










d-u→(du) p-ɑ→( ) t-u-o→( )

pu→( )- ( ) j-ü→( ) xu→( )-( )





3、在括号内填上“﹤” “ ﹥” “ = ”。

19﹢1﹙﹚20 19﹣4﹙﹚13 10﹙﹚


18﹢2﹙﹚17 12﹢2﹙﹚14 19﹣9









小升初英语复习试题及答案 小升初英语复习试题 1 一、词组互译。(10分) 1. 有相同的爱好_____________ 2. do well in _____________________ 3. 和···交谈 _______________ 4. go for a walk ___________________ 5. 得了重感冒________________ 6. that’s true ____________________ 7. 在周末 _________________ 8. do more exercise ________________ 9. 玩得很高兴________________ 10. well done ______________________ 二、根据所给中文完成下列句子。(6分) 1. What are the _________ (孩子们)doing? 2. David likes _________ __________ (收集邮票). 3. Can Wang Bing jump _________ ___________ ____________ (一样远)his classmates? 4. You’ll get ________ (更强壮)and you’ll do _________(更好)in PE. 5. Shall we __________(开始)our __________ (课)now?

6. Tom is _________ (缺席)because he ___________ ________ (生病) today. 7. Please speak _________ (大声地).I can’t _________ (听见)you. 三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(5分) 1. He’s not as __________ (strong) as the other children. 2. Look! They’re __________ (have) a chat. 3. Jim can play music __________ (beautiful). 4. Which is _________ (heavy), the bear or the elephant? 5. Have a good rest. You’ll get _________ (good) soon. 6. A: What ________ (do) Yang Ling often do after school? B: He ______ (go) home and ________ (draw) some pictures. 7. A: What ________ (do) Su Hai do last Sunday morning? B: He __________ (go) for a walk in the park. 四、从Ⅱ栏中能与Ⅰ栏中句子相对应的答语。(10分) 1. Do you have any problems A: I get up at six



302520沈阳市 小升初模拟考试 数学试题及答案 (试卷满分100分,考试时间90分钟) 题号 填空题 选择题 计算题 应用题 总分 得分 一、填空题。(1-2小题每空1分,3-8小题,每小题2分,共18分) 1. 七五折=( ) %=16 ()=( )(填小数) 2. 2550毫升=( )升 4米7厘米=( )厘米 3.6小时=( )分 3.王老师到商店去买5个篮球和3个足球,需要348元,如果买3个篮球和2个足球,需 要216元,一个篮球( ) 元。 4. 用一个小数减去末位数字不为零的整数,如果给整数添上一个小数点,使它变成小 数,差就增加154.44, 这个整数是( )。 5. 客车速度每小时72千米,货车速度每小时60千米,两列火车相向而行,货车每节车 厢长10米,火车头与车尾守室长相当于两节车厢,每节车厢装50吨含铁60%的铁矿石,客车司机发现这列货车从她身边过时共花时间12秒,问这货车装的铁矿石共可炼铁( )吨。 6. —个圆柱体,如果把它的高截短6厘米,表面积就减少75.36平方厘米,则体积减 少( )立方厘米。 7. 已知小强比小刚早出生6年,今年小强的年龄是小刚年龄的2倍少3岁,那么两人今 年的年龄之和是( )岁。 8. 有一个最简分数,把分子加上分母,分母也加上分母,所得到的新分数是原分数的 9倍,这个最简分数是( )。 二、选择:(每题2分,共10分) 1. 与4%不相等的数是( ) A. 0.04 B. 4 C. 4/100 2. 用丝带捆扎一种礼品盒如下,结头处长25厘米,要 捆扎这种礼品盒需准备( )分米的丝带比较合


