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Dear Colleagues:
MS. XXX requested a letter of referene from me to support her appliation for graduate studies at our universit. As her researh adviser hen she as a graduate student in m shool of siene Beijing Universit of Chemial Tehnolog, I am pleased to pl ith her request.
UI have knon Ms. Zhang sine 201X, hen she as admitted as a Master of Siene andidate into the shool. As her researh adviser, I direted her researh and found her a promising outh radiating ith intelligene and reativit. During her first ear, she got a ver good reord in major ourses and earnd good sores major and general GPA
3. She partiularl enjoed hallenging areas of studies suh as Quantum Chemistr and Theor of Eletrohemistr.
During the folloing to ears, Ms. Zhang orked on a putational theor stud of inorgani funtional materials projet for his degree thesis Theoretial Stud of Eletroni Strutures
of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hdrotalite
Slabs . To make the theor model meet the atual materials, she faed don man pratial problems, suh as building reasonable module of inorgani materials, and alulation tehniques. Working hard and independentl, she raked the problems one b one, and ame up ith a thesis that as haraterized b XXdemi exellene. During her M.S. period, she had three papers published in international journals.
Judging b her outstanding performane hile she studied ith me, I am onvined that Ms. Zhang has aquired the knoledge and intelletual sophistiation on the basis of hih she an undertake orld-lass training. I therefore lend her m enthusiasti support and ould appreiate our favorable onsideration of her appliation.
To hom it ma Conern,
I am riting this letter to attest to Paul s skills in language and publi relations. In the four ears I have knon him, I have been onsistentl impressed ith his abilit not onl to negotiate plex ideas in other languages, but also to
relate these things in a personable, onsientious fashion. His manner in these ases is both professional and personal, to qualities hih I find partiularl valuable in a professional setting. He has personall helped me in professional