communications shall exercise their functions and duties for food hygiene supervision jointly prescribed by the administrative departments of public health under the State Council and other relevant departments under the State Council.Article 33 The duties for food hygiene supervision shall be as follows:(1) to provide monitoring, inspection and technical guidance for food hygiene;(2) to contribute to the training of personnel for food production and marketing and to supervise the medical examination of such personnel;(3) to disseminate knowledge of food hygiene and nutrition, provide appraisals of food hygiene and publicize the existing situation in food hygiene;(4) to conduct hygiene inspection of sites selected or designs made for construction, extension or renovation projects of enterprises engaged in food production or marketing and participate in the inspection and acceptance of finished projects;(5) to undertake investigation of accidents involving food poisoning or food contamination and take measures of control;(6) to make supervision and inspection rounds to see whether any act is committed against this Law;(7) to pursue investigation of the responsibility of persons who violate this Law and impose administrativepunishment on them according to law;(8) to take charge of other matters that concern food hygiene supervision.Article 34 The administrative departments of public health of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be manned with food hygiene supervisors. Such supervisors shall be qualified professionals and issued with such certificates by the administrative departments of public health at the corresponding levels.The food hygiene supervisors appointed by departments in charge of railways and communications agencies shall be issued with the certificates by the competent authorities at a higher level.Article 35 Food hygiene supervisors shall carry out the tasks assigned to them by the administrative department of public health.Food hygiene supervisors shall enforce laws impartially, be loyal to their duties and may not seek personal gain by taking advantage of their office.While carrying out their tasks, food hygiene supervisors may obtain information from the food producers or marketers, request necessary data, enter production or marketing premises to inspect them, and get free samples in accordance with regulations. The producers or marketers may not turn down such requests or hold back any information.Food hygiene supervisors shall be obliged to keep confidential any technical data provided by the producers or marketers.Article 36 The administrative department of public health under the State Council and those of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government may, if the need arises, assign qualified units as units for food hygiene inspection; these units shall undertake food hygiene inspection and provide inspection reports.Article 37 The administrative department of public health of the local people's governments at or above the county level may adopt the following temporary measures of control over the food producer or marketer when a food poisoning accident has occurred or when there is evidence of a potential food poisoning accident:(1) to seal up the food and its raw materials that have caused food poisoning or that are likely to cause food poisoning;(2) to seal up the contaminated utensils used for food and order the food producer or marketer to have them cleaned and disinfected.The food that is found to be contaminated after inspection shall be destroyed, while the food that is found not contaminated shall be unsealed.Article 38 The units where food poisoning accidents have occurred and the units that have admitted the victims for medical treatment shall, in addition to taking rescue measures, submit prompt reports to the local administrative departments of public health in accordance with relevant State regulations.The administrative department of public health of a local people's government at or above the county level shall, upon receipt of such report, conduct prompt investigation and handle the matter and adopt control measures.Chapter VIIILegal ResponsibilityArticle 39 Whoever, in violation of this Law, produces or markets food which is not up to the hygiene standards, thus causing an accident of food poisoning or resulting in a disease caused by food-borne bacteria, shall be ordered to stop such production or marketing; the food causing such food poisoning or disease shall be destroyed; the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than five times the illegal gains shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed.Whoever, in violation of this Law, produces or markets food which is not up to the hygiene standards, thus causing a serious accident of food poisoning or resulting in a disease caused by food-borne bacteria, and seriously harming human health, or adulterates food he produces or markets with toxic or harmful non-food raw materials, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.If a person commits any of the acts mentioned in this Article, his hygiene licence shall be revoked.Article 40 If anyone, in violation of this Law, engages in food production or marketing without obtaining a hygiene licence or with a forged hygiene licence, such production or marketing shall be banned; the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than five times the illegal income shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not less than 500 yuan and not more than 30,000 yuan shall be imposed. If anyone alters or lends his hygiene licence, his hygiene licence and the illegal gains shall be confiscated; and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than three times the illegal gains shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not less than 500 yuan and not more than 10,000 yuan shall be imposed.Article 41 If, in violation of this Law, any food producer or marketer does not comply with the hygiene requirements, he shall be ordered to set it right and given a disciplinary warning, and a penalty of not more than 5,000 yuan may be imposed; if he refuses to set it right or other serious circumstances are involved, his hygiene licence shall be revoked.Article 42 If anyone, in violation of this Law, produces or markets food the production and marketing of which is prohibited, he shall be ordered to stop producing or marketing such food, a public announcement shall be made immediately to recall the sold food and the food shall be destroyed; the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than five times the illegal gains shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed; if the offence is serious, the offender's hygiene licence shall be revoked.Article 43 If anyone, in violation of this Law, produces or markets the principal and supplementary foods intended specially for infants and preschool children which do not conform to the nutritive and hygiene standards, he shall be ordered to stop producing and marketing such foods, a public announcement shall be made immediately to recall the sold foods and the foods shall be destroyed; the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than five times the illegal gains shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed; if the offence is serious, the offender's hygiene licence shall be revoked.Article 44 If anyone, in violation of this Law, produces, markets or uses the food additives, food containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food as well as the detergents and disinfectants which do not conform to the hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations, he shall be ordered to stop producing and using them; the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than three times the illegal gains shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not more than 5,000 yuan shall be imposed.Article 45 If anyone, in violation of this Law, produces or markets the food indicated to have specific health functions without examination and approval by the administrative department of public health under the State Council, or if the product description of such food provides false information, he shall be ordered to stop producing or marketing such food, the illegal gains shall be confiscated and a penalty of not less than one time and not more than five times the illegal gains shall concurrently be imposed; if there are no illegal gains, a penalty of not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan shall be imposed; if the offence is serious, the offender's hygiene licence shall be revoked.Article 46 If anyone, in violation of this Law, does not indicate or falsely indicates specified matters such as。