周末重难点小升初测试试题 一、根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,哪一个单词划线部分的读音与其它三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出。 ()1. A. hand B. gave C. MapD. plan ()2. A. went B. bed C. me D. get ()3. A. heavy B. sleep C. weekend D. meet ()4. A. car B. FatherC. Warm D. hard ()5. A. start B. car C. father D. swam 二、翻译下列短语: 1.全世界_________ _________ the world 2.制定计划__________ a ___________ 3.去游泳_________ ___________ 4.长城the __________ _________ 5.起床_________ _________ 三、单项选择: ( ) 1. Your pen is newer than _____________. A. mine B. me C. her ( ) 2. Zhuhai is ________ than Guangzhou, I think. A. most beautiful B. beautiful C. more beautiful ( ) 3. I learned __________ pictures on the computer. A. to draw B. draw C. drew ( ) 4.How _______ she go to school in the morning ? A. is B. does C. do ( ) 5.That is _______ American national flag. There ______ fifty stars on it. A. a , is B. an , are C. an , is ( ) 6. What film are you going to ________ ? A. see B. watch C. look ( ) 7. Rome _____ ______ than Paris. A. are warmer B. is warmer C. is warmmer ( ) 8. My grandfather usually ________ the flowers in the morning. A. watering B. is watering C. waters ( ) 9. Listen! Xiaoling ________ in her classroom. A. sings B. singing C. is singing ( ) 10. Yesterday my parents and I ________ our house. A. are cleaning B. cleaned C. are going to clean 四、按要求改写下列句子: 1. It's nine thirty in the morning. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________________? 2.The Olympic Center is in the north of Beijing. (对划线部分提问) ____________________________________________________? 3. I am a Chinese girl.(用she改写) ___________________________________________ 4.What are you going to be when you grow up? (自由回答) ________________________________________ 5. yesterday, where, they, did, go.(连词成句) ______________________________________________ 五、补全对话 A: Hello, Bill. What are those in the box? B: 1 ________ post cards of Beijing.


2017年小升初新生入学检测卷 英语试卷(时间50分钟,满分80分) 一、语音知识。(每小题0. 5分,共5分)找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词。 1、thank A. these B. brother C. both D. without 2、where A. whole B. what C. who D. whose 3、look A. football B. food C. school D. tooth 4、care A. here B. hear C. fair D. clear 5、bread A. please B. sheep C. tea D. head 6、cake A. make B. map C. sad D. cat 7、music A. cut B. bus C. use D. put 8、Christmas A. match B. chair C. child D. character 9、now A. grow B. flower C. follow D. bowl 10、helped A. played B. planned C. killed D. worked 二、单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 1、Reading aloud is useful way for us to learn English well. A. a B. the C. an D. \ 2. My sister likes playing violin while my brother likes playing basketball. A. the ;the B. the;\ C. \;the D. a; a 3. My mum always gets up six Monday morning and cooks breakfast for me. A. at; on B. in ;at C. on ;at D. at ;in 4. Would you like to drink, Joe?



2017年小升初英语试卷一 一、找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. weather ( ) 2. A. bread B. meat C. apple D. butter ( ) 3. A. cupboard B. desk C. window D. chair ( ) 4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy D. snowy ( ) 5. A. the B. near C. behind D. on 二、词汇。(5分) 根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。 1. --- Thank you very much! --- With p _______. 2. W__________ comes after Tuesday. 3. What do you have for b__________. 4. This is Peter's e________ life. 5. F________ is the second month of a year. 三、选词填空。(5分) 用at, on, to, like, for, in front of, from填空。 1. What's the weather _________ in Shanghai 2. A storm is coming _________ South China Sea. 3. Here's the weather report __________ tomorrow. 4. Mr. Smith has many pigs ___________ his farm. 5. Father is cleaning his car ___________ the house. 6. I get up _________ six o'clock in the morning. 7. We are eating dinner _________ the table. 8. It's raining. We can watch TV _______ home. 9. What can I do __________ you 10. It's five __________ twelve in the morning. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Linda can swim very fast. She is a good ___________ (swim). 2. It's late. We can't play any _________ (long). 3. Mary is much __________ (good) today. 4. That is a new boy. ___________ (He)name is Jack. 5. ---- Here's your book. --- __________(Thank) a lot. 6. Today is the _______ (nine)of June. 7. I ________(have) a shower at this time yesterday. 8. San was in the _________ (sit) room just now. 9. Lucy writes __________ (carefully) than Lily. 10. My father _________ (read)a newspaper last night. 五、选出与画线部分意义相近的词组或句子。(10分) ( ) 1. Excuse me. Where's Shanghai Zoo A. How far is B. How can I get to C. Where can I go to ( ) 2. Which apple do you want


