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5.Although I try to talk to my classmates,I still find it hard _t_o_m__a_k_e_(make) good friends with them.
6.I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains _h_a_n_g_i_n_g_ (hang) before very dusty windows.
1.concern vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n.担心;关注 show concern about/for sb.为某人担心 be concerned about/for 关心;挂念 as far as I am concerned=in my opinion/personally 在我看来
应用:用 add 相关短语的适当形式填空。 1)________1,2 and 3 and you'll get 6. 2)The evidence really ________ this: he didn't murder the man. 3)That day the bad weather ________ our difficulties. 4)Please ________ the milk ________ the coffee.
【答案】 1) what can be ignored 2) ignorance of your plans
3.suffer vi.&vt. 蒙受;经历;容忍 suffering n.痛苦 (pl.)苦恼;折磨 suffer from 受苦;患(病) suffer from headaches/loss of memory 头痛/患有遗忘症 suffer pain/failure/huge losses 遭受痛苦/失败/重大损失
3.Another time five months ago,I happened to be upstairs at dusk __w__h_en___ the window was open.
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4.She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they _w__e_re__d_is_c_o_v_e_r_ed___(discover).
1) As far as I'm concerned 2) concern his parents and teachers 3) The two sisters' concern/ What the two sisters are concerned about; are concerned about
根据下列句子的语法结构或用括号内所给词的适当形式填 空。
1.Do you want a friend _w__h_o_m___ you could tell everything to?
2.Are you afraid that your friend would not understand __w__h_at___ you are going through?
应用: 完成句子。 1)就我个人来说,勤奋是学生最重要的品质之一。 ____________________ , diligence is one of the most important qualities of a student. 2)那个男孩学习差使他父母和老师非常担忧。 The boy's poor study _______________________________. 3)姐妹俩关心的是 Jack 有没有钱。 ______________ is whether Jack has money or not. The two sisters ______________ whether Jack has money or not.
2.ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视 ignorance (of sth.) n.无知 ignorant behavior 举止粗鲁
应用: 完成句子。 1)作为一个学生,要学会判断什么是可以暂时忽略的。 Being a student,one should learn to judge __________ temporarily. 2)我们对你的计划一无所知。 We are in compete ______________.
1)is joined to the mainland 2) joined up with 3) joined me in expressing
1.add up 合计;将……加起来 add to 增加;增添(=increase) add A to B 将 A 加到 B 里面 add up to 合计;总计
应用:完成句子。 1)你要是总踢足球,功课就糟了。 Your studies ______________if you play too much football. 2)我们在金融危机中损失惨重。 We __________________ in the financial crisis.
【答案】 1) will suffer 2) suffered huge losses
【答案】 1) Add up 2) adds up to 3) added to 4) add, to
2.go through 经历;通过;仔细检查;(+with) 完成 应用: 完成句子。 1)他一生中经受过多次严峻的考验。 He __________________________ during his life. 2)英语老师将学生的作业仔细地检查了一遍。 The English teacher ______________all the students' homework. 3)他不顾父母反对决心举办这桩婚事。 He is determined __________________ despite his parents' opposition. 【答案】
4)There is so much _s_u_ff_e_ri_n_g_ in this world.(suffer) 5)Ann will be a very useful _a_d_d_it_io_n__ to our team.(add)
将下列中文翻译成英语。 1._g_e_t _a_lo_n_g__w_i_th__________与……相处;进展 2._s_h_o_w__in_t_e_re_s_t_i_n________对…… 感兴趣 3._ta_k_e__n_o_n_o_t_ic_e__o_f _______不注意 4._b_e_c_o_n_c_e_r_n_e_d_a_b_o_u_t_____关心;挂念 5._a_s_e_r_ie_s_o_f_____________一系列…… 6._c_a_lm__d_o_w__n____________(使)平静下来 7._s_u_ff_e_r_f_ro_m_____________遭受,患病 8._s_ta_y__aw__a_k_e____________保持清醒 9._ta_k_e__c_ar_e__o_f ___________照料;看管 10._g_o__o_n_h_o_l_id_a_y_s_________去度假
to my
1) is settling down 2) settling down 3) settle your affairs
5.join vt. 联结;汇合;参加 join A to B/join A and B (together) 把 A 和 B 连接起来 join up (with) (与……)汇合或相聚 join sb.in doing sth./to do sth. 与某人一起做…… join in sth./doing sth.参加活动 join a union/a club/the army/the police 参加工会/俱乐部/加 入陆军/加入警务部门
4.settle vt. 处理;解决 vi. 安家;定居 settle a dispute/an argument/an issue 解决争端/争论/问题 settle in London/in the country 在伦敦/乡下安家 settle down 安静;安心;习惯于新的生活方式、工作等
根据下列中文在空格上写出相应的英语单词。 1.___r_e_c_o_v_e_r_____v. 恢复,痊愈 2.___d_i_s_li_k_e______adv. 不喜欢;厌恶 3.___c_o_n_c_e_r_n_____vt.担忧;涉及 n. 担心;关注 4.___o_u_t_d_o_o_r_s____adv. 在户外;在野外 5.___u_p_s_e_t_______adj. 不安的 6.___p_o_w__e_r______n. 力量;权力 7.___t_e_e_n_a_g_e_r ____n. 十几岁的青少年
15.__e_x_a_c_tl_y_______adv. 确实如此;正是
用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.写出下列单词的派生词。 1)ignore vt.→__i_g_n_o_r_a_n_ce___ n.无知→___i_g_n_o_ra_n_t___ adj. 无知的 2)German n . &adj. →____G_e_r_m__an_s____ (pl.) 德 国 人 →___G_e_r_m__an_y_____ n.德国 3)power n. →____p_o_w_e_r_fu_l____ adj. 强有力的 4)settle v. →_____s_e_tt_l_em__e_n_t_______ n . 定 居 ; 解 决 →____s_e_t_tl_e_r _____ n. 定居者 5)recover v. →____re_c_o_v_e_r_y____ n. 痊愈;康复 6)disagree vi. →____a_g_re_e_____ v . 同 意 →__a_g_r_ee_m__e_n_t__ n.同意;协议
应用:完成句子。 1)她很能适应这份新工作。 She______________well in her new job. 2)我受到不断打扰,无法定下心来工作。 The constant interruptions stopped me __________ work. 3)你应该把你的事情处理好再走。 You should ______________ before you leave.
8.___s_u_r_v_e_y______n. 调查;测验 9.___g_r_a_te_f_u_l_____adj. 感激的
10.__l_o_n_e_li_n_e_ss_____n. 孤单 11.__s_e_t_tl_e________v. 安家;定居 vt. 安排;解决 12.__i_g_n_o_re________vt. 不理睬;忽视 13.__e_n_t_ir_e________adj. 整个的;全部的 14.__p_a_r_tn_e_r_______n. 伙伴,合作者
2.根据句子意思,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1)The girl likes cats but _d_is_l_ik_e_s__dogs.(like) 2)I offered help,and she accepted _g_ra_t_e_fu_l_ly_.(grateful)
3)Union leaders and company bosses will meet tomorrow in an attempt to reach as_e_tt_l_em__e_n_t.(settle)
应用:完成句子。 1)岛上有座桥与大陆相连。 The island ______________________ by a bridge. 2)该商行与一家小运输公司合并以降低成本。 The firm __________________________ a small delivery company to reduce costs. 3)我母亲和我一起向你表示美好的祝愿。 Mother __________________________you our best wishes.