



• 2将以下工作与A一D的解释连线。
• 要点解析:
• (1)public event公共事件
• ( 2 ) improve at a sport , skill or school subject提高运动成绩、技能或学习成绩
• ( 3 ) advise sb. on sth.给某人就某事提供建 议。如:She advises the President on foreign affairs.她就外交事务给总统提供建 议。
考生在报名后可得到一本内容包括考试范围、考试题 型的《考生手册》,供考生参照复习。 .
BEC的评分的标准是什么? BEC的分数由听说读写四部分组成,各占总分
的25%,只要求总分及格。每部分批评分标准不尽 相同,比如说听力和阅读都是每道题为一个原始 分,然后按照一定标准折算,比较复杂,在这里 就不再赘述。以口语为例:评分标准测试依据发 音、准确性、流利程度以及交流能力四个部分来 判定。具体标准如下:
• 3阅读以下关于J&C公司负责人的简况,并用练 习2中的“工作”填空。
• 要点解析: • (1) consultancy咨询公司。 • 如:You can start your own consultancy.你可以
成立自己 的咨询公司。
• ( 2 ) personal and professional development个 人和职业发展
New words and Expressions
• catering service 餐饮服务 • MD managing director 的缩写,总经理,
执行董事 • gadget n. 小巧的器械,小玩意儿 • interior adj. 车内产品,内部装饰 • memo n. 备忘录,便条,便笺 • electrical appliances 电器,家用电器 • ship vt. 运送


Cross cultural Understanding
To enhance students' awareness and respect for different cultural backgrounds in international business
Learning content
Business communication skills
letter writing, emailing, making phone calls, etc
Basic business vocabulary and expressions
terms related to company structure, management, marketing, finance, etc
Business English is essential for professionals who work in international or multilateral organizations It enables them to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders
In business negotiation, language skills include not only speaking and listening, but also the ability to use appropriate language to express opinions, negotiation terms, and close deals
Business Knowledge
To provide students with an understanding of basic business concepts and practices


training) ▪ 9. 防止性骚扰培训 (Sexual harassment training 8
Listening: What does your job involve? 你的工作包括哪些职责?
▪ Job titles 工作头衔
▪ Chairman of the Board of Directions 董事长 ▪ Managing Director/ General Manager 总经理 ▪ CEO: Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁,首席执行
Adverbs and expressions of frequency
Adverb always usually often sometimes rarely never
Frequency 100% 90% 75% 30% 10% 0
Speaking: Work-life balance 工作与生活的平衡
Speaking: Meeting People 打招呼
▪ Useful Languages
▪ What’s your name ?/… ▪ What are your hobbies?/… ▪ Where are you from/… ▪ What’s your job/… ▪ What’s your favorite place for holidays ? ▪ Why do you learn English ?/… ▪ How often do you do sports/ go shopping? ▪ Why do you like listening to music? ▪ How do you like your job?
▪ Chief Accountant 总会计师 ▪ Sales Manager 销售经理 ▪ Marketing Manager 营销经理 ▪ Public Relations Manager 公关经理 ▪ Advertising Manager 广告经理 ▪ Works/Factory/Production Manager 生产经理 ▪ Purchasing Manager 采购经理 ▪ After-sales Manager 售后经理


(每周留出一个晚上放松娱乐) 3. Seek professional help
1.2 Personal and professional details
Focus 学习重点
1.熟悉与个人信息和职业描述相关的词汇 2.学习掌握描述个人和职业详细情况的相关
Speaking: Work-life balance
Ways of work-life balance
(保持工作与生活平衡asks (区分任务的优先次序) 2. Set aside one night each week for recreation
Financial Director 财务总管 Marketing Director 营销总管 Production Director 生产主管
Job titles 工作头衔
Personnel Manager/Human Resources(HR) Manager 人事经理
varied adj. 多变化的,各不相同的
confectionary adj. 糖果的,有关甜食制造的
New Words & Expressions
allocate vt. 分配,分派 candidate n. 候选人
criterion n. 标准,准则 pl.(复数) criteria
catering service 餐饮服务
MD managing director 的缩写,总经理,执行董事
gadget n. 小巧的器械,小玩意儿
interior adj. 车内产品,内部装饰 memo n. 备忘录,便条,便笺 electrical appliances 电器,(家用)电器