主要内容和特点1. 食品生产与经营许可最新版的食品卫生法强化了食品生产与经营的许可制度。



2. 食品标识和标签最新版的食品卫生法对食品标识和标签的规定进行了进一步的加强和完善。



3. 食品安全责任最新版的食品卫生法强调食品生产与经营者的食品安全责任。



4. 食品监督和检验最新版的食品卫生法加强了对食品生产与经营环节的监督和检验。





国际食品法典标准 Codex Standard by CAC 我国食品卫生标准与CAC法典标准异同 近期对我国食品卫生标准的评估和修订情况
国际食品法典(Codex)指由CAC组织制定的食品标准、准则和建议 国际食品法典委员会 (Codex Alimentarius Commission, 即CAC) 1962年决定成立,负责FAO/WHO联合食品标准规划 CAC性质:政府间组织,现有167个成员国 观察员:有关国际组织及食品工业,贸易,科技和消费者组织代表 目的:保护消费者健康;保证公正进行食品贸易;协调制定国际食品法典
CFHL不包括对种植业和养殖业的规范 CFHL对搀杂使假的控制仅限于“影响营养和卫生的” CFHL规定执法部门除有采取行政控制措施的权力外,还有进行各种行政处罚权力;国外法律一般仅授予执法部门行政控制权力,处罚权归法院 对保健食品管理各国规定不一:中国、日本、韩国、美国
三、中国食品卫生标准概况 A briefing to food hygiene standards in China CFHL规定
FAO/WHO模式食品法框架(1) Model Food Law
I 简则 1. 法律简称与前言 2. 用语解释 II 通则 3. 禁止销售有毒及搀杂使假食品 4. 欺诈 5. 食品标准 6. 禁止销售不符合要求食品 7. 在不卫生条件下销售与制备食品
FAO/WHO模式食品法框架(2) Model Food Law
立法目标基本一致 食品定义一致:成品及原料 均包括添加剂、污染物、容器、包装、工具、设备卫生等条款 均包括安全评价原则 均包括生产经营过程控制和终产品要求条款 均规定了监督制度、控制措施和法律责任 结论:我国食品卫生法基本是一部现代食品法



中华人民共和国食品卫生管理条例正文:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 中华人民共和国食品卫生管理条例(国务院1979年8月28日)第一章总则第一条为了加强食品卫生管理,提高食品质量,防止食品污染,预防食品中有害因素引起食物中毒、肠道传染病和其他疾病,增进人民身体健康,更好地为社会主义现代化建设服务,特制订本条例。