重庆育才中学小升初入学水平测试 一、填空题:(每题2分,共24分) 1、7÷2.5=() 35 =8:()=()% 20分=()时3 4 千米=()米 2、0.16、0.167、16.7%、0.167、0.167 ()>()>()>()>() 3、0.15:3 4 的最简整数比是(),比值是()。 4、圆的周长与它的直径的比值是一个固定的数,我们把它叫做(),用字母()表示。 5、在200克的水中加入50克的盐,盐水的盐率是()。 6、把一根6米长的绳子平均分成8段,每段是全长的(),每段( )米。 7、一项工程,甲队单独完成需要20天,乙队单独完成需要30天,两队合作()天可以完成全程的3 4 。 8、一块圆形菜地的周长是56.52米,在它的周围加宽一米后,这块菜地比原增加了()平方米。 9、甲数是乙数的4倍,甲数和乙数的比是(),乙数和甲乙两数和的比是()。 10、60米增加它的20%后是()米,70比80少()% 11、12的倒数是(),2 3 和()互为倒数。 12、“小明的体重是小丽的5 6 ”是把()看做单位“1”,根据这句数量关系句,写成数量关系式是。 二、判断题:(每小题各1分,共5分) 1、一个数除以真分数,商一定比这个数大。() 2、大圆的周长是小圆周长的2倍,大圆的面积与小圆的面积的比21。() 3、一种商品先降价20%后,又提价20%,价格不变。() 4、甲数比乙数多1 6,乙数是甲数的7 6 。() 5、在同一幅图上A(3,4)和B(4,3)表示两个不同的位置。 ()

三、选择题:(每小题各2分,共12分) 1、一个三角形三个内角度数的比是345,这个三角形是( )三角形 A 锐角 B 钝角 C 直角 D 等腰 2、在一个10dm ,宽7dm 的硬纸板里剪半径是3dm 的圆,可剪( )个。 3、打一份文件,甲用4小时,乙用6小时,两人合打( )小时才能够完成。 A 、12 5 B 、5 12 C 、10 D 、1 10 4、在10%的盐水中加入10克盐和10克水,盐水的浓度( )。 A 、提高了 B 、降低了 C 、没有改变 D 、无法确定 5、用同样长的铁丝围成1个正方形和1个圆,( )的面积大。 A 、圆 B 、正方形 C 、一样大 D 、无法确定 6、若a 是非零自然数,下列算式中计算结果最大的是( )。 A 、a ×58 B 、a ÷58 C 、a ÷32 D 、32÷a 四、计算:(共28分) 1、口算:(10分) 3 4×8 9= 6 7 ÷3= 0.042= 25×10%= 25%:1 8 = 7 9 ×3 4 ÷7 9 ×3 4 = 32×1 4×1.25= 2-5 12 -7 12 = 1.25×32×0.25= 35 ×116+3 5 ×1516 = 2、计算下面各题,能用简便方法要用简便方法计算:(12分) 36×(112-29+5 18 ) 31 2 +0.65÷1.3-30% 8 15 ÷9+1 9 ×7 15 5 6 +0.36×56+5 6 ×0.64 3、解方程:(6分) χ?3 7 χ=1 14 3.5-40%χ=2.7


小升初英语考试试卷及答案 一、找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分) ()1.A.springB.summerC.autumnD.weather ()2.A.breadB.meatC.appleD.butter ()3.A.cupboardB.deskC.windowD.chair ()4.A.sunnyB.rainC.cloudyD.snowy ()5.A.theB.nearC.behindD.on 二、词汇。(5分) 根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。 1.---Thankyouverymuch!---Withp_____. 2.W_________comesafterTuesday. 3.Whatdoyouhaveforb________. 4.ThisisPeter’se_______life. 5.F________isthesecondmonthofayear. 三、选词填空。(5分) 用at,on,to,like,for,infrontof,from填空。 1.What’stheweather_like________inShanghai? 2.Astormiscoming____from_____SouthChinaSea. 3.Here’stheweatherreport__________tomorrow.