going to look for a new job. We’re going to launch the new product/ it in the summer, She’s going to buy a sport car. It’s going to pay the staff a bonus. He’s going to apply for the new job. She’s going to start her own business.
vocabularyFra bibliotek

Stress sb out 过渡劳累;紧张 Bankrupt 破产者; 破产的; Think of 想起; 考虑 Relexed 放松的 Modest 谦逊的; 适度的 Resign (from)辞去职务 Accommodation 住处;膳食 Challenge 挑战
Elena’s progress report
Hi Andres, I called the design office and spoke to Octavio. Only two of the designs were ready. I’ve sent them to them to the printers and ask them for a price quotation. I’ll send them the third one tomorrow afternoon. Elena
Things to do today
_______and ask for_______ to ______and get________



Preparation Tips
1. find a date, 2. specify the local time 3. limit the number of participants 4. send out agenda and documents
1. be moderator, 2. always say your name 3. press the ‘mute’ button while listening to
Reading Exe. 6
Listening: Views on import controls 对控制进口旳看法
Pros and Cons: 赞成与反对旳理由
1. pros: be for the import controls 2. cons: be against import controls
New words & Expressions
budget n. 预算 plasma screen TV 等离子电视 container n. 集装箱 Madrid 马德里(西班牙首都) production manager 生产经理,厂长
Speaking: On the phone 打电话
Why does the European company, H&M import clothing and shoes from China?
Speaking: Imported goods 进口商品
Supported ideas
The quality of the goods is better. It’s difficult to find European
moment. Can I take a message? I’ll ask him to call you when he/she gets


She smiled in greeting. 她微笑着打招呼。 She welcomed us with a cheerful
greeting. 她兴高采烈地打招呼欢迎我们。
1)Formal/Informal 2)Greeting by words/Greeting
Good morning
before 12am
Good afternoon between 12am to 5pm
Good evening
after 5pm
Good night when leaving at night or going to bed
Unit 1
Greetings and Introductions
How to make introductions? 1)How to introduce yourself? 2)How to introduce others? How to greet people when you
Between friends you can add dude(/dju:d/小伙 子)/man, etc. to the end
How are you? -- Pretty good. -- Fine, thank you. -- Nothing much. / Nothing special.
Miss. 小姐,用作未婚女子姓名之前 Mrs. 夫人, 太太 Ms. 女士, 用在婚姻状况不明的女子姓


❖ I would like to apologize for … ❖ Unfortunately …
❖ The problem was due to … ❖ We had a problem with …
❖ I would like to offer …
❖ I can offer…
❖ Please accept …
❖ 6.Dagmar says that the Trade Commissioner should resign.
Discuss with your classmates
❖ Do you know what happened next? Think of two possible endings.
Reading Comprehension
❖ 1.Why could some clothing retailers have empty shops at Christmas?
❖ 2.Why are small companies suffering? ❖ 3.Which countries are in favor of the import
2. If you were the person who is asked to arrange a teleconference, what will you prepare before the teleconference?
4.2 Business communications 商务 (shāngwù)沟通
Key rules: accurate, brief, clear



What have you learned from the test:
Everything has a rule: How to talk, How to write, How to listen, How to behave In business circumstance

you describe your internship in summer holiday?
What department I work in?
1. I am responsible for invoicing our customers. ---Accounts clerk in finance department 2. I‟m in charge of planning the training programme for next year. ---Trainer in HR department 3. I deal with customer problems. ---After-sale clerk in sales department 4. I‟m responsible for buying raw materials. ---purchasing officer in finance department 5. I‟m in charge of software development. --- Technician in production department 6.I‟m running a course for the new sales reps(销售代表) ---sales manager in marketing department