《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》规定: 包装、盛放食品用的纸、竹、木、金属、搪瓷、陶瓷、塑料、橡胶、天然纤维、化学纤维、玻璃等制品和接触食品的涂料。

食品包装是食品工业中重要的一道工序, 使食品便于运输、贮藏和销售。

食品包装对于食品安全有着双重意义: 一是合适的食品包装材料和包装方式可以保护食品免受化学、物理和微生物因素的影响以及外界的污染; 二是包装材料本身的化学成分会向食品中发生迁移, 影响到食品的卫生。

我国对食品包装材料的卫生监管最早在1972 年国务院批准转发的《关于防止食品污染的决议》中, 食品容器和包装材料被列入引起食品污染的原因之一。

之后, 食品包装材料的安全性引起了食品安全监督管理部门的重视, 并在1995 年颁布的《食品卫生法》和2009 年取代其作用的《食品安全法》中都将食品包装材料纳入了其管理范围, 实施卫生监管, 食品包装材料的安全性有了法律的保护。

《食品安全法》第一章第二条规定: 用于食品的包装材料、容器、洗涤剂、消毒剂和用于食品生产经营的工具、设备(以下称食品相关产品)的生产经营应遵守本法; 至此, 我国将食品容器和包装材料列入食品相关产品的管理范畴进行监管。


2009 年《食品安全法》正式颁布实施后, 我国食品包装材料的管理正在逐步完善, 食品包装材料标准体系正在构建之中。

目前我国食品包装材料的标准主要由通用性基础标准、产品标准、检验方法标准三部分构成, 基本具备了较为完整的食品包装材料标准体系雏形。

其中, 最为基础的通用性标准主要有GB9685-2008《食品容器、包装材料用添加剂使用卫生标准》、GB/T23887-2009《食品包装容器及材料生产企业通用良好操作规范》和SN/T1880《进出口食品包装卫生规范》。

产品标准主要由产品安全标准和产品质量标准构成, 产品安全标准规范了诸如塑料、橡胶、陶瓷、复合包装袋等一系列包装成型品的卫生规范, 这些产品安全标准主要规定了产品卫生指标, 除此之外, 还有GB19778-2005《包装玻璃容器铅、镉、砷、锑溶出允许限量》、GB8058-2003 《陶瓷烹调器铅镉溶出量允许极限和检测方法》、GB12650-2003《与食品接触的陶瓷制品铅镉溶出量允许极限》三项涉及具体的重金属溶出量的安全标准。



我国颁布的食品卫生管理条例和法律? 我国颁布的食品卫生管理条例和法律?
1979年,国务院颁发了《中华人民共和国食 年 国务院颁发了《 品卫生管理条例》 品卫生管理条例》。 1983年7月1日,五届人大常委会第二十五次 年 月 日 会议通过的《 会议通过的《中华人民共和国食品卫生法 试行) 开始实施以后, (试行)》开始实施以后,国家又陆续制订 和颁布单项法规和相应的检验方法。 和颁布单项法规和相应的检验方法。
2 确立了食品安全监管体制 一是对国务院有关食品安全监管部门的职责进行明 确界定。 确界定。 国务院质量监督、 国务院质量监督、工商行政管理和国家食品药品监 督管理部门依照食品安全法和国务院规定的职责, 督管理部门依照食品安全法和国务院规定的职责, 分别对食品生产、食品流通、 分别对食品生产、食品流通、餐饮服务活动实施监 督管理。 督管理。国务院卫生行政部门承担食品安全综合协 调职责,负责食品安全风险评估、 调职责,负责食品安全风险评估、食品安全标准制 食品安全信息公布、 定、食品安全信息公布、食品检验机构的资质认定 条件和检验规范的制定, 条件和检验规范的制定,组织查处食品安全重大事 。(第 故。(第4条)
三是为防止各食品安全监管部门各行其是、 三是为防止各食品安全监管部门各行其是、 工作不衔接, 工作不衔接,食品安全法规定县级以上卫生 行政、农业行政、质量监督、工商行政管理、 行政、农业行政、质量监督、工商行政管理、 食品药品监督管理部门应当加强沟通、 食品药品监督管理部门应当加强沟通、密切 配合,按照各自的职责分工,依法行使职权, 配合,按照各自的职责分工,依法行使职权, 承担责任。( 。(第 承担责任。(第6条)
食品安全卫生法律法规 第一节 概述
为了保证食品安全与卫生,防止食品污染, 为了保证食品安全与卫生,防止食品污染, 预防食物中毒和其它食源性疾病以及对人体 的慢性危害,确保人民身体健康, 的慢性危害,确保人民身体健康,就必须加 强食品安全卫生管理。 强食品安全卫生管理。