4.Mr.Smithhasmanypigs___________hisfarm. 5.Fatheriscleaninghiscar___________thehouse. 6.Igetup_________sixo’clockinthemorning. 7.Weareeatingdinner_________thetable. 8.It’sraining.WecanwatchTV_______home. 9.WhatcanIdo__________you? 10.It’sfive__________twelveinthemorning. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.Lindacanswimveryfast.Sheisagood___________(swim). 2.It’slate.Wecan’tplayany_________(long). 3.Maryismuch__________(good)today. 4.Thatisanewboy.___________(He)nameisJack. 5.----Here’syourbook.---__________(Thank)alot. 6.Todayisthe_______(nine)ofJune. 7.I________(have)ashoweratthistimeyesterday. 8.Sanwasinthe_________(sit)roomjustnow. 9.Lucywrites__________(carefully)thanLily. 10.Myfather_________(read)anewspaperlastnight. 五、选出与画线部分意义相近的词组或句子。(10分) ()1.Excuseme.Where’sShanghaiZoo? A.Howfaris B.HowcanIgetto C.WherecanIgoto ()2.Whichappledoyouwant? A.doyoulike B.wouldyouwant C.wouldyoulike


2012年新华中学小升初英语试题 学校————班级————姓名———— 一、找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. weather ( ) 2. A. bread B. meat C. apple D. butter ( ) 3. A. cupboard B. desk C. window D. chair ( ) 4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy D. snowy ( ) 5. A. the B. near C. behind D. On 二、根据所给情景选择正确答语,并将序号填在括号里。(10分) ( )1.早上在学校见到Miss Li,应该说“______” A. Hello! B. Good morning, Teacher! C. How are you. ( )2.当别人对你说How do you do时,你应该回答“________” A. Good Morning! B. I’m fine, thank you. C. How do you do. ( )3.当遇见好久不见的朋友时,你应该对他说:“_______” A. How do you do! B. How are you? ( )4.如何向玛丽问她弟弟的名字?“_________” A. What's your name? B. What's Mary's name? C. What's your brother's name? ( )5.当你见到某人表示很高兴时说:“_________” A. Hello! B. Glad to see you! C. How are you? 三、选择填空。(30分) ( )1.Mr Crisp is __________ English teacher, but Mrs Sue is _______ teacher of English. A. an. An B. an, a C. a, a ( )2 –Good morning, Miss Williams. ______ -How do you do? A. Nice to see you! B. How do you do. C. Fine, thank you. ( )3.-What’s this in English? -________ A. This is a bag B. It is bag. C. It’s a bag. ( )4.What are __________ and ______? A. she, him B. her, he C. she, he ( )5._______ old are you? A. How B. What C. how