The differences between memos, notes and notices Notice: Not addressed to anyone in particular,



新编剑桥商务英语(高级)第三版4.1The art of sellingSelling1What do these quotations suggest are the qualities of a successful salesmen?‘Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.’'People don't buy for logical reason. They buy for emotional reasons.''Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street’.'People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing–that’s why we recommend it daily.'‘The complaining customer represent a huge opportunity for more business.'Zig Ziglar , author of Secrets of Closing the Sale2Have you ever sold anything? Do you consider yourself to be good at selling?Why?/Why not?3Complete this short article about the importance of selling using the words given below.There is so much competition in the market place today, particularly (0) price competition, that it is unusual for a seller to be able to find a (1)___selling point or a(2)___advantage with which to convince the customer. Instead he has to rely on using(3)___ benefits and/or giving (4)___value to the customer through (5) ___service. This makes the job of the seller all the more Important. What he has to do is identify the real decision (6)___in the buying process and then act quickly on a buying signal.A buying signal la when the (7)__customer gives a sign to the seller that he is open to being sold the product or service.4Look at these statements by different prospective buyers of a car. Imagine you are the sales person at a car dealer's dealing with them. What would you say or do next to try to close the sale.1 'I really like the car, but it's a bit outside my budget’.2 It's got everything I want, but silver is not the colo r I had in mind’.3 I’m really conf used about all these extra options - I just wanted to buya car, not a spaceship!'4 'Thank you for your time. I'm going to go away and think about it’.5 'I've always had VW, I don't know if this car suits my image.'Sales techniques5Work with your partner. Make a list of the main reasons for a customer deciding not to buy a product or service.6Compare your answer with Zig Ziglar’s on page 127.7 4.1 Listen to an extract from a radio series At Work where people talk about their working experiences. In this programme two sales people describe their approach to selling.1What are they selling?2What is the approach of each?3What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?8 Look at these extracts from the programme and complete the gaps .Listenagain to check your answers.1 Competition is a ______-not necessarily price competition, because in our sector , quality, ____and service are far more important factors.2 We use a sales___ that's called 'relationship selling’.3 We spend a lot of time getting to know each ____individual needs.4 I have to freely admit to people that our products may not be best___ to their particular needs.5 I'd much prefer to be doing that than using some ___technique.6 In my line of business, it's all about___ benefits.7 It’s difficult to ___any kind of technical competitive advantage for long.8 I deal only with the decision maker, who’s generally a ___for a chain of stores.9 ... the most expensive options, because this increases our __sales.10 As soon as I get a buying signal from them.... I_ __in and close the sale...11 ... by discussing quantities required, special delivery arrangement ,___payment terms.• cost• mass or niche (targeted advertising)•reach (how many see it)• success r ateAdvertising trends1Read the headline on page 39 and predict what the article will say about advertising trends.2Read the text quickly. Were you correct in your prediction? Do you agree with the author’s analysis?3Study the text again to find the best answer(A,B,C or D) to each question.1According to the author changers are occurring inA the types of television programme we watch.B the way people, especially young people, access videoC the way televisions are made.D the amount of programmes that are recorded.22005 was a significant year for television in the UK becauseA it was the year Internet use overtook television viewing.B spending on TV advertising declined.C viewing figures peaked and started to decline.D the 16 to 24 age group watched more television than before.3In the future, big global companies willA move away from TV to alternative advertising media.B still use television to establish their brands.C try to target their advertisements more precisely.D return to non-broadcast methods like direct mailing.4The growing use of PVRs means that television viewersA skip through the advertisements without looking at themB are exposed to a bigger range of advertisementsC can get advertising on demand.D can pause and rewind advertisements5The other growing area of opportunity for advertisers isA outdoor advertisingB ice dancing.C big live sporting eventsD football6The trend for on-demand viewing of programmesA represents a big threat for advertisersB means advertisers will spend a lot of money to reach a clear target audienceC will challenge search-based advertising on the InternetD will increase agencies advertising revenues7Advertisers in the future will ask their agencies to attract the youngA with arrange of new Internet-based mediaB with more friendly messagesC through chat roomsD using computer virusesTHE AD REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISEDAmong most advertisers, agencies and media companies there is a growing consensus that the old broadcast models of advertising are being eroded by the march of technology and that new models will have to be found to promote their products.Consider the growing ubiquity of broadband access and the digital revolution that is fragmenting television viewing across hundreds of channels. Then combine those trends with the upsurge in personal video recorder technology (PVR) and the tendency for younger viewers to watch less TV in favor of sharing their own words, pictures, music and movies online.In the UK, television viewing fell in 2005 for the first time in the medium’s history. The decline was most pronounced among those aged 16 to 24. In the US, where broadband penetration is