——法律规定 法律规定 ——科学原则 科学原则 ——国际准则 国际准则 ——其它因素 其它因素
法律规定——《食品卫生法》 《食品卫生法》 法律规定
(1) 该法第十四条规定:“食品、食品添加剂、 食品容器、包装材料,食品用工具、设备,用于清洗 食品和食品用工具、设备的洗涤剂以及食品中污染物 质、放射性物质容许限量国家卫生标准、卫生管理办 法和检验规程,由国务院卫生行政部门制定或者颁 发。”。
1 2 《食品卫生法》明确规定其立法目的是为保证食品卫生, 食品卫生法》明确规定其立法目的是为保证食品卫生, 为保证食品卫生 防止食品污染和有害因素对人体的危害, 防止食品污染和有害因素对人体的危害,保障人民身 体健康。 体健康。 食品卫生法》第六条规定: 食品应当无毒、无害, 《食品卫生法》第六条规定:“食品应当无毒、无害, 符合应当有的营养要求,具有相应的色、 符合应当有的营养要求,具有相应的色、香、味等感 官形状。 食品安全与营养) 官形状。” (食品安全与营养) 第八条和第九条从条件和禁止两个方面共22 22项对食 第八条和第九条从条件和禁止两个方面共22项对食 品安全进行了明确的规定。 品安全进行了明确的规定。 食品卫生法》规定国务院卫生行政部门负责制定、 《食品卫生法》规定国务院卫生行政部门负责制定、 批准各项管理办法和食品卫生标准。 批准各项管理办法和食品卫生标准。 食品卫生法》明确规定对食品及其生产、 《食品卫生法》明确规定对食品及其生产、经营实施 卫生监督制度,其中包括生产经营者的卫生许可证制度。 卫生监督制度,其中包括生产经营者的卫生许可证制度。 食品卫生法》 《食品卫生法》明确规定县级以上各级卫生行政部门是 食品卫生监督管理的执法主体。 食品卫生监督管理的执法主体。国务院卫生行政部门 主管全国食品卫生监督管理工作。 主管全国食品卫生监督管理工作。
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中华人民共和国食品卫生法试题一、单项选择题1、食品生产经营者(包括职工食堂)必须先办( )方可开业。

A(卫生许可证B(从业人员健康证明C(从业人员培训证明D(就业证明2、违反《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》,根据情节轻重,食品生产经营者应承担哪些法律责任( )。

A(行政责任、民事责任和刑事责任B(不用承担任何法律责任C(承担赔偿责任D(行政处分3、超过保质期的食品( )。

A(可继续销售B(可降价销售C(可做处理食品销售D(不能销售4、《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》从( )开始施行。

A( 1995年10月30日B (1983年7月1日C (1982年11月19日D(1989年10月1日5、经过热力(煮沸、红外线加热或蒸汽等)消毒的餐用具,其感官卫生要求应达到( )。

A(光、洁、涩、干B(允许有水迹允许有些油腻 C(D(只要没有食物残渣即可6、《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》规定,食品从业人员每( )年必须健康体检一次。