学校 姓名 考号 考场 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 【第八届】2017春季广州综合测评 六年级 英语 注意事项 、 1. 全卷共10页,考试时间:60分钟 满分:100分。 2. 请考生在指定位置上(密封线内)填写自己相关的信息。 3. 请考生把答案全部填写在答题卷上。 4. 请用黑色签字笔或钢笔填写答题卷。 5. 不准使用涂改带等涂改工具。 一、语音知识(每题1分,共10分) A )从A , B , C , D 中选出和其他所给单词划线部分发音不相同的选项。(每题1分,共5分) 1. A. open B. onion C. potato D. alone 2. A. sea B. theatre C. tea D. dream 3. A. scissor B. stop C. save D. mouse 4. A. uniform B. cute C. unusual D. pupil 5. A. below B. flow C. hometown D. throw B )从A ,B , C , D 中选出单词音节数量与其他三个单词不同的选项。(每题1分,共3分) 6. A. education B. computer C. thunderstorm D. countryside 7. A. successful B. nobody C. patient D. strawberry 8. A. carelessly B. kangaroo C. pollution D. environment C) 从A ,B ,C ,D 中选出单词重音位置与其他三个单词不同的选项。(每题1分,共2分) 9. A. population B. conversation C. holiday D. invitation 10. A. advice B. awake C. violin D. online 二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分) ( ) 11. --- I want to go home quickly, but the traffic is so terrible. --- If you don ’t want to take ________ taxi, you can go home by ________bike. A. a; the B. the; a C. a; / D. /; a ( ) 12. Although Mrs. Perry has seven kids, ________ of them lives with her now. A. all B. none C. neither D. both ( ) 13. It is never too late to learn. Harry began to learn to speak ________ in his ________. A. German; fifty B. Germany; fifties C. German; fifties D. Germany; fifty ( ) 14. It was so ________ of you to make ________ common mistake. A. careful; such a B. careful; so a C. careless; such a D. careless; so a ( ) 15. Jack was born ________ a snowy morning ________ 1992. A. in; in B. on; at C. on; in D. at; in ( ) 16. You will not be healthy ________ you have a balanced diet and do exercise regularly. A. if B. unless C. when D. because ( ) 17. --- Dad, I want to go to Ed Sheeran ’s concert. ________ you give me 100 dollars? --- Well, you ________ pass the test first. Then we ’ll talk about it. A. Can; can B. May; must C. Can; have to D. May; need ( ) 18. --- I want to get a new computer, but it will ________ 5000 RMB at least. --- Why not get a second-hand one. You only need to ________ 2000 at most. A. pay; spend B. cost; spend. C. pay; take D. cost; cost ( ) 19. It is getting cold recently. You should ________ your sweater before going out. A. put up B. put on C. put down D. put off



小升初英语分班考试模拟试题 —找出划线部分发音不同的单词 (5%) 1.( )A. look B. cool C. school D. zoo 2.( )A. mine B. with C. knife D. behind 3.( )A. teacher B great C clean D please 4.( )A. pear B. hair C. here D. wear 5.( )A. what B. which C. white D. whose 二、词型转换(10%) 1. country (复数) ____________ 2. far (比较 级)______________________ 3. open (现在分词)_________ 4. quick (副 词)______________________ 5. sea(同音词) _______________ 6. we(形容词性物主代 词)____________ 7. one (序数词) _____________ 8. hear (同音词) _________________ 9 sun(形容词)_____________ 10. ran(原 形)_______________________ 三.选择填空(10%) ( ) 1. After school we usually play _________ soccer for half _________ hour on _________ sports ground. A. /; an; the B. the; a; the C. /; a; / D. the; an; a ( ) 2. — Is she a bus driver?


小学英语 冲刺重点中学检测卷 笔试部分(共100分) 一,英汉互译:(20分) 1. 下课后__________________. 2.儿童节_____________________ 3.按顺序来________________. 4.数到十______________________ 5. 深深吸一口气___________________ 6. make noises ________________. 7.go boating________________ 8.slow down___________________. 9. Put away your pants______________________ 10. Have a good trip_____________________ 二,用单词所给适当形式填空。(20分) 1. There ________(be) some water in that bottle. 2. There are 5 basketball _________(play) in every team 3. —-_________________(be) you at home last night? —-yes, i was. 4. ________________(not speak) to your mother like that. 5. At _________ (one), i didn’t know him, but now i do. 6. What time ________ you ________(get) up every day? 7. Let him _______________(have) a drink of orange, please. 8. Tom is ____________(heavy) than peter. 9. I ______________(not have) any time to do it. 10. This story ______________(happen) one year ago. 三,连词成句。(20分) 1.books , they, some, are, reading (.) _______________________________________________________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/a110284753.html,ually , we, have, 12:30, at, lunch (.) _____________________________________________________ 3.tall, is, man, the, English, our, teacher(.) ____________________________________________________ 4. Go, school, i , my ,car, often, to , father’s , in ( .) ______________________________________________________


