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ing_53 Ghoul Brain
ing_54 Demon Eye
ing_55 Winged Demon Eye
ing_56 Headless Heart
ing_57 Earth Elemental Crystal
ing_58 Wing Membrane
ing_59 Meat
ing_47 Boar Tusk
ing_48 Wyvern Lacrimal Gland
ing_49 Ripper Muscle
ing_50 Zombie Thyroid
ing_51 Werewolf Spinal Core
ing_52 Skeleton Bone Marrow
create potion_mana_02 中蓝
create potion_mana_03 大蓝
create potion_mana_03 超级
create potion_mana_03 最大
秘籍 作用
create potion_healing_01 小红
create potion_healing_02 中红
ing_24 Friend to Foe
ing_25 Anemone
ing_26 Might of Nine
ing_27 Mountain Breed
ing_28 Aconite
ing_29 Angelica
ing_30 Arborusia
ing_31 Rabbit Bladder
time # 设置时间(范围0-256)
kill 杀死视角中的敌人
Engine.Shadows 0 or 1 开/关 阴影效果(1为开,0为关)
Engine.HDR 0 or 1 开/关 HDR(1为开,0为关)
开启秘籍模式后按 ~ 输入以下秘籍,回车确认可得到对应效果:
ing_07 Ostrich Plumes
ing_08 Blue Eye
ing_09 Adder Brother
ing_10 False Shoes
ing_11 Flagelle
ing_12 Lavender
ing_13 Tongues
ing_14 Paturin
ing_15 Swordleaf
create Qitem_051 Key to the caves of Tharbakin
create Qitem_061 Ancient key of the dwarves
create Qitem_063 Cure
create Qitem_070 A Dwarven Contraption
create Qitem_272 Blacksmith's Will
create Qitem_273 The mayor's medicine
create Qitem_278 Magic Dust
create Qitem_286 Letters of the poet
create Qitem_292 Soldier armor
create Qitem_012 Translate Item
create Qitem_013 Translate Item
create Qitem_015 Translate Item
create Qitem_028 Translate Item
create Qitem_031 The key to the grave of the king
ing_16 Traveller's Joy
ing_17 Centaurium
ing_18 Saffron
ing_19 Northern Frostroot
ing_20 Forest Burnhand
ing_21 Foxglove
ing_22 Diptame
ing_23 Eagleclaw
create Qitem_146 Order for armor
create Qitem_154 Summon Spider Figurine
create Qitem_157 Arrows for Rigwell
create Qitem_161 Beautiful flower
create Qitem_165 Love Potion
ing_32 Beaver Fat
ing_33 Goose Liver
ing_34 Unicorn Horn
ing_35 Dodo Feather
ing_36 Viper Poison Glands
ing_37 Grasቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Snake Tongue
ing_38 Rattle Snake Rattle
create Qitem_242 Voodoo doll
create Qitem_255 Engagement ring
create Qitem_264 Magical mirror
create Qitem_270 Red dress
create Qitem_271 Key to the temple in Ashos
create Qitem_295 Poison
create Qitem_296 Medal
create Qitem_303 Necklace of the wife
create Qitem_304 Family heirloom piece
create Qitem_353 Necromancer poison
秘籍 作用
AddGold # 增加金钱
AddExperiencePoints # 增加经验点
AddParamPoints # 增加参数点
AddSkillPoints # 增加技能点
ec.dbg rep 所有部族声望加1
ec.dbg iamcheater + 1.000 所有参数点
游戏中按 ~ 开启控制台,输入 TwoWorldsCheats 1 开启秘籍模式
开启秘籍模式后按 ~ 输入以下秘籍,回车确认可得到对应效果:
1、秘籍中的 # 代表任意数字,注意替换。
ing_78 Yellowroot (grene)
ing_79 Yellowroot (red)
ing_80 Yellowroot (blue)
开启秘籍模式后按 ~ 输入以下秘籍,回车确认可得到对应效果:
秘籍 作用
create potion_mana_01 小蓝
ec.addobjecttoinventory ep_wood 9999 木质材料
ec.addobjecttoinventory ep_fire 9999 火系法杖材料
ec.addobjecttoinventory ep_necro 9999 毒系法杖材料
秘籍 作用
create the_taint Sprosse der Heimsuchung
create orc_armour Orc camouflage armor
create Qitem_008 Translate Item
create Qitem_009 Grom totem
create potion_healing_03 大红
create potion_healing_04 超级
create potion_healing_05 最大
开启秘籍模式后按 ~ 输入以下秘籍,回车确认可得到对应效果:
秘籍 作用
ec.addobjecttoinventory ep_metal 9999 铁甲材料
create Qitem_214 Falsification
create Qitem_221 Moonshine
create Qitem_225 Archmage Earth Staff
create Qitem_234 Family ring
create Qitem_241 Hangman's Rope
开启秘籍模式后按 ~ 输入以下秘籍,回车确认可得到对应效果:
秘籍 作用
ing_01 Yellowroot
ing_02 Hemlock
ing_03 Screama Badilla
ing_04 Bloatroot
ing_05 Hot Rot
ing_06 Spurge
create Qitem_174 Wilcor's Braid
create Qitem_175 Catapult trigger
create Qitem_181 Compass
create Qitem_191 Moon Eye crystal
create Qitem_204 Throglin Statue
create Qitem_104 Underpants
create Qitem_111 Letter
create Qitem_112 Whiskey
create Qitem_128 Necrowonder against Orcs
create Qitem_136 Depoisoner
create Qitem_032 Satrius Crown
create Qitem_038 Insect egg
create Qitem_040 Large pack of food
create Qitem_042 Small pack of food
create Qitem_045 Anti-Taint Inspection Device
ec.dbg levelup 升级
ec.dbg addskillpoints 增加技能点
ec.dbg skills 所有技能
create Teleport_Activator 获得传送器
create Lockpick 获得开锁工具
Jump2 传送到鼠标所在区域
ResetFog 显示全部地图
ec.addobjecttoinventory ep_steel 9999 铁器材料
ec.addobjecttoinventory ep_leather 9999 皮革材料
ec.addobjecttoinventory ep_fabric 9999 布匹材料
ec.addobjecttoinventory ep_chainmail 9999 链甲材料
ing_69 Opal
ing_70 Azurit
ing_71 Blood Stone
ing_72 Magnesite
ing_73 Sand Rose
ing_74 Glowing Earth
ing_75 Byrill
ing_76 Topas
ing_77 Silver
ing_60 Fox Liver
ing_61 Sulfur
ing_62 Salt Crystal
ing_63 Quartz Crystal
ing_64 Garnet stone
ing_65 Chalk stone
ing_66 Amber
ing_67 Diamant
ing_68 Rubin
ing_39 Foodball
ing_40 Pearl
ing_41 Spider Gland
ing_42 Scorpion Poison Gland
ing_43 Trachidis Egg
ing_44 Dragon Scale
ing_45 Wolf Heart
ing_46 Bear Claw
create Qitem_071 Translate Item
create Qitem_072 Report of the Excavations
create Qitem_073 Key - Excavations
create Qitem_096 Merchants' Association Package