A(一年B(两年C(三年D(四年7、采购食品及其原料除索取食品卫生许可证外,还应索取( )。

A(健康证明B(检验合格证或化验单及购货凭证C(培训证明D(出门证8、量化分级管理的卫生等级是由( )部门或机构评定的。

A(行业协会B(卫生行政部门C(民间团体D(质检部门9、食品量化分级管理级别代表的是餐饮企业的( )水平。

A(供餐服务B(食品卫生信誉度C(食品风味D(管理10、目前亚硝酸盐食物中毒最常见原因是( )。

A(餐饮业或集体食堂将亚硝酸盐当做食盐食用 B(吃腐烂变质的咸菜C(吃腌不透的咸菜D(食品加工业没有按照卫生标准使用亚硝酸盐 11、在食品卫生领域,国家实行( )制度。

A(食品卫生监控B(食品卫生监督C(食品卫生管理D(食品卫生指导12、凡在中华人民共和国领域内从事( )的,都必须遵守本法。

A(食品生产经营B(包装材料生产C(卫生用品生产D(卫生器械生产13、对于社会团体和个人对食品卫生的社会监督,国家采取的方针是( )。

A(不保护B(允许C(鼓励D(不鼓励14、根据《食品卫生法》,下列表述正确的是( )。

A(专供婴幼儿的辅助食品,可以低于国务院卫生行政部门制定的营养、卫生标准B(直接入口的食品必须为绿色食品C(食品生产经营企业应当有与产品品种、数量相适应的食品原料处理、加工、包装、贮存等厂房或者场所D(食品生产经营人员需一月一次进行个人卫生检查 15、食品生产用水必须符合国家规定的( )卫生标准。

A(城乡生活用水B(城市生活用水C(农村生活用水D(工业用水16、食品生产经营中使用的洗涤剂、消毒剂应当符合的标准是( )。

A(对婴幼儿无害B(对成人无害C(对人体安全、无害D(对环境无害17、对食品摊贩和城市集市贸易食品经营者在食品生产经营过程中的卫生要求,由省、自治区、直辖市的哪级机关根据本法作出具体规定( )。

A(政府B(人民代表大会常务委员会C(卫生行政部门D(质量监督部门18、根据《食品卫生法》,下列选项表述正确的是( )。

A(超过保质期十日之内的食品可以销售B(病死、毒死或者死因不明的禽、畜、兽、水产动物等及其制品禁止生产经营C(食品中农药残留容许量标准由各地区自行制定D(食品中微生物毒素含量由县级以上的市自行制定 19、按照传统既是食品又是药品的以及作为原料、调料或者营养强化剂加入食品是( )。

A(允许的B(禁止的C(鼓励的D(不合法的20.、国家未制定卫生标准的食品,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以制定地方卫生标准,报国务院卫生行政部门和国务院标准化行政主管部门( )。

A(批准B(备案C(审批D(核准21、农药、化肥等农用化学物质的安全性评价,必须经哪一部门审查同意( )。

A(地方卫生行政部门B(全国人大C(国务院D(全国人大常委会22、屠宰畜、禽的兽医卫生检验规程,由国务院有关行政部门会同下列哪一部门制定( )。

A(各地卫生行政部门B(国务院卫生行政部门C(质量监督部门D(质量检验部门23、食品生产经营企业的新建、扩建、改建工程的设计审查和工程验收必须有哪一部门参加( )。

A(质量监督部门B(当地政府C(工商部门D(卫生行政部门24、在国内市场销售的食品,( )中文标识。

A(必须有B(鼓励有C(可以有D(不一定有25、表明具有特定保健功能的食品,其产品及说明书必须报国务院卫生行政部门( )。

A(备案B(知晓C(认可D(审查批准26、根据《食品卫生法》,下列哪个选项表述错误( )。

A(食品生产经营企业和食品摊贩,必须先取得卫生行政部门发放的卫生许可证方可向工商行政管理部门申请登记B(临时参加工作的食品工作经营人员可以暂不进行健康检查 C(食品生产经营者不得伪造、涂改、出借卫生许可证 D(卫生许可证的发放管理办法有省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门制定27、城乡集市贸易的食品卫生管理工作由哪一部门负责( )。