往年郑州中学小升初选拔考题英语部分 一.词汇 A.认真观察下列各句,根据提示完成句子。 1. I like b_____ very much, and YaoMing is my favorite player. 2. This is a photo of my f_____.There are four people in it. 3. Lisa doesn't like this old dress, and she wants a _____ one. 4. "Hero'' is a very famous action m______. 5. Jack had a good time in Shanghai, so he _____ himself there. B.用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. In hengzhou Middle School, the classrooms of Grade One are on the____ (two) floor. 7. These _____ (visit) to our school come from different countries. 8. He finished his homework _____ (easy) last night. 9. Lily jumped _____(far) than her twin sisler Lucy in the long jump. 10.1 ____(buy)an English dictionary yesterday, because I must learn English well. 11. Mr Wu told us an ______ (interest) story. 二.补全对话:请从备选答案中选出合适的一句,将其序号填在横线上。 Mike 接到一个电话,但似乎有点误会…… A Hello. Mike speaking. B Hi, Mike. Is your brother at home? A 12 B Where is he now? A He is at school with his classmates Jim . B 13 A Yes. B It’s funny. 14 A What? Their names are different. B 15 A No, Jack is my brother, B 16 A I’m Mike, but J"m not Mike Brown. I'm Mike Green. B Oh, sorry. I dialed the wrong number. 三.阅读理解。 A.看谜语,把你的谜底写在题后的横线上。 17. I have forest but no trees; mountains but no rocks; cities without houses; rivers without water. What am I? __________ 18. You can't see me, and I can't see you. When you call, I answer; when I speak, you listen. What is it? ___________ B. 看图,选择正确答案,将其序号写在题前括号内。 ( ) 19. is in . A. France B. Australia C. Japan D. China A. Is Jim your classmate? B. Is your brother Jim? C.Oh, he isn’t in. D.They have the same name. E.What’t is your name? F. With his classmate Jim? G.But are you Mike Brown? H.Are you Jim’s brother?


1 保定市小升初入学考试数学试题及答案 一、填一填。(每空1分,共20分) 1. 按规律填数:1、4、10、19、31、46、( )、( )。 2. 5千米64米=( )千米 2.75小时=( )分 3. 合数x 的最大约数是( ),最小约数是( ),它至少有( )个约数。 4. A 和B 都是自然数,分解质因数A =2×5×C ;B=3×5×C 。如果A 和B 的最小公倍数是 60,那么C=( )。 5. 时针指在7:30时,分针与时针之间的夹角是( )度。 6. 在分别标有0、2、4、6、9、12、15、20、24、35共十个数字的卡片中,能抽到一位数的可能性是( )。 7. 王华所在学校的运动场长100米,如果按1:1000的比例画到图纸上,需要画( )厘米。 8.把6米长的绳子平均截成5段,每段长( )米,占绳子全长的( ). 9. 用一个高是60cm 的圆锥形容器盛满油,倒入和它等底等高的圆柱形容器中,油面的高度是( )cm 。 10.甲、乙两车在同样的时间里所行路程比是4:3,两车的速度比是( );行完同样的路程,两车所用时间比是( ). 11.掷一枚骰子,掷出“2”的可能性是( ),掷出奇数的可能性是( ). 12. 小刘把10000元存入银行,定期5年,年利率是5.15%。到期时小刘可获得利息一共是( )元。 13. 甲每小时做8个零件,乙2小时做14个零件,丙做一个零件 61小时,这三个人中工作效率最高的是( )。 二、选择:(每题2分,共8分) 1. 甲班有50名学生,乙班有45名学生,现有57本书要按一定的比例合理分给两个班,其比应是( )。 A. 5:4 B. 10:9 C. 8:5 2.将5克盐溶解在150克水中,盐与盐水的比是( )


2017小升初英语考试试卷及答案 一、找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. weather ( ) 2. A. bread B. meat C. apple D. butter ( ) 3. A. cupboard B. desk C. window D. chair ( ) 4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy D. snowy ( ) 5. A. the B. near C. behind D. on 二、词汇。(5分) 根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。 1. --- Thank you very much! --- With p _____. 2. W_ ________ comes after Tuesday. 3. What do you have for b________. 4. This is Peter’s e___ ____ life. 5. F_____ ___ is the second month of a year. 三、选词填空。(5分) 用at, on, to, like, for, in front of, from填空。 1. What’s the weather _like________ in Shanghai? 2. A storm is coming ____ from _____ South China Sea. 3. Here’s the weather report __________ tomorrow. 4. Mr. Smith has many pigs ___________ his farm. 5. Father is cleaning his car ___________ the house.