even more widespread, those under 25 now spend more time on the Internet than watching television. The effect of these changing media habits is now having a material effect on advertising spending.But according to Neil Jones of media agency, Carat UK, and others at the sharp end, big companies like Coca Cola and Unilever are actively reducing the amount they spend on television in favour of boosting their Internet budgets and so-called‘direct response’ advertising – anything from online viral ads to traditional mail campaigns.Unilever, the consumer goods giant, has said that during the last five years around a fifth of its £300m ad budget was shifted out of television and into outdoor posters, online advertising and sponsorship, such a s Flora’s long-running association with the London Marathon. Meanwhile, the PVR effect is starting to make its presence felt now that the devices, which allow viewers to easily record shows as well as pause and rewind live TV, are in a meaningful number of homes. Over 1.3 million people now use the technology, with the majority fast forwarding through adverts on recorded shows.Increased broadband penetration and download speed are only likely to accelerate the trend for on-demand viewing. Channel 4 chief executive Andy Duncan recently forecast that by 2016 ‘the majority of all programmes will be consumed in an on-demand way, whether through personal video recorders or video-on-demand over the Internet’. As the boom in search-based advertising on the Internet has proved, if advertisers are sure that they are accurately, targeting a receptive audience they will pay a huge premium. Meanwhile event television, which viewers will tune on to watch live, and could be anything from the World Cup to Dancing on Ice will become increasingly vital.As a result of these trends the amount spent on traditional television advertising on the main channels is declining, while the amount spent on the web is booming. Advertising experts are agreed that brands will increasingly have to engage with individual consumers rather than hoping to catch their attention with traditional catch-all ads.Advertisers are demanding a more holistic view from their agencies, asking them to consider how to tap into younger consumers via blogs, social networking sites, advertiser-funded content and viral advertising. The latter, which involves making branded messages so engaging and interesting that web users feel compelled to send them on to friends, has come of age during the pas t two years. ‘We’re seeing a new wave of interest because brands are looking for new forms of media and new marketing techniques,’ says Will Jeffery, Managing Director of viral advertising agency Maverick.In the short term, Hassell , director at digital agency Ralph, believes that advertisers will increasingly release adverts on the Internet first as a means of creating a buzz around a particular clipTenses and time phrases2 A few years ago …3 At the moment...4 By the year 2050 …5 Nowadays...6 Over the past ten years...7 In the next five years...8 During the I980s...9 Sooner or later...2 Use the appropriate time phrase from exercise 1 to complete each sentence.1 _____we have seen a gradual reduction in working hours.2 _____no-one has found a satisfactory solution to the problem of the ageing population.3 _____watching television was more popular among younger age groups than using the Internet.4 _____the advertising industry enjoyed a boom.5 _____the economy will begin to recover from its recent6 _____global temperatures will have risen by 3℃.7 _____politicians pay too much attention to presentation of their policies and too little attention to their substance.3 Write some sentences of your own using the time phrases from exercise 1. ■Transitive and intransitive verbs4 Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.1 The government is going to rise /raise the school leaving age from 16 to 17.2 The price of oil has risen / raised again.3 Sales have reduced /fallen in the last two months.4 You will have to reduce/fall the price to attract ordinary working people. What are the grammatical differences between the pairs of words?in your country.1 house prices2 the gap between rich and poor3 taxes4 the cost of living in generaIn the field7 As a sales rep for a medium-sized Italian company, you are visiting shops and department stores in Denmark to persuade them to sock your designer lamps. •Work with a partner. Take the roles of sales rep and buyer for a shop. Look at the situations below and plan what each will say.•Act out the conversations following the example. Try to use at least one of the verbs [rise, lower, etc) in your conversation.0 The shop buyer only has a few Italian catalogues.Shop buyer: People drop into the shop all the time to pick up catalogues , but you've only sent us ten and th ey’re all written in Italian.Sales rep: We can certainly increase the number of catalogues we sent you, but until the volume of sales goes up, it's not economical to publish them in Danish.1 The buyer wants to place a small order (four or five) as a trial, but the prices are too high.2 The buyer loves the lamps, but wants a shorter delivery time on orders. Customers won't wait three to four weeks.3 The shop normally marks up prices by 100%, but in this case that will make the price to the customer too high.4 The buyer likes the lamps but feels very loyal to existing suppliers.5 The buyer needs more point-of-tale promotional material - displays, catalogues, etc.A sales report7During your sales trip to Denmark you receive the following email from yourUsing the framework below and expanding the notes in italics, write a sales report (200 words approx).SALES REPORT --DENMARK• Results(sales down 30% on last year; market generally flat)• Reasons (new Ikea store recently opened near Copenhagen ;no Danish brochures; biggest customer wants more commission 25%,has frozen orders)• Prospects (good--signs of recovery in consumer confidence ; possible contract with big hotel chain refurnishing twelve hotels)• Recommendations(get Danish brochures out; increase commissions across the board; more advertising, eg articles in lifestyle magazines)。