A(卫生行政部门B(工商行政管理部门C(环保部门D(质量监督部门28、出口食品由下列哪一部门进行卫生监督检验( )。

A(国家进出口商品检验部门B(工商行政部门C(卫生行政部门D(海关29、根据《食品卫生法》,下列选项中表述正确的是( )。

A(县级人民政府卫生行政部门可以不设立卫生监督员 B(县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门在管辖范围内行使食品卫生监督职责C(食品卫生监督员执行工商行政部门交付的任务 D(铁道、交通的食品卫生监督员,由本部门发给证书 30、违反本法规定,食品生产经营过程不符合卫生要求的,责令改正,给予警告,可以处以罚款的数目是( )。

A(五千元以下B(二万元以下C(三万元以下D(五万元以下二、多项选择题1、禁止生产经营的食品有( )。

A(腐败变质食品B(营养不符合国家标准食品C(含有毒、有害物质D(超过保质期食品2、定型包装食品的标签应标明的项目有哪些( )。

A(生产日期B(保质期C(厂名D(厂址3、《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》中要求下列哪种物品使用前必须消毒的是( )。

A(餐具B(饮具C(熟食品容器D(一切食品包装物4、食品的基本卫生要求有哪些( )。

A(无毒B(无害C(符合营养要求D(具有色、香、味等感官性状5、消费者可通过哪些渠道来了解企业的食品卫生等级( )。

A(餐饮单位门口悬挂的标牌B(卫生许可证右上角贴的等级标C(到卫生监督网站查询D(打电话到消协咨询6、开展食品量化分级管理的意义主要包括( )。

A(促进企业自律B(便于消费者知情消费C(便于确定卫生监督重点D(便于提高大众营养水平7、卫生行政部门根据企业的( )评定食品企业的卫生等级。

A(卫生硬件设施B(卫生管理水平C(质量管理能力D(实际卫生状况8、下列哪些死亡的水产品不能吃( )。

A(甲鱼B(河虾C(海虾D(河蟹9、食品从业人员有下列哪些症状应立即脱离工作岗位( )。

A(发热、腹泻B(皮肤伤口C(咳嗽D(感染、咽部炎症等有碍食品卫生病症的 10、食品从业人员上岗时应遵守哪些个人卫生要求( )。

A(穿戴清洁的工作服、工作帽B(有腹泻、皮肤伤口或感染不得上岗 C(不涂指甲油和佩戴戒指D(不带项链三、名词解释1、食品添加剂:2、食品生产经营:3、食品:4、食品生产经营者:5、食品容器、包装材料:四、简答题1、简述食品卫生监督员的责任和义务有哪些,2、县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门对已造成食物中毒事故或者有证据证明可能导致食物中毒事故的,可以对食品生产经营者采取哪些临时控制措施,3、根据我国《食品卫生法》的规定,违反本法规定,生产经营禁止生产经营的食品的应由卫生行政部门处以何种行政处罚,4、我国《食品卫生法》对表明具有特定保健功能的食品有何特殊规定, 五、案例分析题1、某市一餐馆生产经营者由于食品卫生意识薄弱,使用工业用消毒剂对餐具进行消毒,用超出保质期的生肉制品烹制菜肴,造成餐客食物中毒事故,但并没有造成严重后果,当地卫生行政部门决定责令其停止生产经营、销毁导致食物中毒或者其他食源性疾患的食品,没收违法所得并处以罚款,但并没有吊销该餐馆的卫生许可证,餐馆经营者对处罚决定不服,在接到处罚通知之日十天后向作出处罚决定的机关的上一级机关申请复议,复议机关在接到复议申请之日起一个月后作出了复议决定。



请回答: (1)学生勤工俭学的过程中,大学食堂的做法是否有违法之处,(2)本案例中,在发生事故后学校的做法是否正确,为什么,(3)卫生行政部门在进行调查后应即刻采取何种措施,附:标准答案一、单项选择题:1A 2A 3D 4A 5A 6A 7B 8B 9B 10A 11B 12A 13C 14C 15A 16C 17B 18B 19A 20B 21D 22B 23D24A 25D 26B 27B 28A 29B 30A 二、多项选择题:1ACD 2ABCD 3ABC 4ABCD 5ABC 6ABC 7ABD 8AD 9ABD 10ABC三、名词解释:1、食品添加剂:指为改善食品品质和色、香、味,以及为防腐和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的化学合成或者天然物质。