• Listen to five short recordings. Which of the benefits and incentives in exercise1 is each person referring to? Speaker 1:__c_om__pa_n_y_c_a_r__________ Speaker 2:__f_le_x_ib_l_e_w_o_rk_i_n_g _h_ou_r_s___ Speaker 3:__p_ar_e_n_t_al_l_ea_v_e_________ Speaker 4:__a_n_im_p_r_e_s_si_v_e_jo_b__ti_t_le___ Speaker 5:__a_p_e_n_si_o_n____________
An Overview of Unit Two
2.1 Business Topic Company Benefits
Vocabulary: Benefits and Incentives
Q: What would you take into account when
Speaker 4 I’ve just been promoted form Assistant IT Technician to Chief Operational Network Administrator. It means I get a bit of a pay rise and new business cards with my name on. I’m not sure if I get my own office though. Speaker 5 The problem for me is that I won’t have enough to live on when I’m 60 and I can’t afford a private plan. So I’ll probably try and keep working for a few more years, and anyway, I heard the government is planning to rise the age of retirement.



-Work with outside sales maintain the large account relationship 与外包销售人员一同维护客户关系
-Making sales forecast & achieve the revenue quota 销售预测并达成销售任务额 -Proactively acquire & develop new customers 开发新客户 河南工业职业技术学院外语系
down. 汽车坏了。

giving a presentation: 介绍情况。
Henan Polytechnic Institute
Part 1 Comments about Work
Report ----- Working conditions Your company has received a number of complains from staff about their working conditions. The HR Manager has asked you to write a report about the current situation. Write the report, including the reasons for the complains and recommendations for dealing with them.
Henan Polytechnic Institute
Part 1 Comments about Work
Language Points:
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